What Is Formal and Extended Definition?: Technical Writng

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1. What is Formal and Extended Definition?

 The logical or formal definition is considered as the dictionary definition. There are three
essential parts of this definition namely the “term” or the word to be defined, the “genus”
which limits the particular terms to a restricted class and the “differentiae” that states the
characteristics which distinguish a defined species from the other members of each of the

 There are certain types of errors usually occur when constructing a logical definition. One is
when the term being defined is included in the defining part; this could make the definition as
circular one. Second is by giving a negative definition to a particular term, this should not be
done unless some of its idea are considered as an essential to the term’s meanings. The third
one is by giving a figurative definition to a particular term.

 The extended or informal definition is done in an informal or in more flexible development

means. There are reasons why extended or informal definitions are made by writers. One is
that when the writer thinks or fells that the real definition of a particular term is distorted in the
minds of the public, here extended definition is needed as replacement for the real definition.

 Another is that it is used in removing confusions as well as to make the context more precise.
Extended definition is also use to set up an ideal meaning that is in contrast with the other
meaning that merely reflects an existing fact.

 There are four forms of extended definitions namely; the historical definition, the definition by
elimination, the definition by example and illustration, and definition by enumerating the part
of an object or the factors that produced a particular effects.

2. What are the three parts of Formal Definition?

A formal definition is based upon a concise, logical pattern that includes as much information as it
can within a minimum amount of space. The primary reason to include definitions in your writing is
to avoid misunderstanding with your audience. A formal definition consists of three parts:

 The term (word or phrase) to be defined

 The class of object or concept to which the term belongs
 The differentiating characteristics that distinguish it from all others of its class

3. Come up with a formal definition of the following terns:




Education brings a natural and lasting change in an individual’s reasoning and ability to achieve the
targeted goal.

It facilitates us to investigate our own considerations and thoughts and makes it ready to express it in
various shapes.

Education is the main thing that encourages us to distinguish between right and wrong because in the
absence of education, we can’t do what we need or we can’t achieve our goal.

Education is a gradual process which brings positive changes in human life and behavior.

We can also define education as “a process of acquiring knowledge through study or imparting the
knowledge by way of instructions or some other practical procedure”.


A business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or

professional activities. Businesses can be for-profit entities or non-profit organizations that operate to
fulfill a charitable mission or further a social cause.

The term business also refers to the organized efforts and activities of individuals to produce and sell
goods and services for profit. Businesses range in scale from a sole proprietorship to an international
corporation. Several lines of theory are engaged with understanding business administration including
organizational behavior, organization theory, and strategic management.


According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition of science is:

"knowledge attained through study or practice," or

"knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws, esp. as obtained and tested
through scientific method [and] concerned with the physical world."

4. What is Extended Definition?

The extended or informal definition is done in an informal or in more flexible development means.
There are reasons why extended or informal definitions are made by writers. One is that when the
writer thinks or fells that the real definition of a particular term is distorted in the minds of the public,
here extended definition is needed as replacement for the real definition.



When you write an extended definition, you literally grab at any of the writing resources or tools that
will help you explain the term to your readers. This means considering all of the various sources of
information that can help define the term adequately (for example, description, process narration,
causal discussion, and classification).

5. How to write an Extended Definition?



6. Come up with an Extended Definition of Corona Virus


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an illness caused by a novel coronavirus now called severe
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus which was first identified amid an outbreak of respiratory
illness cases in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. It was initially reported to the WHO on December
31, 2019. On January 30, 2020, the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global health emergency.
On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, its first such designation since
declaring H1N1 influenza a pandemic in 2009.

That leads to different challenges every individual needs to face like, no one is allowed to go out
except for buying necessities, works and classes were suspended, most of us depends on the
government’s relief. The global pandemic also leads to our OFW’s being stranded or should stay to the
country where they are since international flights were also prohibited.

This pandemic also made people become more conscious towards health and cleanliness. This Covid-
19 changed everyone’s life, and perspective towards health and self care.

7. What is description of a process?

A process description is a set of information that describes the characteristics of a process in terms
that will enable its effective installation, commissioning, operation, control and maintenance.
Often the content of a process description is not much more than a flow chart and this can be
adequate in certain circumstances where much of the other information is consolidated in
department and divisional plans or manuals. However, problems may arise if a process has to be
moved and set up elsewhere. It is then that difficulties arise as people know the process worked
but don't know why.The essential elements are as follows: (Note: Don't try to include everything -
the process description is a model of reality not a complete specification that has to explain

8. What are the steps in writing a description of a process


The introduction to a process description contains general information that prepares the reader for the
specific details that will follow. In the introduction you define ~e process, explain its principles of



operation (if necessary), and preview the major sequences. The following introduction performs all
three tasks.

