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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree
in English Language Education

Maria Gishella Ajeng Puspitasari
Student Number: 121214073






Puspitasari, Maria Gishella A. (2017). The Analysis of Swear Words in Bad Boys
II Movie by Michael Bay. English Language Education Study Program,
Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and
Education, Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

This study analyzes the emergence of swear words in Bad Boys II movie
which are uttered by Mike Lawrey as the main character. The use of swear words
is to express the mind and feeling of the speaker. This study aims at observing
how Mike Lawrey uses the swear words while talking in the movie. Hence, the
problems are formulated as follows: 1. What are the kinds of swear words uttered
by Mike Lawrey in Bad Boys II movie by Michael Bay? 2. How does Mike
Lawrey express the swearwords in Bad Boy II movie by Michael Bay?
This study uses content analysis method. The subject of this research is the
transcript of Bad Boys II movie. Several relevant books related to some theories
such as pragmatics and history of swear words are used as the references to
address the formulated problems. Besides, this study explains the theory about
African Americans’ language style briefly since the main character is an African
American. It also supports the reason why the movie applies a communication
style using swear words.
Based on the analysis, this study found that the kinds of swear words in
this movie are classified into six groups such as profanity or blasphemy, cursing,
vulgarity, obscenity, epithet, insult or slurs, and scatology. Then, Mike utters the
swear words in five ways: descriptively, idiomatically, abusively, emphatically,
and cathartically. Those ways lead to the functions, such as, interjection (surprise,
pain, fear, anger, disappointment, even joy), emphasizers (after interrogative WH-
word), and expletive slot fillers (as degreeof adverbs or intensifying adjectives).
This study is expected to be a valuable resource for the scholars to learn futher
about the use of swear words in daily communication.Therefore, they are able to
use swear words appropriately in the situation when they can use those words.

Keywords: taboo, taboo words, swear words, kinds, ways



Puspitasari, Maria Gishella A. (2017). The Analysis of Swear Words in Bad Boys
II Movie by Michael Bay. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa
Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu
Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penelitian ini menganalisis munculnya kata-kata umpatan dalam film Bad

Boys II yang diucapkan oleh Mike Lawrey sebagai karakter utama. Penggunaan
kata-kata umpatan mengungkapkan pikiran dan perasaan pembicara. Penelitian
ini bertujuan untuk mengamati bagaimana Mike Lawrey menggunakan kata-kata
umpatan saat berbicara dalam film. Oleh karena itu, masalah dirumuskan
sebagai berikut: 1. Apa saja jenis kata-kata umpatan yang diucapkan oleh Mike
Lawrey dalam film Bad Boys II oleh Michael Bay? 2. Bagaimana cara Mike
Lawrey mengekspresikan kata-kata umpatan dalam film Bad Boy II oleh Michael
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis isi. Subyek penelitian dalam
penelitian ini adalah naskah film Bad Boys II. Beberapa buku yang relevan terkait
dengan beberapa teori seperti pragmatik, dan sejarah kata-kata umpatan
digunakan sebagai referensi untuk menjawab rumusan masalah. Di samping itu,
penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang gaya bahasa orang-orang Afrika-Amerika
secara singkat karena tokoh utama dari film ini adalah seorang Afrika-Amerika.
Hal ini juga menjadi alasan mengapa film ini menggunakan umpatan sebagai
gaya berkomunikasi.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa jenis kata-
kata umpatan dalam film ini dikelompokkan dalam enam kelompok seperti
senonoh atau hujatan, mengutuk, vulgar, cabul, julukan, menghina atau
penghinaan, dan scatology. Kemudian, Mike mengucapkan kata-kata umpatan
dalam lima cara: secara deskriptif, ideomatik, melecehkan, menegaskan, dan
katarsis. Cara-cara tersebut mengarah pada fungsi seperti: sebagai kata seru
(kejutan, saat kesakitan, takut, marah, kecewa, bahkan sukacita), penekanan
(setelah interogatif WH), dan pengisi slot yang ekspletif (sebagai keterangan atau
kata sifat intensif). Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi yang baik
untuk pelajar agar mereka dapat mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang penggunaan
umpatan dalam komunikasi sehari-hari. Dengan demikian, mereka dapat
menggunakan umpatan dengan benar dalam situasi di mana mereka bisa
menggunakan kata-kata tersebut.

Kata kunci: taboo, taboo words, swear words, kinds, ways



First of all, I would like to send my deep gratitude to my Jesus Christ for

giving me a wonderful life. I thank Him for the blessings and the chances for me

to learn many things. I thank Him for all the challenges and the strengths that have

been given to me. He is the first reason why I never give up.

Second, I would like to send my gratitude to my beloved university,

Sanata Dharma University, which has been a great place for me to have many

unforgettable experiences in the last four years. I am thankful for having very kind

friends, family and colleagues. I will never forget the moments we have spent

together in our beloved campus.

Then, my gratitude goes to my beloved parents, Martinus Suharjo, my

beloved one and the reason to reach my dreams and Katarina Kristiyani, who

has never been tired to be a “home” for her children. I thank my little brothers,

Marcellinus Estu Priya Kurniadi and Blasius Banu Surya Leksana, for being

my biggest support and strength to finish my study. The next gratitude is for my

uncle and aunt, Albertus Yuono and Bernadeta Hadiyani, who always love and

help me all the time. I thank their children also for cheering me up, Sebastianus

Wisnu Wardana and Kresentia Ayu Kusuma Wardani.

I would like to send my gratitude to my thesis advisor, Veronica

Triprihatmini, M.Hum., M.A. for her patience and time in guiding me since I

was taking my Seminar Proposal class. I thank her for being a good advisor so

that I can be independent in doing my best. I am thankful for the motivation which


makes me confident to write this thesis. Next, I would also like to thank my

academic advisor, Agustinus Hardi Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.A., for his guidance

during my college study. He has been a part in forming me to be an independent

and tough student. My special thanks go to Laurentius Krisna Septa Bernanda

for being my second advisor and also my friend in writing this thesis. He is such

an inspiring and great person who teaches me to keep struggling in facing so

many problems in my study and also in my whole life. I send my huge thanks to

all lecturers of English Language Education Study Program and all of its

members, especially for students in batch 2012. I also thank my family in Small

Class C for the new world I have never found before.

I would also like to thank my very best partner and sister, Regina Novelisa

Gusmanthi, as the one who always supports and cheers me up. I am thankful for

many unforgettable moments we spent together. She always makes me believe in

my own strength and keep focusing on goal. May the universe always loves and

protects her wherever she is.

I would also like to thank my big family, Paduan Suara Mahasiswa

Cantus Firmus, for being my family whom I really love. I thank them for being

my home where I can be the real me. I thank them for many great experiences

which teach me the kindness and the real friendship. I always hope that I will

come back someday and feel such great feeling when singing with them.

At the end, I would like to thank everyone who has given me support,

guidance and prayer. I may not be able to write their names in this limited paper,


but I will always stick their names in my heart. May all human beings be good and


Maria Gishella Ajeng Puspitasari



TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL PAGES ....................................................................................... ii
DEDICATION PAGE ...................................................................................... iv
STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY .............................................. v
PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI .............................................. vi
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... vii
ABSTRAK .......................................................................................................... viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................. ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................. xii
LIST OF FIGURE ........................................................................................... xiv
LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................. xv
LIST OF APPENDIX ...................................................................................... xvi

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION................................................................... 1
A. Research Background ..................................................................... 1
B. Research Questions ......................................................................... 5
C. Problem Limitation ......................................................................... 6
D. Research Objectives ........................................................................ 6
E. Research Benefits ........................................................................... 6
F. Definition of Terms ......................................................................... 8

CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .......................... 10

A. Theoretical Description ................................................................... 10
1. Taboo and Swear Words ............................................................. 11
2. The Use of Swear Words ............................................................ 17
B. Theoretical Framework ................................................................... 22


CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY ............................................................... 25

A. Research Method ............................................................................ 25
B. Research Source/Object .................................................................. 26
C. Instruments and Data Collecting Technique ................................... 27
D. Data Analysis Technique ................................................................ 28
E. Research Procedures ........................................................................ 29


A. The Kinds of Swear Words
Uttered by Mike Lawrey in Bad Boys II Movie ............................. 31
B. The Ways Mike Lawrey Expresses
the Swear Words in Bad Boys II Movie ......................................... 42


A. Conclusions ..................................................................................... 50
B. Recommendations ........................................................................... 51

REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 53
APPENDIX ....................................................................................................... 55




Figure 2.1. Diagram of Theoretical Framework ………………………………. 23



Table 3.1. Classification Table to Categorize Swear Words Uttered
by Mike Lawrey .......... .................................................................... 27



Appendix The List of Swear Words Uttered by Mike Lawrey ......................... 55




This chapter presents the content of the proposed research. This contains

six parts: the research background, the research questions, problem limitation, the

research objectives, the research benefits and the definition of terms.

A. Research Background

Today people get familiar with swear words. They might use those words

actively or just hear from others in their day-to-day life. Some consider these

words offensive and if they are used to talk to others, these words can endanger

the speaker. It happened several months ago in Tegal Alur, West Jakarta, where

some high school students fought one another because of the improper use of

swear words (as cited from

umpatan-remaja-di-kalideres-tewas-dibacok-pelajar-smk). The Head of Criminal

Investigation Sector Police of Cengkareng explained the chronology of the

incident. On Friday, November 4th, 2016, Hassanudin was in his way back home

with his friends. He met IH (16), ER (17), and, AD (17), who skipped the classes,

and swore to one another. Then, they immediately fought on the street and IH

took a sickle from his bag and stabbed Hassanudin. He passed away on the next

two days in the hospital. IH, ER, and AD were punished by the article of 351 (3)

KUHP sub 338 KUHP and/or the Laws of Children Protection.


The case becomes the example of inappropriate use of swear words. In

education discipline, swear words are considered as taboo words which are not

common to be taught and used as proper daily communication. Whereas, that case

possibly becomes the issue that learning swear words including their application is

necessary in the context of education. Besides, if they are used in a particular

situation, it will be useful for language learning. According to Robin-Eliece

Mercury (1995) in her article entitled “Swearing: A „Bad‟ Part of Language; A

Good Part of Language Learning”, there is much for ESL students to learn about

the social forces behind swearing in English and among English speakers,

especially for understanding the practical reasons why a speaker would choose to

use obscenities and when she or he would choose not to.

Besides, swear words are widely known by society as informal style in

their daily conversation to express emotion, especially when they are angry or

frustrated. These words become a habitual utterance which are very easy to say.

Our society oftenly uses them to communicate with one another. Some think

positively about swear words usage. In a positive way, it is used as a solidarity

orientation. For example, a group of boys often call their neighbors not with their

proper names. Instead, they call the neighbors with other names, such as asshole,

bastard, and so on. They receive it as a habit and a sign that they are close enough

in relationship. Jay observes that some studies show men are less to use

euphemisms publicly or privately (darn for damn, frig for fuck) and will use

obscenities to signal group membership and to discourage outsiders from joining


the groups (as cited in Mercury, 1995, p. 35). Therefore, swear words they usually

use make them closer as friends. Swear words no longer become something taboo

in their communication.

