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MKT 2034



Title: Developing the Business Plan

Lecturer: Ms. Dolly Ong

Student name Student ID

Chai Yan Shin DB1809628

Ee Yong Shian DB1809632

Elaine Yap Zi Wee DB1809673

Cheong Shi Xian DB1809630

Chan Chun Keat DB1809629



Course Code MKT 2034
Academic Session May -August 2020
Semester 6
Lecturer Ms. Dolly Ong
Assessment Developing the Business Plan
Weighting 85%
Released Date 13 May 2020
Submission Due Date 10 July 2020
Date Received
Marks Obtained

Student’s Declaration

I certify that this assignment is my own work, and appropriately acknowledged wherever
material adapted from other sources. I understand that plagiarism, cheating, collusion, fraud,
fabrication or falsifications of data are not acceptable. I agree that if at any time it is shown
that I have significantly misrepresented material submitted to Crescendo International
College, any marks or credits awarded to me on the basis of that material may be revoked

Student name CHAI YAN SHIN Student ID DB1809628

Signature Chai Yan Shin Date 10/07/2020

Student name ELAINE YAP ZI WEE Student ID DB1809673

Signature Elaine Yap Zi Wee Date 10/07/2020

Student name EE YONG SHIAN Student ID DB1809632

Signature Ee Yong Shian Date 10/07/2020

Student name CHAN CHUN KEAT Student ID DB180929

Signature Chan Chun Keat Date 10/07/2020

Student name CHEONG SHI XIAN Student ID DB1809630

Signature Cheong Shi Xian Date 10/07/2020


No. Assessment Weighting(%) Marks


1. Processes involved in developing a Business Plan:

Situation Analysis:-

 Environment/industry analysis (15)

 Competitor analysis (15)
 Organizational analysis (10)
 Target market analysis (15)

 SWOT summary (5)
Recommendations (40)

* Total marks carry 65% weightage of overall 100

assessment marks

Group Presentation
 Teamwork spirit, punctuality, dress code,
technicality (10
 Slides layout (10)
 Slides content (30)
 Presentation skills: clarity, eye contact,
confident level, question answering skills etc.
Total 100

Table Content

Content Page

Cover page……………………………………………………………………. 1
Assignment brief…………………………………………………………........ 2
Student’s Declaration ……………………………………………………........ 3
Grading sheet ……………………………………………………………........ 4
Table content…………………………………………………………………… 5

Situation analysis
1.0 Environment & industry analysis…………………………………………. 6-8
2.0 Competitor analysis……………………………………………………….. 8 - 11
3.0 Organization analysis……………………………………………………… 11 - 14
4.0 Target market………………………………………………………………. 15 - 17
5.0 SWOT analysis…………………………………………………………….. 18 - 19
6.0 Recommendation……………………………………………………… ….. 20 - 25

Appendix 2.0………………………………………………………………….. 26 - 28
Appendix 3.0………………………………………………………………….. 29
Appendix 4.0………………………………………………………………….. 30 -37
Appendix 5.0………………………………………………………………….. 38
Appendix 6.0 ……………………………………………………………......... 39 - 45
References ……………………………………………………………………. 46 - 48


For the business environment and industry analysis, we apply PESTEL analysis and Portal
Five Forces to conduct.

PESTEL analysis

Political factors include global influences, potential changes to legislation, and stability
of the government. As CIC is linked to the University of London, it is ranked the top 10
universities in London. It is also a historical university which was founded 184 years ago.
That is strong evidence that CIC is a powerful competitor in the Johor Bahru area
(Crescendo, 2020). For the legislation, as Malaysia is a British colonial country, our laws and
legislation are mostly following the English Law, thus CIC is suitable for local students. Our
government also encourages students to continue their higher education level at a local
university compare to study abroad. It is issued that our currency outflow to foreign countries
and our talents would choose to grow their career in foreign countries since they were
studying abroad.

Economic factor includes the business cycle such as economic growth rate, employment
rate, and household income level. As research, Johor state is a trend to be the richest state by
overtaking Selangor in 2025. It is big evidence that Johor is under a explosive economic
growth rate. For the employment rate, Johor is 67.7% among those of working age. The mean
household income for a Johor family is RM6, 958 in the year 2019. It is a perfect result that is
only lower than Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, and Labuan. Thus, Johor is a suitable area with
healthy economic level, people can afford higher expenses due to their higher household
income. In addition, CIC offers scholarships for students coming from a household income of
less than RM4, 000 per month.

Social factor includes population growth rate and population distribution. As Johor is a
rising star in Malaysia, it is only a strait to Singapore. Refer to statistics; Johor is changing
with a 3.44% population growth rate per year from the year 2000-2010. The age group below

21 years old is around 40% to 1.45 million of population Johor Bahru. It is strong evidence
that the demands and needs for higher education keep rising in the future.

Technology factors include emerging technologies and modern facilities. CIC constructs
plenty of facilities such as lifts, modern sports center, swimming pool, track field, dance
studio, multipurpose hall, computer lab, air-con cafeteria, real airplane model, and airlines
standard showroom. These modern facilities upgrade CIC to a modern and innovative college
in Johor Bahru.

Environmental factors include surrounding environments and the impacts of ecological

aspects. CIC puts much effort into surrounding environments and protection. Smoking is not
allowed in college. CIC also provides hostel for foreign students and local students who are
living far away from the college. There is also a green field in the center of the college.

