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Trg. Date(s) --------------- TRAINING ASSESSMENT- SPC / 00 Page 1 / 2

This is a self assessment. You may mark your assessment sheet as per the correct answers provided
by the Trainer at the end of the test ( Time allotted is 15 minutes.)

NAME------------------------------------------------------------------ Marks Obtained:

DESIGNATION-------------------------------------------------------Maximum Marks:30


SECTION 1.0: ( Say Yes or No Y/N ) 6 Marks

1.1 Cause and Effect Diagram is also known as Fishbone or Ishikawa Diagram Y/N
1.2 Pareto-Chart is used to establish Priority of Action on defects Y/N
1.3 Process is considered capable when the Data follows Normal Distribution Y/N
1.4 Process is considered in control when within Specified limits Y/N
1.5 Process may be capable but not in control Y/N
1.6 Presence of only Common cause variance ensures statistical stability of the process Y/N

SECTION 2.0 ( Tick the right answer ) 3-Marks

2.1 SPC is used for:

a) Establishing Process Capability

b) Regular monitoring of a Running Process
c) For Process Control
d) For Process Improvement
e) All the above

2.2 A Distribution Curve :

a) Is essentially a normal Curve

b) Shows a relationship between Time and Production Volume
c) Is another name for Histogram
d) Shows a relationship between Size and Production Volume

2.3 For establishing Process capability :

a) Data is collected at random

b) Data is collected in correct sequence
c) Data may not be under statistical stability
d) Process may be set at the lower Specified Limit
Trg date(s)--------------- TRAINING ASSESSMENT- SPC / 00 Page 2 / 2

SECTION 3.0 Complete the sentences : 6- Marks

3.1 In random data-collection ---------- ---------------- is usually taken as 1/10th of the total
Specified Tolerance.

3.2 Common Cause Variance is ------------ --- Natural Variance.

3.3 During Preliminary Process Capability Study-------------------------- of Data is a must for

establishing final Upper and Lower Control Limits for the process.

3.4 σ ( sigma ) is a notation for ------------------ -----------------and is calculated as R / d2 .

3.5 Upper and Lower control limits for regular process monitoring are taken from ----------------
--------------------- -------------------

3.6 u-chart is made for --------------------- characteristics of product

SECTION 4.0 Define the following terms: 10-Marks

4.1 Common Cause Variance

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

4.2 Homogenization of Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


4.3 Arithmetic

4.4 Deviation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.5 Standard Deviation-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


SECTION 5.0 5-Marks

How will you establish monitoring frequency during regular running of the


SECTION 1.0: ( Say Yes or No Y/N ) 6 Marks

1.1 Cause and Effect Diagram is also known as Fishbone or Ishikawa Diagram Y
1.2 Pareto-Chart is used to establish Priority of Action on defects Y
1.3 Process is considered capable when the Data follows Normal Distribution N
1.4 Process is considered in control when within Specified limits N
1.5 Process may be capable but not in control Y
1.6 Presence of only Common cause variance ensures statistical stability of the process Y

SECTION 2.0 ( Tick the right answer ) 3-Marks

2.1 SPC is used for:

a) Establishing Process Capability

b) Regular monitoring of a Running Process
c) For Process Control
d) For Process Improvement
e) All the above

2.2 A Distribution Curve :

e) Is essentially a normal Curve

f) Shows a relationship between Time and Production Volume
g) Is another name for Histogram
h) Shows a relationship between Size and Production Volume

2.3 For establishing Process capability :

e) Data is collected at random

f) Data is collected in correct sequence
g) Data may not be under statistical stability
h) Process may be set at the lower Specified Limit

SECTION 3.0 Complete the sentences : 6- Marks

3.1 In random data-collection Class Interval is usually taken as 1/10th of the total Specified

3.2 Common Cause Variance is Same as Natural Variance.

3.3 During Preliminary Process Capability Study Homogenization of Data is a must for
establishing final Upper and Lower Control Limits for the process.

3.4 σ ( sigma ) is a notation for Standard Deviation and is calculated as R / d2 .

3.5 Upper and Lower control limits for regular process monitoring are taken from Preliminary
Process Capability Study.

3.6 u-chart is made for Monitoring of Attribute characteristics of product

SECTION 4.0 Define the following terms: 10-Marks

4.1 Common Cause Variance is Inherent or normal variance of a process

4.2 Homogenization of Data Establishing statistical stability of data by a systematic process

of removing any data pertaining to special Cause(s)

4.3 Arithmetic Mean Arithmetic average of data i.e. X-=  Xi

4.4 Deviation Arithmetic average of differences of each observation from the mean of the
data  Xi-X
4.5 Standard Deviation Root mean square of differences of each observation from the mean
of the data
 =   ( Xi-X )2 OR
R / d2

SECTION 5.0 5-Marks

How will you establish monitoring frequency during regular running of the

- From the Control Plan

- Based on 6-observations between two subsequent adjustments in the process.

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