People find swear words with language features easily not only in the daily

life, but also in the media both electronic and non-electronic, such as magazine,

television, radio, movie, internet, and so on. All media have reasons why they use

swear words as the part of language, for example, a movie which has a style of

using swear words in the conversation to show the personality of the characters or

the culture behind the situation of the scenes.

This research was conducted based on a movie released in 2003, Bad Boys

II. The film, directed by Michael Bay, is a high-violence movie that was chosen

because the characters in the story apply a communication style using swear

words. They usually use the swear words when the police officers are on duty of

detecting and solving the narcotic cases. The police officers also call their partners

with swear words which helps them hide their identity as police officers for they

usually use the appropriate and formal language. However, this research focuses

on the swear words uttered by the main character, Mike Lawrey, who acts as a

detective of Tactical Narcotic Team of Miami PD. In the movie, Mike has close

relationship with Marcus Burnett since they are in the same team for ten years.

They call themselves “Bad Boys” and create a jargon: “Bad Boys, Bad Boys..

What you gonna do? What you gonna do when we come for you?”. There is no

clear explanation about the background behind the name “Bad Boys”, but their

closeness can be seen in the scene where Mike open a book where there is

Marcus‟ foto sticked on a biodata paper from ten years ago (01.35.03-01.35.09).

There is some sentences written on that paper: “We ride together, we die together.

Bad Boys for life.”

Moreover, Mike (Will Smith) and Marcus (Martin Laurence) are African

American people who live in America in 2000s and have swearing as their

communication style. They often put swear words in their utterances to one

another. Fägersten conducted a study during 2000 until 2010 about the factors

which influence people to use swear words. The result showed that:

Within to friend this racial group, swearing occurs predominantly between

interlocutors of close social distance: 78% of the swearing utterances of
the African American contributors were addressed to friends compared to
66%, 60%, 60% of swearing utterances of Whites, Hispanic Americans,
and Asian Americans, respectively, addressed to friends and intimates (p.

She concluded that for African Americans, swearing is characteristic of

language use in group which is known as an expression of an already-established

group solidarity (Fägersten, 2012, p. 53). Meanwhile, swearing occurs more often

among interlocutions of social distance in relatively uncertain relationship for

other racial groups (p. 53). Therefore, the race becomes an important factor

behind the use of swear words.

In education field, it is important for students to understand how swear

words are used in the daily communication and in language learning. Mercury

(1995) claims that there is practical value in discussing obscene language in the

language classroom and nonlinguistic variables relevant to its use, for instance, its

use due the influence of movies, hit songs, and popular books which seems

unchecked. Students who are learning conversational English need to learn what

is acceptable or unnaceptable in taboo language behaviour (p. 35). In addition,

taboo and swear words have a number of linguistic features involving vocabulary,

grammar and meaning that make them well worth studying (Ljung, 2011). As

future English teachers, ELESP students are expected to be able to teach their

ESL students well about the use of taboo, swear words, and their implementation

in daily life. By adapting Bad Boys II movie, this research provides the analysis of

the swear words found in this movie which might be a reference to make the

learning design. Being understood about taboo and swear words, the ESL students

are expected to use them appropriately at the proper situations.

B. Research Questions

This section formulates the questions based on the research background

presented. The researcher has formulated the research problems as mentioned


1. What are the kinds of swear words uttered by Mike Lawrey in Bad Boys II

movie by Michael Bay?

2. How does Mike Lawrey express the swear words in Bad Boy II movie by

Michael Bay?

C. Problem Limitation

The researcher only focuses on swear words uttered by Mike Lawrey as the

main character in Bad Boys II movie by Michael Bay. Any words or sentences

uttered by the other characters in the movie are ignored. Moreover, the researcher

takes swear words in sentence form only. Swear words in sentence are more

helpful to trigger the audience response. Furthermore, they explain deeper what

kind of issue which happens so that he characters use swear words to express their


D. Research Objectives

There are two major objectives, in accordance with the research questions

as listed below.

1. To identify the kinds of swear words uttered by Mike Lawrey in Bad Boys II

movie by Michael Bay.

2. To analyze how Mike Lawrey expresses the swear words in Bad II movie by

Michael Bay.

E. Research Benefits

This part explains the contribution of this research and the parties that may

use this research result. The researcher addresses some beneficial things of this

research for students and teachers in the academic field, and the future research

who conduct the research about linguistic matters.

1. Students

By knowing language features in swear words, the students can be more

aware that many English words have more than one meaning. Therefore, the

students are able to use those English words in appropriate condition.

Furthermore, students are expected to be wiser in using swear words in the


2. Teachers

The researcher expects that this study can be a reference for the teachers,

especially those who teach poetry or linguistic (semantic or pragmatic), so that

they might have other media or examples to explain about language features.

Furthermore, the use of swear words is common in the society, especially in the

youth so it may be easy for the students to learn language features. Besides, the

teacher can help student to understand more about the meaning of the swear words

and they know when and how they use those words.

3. Future Researchers

The researcher expects the study might be an additional reference for

future researchers who conduct the specific terms and language use in the society.

It is also expected to help the future researchers to renew the language features


F. Definition of Terms

In order to clarify the definitions which are often used in this research, the

researcher provides some terms to help the readers to understand this study

clearly. The terms are about taboo, tabbo words, swear words and movie as

mentioned below.

1. Taboo

Taboo is generally used to describe something which is “unmentionable”

in the sense that it is “ineffably sacred” or “unspeakably vile” (Hughes, 2006). In

the context of this research, taboo refers to anything or any activity which is

considered not appropriate to reveal in front of public.

2. Taboo Words

Taboo words are words which refer to things considered taboo. The

emergence of these words is strictly avoided and their presence is hardly received

by the society (Hughes, 2006). This term leads to the analysis whether the words

found are included into taboo or not.

3. Swear Words

Swear words are taboo words which are uttered by involving emotive

function and do not refer to its literal meaning (Ljung, 2011). According to The

New Oxford American Dictionary, The emotion carried on swearing is merely

anger. Whereas, in the context of this research, swear words can also express any

other emotions like happiness (Scherer & Sagarin, 2006). The term is helpful to

differ the swear words themselves from taboo words.


4. Movie

Movie is a medium of communication rich with social implications,

created within different social, historical and cultural contexts as an art of audio-

visual story telling (Career View, 2011). In this research, the researcher use Bad

Boys II movie transcript from

ii/english/727437. It is American action-comedy movie produced by Don

Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer and directed by Michael Bay in his directorial

debu. Since it is action-comedy movie, it has high-violence acts and swearing in

the conversation. This movie transcript becomes the main data source to be




This chapter presents a review of theories and concepts supporting this

research in order to achieve the aims of the research objectives. This section

provides two major parts: the theoretical description and framework. The

theoretical description presents theories relevant to this research. Meanwhile, the

theoretical framework presents how the main theories are used to answer the

research questions.

A. Theoretical Description

There are two research questions which need to be answered by acceptable

and scientific results. In order to reach this aim, the researcher uses some theories

relevant to this research. The first principal theory explains the concept of

swearing as a part of language. Moreover, it elaborates the definitions of swearing

by some experts and the kinds of swear words used by society. The second theory

explains the pragmatics field as it is closely related to the context of words

uttered. The term of pragmatic used here is more about the function behind the

ideas and the feelings expressed by Mike Lawrey as the main character in Bad

Boys II movie. This part explains the definitions, descriptions, and elaborations as

the theoretical foundation of the research.



1. Taboo and Swear Words

Since taboo and swear words are originally from the practices considered

taboo, it is necessary to dig out the concept of taboo as the notional basic of the

whole discussion in this thesis. In fact, there is no certain author who is capable in

defining what taboo is appropriately. However, some authors notice that taboo

(spelled „tabu‟ in Melanesian) is originally from Tongan, which etymologically

intends “sacred, set apart for God, kings, priest, or chiefs, and therefore prohibited

for general use (Hughes, 2006, p. 462).

The concept of taboo is developed by adapting the cultural context which

influences culture and society. The context brings the moral value which is

accepted and implanted within a society. Consequently, the present perception of

taboo is distinguished from the context in which the word has been accepted by

the society.

Freud (2004) states that taboo is a Polynesian word in which the translation

is difficult to find because people no longer possess the concept it connotes (p.

21). Yet, Freud delivers two contrary directions that taboo diverges: „sacred‟ or

„consecrated‟, and „uncanny‟, „dangerous‟, „forbidden‟, or „unclean‟. Chiefly, he

notes that taboo in Polynesian is called „noa‟, which means common or generally

accessible, thereby bringing something unapproachable and principally expressed

in prohibitions and restrictions (p. 21). The collocation of „holy dread‟ is usually

uttered coincides with in this meaning. Moreover, as Freud claims, taboo

restrictions are distinct from religious or moral prohibitions because they aim to

impose themselves on their own account rather than any divine ordinance (p. 21).


Turning out from the context that Freud explains above, some experts offer

other opinions related to the definition of taboo. Hughes admits that taboos come

into the varying prohibitions and restrictions in all kinds of societies (2006, p.

462). In other words, the distinction of cultures in distinct region leads taboos to

fall into different understandings. Hughes develops the definition of taboos by

considering the aspects in the manifestation of taboos: things, creatures, human

experiences, conditions, deeds and words. However, those manifestations still

support the impression of taboos which ought to be avoided and strictly speaking.

In further explanation, Hughes only notes the prohibitions of taboos and the

reasons why taboos are considered simply “offensive” rather than “strictly

forbidden”. The forbidden things increasingly disappear across the time and


Swearing is one of the language issues which exists in society daily

conversation although some people may consider it as taboo and unacceptable to

use. People all probably have a few things they refuse to talk about and still others

they do not talk about directly. They may have some words we know but never

use because they are too emotional for either them or others (Austin, 1962).

However, it cannot be refused that swearing is the part of linguistics which is also

useful for language learning. According to Mercury (1995), it is still useful for the

learners to understand, for practical reasons, why a speaker would choose to use

obscenities and when she or he would choose not to.

There are three major kinds of swear words‟ interpretation found in the

society‟s communication. Keith Allan and Kate Burridge (2006, p. 4) state the


types of swear words based on the offensive levels as followed: a) dysphemism,

b) euphemism, and c) orthopemism. Dysphemism, as Keith Allan and Kate

Burridge (2006, p. 4) underline, is included into taboo which is sometimes

motivated by fear and distaste, hatred and contempt. They add that speakers resort

to dysphemism to talk about people and things that frustrate and annoy them and

they disapprove of and wish to disparage, humiliate and degrade. Dysphemistic

expressions contain curses, name-calling, and any sort of derogatory comment

directed towards others in order to insult or to wound them, for examples, dog,

dish-licker, bow-wow, cur, mutt, mongrel, whelp, etc (p. 4).

Orthophemisms and euphemisms are words or phrases used as an

alternative to a dispreferred expression (Keith Allan and Kate Burridge, 2006).

