Balance Sheet: (Tata Motors LTD.)

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] Balance Sheet

Assets 2017
Non-Current Assets
(a) Property,plant and equipment 17,364.77
(b) Capital work- n-progress 1,870.93
(c) Goodwill 99.09
(d) Other intangibeassets 2,773.69
(e) Intangibleassets under development 5,366.03
(f) Investments in subsidiaries,joint ventures and associates 14,778.87
(g) Financialassets
(i) Investments 528.37
(ii) Loans and advances 389.61
(ii) Other financial assets 196.32
(h) Non-current tax assets (net) 724.58
(i) Other non-current assets 1,856.28
Current Assets
(a) Inventories 5,504.42
(b) Investments in subsidiaries,joint ventures and associates
(c) Financialassets
(i) Investments 2400.92
(ii)Trade receivables 2128.00
(iii)Cashand cashequivalents 188.39
(iv)Bankbalances other than (iii)above 97.67
(v)Loans and advances 231.35
(vi)Other financial assets 100.76
(d) Current tax assets (net) 129.49
(e) Other current assets 1,807.06

Total Assets 58,536.60

Liabilities and Owner's Equity

(a) Equity share capital 679.22
(b) Other equity 20,129.93
Non-Current Liabilities
(a)Financial liabilities
(i) Borrowings 13,686.09
(ii) Other financial liabilities 1,123.66
(b)Provisions 850.71
(c) Deferred tax liabi ities (net) 97.95
(d) Other non-current liabilities 321.24
Total current liabilities 16,079.65
Current Liabilities
(a) Financiallabilities
(i) Borrowings 537.52
(ii) Trade payables [ includes dues of micro and small
enterprises ₹ 123.27 crores (as at March 31, 2016 7,015.21
₹ 128.40 crores and as at April 1, 2015 ₹ 139.43 crores)]
(iii) Acceptances 4,379.29
(iv) Other financial liabilities 2,465.14
(b) Provis ons 467.98
(c) Current tax liabilities (net) 80.64
(d) Other current labilities 1,864.02
Total Liabilities and Owner's Equity 53,698.60
Balance Sheet

2016 2015

17,573 17, 389.9

1,557.95 1,516.91
99.09 99.09
3,403.47 3221.45
4,128.58 3841
14,590.41 14,581.90

627.07 626.26
252.93 310.73
102.92 158.6
79,963.00 647.24
1,679.01 1,612.76
44,814.31 44,005.84

5,117.920 5,019.46

1,745.840 4.68
2,045.580 1448.39
427.070 1066.47
361.350 83.94
484.440 342.58
125.200 40.47
3.840 106.62
1,550.450 1345.91
11,861.69 9,474.06

56,676.00 53,479.90

679.18 643.78
22,583 14505.58

10,599.96 12234.88
2,911.84 3749.76
750.89 711.54
71.39 66.34
378.07 380.86
14,712.15 17143.38

3,654.72 8173.02

5,141.17 5000.18

3,887.28 3950.53
3,784.19 2324.9
450.27 378.77
79.27 60.5
1,704.84 1299.26
18,701.74 21187.16
56,676.00 53479.9
Current Assets
(a) Inventories
(b) Investments in subsidiaries,joint ventures and associates
(c) Financialassets
(i) Investments
(ii)Trade receivables
(iii)Cashand cashequivalents
(iv)Bankbalances other than (iii)above
(v)Loans and advances
(vi)Other financial assets
(d) Current tax assets (net)
(e) Other current assets

Current Liabilities
(a) Financiallabilities
(i) Borrowings
(ii) Trade payables [ includes dues of micro and small
enterprises ₹ 123.27 crores (as at March 31, 2016
₹ 128.40 crores)]
(iii) Acceptances
(iv) Other financial liabilities
(b) Provis ons
(c) Current tax liabilities (net)
(d) Other current labilities

Net Working Capital = Current Assets - Current Liabilities

5,504.42 5,117.920 5,019.46
associates 15.54

2400.92 1,745.840 4.68

2128.00 2,045.580 1448.39
188.39 427.070 1066.47
97.67 361.350 83.94
231.35 484.440 342.58
100.76 125.200 40.47
129.49 3.840 106.62
1,807.06 1,550.450 1345.91
12588.06 11861.69 9,474.06

