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Knowledge Management Asynchronous Assignment

Saurav Bhattacharjee

Roll No - 1928928



competency mapping for your job profile.

Answer The Competency mapping activity in my profession is

detailed below herein-

Your Employer Name: Common Law Chambers

Your Department Your Designation : Legal/Advocate

Nature of Job : This is a professional job wherein expertise of legal

knowledge is required to solve legal issues. Mostly Intellectuallity
based work.

Duties and Responsibilities : Includes appeaing before multiple

foras not excluding drafting, legal research, meeting clients and

Desired Attitude to perform that job: Quick and Smart learner,

Passionate, Dedicated and Hard working attitude is quintessential.

Desired Attributes : Good communication skills, analytical skills,

Judgmental skills, Research Skills, Preservance, Creativity.

Desired Behaviour : Understanding People, Considerate, Moderate


Desired Skills required : Professional Knowledge, Decision Making,

Analytical, Interpersonal, Attention to detail, Morality and
Technical: High professional legal knowledge is required for the the
said profession.

Managerial : High managerial knowlegde is required to accomplish

task within a timeframe and delivering services to the client.

Human Resource: Average Human Resource skills are required in

the said profession as it is more knowledge driven.

Conceptual : High Conceptual Skills are required as one must have

to be proficient of the understanding towards his job.

Desired Knowledge and Qualifications : Advanced ,knowledge for

having good professional knowledge is required. A degree in LLB is
the eligibility for entering the said profession.

Desired Experience : More than 3 years as basic nuances of the

profession would be undertsand within the said period.

Identify your skill gap, strengths and weakness :

a) Skill Gap- Good communication and interpersonal skills.

b) Strengths- Passionate and creativity.
c) Weaness- Lazy and less motivated

Strategies for Self Development : Developing better

communication skills, acquing professional knowledge by reading
and more exposure to the cases and also bei,ng more self motivated
and driven.

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