They avoid possible loss of face by the speaker, and also the hearer or some third

party (p. 4). Keith Allan and Kate Burridge also add that a dispreferred language

expression is simply one that is not the preferred, desired or appropriate

expression. An orthophemism is typically more formal and more direct (or literal)

than the corresponding euphemism which is typically more colloquial and

figurative, e.g. I meant to tell you and then I forgot: speak plainly and say „ass‟

[cul(o)], „prick‟ [cazzo], „cunt‟ [potta] and „fuck‟ [fottere] if you want anyone

other than scholars from the Sapienza Capranica to understand you (p. 4).

Furthermore, K. Allan and K. Burridge (2006, p. 2) state that taboo in the

context of using swear words is a proscription of behavior that affects everyday

life. Taboos are considered by K. Allan and K. Burridge (2006): “bodies and their

effluvia (sweat, snot, feces, menstrual fluid, etc.), the organs and acts of sex,


micturition and defecation; diseases, death and killing (including hunting and

fishing), naming, addressing, touching and viewing persons and sacred beings,

objects and places, food gathering, preparation and consumption”. However, Jay

(1992) classifies the words which are considered as taboo words into some groups

1. Cursing

Jay (1992) defines cursing as intention to evoke harm on another person

through the use of certain words or phrases, for instance, “Eat shit and die!”, “I

hope you break your neck.”, “You should rot in jail for that crime.”, etc. . He also

adds that those words obtain power to cause harm through physical and

psychological punishments from the group consensus and it is not without danger

for a speaker. The curser may be labeled a blasphemer in an attempt to bring harm

to the target of the curse, if the words chosen are too sacrilegious. The religious

curse may sound like damn you, goddamn you, damn your hide, to hell with you,


2. Profanity or Blasphemy

According to Jay (1992), profanity is based on religious distinction which

means the profane is behaving outside the customs of religious belief and being

ignorant of the guidelines of particular religious order. An example of profanity

would be a word or phrase which seeks not to denigrate God, religion or holy

affairs but would be based more on ignorance of or indifference to these matters,

for instance, “Jesus Christ, I’m hungry!”, “For the love of Christ, get off the

phone!”, “Does the Pope shit in the woods?”, etc. Profanity is almost similar to

blasphemy. The difference is while profanity is related to the secular or indifferent



(to religion cursing), blasphemy aims to attack the religion directly. These verbal

assaults would take the form of using the Lord‟s name in vain or cursing the


3. Obscenity

According to Jay (1992), obscenity is a legal of laws which has a function

to protect the listeners. He states, “To call a word obscene means that it cannot be

used freely; it is subject to restriction; and to use such speech is to risk sanctioning

from the courts.” Obscene words are considered the most offensive and are rarely,

if ever, used in public media.

Examples: fuck, motherfucker, cocksucker, cunt, or tits.

4. Vulgarity

Vulgarity means the language of the common person, “the person in the

street”, or the unsophisticated, unsocialized, or under-educated. Being vulgar is to

be common, not bad or evil. In other words, vulgarisms are not necessarily

obscene or taboo, they just reflect the crudeness of street language (Jay, 1992).

Example: snot, bloody, up yours, booger, slut, piss, crap, kiss my ass, snatch, on

the rag, puke.

5. Epithet

According to Jay (1992), epithet is a disparaging or abusive word or phrase

accompanying or occurring in place of the name of a person or thing. He also adds

that epithets are brief but forceful bursts of emotional language and powerful in

presentation (loudness or duration) and in offensiveness than other types of

cursing, for example, joking. The epithet is uttered from frustration, a sense of


hostility or replacement of physical aggression. Epithets may also be habitual in

nature, for example, someone always says the same word or phrase when

someone hurts his/herself.

Examples: shit, damn, hell, son of a bitch, goddamn it, up yours, fuck you, fuck

off, piss off, Jesus Christ.

6. Insult and Slur

Jay (1992) says that insult and slur are verbal attacks or the words to harm

other people by the words alone. He also adds that they both function to hurt the

person directly through the particular words or phrases. According to Jay, slur

may be racial, ethnic, or social in nature and indicate the stereotyping or prejudice

of the speaker, meanwhile, insults may denote the physical, mental, or

psychological qualities of the target and are commonly heard on the school


Examples: pig, dog, bitch, son of a bitch, jackass, sow, whore, slut, bastard,

homo, fag, queer.

7. Scatology

According to Jay (1992), scatological is something of or relating to

excrement or scatology. Jay states scatological terms refer to human waste

products and processes. He also adds that scatology is the study of excrement or

interest in or treatment of obscene matters.

Examples: poo poo, ka ka, poop, turd, crap, shit, shit ass, shit for brains, piss, piss

pot, piss off, fart.



B. The Use of Swear Words

Although some people consider swear words taboo, the swear words and

taboo words are different. Karjalainen (2002) claims that not all of taboo words

are swear words although words are taboo, for instance, cannibalism which is

considered as taboo but there is no swear words derived from that theme. Ljung

(2011) also thinks that taboo words and swear words are two different things. In

defining the use of swear words, he states that there are four criteria common to

all instances of swearing. First, swearing is the use of utterances that contain taboo

words. The use of taboo words in swearing adds emphasis to the message the

speaker wishes to convey. At the same time, swearing frequently violates cultural

rules. Second, while the literal meaning of these taboo words is indeed used in

swearing, they do not carry much weight. Third, due to lexical, phrasal, and

syntactic constraints, swearing is considered a type of formulaic language. Finally,

swearing constitutes an instance of reflective language use that reveals the

speaker‟s attitudes and feelings (p. 4)

The point number two of Ljung‟s criteria underlines that taboo in the user

of swear words might be referred to anything else which is possibly not taboo.

Shit, for example, refers to “feces”. Yet, in utterance “put that shit in your bag!”,

the word shit might refer to “something which is considered unpleasant” (p. 17).

At the third point, Ljung emphasizes on the formula of grammar which means the

meaning are not simply from the composing word. The utterance “what the fuck

do you mean?”, for instance, is understood from the grammatical form rather than

from each composing word (p. 19).



Furthermore, the fourth point of Ljung‟s criteria notes that by uttering

swear words, the speaker deliver “direct expression of the speaker‟s attitude what

he/she is speaking about”. It contains emotive function which might be identified

by some features of expletive interjections, emphasizer, and expletive slot-filler

(for example: “I need the bloody hammer”) (p. 21). He explains that expletive

interjections generally express surprise, pain, fear, anger, disappointment, and

even joy, for instance, Shit!, Damn!, Fuck!, Son of Bitch!, etc. In addition, Jay and

Crystal note that expletive interjections are often considered to be basically

cathartic which means not aimed primarily at others but expresses speaker‟s

reactions to different mishaps and disappointments (as cited in Ljung, 2011, p.

30). Meanwhile, emphasizer is often used in the form of swearing as a following

noun (for example, I need a glass of water, not a bloody bathtub), emphasis after

and interrogative WH-word (for example: What the hell are you doing?), and

forms of infixation in a word (Absobloodylutely, Infuckingcredible, etc) or a

phrase (Shut the fuck up) (p. 34). Infixation is the process of inserting an infix

(Nordquist, 2015). Thus, expletive slot-filler indicates that the speaker use the

swear words as adverbial or adjectival intensifier (for example: It‟s bloody

marvelous, they drove damn fast, etc.) and adjective of dislike (He‟s a bloody

fool) (p. 34).

Above all, swear words are used in the context which indicates what the

words mean further than their literal meaning. To gain the meaning behind a word

or a sentence, semantic and pragmatic fields might be suitable to be applied.

Griffiths (2006) describes the study to analyze the context of word‟s use:


“Semantics is the study of the “toolkit” for meaning: knowledge encoded

in the vocabulary of the language and in its patterns for building more
elaborate meanings, up to the level of sentence meanings. Pragmatics is
concerned with the use of these tools in meaningful communication.
Pragmatics is about the interaction of semantic knowledge with our
knowledge of the world, taking into account contexts of use”. (p. 1)

Based on Griffiths‟ explanation, pragmatic has deeper work in defining the

meanings or sentences because it considers the context of communication

occurred. Adjusting the context of swear words‟ use, Jay (2006) classifies some

functional pragmatic categories which contains of emotive reason behind the user

of swear words. The first function is to express anger and/or frustration. They are

combined due to the difficulty in distinguishing these emotions by language alone.

An example of anger-frustration is when a boy who had his basketball field goal

attempt blocked responded, "what the fuck". It will be difficult to determine if he

was angry at the blocker or himself by that phrase alone.

The second is to show descriptive-evaluative function. It is used to indicate

how speakers describes connotatively or denotatively the objects and events

around the camp. "This game sucks" is an evaluation of the baseball game; while

“my sneakers are shitty” is a denotative description after stepping in feces. Taboo

words also intensify descriptions, for example, “he beat the hell out of him”

indicates the level of physical energy used in the fight.

The third is to deliver joke. This category is used for formal joke frames

and humor usage with taboo words. At this camp, non-dirty jokes are often

regarded as “corny” and the teller is laughed at rather than his or her joke. At


times obscenities are added to jokes and stories to make them appear as funny as


The function number four is to show surprising reactions to unexpected

achievement, loss or other behaviour. These usages are typical of expletives and

commonly involve religious terms, for example, “Jesus” or “oh god”. The last is

to deliver sarcastic irony or insults. These episodes involved derogatory words

and descriptions, "you fag" or "scum face" are good examples. Here the speaker

attempted to mock or criticize the target of abuse in front of peers. Rather than

only expressing anger on the part of the speaker, insults serve the function of

denoting undesirable qualities of the target, whether these are real or imaginative

for the speaker.

Therefore, the references of swear words can be identified only by

considering the context and the way the words are used. According to Pinker

(2007), there are five different ways in which people use swear words: 1)

descriptively, 2) idiomatically, 3) abusively, 4) emphatically, and 5) cathartically

(p.19). The typology is called the typology of swearing. Pinker formulates it as a

concise tool to analyze how people use swear words.

According to Giora (1997), descriptive swearing notes that the use of taboo

words refers directly to their literal meanings which means the meaning is

computed from the lexical meanings automatically associated any entries before

any extra interference considering the contextual assumption which have been

derived (p. 185). The utterance “let’s fuck” with the word fuck refers to “have


sex”. Therefore, the use of taboo word which does not contain of any context

might indicate that the word is used by its literal meaning.

The next part is idiomatic swearing. It clearly suggests that there is idiom

in the use of taboo words of swear words. Fromkin et al. (2000) explain that

idioms are the expression with fixed phrases, consisting of more than one word,

which cannot be concluded from the meanings of the individual words. There are

many idioms which originally have metaphorical expression which establishes

themselves in the language and become frozen in their form of meaning (p. 181),

for example, “when the shit is going to hit the fan” is inferred as “when disastrous

consequences of something become known”. Palmer (2001) also thinks that idioms

also involve collocation of a special kind, for instance, “fucked up” means

“destroyed” (p. 181).

The third is abusive swearing. It happens when people use taboo words to

abuse or offend someone else. Since it affects the addressees emotionally, the use

of taboo or swear words which are delivered by the speaker who has emotionally

reason as well might be offensive (Jay, 2000). It is in the same line with Ljung‟s

theory which talks about expletive interjection as one of emotive functions when

the utterance is directed to addressees, for example, “fuck you, motherfucker!”