Legal factors include the changes of laws and legislation. CIC obeys the rules and
regulations of our government. CIC follows the public holidays announced by the
government. CIC also handles the registration of PTPTN loan for the students who would
like to apply.

Porter Five Forces

Firstly, threat of new entrants. In Malaysia, it is not easier for a new college to enter our
education industry. Even though UEC is accepted by foreign countries, but it is not accepted
by our government. Thus, we shall assume that the barriers to entry in this industry are quite
complicated. CIC has begun operating in the year 2001. It is almost 20 years in Malaysia.
Brand loyalty would be getting higher and stronger throughout the year.

Secondly, the bargaining power of buyers. We should consider the number of customers,
price sensitivity, and buyer’s ability to substitute. As mentioned before, the numbers of
people aging below 21 years old are around 40% of the population. It is a huge market for
CIC and it is getting large as the populations of newborn babies are keeping rising. For
pricing issues, parents in Johor Bahru have a mean household income of RM 6,958. The costs
of courses in CIC are around RM 1,000 to RM 2,000 per month. It is a reasonable cost

comparing to the other college. For the substitute, CIC is the only college located at Ulu
Tiram, parents would choose to send their children to a nearer place. These are the huge
advantages comparing to the others.

Thirdly, threat of substitute products. The certification and educations levels of CIC are
quite perfect. There is some similar college in Johor Bahru, but the final certificated of CIC is
linked to UOL, that is our advantages. Although students finished their studies in Malaysia,
they could obtain the certificate of UOL too. This would be an interesting part for parents.

Forth, the bargaining powers of suppliers. To run their business, CIC has to hire lecturers,
office admins, and management teams. As the number of colleges graduated students keep
increasing, it is easier for CIC to hire lecturers and admins at a fair cost. It is a strong
bargaining power for CIC to deal with suppliers.

Lastly, rivalry among existing competitors. There are some competitors such as Sunway
College, Raffles University, MDIs, and Southern University College. There is a huge market
in Johor Bahru and the number of competitors is not a huge number. Thus, it is not a big
problem for CIC to survive in Johor Bahru.


Competitor analysis is vital to company marketing plan which refer as a strategy to identify
key competitors and evaluate their marketing strategies to determine their strengths and
weaknesses relative to the product or service (Encylopedia, 2020).

Types of Competitor New Ventures Face

There are three types of competitors in the industry including direct, indirect and future
competitor. Kindly refer to Table 2.1.

Competitor Analysis Template

Kindly refer to Template 1: Competitive Analysis Template [diagram 2.1] will be analyzed
on Crescendo’s direct competitor, Sunway College Johor Bahru.

Market Shares

Please refer to [Diagram 2.2 and Diagram 2.3] for market share price of Crescendo
Corporation Berhad and Sunway Berhad.

Based on the diagram 2.2 has shown Crescendo Corporation Berhad’s market share price
currently is dropped at RM 0.91. There is a decline in market stock price since 2015
especially due to the Covid-19 pandemic and global economic downturn. In this case,
Crescendo should take actions and implement marketing strategies to maintain their position
in the marketplace.

From the diagram 2.3, Sunway Berhad market share price currently increased to RM
1.40. This indicates that although company faced Covid-19 pandemic and economic crisis,
Sunway Berhad still have an ability to maintain their share price at stable rate.

4P’S Marketing Mix

Crescendo International College uses 4p’s Marketing Mix to promote its brand or product in
the market including price, product, promotion and place.


Please refer to Table 2.2 and Table 2.3 are the business programmes offered by Crescendo
and Sunway College.

Diploma in Business programme offered by Crescendo aimed at producing semi-

professionals in the field of business, on par with the current industry standards. The
curriculum is skill-driven & practical-oriented. The programme is designed based on the Year
1 subjects of the University of London’s [BSc. (Hons) Business & Management, and BSc.
(Hons) Accounting & Finance]. Thus, graduates will be able to fast-track into the University
of London Year 2 of the respective BSc degree study (Crescendo, 2020).

The programme offered by Sunway College aims to equip students with the necessary
skills to perform a wide range of job functions in addition to developing a sound business
education. Its comprehensive theoretical and practical content aims to help graduates develop

the skills to play an integral role within the organization. The curriculum offered is set by
Victoria University (VU) in Australia, ensuring a 100% Australian University education. In
addition, all tests and examinations are conducted concurrently with the campus in Australia
and the academic transcripts are provided.


With 8 acres of land, Crescendo can accommodate up to 1,200 students. Besides, the 3-
storey building equipped with facilities like cafeteria, lecture halls, classrooms, study area,
lift, library and resource centre, hostel as well as the science labs. Crescendo has provides
easy access for international and outstation students to Singapore. According to Appendix II,
there are 31.6% of respondents’ residential area is near to campus. Besides, we also built
sports centre with a variety of facilities such as swimming pool, health gym, dance studio and
multipurpose hall which our direct competitor does not provided (Crescendo, 2020).

Sunway College Johor Bahru is built on a 10-acre piece of prime land earmarked for the
development of the education corridor at Mount Austin, Johor Bahru. Their ultra-modern
campus is well equipped with various facilities such as classrooms, information centre,
campus courtyard, sport and recreation area, science labs and computer labs. The campus
comes complete with wireless access coverage (Wi-Fi) available 24-hours per day which
covers most areas that are conducive for student discussions, communications, e-Learning
and working on course assignments. It is surrounded by suburban residential developments;
the campus is shielded from the bustle of city traffic yet conveniently within walking distance
to eateries and convenience stores, and a 10-minute drive away to major shopping malls and
international hypermarkets (Sunway, 2020).


