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Republic of the Philippines

Batangas State University

College of Engineering, Architecture and Fine Arts
Mechanical Engineering Department

ME 523
Power Plant Design


Balasta, Lovelyn U.
Castillo, Shayne Roselle C.
Magpantay, Michael Vincent A.
Marasigan, Lemuel A.
Pimentel, John Louie D.
ME – 5204

Engr. Gerald T. Aguila


May 2019



Economic growth of a country is dependent on the availability of energy. Since the

demand is constantly increasing, energy is imperative for the process of economic development

where some industrial plants require high energy consumption for production. Energy is produce

by utilization of natural resources; it can be either renewable or non-renewable energy.

Electricity is coupled for sustainable development and growth of an economy.

Philippines is a promising economy, when it comes to energy use and conventional fuels,

which is oil and gas, are the main source for the demand of energy. The country is bounded with

different sources of energy that can be converted to electricity. According to the types of fuels

being used, has different types of power plant, source of power can be a renewable and non-

renewable. A renewable power source plant comprises Wind Power Plant, Geothermal Power

Plant, Biomass Power Plant, Solar/Photovoltaic Power Plant, and Hydroelectric Power Plant.

However, taking into account of plants that uses Oil, Natural gas, Diesel, Coal and Oil it

considers as non-renewable power source.

Since the needs for electricity rise and fall throughout the day in response to a number of

things, including the time and environmental factors, storing electricity is critically essential. The

Philippines suffers from numerous unplanned electricity outages, or brown-outs, owing to the

insufficient and outdated power-generation infrastructure. One approach to managing electricity

demand is building more generation facilities that can be brought online to manage peaks.
The renewable energy like the natural gas and oil can be utilized to meet the growing

energy demand. Construction of combined energy power plant is one way to properly harness the

energy in these natural resources. Combined power plant is known for its high efficiency in

converting the energy. Continuous innovation on energy related technology can further improved

the extraction of energy from these resources and thus producing more energy output.

Rationale of the Study

Province of Batangas, in itself, offers numerous opportunities and expansion, and over

the past years its robust growth is constantly improving. It has a total land area of 3,165.81

square kilometer and a total of 31 Municipalities and 1,078 barangays. Since the province is also

a host of various types of industrial establishment that create a big impact for its continuous

development, the needs of electricity are very crucial. Electricity is the most vital element that

sustains the progress of the province.

According the Department of Energy report in 2018, Luzon grid experienced yellow alert

because of the increasing demand of electricity. Yellow alert is issued when reserves are not

enough to cover the largest running generating unit at the time but does not necessarily lead to

power outages. However, some areas in Batangas and parts of Bataan still experienced rotational

brownout that last five hours because of manual load dropping. This is happened when the

reserved power thinned was unable to meet the required level to meet the consumer demand.

Since electricity demand is steadily escalating the evolution of new power plant are

needed. Given that Batangas is surrounded by bodies of water and it is near in Malampaya

natural gas pipeline it is a good place to build and develop a power plant that will supply most

part of Batangas and Bataan to prevent the power interruption.

This brings up the design of a combined cycle power plant. The design project focused

on the combination of gas and steam turbine. A combined cycle power plants are highly

efficient, reliable, cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions to generate energy.

Compared with other conventional steam turbine plants the efficiency of combined cycle plant is

about 50-60% which is much higher than the steam or turbine plant; capital cost with

supplementary firing for combined cycle compared to simple gas plant is a little higher and of

the same capacity compared to steam turbine plant is much lower; the requirement for cooling

tower is much lower; self-sustained feature; has a high ratio of power output to the area

occupied; low maintenance. To increase the overall efficiency of electric power plants, multiple

processes can be combined to recover and utilize the residual heat energy in hot exhaust gases.

Distinctively, a combined-cycle power plant uses both a gas and a steam turbine or combining of

multiple thermodynamic cycles to generate power, where gas turbine generates electricity while

the waste heat from the gas turbine is used to make steam to generate additional electricity by

means of a steam turbine.

Current Energy Situation in the Philippines

Philippines is capable of generating a lot of energy from natural resources since it is a

tropical archipelago and its economy already shifted from agriculture to industry. Nowadays,

photo voltaic panels is very demand to the customers due to its cost efficiency. In fact,

Philippines already using renewable resources to meet the increasing demand of the consumers.

