The Logical Or: Semesteraverage 90

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The Logical OR 

In the last guide, we talked about the ​LOGICAL NOT​ and the​ LOGICAL AND​ operator. Today we 
are going to talk about the ​LOGICAL OR ​operator. The logical or is denoted by ​||​. 
Suppose you are a student at a university. You sit for your math final exam. Now, if you get 90% in 
your final exam of the subject ​or​ if you get 90% in the overall subject, you get an A. Let’s see this in 
int semesterAverage = 85;
int finalExamMark = 92;

if (​semesterAverage >= 90​ || ​finalExam >= 90​) {

printf(“Student got an A.\n”);
} else {
printf(“Student didn’t get an A.\n”);

The output of the above code will be ​Student got an A.​ This is because one of the conditions inside 
the if-statement is true that is finalExamMark >= 90 is true. The definition goes like this: if ​either or 
both ​condition is true, execute the if-statement. Otherwise, if both conditions are ​false ​(conditions 
are marked in red and green) execute the else statement. 
Condition 1 inside if  Condition 2 inside if  Which statement will be 

true  true  If statement executed 

true  false  if statement executed 

false  true  if statement executed 

false  false  Else statement executed 

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