(Ljung, 2011).

The fourth is emphatic swearing which presents the use of taboo words as

expletive interjection or slot-filler like in “that painting is fucking amazing!”

(Ljung, 2011). The taboo words act as an adjective intensifier which might give

stronger emotional sense for his/her admiration or amazement on something. It



does not contain of offensive sense both for the speakers or the listeners


The last is cathartic swearing when the speaker uses the taboo words to

spontaneously give emotional burst for responding something that happens to

him/her (Pinker, 2007). Cathartic swearing might occur when it expresses anger,

surprise, pain, relief and other feelings and it is not delivered to anyone, for

instance, when someone hits his/her own finger with hammer, he/she shouts

“fuck!” or “damn!” (Ljung, 2011). It distinguishes this type from abusive

swearing which has addressees to express his/her emotional needs.

However, taboo words could possibly belong to more than a type, for

example, “fuck you” could be included into abusive, idiomatic, or cathartic

swearing. It is supported by Ljung (2011) who gives an overlook to Pinker‟s

typology that it “spills over each other” (p. 26). Consequently, the review about

the utterance becomes important. There might be more than one type applied by

seeing the context.

C. Theoretical Framework

After knowing the concept of taboo and swear words, it is easier to detect

the use of the swear words used in Bad Boys II Movie. Bad Boys II movie presents

the use of swear words in some particular communities. This concept explains the

purpose of using swear words in the movie.



To find out the kinds of swear words found in the movie, the researcher

uses the theories of Jay (2009) about the kinds of swear words interpretation.

Therefore, this theory helps the researcher not to figure out the meaning of the

words literally, but to know the category of swear words uttered by Mike Lawrey.

It is also important to define the use of swear words found in the movie

which are compared to the situation of the scenes. To figure out how Mike utters

the swear words and find the emotive function behind the utterances, the

researcher uses sources composed by two authors who provide some possible

references for swear words uttered in various context such as Pinker (2007) and

Ljung (2011). The utterances containing taboo or swear words occur are

categorized into five Pinker‟s typologies: descriptively, idiomatically, abusively,

emphatically, and cathartically. Those typologies describe the emotive functions.

The framework to address the research question number two is schemed as


containing Abusively Emotive function
taboo words/
swear words Emphatically


Figure 2.1. Diagram of Theoretical Framework

In brief, to answer the research question number one, some kinds of swear

words are derived in order to convey the reference and or sense of the utterances


containing swear words. To answer research question number two, the researcher

uses the theory of Pinker (2007) and Ljung (2011).




This chapter presents the method used by the researcher to conduct this

research. It is divided into six parts: the research method, research setting,

research source, instruments and data collecting technique, data analysis technique

and research procedure.

A. Research Method

The method used in this research is namely qualitative research which

provides descriptive information about the topic. This qualitative research focuses

on understanding social phenomena from the perspective of the human’s

participants in the study (Ary, Jacob and Razavieh, 2002). Moreover, qualitative

research presents detailed and completed information about the research. The

researcher was quite sure that qualitative research was the best method in

addressing the research questions because it provided the language phenomena

related to swear words, especially the context behind the utterances. Masson

(2002) states qualitative researches are using methodologies that celebrate

richness, depth, nuance, context, multi-dimensionality and complexity. Instead of

editing these elements out in search of the general picture or the average,

qualitative research factors them directly into its analyses and explanations. It



means that it has an unrivalled capacity to constitute compelling arguments about

how things work in particular contexts (p. 2).

Specifically, there were some methods in conducting qualitative research,

such as content analysis, case study and discourse analysis. The researcher used

content analysis as the method. Content Analysis is a scientific study of content of

communication in which the content deals with reference to the meanings,

contexts and intentions contained in the messages (Prasad, 2008). Nachmias

observes that content analysis may be seen as a method where the content of the

message forms the basis for drawing inferences and conclusions about the content

(as cited in Prasad, 2008, p. 2). Further, Prasad notes that content analysis falls in

the interface of observation and document analysis (p. 2). The researcher believed

that content analysis was the best method to use in addressing these two research

questions since it provided an overview about the language phenomena related to

swear words in a form of document analysis.

B. Research Source/Object

The subject of this research was the movie transcript by Michael Bay

entitled Bad Boys II. This is an American action-comedy movie released in 2003.

The movie is about two detectives in the narcotic division of the Miami Police

Department who investigate $100 million heroin stealing. This movie has been

preferred since it presented a lot of swear words used in the police and criminals



C. Instruments and Data Collecting Technique

This research used document (transcript) material to collect the data. From

the movie, the researcher was able to get the dialog transcript which contains of

swear words. Besides, the researcher could feel the authentic atmosphere when the

swear words are used in particular situations of the different communities.

Besides, the researcher also watched the movie as many as possible to complete

the transcript and analyze the context of swear words uttered in the movie.

The first step was collecting the data. The researcher listed the swear words

uttered by Mike Lawrey as the main character in the movie. After dealing with the

words, the researcher checked the phrases, clauses or sentences to classify them as

utterances. Afterwards, the researcher analyzed the use of those words based on

the situation in the movie scenes whether it took place in the dangerous, happy,

serious, or other conditions. It was classified into the form of the table below:

Table 3.1. Classification Table to Categorize Swear Words Uttered by Mike


Data Kinds The Way the Explan-

Speaker Swears ation

Dialogue Swearing C P/ O V E I S D I A E C

The table above contained the column of the data derived from the

transcript, the kinds of swear words uttered classification, the way the speaker

(Mike Lawrey) swears, and the explanation. In the data column, the researcher


input the whole of conversation containing swear words uttered by Mike into the

Dialogue column and those swear words only into the Swearing column. Kinds

column contained of six sub columns where the researcher put the swear words

uttered into the suitable categories: C (Cursing), P/B (Profanity/Blasphemy), O

(Obscenity), V (Vulgarity), E (Epithet), I (Insult), and S (Scatology). It was also

same for the next column which contained the sub columns of how the speaker

(Mike Lawrey) swears. There were five columns: D (Descriptively), I

(Idiomatically), A (Abusively), E (Emphatically), and C (Cathartically). The last

was Explanation which were used to input the context of the conversation


D. Data Analysis Technique

Data analysis was the process of analysing the data collected using several

techniques. In this part, there were some steps conducted in analyzing the data.

First of all, the researcher classifies the swear words based on the Jay’s

theory i.e. cursing, profanity or blasphemy, obscenity, vulgarity, epithet, insult

and slur, and scatology. This step helped the researcher answer the first research


Second, after classifying the words, the researcher relateed the words with

several theories from different experts in language specializing in the use of swear

words, especially Pinker’s theory, to find appropriate references to answer the

second question.


E. Research Procedure

There were several steps the researcher followed in conducting the

research such as deciding the research problems, reviewing the literature of the

problem, determining the research approach and method, selecting data collection,

analyzing the data, interpreting the result and composing the thesis. The first step

was deciding the research problems. In this step, the researcher tried to formulate

the questions coming from the researcher’s curiosity and interest related to

language. The researcher mostly searched the data from the internet and the

information from the Bad Boys II movie.

In the next step, the researcher reviewed the literature of the problem. It

was conducted to gain more knowledge about the topic. The researcher read

several journals and modules to be more confident in mastering the theories

related to the research. Afterwards, the researcher chose the theories which were

appropriate to be used in the research. After reviewing the literature of the

problem, the researcher decided the research approach: pragmatic. The research

used the qualitative method to get the detailed and deeper information about the


The next step was the most challenging process. In this step, the researcher

did data triangulation: to analyze the data using the theories which had been

chosen, to make the theories as the bases, and to interpret the findings and

conclude the results in a narrative form. While interpreting the findings, the

researcher also concluded the results from the data which had been analyzed. This

part presented the conclusion whether the research questions were best answered


or not. Having fulfilled the stages of the procedures above, the researcher should

report the results in expositional explanation since the research was a qualitative




This chapter aims to present the result of the study, which had been

analyzed in the ways explained in methodology. There are two sections which

mention and discuss the findings in the purpose of answering the research

questions. The first section presents the kinds of swear words found in Bad Boys

II to answer the first research question. Meanwhile, to answer the research

question number two, the second section elaborates the way Mike expresses the

swear words in Bad Boys II movie. The data were collected from the Bad Boys II

movie transcript.

A. The Kinds of Swear Words Uttered by Mike Lawrey in Bad Boys II


In finding the kinds of swear words found in Bad Boys II movie, the

researcher used the theory of Jay (1992). Referring to Jay (1992), there are several

kinds of swear words such as cursing, profanity, blasphemy, taboo or obscenity,

vulgarity, epithets, insult and slurs, and scatology.

1. Cursing

The first kind of swear words found in Bad Boys II movie was cursing. As

stated in Chapter II, Jay (1992) defines cursing as the intention to evoke harm on

another person through the use of certain words or phrases which obtains power to



cause harm through physical and psychological punishments from the group

consensus and it is not without danger for a speaker. There were some examples

of this kind as seen on the following dialogues.

1) Mike : “Blue power, motherfuckers. Miami PD.”

Marcus : “Aw, damn. It’s the Negroes.”
Mike : “Casper, drop the bag. Alpha leader, bring them in.”

This dialogue takes place when Mike and his partner, Marcus, are showing

their disguises in front of the culprits. They wear the costumes as the culprits wear

to hide their identity. They point their guns to the culprits and call them

“motherfuckers” to express their anger to what the culprits are doing. It is

included into cursing because it causes harm through physical and psychological

punishments. Mike intentionally calls the culprits with the word “motherfucker”

which shows his power to arrest the culprits.

2) Haitian Blondie : “Fuck you! How’s that? I’m gonna kill you,

motherfucker! Your country, my ass! Fuck you!”

Mike : “Fuck me? Fuck you!”


The dialogue above takes place when Mike and the member of Icepick or

Haitian Blondie are at the gun war. The Haitian Blondie curses Mike first because

his place is found by Mike and Marcus as the police. Mike curses him back and

keeps holding the guns in his hands. He is ready to shoot the Icepick and gets the

suspects. “Fuck me?” and “Fuck you!” are included into cursing because they

harm and give psychological attack to the listener. Mike attacks the Haitian

Blondie verbally.


2. Profanity or Blasphemy

The second kind of swear words in Bad Boys II movie is profanity. Jay

(1992) states that profanity is based on religious distinction which means the

profane is behaving outside the customs of religious belief and being ignorant of

the guidelines of particular religious order. These are some examples of profanity

in Bad Boys II movie:

3) Marcus : “Get the fuck off me, Mike!”

Mike : “What the hell is your problem, man? Why you acting so


This dialogue takes place when Marcus knows that her sister, Syd, is

dating Mike. It makes him angry because they hide it. Besides, he is still angry at

Mike due to incidents. The phrase“What the hell….” belongs to the profanity

because hell is one a common belief in religion. This word is used in expressing

Mike’s anger and disappointment.

4) Marcus : “I’m re-evaluating what’s important.”

Mike : “About what? Being a cop?”
Marcus : “No, about you being my partner.”
Mike : “Is this about Syd? God! Hey, Marcus, man.”