It is only a short period of time since more of the Filipino people recognize the benefits of

renewable energy and it can be an alternative for carbon and oil.

According to the Department of Energy statistics as of 2017, the country recorded a total

peak demand of 13, 789 MW, which is 3.9 percent or 517 MW higher than the previous year.

The highest peak demand growth rate was in Mindanao with a total of 6.5 percent or 107 MW.

The total electricity consumption of 3.9 percent or 3,572,450 MWh grew from 90,797,891 MWh

in 2016 to 94,370,341 MWh in 2017. The overall growth rate of 1.1 percent was from the

increasing sector of residential and industrial. Associated with the residential sector expansion is

the increasing household electricity consumption, rising income per capita and the strengthening

of household electrification among others. And based on the National Accounts on 2017, a total

of 7.2 percent growth was established by industrial sector due to its expansion and public


Electricity sales and consumption in 2016 and 2017 is shown in figure1. It compromises

the sales and consumption in residential, commercial, industrial, own use, system loss and others.

Figure 1. 2016 vs. 2017 Electricity Sales and Consumption (in MWh)
Source: Department of Energy,2017

In figure 1, sales and consumption of electricity in residential in 2016 is much higher than

in 2017 from 25,631,254 MWh to 26,782,033 MWh, commercial from 21,770,167 MWh it

increases in 2017 to 22,767,981 MWh, industrial it increases from 24,116,820 MWh of 2016 to

25,573,267 MWh of 2017, own use it decreases from 8,357,339 MWh of 2016 to 8,315,784

MWh of 2017, system loss also decreases from 8,288,045 MWh of 2016 to 8,261,747 MWh of

2017, and other consumption and sales in electricity, it increases from 2,634,266 MWh of 2016

to 2,669,529 MWh of 2017.

The total installed capacity of the country from 21,425 MW in 2016 to 22,730 MW in

2017 grew by 6.1 percent. Through the commercial operation of large coal-fired power plants

with a capacity of 630 MW in Luzon and Mindanao, solar farms in Luzon and Visayas with 127

MW capacity and additional from oil and hydro power plants of 78 MW capacity.

In addition to the supply, off-grid power plants established a total of 2 percent or 465

MW of the total installed capacity. In terms of fuel-type basis, coal share the largest amount of

installed capacity with a percentage of 36 or 8,049 MW, 31 percent of renewable energy which is

equivalent to 7,079 MW, oil-based at 18 percent or 4,153 MW and lastly, natural gas with 15

percent or 3,477 MW.

Summary of Newly Operational Capacities of 2016 and 2017 is shown in Figure 2. It

covers the power plant facility name such as coal, oil-based, natural gas, renewable energy like

geothermal, hydro, biomass, solar and wind.

Figure 2. 2016 vs. 2017 Summary of Newly Operational Capacities (in MW)
Source: Department of Energy,2017

Figure 2 shows the summary of newly operational capacities in 2016 and 2017. Installed

plant has a total of 2,691 in 2016 and it decreases to 835 in 2017. Based on dependable in 2016,

it garnered a total of 2,839 and it decreases to 765 in 2017.

Target Location

Locloc, Bauan, Batangas is the chosen location of the proposed 715 MW Combined

Cycle Power Plant for ease of electricity transmission to the target area to be supplied. Locloc,

Bauan, Batangas has a geographical coordinate at 13.7929° N and 120.9212° E. The desired

location is 123.3 km from Metro Manila with a total land area of 53.31 km2 (53.31 hectares)

accommodating a total population of 91,297 people as of 2015 (Wikipedia). The designated

location is chosen because the source of fuel, which is the natural gas, is taken from Malampaya

natural gas pipeline that snakes its way from off shore plant to the area of Batangas.

Figure 3 shows the Malampaya Natural Gas Pipeline as it traverses from the Malampaya

off shore plant to Batangas.

Figure 3. Malampaya Natural Gas Pipeline
Source: Google Maps, 2019

In the figure above shows the Malampaya Natural Gas Pipeline where natural gas will be

collected which serves as the main fuel source of proposed power plant.

The area of Locloc, Bauan, Batangas is somewhat large. The plant will only take a small

portion of it covering a total estimated area 14 hectares. The area is placed near the Balayan Bay

which is a good source of water for the different processes of the plant. The area is almost beach

sides and the development of the plant will be ensured to be environmental friendly and will

comply as much as possible with the laws implemented in the area.

