Journal 6

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Arlene Joy S.

Garcia Paper 6

Professor: Yvan R. Gumbao Date: July 9, 2020

Last meeting, we tackle Sucesos De Las Islas Filipinas by Antonio de Morga and

annotated by Jose Rizal. Morga's book is a primary source and considered one of the

most important works in the Philippines in the early history of the Spanish period. Found

in the book were the knowledge, documentations, observations, and his direct

involvement of the events during the Spanish colonization in the Philippines. The

information inside the book, which talked about the history of the Philippine Islands, and

contained information about the political, social, and economic aspect of the Philippines

and Spain. Furthermore, Dr. Jose Rizal, who was also a great writer, decided to

annotate the book and made his own version of it. Rizal wanted the Filipinos to be able

to know their history and make a version from an oppressed point of view. For Rizal,

even before the colonization of Spain, the Filipinos already had a culture that was

influenced by Spaniards. Due to colonization, the Filipinos suffered and controlled by

them. Even up to this day, we are far behind from any other countries and most Filipinos

nowadays tend to patronize other cultures. From the lifestyle, food that they wanted to

try, dresses that they idolize inspired by other countries, and even shows on television.

Something that I learned or realized after this topic is that our past is important to be

who we are today. As Filipinos, we should learn and understand our country's history

because it is part of who we are as Filipinos. In order for us to treasure our culture, we

must practice it and not forget to teach it to the younger generation.

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