Body: Description of the Operation

In the body of the paper write one paragraph for each step of the process. Each paragraph should
begin with a general statement about the end goal or main activity. Then the remainder of the
paragraph explains in more detail the action’ necessary to achieve that goal. Notice in the following
example how each paragraph starts with an overview a statement of purpose or end goal and how all
the paragraphs are constructed in the settle pattern.


Transformation is the step in which the relatively large AC voltage (110 volts AC) is converted into a
smaller AC voltage (12 volts AG). This conversion is done with a transformer, an electrical device with
two parts: a primary coil and a secondary coil. The primary coil is basically several loops ct fine wire.
The secondary coil is similar to the primary Coil, but it is thicker and has fewer loops. The large AC
voltage (110

AC) flows into the primary coil of the transformer. When’ the AC passes through this coil, a magnetic
field is produced, a phenomenon known as Faraday’s law. The magnetic field then passes through the
secondary coil, producing a voltage in it (see Figure 3). The voltage produced in the secondary coil
depends on the ratio of loops of wire between the coils with the correct number of loops in both the
primary and secondary coils, the 110 volt AC converts into 12 volts AC.


Rectification is the step in which the small AC from the secondary coil of the transformer is converted
into DC. This conversion done with an electronic component known as a diode A diode is like an
electronic check valve; it only allows current to flow through it in one direction. When the AC (which by
definition continually reverses in direction) is passed through a diode, only the top half (positive half)
of the sinusoidal waveform is allowed to pass.through. The bottom. half (negative half) is absorbed by
the diode The current leaving the diode.is traveling in only’ one direction and therefore fits the
definition of DC. However. as you can see in.Figure 4. the DC leaving the diode ‘is quite “lumpy.” As a
result. it is not very useful.


Conclusions to brief descriptions of operation are optional. At times writers follow the description
with- a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the process, ‘or with a brief summary, If you
have a written relatively brief well



10. What is Description Mechanism

A mechanism is a device with atleast two parts that work together to do something. Some things are
quite simple, with others are enormously complex.

Being describe something accurately, in a way that your reader can understand, is an essential skill for
a technical writer. Sometimes you will have to describe a thing this is called a “mechanism description”
. At other times you will have to explain the steps in a process- this is called “process description”

A mechanism description is a short report designed to convey to the reader a technical understanding
of the function, appearance and operation of a particular object.

11. What are the procedures in writing a description of mechanism


Answer the question, “What does it do?”

Keep this section brief — chance are, if your reader is interested in a full mechanism description, he or
she already has some idea what the object is for.

Of course, if the object will be so unfamiliar to your reader that the rest of the document won’t make
sense, then provide whatever background information your reader is likely to need. (Sometimes the
only way to do this is to show a prototype of your mechanism description to a test user… see “Usability

If the object participates in a process, then you may need to write a brief process description as well.


Answer the question, “What does it look like?” You may have to use classification to break a complex
object up into its various components, and describe each in sequence.


The original Star Trek Enterprise, TV’s most famous fictional starship, is composed of

a saucer shaped primary hull,

1) The SAUCER-SHAPED PRIMARY HULL contains the following visible features:

The bridge (a circular, domed structure at the center of the upper surface of the saucer).

The first pilot episode, “The Cage,” featured a special effects shot of the camera zooming in on the top
of the model, to reveal the characters arranged on the bridge.



The set for the bridge on Star Trek: The Next Generation featured a ceiling window that revealed a
starry backdrop; however, but no such window ever appeared in the original series.

Lighting effects (including blinking running lights, as well as smaller lights representing windows)

Vessel identification (black painted capital letters on the upper and lower surfaces of the saucer,
reading “U.S.S. Enterprise” and “NCC-1701”)

Phasers and photon torpedoes (usually depicted as emanating from a spot near the center of the
underside of the saucer)


Answer the question, “How does it work?”

You could also productively think of this section as the conclusion to your paper. Rarely will you gain
anything by writing a cookie-cutter, boring conclusion like, “Therefore, this paper has shown that the
PickMaster 2000 Electric Toothpick Dispenser can be an exciting part of the environment around the
cash register in any restaurant.”

Even if an object does not have an exciting or visible method of operating (such as a decorative item or
a simple brick), the conclusion should still explain how its design helps it to fulfill its function.

12. Write a descriptive paragraph: Ipad

The iPad is a tablet computer developed by Apple. Like the iPhone, the iPad runs Apple's iOS operating
system. This allows the iPad to run third-party apps, which can downloaded from Apple's App Store. It
is smaller than a typical laptop, but significantly larger than the average Smartphone.

