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QMIS: RFI Entry Page 1 of 2 ped) r a | “Seu Aramco (CTE CME UT a MICE SEs Get Favs. ruat?| foe! Conca GC, [Ogee Ove fae sn [RFI View (Work Inspected-Accepted) an! - ¥ Discipline: HVAC Ste eng. tndexk SATIP Ret #:5ATIPOL-03, Project Phase: INSTALLATION [SATIP Te: HVAC Metal Duct Sten 1 ‘SAIC Ret #:581¢ 44013, ' ‘SAIC Tide: Metal Dut Inspection ‘Scheduled Insp. Date: 31/3/2017, ‘Aramco nsp, Level ‘Scheduled Insp, The: 3:20 PM - ¢ ulpment1b/ Description: Weta Dc inspacton (QC CHRIS PANGAN) Asstant GC Ayn, Abuaman, Aw, Fava Hsin ' ‘Layout Drawing No. VA-<0079-004 Layout Drawing Rev. No! 00F2 Purchase Order No. ' ‘Aramco Activity No:3.2 Lee eserpton: BLDG. 200- MAINTENANCE BLDG, 28 nd FLOOR (GL 17-1 Wm 102168144818. Rex Deseiptin: Exceptions: ‘etal Ouctteataton Inspection BLOG. 20 MAINTENANCE BLOG. 128 2nd LOR (GL 17-18/¢4)20.4 RM, 102.148,168 8 15 pe toned agri oe. ——eorerstar ‘ Rs a = = « [ PAT Replies aH | say , = = ¢ = = ¢ : = SAIR Replies — — 1 a , = = = . ¢ Closing Comments Hata Ou salt Inspection LD. 200 was ore ard fond ceptable Closed Date: 127472017 01:02. 12/5/2017 QMIS: RFI Entry Page 2 of 2 1/qmisv4/site/r_rfi_view.asp?I_serial_no=11161545 12/3/2017 REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Saud amen 17-26 (1198) 92200 esperton Oeparmert Ret SAEP 1150 61023 rais 258 1001) 10 mowssana Pave CONST__Tae _ISF6/NOUGTRIN. SUPPORT FACLTES BONG To:Proedsinspecion unin FEROWANDS.GARABLES []ow — [Z]weh [TJeumb. — ]comns. (eet __ oer vac tepeceaniensiseutet nate) Bp/ 2017 tem) 2220 PM sere BRT Dr INSALLANION IN Bad Plook tenet estoneguionen Ww Bue. eR fa. 18 fe-P)) 102, Visremiciné: Cv rcv rn (tron wnat 4S APA eqreserisve fas vec lth wr 08 lornspoccn (CONTRACTOR hs wed ate wor tobe pected andcmrloms oe poet equenens. ‘sample snd compliance wie folowing specafons: SApuT NDE son Lomo SAESISAMGONe# sAES-«-c01- 08/94)C-K - 4015/5.2 Spare Cormacorcorpany _ALYAMAMA COMPANY Teleprone QWOCName _ CARs PANGAN }QNOC Signature Be ate 20/0/17 out DEC, 26/7 me [WOTE: inspectors signate is for receiving this request only and ot or approval Gr disapproval lhe work or faci mspeced ‘Thisfom rcv by he undesgned inspection Depron epiyse Name MFERONAND 8 GARABLES Seratre Dion: A Orgnal-Pret Nanagenent B.AsCopy Inspection 2nd Coy - Contato [SAUDI ARAMCO TYPICAL INSPECTION PLAN, = aR ar - fives its Out yo sanpicanies | soaonts hvac - G58 mene Jae ve ISEB 10-01055-0006_ AYC eM | PROJECT PHASE S |. eaury | cur | asen _ ‘no, | AGTINTY CODE ee | PROCEDURE RECORD | ~ ees aT 5 [etna ieisonssnn. yas be patentee cinta | pate = coca ntee comet } teeeeoe ere we | lanl. |. feenemncianinanminotermren | S—_ ie lveecc manna .—— on ew] ania emp | i me fw Sarai ——— | ieee enone te min we | lw lw | =a Be] eee eeetemmendn t a = a IRewwrtarcon ats 4 fw Steen one tonsone roe rooms te 2s 5 cat SSS er a rr Ose: Rag maa ww |FretnaorveSnae Canoe om gee en 8 ‘eouras wremeesrecseners s — ve (serewecoay peers. wars | reas ee ees 2 DettonapeTenaraoitsenng | seenerens| gS wi w |enmacuaisougieinomeras | smc | SA seamen ar i ee a aa = me | oe : Sar = a pale aan a | Someepema orem = sxe | wee lms holo be reedon sro ety ‘oeaen on | or balers a reverse sa fee | |e fo | pxcmcmmmreneneent Page 1 oft zapen0t7 1655 sivolanwico 9B MAYOS. Revo (Bande Cust Mach 201 favs sia [SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST