ESSM14 Final 4,000 Word Case Study

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ESSM14 Final 4,000 word Case

by Amira ISMAIL

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ESSM14 Final Crit eria 1










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ESSM14 Final Crit eria 3
ESSM14 Final Crit eria 4

ESSM14 Final 4,000 word Case Study

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Chung Kwan Lo, Khe Foon Hew, Gaowei Chen.
"Toward a set of design principles for
mathematics flipped classrooms: A synthesis of
research in mathematics education",
Educational Research Review, 2017
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"The Nature of Technology", Springer Nature,
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"Modeling and Measuring Competencies in
Higher Education", Springer Nature, 2013
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ESSM14 Final 4,000 word Case Study




Clear identification of the area of pedagogical

practice and associated critical analysis:

You chose to take a much more process driven

approach and to implement the f lipped classroom in
Science f or the Year 8 students. T his involved a
signif icant shif t in your planning and teaching style
and I am sure you will be delighted this is to be
implemented by other subject teachers too in the
f uture. Where you begin to analyse the dif f erent
curriculum approaches, you are at your most

Clear relation to the appropriate theoretical

context in relation to subject and curriculum

You demonstrate knowledge of a wide range of

relevant material, but how you make use of this to
make the links to your own study varies. Please see
my in-text comments, which highlight where you do
make the most specif ic links f rom research to your
own study. You are much stronger at relating
learning theories to the f lipped classroom approach.
More could have been said about the specif ic
scientif ic skills being developed at times.

Clear analysis of the developed practice:

You have managed to gather some qualitative data
as well as presenting quantitative data in the f orm of
baseline and summative assessments and have
considered the limitations of this to an extent.
Further analysis of the qualitative data would
enhance your response. For example, you begin to
develop a strong line of argument in the f inal
paragraph on Page 11, but the relationship to the
development of specif ic scientif ic skills is not f ully

Critical evaluation of the outcomes of the

developed practice:

You do begin to f ormulate an independent position

in relation to the theory and have changed your
approach to the teaching of Science to the Year 8
students, so well done here.

Points for Future Development:

* Consider ways to record and then analyse

qualitative data in a systematic way so that it is
evident f rom where themes emerge;

* You do cite multiple sources to back up your lines

of argument and when presenting dif f erent
perspectives, but the next step is to always make
the links f rom the key themes and ideas f rom this
research to your own study;

* Continue to develop your independent voice as

you make recommendations f or f uture action, which
are specif ically linked to your subject, given this
assessment brief .

Final Comment:
T his study has clearly impacted upon your practice
and I can see how hard you have worked to
implement the f lipped classroom. I am sure other
staf f will benef it f rom your research too, Amira.

Grade: 64%

Comments by Dianne Fleetham.

Moderator's comment

I agree with the comments of the f irst marker. T his is

an interesting project which demonstrates
knowledge and understanding of quite a wide range
of relevant literature.

T here is scope f or greater analytical depth here, as

the f irst marker observes.

Michael Hepworth



Comment 1

Comment 2
T his states a clear intent, Amira. Good.

Comment 3
pref er a?

Comment 4
T his of ten results in discarding...

Comment 5

Comment 6

Comment 7
You have set out the context f or your study by identif ying the tensions which exist between
taking a product and a process based approach, which is good to see.

Comment 8
constraint, a

Comment 9
T he

Comment 10


Comment 11
who stated

Comment 12
Yes. T his does need to be addressed.

QM ESSM14 Final Criteria 1

Criteria 1
Clear identif ication of the area of pedagogical practice and associated critical analysis
Additional Comment

Critical analysis is evident as you discuss the tension between a product or a process driven
Comment 13
As f rom this point, I will not highlight common grammatical 'slips' unless they hinder the overall
cohesion or comprehension of the text, Amira.

Comment 14
and stated

Comment 15
Omit 'By'

Comment 16
'and' joins the phrases, so this is not a new sentence.