The figure below shows the proposed location of the 715 MW Combine Cycle Power

Plant at Locloc, Bauan, Batangas.

Figure 4. Proposed Plant Location, Locloc, Bauan Batangas

Source: Google Maps, 2019

In Figure 4, the proposed location plant is near the Sitio Pulang Lupa Chapel and Locloc

Elementary School at the West side, and major part of Bauan, Batangas at the east side. The

proposed location is accessible for the transportation of materials that will be needed for the

construction and operation of the plant. However, since condensers are require an ample amount

supply of cooling water, location of the proposed plant is a good place to have an access to

cooling water. Proposed plant location is 1 km away from bodies of water.

Load Survey

The load survey of certain location gives knowledge on the power demand to be supplied

to the target consumers.

Batelec 1 number of captivated customer is shown in table 1. It contains the number and

type of consumers in 2019.

Table 1
Number of Captivated Costumer of Batelec I in 2019
Consumer Type Number of consumers
Residential 131,536
Commercial 4,332
Industrial 25
Others 13,163
Total 149,056
(Source: Department of Energy, 2019)

The table above shows the type and number of consumers that will be covered by the

combined cycle power plant. Under Batelec I, it compromises a total of 131,536 consumers for

the residential type, 4,332 for the commercial, 25 for the industrial and the remaining 13,163 is

for the other types including the public buildings.

The number of captivated costumer in 2019 for Batelec II is shown in table 2. This

contains the type and number of consumers.

Table 2
Number of Captivated Costumer of BATELEC II in 2019
Consumer Type Number of consumers
Residential 222,471
Commercial 8,782
Industrial 56
Others 3,577
Total 234,886
(Source: Department of Energy, 2019)

The table above shows the total number of consumers covered by Batelec II, another

electric distributor in Batangas area. A total of 234,886 consumers are divided into residential,

commercial, industrial and others. Residential cover the large number of consumers which is

equivalent to 222,471 and industrial that have a minimum consumer of 56.

The number of captivated customer of FBPC in 2019 is shown in table 3. It contains the

type and number of consumers of the year 2019.

Table 3
Number of Captivated Costumer of FBPC in 2019
Consumer Type Number of consumers
Residential 19,820
Commercial 1,945
Industrial 0
Others 358
Total 22,123
(Source: Department of Energy, 2019)

The data for load survey were taken from the Department of Energy, Distribution Utility

Profile which is under the electric distributor, First Bay Power Corporation (FBPC). The table

above shows the corresponding number and type of target consumers under in the areas covered

by the 715 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant. Various types of consumer on the municipalities

covered by FBPC are residential, commercial, industrial, and other. The potential number of

target consumer is 22,123. The residential consumer is the largest part of consumer base with a

total number of 19,820 representing 89.59% of the total consumer base. The commercial

consumer comprises the next largest group followed by others such as public buildings,

industrial, water system and street lights.

PENELCO, another electric distributor have the number of captivated costumer as shown

in table 4. It contains the type and number of consumers.

Table 4
Number of Captivated Costumer of PENELCO in 2019
Consumer Type Number of consumers
Residential 157,757
Commercial 8,679
Industrial 1,163
Others 2,269
Total 169,868
(Source: Department of Energy, 2019)

The table above shows the total number of consumers under PENELCO. Different type

of consumers like residential, commercial, industrial and others are considered to tally the total

number of consumers that the electric distributor have to supply which is equivalent to 169,868

consumers. Like the other, residential also cover the highest number of consumers which has a

total of 157,757. Commercial cover a number of 8,679, others which is 2,269 and for the

minimum number, it is under the industrial type which is 1,163.

Load Demands

The load demand in certain area gives information on the amount of demand needed to

supply by a power plant. Every municipality consumes an amount of load which is documented


Batelec I annual energy distribution is shown in table 5. It compromises the energy sales

of the certain consumer type.

Table 5
Annual Energy Distributed by BATELEC I in 2019
Consumer Type Energy Sales (MWh)
Residential 145,281
Commercial 70,251
Industrial 55,188
Others 27,772
Total 298,492
(Source: Department of Energy,2019)

The table above shows the total energy sales distributed by Batelec I in year 2019. Since

residential cover the maximum number of consumer, it is also the main contributor of the energy

sales with a total of 145,281 MWh according to the Department of Energy. The commercial type

of consumer contribute 70,251 MWh and others such as public buildings, industrial, water

system and streetlights has an energy sales of 27,772 MWh. Even the industrial has a minimum

number of consumer, it contribute much higher energy sales than the other type due to its high

demand of energy. It has an energy sale of 55,188 MWh. And for this electric distributor, it has a

total of 298,492 MWh energy that must be distributed.

