PMPExam Sample Resume

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Qualification Specialization Institution - Affiliation Grade
Certified Quality Software Quality Assurance Institute 82 %
Analyst Quality - USA
1999 Assurance
Master of Business Computer Symbiosis Institute of 1st Class
Administration (M.B.A.) Systems Business Management
1982 to 1984 affiliated to the university
of Poona
Bachelor of Science Chemistry Nowrosjee Wadia College 1st Class
(B.Sc.) 1978 to 1981 affiliated to University of
Poona India

Project – Scotia Globe Project – Project Control Office (PCO) and Quality Manager
(Company Name): IBM Global Services India
January 2000 -present approx. 1960 hours
Initiating Process 80 hours
Initiation Follow up on Infrastructure issues, Project Kickoff meetings,
Project initiation meeting for each new project received from
the Customer related to the ScotiaGlobe application with
Internal Quality Dept. of IBM Global Services India
Planning Process 670 hours
Scope Planning Reviewed and documented scope statements for two projects
related to the ScotiaGlobe application for the Scotia bank
Project being executed at IBM Global Services India.
Scope Definition Worked with the Project Management Team to review and clarify
scope definition for three projects related to the ScotiaGlobe
application. Documented the processes for the work to be
delivered from the offshore facility and obtained Customers
concurrence for the same.
Activity Definition Not applicable
Activity Sequencing Not applicable
Schedule Development Worked on the weekly schedule maintenance as part of Status
Reporting and forward planning activity
Resource Planning Worked on the Project Management Team for the Resource
planning (mainly Staff) for three projects related to the
ScotiaGlobe application
Cost Estimating Not applicable
Cost Budgeting Not applicable
Project Plan Responsible for the development, documentation and
Development maintenance of the Project Plans for two projects related to the
ScotiaGlobe application

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Executing Process 510 hours
Project Plan Execution Follow up with the project activities as per the project plan.
Follow up with all the Project Managers to identify resolve /
close all Project related issues with Team members and the
Review implementation of Configuration Management Plan
and conduct configuration audits
Scope Verification Responsible for the documentation / updating of the SOW and
the Terms of Reference document (our contract documents
with the Customer) and the raising of Project Change notes
when necessary and getting the approval of these from the
Change Control Board.
Quality Assurance Responsible for establishing the Quality guidelines and Quality
plan for the project, ensuring the implementation of coding
standards and documentation standards and taking overall
responsibility for the Quality assurance of all deliverables2
Responsible for Defect Prevention activities of the project
Collect and present metrics at the Management Review
Team Development Responsible for tracking all changes to the Team configuration
and ensuring that all team members are duly trained in the
Quality Management System and other relevant role based
Information Distribution Responsible for coordinating Conference Calls (external
meetings) with the customer and internal meeting within the
team- prepare and distribute the minutes of these meetings to
all attendees.
Responsible for tracking and reporting of the Project’s Status
on a weekly basis and sharing relevant statistics with the team
and the customer on a regular basis.
Solicitation Not applicable
Source Selection Not applicable
Contract Not applicable

Controlling Process 660 hours

Overall Change Work with other managers to identify the changes in the Project’s
Control scope, evaluate the impact of these, raise appropriated change notes
and get them approved from the CCB.
Scope Change Control The scope control is part of the overall change control process.
Cost Control Not applicable
Quality Control Maintain Quality Review records. Ensure that code is reviewed
and code-walk through is conducted
Supervise the Quality Control of all deliverables along the
Product’s life cycle phases.

