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A Report On :

(Performance test on a single cylinder diesel engine)

Submitted By :


Third Stage / under graduate Studies

As Requirement for:

"IC" Subject

Engineering Technical College

Fuel & Energy Department


Dr. Mohammed Abdulwahhab

July 2020
Table of Contents
Subject Page no.
Aim of this experiment 3
Theory 3

Apparatus 4
Specifications : 4

Procedure 5

Calculations 6
i. Fuel consumption: 6
ii. Air consumption: 6
iii. Break power: 6
iv. Air – fuel ratio: 6

v. Friction power: 7
vi. Indicated power: 7
vii. Sp. Fuel consumption: 7
viii. Heat supplied by the fuel:
ix. Heat equivalent to b. P: 7
x. Efficiency: 7
Summary of calculations 7

Result and discussion 8

References 11

Table of Figs.
Subject Page no.
Fig.1 Engine Single Cylinder 5

Fig.2 Comparison of simulated and experiment data 8

Fig.3 P-V diagram for cycle one firing event 9
Fig.4 Heat Flux In-Cylinder Crank Angle 9
Fig.5 Heat transfer coefficient 10
Fig.6 Burned fuel fraction in-cylinder 10


Performance on diesel engines with various combustion chamber sizes

and fuel injection require effective handling so that the root combustion process
in large diesel engines is timely .This study compares the experimental data
with simulation through the single cylinder diesel modelling using GT-Power
software. This simulation utilizes parameters in diesel engines of 1000 and 2000
rpm speeds with methanol and diesel fuels. This modelling aims to develop a
single cylinder diesel engine by measuring all components on the machine. The
comparison between the simulation results and experimental data indicate
similar collaboration with a difference about 5%–10%. Based on the results, the
modelling of developed machine shows that simulation using GT-Power
software is able to successfully validate all machine data parameters up to 90%.
This simulation result can be expressed accurately similar to the experimental
results and can be used as standardization for a single cylinder diesel engine


In theoretical cycle, we assume that there is no friction loss or exhaust gas

loss, cooling water heat loss or there is no variation of sp. heat of gases with
temperature. Therefore the efficiency of the cycle is independent of these. But
in actual cycle on which the engine works must depend on these factors and due
to these losses the efficiency of the engine is less than that of theoretical cycle.
Engines are required to be tested mainly for on a production line of engines and
in research of design purposes the basic measurements which usually should be
undertaken to evaluate the performance of an engine are :
Fuel and Air consumption.
Air- Fuel ratio.
B.P, f. p and I. p .
Heat going to cooling water.
Heat going to exhaust gases.
Sp. Fuel consumption.
Mechanical and Thermal efficiency.


i. Single cylinder water cooled diesel engine.

ii. Dynamometer
iii. Tachometer
iv. Fuel measuring tank.
v. Air intake measurement.
vi. Stopwatch


Table 1 Engine Specifications

Model Yanmar Model TF120M

Stroke (mm) 96
Fuel injection type Direct Injection
Fuel tank capacity 11 L
Displace volume (cm3) 638
Compression ratio 17.7:1
Max power 7.7 kW @ 2400 rpm
Max torque 161 Nm @ 4500 rpm
Bore (mm) 92
Continuous rating output 10.5 HP @ 2400 rpm
Maximum rating output 12.0 HP @ 2400 rpm
Cooling system Water-radiation
Type Horizontal single-cylinder 4-stroke diesel engine


1. Check the level of the diesel in tank and lime up with the fuel pump
through fuel measuring apparatus.
2. Start the engine by hand cranking with no load condition.
3. As the engine pick up speed, start water to the brake drum.
4. Put a light Load in the engine with loading screw.
5. Achieving steady state condition, note down all the necessary data (fuel
consumption, cooling water flow rate, brake drum speed with tachometer,
manometer difference, difference temperatures).
6. After noting down repeat the steps 4 and 5 for different load.
7. Before stop the Engine remove the load and run the engine on no-load for
two minutes.
8. Stop the engine.
9. Turn off cooling water supply to engine after one minute.

Fig.1 Engine Single Cylinder


xi. Fuel Consumption:

Volume flow rate of fuel = (Final volume of fuel - Initial volume of

fuel)/Time [m3/sec]
Mass flow rate of fuel (mf) = (volume flow rate or fuel × density of fuel)
[kg /sec]
Sp. gravity of fuel = 0.86

xii. Air Consumption:

Mass flow rate of air (ma) = C d × Q × 𝜌a

Where, C d = coefficient of discharge of orifice.
Density of air 𝜌a = Pa t m /RT a t m [kg /m3]
Q = Volume flow rate of air.
Q = √2gHwρ w / ρ a
And HW = difference in manometric head in water column.
𝜌a = density of water.
A = Area of orifice.
d = Diameter of through.
ma = C d× A×√2gHwρ w / ρ a × 𝜌a
= C d ×A ×√2gHwρ w ρ a

xiii. Air – fuel ratio:

Air - Fuel ratio (AFR) = ma/mf

xiv. Break power:

B.P = 2𝜋𝑁𝑇1000×𝟔𝟎 K.W

Where, N = brake speed in r p.m. (Crank shaft)
T = [(W-S) × (radius of break drum + radius of rope)] Nm

xv. Friction power:

