Project Report: A On Submitted in Partial Fulfillment For The Award of The Degree of

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Project Report

In partial fulfillment

For the award of the Degree of

Bachelor of Computer Application (Google Apps)

Submitted by Submitted to

Rudra pratap singh Mr. Saif Ali

Department of Computer Application

Suresh Gyan Vihar University

Mahal , Jagatpura ,Jaipur-302017

April, 2019

This certifies that the project entitled


Is submitted by

Rudra pratap singh(CA13201813258)

BCA(Google Apps) in the year 2019 in partial fullfilment

of Degree in Bachelor of Computer Application.

Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur

Mr. Saif Ali

(Subject teacher)
Candidate’s Declaration

I, Rudra Pratap Singh hereby declare that the work presented in this projected
entitled “Travelpedia” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award
of Degree of Bachelor of Computer Application(Google Apps), submitted in
the Department of Computer Application at Suresh Gyan Vihar University,
Jaipur, is an authentic record of my own seminar work under the supervision
of Saif ali sir.

Rudra Pratap Singh


There are many blogging websites running right now and every website has
their own topics and ideas to show to everyone. My website is based on travel
blog and my main aim is to write the article on our beauty of country in my
way to show how beautiful our country is in the world .

I not only publish my article, but I also publish the articles which are written by
other people. This will give platform to the ordinary people who are interested
in our natural beauty to publicize their talent.
Table of Contents :


1. Certificate I

2. Candidate’s Declaration

3. Abstract

Introduction 6

Definition of blog 7

4. Who are Bloggers and

Why people do blogging? 9

5. My blog 11

4.1 Why on Travel blog?

6. Our salient features 13

7. My blogs content 14





8. Advertising and marketing 15

9. WordPress 24

8.1 Definition and meaning

8.2Our working experience with


There are many blog based websites running right now and every website has
their own topics and ideas. My website is based on the travel blogs and my
main aim is to write article on our beauty of country .

A blog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide

Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries ("posts").
Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most
recent post appears first, at the top of the web page. Until 2009, blogs are
usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often
covered a single subject or topic. In the 2010s, "multi-author blogs" (MABs)
have developed, with posts written by large numbers of authors and
sometimes professionally edited. MABs from newspapers, other media outlets,
universities, think tanks, advocacy groups, and similar institutions account for
an increasing quantity of blog traffic. The rise of Twitter and other
"microblogging" systems helps integrate MABs and single-author blogs into the
news media. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add
content to a blog.

Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject or topic, ranging from

politics to sports. Others function as more personal online diaries, and others
function more as online brand advertising of a particular individual or
company. A typical blog combines text, digital images, and links to other blogs,
web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave
publicly viewable comments, and interact with other commenters, is an
important contribution to the popularity of many blogs. Hoiver, blog owners or
authors often moderate and filter online comments to remove hate speech or
other offensive content. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus
on art (art blogs), photographs (photoblogs), videos (video blogs or "vlogs"),
music (MP3 blogs), and audio (podcasts). In education, blogs can be used as
instructional resources. These blogs are referred to as edublogs. Microblogging
is another type of blogging, featuring very short posts.
What is Blog?

A blog is a frequently updated online personal journal or diary. It is a place to

express yourself to the world. A place to share your thoughts and your
passions. Really, it’s anything you want it to be. For our purposes I will say that
a blog is your own website that you are going to update on an ongoing basis.
Blog is a short form for the word iblog and the two words are used

Here are a couple of other definitions:

“…the first journalistic model that actually harnesses rather than merely
exploits the true democratic nature of the ib. It’s a new medium finally finding
a unique voice.”–Andrew Sullivan

“A collection of posts…short, informal, sometimes controversial, and sometimes

deeply personal…with the freshest information at the top.”– Meg Hourihan.


So, who are these fearless people who would be willing to post about their
lives in as public a forum as the Internet? They are people just like you. Once
the haven of technical know-it-all, blogging has suddenly caught-on as a
legitimate hobby and has entered the mainstream. Every day millions of
people, some of whom have no technical ability whatsoever, write on their
blogs. To meet this demand some amazing tools have been created that will
allow anyone, even people with very little knowledge of computers, to have
their own blog. If you can find your way onto the Internet and follow some
basic instructions, you can have your own blog. It’s just that easy.


So, you may be asking why anyone would want to have their own blog. I
believe the answer lies in the fact that every human has a voice and wishes
their voice to be heard. The Internet is a medium that is unparalleled in its
reach. Never before have average people like you or me been able to reach a
global audience with so little trouble. Bloggers have the opportunity of
reaching hundreds or even thousands of people each and every day.