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Responsible for Project Audits and Inspection of deliverables
Performance Reporting Responsible for internal and external performance reporting for
this project
Risk Response Control Responsible for weekly analysis of project risk and suggested
mitigation plans. Maintenance of the Project’s Risk Log

Closing Process 40 hours

Administrative Closure Responsible for the Project wind-up activities including the
documenting of the Project’s wind-up report. This includes the
Metrics report for the entire project and the documenting of the
lessons learned by the team.
Contract Close-out Not applicable

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Department: Quality Assurance – Manager Technical Software Quality Assurance
(Company Name): IBM Global Services India
September 1998 - January 2000 approx. 2800 hours

Initiating Process 80 hours

Initiation Responsible for initiating the project kickoff and verifying the
resource allocation to projects assigned to me. My role was
Project SQA

Planning Process 850 hours

Scope Planning Was responsible for reviewing the project proposals sent out
Scope Definition to customer’s organization wide – scope articulation and
planning was part of this review. Also part of the team
responsible for upgrading the Quality Processes and their
compliance towards the SEI-CMM Level 5 assessments.
Reworked the entire training material related to the Quality
Management System to bring the information up to date with
the for the SEI-CMM Level 5 updates
Activity Definition Contributed ideas for the Process Changes required to
optimize project execution in the organization
Activity Sequencing Reviewed projects schedules as part of the SQA function
Schedule Schedule development was essentially associated with the
Development SEI-CMM Level 5-assessment program, which was spaced
out over 10 months in the organization.
Resource Planning Contributed towards resource plans for the SEI-CMM Level
5-assessment work. Training Sessions, Project
Documentation reviews, audits, tool development (This
included assisting with the development of an Audit Tool for
Internal assessments based on the SEI-CMM’s CBAIPI)
Cost Estimating Not applicable
Cost Budgeting Not applicable
Project Plan Worked with several Project Leaders for review of their
Development Project Plans in the role of the Project SQA

Executing Process 840 hours

Project Plan Execution The SEI-CMM Level 5 assessment was planned and
prepared for just like any other project in the organization.
Successful implementation of the plan was a business
commitment to the Department Head.
The SQA Group also had an articulated and approved plan
for the department for the supervision and tracking of the
Organization’s quality related activity.
Scope Verification

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Quality Assurance Scope Verification and Quality assurance activity was done
during the monthly process reviews that the Project SQA
was expected to undertake and report to senior
management as an independent reporting channel. All
project plans, contracts and design documents has to be
reviewed and SQA certified as part of the quality process.
Team Development Actively associated with the various Teams formed for
review and upgrading of the organization’s Quality
processes for the SEI-CMM Level 5 assessments.
Volunteered for conducting Training sessions for project
teams related to the quality management system.
Contributed towards the 360-degree feedback process for
the Human Resource department when requested to do so.
Information Contributed extensively towards the communications from
Distribution the Quality Department also called Quality Assurance
Communication (QA Comm.)
Solicitation Not applicable
Source Selection Not applicable
Contract Not applicable
Controlling Process 990 hours
Overall Change Contributed Process Change Requests to assist with
Control improving project efficiencies. Reviewed, certified project
processes upgraded to SEI-CMM Level 5 expectation as
part of the SQA role assigned to me for various projects.
Reviewed Project Change Notes (PCNs) for projects
assigned to me.
Scope Change Control Not Applicable
Cost Control Not Applicable
Quality Control Responsible for Product Certifications, metrics reports
Performance Prepared monthly performance reports for process reviews
Reporting and quality audits for the project assigned to me as SQA /
Internal Auditor
Risk Response Control Verified project’s Risk related activity and reports

Closing Process 40 hours

Administrative Closure Responsible for supervision Project wind-up reports
Contract Close-out Not applicable

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Department: Quality Assurance – Quality Manager Mascot Systems Ltd.
Bangalore India.
(Company Name): Mascot Systems Ltd. Bangalore India.
January 1998 to September 1998 approx. 1400 hours

Initiating Process 120 hours

Initiation Responsible for initiating the Certification Process for ISO
9001 for the Company. Process definition and
documentation were part of the job responsibility.
Supervised project kickoff for new projects started in my