Refer to Table 2.4 on comparison of course fees between Crescendo and Sunway College.

The second ‘P’ is “Price” will be taking into student’s consideration in choosing their
programmes. Both institutions apply value based pricing strategy on their product and
services. Value based pricing is primarily based on the perceived value of customer on

product or service. As a comparison, tuition fees offered by Crescendo International College
range from RM26, 000 to RM56, 000. For Diploma in Business programme, it only costs
RM26, 000 and RM55, 180 for BSc Accounting & Finance and BSc Business & Management
(Crescendo, 2020). On the other hand, our direct competitor Sunway College Johor Bahru
course fees will be slightly higher than our company, which range from RM40, 000 to RM95,
000 per programme. For Diploma in Business For BSc Business & Management costs at
RM85, 390 and RM90, 360 for BSc Accounting & Finance (Sunway, 2020).


There are several methods that make up a promotional mix including advertising, public
relations, personal selling, direct marketing and sales promotion in order to ensure a clear,
effective and direct message reaches the customer. Crescendo International College’s
marketing channel including advertising and direct marketing to reach their target customer.
For instance, Crescendo has created their social media platform such as Instagram and
Facebook to raising awareness and attract new student enrollment [Diagram 2.4and 2.5].
Besides, Crescendo organized college open day also participate in education fair and
roadshow for new semester during January, April and August each year. According to
Appendix 4.9, there are up to 47.4% of respondents get know Crescendo through social
media, advertising or newspaper.

Apart from that, Sunway College also contributes a lot of efforts in their marketing
strategy. For example, Sunway reach their target customer through various platforms such as
open day, education fair and social media [Diagram 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8]. Sunway apply the same
distribution channel as Crescendo International College.


The strategy of the crescendo International College

The strategy of the Crescendo international college is to cooperate with internationally

renowned universities such as the University of London and Cambridge International A Level

to increases our college admission rate and competitor advantages in Malaysia. Crescendo
International College is the only college in the Johor, Malaysia that undertakes the prestigious
international University of London bachelor's degree program. [Crescendo, 2014] The
professional business courses offered are the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
(ACCA), the University of London's accounting and finance, business and management, and
law courses. Crescendo International College is definitely a good choice for students who
intend to continue to study in the UK. The diploma in business offered by our college allows
you to take management & marketing or financial & accounting courses directly at the
University of London. [Crescendo, 2020] Our diploma in business courses will provide
courses related to future studies UOL. Our courses are about management, marketing,
accounting, communication and so on.

Second, Crescendo International College also provides high-quality and popular education
fees. Students can apply for PTPTN to reduce the burden on tuition so that students can enjoy
the internationally renowned excellent education without worry. Compared with other
schools that also have international standards, our school tuition is relatively cheap, which is
also one of our college's advantages. Diagram1.0 shows the tuition fees of the A-Level (any 3
main subjects) commerce stream of our college and other colleges. In addition, our college
also provides different scholarships to our students such as Crescendo Progression
Scholarship, Crescendo Merit Scholarship, PTPTN, and UEC Scholarship[Edufair, 2020][Fsi,

In conclusion, our college has a great advantage in terms of price and education. The
reasonable tuition price, excellent education system, and scholarships give us a good
competitive advantage in the market; I believe many students who choose our college are for
these reasons.

System of the Crescendo International College

Crescendo International College is using a system call learning management system (LMS)
which is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting,
automation, and delivery of educational courses, training programs, or learning and
development programs. [Wikipedia, 2020] [Appendix 3.1]Students use this LMS system to
obtain learning materials, and they can also complete quizzes through the LMS system. After
completing the quizzes, they can review the content and tour the correct answers. In addition,
the system also provides a platform for lecturers to initiate discussions, students can leave a
message and discuss. [Appendix 3.2] Lecturers can upload materials to LMS in advance to
provide students with downloads. At the same time, lecturers can also arrange quizzes and
assignments on LMS for online testing at any time. Students can also review the test
questions to review and check the correct answers, which can help students quickly
understand the content of the course and do the same preview or review.

In conclusion, a perfect system can bring many conveniences to students and lecturers. We
started using this system in 2018 as the times the progress of the online network. Obviously,
this system brings great convenience during the outbreak of the pandemic. Students can
submit assignments, homework, or tasks and discuss their work through LMS without going
to college.

Structure of the Crescendo International College

The structure of the Crescendo International College consists of the board of directors, 1
executive director, 1 chief executive, and 4 main departments which is the marketing
department, operation & financial department student support, and academic department.
the operation & financial department which is under the executive director consist of the
financial division and operation division and the academic department which is under the
chief executive consist of register, internal programme division, compliance& quality
assurance unit, and external programme division. [Appendix 3.3][Yearbook, 2019]

In conclusion, only an organized college can better perform its work. Our school has a
very perfect structure, rich, and practical departments, and each department can assist
students and college;Each of them responsible maintains the operation and performance of
the college.