5,375.52 3,654.72 8173.02

7,015.21 5,141.17 5000.18

4,379.29 3,887.28 3950.53

2,465.14 3,784.19 2324.9
467.98 450.27 378.77
80.64 79.27 60.5
1,864.02 1,704.84 1299.26
21,647.80 18,701.74 21,187.16

-9,059.74 -6,840.05 -11,713.10

Particulars 2015 2016 2017
Current Assets
(a) Inventories 5,019.46 5,117.920 5,504.42
(b) Investments in subsidiaries,joint ventures and associates 15.54
(c) Financialassets
(i) Investments 4.68 1,745.840 2400.92
(ii)Trade receivables 1448.39 2,045.580 2128.00
(iii)Cashand cashequivalents 1066.47 427.070 188.39
(iv)Bankbalances other than (iii)above 83.94 361.350 97.67
(v)Loans and advances 342.58 484.440 231.35
(vi)Other financial assets 40.47 125.200 100.76
(d) Current tax assets (net) 106.62 3.840 129.49
(e) Other current assets 1345.91 1,550.450 1,807.06
9,474.06 11861.69 12588.06

Current Liabilities
(a) Financiallabilities
(i) Borrowings 8173.02 3,654.72 5,375.52
(ii) Trade payables [ includes dues of micro and small
enterprises ₹ 123.27 crores (as at March 31, 2016 ₹ 5000.18 5,141.17 7,015.21
128.40 crores)]
(iii) Acceptances 3950.53 3,887.28 4,379.29
(iv) Other financial liabilities 2324.9 3,784.19 2,465.14
(b) Provis ons 378.77 450.27 467.98
(c) Current tax liabilities (net) 60.5 79.27 80.64
(d) Other current labilities 1299.26 1,704.84 1,864.02
30,659.44 18,701.74 21,647.80

Net Working Capital = Current Assets - Current Liabilities (21,185.38) -6,840.05 -9,059.74
Change in working Capital
Increase Decrease




Profit & Loss account of
------------------- in Rs. Cr. -------------------
Tata Motors
Mar '17 Mar '16 Mar'15

12 mths 12 mths 12 mths

Sales Turnover 49,100.41 46,646.67 39,524.34
Excise Duty 4,736.41 4,276.85 3229.6
Net Sales 44,364.00 42,369.82 36,294.74
Other Income 892.58 1,769.71 1,477.66
Stock Adjustments 251.43 -22.94 878.82
Total Income 45,508.01 44,116.59 38,651.22
Raw Materials 32,179.46 30,043.29 28,367.83
Power & Fuel Cost 32,179.46 402.36 395.88
Employee Cost 32,179.46 3,026.75 3,091.46
Other Manufacturing
32,179.46 424.61
Expenses 437.47
Selling and Admin Expenses 32,179.46 670.01
Miscellaneous Expenses 32,179.46 5,464.32 6,118.40
Total Expenses 32,179.46 40,031.34 38,441.04
Mar '17 Mar '16

12 mths 12 mths

Operating Profit 1,246.19 2,315.54 -1,237.48

PBDIT 2,138.77 4,085.25 240.18
Interest 1,590.15 1,481.11 1,612
PBDT 548.62 2,604.14 -1,371.50
Depreciation 2,969.39 2,453.75 2,603.22
Profit Before Tax -2,420.77 150.39 -3,974.72
PBT (Post Extra-ord Items) -2,420.77 150.39
Tax 59.22 -83.84 764.23
Reported Net Profit -2,479.99 234.23 -4,738.95
Total Value Addition 11,189.78 9,988.05 10,043.21
Equity Dividend 61 61 0.00
Corporate Dividend Tax 12 12 0.00
Per share data (annualised)

Shares in issue (lakhs) 33,958.51 33,956.80 32,186.80

Earning Per Share (Rs) -7.3 0.69 -14.72
Equity Dividend (%) 9 25 0.00
Book Value (Rs) 61.28 65.8 46.10

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