Planning Process 560 hours

Scope Planning Was responsible for articulation, planning, documenting and
Scope Definition getting relevant reviews on processes rolled out from the
Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG)
Responsible for creating training material related to the ISO
9001 information and the project processes defined for this
Activity Definition Contributed ideas for the evolution of the ISO 90001
compatible project processes. Also supervised and
implemented the process compliance by projects. Reviewed
Process Changes suggested by the project teams to tailor
processes appropriately.
Activity Sequencing Responsible for the activity sequencing of the ISO 9001
certification process for the company
Schedule Worked on the schedule development for the ISO 9001
Development certification including internal Audits for the organization so
as to get the certificate within the time frame desired by the
Resource Planning Contributed towards resource plans for the ISO 9001
certification. Organized for external training and also
conducted Training Sessions for the ISO 9001 certification
project for the organization.
Cost Estimating Not Applicable
Cost Budgeting Not Applicable
Project Plan The ISO 9001 certification was operated just like a project in
Development the Company. There was a clear plan and schedule for this.
Also worked with several Project Leaders for review of their
Project Plans compatible with the recent processes
articulated in the organization as the Quality Manager

Executing Process 420 hours

Project Plan Execution Was responsible for the execution of the ISO 9001
certification project plan.

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Scope Verification Reviewed the documentation of the Project Scope and
Quality Assurance project plans in the organization.
Quality Assurance activity was minimal at this stage in the
Team Development Helped with forming of Teams for the articulation and review
of the organization’s proposed Quality processes for the ISO
9001 certification. Volunteered for conducting Training
sessions for project teams related to the quality
management system.
Information Was responsible for vertical and horizontal distribution of
Distribution information related to the ISO 9001 certification activity.
Solicitation Not Applicable
Source Selection Not Applicable
Contract Not Applicable

Controlling Process 300 hours

Overall Change Was responsible for the alteration of quality processes
Control based on feed back from the users of the system.
Responsible for the Configuration Management and
document control activity for ISO 9001 certification project
for the organization.7
Scope Change Control Reviewed the relevance of defined processes with project
and management team to improve the efficiency of the
system being put in place.
Cost Control Not Applicable
Quality Control Responsible for QC for the Quality Management System.
Performance Prepared relevant metrics reports and internal quality audit
Reporting reports for management review
Risk Response Not Applicable

Closing Process 0 hours

Administrative Closure Not Applicable
Contract Close-out Not applicable

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Department: Quality Assurance – Quality Manager in DSQ Software in Madras
(Company Name): deputized on-site by DSQ Software to Citibank Tokyo as a
Project Software Quality Coordinator for Citibank’s software production center in
April 1997 to October 1997 approx. 1056 hours
Initiating Process 100 hours
Initiation Participated in the project kickoff for new projects assigned
to me for SQA activity. Contributed process improvement
ideas to the SEPG group based problems encountered
during SQA activity

Planning Process 240 hours

Scope Planning Was responsible for auditing the scope articulation and
project scope changes during every phase of the project’s
life cycle as part of the Quality process defined for the
Scope Definition Not Applicable
Activity Definition Was responsible for reviewing the Project Schedule before it
was base lined and fed into the SDLC Management
database to create phase wise deliverables for control and
subsequent tracking of the project.
Activity Sequencing Not Applicable – this was automated in the system
Schedule Review of the Project's Microsoft Project file (MSP) was
Development necessary each time the project Manager needed to change
the schedule
Resource Planning Not Applicable
Cost Estimating Not Applicable
Cost Budgeting Not Applicable
Project Plan The Project Plan and all its subsequent editions had to be
Development audited at every phase of each project for sufficiency and
relevance to the project’s scope.

