Mission and Vison

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The feminist movement has helped create a social climate in which LGBT people and women are

increasingly able to be open and free with their sexuality,[41] which enabled a spiritual liberation of
sorts with regards to sex. Rather than being forced to hide their sexual desires or feelings, women and
LGBT people have gained and continue to gain increased freedom in this area. Consequently, the
feminist movement to end sexual oppression has and continues to directly contribute to the sexual
liberation movement.

The feminist movements insisted and focused on the sexual liberation for women, both physical and
psychological. The pursuit of sexual pleasure for women was the core ideology, which subsequently was
to set the foundation for female independence.

Beginning in San Francisco in the mid-1960s, a new culture of "free love" emerged, with thousands of
young people becoming "hippies", inspired by Indian culture, who preached the power of love and the
beauty of sex as part of ordinary life. This is part of a counterculture that continues to exist. By the
1970s, it was socially acceptable for colleges to permit co-ed housing.

Free love continued in different forms throughout the 1970s and into the early 1980s, but its more
assertive manifestations ended abruptly (or at least disappeared from public view) in the mid-1980s
when the public first became aware of AIDS, a deadly sexually-transmitted disease.

Time Magazine in its article wrote that it was the Indian concept of ‘sanyas’ that is the true ideology
behind hippie movement.

But India had already witnessed a new culture on the rise and became a safe haven for several hippies.

Kasol, Kodaikanal, Almora, Varkala, Manali and Gokarna have emerged as tourist destinations for hippies

The problem is that we Indians are too tolerant and too slow to act and react — whether it is in regard
to corruption or something else. But there’s no easy way out. The British or the Americans won’t fight
your battles; you have to fight your own...and win.

You beg for happiness in life, but security is more important to you, even if it costs you your spine or
your life. Your life will be good and secure when aliveness will mean more to you than security; love
more than money; your freedom more than party line or public opinion; when your thinking will be in
harmony with your feelings; when the teachers of your children will be better paid than the politicians;
when you will have more respect for the love between man and woman than for a marriage license.

Wilhelm Reich
The sex-positive movement is a social and philosophical movement that seeks to change cultural
attitudes and norms around sexuality, promoting the recognition of sexuality (in the countless forms of
expression) as a natural and healthy part of the human experience and emphasizing the importance of
personal sovereignty, safer sex practices, and consensual sex (free from violence or coercion).

Sex-positivity is "an attitude towards human sexuality that regards all consensual sexual activities as
fundamentally healthy and pleasurable, encouraging sexual pleasure and experimentation.

The movement generally makes no moral distinctions among types of sexual activities, regarding these
choices as matters of personal preference.

The terms and concept of sex-positive (German: sexuell positiv) (or, alternately sex-affirmative

The terms and concept of sex-positive (German: sexuell positiv) (or, alternately sex-affirmative (sexuell
bejahend)) and sex-negative (sexuell negativ) are generally attributed to Wilhelm Reich. His hypothesis
was that some societies view sexual expression as essentially good and healthy, while others have a
generally negative view of sexuality and seek to repress and control libido.[5] Other terms used to
describe this concept include pro-sex, or pro-sexuality.


In the land that invented the Kama Sutra and the sari, and whose explicity erotic temple sculptures
testify to an ancient Indian vision of sex as not only a natural act but also a joyously religious one, a
tightly repressed, almost Victorian, sexuality is today the middle-class norm, say the authorities on the

Girls and young women are restricted, protected and prevented from mixing with boys. Premarital sex is
considered patently and categorically immoral.

Some authorities say that while the changes are in an early stage, they are so pervasive that in another
few years they could produce a transformation in sexual attitudes and practices similar to that which
took place in the United States, for better or worse, in the 1960's and 1970's.

Columns offering explicit sexual advice have begun appearing in the press, though not yet in the
''established'' national press.