The annual energy distributed by Batelec II is shown in table 6. It covers the energy sales

and the consumer type.

Table 6
Annual Energy Distributed by BATELEC II in 2019
Consumer Type Energy Sales (MWh)
Residential 305,282
Commercial 180,573
Industrial 184,120
Others 62,578
Total 732,554

(Source: Department of Energy,2019)

The table above shows the different value of energy sales a certain consumer type needs.

In this electric distributor, a total of 732,554 MWh must be distributed to supply the demand of

its consumers. Residential type is the main contributor and has the highest amount of energy

sales compared to the other type which is 305,282 MWh. The other type which is commonly the

public buildings, street lights and many more contribute the minimum value of 62,578 MWh.

Annual energy distributed by FBPC in 2019 is shown in Table 7. It compromises

consumer type and energy sales.

Table 7
Annual Energy Distributed by FBPC in 2019
Consumer Type Energy Sales (MWh)
Residential 45,520
Commercial 28,773
Industrial 0
Others 3,728
Total 78,021
(Source: Department of Energy,2019)

The data on table 2 shows the corresponding energy sales of different consumers covered

by the 715 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant. The main contributor on energy sales is the

residential which is about 45,520 MWh, while others such as public buildings, industrial, water

system and street lights has the lowest energy sales, 3728 MWh. The total energy sales of the

location covered is 78,021 MWh.

Annual energy distributed by PENELCO is shown in table 8. It contains the type of

consumer and its corresponding energy sales.

Table 8
Annual Energy Distributed by PENELCO in 2019

Consumer Type Energy Sales (MWh)
Residential 234,221
Commercial 37,383
Industrial 133,809
Others 52,131
Total 457,544
(Source: Department of Energy,2019)

The table above shows the total energy sales of PENELCO which has a total of 457,544

MWh. In this electric distributor, commercial type contributes the minimum energy sales of

37,382 MWh. And like the other, residential covers a total of 234,221 MWh which is the highest

contributor for the energy sales.

Load Projection

The projected load demand of Batangas I Electric Cooperative, Inc., Batangas II Electric

Cooperative, Inc., First Bay Power Corporation and Peninsula Electric Cooperative, Inc will be

based on the data gathered from the specific electric distributor.

The projected load demand of BATELEC I is shown in table 9. It compromises the

forecast demand of the consumer from the present year up to 2035.

Table 9
Projected Load Demand of BATELEC I
Natipua Nasugbu Nasugbu Calataga Total Total
Year Balayan Balayan Taal Butong Mnb Palanas
n 1 2 n Mva Mw

2010 2.99 7.62   8.57 7.15 5.54 3.17 5.38 6.75 8.582 55.79 47.42
2011 2.65 7   8.57 8.91 5.46 1.63 5.28 7.08 6.946 53.54 45.51
2012 2.84 7.36   8.47 8.16 5.88 1.80 7.59 7.1 6.35 55.57 47.24
2013 3.39 7.32   9.80 8.45 6.09 2.78 6.15 6.82 6.566 57.39 48.78

