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What is Human Resources Management?

Human resource management is referred to as personnel management and human Capital Management
which ensures that organization have the right staff within the right skills at the right time who are
communicated to the business and motivated to give them their best to where's the realization of the
organizational objectives.

In another way human resource management can be defined as effective and efficient utilization of the
human elements at work.

Human resource management is there recruitment selection development utilization and accomplishment
of human resource by the organization.

Human resource management involves planning organizing directing controlling procurement

development compensation integration maintenance and separation of human resource in order to
achieve individual, organizational, and societal goals or objectives.


Functions of HRM can be categorized into two they are:

1 managerial functions

2 operative or specialist functions

1. Managerial Functions managerial functions include the following

a. planning

b organizing

c. directing
d. controlling.

The above functions are performed by managers irrespective of their areas of specialization meaning
that as a manager your role is to plan and when you are planning like we said like I really mentioned
yesterday that planning is a blueprint of an intended purpose the same thing is that as a manager
whether you are a specialist or not you have to plan you have to organize you have to direct give
instruction to people and then you have to control because control is a measure of performance are
we together.

Specialiat or Operative Functions The specialist or operative functions of human resource

management is the function that is performed only by the human resource specialist alone. This
functions include:
a. Procurement: this is obtaining the right number and quality stand to accomplish organizational task
procurement activities includes Manpower planning recruitment selection and placement.

b. Development: this is the process of increasing personnel skills through training so that job
performance can be improved.

c. Compensation: this is the function of human resource management that deals with the provision of
an equitable remuneration to employees at the right time right place right quantity and right quality.

d. Integration: this is a process of ensuring that the relationship between individual employees
represented by the union the society and organizational interest is well harmonized to bring out the

1. Industrial peace and harmony.

2. adequate communication channels

3 effective grievance settling procedure.

e. Seperation: this involves whole process and techniques used to ensure a peaceful exit or
cessation of service from the organization for one reason or the other.

Methods of seperations

The method of Separation involves

a. retirement

b. retrenchment

c. transfer the promotion resignation dismissal

Now let's consider the method of Separation that we have just mentioned retirement whether we like it or
not retirement will bring separation between employees and employer because if you're of age and you
don't have the strength to work definitely the person Will what retire from service so retirement can bring
what separations in an organization another one that is very cool when organizations not able to pay
workers salaries or reduce their workforce through retrenchment another one is transfer which occur aa a
result of the competence or skills to manage a parrocular location within the organization.

We'll talk about promotion promotion can also come when you are consistent in what you are doing and
this can also lead to a separation because those people that you have been working together before as a
result of that promotion as a result of that title or position assume the office what happened the
relationship will reduce from your colleagues or your contemporary so this one can cause separation.

Another one we mention is the resignation if someone has found out that he can know he or she cannot
cope with the current train of the Joe what happened he can retire from work and other thing that can
make you to resign from work could be because of your health status you didn't have a very good health
what happened you will be advised to what retire so resignation or to resign your appointment and that
means that I have a very good record let me go on the clean sheet or the clean note so you will want you
resign or your appointment and other one is this Mr I don't pray for this for any of you but the truth of the
matter is when employee is not productive it is bound to be what this means from service so when you
are not bringing out fruits when you are not producing results what happened the organization doesn't
want to continue to hire people that will not be able to deliver and as a result of this if you find one thing
then that person is a goner so this means I will come this means I will come another area where you can
be dismissed from service is when you have choir organizational property or just through prefrin through
tests and you are found guilty then next thing is to dismissal from service so this means I can also cause
what separation and those people you have been mingle with those people you have been
communicating with what happened you will not have opportunity to communicate with them except those
one that you have koninonia with meaning relationship with them that means you have a good
relationship with them.


Human resource planning helps organization to identify the future labor needs all requirements and how
to meet the needs. human resource planning involves forecasting of human resource needs and carrying
out human resource audit.

Manpower or human resource planning can be defined as the process by which a management
determines how an organization should move from its present Manpower position its desirable Manpower


1. Manpower planning requirement

2. Manpower Supplies

The stages of Manpower or human resource planning involves when Manpower planning requirement this
simply means that there must be a plan 4 bringing in new employees into an organization there must be a
Focus of workforce who will be able to achieve the organizational goals or objectives.

Secondly another thing an organization need to do is to provide is to provide adequate workforce who will
be use to achieve a desirable goal there must be a demand and supply to meet Manpower requirements.


a. To ensure the performance of organization task and duties.

b. To prepare for effective and efficient employees or succession

c. To prepare for organizational growth and expansion

d. to prepare for changes in technology

e. to reduce the cost of excess of surplus Manpower or shortage of Manpower supply

f. To prepare and take care of excessive redeployment and deployment

Manpower or Human Resources Planning Process.

Manpower or human resource planning process includes the following:

a. decide goals or objectives of the Manpower is need

b. translate the goals or the objective into quantity requirements
c. conducts an audit of existing Manpower
d. to identify the gap that exist between the existing Manpower and the requirement of manpower
need or replacements

e. develop alternative possible cause of action and plants e.g training retraining recruitment
transfer promotion and upgrading.

f. select or choose the best plan or combination of actions based on cost benefit analysis.

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