Staff & Skill

Crescendo International College has a sound internal organization, a complete contingent
of qualified lecturers and enough teaching staff with rich teaching experience, and we also
require all the lecture have at least undergraduate degree, PhD, or master. For example,
Crescendo International College head of Programme in Diploma in Business, Dolly Ong Hui
Chin who is the experienced Program Head with a demonstrated history of working in the
corporate sector and education industry. Miss Dolly also skilled in lecturing, product design,
entrepreneurship, strategic planning, business development, studied first degree at QUT in
Australia, and obtained MBA (Marketing) from Nottingham Trent University, and currently
pursuing a Ph.D. Currently pursuing a Ph.D. miss dolly demonstrated the capabilities to lead,
manage, and develop the college to ensure it achieves the standards of excellence in all its
activities. She also had experienced in establishing guidelines, policies, and procedures for
the new academic programs. [Online, 2020]

In conclusion, our lecturers are of very high quality and professionalism. Our college also
arranges them in suitable positions according to their abilities. I believe that they can lead the
students towards a better future with their effort and professionalism.

Shared value

The vision of Crescendo International College is to be the premier college of excellence for
the study of various disciplines such as law, accounting, business management, computer
science, airline services, English language, etc. The mission of Crescendo International
College is to provide a quality education that focuses on knowledge, skills, attitude, and
employability at an affordable fee to all. [Crescendo, 2020]

"Quality" means having competent and passionate lecturers who lecture in ways students
can easily understand, provide quality notes, and challenge them to think creatively and solve
problems. In addition, University of London offered world-class programs, which not only
enhance graduates' employability but also a source of pride for our graduates. [Crescendo,


The meaning of the target market analysis is based on the products or services that we
would like to provide. For instance, the target market of Crescendo International College may
not suitable for everyone who surrounding our area. It consists only of the people especially
for the secondary students who graduated after Malaysian Certificate of Education, SPM and
suitable for our services such as education.、

STP analysis

In the era of globalization, Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) is a familiar

strategic way in Modern Marketing. Therefore, STP plays an important role to help us to get
the right customers.


Market segmentation is the procedure regarding dividing the market of potential customers
into groups or segments. It will be based on different characteristics. Besides, the segments
created to comprise consumers who will respond similarly to marketing strategies and have
similar characteristics including location, demand and interests. [Travel MAVEN, 2020]

To begin with, demographic classifications are important and supposed to be applied by

Crescendo International College. This is on account of there are many different
characteristics, needs and wants and even behaviors that require marketing plans or separate
products. It is undeniable that the demographic classifications including the age, gender,
ethnicity, knowledge level of the students, income and geographic location. According to the
survey, the age range of people from 19 respondents mainly includes 17 to 23 years old
studying at Crescendo. [Appendix 4.1] Moreover, RM3,001 to RM5,000 are the most
respondents' household income which are 44.4% of respondents. [Appendix 4.5] Apart from
that, the meaning of geographic segmentation is an ordinary strategy when Crescendo serves
the consumers such as students in specific areas, or a broad target audience has different
preferences related to the customer’s location. [Neil Kokemuller, 2019] Obviously,
geographic I very vital because 31.6% respondents from the survey questionnaire choose to
study at Crescendo International College because of the college is near to their residential

area. [Appendix 4.4]  

To top it off, behavior segmentation is classified into consumers related to their behavior
patterns when interacting with their company. Undoubtedly, this will research the behavioral
characteristics of consumers including their knowledge, attitudes, use, likes, dislikes, or
reactions to products, services, promotions, or brands about products, services, promotions,
or brands.[Stephanie Mialk ] Afterwards, Crescendo success to introduce the program of
college by using attractive picture and clear words. Thus, 47.4% respondents come to know
about Crescendo as get know through social media, newspaper or advertising. [Appendix 4.9]

Last but not least, the meaning of psychological segmentation is a way that used by
Crescendo International College for grouping potential customers, current customers, or
previous customers related to the potential customers, common personality traits, beliefs,
values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles, among other factors. [Online ,2020]According
to the survey, 36.8% respondents choose to study at Crescendo International College. This
is due to the affordable course fees by family income. [Appendix 4.4]  Obviously, the
school fee of Crescendo International College is cheaper than other college. The students
who gain 3 credits in SPM are able to choose the diploma program directly.


Currently, the competition for higher education is more and more fierce in this day and
age. Therefore, Crescendo International Academy has identified specific aspects that will
position it in the current competitive market. Most universities are characterized by a high
level of supervision and high uniformity, and it is difficult to form a clear image, and the
development of the university’s positioning strategy is actually the same as that of most other
universities [Tatiana Fumasoli, 2019].

According to the survey, 57.9% of Crescendo students choose to apply the PTPTN
[Appendix 4.6]. After registering the Crescendo diploma programme or the University of
London degree programme, the coordinator of Crescendo will step by step to guide the
students for applying the PTPTN. Meanwhile, PTPTN can decrease the family burden. Social

media is very useful for Crescendo International College to promote.This is because related
to the survey, there are 47.4% respondents who come to know about Crescendo International
through social media, newspaper or advertising. [Appendix 4.9].

According to the survey, there are 6 respondents choose to study in Crescendo as is near to
their residential area. Obviously, the strategic location of Crescendo is successfully attract the
consumer. Besides, 5 respondents choose to study in Crescendo due to the certificate and
programmes are recognized by University of London. This is the strength of Crescendo.
[Appendix 4.4]

In addition, 10 respondents is neutral with the facilities provided by the college.

[Appendix 10]. Besides, 17 respondents conduct a survey before they further study. 9
respondents satisfied with the Diploma in Business course fees offered by Crescendo.
Moreover, 10 respondents are satisfied with the teaching staff and their teaching methods.