2014 3.42 8.06 3.44 7.2 8.43 5.37 1.90 6.08 7.65 7.948 59.54 50.60
2015 4.35 8.65 3.63 7.34 8.29 7.38 1.70 7.19 7.61 9.504 65.68 55.83
2016   8.71 4.42 8.20 10.49 7.36 4.42 9.13 8.31 8.716 69.79 59.32
2017 5.14 9.25 4.75 8.80 10.55 7.85 5.65 9.53 8.52 9.513 79.58 67.64
2018 5.72 9.74 5.19 9.61 11.31 8.44 7.23 10.45 8.94 6 87.02 73.96
2019 6.33 10.28 5.66 10.47 12.12 9.08 9.03 11.44 9.38 4 95.06 80.80
12.19 102.4
2020 6.81 10.84 6.15 11.38 12.97 9.75 11.00 12.47 8.85 8 4 87.08
13.19 112.5
2021 7.64 11.43 6.66 12.32 13.85 10.45 13.13 13.54 10.33 6 8 95.69
14.22 121.8 103.5
2022 8.32 12.04 7.18 13.29 14.75 11.17 15.38 14.6 10.83 7 6 8
15.28 130.8 111.1
2023 9.01 12.66 7.17 14.27 15.67 11.92 17.71 15.76 11.34 1 1 9
16.34 140.9 119.8
2024 9.7 13.29 8.25 15.26 16.6 12.67 20.09 16.89 11.85 8 7 2
17.41 150.6 128.0
2025 10.38 13.92 8.78 16.26 17.52 13.43 22.49 18.01 12.36 6 1 2
18.47 160.1 136.1
2026 11.05 14.56 9.32 17.24 18.43 14.19 24.89 19.12 12.87 5 7 4
19.51 169.5 144.1
2027 11.70 15.18 9.84 18.20 19.32 14.94 27.24 20.20 13.37 5 5 2
20.52 178.6 151.8
2028 12.33 15.80 10.34 19.13 20.19 15.68 29.52 21.25 13.86 3 7 7
21.49 187.4 159.3
2029 12.92 16.40 10.83 20.03 21.02 16.40 31.70 22.26 14.33 1 1 0
22.40 195.6 166.3
2030 13.47 16.98 11.29 20.88 21.80 17.10 33.73 23.21 14.78 7 9 4
203.4 172.8
2031 13.98 17.53 11.72 21.68 22.53 17.77 35.60 24.09 15.20 23.26 0 9
209.4 178.0
2032 14.43 18.05 12.11 22.41 23.19 18.40 37.27 24.90 15.60 23.04 5 4
24.73 216.7 184.2
2033 14.83 18.54 12.47 23.0 23.79 18.99 38.70 25.62 15.95 6 5 3
25.33 222.6 189.2
2034 15.16 18.98 12.78 24.14 24.31 19.54 39.88 26.24 16.27 7 7 7
25.83 227.0 192.9
2035 15.41 19.38 13.05 24.53 24.74 20.03 40.75 26.75 16.54 3 5 9

The table above shows the forecast demand of each consumer at different municipalities

covered by Batangas I Electric Cooperative, Inc. In the year 2035, a total of 192.99 MW is the

demand of the consumer that the proposed combined cycle power plant will be able to supply.

Batangas II Electric Cooperative, Inc has a projected load demand shown in table 10. It

covers the forecast demand of the consumer until the year 2035 from the present year.

Table 10
Projected Load Demand of BATELEC II
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
127.4 122.1
2018 111.81 119.08 121.83 124.61 133.07 126.03 120.65 119.83 120.81 114.67
8 8
131.7 125.7
2019 128.12 118.54 121.34 130.40 134.22 132.19 125.12 126.27 124.77 117.80
1 8
134.1 127.5
2020 131.72 121 125.50 134.26 137.13 134.47 125.83 128.56 127.16 119.01
9 1
138.2 130.4
2021 134.90 123.40 129.46 135.13 140.64 136.64 129.25 131.71 129.90 120.72
9 0
140.0 132.4
2022 135.70 126.90 131.65 138.88 144.98 138.30 130.66 131.94 131.88 122.40
8 8
142.2 134.0
2023 143.13 127 132.42 140.82 145.97 140.36 132.10 134.10 133.70 123.31
6 6
144.4 135.6
2024 146.43 128.64 134.86 142.98 148.52 141.80 133.24 135.52 135.48 124.14
7 5
146.2 136.9
2025 149.26 129.74 136.45 144.29 150.66 142.66 134.26 136.37 136.77 124.59
7 0
147.6 137.9
2026 152.20 130.77 137.59 146.11 152.71 143.44 134.80 136.78 137.89 124.92
3 2
148.9 138.6
2027 156.42 130.89 138.32 147.14 153.81 144.03 135.15 137.36 138.81 124.90
4 7
151.3 140.8
2028 158.92 132.98 140.53 149.49 156.27 146.33 137.31 139.56 141.03 126.90
2 9
153.7 143.1
2029 161.47 135.11 142.78 151.89 158.77 148.68 139.51 141.79 143.29 128.93
4 4
156.2 145.4
2030 164.05 137.27 145.07 154.32 161.31 151.05 141.74 144.06 145.58 130.99
0 3
158.7 147.7
2031 166.67 139.47 147.39 156.79 163.89 153.47 144.01 146.36 147.91 133.09
0 6
161.2 150.1
2032 169.34 141.70 149.75 159.29 166.51 155.93 146.31 148.71 150.28 135.22
4 2
163.8 152.5
2033 172.05 143.97 152.14 161.84 169.18 158.42 148.65 151.09 152.68 137.38
2 3
166.4 154.9
2034 174.80 146.27 154.58 164.43 171.89 160.96 151.03 153.50 155.12 139.58
4 7
169.1 157.4
2035 177.60 148.61 157.05 167.06 174.64 163.53 153.45 155.96 157.61 141.81
1 5