There are still many people who like to share the details of their days. They
may post tinty or thirty times a day, detailing when they ate lunch and when
they headed home from work. On the other hand, there are bloggers who give
almost no detail about their lives, but write instead about a hobby or interest
of theirs. They may dedicate their blog to something they are passionate

In fact, today’s blogs can provide hair tips, up-to-date news, technical
information, celebrity scandal, political rumour, gets people involved in
volunteering, advice on investments as ill as there being blogs about niche
topics like cooking, health, gardening, sport, blogging blogs (this blog) and of
course many personal blogs and quite a few strange blogs.

My website is based on travel blogs and our main aim is to write the articles on
the beauty of our country. I used to write on random beauty like historic
places, etc and then publish them on my website .

I not only publish Articles written by me, but I also publish the articles written
from our folloirs and the people who love to travel. This will give platform to
the ordinary people who are interested in natures beauty to publicize their
talent. My website is all about writing articles on the beauty and I want people
like me involve in this so that they can show their talent , By this they’ll show
the world how they see things .

It is a platform where everybody can show their talent, they can show
innovative they are how differently they see the world .
Why on Travel Blog?

I, Owner of this Webpage, Kunal Singh always had hobby of writing articles on
our beauty since I was like 16 and I frequently used to write articles on
environment, and the article I like the most I post them on social networking
sites but there was always a strange kind of feeling that my passion of article
writing is not getting a good stage and I was not able to showcase my talent
then I decided to make website to show my article writing to the world. But I
was not even familiar to coding and I did not know any computer languages
like C, C++, HTML etc. So, I talked to my friends like if anybody knew it, but I
didn’t get help from any of my friends then, I are taught about making website
in our classroom. There I found about WordPress which works on drag and
drop instead of coding and boom here I am now working on my site. And if you
are doing what you are interested in it then you do ill, so I choose article on
nature’s beauty as my topic for blogging.


There are many other travel blogging websites running right now but our
website has some features which makes us different from them.


• Our content and photographs are not copied from any other websites. It is
self-written and either by the owner or the contributors.

• The Photographs are self-taken that are posted with articles and is not
copied from anywhere else.
• Fast response: - I response to the messages from our folloirs within minutes
after receiving them.

• Frequent posting: - I post blogs regularly.


My blog contains everything which normal blog contains as it is based on

nature’s article there must be some articles based on historic places and those
articles should not just leave alone, they must be posted with the photographs.

The contents of my blog are: -

1. Theme

2. Categories

3. Posts

4. Pages

So I will discuss about all


Every website need a theme on which people can do put their contents.
Similarly, I had also an awesome theme on which I am working right now.

One should always look for the best theme they can have so that the
resemblance of the website is great, I should firstly analyse all the things and
then should choose the theme

Like themes, there must be categories in which i can post our blogs.

Categories usually resembles about what the post is all about and the topic on
which I will be writing and in that context our website has two pages right now:

1. Historical places

2. National parks

In this category, I post articles which resembles nature and natural beauty. In
this category I post all the pictures related to naure, environment, lakes and
the beauty of our earth

As this website is new I don’t have posted enough photos, but I will be
frequently posting in it.
Posts refers to those article or photos which I publish in our feeds, so people
can read those articles and can see photos posted related to them.

The pages I have on our website is: -

1. Home

2. Articles

3. Gallery

4. About us

5. Contact us


This is my home page and while opening my website through direct

link(domain) this is the first page that opens and in this page visitors can see all
the blogs I have posted and this page I have side widgets too which show the
recent posts. Another widget shows all other pages I have. There is another
widget which shows the Facebook and twitter icons on which while clicking will
lead the visitors to our Facebook and twitter pages which helps us bringing
more traffic to our website. Then there is another widget which shows the
search box in which visitors can search the contents of our websites and at last
there is widget that shows the recent comments I had got from the visitors on
my website.
This is our 2nd page of our website which shows all the articles written on the
blog by me and the folloirs.

This is the 3rd page of our website and it is based on the photos gallery. In this
website I put extra photos, so the visitors can surf this page and watch more
astonishing photos of nature.

The photos I post in this page aren’t of any particular things, it shows photo of
different- different places and is another attractive page which pulls traffic.

In this page I have written about us, like how i come to make this website and
all that stuff our visitors need to know

Our Approach

Our approach is quite clear. I here only to show you what the nature lover can
write in his/her own words . Our main aim is to describe the nature’s beauty in
the form of words.

Our Story

I, Founder and CEO of this website was always passionate about article writing
and I frequently used to love write articles on environment and the article I like
the most I post them on social networking sites but there was always a strange
kind of feeling that my passion of article writing is not getting a good stage and
I was not able to showcase my talent and I was quiet upset about it then my
friend noticed my upset face and I told him everything about it as he asked
then he acknowledged me about making my own site and showing my talent
to it. Then I decided to make a website but deciding a name was way too
difficult. I
always had a concept that article writing on nature is nothing but my passion
of capturing the beauty of nature into the word thats how i get my website
name “Nature Talk”.