Many such women ''have become much more liberalized and more open,'' Dr. Kapur said. ''They are
mixing with men.
Confronted by a dominant Victorian morality, she said, ''as far as behavior is concerned, particularly
open behavior, they're still very much inhibited.''

Sexual views and behavior are somewhat more natural and less inhibited in India's rural villages, say Dr.
Kapur and others. Some tribal groups practice totally free sex among adolescents.

Dr. Bhatia suggests that Victorian morality ''goes along with a certain stage of cultural development,'' a
stage through which the West, for the most part, has already passed. Both he and Dr. Kapur also
speculate that in the Indian middle class, where people are holding on precariously to their economic
status while trying to achieve social respectability, conservative mores are strengthened by the fear of
what people might think.


The Indian middle class, says Dr. Bhatia, is now encountering many of the same conflicts and tensions
that Western society experienced earlier,

Dr. Bhatia says middle-class India's ''very strong repressive attitude'' has made it impossible for many
married couples to function well sexually, or even to function at all.

Dr. Bhatia says repressed sexuality has also caused what in the West might be considered widespread

By extending the reach of the movement, sex-positivity has come to be inclusive of all sorts of sex and
sexuality.[4] Shaming has become an area of particular interest within the sex-positivity movement,
encouraging people to be more open and accepting of the different experiences people have with sex
and sexuality.[

Every person, irrespective of gender and sexual orientation has the right to wear their sexuality on their
sleeve and there should be no judgment for the same. It is their sexuality and so it makes it their choice.
Why must morality only be wielded as per convenience and bias?

Every woman has the right to explore and experiment with her sexuality. It is her body, her choice.

There is a need for people to understand that having sexual desires is both common and natural.
Speaking about your sexual desires or embracing them openly shouldn’t be a taboo. You shouldn’t have
to feel ashamed for something that comes naturally to your mind and body.

It is 2020 and there are a lot many things that continue to scandalise our society, which should have
been normalised long ago. When will society be okay with a bra strap peeking out of a woman’s top, for
instance? Or when will its obsession with virginity end? Why does pre-marital sex remain a taboo?

Can society stop treated our bodies as property, that is to be treated and safeguarded by different
families? As adults, don’t we have the right to choose? The right to live our life on our terms? Why must
we feel ashamed of our desires?

Live-in relationships still remain unacceptable in Indian society. The simple idea of two people testing if
the relationship can work out seems scandalous to our society. Isn’t it better to test your compatibility
with a person, before entering a life-long relationship with them?

Casual sex is a concept our society simply refuses to understand. Any woman who has multiple sexual
partners, or is in open relationships, or has casual sex is labeled as sluts, while men doing the same are
called studs. Can we just do away with these labels? Casual sex isn’t a sign of immorality but a lack of
willingness to commit to a relationship. There could be multiple reasons for that. Perhaps a woman is
not ready to settle down. Perhaps she wants to focus on her career. the reason that should matter to us
is that this is her choice. This is how she wants to live her life, and we have no right to judge her.

Is It Right To Deprive Adolescents Of Sexuality Education?

How does this integral part of all our lives become something against the culture?

Lack of access to proper information and support could have life long ramifications.

Sexuality is not something that is just physical it also affects our mental and emotional well-being.
Despite the effects it has on our overall health, parents shy from these conversations.

When all these doors to seek information about their sexual health are shut on their face, many
youngsters start relying on pornography to understand and explore their sexuality. That is certainly not
the right way anyone should learn about sex.

elp them steer smoothly through teenage and adolescence. Read about how can you be more open to
such conversations with your young kids because ignoring this is definitely not the solution.

Indian society believes in romanticizing sacrifices. It especially celebrates women who sacrifice their
happiness for the sake of their families. In fact, we are expected to think of it as our duty. However,
nobody bothers to consider the consequences that us women have to bear to fulfill these expectations.

