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Marietta Borough

Donegal Place and Furnace Road Improvements

Marietta, PA
April 22, 2020

Lawn Area
No-mow/reduced mowing area
Native special interest planting area
Porous Pavers
• Parallel Parking ~8’x24’ (11 total spaces) Rain Garden BMP area
• Infiltration Porous Pavers
New Asphalt Paving
Mill and repave Donegal Place Porous Paving
Rain Garden Bump-out B
where new road is proposed on
top of existing. Full road profile
• 155 sf Asphalt Removal Area
• Water quality BMP
will be required where new road Existing Meadow
is proposed outside of existing Existing Tree
asphalt surface. Road width ~20’
Rain Garden Bump-out C Informational Signage Proposed Tree
• 130 sf Proposed Shrub
H a z e l A v e n u e
• Water quality BMP
Improved Pedestrian Crossing Proposed Stormwater Piping
• Raised speed table Proposed Bench
• Pedestrian crossing warning signs (2)
New improvements (roadway, Interpretive Signage
parking, rain garden) begin on Rain Garden B Informational Kiosk
edge of R.O.W. • 750 sf R Bollard Trail Lights
• Water quality i v
Remove asphalt and replace with r
lawn where road is outside of
Resurfacing Furnace Road R Future Bioswale
R.O.W. (typ.) o
• Mill and repave only existing width of Furnace Road a • 1,000 sf
Future Parking Lot Improvements
Improved Trail • Pave Parking, 30 Spaces
• 1,000 lf No-mow/reduced • Stormwater improvements
• 10’ width mowing area (typ) • Landscape enhancements
• ADA compliant porous paving
Parking Lot Improvements
• Pave Parking (3,500 sf)
Min. D o n e g a l P l a c e • 2 ADA Spaces, 5 Standard
30’ R
New Bench (typ. of 7) Improved Pedestrian Crossing
• Raised speed table
• Pedestrian crossing warning signs (2)
Furnace Marietta Gateway Signage

Renovate/restore existing
Wildflower Meadow
Existing Street Light
(typ. of 2)

New Trail
• 450 lf Improved Museum Parking F u
• 10’ width r n
• ADA compliant porous paving
• 3 Spaces (1 ADA with Signage) a c
• Porous paving and walk e
Existing trail connection to R o
Front Street to be Improved a d
• 320 lf Proposed new pole and
• 10’ width
• ADA compliant porous paving
street/path light Rain Garden C
• (2) additional bollard trail lights • 1,780 sf
• Water quality
Rain Garden Bump-out D Rain Garden A
• 150 sf
• 200 sf
• Water quality BMP
• Water quality
Proposed new street/ Rain Garden D
Rain Garden Bump-out A path light on existing pole • 1,150 sf
• 115 sf • Water quality
Existing trail connection
(typ. of 4)
0' 50' 100' 150' • Water quality BMP to Columbia
SCALE: 1" = 50'

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