The iPad does not include a keyboard or a track pad, but instead has a touch screen interface, which is
used to control the device. Since the iPad's screen is much larger than the iPhone's screen, iPad apps
can include more user interface features that would not fit within an iPhone app. Therefore,
productivity, graphics, and video-editing apps are often developed specifically for the iPad rather than
the iPhone.

13. What is Business Letter?

A business letter is a formal document often sent from one company to another or from a company to
its clients, employees, and stakeholders, for example. Business letters are used for professional
correspondence between individuals, as well.



Business Letter is type of letter which serves as a means of communication written for various
commercial purposes. These purposes can be a business deal, complaint, warning, notice, invitation,
declaration, information, apology and various other corporate matters. Letters of business are the
most popular and the most widely written types of letters. Business letters are also the oldest form of
official correspondence and perhaps the propagators of mailing system.

14. What are the main parts of business letter?

The Heading

In all likelihood, you're well-stocked with professional letterhead – the “fancy paper” that includes your
business name, logo and contact information. But you wouldn't be the first business owner to forgo
this expense and create letterhead “as you go,” in a Word document. If neither scenario describes your
situation, then simply begin your letter by placing, on separate lines:

Your name and title. Your business name. Your business address.* Your business' city, state and postal

All of this information is known as the return or sender's address. Finish this section by writing the date
on the last line.

The Recipient's Address

The recipient's information, also known as the inside address, should follow the same format as the
return address. Each piece of information should be confined to a separate line.

The Salutation

It's a formal word for a greeting, but the salutation is a simple way to open your letter. Use the
recipient's last name only, followed by a colon, as in: “Dear Mr. Smith:” “Dear Mrs. Smith” or “Dear Ms.
Smith.” If you don't know the name of the person – say, if you are sending your letter to a department
– use “Dear Sir or Madam" or even the somewhat stilted “To Whom It May Concern.” It's OK to use the
person's first name if you are, in fact, on a first-name basis with the recipient. For example, if you
would ask for the person by his or her first name when making a phone call, invoking a first name is
entirely appropriate in a business letter. Otherwise, it's best to hew to formalities so that you are not
considered presumptuous or even rude.

The Body

The most substantive part of your letter – the body – will also be the most time-consuming, so it
doesn't make sense to try to rush your message. In fact, writing a draft of the body may suit your style
best, being sure to state your purpose for writing in the first paragraph. A draft may also help you
restrict your letter to one page, which means your letter should contain about five paragraphs,



consisting of several sentences each. Consider this advice from the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill:

“Writing for a business audience is usually quite different than writing in the humanities, social
sciences or other academic disciplines. Business writing strives to be crisp and succinct rather than
evocative or creative; it stresses specificity and accuracy. This distinction does not make business
writing superior or inferior to other styles. Rather, it reflects the unique purpose and considerations
involved when writing in a business context.”

The Closing

It's not called a “complimentary close” for nothing; your last words should end the letter on a note that
mirrors the content of your letter. And “Sincerely” isn't your only option. Also consider:

Sincerely yours, Cordially, Yours truly, Best regards, Best wishes,


Respectfully yours,

The Signature Block

Now it's time to deviate from the usual “space twice” practice to space four times between your
closing line and the line on which you will type your name. The extra space will allow you to sign (not
print) your name.


The final component of a letter applies only if you're including an enclosure with your letter. If you are,
then use two spaces and write “Enclosure:” or “Enclosures:”, and then briefly describe the enclosure;
this is a good way to alert the recipient to refer to the document or to keep all the papers together in
one place.

15. What are the additional parts of a business letter?


The date has to written exactly below the letter head. The date is important part of a letter and is used
for reference. The date is supposed to be written in full with day, month and year. Example – 31st May
2012 or May 31st, 2012.

Writer’s Identification



It includes the, name, and designation of the sender. It can also include other details like contact
number, address, etc.


Sign your name after a few spaces. If you have your Printed Name, then sign above the line containing
your typed name. Signature is to written in Black or Blue Ink. If you have an electronic signature you
can use that too. Scanned image of your signature can also be used, if it confers with rules of your

Copy Circulation

It is needed when the copies of the letter are sent to other persons. It is denoted as C.C.


The sender can mention it when he wants to add something other than the message in the body of the
letter. It is written as P.S.