Indian society believes in romanticizing sacrifices. It especially celebrates women who sacrifice their
happiness for the sake of their families. In fact, we are expected to think of it as our duty. However,
nobody bothers to consider the consequences that us women have to bear to fulfill these expectations.
When my parents asked me to pursue a career in Science, I couldn’t go against their wish, because it
meant being disrespectful. I wanted to pursue Psychology, but my wish got engulfed by the stereotypical
belief that Arts is for kids who aren’t “intelligent” and my uncle said, ” You’re a bright kid. You should
not pursue Psychology. Science is the subject for you,” and I complied. But what next? Despite being in
the top one percent of students in the 12th board exams, my grades in graduation dropped drastically.
That is when I realized that sacrificing your aspirations to appease your parents is not really a good idea.
However, we know we're taking a step in the right direction by the number of campaigns that aim to
stop slut-shaming and encourage women to embrace their sexualities. These groups want us to forget
the shame and pound away.

Nobody made that decision for her. She made that decision herself. Feminism is about celebrating

That said, sex positivity shouldn't mean forcing sex on anyone, either. It's important that we show
acceptance for a multitude of sexual expressions, because although being labeled a slut is dangerous,
being labeled a prude is no picnic either.

The Guardian argues that in the sexualized atmosphere created by popular culture and promoted by
mainstream media, figuring out an authentic sexuality is tough, particularly when there is pressure to
conform to certain standards of what "sexy" is.

Indians still largely see sex as an uncontrollable urge or a procreative duty, than a rightful pleasure.
Given we were the land of Kamasutra, what could we learn from our ancients?

It is unfortunate that India was invaded and tainted with colonization and Christian moral values. You
had the right ideas before you were dominated by the forces of European invasion.

I like to embrace the concept of “responsible hedonism” – as long as you take care of your duties and
obligations, you can have as much fun as you want, as long as you’re not hurting others. Just as our
senses delight in beautiful fabrics and delicious food, we can enjoy sensual pleasure and unlock the
erotic treasures within our minds and bodies.

you need their watery female energy as much as they need your fiery male energy. Be patient and loving
with your woman. If women are happy, then men will be happy!

grew up and realized that human civilization has always operated on the concept of ‘consent’-
something that set them apart from animals. Y

The mission statement of the Center for Sex Positive Culture:

The Center for Sex Positive Culture encourages the exploration and celebration of the many facets of
human sexuality.

The vision statement of the Center for Sex Positive Culture:

As proponents of sex positive culture, we believe that the appropriate uses of sex extend beyond
reproduction. They include creating personal pleasure, bonding interpersonal relationships, promoting
spiritual growth, and enhancing emotional and physical health. In a sex positive world, everyone has the
freedom and resources to pursue a fulfilling and empowering sex life.[

Seattle Erotic Art Festival was founded in 2002 by the Center for Sex Positive Culture.

The Festival supports a vibrant creative community, promotes freedom of expression, and fosters sex-
positive culture through public celebration of the arts.

Erotic Art Festival

Free love is a social movement that accepts all forms of love. The movement's initial goal was to
separate the state from sexual matters such as marriage, birth control, and adultery. It stated that such
issues were the concern of the people involved, and no one else.

Much of the free love tradition reflects a liberal philosophy that seeks freedom from state regulation
and church interference in personal relationships.

According to this concept, the free unions of adults (or persons at or above the age of consent) are
legitimate relations which should be respected by all third parties whether they are emotional or sexual

n addition, some free love writing has argued that both men and women have the right to sexual
pleasure without social or legal restraints. In the Victorian era, this was a radical notion.

ater, a new theme developed, linking free love with radical social change, and depicting it as a harbinger
of a new anti-authoritarian, anti-repressive sensibility.[

While the phrase free love is often associated with promiscuity in the popular imagination, especially in
reference to the counterculture of the 1960s and 1970s, historically the free-love movement has not
advocated multiple sexual partners or short-term sexual relationships. Rather, it has argued that sexual
relations that are freely entered into should not be regulated by law.

