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“In Network Marketing, Lead generation is one thing that every marketer should take
seriously, as it determines how much we can make with the business.”

1. Define your audience

Everything starts with knowing our audience. To create great products, or high-quality
content that really resonates, you need to know their pain points.
Recent studies have shown that 48% of buyers are more likely to consider solutions that are
personalized to address their specific business issues.
By creating the right buyer personas for your target audience buying cycles, you can really
get to know your audience.
Apply the wrong buyer personas and your conversion rate will suffer, you’ll end up targeting
users that simply don’t need your product—no matter how great it is.
Creating the right buyer persona for each stage of the journey is crucial to successful lead
generation campaigns.
2. Live Chat
Live chat is a great way to engage your customers as soon they get to your website. Starting
up communication like this gives you the chance to guide them, answer questions, and
understand their specific needs. A recent study by Forrester shows that 44% of online
customers consider live chat as one of the most important features a website can have.

How is live chat helpful for generating leads?

 Improves conversion rates: Visitors can quickly connect with live chat agents when
they face issues. As a result, waiting time is reduced and customer satisfaction
increased. Live chat gives real-time support to customers, increasing the likelihood of
conversion. The more visitors you have, the more chances there are for you to
generate leads!
 Captures customer contact details: Before connecting customers to agents, get them
to fill in a form with their phone number and email. This helps with following-up
down the line.
 Proactive chat: When return customers initiate live chat, their details are already
available to you. This helps build better rapport and has a positive impact on lead
 24/7 availability: Users could contact you at any hour. Providing live customer
support 24/7 makes sure you don’t miss out on any potential leads.

3. Interactive Content
Generating leads can be fun with Interactive content. Interactive content engages users, whilst
providing them with real value. In return, you get their contact information. Customers are
usually willing to give out relevant information if they get something out of it. Consequently,
you can use this information to create a detailed buyer persona and segment them

4. Make use of CRM software

According to Capture, 53% of top-performing companies are investing in CRM to drive sales
productivity. In the modern marketplace, CRM tools are crucial for generating leads. You
need to analyze, understand, and plan for market trends and consumer behavior. Using your
CRM software properly involves:

 Customer analytics: Understanding your audience is crucial. With CRM analytical

tools you can retrieve data regarding age, purchasing habits and geographical
locations. Use this to modify your outreach approach for generating leads
 Social networking: One of the most effective methods for connecting with your
clients is through social media. You can post various surveys on social media
platforms and store the data in your CRM software.
 Nurturing your leads: Once you have the data, make sure you reach out efficiently.
Your CRM’s email marketing software can help you contact the right customers at the
right time.
 Integrate your CRM with live chat software: By doing this, you can record and
read chat histories and conversations in your CRM tool. With the relevant information
at your fingertips, you can serve your customers much more effectively.
Through proper use of CRM and live chat software, you will generate more leads because
you connect with your customers in a more professional way. There are a number of other
tools, such as screen sharing, co browsing, and email marketing among others, that will also
help you generate more leads.
5. Encourage online reviews
According to bright local, “88% of respondents confirmed that they trust and will check
online reviews before trying something for the first time.” And 68 percent were willing to
write a review when asked The second statistic highlights an opportunity to really boost
conversions and sales. Encouraging your existing customers to share their experience is the
most effective way.
6. Include a contact number
Even if your customers don’t actually call, including a contact number on your website really
helps to create trust and cement your credibility.
In fact, adding a phone number at the top of your page (this is especially true of the
homepage) has been proven to increase conversions by up to 53%. Here’s an example from
Zappos, the popular shoe store. As you can see, there’s a phone number at the top of every
7. Invest in targeted PPC ads
According to Word Stream, the top 3 paid ads get 41% of clicks on that page. PPC, or pay-
per-click, is a model commonly applied in internet marketing. In it, the advertiser pays a fee
every time a user clicks on one of their ads. Think of it as a tactic for buying traffic to your
The best part about PPC ads is that the ads instantly appear on the first relevant search page
for the user. As a result, you get maximum exposure to a highly appropriate audience,
informing those users about your product.
How is PPC helpful in generating leads?

 It reaches visitors who are searching for your offering or similar

 It brings more traffic to your website and immediate keyword rankings
 It’s possible to see what the audience is searching for and therefore craft your
email/message according to their needs
 You can track ROI down to the cent
 You can grow your database of leads and remarket them accordingly

8. Create some great content for users to check out

When it comes to grabbing your users’ attention, content is a great way to do it. Content that
is relevant, catchy, informative, interesting, and useful, can go a long way to convincing users
to do business with you.
Remember, even though you can promote your product or service through website content,
don’t use it simply for that. Instead, provide users with valuable information, and include
information about what you do, and the market you serve. There is a good chance users will
see you as an industry leader if your content portrays the right image.
Of course, you want to present your product or service as a perfect solution to users’
problems. Nevertheless, you can still seek to provide an overall view on the subject, and
position your company as an expert.
9. Add media files and testimonials for greater credibility
If you’re not using testimonials and media content on your website, you're leaving so much
on the table. Testimonials say a lot about your credibility and are great for building trust.
This is especially true if your testimonials and recommendations come from reputable people.
Get Response makes use of trustworthy testimonials on their homepage
10. Promote your brand through contests and affiliates
Don’t the brick and mortar shops near you organize contests and competitions? Well, there’s
no reason your website can’t do the same. In fact, some marketers have been at it for ages.
Users love it when prizes are on offer, and they love it even more when they win them! Often
known as digital sweepstakes, it panders to their competitive spirit and helps you grab their


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