Comment 17
It is good to see alternative perspectives being presented.

Comment 18

Comment 19
Yes. Now make a direct link to your own f lipped learning classroom here to relate theory to

Comment 20
and outside of school?

Comment 21

Comment 22
Good point.

QM ESSM14 Final Criteria 2

Criteria 2
Clear relation to the appropriate theoretical context in relation to subject and curriculum theory.

Comment 23
T his is not a new sentence.

Comment 24
T his may be a usef ul point to make as you evaluate the impact of the f lipped classroom upon
the Year 8 students' learning.

Comment 25
A usef ul link to make to your practice.


Comment 26

Comment 27
Yes. You have touched upon reliability and validity here.


Comment 28
Good. Well done.

Comment 29
You have taken a mixed methods approach in order to triangulate your data, so well done.
T here is some justif ication of why data collection methods were used.






Comment 30
Very good.
Very good.

QM ESSM14 Final Criteria 3

Criteria 3
Critical analysis of the developed practice.

Comment 31
Good point.


QM ESSM14 Final Criteria 3

Criteria 3
Critical analysis of the developed practice.

Comment 32
T here is a lack of cohesion evident here and I am not sure who the subject of the sentence is.


QM ESSM14 Final Criteria 4

Criteria 4
Critical evaluation of the outcomes of the developed practice.

Comment 33
I am sure you were delighted by this outcome.








RELEVANCE 60 – 69%

86% - 100% T he work examined is exemplary and provides clear evidence of a complete grasp of
the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication.
T here is also unequivocal evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and
responsibilities appropriate to that Level are f ully satisf ied. At this level it is expected
that the work will be exemplary in all the categories cited above. It will demonstrate a
particularly compelling evaluation, originality, and elegance of argument, interpretation
or discourse.

76% - 85% T he work examined is excellent and demonstrates comprehensive knowledge,

understanding and ski lls appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T here is also
excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities
appropriate to that level are f ully satisf ied. At this level it is expected that the work will
be excellent in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating
particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation o r
discourse and some evidence of originality.

70 – 75% T he work examined is of a high standard and there is evidence of comprehensive

knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qual if ication.
T here is clearly articulated evidence demonstrating that all the learning outcomes and
responsibilities appropriate to that level are satisf ied At this level it is expected that
the standard of the work will be high in the majority of the categories cited above or
by demonstrating particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument,
interpretation or discourse.

60 – 69% Directly relevant to the requirements of the assessment

50- 59% Some attempt to address the requirements of the assessment: may drif t away f rom
this in less f ocused passages

40% - 49% Some correlation with the requirements of the assessment but there are instances of

35%- 39% Relevance to the requirements of the assessment may be very intermittent, and may
be reduced to its vaguest and least challenging terms.

30%- 34% T he work examined provides insuf f icient evidence of the knowledge, understanding
and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he evidence provided shows
that some of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are
satisf ied. T he work will be weak in some of the indicators.

15%- 29% T he work examined is unacceptable and provides little evidence of the knowledge,
understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he evidence
shows that f ew of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that
Level are satisf ied. T he work will be weak in several of the indicators.

0- 14% T he work examined is unacceptable and provides almost no evidence of the

knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he
evidence f ails to show that any of the learning outcomes and responsibilities
appropriate to that Level are satisf ied. T he work will be weak in the majority or all of
the indicators.

KNOWLEDGE 60 – 69%

86% - 100% T he work examined is exemplary and provides clear evidence of a complete grasp of
the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication.
T here is also unequivocal evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and
responsibilities appropriate to that Level are f ully satisf ied. At this level it is expected
that the work will be exemplary in all the categories cited above. It will demonstrate a
particularly compelling evaluation, originality, and elegance of argument, interpretation
or discourse.

76% - 85% T he work examined is excellent and demonstrates comprehensive knowledge,

understanding and ski lls appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T here is also
excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities
appropriate to that level are f ully satisf ied. At this level it is expected that the work will
be excellent in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating
particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation o r
discourse and some evidence of originality.