Power mf vs. b. p for different reading Extend the line to meet zero mf.
The power (on negative side) at which mf is zero is f. p. The plot is
known as Willian's Line.

xvi. Indicated power:

i. p = b. p+ f. p. (KW)

xvii. Sp. Fuel Consumption:

s. f. c = Fuel used in kg/hr /b. p in KW= mf /b. P (kg/KW – hr)

xviii. Heat supplied by the fuel:

Heat supplied by the fuel (Qs) = mf ×CV ×3600 (KJ/hr)

xix. Heat equivalent to b. p:

Q b .p = b. p ×3600 (KJ/hr)

xx. Efficiency:

Brake thermal efficiency (𝜂b t) =Qb.p×100/Qs

Indicated thermal efficiency (𝜂 nit) =i.p×100/Qs
Mechanical efficiency (𝜂 m) = Q bp×100/Q i p


Table 2 summary of calculations

Load B.P F.P I.P F.C s.f.c AFR Qs Qb.p 𝜂b t 𝜂 nit 𝜂 m
(kg) (KW) (KW) (KW) (kg/hr) (kg/ (kj/hr) (kj/hr)


This chapter discusses the results of simulations using GT-Power software.

These results of were available in various formats. After the GT-Suite
application has been processed, the graphical interface file was processed via
GT-POST and displayed, all simulated data were captured and analyses.
GTPOST is a very sophisticated tool that displays graphics and output data in
the form of desired excel sheet. These results represent the performance of a
single cylinder machine diesel that was modelled in some standard parameters

The engine model responses with parameters inputted on GT-Power were

all recorded and analyses during simulation runs, with the aim of better
understanding on engine reactions to the impact of diesel fuel use temperatures
with methanol fuel. Different fuel temperatures were analysed with
temperatures between from 300 K to 500 K before the simulation was
performed. The engine speed for this test started from 1000, 2000, 3000, and
4000 rpm. Variable engine performance was consisted of heat brake efficiency,
brake power, brake specific fuel consumption, brake torque, and effective brake
pressure. Each burning fuel temperature has a different output trend so that it
can provide different circumstances and reasons.

Figure2 shows the simulation Fig2: Comparison of simulated and

experiment data
results by validating the
experimental data for pressure
differences on a single cylinder
diesel engine. These results
explain that the simulation results
and experimental data have
excellent consistency, and there is
only a very small difference to
some cases that has been done
[27]. Overall, the maximum
deviation of results between the simulations and the experimental data was less
than 10%. Thus, in this case, it is considered to have excellent calibration, since
it has been able to evaluate the effect on the combustion process of a single-
cylinder engine diesel by using methanol and diesel fuels.

Figure 3 shows the result of
Fig 3. P-V diagram for cycle one firing event
P-V diagram in Cycle 1, wherein
the event of intake that occurred
before it was compressed. The
cylinder was turned off for two
cycles, and the intake valve was
not deactivated so that the cylinder
decreased into the sub-atmosphere
during the piston movement as
appropriate during the intake
event. These results show a good
correspondence between the simulation and the experiment during combustion,
compression, and expansion in the thermodynamic cycle. The pressure on the
gas exchange has shown slightly lower value than the measured result so that
the difference will continue throughout the rest of the disabled stroke intake.

At the time of transition, the

Fig.4. Heat Flux In-Cylinder Crank Angle
temperature of the gas between the
burning and the unburnt need to be
determined. This moment can
describe the beginning of the flame
in the position of the sensor. To be
able to determine the start of the
flame, the initial result of the flux
heat trace was taken and measured.
This can allow us to pay more
attention when the heat flux has
changed rapidly due to the flame. At the time of initial trace, the heat flux has
exceeded the threshold value of 1 W/cm2 °CA extracted and selected as the
beginning of the flame [28]. In this case, the fire at the crank angle has reached
358.5 °C. The ignition point went at 358 °CA, with a 900-rpm engine speed
requiring of 3.8 m/s or 20.5 °C. Spark plugs with sensors about 30 mm gave an
average of 7.89 m/s. The hot flux trace is shown in Figure 4. Where the data is
the result of comparison between the experimental data and the simulation, as
shown that this simulation can be trusted with an error difference of
approximately 10%.

The simulated results with Fig 5. Heat transfer coefficient
experiments on the heat transfer
coefficients were predicted by the
correlation formulas in the original form
as shown in Figure 4. The predicted
heat transfer coefficient results are very
clear. Where the accuracy of the results
is allowed using the original equation.
This is necessary to obtain correlation
results that are tailored to a specific
combustion engine on a single cylinder
diesel engine [29]. The purpose of this study is to build models that can predict
parameters on machines similar to experiments. So that the achievement of
pressure on the cylinder can be adjusted, thus the pressure of the effect as
shown, the correlation adjustment is required when heat transfer occurs. Each
coefficient equation will be used in the simulation as the relevant setting. The
main coefficients are needed to search for the overall equation.

The result of fuel variation in Fig.6. Burned fuel fraction in-cylinder

cylinder pressure has almost no
difference between simulation and
experiment as shown in Figure 6. The
difference of fuel variation between
the simulation and experiment
modelled on GT-Power is
approximately 5%. Thus, the
simulation using GT-Power software
can be utilized in other cases because
this simulation has been able to adjust and read the parameters contained in the


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✓ Yao C Pan W Yao 2017 A Methanol fumigation in Compression-ignition

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