Aice Environmental MGMT Syllabus 20-21

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AICE Environmental Management

Contact Information:
Teacher Name: Ms. Morales School Phone Number: 904-573-1170 ext. 0101109
Classroom: 109 Email Address:
Class Website: Tutoring: Tuesdays 2:25 – 3:30pm

Course Description
This AS syllabus covers environmental issues and their management, especially the human aspect. Through their studies, learners gain
an understanding of environmental resources and their human exploitation, and the goal of sustainable environmental management.

First Semester Second Semester

The Biosphere: all living organisms that have The Hydrosphere: the entire body of water on Earth, in
established themselves on Earth and the area they are the form of fresh and salt water, ice caps, and water
found within. vapor.

The Lithosphere: the upper mantle and crust of the The Atmosphere: the gaseous shell that surrounds the
Earth which makes up the ever-moving tectonic plates. other two non-living spheres.

All students enrolled in this course will be required to:

 Complete an independent, authentic research project that investigates the environment and some aspect of environmental
management. Accompanying the project will be a 1500-2000-word report summarizing the project and findings. This report
is a major part of your class grade and worth 20% of your Exam Score.


 Take the AICE Environmental Management Papers 1&2 in late May/early June 2018.
 Extra Credit for participating in the DCPS Envirothon Competition (TBA)
 Students will have designated times/days that they will be allowed to use laptops during class to work on their research paper.
However, it should be understood the expectation is that students will work on their research papers on their own time. If a
student does not have access to a computer, this should be communicated to Ms. Morales ASAP.

Required Class Materials Due in class by August 24th/25th

 Pencils and Pens (Black or Blue)
 1 Composition Notebook (college ruled preferred)

Grading Categories Percentages

Unit Assessments 40%
Quizzes 15%
AICE Research Paper
Deadlines and Submission
Classwork/Home Learning 5%

Class Policies and Procedures

Student-Teacher Communication Class Messaging

In-Class Primarily utilized to send quick messages to students
Information will primarily be provided to students via in-class regarding due dates and changes in assignments. However,
conversations. students may also use this service as an alternative method of
communicating with Ms. Morales. No response from Ms.
Email Morales will be provided after 7:00PM.
ALL students enrolled in DCPS are provided a Microsoft
Office student email account and should use this as an Attendance / Absent Policy
alternative method of communicating with Ms. Morales. Students are expected to attend class regularly and promptly.
Students will need to check their email at least ONCE a week. However, in the event you miss class it is the student’s
responsibility to collect the missed notes and assignments. All
assignments are posted on FOCUS and on the class website. Hall Passes – Students are expected to be aware and abide by
Tardy Policy the 30-30 Rule. No hall passes will be provided during the
Do not be late to class. Any student reporting to class after first 30 mins of class, last 30 mins of class, and 3rd or 7th Block.
the late bell has sounded will need to provide documentation
for their tardiness. Checking Your Grades – All grades are updated and
accessible in FOCUS. Students are also asked to keep graded
Home Learning Policy assignments for their reference. There is a link on the class
Home Learning will function as extra practice of skills that website that will take you to FOCUS.
were taught during class. All assignments are available on the
class website. Scholarship Warnings – Students who have a 70% or below
will receive scholarship warnings of their progress in the
Lost/Late/Missing Assignments course.
All assignments are due the assigned date. Late assignments
will receive max grade of 70%. Late assignments will not be Academic Dishonesty – Any form of academic dishonesty
accepted for any assignment during the last week of the will result in an automatic zero for the assignment. You will
grading period to ensure grades are recorded accurately and in not be allowed to make up the assignment. Academic
a timely manner. Lost assignment must be reprinted by the dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, doing
student. someone else’s work, and plagiarism.

Rules, Consequences, Rewards, and Expectations

Class Rules: The following rules are non-negotiable and must be followed 100% of the time by 100% of the students.
1. Refrain from the use of profanity
2. Keep all hands, feet, and objects to yourself
3. No eating and drinking during instructional time
4. No electronic devices are to be used during instructional time useless being used for the purpose of the activity.
5. Hats or head coverings of any kind are not permitted in the classroom.
6. No heads down on desks (Remain alert at all times)

Consequences: The following consequences will reset every 2-3 weeks. Daily behavior documentation will remain on file for teacher
1. Verbal Warning
2. Seat Change/Placed in another classroom to complete assignment
3. Parent phone call
4. Student-teacher conference
5. In-Person Parent-teacher conference
6. Behavior Referral

Class rewards are based on individual and class academic progress. Students are encouraged to reach the goals for the academic year.
Students are aiming for 85% mastery of 100% of the assigned objectives.

Class Expectations
Teamwork: Respect your room, your classmates, your
teacher, and yourself. Participation: Actively participate in classroom activities.
Understand that we will be working in groups a lot in this Silence in the classroom does not always mean you
class. Everyone has an opinion and it matters. Respect is not understand. Knowledge is not given to you; learning is an
just given, it is earned. active process and requires hard work.

Determination & Perseverance: Work hard; do your very Scientific Curiosity: Be prepared to learn when you walk
best. into the classroom.
The learning process often involves making mistakes. Come to class well-rested, on time, with all your materials
Mistakes are not failures; the only failure that springs from needed for that day, with homework completed, mentally
making mistakes is “throwing in the towel” and giving up. ready to work, and with enthusiasm, focus, and positivity.

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Parent/Guardian Syllabus Acknowledgement and Contact Information
Digital Copy of Syllabus is available on the class website:

Student Name [Print]: _________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name [Print]: _________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________________________

Preferred Contact Number: _________________________________________________________________

Preferred Email Address: _________________________________________________________________

AICE/AP Environmental Management Tentative Pacing Guide (subject to change)

Topic Approx. time Spent

Intro to Environmental Science and Global Climate Change 5 days

The Biosphere: Ecosystems (biotic and abiotic factors, terrestrial and aquatic biomes, ecosystems, primary
15 days
productivity and photosynthesis, movement of energy through ecosystems)
Changes in Ecosystems: Community ecology, succession, studying ecological change 10 days

Populations: Population biology, human population demographics, MEDC’s versus LEDC’s 10 days
Human Impacts on the Biosphere: effects of human activity on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, loss of
5 days
biodiversity, conservation and management of Earth’s living systems
The Lithosphere: Structure of the Earth, plate tectonics, rock cycle 10 days

Natural Hazards of the Lithosphere: volcanoes, earthquakes, hazard management 8 days

Soils and Mass Movements: formation and characteristics, soil profiles, testing local soil samples, erosion and
7 days
deterioration, soil mass wasting
Resources of the Lithosphere: Renewable, non-renewable, and recyclable resources, mining, resource
7 days
management in MEDC’s vs. LEDC’s
Energy from the Lithosphere: Carbon cycle, fossil fuels, nuclear energy 6 days
The Hydrosphere: Water cycle, ocean circulation, groundwater, water quality testing, study of local water
8 days
Resources of the Hydrosphere: management of water supply, potential effects of global climate change on
7 days
water supply
Human Impacts on the Hydrosphere: Fresh and saltwater pollution and remediation, solid waste
8 days

The Atmosphere: Atmospheric structure and composition, Earth’s “energy budget” 5 days

Weather and Climate: Local weather systems, forecasting, climate, ENSO, wind currents in detail 10 days

Human Impacts on the Atmosphere: stratospheric ozone depletion, air pollution 10 days

Independent Research and Write-Up: Final Drafts Due April 9th --

AICE Wrap Up and Review/ AICE Papers 1 & 2 TBA

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