70 – 75% he work examined is of a high standard and there is evidence of comprehensive

knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qual if ication.
T here is clearly articulated evidence demonstrating that all the learning outcomes and
responsibilities appropriate to that level are satisf ied At this level it is expected that
the standard of the work will be high in the majority of the categories cited above or
by demonstrating particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument,
interpretation or discourse.

60 – 69% A substantial knowledge of relevant material, showing a clear grasp of themes,

questions and issues therein

50- 59% Adequate knowledge of a f air range of relevant material, with intermittent evidence of
an appreciation of its signif icance.

40% - 49% Basic understanding of the subject but addressing a limited range of material

35%- 39% A limited understanding of a narrow range of material

30%- 34% T he work examined provides insuf f icient evidence of the knowledge, understanding
and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he evidence provided shows
that some of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are
satisf ied. T he work will be weak in some of the indicators.

15%- 29% T he work examined is unacceptable and provides little evidence of the knowledge,
understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he evidence
shows that f ew of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that
Level are satisf ied. T he work will be weak in several of the indicators.

0- 14% T he work examined is unacceptable and provides almost no evidence of the

knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he
evidence f ails to show that any of the learning outcomes and responsibilities
appropriate to that Level are satisf ied. T he work will be weak in the majority or all of
the indicators.


86% - 100% T he work examined is exemplary and provides clear evidence of a complete grasp of
the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication.
T here is also unequivocal evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and
responsibilities appropriate to that Level are f ully satisf ied. At this level it is expected
that the work will be exemplary in all the categories cited above. It will demonstrate a
particularly compelling evaluation, originality, and elegance of argument, interpretation
or discourse.

76% - 85% T he work examined is excellent and demonstrates comprehensive knowledge,

understanding and ski lls appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T here is also
excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities
appropriate to that level are f ully satisf ied. At this level it is expected that the work will
be excellent in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating
particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation o r
discourse and some evidence of originality.

70 – 75% he work examined is of a high standard and there is evidence of comprehensive

knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qual if ication.
T here is clearly articulated evidence demonstrating that all the learning outcomes and
responsibilities appropriate to that level are satisf ied At this level it is expected that
the standard of the work will be high in the majority of the categories cited above or
by demonstrating particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument,
interpretation or discourse.

60 – 69% Comprehensive analysis - clear and orderly presentation

50- 59% Signif icant analytical treatment which has a clear purpose

40% - 49% Some analytical treatment, but may be prone to description, or to narrative, which
lacks clear analytical purpose

35%- 39% Largely descriptive or narrative, with little evidence of analysis

30%- 34% T he work examined provides insuf f icient evidence of the knowledge, understanding
and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he evidence provided shows
that some of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are
satisf ied. T he work will be weak in some of the indicators.

15%- 29% T he work examined is unacceptable and provides little evidence of the knowledge,
understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he evidence
shows that f ew of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that
Level are satisf ied. T he work will be weak in several of the indicators.

0- 14% T he work examined is unacceptable and provides almost no evidence of the

knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he
evidence f ails to show that any of the learning outcomes and responsibilities
appropriate to that Level are satisf ied. T he work will be weak in the majority or all of
the indicators.

ARGUMENT 60 – 69%

86% - 100% T he work examined is exemplary and provides clear evidence of a complete grasp of
the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication.
T here is also unequivocal evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and
responsibilities appropriate to that Level are f ully satisf ied. At this level it is expected
that the work will be exemplary in all the categories cited above. It will demonstrate a
particularly compelling evaluation, originality, and elegance of argument, interpretation
or discourse.

76% - 85% T he work examined is excellent and demonstrates comprehensive knowledge,

understanding and ski lls appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T here is also
excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities
appropriate to that level are f ully satisf ied. At this level it is expected that the work will
be excellent in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating
particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation o r
discourse and some evidence of originality.