The term "sex radical" is often used interchangeably with the term "free lover".[4] By whatever name,
advocates had two strong beliefs: opposition to the idea of forced sexual activity in a relationship and
advocacy for a woman to use her body in any way that she pleases.[

At the turn of the 20th century, some free-love proponents extended the critique of marriage to argue
that marriage as a social institution encourages emotional possessiveness and psychological

The history of free love is entwined with the history of feminism. From the late 18th century, leading
feminists, such as Mary Wollstonecraft, have challenged the institution of marriage, and many have
advocated its abolition.[6]
To proponents of free love, the act of sex was not just about reproduction. Access to birth control was
considered a means to women's independence, and leading birth-control activists also embraced free

Notable among them was the Romantic poet William Blake, who explicitly compared the sexual
oppression of marriage to slavery

He argued that all sexual expressions should be enjoyed as long as people are not abused, and that
"affirming one's difference" can actually enhance social integration.

conventionalism in relationships, especially when such conventionalism brought actual unhappiness to

its practitioners.

laiming that marriage consists of two components, "union by law" and "union by affection", he argued
that with the loss of the latter union, legal union should lose all meaning and dissolve automatically,
without the legal requirement for a divorce.

Free love was a central tenet of the philosophy of the Fellowship of the New Life, founded in 1883, by
the Scottish intellectual Thomas Davidson.[30] Fellowship members included many illustrious
intellectuals of the day, who went on to radically challenge accepted Victorian notions of morality and
sexuality, including poets Edward Carpenter and John Davidson, animal rights activist Henry Stephens
Salt,[31] sexologist Havelock Ellis, feminists Edith Lees, Emmeline Pankhurst and Annie Besant and
writers H. G. Wells, Bernard Shaw, Bertrand Russell and Olive Schreiner.[3

The main crux of his analysis centred on the negative effects of the institution of marriage. He regarded
marriage in England as both enforced celibacy and a form of prostitution.

Marriage and Morals prompted vigorous protests and denunciations against Russell shortly after the
book's publication.

Contrary to what many people believed, Russell did not advocate an extreme libertine position. Instead,
he felt that sex, although a natural impulse like hunger or thirst, involves more than that, because no
one is "satisfied by the bare sexual act". He argued that abstinence enhances the pleasure of sex, which
is better when it "has a large psychical element than when it is purely physical".

"Let us have freedom—freedom for both man and woman—freedom to earn our bread in whatever
vocation is best suited to us, and freedom to love where we like, and to live only with those whom we
love, and by whom we are loved in return."

He also supported the right of individuals to change sex and stated his willingness to rehabilitate
forbidden pleasures, non-conformist caresses (he was personally inclined toward voyeurism), as well as
sodomy. This led him to allocate more and more space to what he called "the sexual non-conformists",
while excluding physical violence.
Psychiatrist Carl Jung believed that Don Juanism was an unconscious desire of a man to seek his mother
in every woman he encountered. However, he didn't see the trait as entirely negative;

Repetition compulsion is a psychological phenomenon in which a person repeats an event or its

circumstances over and over again. This includes reenacting the event or putting oneself in situations
where the event is likely to happen again.

It created a space for groups to share and communicate their struggles living in highly populated areas
with little resources available to them.[3] Hip hoppers created and innovated new ways to manipulate
music, their voices, and their bodies to showcase their talent and skills and gain respect within the

Freethought is a philosophical viewpoint that holds opinions should be formed on the basis of logic,
reason and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, or other dogmas.[

he cognitive application of freethought is known as "freethinking" and practitioners of freethought are

known as "freethinkers".

Anarchism, existentialism, and liberalism are examples of movements that take the human individual as
a central unit of analysis.[6] Individualism thus involves "the right of the individual to freedom and self-

Ambivalence[1] is a state of having simultaneous conflicting reactions, beliefs, or feelings towards some
object.[2][3][4][5] Stated another way, ambivalence is the experience of having an attitude towards
someone or something that contains both positively and negatively valenced components.[6] The term
also refers to situations where "mixed feelings" of a more general sort are experienced, or where a
person experiences uncertainty or indecisiveness.

