Tutorial On System Control

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Q1(345UA) A memory in glass thermometer has an overall transfer function as

G s  
s A
If the thermometer requires 1minute to indicate as 95% of its final value
for a unit step excitation, determine the value of A.
Q2 (247SGo) 18 2
Find the K to limit the error of a system for input 1  8t  t to 0.8
having G  s  H  s  
s  s  1 ( s  4)

Q3 (252SGo) K
A system has G  s   with unity feedback when K & T are
s 1  sT 

constant. Determine the factor by which K should be multiplied to reduce
the overshoot from 85% to 35%.
Q4 (367UA) A system has 40% over shoot and require a settling time of 4 secs when
given a step input. The steady state error 2%.Determine the transfer
function of the second order system. Also find rise time and peak time.
Q5 (366UA) Calculate static error coefficients for a unity feedback system with
G s   if the input given is r  t   4  3t determine steady state
s s  6
error. For the above system of ess is to reduced to 10% of existing value,
what would be the percentage change in the gain ?

Q1(298AK) The characteristics equation of a feedback control system is given by

s 4  20s 3  15s 2  2s  K  0
(a) Determine the range of values of K for the system to be stable.
(b) Can the system be marginally stable? if so, find the required value
of K and the frequency of sustained oscillations.
Q2(313AK) Determine the range of Values of K (K>0) such that the characteristics
equation s 3  3 K  1 s 2   7 K  5 s   4 K  7   0 has roots more negative
than s= -1.
Q3 (290AK) By means of Routh criterion, determine the stability of the system
represented by the following characteristics equations. For system found to
be unstable, determine the number of roots of the characteristic equation in
the right half of the s-plane.
(a) s 6  3s 5  5s 4  9s 3  8s 2  6s  4  0
(b) s 5  4s 4  8s 3  8s 2  7 s  4  0
(c) s 6  2s 5  s 4  2s 3  3s 2  4s  5  0
(d) s 5  s 4  24s 3  48s 2  25s  5  0
Q4 (UA) Examine the stability by Routh’s criterion
s 6  4 s 5  3s 4  16 s 2  64 s  48  0
Find the number of roots of this equation with positive real part, zero real
part and negative real part.

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