The table above shows the projected load demand of the consumer under the Batangas II

electric cooperative, Inc. Since the data gathered is monthly, it is easier to forecast the demand

for the next months and for the next next years. It shows that the month which greatly demands

for electricity is the month of May which is falls under summer season. It forecast a total demand

of 174.64 MW for the year 2035.

The projected load demand of First Bay Power Corporation is shown in table 11. It

contains the forecast demand for the next consecutive years until 2035.

Table 11
Projected Load Demand of FBPC
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2018 7.604 7.758 8.160 8.501 9.060 9.407 8.440 8.500 8.185 8.213 8.560 8.568
2019 7.755 8.009 8.160 8.818 9.695 9.815 8.878 8.990 8.359 8.264 8.759 9.177
2020 7.806 8.267 8.262 9.148 10.373 10.241 9.338 9.508 8.536 8.428 8.962 9.829
2021 8.463 8.534 8.364 9.489 11.100 10.686 9.515 10.056 8.718 8.596 9.171 10.528
2022 8.107 8.810 8.468 9.843 11.877 11.550 10.009 10.636 8.903 8.767 9.384 11.276
2023 8.596 9.094 8.574 10.211 12.709 11.634 10.528 11.249 9.092 8.941 9.602 12.077
2024 8.767 9.388 8.680 10.592 13.599 11.129 11.074 11.897 9.285 9.119 9.825 12.936
2025 8.941 9.691 8.788 10.197 14.552 12.139 11.648 12.583 9.482 8.937 13.855
2026 9.000 10.004 8.898 10.987 15.571 11.612 12.252 13.309 9.684 9.300 14.840
2027 9.119 10.327 9.008 11.397 16.661 12.666 12.887 14.076 9.889 9.485 15.895
10.08 10.73
2028 9.300 10.533 9.187 11.624 16.993 12.918 13.143 14.356 9.674 16.211
6 5
10.15 10.80
2029 9.362 10.602 9.248 11.701 17.105 13.003 13.230 14.450 9.866 16.318
2 5
10.35 10.87
2030 9.423 10.672 9.309 11.778 17.445 13.089 13.317 14.545 10.063 16.425
4 7
10.42 11.09
2031 9.027 10.223 9.370 12.217 18.667 13.175 13.400 14.835 10.263 16.003
3 3
10.49 11.09
2032 9.407 10.653 8.976 12.731 19.974 13.262 13.963 15.120 10.467 16.003
1 3
10.56 11.07
2033 9.786 10.997 9.557 13.267 21.373 13.174 13.239 14.484 10.675 16.624
0 3
10.36 11.29
2034 9.375 11.352 9.155 13.825 22.870 13.349 13.926 14.579 10.887 16.943
0 4
10.15 11.51
2035 9.561 11.719 9.747 14.407 24.472 13.261 14.648 14.675 11.104 17.269
5 8

The table above shows the projected load demand of First bay electric cooperative. This

shows that the peak demand falls on summer season which is in the month of May. It is the usual

month that utilizes the highest amount of energy sales. This cooperative contributes a much

lower energy demand than the other since it only holds one municipality with a total of 40

barangays. In this cooperative, a total of 24.472 MW is the possible demand of the consumers on


Peninsula Electric Cooperative projected load demand is shown in table 12. It covers the

forecast demand of the consumers from the present year up to 2035.