itp eee IMotal Duct installation SAIC-K4013 | 30-Aprt#3 | HVAC ~SSR, sre 10-01055-0008 | aye CSTR E NEERT SaurerascerTor eS ae are ‘eta Duct neta Te |avocronaimn rae {REVO PURCHASE DER NOISE ecTiCC Tue : Wacd80769-COf Dore = SEES Rat som SHEET Soy | inalaa or ssraeane we canes Bianco ee Tw PERT RESID scoraemna RECTION ACTER NEPECTONTEVEE $=" “hia w 7 rem ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA rerenence | rase | rau | wa [newsronr | “ir syaam capa ad dual war tal be taled h aordance | ] Atty Gonsvucion Orang, Specicatone, nd Mantes sacsxour | 7 lnstalaion Marval 483 | = ‘Contractor shal prepare Shop HVAC drawings and shall be reviewed Snr x o04 (2 |anaaproved ye SAPMT/Desrer peri suotany HVAC HOR Se agag | W~ | ctw. | AS secor, et: 16 pomt the conatveton af @ complete laity in carn atl |nccordance with the Saudi Aramea engineer requrements | ‘modification andlor rerotting of any existing systems, shall be Speekait [Shep HVAC swe cornu cua weve, wxccm | | [Tha alr ducts of a HVAC systems ncudng raw constucton, | | ‘acted fen oetms nso an reawrements ot SAESICON - Ihe unter Mechusca ase, Sad Armco Mechanica (VRC) Cove | (Gnesi 0} and SMACNA Sanur | | i qe} h 15 |[Spmar dampers nl at be ved er ict ranch ake Sasa wr Tuning vanes, a per SMAGNA RVAG Ove oration 7 1 ne Caen eben teres ow cekbei cal eens. Par s829 | [Escoptar No treng vanes eqtad he hoe rd ogee lc ith - | [Ditusers, registers, rites and other similar air terminal devices shall | *7 lorancn duct sha be povided lose ailemnal doves, having’s Para #@ 42.10 a Imirimu length of to duct sizes, |All ductworks crossing building construction joints shall be provided with ' exible connection to sustain any structural or bulking sattements ‘due to expansion or corraction and seismic effec (Note: |Fleible joitssha not be used to correct misekgrment of HVAC air |ducts. HVAC air ducts shal be insted plumbed and signed —_t Ino be installed cirecty on to main, sub-main and branchmain ducts. | SAES-K.001 | as ‘et reiforcemeris shal be provided as per the requemens of the 9 |atachmeni No. | (Tables AF tru AG1-10) IMG Secon 6.105 Aopendi"A" Standard 6-1) . |pucte shat be ieoted om Mek A Handing System (Fan, Fan Col Us, ete) by Faxble Connections ato Each supply or rtum sub-main duct; maln-branch duct and branch ‘ANT quot take-off sal be equipped wih e volume damper an "Volume dampers shal be provided ai downstream the variable saesicoar 7) A'S | constant a velume terminal toxes Para 48477 Page 1 of 1 SAUD ARAM IP - UAV 5 -REV 0 (Sart ut Mach 2012) reve sisenie |Note: Other methods shall have Saud! Aramco epproval ‘Extemally insulated cucts located outside of bulcings shall be sealed ‘A21 before being insuated, as though they were inside. “_(SMACNA Para $1.96) " SAES-K-001 Para 48135 {air leaks sites in ducts located outside of buildings are excosed to ‘weather, they shall receive exterior duct sealant (SMACNA Para S 1.99) "Note: Exterior duct sealant is defined as a sealant thet is marked SAES-K-001 | “specially 8s forming a positive a-and watertight seal, bonding wello Para, ‘the metal involved, remaining exible with metal movernent, and having ‘a sonics temperature of 34 C to 79.6 [Exterior duct sealant if exposed to rect sunlight shallbe ultraviolet @y- | acca ooy ‘A23_|and ozone-resistant or shall, after curing be pained with a compatible | SN