In a nutshell, segmented, targeted and positioned marketing models cannot be ignored for
target market analysis. All parties must up the effort and work together to achieve the goal. In
addition, this is a three-pronged strategy that not only defines the brand’s most important
customer base but also defines the marketing methods that Crescendo can use to penetrate the
target market. In the subdivision section, list all Crescendos’ demographic, psychological,
geographic, and behavioral subdivisions. Clearly determine the target market category from
the positioning section. Finally, the positioning section summarizes Crescendo's effective
positioning strategy to meet the target market.

Target market form 19 respondent refer to [Diagram 4.0]


SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. A SWOT Analysis is

Strengths (S) Weaknesses (W)

S1: Reasonable price W1: Lack of courses
S2: Provide scholarships and PTPTN W2: Lack of facilities
S3: The foreign lecturers W3:Lack of lecturer halls
S4:Experience in business courses W4: Location

Opportunities (O) Threats (T)

O1: Limited competitors T1: Lack of lecturers
O2:Increasing of potential customers T2:Hard to fulfil the customer’s needs
O3: Collaborate with local business company T3: Control services quality

a technique for assessing these four aspects of your business. Businessmen can use SWOT
Analysis to make their organization's best advantage and they can also reduce the chances of
failure, by understanding what they are lacking, and eliminating hazards that would otherwise
catch them unaware.

The strengths of Crescendo International College are reasonable price, provided

scholarships and PTPTN loans, foreign lecturers, and experienced in business courses.
Firstly, the tuition fee of the college is reasonable price. The price level is the customer
acceptance level because the tuition fee of the college is cheaper than other competitors in
Johor Bahru. Secondly, Crescendo college have provided scholarships and PTPTN loans to
someone who apply to pursue further studies in Crescendo. Thirdly, Crescendo have foreign
professors and students come from other countries such as Korea and so on. Fourthly,
Crescendo College have more than 10years experience in business courses. They cultivate a
lot of graduates from business courses.

Lack of courses, lack of facilities, lack of lecturer halls, and the location of the college are
the weaknesses of the college. Firstly, Crescendo college just provide a few of courses to
people. There are only 3 choices for diploma programmes which are Diploma in Business,
Diploma in Computer Science and Diploma in Airline Services. Secondly, there is a limited
choice of facilities. The college do not printer in the computer lab or library. This is because

some of the students will feel trouble when they want to print out their assignment report or
notes and they need to go out to find copy shop to print out their class materials. Thirdly,
there is a limited lecturer hall. The college only has two lecturer halls. Fourthly, the location
of the college is remote. This is because the location of the college is in the residential area.
When students would like to go out to enjoy their lunch, they need to drive and find the

Besides that, opportunities of the college are limited competitors, increasing of potential
customers, and collaborate with local business company. Firstly, there is a limited competitor.
The direct competitor of the college is Sunway College Johor Bahru which located at Mount
Austin, Johor. It is nearby Crescendo International College. Therefore, a lot of people will
make a choice between these two colleges. Secondly, Crescendo has their own website and
there are a lot of information about the college. It is easily for people who interested to pursue
further studies in Crescendo. Thirdly, Crescendo can cooperative with local business
company to provide internships to fresh graduates. The college can make sure they will offer
more quality interns to the cooperative partners because they have experienced in business

The threats of the college are lack of lecturers, hard to fulfil the customer’s needs and
control services quality. Firstly, the lack of lecturers will affect the ability of the college to
offer more courses. As a result, the potential customers will choose the competitor's college
rather than Crescendo. Secondly, Crescendo target someone who would like to continue his
or her further studies. However, the courses that has provided by Crescendo is limited and it
will be very difficult to fulfill the needs of customers. Thirdly, college want to control their
services quality like give everyone a fair shake but there has a lot of students so that they
cannot meet everyone's demands at the same time. Hence, it will affect a little bit their service


With the development of technology and the popularization of online business, many
people feel that business is not a particularly important subject, as long as they have logical
thinking, they can run a business well. But this has also resulted in a lot of people with a
vague basic understanding or some wrong concepts of the business model. Our school is a
leading school in accounting, management, law, and pre-university (level A). Crescendo
international college provides world-class and internationally recognized degrees, including
the famous University of London, ACCA qualification, and Cambridge A-Level qualification.
It is necessary for us to increase the school enrollment rate in order to increase students’
awareness of the business and promote the importance of business and university studies.

In fact, that many students choose our college not only because our college has a good
education system but also because our college tuition is cheaper than other colleges and
provides more help for scholarships and PTPN. Most of the students’ families in our school
are middle-income court which is between RM 2,000-RM 3,000 and RM 3,001- RM 5,000.
[Appendix 6.0][Appendix 6.1] Therefore, the outbreak of the COVID 19 may cause many
families to be unable to afford tuition fees. We not only need to provide help with PTPN and
EPF but also various scholarships such as a discount 20% tuition fee to the student whose
exam has to get 3.7cgpa.

Besides that, we also can provide some agreement to the students who perform well in the
college, and we sponsor the learning opportunity but after graduation, the student must work
for the Crescendo whether in the Crescendo International College or Crescendo Cooperation
Berhad. This scholarship system can not only attract more capable students to come to our
school but also build a more good reputation for our college. In addition, because we can
digest capable students internally, this means that our organization or college will have an
endless stream of talents in the future, which is a new beginning in the future.