Table 12
Projected Load Demand of PENELCO

Yea Month
r Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2018 88.76 90.42 99.19 105.1 109.4 108.7 106.3 105.7 105.7 99.82 105.5 101.1
4 7 5 8 8 8 8 8
2019 94.37 96.14 105.4 111.7 116.4 115.6 112.0 112.0 112.9 106.1 11.26 107.5
6 9 0 3 5 5 1 3 8
2020 99.96 101.5 111.3 118.0 122.9 122.1 118.3 119.2 118.7 112.0 118.5 113.6
2 7 6 2 0 2 4 7 8 5 0
2021 104.6 106.6 116.9 123.9 129.0 128.2 124.2 125.2 124.7 117.7 124.0 119.3
1 1 5 7 8 2 6 1 2 0 8 0
2022 109.3 111.4 122.2 129.5 134.9 134.0 129.8 130.8 130.3 123.0 130.1 124.7
9 4 5 8 2 3 8 8 7 2 3 0
2023 113.9 116.0 127.2 134.9 140.9 1239. 135.7 136.2 135.7 128.0 135.4 129.8
3 8 2 8 9 4 7 4 9 9 4
2024 118.2 120.4 132.0 140.0 145.7 144.8 140.3 141.4 140.8 132.9 140.6 134.7
0 1 9 2 8 2 3 1 6 3 0 4
2025 122.3 124.6 136.6 144.8 150.8 149.8 145.2 146.3 145.7 137.5 145.5 139.4
1 0 8 9 6 6 2 4 6 5 0 3
2026 126.2 128.6 141.0 149.5 155.7 154.6 149.9 151.0 150.4 141.9 150.1 143.9
5 1 9 6 2 9 0 5 6 9 9 2
2027 130.0 132.1 145.3 154.0 160.3 159.3 154.4 155.5 154.9 146.2 154.7 148.2
4 7 2 5 9 3 0 9 8 5 0 4

2028 135.6 138.2 151.6 160.7 167.3 166.2 161.1 162.3 161.7 152.6 161.4 154.6
8 2 3 4 5 5 0 4 1 0 2 7
2029 141.5 144.2 158.2 167.7 174.6 173.4 168.1 169.3 168.7 159.2 168.4 161.3
7 2 1 1 2 6 0 9 3 2 2 9
2030 147.7 150.4 165.0 175.0 182.2 180.9 175.3 176.7 176.0 166.1 175.7 168.3
2 8 7 0 0 9 9 5 5 3 4 9
2031 154.1 157.0 172.2 182.5 190.1 188.8 183.0 184.4 183.6 173.3 183.3 175.7
3 1 4 9 1 5 1 2 9 4 7 0
2032 167.8 163.8 179.7 190.5 198.3 197.0 190.9 192.4 191.6 180.8 191.3 183.3
2 2 1 2 6 4 5 2 6 7 3 3
2033 167.8 170.9 187.5 198.7 206.9 205.6 199.2 200.7 199.9 188.7 199.6 191.2
0 3 1 9 7 0 4 8 8 2 3 8
2034 175.0 178.3 195.6 207.4 215.9 214.5 207.8 209.4 208.6 196.9 208.3 199.5
8 5 5 2 5 2 9 9 6 1 0 9
2035 182.6 186.0 204.1 216.4 225.3 223.0 216.9 218.5 217.7 205.4 217.3 208.2
8 9 4 2 3 8 2 9 2 6 4 5

The table above shows the projected load demand of the cooperative. A total of 225.33

MW is the forecast demand for 2035 which is more than half of the present demand of the

consumer. This shows that for the next years, energy consumption increases as the number of

population increases.



To increase the overall efficiency of power plants, a combined cycle power plant can be

established by utilizing the residual heat energy produced in the exhaust of the power plant. This

produces more electricity and creates more power compared to a traditional cycle plant.

Design Objectives

The main thrust of the project is to design a combined cycle power plant which has a

plant capacity of 715 MW located at Locloc, Bauan, Batangas. Specifically, this study aims to:

1. Create and provide a development layout of the proposed 715 MW combined cycle gas

turbine power plant taking into accounts of the following:

1.1 Energy Balance

1.2 Overall Efficiency

1.3 Work Output

2. Present the design calculations, plant layout, schematic and process flow diagrams, and

technical design specifications for the components used in the proposed design of the

combined cycle power plant.

2.1 Gas turbine

2.2 Heat Recovery Steam Generator

2.3 Steam turbine

3. Asses the economic feasibility of the chosen design options by calculating the

economic indicators:
3.1 Payback Period

3.2 Rate of Return/Rate of Investment

4. To come up with an analysis of the proposed design by considering the environmental

impact and the socio-economic benefits and effects of the project.


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