70 – 75% he work examined is of a high standard and there is evidence of comprehensive

knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qual if ication.
T here is clearly articulated evidence demonstrating that all the learning outcomes and
responsibilities appropriate to that level are satisf ied At this level it is expected that
the standard of the work will be high in the majority of the categories cited above or
by demonstrating particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument,
interpretation or discourse.

60 – 69% Well supported, f ocussed argument which is clear and logically structured.

50- 59% Generally coherent and logically structured, using an appropriate mode of argument
and/or theoretical mode(s)

40% - 49% Some attempt to construct a coherent argument, but may suf f er loss of f ocus and
consistency, with issues at stake stated only vaguely, or theoretical mode(s) couched
in simplistic terms

35%- 39% A basic argument is evident, but mainly supported by assertion and there may be a
lack of clarity and coherence

30%- 34% T he work examined provides insuf f icient evidence of the knowledge, understanding
and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he evidence provided shows
that some of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are
satisf ied. T he work will be weak in some of the indicators.

15%- 29% T he work examined is unacceptable and provides little evidence of the knowledge,
understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he evidence
shows that f ew of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that
Level are satisf ied. T he work will be weak in several of the indicators.
0- 14% T he work examined is unacceptable and provides almost no evidence of the
knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he
evidence f ails to show that any of the learning outcomes and responsibilities
appropriate to that Level are satisf ied. T he work will be weak in the majority or all of
the indicators.

CRIT EVAL 50-59%

86% - 100% T he work examined is exemplary and provides clear evidence of a complete grasp of
the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication.
T here is also unequivocal evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and
responsibilities appropriate to that Level are f ully satisf ied. At this level it is expected
that the work will be exemplary in all the categories cited above. It will demonstrate a
particularly compelling evaluation, originality, and elegance of argument, interpretation
or discourse.

76% - 85% T he work examined is excellent and demonstrates comprehensive knowledge,

understanding and ski lls appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T here is also
excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities
appropriate to that level are f ully satisf ied. At this level it is expected that the work will
be excellent in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating
particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation o r
discourse and some evidence of originality.

70 – 75% he work examined is of a high standard and there is evidence of comprehensive

knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qual if ication.
T here is clearly articulated evidence demonstrating that all the learning outcomes and
responsibilities appropriate to that level are satisf ied At this level it is expected that
the standard of the work will be high in the majority of the categories cited above or
by demonstrating particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument,
interpretation or discourse.

60 – 69% Contains distinctive or independent thinking; and begins to f ormulate an independent

position in relation to theory and/or practice.

50- 59% May contain some distinctive or independent thinking; may begin to f ormulate an
independent position in relation to theory and/or practice.

40% - 49% Sound work which expresses a coherent position only in broad terms and in uncritical
conf ormity to one or more standard views of the topic

35%- 39% Some evidence of a view starting to be f ormed but mainly derivative.

30%- 34% T he work examined provides insuf f icient evidence of the knowledge, understanding
and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he evidence provided shows
that some of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are
satisf ied. T he work will be weak in some of the indicators.

15%- 29% T he work examined is unacceptable and provides little evidence of the knowledge,
understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he evidence
shows that f ew of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that
Level are satisf ied. T he work will be weak in several of the indicators.

0- 14% T he work examined is unacceptable and provides almost no evidence of the

knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he
evidence f ails to show that any of the learning outcomes and responsibilities
appropriate to that Level are satisf ied. T he work will be weak in the majority or all of
the indicators.


86% - 100% T he work examined is exemplary and provides clear evidence of a complete grasp of
the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication.
T here is also unequivocal evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and
responsibilities appropriate to that Level are f ully satisf ied. At this level it is expected
that the work will be exemplary in all the categories cited above. It will demonstrate a
particularly compelling evaluation, originality, and elegance of argument, interpretation
or discourse.