In the dialogue above, Marcus talks about the partnership problem between

Mike and him. Mike swears “God!” to express that he is so exhausted to talk

about that problem. Especially, he does not want his relationship with Syd,

Marcus’s sister, would break their partnership. “God” is categorized as profanity

because in religion, God is something sacred.



5) Mike : “Like what am I gonna do with these big-ass dead tities?”

Marcus : “But you’re looking, though.”
Mike : “There’s something wrong with your brain.”
Marcus : “Just cover the tities.”
Mike : “Goddamn!”


The dialogue takes place when Mike and Marcus are in the mission of

finding out the drug and money in the dead bodies. Mike gets the body of a naked

woman. Marcus sees and thinks that Mike is paying too much attention to the

woman’s breasts. Mike refuses that. He swears at Marcus, “Goddamn!” The word

“Goddamn” still belongs to profanity because the word God is sacred in religion


3. Obscenity

Jay (1992) states that the function of the taboo is to prohibit the behavior of

a speaker and preserve social cohesion. These are some examples of taboo words:

6) Mike : “Incinerating trash like you ready to die, right?

Marcus : “What the fuck I want to do that for?”
Culprit 1 : “Scared, ain’t you boy?”
Mike : “A. Put the gun down, tell me who brings this shit in and
maybe I’ll just pop one in your shoulder. Or B, keep
acting all Brody and I’ll put one in your chest.”
Marcus : “Or C, you know, take the time to talk a minute. You
know, de-escalate the situation.”
Mike : “See, that’s my partner’s new spiritual bullshit. Me? I
actually prefer shooting motherfuckers.”
Marcus : “Man, the man has a gun to my head.”
Mike : “He’ll put it down if a hollow point’s in his eyes.”
Culprit 1: “Your partner is a cocky nigger.”
Marcus : “Damn. Now was that necessary, Sir?”
Mike : “See?”
Marcus : “He can’t just be a cop? He got to be a nigga too?”


Mike : “I’ll hot this fool.”

Marcus : “Calm down!”


This dialogue is about Mike who gets angry because Marcus is caught by

one of the culprits. The culprit points his head with a gun. Mike is trying to save

Marcus by threatening and pointing them with a gun too. He keeps showing his

power as a police officer in front of the culprits. There is “incinerating trash”

uttered by Mike to the culprits. That is included into taboo or obscenities because

it looks down on someone as if they are like “trash”. There are motherfuckers and

this fool too which are used to address the culprits. Motherfucker is considered

sexual terms which is not normally used to call someone and it is also an offensive

word. This fool also becomes an offensive phrase when it is used to name

someone because it makes him/her afflicted.

7) Mike : What the fuck! What are you doing, man?

Marcus : That’s my bad.


The dialogue above takes place in the scene when Marcus shoots Mike’s

car dashboard accidentally. Mike is surprised and angry because it is his favorite

expensive car. Then, he swears “What the fuck!” which is considered taboo or

obscene sentence. There is four-letter-word “fuck” in the sentence which is a

sexual term. It is not usually used in general public since its meaning is


8) Marcus : “I’m just trying to help, okay?”

Mike : “You know what’d be fucking helpful, Marcus?
Just shut the fuck up and let me drive. Let’s try



This conversation between Mike and Marcus takes place when they fight

each other in the car. Marcus is afraid of Mike who drives his car at high speed.

This really disturbs Mike’s concentration so he swore at Marcus. “Fucking

helpful” is a phrase which is not normally used in the society since “fucking”, the

modifier, is related to sexual term. It is considered taboo or obscene. “Shut the

fuck up” contains “fuck” although it is used in different part of speech as the

sentence before.

9) Mike : “Dan Marino should definitely buy this car. But

not his one. I’m fucking this one up but
definitely one like this.”


The obscene word is also found in this monologue. This is about Mike’s

awe toward Dan Marino’s car which he borrowed to chase the mission target.

However, he uses fucking in his sentence categorized as obscenity. It is still in this

category because it also has sexual term in its meaning.

4. Vulgarity

The fourth kind of swear words found in Bad Boys II Movie is vulgarity.

Jay (1992) states that vulgar is generally used, applied or accepted in the society

so that they have an understanding in ordinary sense. He also states that it has

sense of or relating to common people and lack of cultivation in use. To be vulgar

is to be common, not necessarily bad or evil (Jay, 1992). There are three examples

below considered as vulgarity:

10) Mike : “That one puckered up my butthole.”



Marcus : “Almost fucking crushed my head.”


The dialog between Mike and Marcus above is about the scene when they

are in a gun war with the Haitian Blondy. Many bullets are shot to them and they

could keep avoiding. However, several bullets almost hit them. “My butthole” in

the sentence uttered by Mike below is considered vulgarity because it has

common or ordinary sense as it means. It is generally used and understood in the

society as vulgar word.

11) Mike: “Holler, on your boy. Twenty-one thousands? What?!

Oh! Kiss my black ass. It was dashboard.”


The utterances above is about Mike’s conversation with the stuff of repair

shop after the incident of chasing Haitian Blondy. He is talking about the damage

on the dashboard which is accidentally caused by Marcus. He gets surprised

because the new dashboard cost so expensive. “Kiss my black ass” is classified as

a type of vulgarity because it has common or ordinary sense as it means. It is

commonly known as “kissing his (Mike’s) black butt” to respond what he heard.

12) Mike : “Like what am I gonna do with these big-ass dead

Marcus : “But you’re looking, though.”
Mike : “There’s something wrong with your brain.”
Marcus : “Just cover the tities.”
Mike : “Goddamn!”



Dialogue 12 is about the moment when Mike and Marcus are looking for

the drugs and money hidden in dead bodies in Johnny Tapia’s mortuary. Mike

opens the cloth and finds a dead naked woman body. Mike gazes that woman for a

while and Marcus thinks that he is paying attention to her big breasts. The phrase

“these big-ass dead tities” shows Mike’s expression to what Marcus thinks. This

phrase is considered vulgarity because it describes something or someone with

common word; big-ass dead tities.

5. Epithet

The kind of swear words number five is epithet. As Jay (1992) states in

chapter two, epithet is a disparaging or abusive word or phrase accompanying or

occurring in place of the name, of a person, or a thing. He also adds that epithet is

uttered from frustration or sense or hostility so that it can be replacement of

physical aggression. Epithets may also be habitual in nature, for example, always

saying the same word or phrase when someone hurts himself or herself (Jay,

1992). Four sentences below are considered epithet:

13) Marcus : “Mason, go fetch!”

Mike : “Oh, shit! Now, that shit is funny. That’s some
funny shit.”


The dialogue above is about Marcus’s large disposable pool which is

pulled by Mason, Marcus’s dog that the water spills out and breaks the pool.

Marcus floats into the water and makes everyone surprised. “Shit” is considered

epithet because it is Mike’s habit to say this word everytime he gets surprised. He


says so to disparage Marcus for his disposable pool which gets broken easily. He

also makes fun of it.

14) Floyd : “I ain’t no snitch.”

Mike : “Oh, you ain’t no snitch? Oh, damn. That’s a


The dialogue above is about the conversation between Mike and Floyd

who have just been released from the prison. Mike needs his help to arrest the

drugs dealer, Johnny Tapia and his conspiracy. The word “damn” in the dialogue

belongs to epithet because Mike uses it to show his power to Floyd as a police.

The culprit – just like Floyd - could not refuse a police’s willingness. It is also

Mike’s habit to say this word to respond to what he heard or saw.

15) Mike : “Not like this. Don’t play with that boy, seriously.
Don’t play with that boy.”
Syd : “Just tell him about New York. Do it.”
Marcus : “Tell me what?”
Mike : “Oh, shit. Is he walking down the steps? Oh, shit.
He’s coming down.”
Syd : “It’s okay.”
Mike : “Yeah, you done fucked up. You done fucked


The conversation above is about Mike who is forced to tell the truth about

his relationship with Syd to her big brother, Marcus. Mike does not have courage

to tell it because Marcus is in bad emotion since he is hit accidentally by Mike.

The word “shit” is considered epithet as well since he often uttered the same word

to respond what he heard and saw. It is same with the phrase “you done fucked


up” he utteres every time he feels on edge. In other words, it is uttered habitually

by Mike.

16) Mike : “Fuck!”


This short monologue takes place the scene when Mike is failed to shoot

Johnny Tapia. They are in America Military area in Cuba and having gun

shooting. “Fuck” is still considered epithet since it is uttered spontaneously to

respond what Mike did. It is still Mike’s habit in responding something he heard

or saw.

6. Insult and Slur

The sixth kind of swear words in Bad Boys II movie is insult and slur. Jay

(1992) states that insult and slur are verbal attacks or the words to harm other

people by the words alone. He also adds that they both function to hurt the person

directly through the particular words or phrases. There are some examples below

considered insult and slur:

17) Mike : “Hey, nigga. Who that is at the door?”

Marcus : “It’s Reggie.”


The dialogue above is about a boy who wants to take Marcus’s daughter

out for dating. Mike and Marcus fear him to make sure that he would not hurt the

daughter. The word “nigga” is racial naming for black people. Therefore, this

word belongs to slur. Meanwhile, “Shit, nigga. You at least 30, Motherfucker! You

can’t fight. Look at you and Nigga, you a big, tall, Ludarcris-looking


motherfucker, ain’t you?” because they mean to say physical qualities of the

speaker’s target, Reggie. It can be seen in the dialogue below:

18) Marcus : “They call him….”

Mike : “I got out of jail. I ain’t going back. I ain’t going
back. What’s wrong with you” You’re scared? You
ain’t seen a gun before?”
Marcus : “Stop pointing the gun at the boy.”
Mike : “Look! Don’t you disrespect me in front of
company? Let the gun go off. Nigga, you a big, tall,
Ludarcris-looking motherfucker, ain’t you? You


Besides, “nigga” is a racial slur in those sentences. It is matched with Jay’s

theory that slur may be racial, ethnic, or social in nature and indicate the

stereotyping or prejudice of the speaker, meanwhile, insults may denote the

physical, mental, or psychological qualities of the target and are commonly heard

on the school playground.

7. Scatology

The last kind of swear words in Bad Boy II movie is scatology. Here is an

example of scatology:

19) Vargas : “Yo, now you crossed the line, man. Okay, no,
that’s not funny.”
Mike : “We’re fucking with you. We planted wires, we
need some help. No bullshit.”


This conversation takes place when Mike, Marcus and their two friends,

Vargas and Reyes, are in small chatting. Vargas and Reyes start jokes at Mike and

Marcus. However, Marcus takes it seriously and then uses sarcasm to offend


them. Mike tries to cool down the situation and asks them to help him arresting

the drug dealer. The word “bullshit” here refers to the bull’s excrement.

Therefore, it belongs to scatology since it is a waste process of living creature. It

is in a line with Jay who states that scatological terms refer to human waste

products and processes. He also adds that scatology is the study of obscene

matters particularly using excrement to swear at somebody else.