The plan for scholarships and funding of students should be the responsibility of the
operation & financial department and the student support. Students can apply for scholarships
through the student support, so our college needs to establish an additional scholarship sub
department which is under the student support. Certainly, the students who submitted the

application will turn over to the operation & finance department and the board of college

According to our survey, many people think that our college lacks courses, and they think
that our college can provide more course options. [Appendix 6.3, 6.4, 6.5] Crescendo
International College lacks new courses that advance with the times, such as a diploma in
event management and a diploma in tourism management. These professional subjects appear
because more countries are becoming more and more prosperous, and holding events and
tourism has become a very popular event. Therefore, event management and tourism
management have gradually entered the public's field of vision and become one of the
options for high school students who are about to graduate. There are currently 10 higher
public universities, 4 foreign university branches, and 652 private colleges in Malaysia, but it
is known that there are only 13 universities or colleges in Malaysia and only 1 college in
Johor who is Sunway College offering this subject (event management). Therefore if our
college with good publicity, we have an absolute advantage to attract more students to our
college and increase the competitive advantages between our college and Sunway College.

In addition, whether our college can also consider adding online courses so that we do not
need to build more classrooms and lecture halls, also can increase the enrollment rate of our
college, and provide classes for students that cannot come to the school actual. Online
courses can have live and video methods. Through this MCO period, we see more teaching
directions, explain the main course content through video, and using live to discuss and
research problems with the lectures. Online courses can reduce many teaching costs and
actual costs for our college such as utility bills, space, and salary costs. Because students do
not use college facilities and other things, they can virtually help schools reduce various
costs. In addition, the lecturer's teaching video content can be reused; we only need to pay the
lecturer's salary for the live class. Of course, the benefits of opening online courses are more
than that. Because online courses are aimed at busy people, we can open these online courses
to all ages. There is no need for face-to-face study, and it is friendlier to some older students
because it is considered to the older student's psychology, so they can study without stress.

For the example [Diagram 6.0]

This is a long-term strategic plan for our college; we need to prepare teaching materials,
hire lecturers, and update and maintain the college's website. In addition, we also need to put
advertisements and carry out a lot of publicity to let the public know the newly added
subjects in our school. We can participate in a variety of further education exhibitions, and we
can also distribute school flyers and manuals in middle schools and tutoring colleges near the
college to attract more nearby students to become students of our college. We can place ads in
several ways like using brochures, flyers, and online ads such as Facebook and Instagram.
The advertisement promotion is a short-term plan, the implementation time is mainly in the
three months (March - July) when the middle school students receive their grades.
For example of the method [Diagram 6.1]
Our expected coverage rate is around 5,000 people near our college, so we need to prepare
about 6,000 flyers. Appendix .6.6 and appendix 6.7 are the quotations from the Blue Printing
(M) Sdn Bhd. Therefore, we need a budget of about RM300 for paper ads, and F02 is our
first choice. [RM 248+ RM 45 =RM 293]. The labor cost budget for our leaflet distribution is
RM14, 800, which will cover the houses and flats in Taman Desa Cemerlang, Taman Desa
Jaya, Taman Ehsan Jaya, and Taman Puteri Wangsa, and there are also will cover the 2 offices
which are in Taman Desa Cemerlang and Taman Ehsan Jaya. [Appendix 6.8]

Besides that, with the advancement of technology, more and more people are using online
advertising such as Facebook. In this era of big data, online advertising can be targeted to
promote ads to users based on their age and habits. For example, if the population selected by
our school is a group of people between the ages of 17-30, then these platforms have the
opportunity to promote our college's advertising to them. If our college using Facebook
advertisement we can set the budget and bid, it never spends more than our max because we
can get results on any budget. Ads are shown to people who are likely to be interested, so you
get results and it also creates Facebook ads easily with Ads Manager. For the example of the
method [Diagram 6.2]

We set our advertising budget such as the total amount that we want to spend daily or over

the course of the campaign and can edit it at any time. We can also set a bid which is the
maximum amount that we're willing to pay when someone sees our ad or takes our desired
action. We also choose who we want to see our ads such as user demographics, such as age,
gender, and current cities, to connect with people, or things such as interests, devices, or past
actions. Finally, we decide how we want our ad to look. For example, we can use text,
images, and videos to capture people's attention. Once we've created our ad, it goes to our ad
auction, where it will start being shown to people. [Appendix 6.9]

If adding new subjects is successful, this is mainly the responsibility of the academic
department. They are mainly responsible for planning and arranging courses. This can be
carried out by external programme division which is under academic departments. In
addition, this plan also needs the help of the Marketing Department. They mainly promote the
new subjects of our school to recruit more students to our college through various channels.

According to appendix 6.10, 36.8% of the students know about Crescendo International
College from their friends, which mean that the student’s impression of the college is very
important because he will affect the impression of the friends around him at our college.
Some students report that your college lacks social activities and curricular activities
[Appendix 6.3, 6.4, 6.5]; it may cause some students who wish their university life is
wonderful do not choose our college. So I think this is a problem that needs to be improved
and followed up as soon as possible.

We can increase the activities and participation of students in some popular ways such as
Tsinghua University and Peking University. They integrate into the short video of Tik Tok,
which is the favorite of modern young people, and let students promote their university
through a short video. They also encourage students to take them and record their college life
on campus through their creativity. [Appendix 6.11]

In addition, we can also host various events or various clubs such as basketball clubs and
sports departments. We should encourage students to hold regular activities every week and
organize students to participate actively. We also can have some credit system like
participating in clubs can increase credits, and encourage students to participate more in
school extracurricular activities. The school can also allocate funds to these societies to help
them organize some social activities. Students are the best spokespersons in our college. As
long as we have a good learning atmosphere and activity benefits, students will be happy to
introduce our college to our surrounding friends. The responsibly department is the extra-
curricular sub-department which is under student support is also responsible for the planning
of increase various activities. This department is mainly responsible for coordinating students
and serving as a consultant to guide students to actively host activities. The operation &
finance department also needs to cooperate with the student support in granting
appropriations for activities that have been applied for, and in receiving budget plans and
financial statements of the activities submitted by students.