76% - 85% T he work examined is excellent and demonstrates comprehensive knowledge,

understanding and ski lls appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T here is also
excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities
appropriate to that level are f ully satisf ied. At this level it is expected that the work will
be excellent in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating
particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation o r
discourse and some evidence of originality.

70 – 75% he work examined is of a high standard and there is evidence of comprehensive

knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qual if ication.
T here is clearly articulated evidence demonstrating that all the learning outcomes and
responsibilities appropriate to that level are satisf ied At this level it is expected that
the standard of the work will be high in the majority of the categories cited above or
by demonstrating particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument,
interpretation or discourse.

60 – 69% Well written, with standard spelling and grammar, in a readable style with acceptable
f ormat

50- 59% Competently written, with only minor lapses f rom standard grammar, with acceptable
f ormat

40% - 49% A simple basic style but with ignif icant def iciencies in expression or f ormat that may
pose obstacles f or the reader

35%- 39% Numerous def iciencies in expression and presentation; the writer may achieve clarity
(if at all) only by using a simplistic or repetitious style

30%- 34% T he work examined provides insuf f icient evidence of the knowledge, understanding
and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he evidence provided shows
that some of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are
satisf ied. T he work will be weak in some of the indicators.
15%- 29% T he work examined is unacceptable and provides little evidence of the knowledge,
understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he evidence
shows that f ew of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that
Level are satisf ied. T he work will be weak in several of the indicators.

0- 14% T he work examined is unacceptable and provides almost no evidence of the

knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he
evidence f ails to show that any of the learning outcomes and responsibilities
appropriate to that Level are satisf ied. T he work will be weak in the majority or all of
the indicators.

LIT ERAT URE 60 – 69%

86% - 100% T he work examined is exemplary and provides clear evidence of a complete grasp of
the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication.
T here is also unequivocal evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and
responsibilities appropriate to that Level are f ully satisf ied. At this level it is expected
that the work will be exemplary in all the categories cited above. It will demonstrate a
particularly compelling evaluation, originality, and elegance of argument, interpretation
or discourse.

76% - 85% T he work examined is excellent and demonstrates comprehensive knowledge,

understanding and ski lls appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T here is also
excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities
appropriate to that level are f ully satisf ied. At this level it is expected that the work will
be excellent in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating
particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation o r
discourse and some evidence of originality.

70 – 75% he work examined is of a high standard and there is evidence of comprehensive

knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qual if ication.
T here is clearly articulated evidence demonstrating that all the learning outcomes and
responsibilities appropriate to that level are satisf ied At this level it is expected that
the standard of the work will be high in the majority of the categories cited above or
by demonstrating particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument,
interpretation or discourse.

60 – 69% Critical appraisal of up-to-date and/or appropriate literature. Recognition of dif f erent
perspectives. Very good use of a wide range of sophisticated source material.

50- 59% Uses a good variety of literature which includes recent texts and/or appropriate
literature, including a substantive amount beyond library texts. Competent use of
source material.

40% - 49% Evidence of use of appropriate literature which goes beyond that ref erred to by the
tutor. Frequently only uses a single source to support a point.

35%- 39% Barely adequate use of literature. Over reliance On material provided by the tutor

30%- 34% T he work examined provides insuf f icient evidence of the knowledge, understanding
and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he evidence provided shows
that some of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are
satisf ied. T he work will be weak in some of the indicators.

15%- 29% T he work examined is unacceptable and provides little evidence of the knowledge,
understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he evidence
shows that f ew of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that
Level are satisf ied. T he work will be weak in several of the indicators.

0- 14% T he work examined is unacceptable and provides almost no evidence of the

knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualif ication. T he
evidence f ails to show that any of the learning outcomes and responsibilities
appropriate to that Level are satisf ied. T he work will be weak in the majority or all of
the indicators.

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