sy |coating that provides such resistant (SMACNA Para S1.9 g) |Duatecsing sal be rove obo psive and negative pressure | SAESCOD | > ag |rrades of operation (SMACNA Para 51.91) | Pare 48.125 "seal is Asal ve povided for4" w.o ond Nahar pressure Gass duct | 1 sos (eoenaton UAC S Ta) sAe5001 [Goce catvareweon orga seore andauetwa | Pardes || eomreton | seat class B shal be povided or w.g. pressure lass dict 128 consbucion (SMAGNAS 18 Tate 1) [Geass BA Vanavre nts and tenga seams only SAES-«-001 Para 48.125 ‘Seal class G shall be provided for 2" w.g. pressure class duct f7 cosncton RCNA Tate 1) | SHES. [caer Sheree ae Page 1 of 1 SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST peer prereent — paneer [Metal Duct Installation SAIG-K-4013 | 30-Apr-13 | HVAC 558 rea ———— RJ ORTRNTORTSUSTORTNCTOR 1sFB “10-01055-0006 AvC SRT OHTA "aR TESST Se ORT : [lst Duct instalation & anlgel ETRE Terr Pe ORD crams re AASOTUA-COf ‘DOF SWPRENON OME pe eT NRreERORONE A Te aT eH RPET TL a So/n tay § 3:0 RM SOA Hay 4 '40RM _ OG atco ak ony faunas ne nek RE aS IT RT prone oN 001-08 a2 SAU ARAMCOINSRECTONTEVEL [CONTRACTOR WMSPECTIONLEVEL —| NIA Ww L L ire, ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA werenence | vase | FAL | wa |Reswse Date : | Ti baiting saute shal be Grey toe ode wha pant at T sa lschrge ofatleat 18m anay om any operable wndow o coor, SAES.001 Z| nda rmnimum of above and’ hazonaly away kor any a | Paro 44118 (rake eeere as ‘A'S Metal ducting shall be rounded, provide jumpers at fexbie duct, ae | [7 internal duct lining of fibrous material shail not be used. T —_ | . T 7 |A18. Only NFPA rated closed call mateal shal be pemited with A A lpr apyroval fhe HAG Standards Commitee Charman, ‘Al matefals nthe eum ar plenum shal be nomcombusiveorimied | SAES-K-001 ANT combustible. par 48i2.i2 | ~~ | ang Met! Dict al benvaed wihatonst4inhesofsopartonivon | SAESKIOD | || Banh (UMCPare 6021) ‘Secton | pio (Metal dicts ven stad ina inde concete 388 shal be encasedin SAESK-100 | a atieast 2 indies of conaete. (UNC Pare 603.1) Secion | Soins, seams and tings of ct ysionsshallbo made eibeindaly aay ttghthy mean of ape, masts gebclng oar spprored sas | | | ‘meds (UMC Para €01.8) ‘Secten aki | [SAUDI ARAMCO INSPECTION CHECKLIST ied ees ree SAICK-4013 | 30-Apr13 HVAC ~ 5a Ist8 “foataeeoo0s [ave ra ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA nevenence | Pass | FAIL | WA. | REANSPOMTE [REWARKS: [REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: 1-SAES-K-001 ~ Design and instalation of Heating Ventilating, and Alr Conltoning Systems, 10 March 2012 l2-saes K-100 ~ Save Aramco Mechanical Code (HVAC), 31 May 2008 s-uniform Mechanical Code (UMC), 2009 Edition |+-SWACNA —HVAC Duct Construction Standards Metal and Flesible, 2005 [ATTAGHNENTS: Duct Reecamen tables AB--F Th ABO Contractor / Third-Party ‘Saudi Agamco Pe ee ene ei Cw a fl lear avg 2 [inf ee | Fores apr Represent aivemaas LJocmcoctine [en lec eapanse SHY Biel Ae 2% roped A ARE a ae beetaaceions ins asa ee TYEE RERO FFAS u)Pr Page 1 of 1 _ GMS # S6l05 -RFI#SSB aes =. SS SS SS _— 1 x aS & O @ ® ' ‘aun RE poo to co Ge (pies conus, © we si Ges ws sect Haan ara Ge oe ce oe on os) tn aR occ Ftc = ores rice MMLNATL LomNce mL ENLARGED HVAC LAYOUT OFFICES - 2ND. FLOOR 26/49 [7 CONTROLLED CORY xan? Copy no 1.01!

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