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Hitesh Soni &.

Associates, Mumbai

Online Internship

Dated: 27/06/2020


(A)Which provision of Transfer of Property Act, 1882 deals with the cancellation of sale deed?

(B)When a registered sale deed can be rendered as void? Rely on any Supreme Court judgements or
High Court judgements.

(C)Whether a sale deed on the basis of registered Power Of Attorney (P.O.A) can be Void? Rely on any
Supreme Court judgements or High Court judgements.

(D)What are the circumstances where a registered P.O.A can be cancelled/void/ in cases P.O.A was not
duly registered & was not authentic? Cite the Case Laws & most relevant Judgements of Hon'ble
Supreme Court & High Courts in view of these research.

(E) What is unduly & unauthentic registered P.O.A?

(F) Differentiate between Special P.O.A & General P.O.A?

(G) Whether any registered documents can be rendered void or cancelled in the absence of witness



- All research should be prepared in word document file & in proper format.

- The judgements or case laws will be accepted in PDF file only.

- The research work should be prepared in complete and not in partial form.

- All A,B,C,D,E,F & G are mandatory.

- The research work done by the intern should contain his/her details.

- The research work should be submitted by Tuesday i.e 30/06/2020 till 5:00pm (Last day of your

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