As the location of the college is a bit remote, it will be inconvenient for some students who
live far away. Some students who live far away but do not want to live in the hostel will
choose to drive between their home and college. If the college offers an extra discount to
these students, they will introduce more friends to know that our school has this special
discount. The discounts they get can be used as a transportation fee to come to the college
with their home. This can help them save some money and no need to spend extra money.
Hence, our college can offer special discounts to those who live far away from the college.
For example, students who live in the Kulai, Pontian or Gelang Batah area can get an extra
5% discount on the tuition fee. This is because it can attract more students to consider
pursuing further studies in the Crescendo International College especially students who live
far away from the college.

This discount will not be available all year round, only at specific and limited times. This
is because many students will constantly consider different schools. Therefore, this discount
will only be offered for early birds or only available one week that we opened, and most
students will be enrolled in the shortest time A good plan also needs good publicity to achieve
the best results. Because it is necessary to attract students that are not near our college, setting
up a billboard on the highway is a very good means of publicity. We recommend setting up
one 96-sheet billboard on the Kulai highway, 96-sheet billboards are among the most

common and widely used billboards in out-of-home media. This type of billboard is the most
cost-effective and can achieve the best results within a limited budget. Rental of this space
usually goes on an agreed period where it can be between RM2,500 and RM5,000 per
billboard monthly or it can be rented on quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly basis.
[Appendix 6.12] [Advertising, 2019]

Competitive Analysis Template

Crescendo International College Sunway College Johor Bahru

Our Company Direct Competitor
Company Company • Established on January 2001 • Established on 2004
Profile Highlight • Fang Kiam Hui, Chief Executive • Founded by Tan Sri Dato’ Seri
• Located at Taman Desa Dr. Jeffrey Cheah, AO
Cemerlang, Ulu Tiram • Located at Mount Austin, Johor
Key • World-class qualifications at • Better quality higher education
Competitive affordable fees through a positive student
Advantage experience
Target • Male and female ranging from • Male and female ranging from
Market Market 18 to 25 years old 18 to 25 years old

Product Business areas programme that are

4P’S offered: Business areas programme that are
Marketing • Cambridge A-Level offered:
Analysis •,Diploma
• Pre-University
•UOL Degree Programmes
• Diploma Programmes
•Executive Training Programmes
• Degree Programmes
(HRDF) such as ACCA
• Professional Accounting
Price •Diploma in Business •Diploma in Business
-RM 26,000 (2 years) -RM 40,000 (2 years)
•Using value based pricing strategy •Using value based pricing strategy
Place • 8-acre piece of land with a • 10-acre piece of land earmarked
well-equipped 3 storey building for the development of the
• Located at Taman Desa education corridor
Cemerlang, Johor Bahru. • Located at Taman Mount
Austin, Johor Bahru.
Promotion • Direct and indirect form •Direct and indirect form
• Promoting through social • Promoting through social
media such as Facebook and media such as Facebook and
Instagram Instagram
• Higher Education Fair • Higher Education Fair
• Open day • Open day
Competitor Analysis
Diagram 2.1
Table 2.1

Direct Competitor Indirect Competitor Future Competitor

Businesses offering Businesses offering close Businesses that are not yet
identical or similar substitute products. direct or indirect 26
products. competitors but could be
much more ready and
likely to enter your market
Diagram 2.2

Diagram 2.3
Table 2.2 Programmes offered by Crescendo International College

Pre-U Cambridge International A Level (Commerce)

Diploma Diploma in Business
Degree BSc Accounting & Finance(UOLIP)
BSc Business & Management(UOLIP)
Professional Programme ACCA

Table 2.3 Programmes offered by Sunway College Johor Bahru

Pre-U Foundation in Business

Diploma Diploma in Accounting
Diploma in Business Administration
Diploma in Marketing
Diploma in International Business
Degree BSc Accounting
BSc Banking & Finance
BSc Marketing
BSc Management and Innovation
Bachelor of Business (SyCJB’s Brochure)s
Professional Programme ACCA

Table 2.4 Course fees offered by Crescendo and Sunway College

Course CIC SyCJB

Diploma in Business/ Business RM26,000 RM40,000
BSc Accounting & Finance RM55,180 RM90,360
BSc Business & Management RM55,180 RM85,390

Diagram 2.4 and Diagram 2.5

Diagram 2.6 Diagram 2.7 Diagram 2.8

Organization Analysis.

 Situation of the
 Show the task
expected task

 Shows tasks
for the next 7
and 30 days.

Appendix 3.0

 Show the week

and task.