16. What is an Application Letter?

An application letter is merely another name for a cover letter, the official business letter often
included with a job application and/or resume and sent to a prospective employer. Although
application letters are generally considered optional components of applying for a job, more and more
frequently, employers are singling out those who actually take the time to write an application letter as
their top picks

Application Letter is a letter written for a variety of purposes in our day to day activities which can be
domestic or professional. It is a liability conferred upon the sender by an authority. In such a liability
the sender is expected to explain, inform/pre-inform the authoritative receiver about particular
ongoing/upcoming activities, events, process or procedures. It is also a written request when written
for assistance, admission, employment, favour, information, permission, service etc. A letter of
application is also an accompanying document as and when required. When it does so it is known as
Cover Letter. An application letter is largely a formal type of letter as it follows a predefined format
which is applicable to most type of application letters

17. What are the Guidelines in writing an Application Letter?

 Body



The body of a good application letter, usually 3 to 4 paragraphs, explains why the applicant is a good fit
for the job, explains relevant experience, and shows how that experience would be useful if selected
for the career opportunity.

 Attachments

An application letter is rarely sent to a prospective employer alone. It is usually accompanied by a

resume, salary history, list of references, and/or other documentation of achievements.

 Length

Application letters are generally no more than one page in length. Employers are unimpressed by
application letters of half a page or less, though; filling most of one page is the safest way to complete
an application letter.

 Review information about the company and position

It’s best to write a new application letter for each position you’re applying for, so you can include
pertinent details and show your interest in the particular open role. Spend some time reviewing the
company information, which you can likely find on the website, as well as the position listing. Compare
your qualifications and experience with the list of skills in that posting. You may also want to think
about specific experiences that have prepared you for the role, such as leading a team or managing a
major event.

 Use a professional format

A job application letter should be more professional than a thank-you card or an email to a coworker or
friend. The alignment of the document should include single spacing, one-inch margins and left
alignment. It’s best to use a professional and traditional font, such as Times New Roman, in a size from
10 to 12 points. Try to keep your job application letter to one page. When a hiring manager reviews
your job application letter, they will get their first impression of you as a potential employee, so take
time to format it professionally and keep it concise.

 Create the heading

Use a formal business heading for your job application letter. The heading should include your name
and contact information, the date and the company name and address. If you send your job application
letter via email, you can eliminate your name and contact information from the header and put it at
the bottom of the email after the signature instead.

Example header:

Your name



Your physical address

Your phone number

Your email address


Name of hiring manager or supervisor

Title of hiring manager of supervisor

Company name

Company physical address

By including a professional and detailed heading, you can make it easier for the hiring manager to
follow up with you regarding the position.

 Address the letter to the hiring manager

In your research, try to find the name of the person reviewing applications for the job. Address your
letter to this person with a common business greeting, such as “Dear Mr./Ms.” and their last name. If
you’re not sure of the name or gender of the individual reviewing your application, you can use the
generic “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Hiring Manager.”

 Open the letter by describing your interest

In the first paragraph of your letter, mention the job title for which you’re applying and where you saw
the position posting. Include your interest in the role and briefly state the main experience or
qualification you have that makes you a good fit. This is the section that will draw in the hiring manager
as the reader of your application letter, so it is important to appeal to that person quickly and

Example: “I saw the posting for the Marketing Intern role on my university’s online job board and I am
very interested in the role. I am in my final year of earning my bachelor’s degree in marketing with a
minor in communications, so I feel my educational experience has prepared me to work in a fast-paced
marketing department like the one within your organization.”

 Outline your experience and qualifications

The next few paragraphs of your letter should highlight your experience, qualifications and skills,
positioned in a way that aligns with the company’s goals and mission. For example, if you are applying
for a job with a non-profit organization that provides educational opportunities to underserved



community members, you could talk about your experience with non-profit organizations or
educational offerings. Since a job application letter should stand on its own without a resume, it’s
helpful to include details about your experience that relate to the position to which you’re applying.

 Include aspects of your personality

As you’re writing your job application letter, consider how you can incorporate aspects of your
personality. A friendly and engaging letter is likely to appeal to the reader, especially when they can get
an idea of how well you might fit with the team.

For example, in the situation mentioned above, explain in your letter you are good at connecting with
children or how you value community spirit.

 Express appreciation

Before you sign off on your letter, express your appreciation to the hiring manager for reviewing your
letter and considering you for the position. The hiring manager is taking time out of their day to read
what you have written, so expressing your gratitude for that time spent is a polite and professional way
to close the document.

Example: “I appreciate the time you have taken to review my application letter. Since you likely
received a number of applications and letters for this open position, I am extremely grateful for the
time you have spent reading about me and what would make me a good fit for this role.”

 Close the letter

Many people use “Sincerely” or “Best” to close the letter, although any professional sign-off is fine to
include. The final line of the letter should be your full name. If you submit a hard copy of the letter,
include your signature above your typed name. When submitting an application letter via email, you
should include your contact information beneath your name, rather than including it in the header.


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