Executing Process 236 hours

Project Plan Execution Was responsible to ensure that the project plan was being
executed by the project team
Scope Verification Project Scope was verified at each audit in the life cycle
audits scheduled automatically in the system
Quality Assurance As Project SQA, was responsible for both product and
process QA activities
Team Development Not Applicable
Information Was responsible for maintaining project-meeting minutes.
Distribution Reporting audit issues/findings for the project. Providing
periodic Status reports to senior management on quality
related matters.
Solicitation Not Applicable

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Source Selection Not Applicable
Contract Not Applicable

Controlling Process 400 hours

Overall Change Was responsible for ensuring implementation on project
Control change control as per the organizational norms for all
assigned projects. Responsible for the ensuring that the
Configuration Management Plan and all baseline audits
were properly implemented as per the schedule.
Scope Change Control Approved Project Change Notes had to be reviewed by the
SQA and consequent Project Plan updates at each phase
was permitted and each edition of the plan was to be audited
with a standard checklist. Additional questions by the SQA
could be appended at the end of the checklist.
Cost Control Not Applicable
Quality Control Was responsible to ensure that all the QC activity planned
for the project was carried out and documented properly.
Performance Prepared relevant metrics reports and internal quality audit
Reporting reports for management review9
Risk Response Control Updates Risk and Mitigation Plans were reviewed for each

Closing Process 80 hours

Administrative Closure Project close out was a well-documented process. Was
responsible for certifying that all the documentation and
certifications were obtained before the project could be
deemed closed.
Contract Close-out Not Applicable

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Department: Project Support Group – Manager
(Company Name): Silverline Industries Limited Chennai India.
January 1996 to April 1997 approx. 1440 hours
Initiating Process 80 hours
Initiation Responsible for initiating the Certification Process for ISO
9001 for the Company. The process definition for the ISO
9001 certified development center in Bombay for this
organization had to be rewritten to describe the activities for
the maintenance center in Chennai.

Planning Process 620 hours

Scope Planning Was responsible for articulation, planning documenting and
Scope Definition getting relevant reviews on processes rolled out for review
by the Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG) I the
Bombay office.
Was responsible for creating relevant training material
related to the ISO 9001 information and the project
processes defined for this certification.
Activity Definition Contributed ideas for the evolution of the ISO 90001
compatible project processes. Also supervised and
implemented the process compliance by projects.
Activity Sequencing Responsible for the activity sequencing of the ISO 9001
certification process for the company
Schedule Worked on the schedule development for the ISO 9001
Development certification including internal Audits for the organization so
as to get the certificate within the time frame desired by the
Resource Planning Contributed towards resource plans for the ISO 9001
certification. Organized for internal training and also
conducted Training Sessions for the ISO 9001 certification
project for the organization.
Cost Estimating Not Applicable
Cost Budgeting Not Applicable
Project Plan Helped with the articulation of all the project plans for the
Development maintenance projects in the Chennai office of this

Executing Process 560 hours

Project Plan Execution Was responsible for ensuring the execution of the
documented project plans and maintenance of relevant
quality records as evidence for the audit.
Scope Verification Reviewed the documentation of the Project Scope and
Quality Assurance project plans in the organization.
Quality Assurance activity was minimal at this stage in the

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Team Development Helped with forming of Teams for the articulation and review
of the organization’s proposed Quality processes for the ISO
9001 certification. Volunteered for conducting Training
sessions for project teams related to the quality
management system.
Information Distribution Was responsible for vertical and horizontal distribution of
information related to the ISO 9001 certification activity.
Solicitation Not Applicable
Source Selection Not Applicable
Contract Not Applicable

Controlling Process 180 hours

Overall Change Was responsible for the alteration of quality processes
Control based on feed back from the users of the system.
Responsible for the Configuration Management of the ISO
9001 Quality process documents and the associated
document control activity for the organization.
Scope Change Control Reviewed the relevance of defined processes with project
and management team to improve the efficiency of the
system being put in place.11
Cost Control Not Applicable
Quality Control Responsible for QC for the Quality Management System.
Performance Prepared relevant metrics reports and internal quality audit
Reporting reports for management review
Risk Response Control Not Applicable

Closing Process 0 hours

Administrative Closure Not Applicable
Contract Close-out Not applicable

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