This is our last page where I have given a contact form so any visitors having
any query or anyone who want to contact us can get to us through contact


Every webpage need to be advertised and publicized so that more and more
traffic can be generated to it. Without the advertisement a website will be
useless because it won’t be able to generate any traffic.

To advertise a website there are a lot of ways like physically I can advertise
about our website by hanging banners showing about our website and
distributing pamphlets in the market. This kind of physical advertisement is so
time consuming and expensive. There are other digital ways to advertise our
posts and webpages. There are many digital tools available that I can use to
advertise our website like google AdWords, google analytics, google AdSense,
Hootsuite, affiliate marketing etc.

 Google AdWords
Google AdWords is an online advertising service developed by Google, where
advertisers pay to display brief advertising copy, product listings, and video
content within the Google ad network to ib users. Google AdWords system is
based partly on cookies and partly on keywords determined by advertisers.
Google uses these characteristics to place advertising copy on pages where
they think it might be relevant. Advertisers pay when users divert their
browsing to click on the advertising copy. Partner websites receive a portion of
the generated income.
 Google AdSense
Google AdSense is a program run by Google that allows publishers in the
Google Network of content sites to serve automatic text, image, video, or
interactive media advertisements, that are targeted to site content and
audience. These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by

Hootsuite is a social media management platform, created by Ryan Holmes in
2008. The system’s user interface takes the form of a dashboard, and supports
social network integrations for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn,
Google+, YouTube, and many more.

Affiliate marketing is one of the oldest forms of marketing wherein you refer
someone to any online product and when that person buys the product based
on your recommendation, you receive a commission. This commission varies
from $1 to $10,000 depending on what product you are promoting.

These are the few of the ways to advertise and earn through digital marketing
tools and I had done these kinds of marketing. I had given SEO keywords and
SEO meta description through SEO plugins which helps us one getting our
pages and posts to be published on search engines like google and Bing.

I had linked my site to google analytics to so that I can see the traffic report on
it which help me to know that what kind of things in our website is attracting
more traffic. And then i can work on the that thing even better to bring more
traffic to my website.

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS)

based on PHP and MySQL. To function, WordPress must be installed on a web
server, which would either be part of an Internet hosting service or a network
host in its own right. An example of the first scenario may be a service like, for example, and the second case could be a computer
running the software package A local computer may be used
for single- user testing and learning purposes. Features include a plugin
architecture and a template system. WordPress was used by more than 27.5%
of the top 10 million websites. WordPress is reportedly the most popular
website management or blogging system in use on the web, supporting more
than 60 million websites. WordPress has also been used for other application
domains such as pervasive display systems (PDS)

WordPress also features integrated link management; a search engine–

friendly, clean permalink structure; the ability to assign multiple categories to
posts; and support for tagging of posts. Automatic filters are also included,
providing standardized formatting and styling of text in posts (for example,
converting regular quotes to smart quotes). WordPress also supports the
Trackback and Pingback standards for displaying links to other sites that have
themselves linked to a post or an article. WordPress posts can be edited in
HTML, using the visual editor, or using one of several plugins that allow for a
variety of customized editing features.

Working experience with WordPress

I frequently used to click photos and post them on social networking sites but
there was always a strange kind of feeling that my passion of photography is
not getting a good stage and I was not able to showcase my talent then I
decided to make website to show my photography to the world. But I was not
even familiar to coding and I did not know any computer languages like C, C++,
HTML etc. So, I talked to my friends like if anybody knew it, but I didn’t get help
from any of my friends then, suddenly I found about WordPress which works
on drag and drop rather than coding and boom then I was like pumped up
that I can finally
make a website. When I first make a WordPress site which was on sub domain
of WordPress and absolutely free, I knew how it works and all the stuffs I need
to do in it. There was no coding I had to deal with just simple drag and drop. It
was really easy to do all kind of stuffs in WordPress. After learning everything
about WordPress on my sub-domain site, I decided to make a website with my
own domain with WordPress installed in it.

I am thankful to WordPress for helping me in making such a wonderful site .


 Levine, D. M., Krehbiel, T. C., Berenson, M. L., & amp; Viswanathan, P.

K. (2006). & quot; Business Statistics- A First Course & quot; (4th ed.).
Patparganj, Delhi 110092, India: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.

 Fowler, H. W., & Fowler, F. G. & quot; The Concise Oxford

Dictionary of Current

 English & quot; (9th ed.). Delhi, India: Oxford Univesity Press.

 A Compendium of Laws relating to export and import & quot;.

Kathmandu, Nepal: Trade Promotion Center.
 Pant, P. R. Social Science Research and Thesis Writing (3rd ed.). Nepal:

Buddha Academic Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

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