B. The Ways Mike Lawrey Expresses the Swear Words in Bad Boys II


In discussing the second research question, the researcher uses the theory

from Pinker (1992) to classify the way Mike utters the swear words in order to

find the emotive function of the utterances. By using Pinker’s typology, the

researcher tries to show the relevance to the context of the utterances.

1. The Swear Words Uttered Descriptively

In this part, the utterances contain descriptive swear words. Descriptive

means that the utterances refer to their literal meaning. As Jay (1992) states also,

the descriptive category is used to indicate how speakers describes connotatively

or denotatively the objects and events around the camp. The use of taboo words in

the context of uttering swear words is computed from the lexical meaning

automatically (Giora, 1997). There are some examples which shows the sense of

descriptive swearing. The examples present the swear words with their own literal


19) Marcus : “Mike, I’m a grown-ass man.”



Mike : “Get your grown-ass self together and let’s do



The short dialogue above is about Mike who reminds Marcus about what

he has just said before, “Mike, I’m a grown-ass man”. Mike uses the term “grown-

ass self” as well to respond his partner. Grown-ass self here acts as descriptive

utterance since it describes the word “self” which refers to their age. Here, Mike

intends to say that they are supposed to act maturely. That utterance acts as

expletive slot filler in the use of intensifying adjective since it contains grown-ass

as adjectival intensifier for the word “self”.

20) Mike : “That shit’s nasty. That’s nasty.”

Marcus : “Get it off! Get.”
Mike : “That shit is nasty.”


The dialogue above is about an event when Mike and Marcus are in the

mission of chasing the people of the drugs dealer who brings the dead bodies with

the drugs and money hidden in them. Those dead bodies are used to attack Mike’s

car. The utterance “This shit is nasty” expresses that they are disgusted by the

dead bodies falling down on to their car. The phrase “This shit” belongs to

descriptive act. It describes how disgusting the bodies are. Hence, Mike prefers to

use the word “shit” rather than “dead bodies” to emphasize his feeling that what

he sees is disgusting dead bodies thrown out from the truck. It is in the same line

with Ljung (2011) who states that emphasizer can be found as an infix in a phrase.

In that phrase, “shit” is performed as the infix.



2. Swear Words Uttered Idiomatically

The next part is idiomatic swearing. It clearly suggests that there is idiom

in the use of taboo words of swear words. There are some examples of swear

words uttered idiomatically. The examples present the functions as interjection

and emphasizer as taking from Ljung’s theory.

21) Marcus : “You know, unlike you, my daddy didn’t leave me

no trust fund. I got real-world shit to deal with,
Mike : “I’m not in it for the thrills, same old shit,
different day. All right, yes, damn. I shot you,
all right? But you’d be seeing nothing at all if I
hadn’t made my move. So I don’t know why you
acting so angry.”


That conversation takes place when Mike is forced to confess that he hits

Marcus accidentally. Marcus keeps bubbling to express his anger at Mike. For

many times, Mike has explained that it could happen because he shoots many

times and does not know what thing his bullet passed before hitting the target,

including Marcus’s butt. Finally, Mike gets frustrated because he keeps hearing

Marcus’s nagging. “Same old shit” refers to the same “shit” (thing) that they

actually had in the past. They had experienced the same moments but in different

time. It shows the frustration that Mike feels because Marcus keeps blaming him.

In this case, the swear words uttered has the function as emphasizer. Mike could

use another word which really refers to its literal meaning. However, he uses it to

emphasize the noun to express his feeling since he says it in the situation where

Marcus are bubbling at him.



In the next sentence, Mike utter “All right, yes, damn. I shot you, all

right?” He interjects his feeling by delivering the statement which means that he

is so tired hearing Marcus’s anger and blame.

22) Mike : “Hey, get off. Listen! Listen! Listen! We need this
warrant. Do not fuck this up. Pull yourself


Dialogue 22 is about the scene when Marcus accidentally drinks the X

(drugs) and gets drunk. Mike gets angry because they have an important thing to

do in Captain Howard’s house. They want to get a warrant to arrest the owner of

the drug dealer. However, Marcus acts like a drunken man and it would fail their

mission. “Do not fuck this up” shows Mike’s anger at Marcus to make him back to

his awareness. The use of fuck as swear word here emphasizes the anger which

Mike expressess. This means that Marcus is not allowed to break their plan to get

the warrant. Mike would rather use “destroy” than “fuck up”. However, to

emphasize his warning to Marcus, he uses the swear words as an emphasizer. It is

in line with Ljung’s theory that emphasizer may also take the form of infixation in

a phrase like “fuck this up!” as being analyzed in this point.

3. Swear words Uttered Abusively

The next is swear words uttered abusively. Rather than only expressing

anger on the part of the speaker, it serves the function of denoting undesirable

qualities of the target, whether these are real or imagined by the speaker (Jay,

1992). There is an example of swear word which has abusive sense:



23) Mike : “Blue power, motherfuckers. Miami PD.”

Marcus : “Aw, damn. It’s the Negroes.”
Mike : “Casper, drop the bag. Alpha leader, bring them


The dialogue above is about Mike and Marcus who have just showed their

disguises among the culprits. Mike uses motherfucker which is related to sexual

terms in order to abuse them. He uses swear words to denote that they could not

continue their activity because police officers have already come. It is imagined

that they are doing something as nasty as what should be called “motherfucker’s

activity”. Dwelling upon Ljung’s theory, it is considered interjection which

presents anger, in this case, delivered by Mike for the culprits.

4. Swear Words Uttered Emphatically

The fourth category is swear words uttered emphatically. According to Jay

(1992) as cited in Chapter II, emphatic expression is given to unexpected

achievement or loss. Emphatic expression also presents the use of taboo words as

expletive interjection or slot-filler as Ljung (2011) notes before. Some examples

of swear word considered as emphatic expression are the following:

24) Mike : “Me? I shot you?”

Marcus : “Yeah.”
Mike : “I mean I was shooting. Yeah. I did a lot of
shooting. But I ain’t saying I shot you in the ass. I
ain’t saying I didn’t shoot you. But, damn!
Somebody shot you in the ass.”


The conversation above takes place when Mike sees the wound he makes

on Marcus’s butt. He accidentally shoots it during the gun war. He uses the four-


letter-word “damn” to express his surprised and amazed feeling after seeing what

happened to her friend’s butt. “Damn” is meant to be swearing. In this context, the

speaker is surprised of anything happened. In this case, Mike is amazed that the

wound is quite serious.

25) Mike: “Oh, shit! Dan Marino. What’s up? Back up, Dan. Hey,
you’re the truth.”


This short sentence is uttered by Mike who gets surprised because he

accidentally meets Dan Marino, a famous football player. Dan Marino is the

owner of the car which he borrowed by force. “Shit” in this sentence plays a role

as a swear word which still has its meaning as living creature’s excrement to show

Mike’s surprised feeling, not to abuse the target. Mike is showing his amazement

of Dan Marino whom he meets directly.

26) Mike : “You know, I think I got something. Feels like a

bag. Shit! It’s his kidney.”


This short sentence is also uttered by Mike when he and Marcus are in

charge in a mission to get exhibit of drug storage in a mortuary. The drugs and the

money are hidden in the dead bodies and the coffins. When Mike is looking for

the drugs in a dead body, he gets surprised for he gets the dead kidney. He swore

“Shit!” to express his feeling. However, “Shit” still has its meaning as the result of

waste processing of living creature.



5. Swear Words Uttered Cathartically

The last is cathartic swearing. As Pinker states, cathartic happens when the

speaker uses the taboo words to spontaneously give emotional burst for

responding something that happens to him/her (Pinker, 2007). Cathartic swearing

might occur when it expresses anger, surprise, pain, relief and other feeling and

not delivered to anyone. Here some examples of Mike’s utterances delivered


27) Mike : “Everything’s here. Oh, shit! Goddamn! Eyeball, has

anything left this mortuary in the past two hours?”


Those utterances takes places when Mike and the team are failed to get the

dead bodies with the drugs and the money in them. This happens after he got the

warrant from Captain Howard to do the mission but it is failed at the first step.

There are Oh, shit! and Goddamn! which expresses his frustration and anger

because people of the drugs dealer successfully make him loose the dead bodies.

Those sentences brings the sense of anger through swearing.

28) Mike : “You know, I think I got something. Feels like a bag. Shit!
It’s his kidney.”


This short sentence is also uttered by Mike when he and Marcus are in

charge in a mission to get exhibit of drug storage in a mortuary. The drugs and the

money are hidden in the dead bodies and the coffins. When Mike is looking for

the drugs in a dead body, he get surprised because he got the dead kidney. He

swears Shit! to express his feeling or to interject his expression on what happened


to him. It is in line with Ljung’s theory that interjection generally expresses

surprise, pain, fear, anger, disappointment and even joy (Ljung, 2011, p.22).

However, shit still has its meaning as the result of waste processing of living




This chapter presents two major parts i.e. conclusions and

recommendations. In conclusions part, the summary of the research findings are

presented as representative as possible. The recommendations part suggests the

further action which can be taken considering the finding of the research.

A. Conclusions

Based on the analysis, the following findings can be drawn to answer the

research questions. The research question number one is: what are the kinds of

swear words uttered by Mike Lawrey in Bad Boys II movie by Michael Bay? On

the analysis conducted, the kinds of swearwords found in Bad Boys II movie are

various. The variation constrains from the themes of religious and secular taboos.

Profanity or blasphemy, as the only theme religious taboo, occurs in two words

i.e. hell and damn. In term of secular taboo, the various kinds of taboo words are

cursing, taboo or obscenity, vulgarity, epithets, and insults or slurs.

Moreover, the research question number two is: how does Mike Lawrey

express the swear words in Bad Boys II movie? The taboo words and swear words

have different functions i.e. such as interjection (surprise, pain, fear, anger,

disappointment, even joy), emphasizers (after interrogative WH-word), and

expletive slot fillers (as degree adverbs or intensifying adjectives). The functions



are found by analyzing the ways Mike utters the swear words: descriptively,

idiomatically, abusively, emphatically, and cathartically.

The frequent utterances of taboo words and swear words in this utterance

might risk Mike into an accusation of delivering his mind. However, the utterance

is actually considered lack of pragmatic. Mike indeed describes sexual conduct

but not in an offensive way. The offensiveness of a swear word might occur if a

swear word is used in sarcastic way or abusively. However, there are some swear

words which are uttered as abusive in particular condition to perfume his

expression to offend.

B. Recommendations

The researcher acknowledges that this thesis is still incomplete. Therefore,

there are some recommendations proposed by the writer. First, this research aims

to initiate a discussion about the taboo words and swear words among scholars.

Therefore, it is expected that the discussion about taboo word and swear word

does not only stop at judging them as indecent. The scholars are expected to be

more critical towards occurrence of taboo word and swear word in various

circumstances and learn them in different perspectives.

Second, this thesis is expected to be valuable resource for scholars having

an interest on the matter of taboo and swearing. Therefore, the writer suggests that

this thesis is used appropriately. Third, various resources are found to be helpful

in supporting this thesis. Journals and scholar articles are already accessible.

However, more books specializing on taboo words and swear words are better


provided since it is quite difficult to access some books about taboo words and

swear words.

