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Nott! [ wuiw-Apedy:io bee To Hospital He hac brone Co--founder;member and adviser CA) a tals] Roberge was ready te vequett western Counties BOM! og Rober ge varsed funds—froro Conecta fo Soppert oat To hold the birds safe (8) ce The bird Song thrush would disappear rom the cov The foal and unmindful human being Ww HMO MO GS OMS coe should net Jose Confidence in the face of failures CA) an f we lake Lessons from the Revious Sep viences Ce) s Wie wag drunkeo stale Cor) He drank palm wine 12| He then jumped on to the Srightened animalitback- 13] The news of potter trying ‘the tiger bo the tree (A) 14| The otter thought that he only brought the donkey ce) 15 Se Uked the Rtter and he became fai aeCD) 5 23 Page No:13 a Slope: (b) fich tc) The a) give |The potter cho was asked & lead the army went to The battlefield. Having been drunk The potter took the tiger b be a donkey. A Book is not being vead) by him Sivasubyomania Jyer asked Kalam cohich Subject he Was interested jn i Kalam veplaid that he was ‘aterested in Sciene As the daughler neglected Abe} hewanled t marry Mys cbhn shorrocks Roberge founded 'Chitrabani’ more over he bought funds Prom western Countries. you Can Speak either Eqglth or Bengali page No:11 acai ati colle 0) pon urls ase ele helulliobalhtieaomss hisuckoe dosh Mrs: Amelia. slotey ond - mve Elizabeth Jevdah thak All war re Inofen. Hanades clues alate tbevacre ia Nie wicsonesea =) lchom he tought; uP: He was digaPpointed « with the evil abtitede ef his Yoo ehwahles They thousht that they -ktthey« hod. died but eS hel nro Sve to the death: of zhely fithey trated Ud wartel fo Shoe theiy Alleys NorertY between themselves: The Qyeediness of his -fso daushtas filled fllels he ith mises He vealised thet his tao daushters oevtel his fetertl Lut not his well beng this hurd him a lot. s0.,he -idecicled ste make. Jeving all his bits of» thinae fs uhoever he toca, Living with when he died - He Wanted to mavy§ Mys ° Tohn. ehovvocks, tle: otiney of the Rin8- or bells. ard five with hexcthe ulvects! of otis. lifay Jessiinae his daughtess withoit his PyofertS- a new will, Bua} Sfeech: Ladies. ond dentlemen., my best wishes on the occassion of the World Envivonmerct Dad i= Would like te iouote cthe MieusisioF Wandevi maatha on this’ oceassioh cher feele tat man} u« axe -Fouskt ovey nratuval Yesouyces* Some Wa¥s ave. “fey SuisVi aid Some ave.) Py —Soiring Tn this: wad mS Posents elfed me - becom* indeferdent Falher Gn Yu de me a Favor? con + With: ° Plewuve”, dad» Tell me whit.oeu wort # Sethe. Lent me a. fay oft aldiizehees if Yu. hae 9% Son Us ree aes Father | BeGune the Yood is Uneven and Rul of pebble at huts while walkind sok, You fect have develofal cracks, somehow ted Lok Whe these of an elephant. i'm aol +o iSmye du ffthey : at's mot es4 fy me to walk on this Yood. without shoes oh - son + Stretching out Lis hand with 18 ufees: Bud & Pay of Gnvas shoes with his moned father > = dont want the ‘moned « just ive me an old Pav Son Son Dad, Plese accePt it ond bud Uthat tu want fithey . No+ dont waste money ° et

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