Semester Project: Ahmad Yama FA16-EPE-168 Fazal Rahim FA16-EPE-165 Mir Alam FA16-EPE-179 Hammad Afzal FA16-EPE-062

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24 DEC 2019

Ahmad Yama FA16-EPE-168
Fazal Rahim FA16-EPE-165
Mir Alam FA16-EPE-179
Hammad Afzal FA16-EPE-062
Impulse Voltage
Impulse voltage is a unidirectional voltage which rises rapidly to maximum value and fall more
or less rapidly to zero, this voltage is also called pulse voltage. We study Impulse voltage to
study the effect of transient over voltages. The characteristics of an impulse voltage can be
noticed with a High or Low fall time followed by a very high-rise time of voltage, Lightning is
an example of natural causes which causes Impulse voltage. Since this Impulse voltage can
severely damage electrical equipment, it is important to test our devices to work against impulse
Impulse Voltage Waveform
To understand the impulse voltage better let’s take a look at the impulse voltage waveform. In
the below image, a single peak of high voltage Impulse waveform is shown.

Fig1: Impulse Voltage Waveform

As you can see, the wave is getting to its maximum 100 percent peak within 2uS. This is very
fast, but the high voltage is losing its strength with a span of 40uS almost. Therefore, the pulse
has a very short or fast rise time whereas a very slow or long fall time. The duration of the pulse
is called the wave tail which is defined by the difference between 3rd-time stamp ts3 and ts0.
Wave front is the time taken by the wave to reach its maximum value starting from zero value.
Wave front is considered as 1.5 times (ts1-ts2) and wave tail is considered as(ts3-ts0).
We use Electrical devices to generate very short high-voltage or high-current surges. There are
two types of impulse generator. Impulse voltage generator and impulses current generators.
An impulse generator essentially consists of a capacitor which is charged to the required voltage
and discharged through a circuit. There are two types impulse voltage generators. Single stage
impulse voltage generators and multi stage impulse voltage generators. We want to explain
single stage impulse voltage generators.
Single Stage Impulse Generator
In order to understand the working of an Impulse generator, let stake a look at the circuit diagram
of a single-stage impulse generator that is shown below

Fig2: Single stage impulse generator

The above circuit consists of two capacitors and two resistances. The spark Gap (G) is an
electrically isolated gap between two electrodes where electrical sparks happen. A high voltage
power source is also shown in the above image. Any impulse generator circuit needs at least one
large capacitor that is charged to an appropriate voltage level and then discharged by a load. In
the above circuit, the CS is the charging capacitor. This is a high voltage capacitor typically
more than a 2kV rating (depends on the desired output voltage). The capacitor CB is the load
capacitance that will discharge the charging capacitor. The resistor and RD and RE control the
wave shape.
If the above image observed carefully, we can find that the G or spark gap has no electrical
connection. Then how does the load capacitance get the high voltage? Here is the trick and by
this one, the above circuit acts as an impulse generator. The capacitor is charged until the
capacitor’s charged voltage is enough to cross the spark gap. An electrical impulse generated
across the spark gap and high voltage gets transferred from the left electrode terminal to the right
electrode terminal of the spark gap and thus making it a connected circuit.
The response time of the circuit can be controlled by varying the distance between two
electrodes or changing the capacitors fully charged voltage. The output impulse voltage
calculation can be done by calculating the output voltage waveform with
v(t) = [V0 / CbRd(α – β)] (e – αt – e – βt)
α = 1 / RdCb
β = 1 / ReCz
MatLab Simulation
The problem to be solved in this work is to create a simulation circuit that has an output wave
shape equivalent to that of an Impulse Generator. An existing 100kV Impulse Generator at the
institution will be utilized to generate the laboratory testing results. Several different voltage
levels will be tested and measured from the laboratory equipment setup. The Impulse Generator
setup is utilized for impulse testing of Medium Voltage Switchgear up to and including 250kV
levels. The testing wave shape is 1.2/50µs, with the peak voltage reached in 1.2µs. Several
iterations may be required to tune the value of stray capacitance in the simulation to more closely
match the Impulse Generator generated wave shape. Also, the value for the initial charge on the
stage capacitors is the same as that used in the actual impulse generator. These final simulation
values will be compared with the base wave shape details.

Fig3: MatLab simulation of Single stage impulse generator

The impulse generator used in the testing was a single stage generator resulting in a peak
capability of 140kV. The front resistor allows the front of the wave to reach peak in the desired
time. The second resistor refers to as the tail resistance, is required for the half voltage level at
the end of the tail wave shape. Experimental setup for impulse voltage generator and flash over
testing of disc insulator. In this setup, the front stage resistor value is 245kΩ. The tail stage
resistor value is 1200Ω.
The dc voltage is applied across the source capacitance (Cs = 5000pf). The load capacitance (Cb)
is 1000pf. One end of the source capacitance is connected to DC volt meter. Another end is
grounded. Across the load capacitance (Cb) impulse voltmeter is connected. An earth electrode
is provided for discharging.
Fig4: output of single stage impulse generator

Applications of Impulse voltage generators

High impulse voltages are used to test the strength of electric power equipment against lightning
and switching surges. Also, steep-front impulse voltages are sometimes used in nuclear physics
experiments. High impulse currents are needed not only for tests on equipment such as lightning
arresters and fuses but also for many other technical applications such as lasers, thermonuclear
fusion, and plasma devices.

Disadvantages of Single Stage Impulse Generator

The major disadvantage of a single-stage impulse generator circuit is the physical size.
Depending on the high voltage rating, the components get bigger in size. Also, high impulse
voltage generation requires a high DC voltage. Therefore, for a single-stage impulse voltage
generator circuit, it gets quite difficult to get optimum efficiency even after using large DC
power supplies. The spheres that are used for the gap connection also required very high in size.
The corona that is gets discharged by the impulse voltage generation is very difficult to suppress
and reshape. The electrode life gets shorten and requires replacement after a few cycles of

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