Fourth, most cultures are still sensitive towards the occurrence of taboo

word and swear word. However, taboo word and swear word have various utilities

in pragmatic context. Those who read this thesis or are interested in this subject

are expected to find out more information about taboo, taboo word, and swear

word and be able to apply the use of these words in appropriate contexts.


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The List of Swear Words Uttered by Mike Lawrey



No Time Data Kinds The Way the Explanation

. Speaker Swears
Dialogue Swearing C P / V E I S D I A E C
1 00.05.41- Mike: Blue power, motherfuckers. √ √ Mike and Marcus,
00.05.58 Miami PD. Motherfuckers √ his partner, are
Marcus: Aw, damn. It‟s the Negroes. showing their
Mike: Casper, drop the bag. Alpha leader, disguises in front
bring them in. of the culprits.

2 Mike: Incinerating trash like you ready Incinerating trash √ √ Mike is having
00.07.05 to die, right? Marcus? negotiation with
- Marcus: What the fuck I want to do that this shit √ √ the culprit who
00.08.00 for? catches Marcus and
Culprit 1: Scared, ain‟t you boy? my partner‟s new √ √ points the gun on
Mike: A. Put the gun down, tell me who spiritual bullshit his head.
brings this shit in and maybe I‟ll just pop
one in your shoulder. Or B, keep acting Motherfuckers √ √
all Brody and I‟ll put one in your chest.
Marcus: Or C, you know, take the time to this fool √ √
talk a minute. You know, de-escalate the
situation. Goddamned √
Mike: See, that‟s my partner’s new movement √
spiritual bullshit. Me? I actually prefer
shooting motherfuckers.
Marcus: Man, the man has a gun to my
Mike: He‟ll put it down if a hollow
point‟s in his eyes.
Culprit 1: Your partner is a cocky nigger.
Marcus: Damn. Now was that necessary,
Mike: See?
Marcus: He can‟t just be a cop? He got to
be a nigga too?
Mike: I‟ll hot this fool.


Marcus: Calm down!

Mike: Calm down? I‟m calm. I‟m calm.
Hey! Whoa! Whoa! I am way too
unstable for that bullshit. Stop all the
Goddamned movement! Everybody stop

3 00.10.12- Mike: Me? I shot you? Damn √ √ Mike accidentally

00.10.25 Marcus: Yeah. shoots Marcus
Mike: I mean I was shooting. Yeah. I did Ass √ √ when he is trying
a lot of shooting. But I ain‟t saying I shot to shoot the culprit.
you in the ass. I ain‟t saying I didn‟t
shoot you. But, damn! Somebody shot
you in the ass.

4 00.10.46 Mike: Take your ass home somewhere. Ass √ √ Mike invites
- Marcus to have
00.10.47 treatment.

5 00.11.22 Marcus: You know, unlike you, my same old shit √ √ Marcus gets angry
- daddy didn‟t leave me no trust fund. I got at Mike.
00.11.45 real-world shit to deal with, Mike. Damn √ √
Mike: I‟m not in it for the thrills, same
old shit, different day. All right, yes,
damn. I shot you, all right? But you‟d be
seeing nothing at all if I hadn‟t made my
move. So I don‟t know why you acting so

6 00.13.05 Mike: A bunch of men hugging and some cult shit √ √ Mike says that
- kissing, that‟s some cult shit. hugging and
00.13.07 kissing are
common things.
7 00.16.46 Mike: It‟s a donut. It‟s a medical thing. I Dog √ √ Mike is giving
- got it from a maternity store. You know, Marcus a “donut”
pregnant women use it. They can put one to help him sit


00.16.49 cheek here. It takes pressure off the other without painful.
cheek. For you, dog.
Marcus: Thoughtful.

8 Marcus: Mason, go fetch! Oh, shit! √ √ The pool is pulled

00.21.12 Mike: Oh, shit! Now, that shit is funny. by Mason and the
- That‟s some funny shit. that shit is funny √ water goes out.
00.21.23 Marcus is pushed
That‟s some √ by the water.
funny shit
9 00.25.01 Mike: Icepick came through. Wonder Shit √ √ Mike talks to
- whose shit they about to rip now. Marcus when they
00.25.03 are spying the
Icepick‟s action.
10 00.28.54 Mike: Shit! Shit √ √ Mike and Marcus
- Marcus: I need back up on canal. Now! are trying to catch
00.28.56 the Icepick.

11 00.33.47 Mike: Ah, Shit! Shit! Definitely shoot Shit √ √ The Icepick shoots
- that motherfucker that just…. Oh, man. Mike‟s car
00.33.52 My headlight! that motherfucker √ √ headlight.
12 00.34.08 Mike: What the fuck! What are you What the fuck! √ √ Marcus
- doing, man? accidentally shoots
00.34.11 Marcus: That‟s my bad. Mike‟s car
13 00.35.34 Marcus: I‟m just trying to help, okay? Fucking helpful √ √ Mike and Marcus
- Mike: You know what‟d be fucking are getting angry at
00.35.39 helpful, Marcus? Just shut the fuck up shut the fuck up √ √ each other.
and let me drive. Let‟s try that.
14 00.35.49 Mike: Hey! Come on, man, with the screaming shit √ √ Mike is asking
- screaming shit! I‟m concentrating on Marcus to shoot.
00.35.54 dodging these fuckers. these fuckers √ √
15 00.36.12 Mike: That one puckered up my That one puckered √ √ Make avoids the
- butthole. up my butthole. car which is
00.36.14 Marcus: Almost fucking crushed my flipped.


16 00.39.49 Mike: You ready to go back to the station, get our asses √ √ Mike knows that
- get our asses whooped? whooped the captain will get
00.39.51 mad at them
because of the big
damage from the
17 00.42.13 Mike: Holler, on your boy. Twenty-one Kiss my black ass √ √ The dashboard
- thousands? What?! Oh! Kiss my black reparation cost
00.42.25 ass. It was dashboard. twenty-one
thousands and
Mike gets
18 00.45.31 Mike: For real, I‟m straight with all your that shit √ √ Mike asks Marcus
- spiritual enlightenment and that shit. But to be braver in
00.46.45 I need to know if a crack head rolls to me that fool √ √ facing the culprit.
with a.9. You‟ll cook that fool.
Marcus: No question about it. Shoot him that leg shit √ √
in the leg.
Mike: Come on with that leg shit.
Marcus: Everybody deserves a little
Mike: What about my dignity? Your
crack head will be missing a knee cap. I‟ll
be in a body bag.
19 00.45.55 Marcus: Your mama probably refused my mother‟s tities √ √ Marcus offends
- you her tit when you were a baby. You Mike.
00.46.31 grew up a mail nourished high-school
softie. Got your gun, little tight T-shirt
and became an over compensating tough
Mike: That is the last time you will ever
refer to my mother’s tities. I don‟t even
want them up in your head.
Marcus: You know, I said all that, Mike,
and all you heard was “tities”. Man, you


can‟t keep suppressing my spiritual

growth, Mike.
Mike: You need to suppress my mother’s
tities out of your psychoanalysis.
20 00.46.45 Mike: You just went number one on Mike‟s shit list √ √ Mike is talking to
- Uncle Mike’s shit list. the one of Icepick‟s
00.46.47 members.
21 00.47.30 Mike: Me and my partner, we‟re on the This is shit right √ √ Mike and Marcus
- Miami PD tandem dance team. We got a here are intentionally
00.47.35 routine. We won all the local talent dancing with a
shows. We‟re thinking about going This is the shit √ √ beater to threaten
national. You want to show him some of the Icepick.
the routine? Warm it up. Don‟t hurt
nothing. Yo, yo, watch this! Watch this!
This is shit right here. This is the shit.
Icepick: What you doing to my shop?
22 00.49.10 Haitian Blondie: Fuck you! How‟s that? Fuck me? √ √ Mike is swearing at
- I‟m gonna kill you, motherfucker! Your the Icepick people.
00.49.12 country, my ass! Fuck you! Fuck you! √ √
Mike: Fuck me? Fuck you!
23 00.53.08 Marcus: Dead suspects can‟t say shit. live suspects don‟t √ √ Mike has killed all
- Mike: It seems like live suspects don’t say shit either the suspects they
00.53.13 say shit either, so I‟ll hot this dude here. are looking for.
Save us the paperwork.
24 00.55.08 Mike: Yeah, it got rough. You know? I Shit got crazy √ √ Mike tells Marcus
- mean, we got caught up in the moment, how can he shoots
00.55.10 shit got crazy. You know how I get. Marcus
25 00.55.25 Mike: Okay. I‟m comfortable talking to your ass √ √ √ Mike is aware that
- you about what I did to your ass but he gets problem
00.55.27 you‟re not getting an erection, that‟s the because of the
real problem for me. accident with
26 00.55.32 Mike: No, no. We‟re..em.. We‟re my mother‟s tities √ √ Mike advices
- partners, but we are partners with Marcus to be
00.57.07 boundaries. We got a new rule. From now you got to be √ professional with a


on you can‟t say the word „flaccid” to me. motherfucking √ new rule in front of
A gay: He‟s a mean fuck. a camera which
Mike: Look here. This is our little Oh, shit! √ √ show their
boundary box. So, we gonna take the conversation on the
words “flaccid”, and we‟re gonna put it in TVs at the store.
there with my mom’s tities, with your
erection problems, and we‟re gonna close
this box and we‟re gonna throw this bitch
in the ocean. And the only way that you
can get to this box is you got to be
motherfucking Jacques Cousteau. We
cool? Oh, no! Oh, shit! We gotta go.
27 00.57.31 Mike: Johnny Tapia. Shit. Shit √ √ Mikes has just
- known the target of
00.57.32 the mission.
28 00.58.56 Mike: We‟ll plant a couple gypsy wires; Dog √ √ Mike is planning to
- find out what Tapia‟s up to. Dog, this is plant the wires at
00.58.58 what we do. Tapia‟s house.
29 00.59.20 Marcus: Mike, I‟m a grown-ass man. Grown-ass self √ √ √ Mike asks Marcus
- Mike: Get your grown-ass self together to do their mission
00.59.27 and let‟s do this. without any fear.
30 01.00.57 Mike: That‟s that bullshit. That‟s that that bullshit √ √ Mike gets angry to
- bullshit right there. Marcus who is
01.01.01 Marcus: You see these rats? That‟s that afraid of rats.
bullshit right there √ √
31 01.09.30 Vargas: Yo, now you crossed the line, We‟re fucking √ √ √ Mike is saying that
- man. Okay, no, that‟s not funny. with you he is kidding with
01.09.38 Mike: We’re fucking with you. We Vargas and Reyes
planted wires, we need some help. No No bullshit √ √ and needs their
bullshit. help.
32 01.14.31 Mike: All right. Look, Syd. There‟s some There‟s some shit √ √ Mike tells the
- shit you need to know. Johnny Tapia is you need to know problem to Syd.
01.14.33 cutting up Russian rob bosses in his
mom‟s kitchen.
33 01.15.15 Marcus: You have nothing to say now, Damn! √ √ Mike stops Marcus


- huh? Just stuck, right? and Syd who are

01.15.20 Mike: Okay. Time-out, y‟all. Damn! We arguing to each
got this pecker wood that will put us other.
down with the transport end of Tapia‟s
operation. Do you want in?
34 01.16.23 Mike: Yeah, yeah. That’s shit crazy. I That‟s shit crazy √ √ Mike asks Marcus
- mean you don‟t think maybe you…. whether he will
01.16.25 Maybe you didn‟t like, get a chance to give a chance to
know any of them? date her sister or
35 01.17.17 Floyd: I ain‟t no snitch. Oh, damn √ √ Mike threatens
- Mike: Oh, you ain‟t no snitch? Oh, Floyd.
01.17.20 damn. That‟s a shame.
36 01.18.30 Mike: Not like this. Don‟t play with that Oh, shit. √ √ √ Marcus wants to
- boy, seriously. Don‟t play with that boy. know what Mike
01.18.02 Syd: Just tell him about New York. Do it. You done fucked √ √ √ and Syd hide from
Marcus: Tell me what? up him.
Mike: Oh, shit. Is he walking down the
steps? Oh, shit. He‟s coming down
Syd: It‟s okay.
Mike: Yeah, you done fucked up. You
done fucked up.
37 01.20.40 Marcus: Get the fuck off me, Mike. What the hell √ √ Mike and Marcus
- Mike: What the hell is your problem, fight each other.
01.20.44 man? Why you acting so stupid?