The counterculture wanted to explore the body and mind, and free the personal self from the moral and
legal sexual confines of modern America, as well as from the 1940s-50s morals in general.[15] The
sexual revolution of the 1960s grew from a conviction that the erotic should be celebrated as a normal
part of life and not repressed by family, industrialized sexual morality, religion and the state.[1

In the United States, public concern in sexual matters and stigmatization of sexual identities make
people retreat into privacy. This sexual constraint makes people experience shame and guilt.
The discovery of penicillin led to significant reductions in syphilis mortality, which, in turn, spurred an
increase in non-traditional sex during the mid to late 1950s.

A third, more indirect cause was the large number of children born in the 1940s and early 1950s all over
the western world—the "Baby Boom Generation"

Sigmund Freud of Vienna believed human behavior was motivated by unconscious drives, primarily by
the libido or "Sexual Energy". Freud proposed to study how these unconscious drives were repressed
and found expression through other cultural outlets. He called this therapy "psychoanalysis".

but that the sexual freedom experienced by the adolescents actually permitted them an easy transition
from childhood to adulthood. Mead called for a change in the suppression of sexuality in America, and
her work directly resulted in the advancement of the sexual revolution in the 1930s.

While Hefner claimed his company contributed to America's more liberal attitude towards sex,[21

ndians For Sexual Liberties

Advances in the manufacture and production of rubber made possible the design and production of
condoms that could be used by hundreds of millions of men and women to prevent pregnancy at little
cost. Advances in chemistry, pharmacology, and biology, and human physiology led to the discovery and
perfection of the first oral contraceptives, popularly known as "the Pill

Another contribution that helped bring about this modern revolution of sexual freedom were the
writings of Herbert Marcuse and Wilhelm Reich, who took the philosophy of Karl Marx and similar

Any kind of physical closeness between a boy and a girl is frowned upon. You see a boy who wants to
have a girlfreind and blames the society for not being able to have one, but when he sees a boy and girl
walking hand in hand, he gawks like an idiot. This is called lack of social acceptance. How freely can you
walk around among people who constantly stare at you because you are walking with a person from the
opposite sex?

Contraception is an extremely important thing in a sexually liberal society.

Indians for Sexual Liberties

Some Indians worry that a victory for the rightwing Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata party in the
general election, a six-week process that started on Monday and will end next month, could signal more
conservative trends in India.

Last Valentine's Day, a local petitioner in Lucknow requested the deployment of security personnel in
the parks to prevent so-called "obscene activities". Such "moral policing" has caused controversy across
much of India.
Faramerz Dabhoiwala, a historian at Oxford University and author of The Origins of Sex, said religious
liberty was the most important predictor of sexual freedom.

The government of India initiated ‘Adolescent Education Program’ (AEP) in 2007 in collaboration with
National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

According to MHRD, this was an important initiative that aimed to ‘empower young people with
accurate, age appropriate and culturally relevant information, promote healthy attitudes and develop
skills to enable them to respond to real life situations in positive ways’. However, although this
programme covers issues such as body image, violence and abuse, gender and sexuality and STIs,
substance abuse, especially drugs and other unhealthy attitudes, the notion of ‘consent’ and ‘attraction’
was neither introduced nor incorporated in this program. The program was not implemented and was
banned by 12 Indian state governments as the program’s content was considered to be ‘inappropriate’.
There has been constant claim that the incorporation of sex education will increase ‘risky-behaviour’
amongst adolescents and young students.

The term ‘sex’ and ‘sexuality’ carries a lot of taboo within the premise of the school especially in
presence of authority. In most schools, there is a complete lack of proper dialogue around sexuality
education. Even if there are certain attempts of initiating conversations, it did not cross the line beyond
menstrual hygiene.

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