 Students can tick

to note their

Appendix 3.1

ppendix 3.3

Target market

Appendix 4.1

Appendix 4.2

Appendix 4.3

Appendix 4.4

Appendix 4.5

Appendix 4.6

Appendix 4.7

Appendix 4.8

Appendix 4.9


Appendix 4.11

Appendix 4.12

Appendix 4.13


Appendix 4.15

Appendix 4.16

Appendix 4.17

Appendix 4.18

Appendix 4.19

Appendix 4.20


The number of respondents

Age  17-20 years old: 15 respondents (78.9%)

 21-23 years old: 4 respondents (21.1%)
 23-25 years old: 0 respondent
 Above 25 years old: 0 respondent
Did you conduct a survey before  Yes: 17 respondents (89.5%)
you further study?
 No: 2 respondents (10.5%)
Is it your own decision or your  Own decision: 16 respondents (84.2%)
parents’ decision to study at
 Parent's decision: 3 respondents (15.8%)
Crescendo International College?
What is the reason for your  College is near to my residential area: 6 respondents
choosing to study at Crescendo
International College?
 Certificate and programmes is recognized by
university of London: 5 respondents (26.3%)
 Affordable course fees: 7 respondents (36.8%)
 Programme offered: 1 respondent (5.3%)
 Campus facilities: 0 respondent (0%)
What is your household income?  RM3, 001-RM5, 000: 8 respondents (44.4%)
 RM2, 000-RM3, 000: 5 respondents (27.8%)
 Below RM2, 000: 2 respondents (11.1%)
 RM5, 000 and above: 3 respondents (16.7%)
Do you apply PTPTN at  Yes: 11 respondents (57.9%)
Crescendo International College?  No: 8 respondents (42.1%)
Are you satisfied with the  Yes: 9 respondents (47.4%)
Diploma in Business course fees
 No: 10 respondents (52.6%)
offered by crescendo International
Are you satisfied with the teaching  Extremely Satisfied: 0 respondent (0%)
staff and their teaching method?
 Very satisfied: 1 respondents (5.3%)
 Satisfied: 10 respondents (52.6%)
 Neutral: 8 respondents (42.1%)
 Dissatisfied: 0 respondent (0%)
 Very dissatisfied: 0 respondent (0%)
 Extremely dissatisfied: 0 respondent (0%)
How did you come to know about  Get know through social media, newspaper or
Crescendo International College?
advertising: 9 respondents (47.4%)
 Recommended by friends: 7 respondents (36.8%)
 Recommended by parents or siblings: 3 respondents
 Recommend by Crescendo’s student: 0 respondent
How satisfied are you with the  Extremely Satisfied: 0 respondent (0%) 36
facilities provided by the college?
 Very satisfied: 3 respondents (15.8%)
 Satisfied: 5 respondents (26.3%)
 Neutral: 10 respondents (52.6%)

Strengths (S) Weaknesses (W)

S1: Reasonable price W1: Lack of courses
S2: Provide scholarships W2: Lack of facilities
and PTPTN W3:Lack of lecturer halls
S3: The foreign lecturers W4: Location
S4:Experience in business
Opportunities (O) SO WO
O1: Limited competitors S1/O2: Come out with W1/O2: Provide more
O2:Increasing of potential more advertisements to course options
customers create good reputations W2/O2: Provide more
O3: Collaborate with local S2/O1: Offer higher facilities
business company scholarships W3/O2: Use Online
S4/03: Provide internships learning
to graduates
Threats (T) ST WT
T1: Lack of lecturers S1/T2: Keep the prices W1/T1: Hire more
T2:Hard to fulfil the level according the lecturers in different
customer’s needs customer acceptance level professional skills or field
T3: Control services S3/T3: Provide the English W4/T2: Provide a special
quality language communication discount to those who live
environment far away from the college


Appendix 6.1

Appendix 6.2

Appendix 6.3

Appendix 6.4

Appendix 6.5

Appendix 6.6

Appendix 6.7

Appendix 6.8

Appendix 6.9

Appendix 6.10

Appendix 6.11

Appendix 6.12

Diagram 6.0

Example entry requirement:

Distance  (12 months)


Tuition fee  RM12,000

Teaching  Online and video

methods:  To grade through assignments, need to complete the specified
graduation assignment.

Entry Entry requirements for local students

 Applicants must have passed SPM,O-level
 Equivalent with minimum five (5) credits including English (or a
minimum IELTS score of 5.5).
 Age Requirement: Students must be at least 16 years old in the year of
enrolment and no upper limit.

Entry requirements for international students

 Entry requirements may vary from country to country. Students are

required to complete international academic qualification equivalent to
Malaysian Passed SPM, O-level.
 Age Requirement: Students must be at least 16 years old in the year of
enrolment and no upper limit.
 For students without credit or higher in English:

The IELTS-minimum score of 5.5 and Writing not less than 5.5 with no
band less than 5.0

Diagram 6.1

Method 1: using brochures and flyer.

Target market Expected coverage area Purpose

Target customers  Middle school students  Improve the school's

near the college competitiveness and attract more
 Middle school students in high-quality students to choose
Johor our college.
 Parents of nearby students  To deepen the impressions of
nearby students to our college, in
order to let our college became
their first choice.
 Improve the favourability of
nearby students' parents to our
Potential  White collar near the  Increase our college's national
customers college exposure
 Local people who want to  Promote various learning
advanced study opportunities to them
 Students from other states  Provide an easy learning platform
 People attending the  Explain to the white-collar that
college education through advanced studies, they can
exhibition have better opportunities for

Diagram 6.2

Method 2: using online platform, Facebook and Instagram

Target market Expected coverage area Purpose

Target customers  Middle school students  Increase our college's national

nationwide exposure
 White-collar workers  Increase their understanding of our
nationwide college
 Increase the enrollment rate of our
college in other states such as Kuala
Lumpur, Penang, Perak, Melaka.

Potential  People in various age  Increase the international reputation

customers  International students of our college
such as Korean, China,  Open new markets, not limited to
Singapore ages, or in Malaysia

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