38 01.21.15 Syd: Guys, enough. The boat‟s coming. that shit √ √ Marcus and Mike
- Mike: Okay. We gonna handle that shit. stop fighting
01.21.18 Go ahead, man. because of the
target‟s boat is
39 01.23.01 Mike: Oh, shit! Dan Marino. What‟s up? Oh, shit! √ √ Mike meets Dan
- Back up, Dan. Hey, you‟re the truth. Marino, a famous
01.23.02 football player,
when he wants to


borrow Dan‟s car

to catch the target.

40 01.25.18 Mike: Did you see that shit? that shit √ √ Mike is asking
- Marcus: No shit. Marcus whether he
01.25.20 sees the car flipped
or not.
41 01.25.28 Mike: Dan Marino should definitely buy I‟m fucking this √ √ Mike likes Dan‟s
- this car. But not this one. I’m fucking one up but car.
01.25.35 this one up but definitely one like this. definitely one like
42 01.25.41 Mike: All right. That was almost fucked That was almost √ √ The car which is
- up. I almost fucked up. fucked up driven by Mike
01.25.43 almost crash other
I almost fucked √ √ cars.

43 01.26.12 Mike: That shit’s nasty. That‟s nasty. That shit is nasty √ √ Mike is swearing
- Marcus: Get it off! Get.. when the dead
01.26.15 Mike: That shit is nasty. body fell at his car.
44 01.27.23 Mike: Shit! Boy, if this was my car, I‟d Shit! √ √ Dan‟s car is broken
- be pissed. because of the gun
01.27.25 shots.
45 01.32.07 Mike: Think about this for a second. some shit √ √ Mike is explaining
- These bodies have been emptied out from what Johnny Tapia
01.32.22 a drug smuggler that just happens to own Oh, shit! √ has done and
a mortuary. I got a bunch of bodies suddenly he
waiting with plenty of room in them. I remembers that
could smuggle some shit. Johnny Tapia Floyd has not been
has the perfect cover. out for car
Captain Howard: Whoa..Whoa..Whoa.. baggage.
Jonny Tapia?
(somebody is locked up in the baggage
car and knock it)
Captain Howard: What the fuck is that?


Mike: Oh, shit!

46 01.33.25 Marcus: I‟m re-evaluating what‟s God! √ √ Marcus wants to

- important. tell about their
01.33.31 Mike: About what? Being a cop? partnership.
Marcus: No, about you being my partner.
Mike: Is this about Syd? God! Hey,
Marcus, man.
47 01.35.48 Mike: Hey, nigga. Who that is at the Hey, nigga √ √ Mike and Marcus
- door? scare the boy who
01.37.08 Marcus: It‟s Reggie. Who the fuck √ √ wants to take
Mike: Who the fuck is Reggie? Marcus‟ daughter
Marcus: Came to take Megan out. What you want, √ √ out for dating.
Mike: What you want, nigga? nigga
Reggie: I‟m here to take his daughter out. √
Mike: What‟s your name? Motherfucker √
Reggie: Reggie.
Mike: I heard the motherfucker say your Shit, nigga √ √
name Reggie. You wanna taking Megan
out? How old are you? Motherfucker! √ √
Reggie: Fifteen.
Mike: Shit, nigga. You at least 30. The nigga can‟t √ √
Marcus: This is Mike. fight
Mike: Can you fight?
Reggie: Yeah. Nigga, you a big, √
Mike: You can fight? Motherfucker! tall √
You can‟t fight. Look at you.
Marcus: Mike, Mike! Cut it out. Ludarcris-looking
Mike: I want to know if when somebody motherfucker, √
taking my niece out, I want to know if he ain‟t you? √
can fight. Somebody might come say
something. The nigga can’t fight, she Chitty chitty
can‟t go. bang-bang, nigga √ √
Marcus: This is Megan‟s godfather,
okay? He just got out the joint.


Mike: Why you putting all my business in

the street?
Marcus: They call him….
Mike: I got out of jail. I ain‟t going back.
I ain‟t going back. What‟s wrong with
you” You‟re scared? You ain‟t seen a gun
Marcus: Stop pointing the gun at the boy.
Mike: Look! Don‟t you disrespect me in
front of company? Let the gun go off.
Nigga, you a big, tall, Ludarcris-looking
motherfucker, ain‟t you? You rap?
Reggie: No.
Marcus: Hey, Mike! Now, listen. Have
my daughter home at 10:01. If she ain‟t
home at 10:01, I‟m in the car, okay?
Lock, loaded, and hunting your
motherfucking ass down. Do you hear
Mike: I‟ll go with him. If I‟m there, know
what it‟ll be? Chitty chitty bang-bang,
nigga. That‟s what it‟ll be.
48 01.40.25 Mike: They stick a tube down your throat that shit √ √ Mike is explaining
- and just suck out all the gunk and bile. about the dead
01.40.49 Because what happens is, your body will body.
get gaseous and you‟ll decompose. Don‟t
want that shit to happen before your
family sees you.
Marcus: Well, I don‟t need to know that
right now.
Mike: They sew your mouth closed. You
know they got to get it all out because a
lot of times dead people will fart. That
shit will clear a funeral home out.
Marcus: How do you know it?
Mike: Learning channel. That shit got


49 01.41.30 Mike: Like what am I gonna do with Big-ass √ √ Marcus thinks that
- these big-ass dead tities? Mike loose his
01.41.37 Marcus: But you‟re looking, though. dead tities √ √ dignity by looking
Mike: There‟s something wrong with at a dead girl
your brain. Goddamn! √ √ breasts.
Marcus: Just cover the tities.
Mike: Goddamn!
50 C Mike: You know, I think I got something. Shit! √ √ Mike is trying to
Feels like a bag. Shit! It‟s his kidney. find the X in the
dead body and he
finds the kidney.
51 01.43.22 Mike: This dude is loaded. Bet he thinks he‟s damn genius √ √ Mike is happy
- he’s damn genius, transporting them in because he has got
01.43.27 dead bodies. the X.
52 01.44.34 Mike: Shit. We got a big problem. We Shit √ √ Mike is asking help
- got a big problem. Drive that ambulance for saving Marcus.
01.45.20 into the building right now. Crash it into y‟all asses √ √
the building!
Vargas: No. Not me, baby. I got too many
crashes on my file. You do it.
Reyes: No. You‟re kidding. I got red-
flagged last month for the thing. You
know how much the city paid. I can‟t
have another ding on my file.
Vargas: Mike, my man, we want to help
you out here, you know. But we got a
couple of administration problems over
here, you know. So how about we give
sirens and some flashing lights? Make a
racket. How‟s that?
Mike: Negative! Negative! Crash that
ambulance into the building right now!
Reyes: We want to help the team and
everything, but I‟m not getting suspended
for this.
Mike: Okay. I plan on whooping y‟all


asses the second I get out of here. Crash

into the building right now!

53 01.47.05 Mike: Hey, get off. Listen! Listen! Fuck this up √ √ Mike is angry at
- Listen! We need this warrant. Do not Marcus who is
01.47.07 fuck this up. Pull yourself together. drunk by the X.
54 01.49.18 Mike: So, captain, listen. We‟ve also got we‟re fucked up √ √ Mike is swearing
- videotape. Yesterday, we’re fucked up bad after looking at
01.49.25 bad. But we got him now. Oh, shit! Oh, Marcus‟ action
shit! Oh, shit! √ √ while he is talking
Captain Howard: What? Did I erase it? to the captain.
Mike: No. We got the video. We got Fucking … √ √
55 01.49.45 Marcus: I love it when you call me Bunny Oh, shit! √ √ Marcus is drunk by
- Nose. the X.
01.49.47 Mike: Oh, shit!
56 01.53.47 Mike: Everything‟s here. Oh, shit! Oh, shit! √ √ Mike loses the
- Goddamn! Eyeball, has anything left this dead body.
01.54.00 mortuary in the past two hours? Goddamn! √ √
57 02.10.57 Ronnie: Shouldn‟t we break International That‟s my dog √ √ Mike and the crew
- waters to help them? in the way to Cuba
02.11.03 Mike: That’s my dog. for saving Syd.
58 02.10.58 Marcus: What plan B? that shit √ √ Mike is getting
- Mike: You don‟t pay attention to that angry to Marcus.
02.11.03 shit.
59 02.12.10 Mike: I am not to be fucked with. Fucked with √ √ Mike is hunted by
- Johnny Tapia and
02.12.11 the military of
60 02.13.30 Mike: I could say it, but that‟d be a a bunch of √ √ Mike says that they
- bunch of bullshit today. bullshit are in danger.


61 02.16.34 Mike: Fuck! Fuck! √ √ Mike fails to

- shoot Johnny
02.16.35 Tapia.
62 02.17.27 Mike: Look. Why don‟t we all go home? this shit √ √ Mike is trying to
-0217.36 Well, we‟ll go home, you go to a hotel. negotiate Johnny
Work this shit another day. None of us Tapia who has a
having a good day right now. gun in his hand
pointing at
Mike‟s head.
63 02.18.39 Mike: Now, that‟s how you supposed to a dysfunctional √ √ Marcus has shot
- shoot. From now on, that‟s how you motherfucker Johnny Tapia
02.19.00 shoot. Oh, I want my next partner to successfully to
shoot just like that. It takes a some save Mike.
dysfunctional motherfucker to bust dysfunctional shit √ √
somebody in the head like that. That‟s
some dysfunctional shit. My next
partner will invite me to his barbecues
Total 4 15 20 21 13 47 7 5 22 56 9 9 3


01:02:03 : Hour: 01; Minute: 02; Second: 03

C: Cursing B: Blasphemy V: Vulgarity E: Epithet D: Descriptively E: Emphatically C: Cathartically

P: Profanity O: Obscenity I: Insult S: Scatology I: Idiomatically A: Abusively

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