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© BUDAVAL® BUDAVAL PAPIRFELDOLGO20 7RT. Cin: 1222 Budapest. Gvar u 18-24 LevELeest cs H-1780 Budapest. PL 48. Kurown TeAtFON: “96 1/227 0197 Fax: +96 1/227-0198 E-maic infoabudaval hu ona. wii budaal. Statement Based on the information from our base material suppliers, no heavy metals are used in products, Budaval purcase for the production of self-adhesive laminates. Budaval rt. doesrit add any material products contains any heavy metals, Our products comply with the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive 94/62/EC,US CONEG Model toxics legstration and Directive 2000/53/EC on end of lfe vehicles, in relation to the various heavy metals paragraphs. he requirement imposed by these pieces of legistration for heavy metals is thal the sum of Cadmium, Mercury, Lead and Chromium (Vl) in products should be below 00pm. Based on the confirmation from the suppliers and our best knowledge, the concentration ofthese substances in Budaval Zr standard products will not exceed the limits BUDAVAL PAPIRFELDOLG0Z0 ZRT Budapest,20/04/2018. Quality Magiager BUDAVALZHt LUNICKEDIT BANKHUNGARY Rt. ‘Swit BACKHUHB. EUR IBAN: HUOB 1091 600)-00000005:3440 001 UNICREDIT BANKHUNGARY RT. 52 Budapest, Srervita ér 8 Fernt szdinlaazéme HUST 1091 6001-0000 0005-3440 0008

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