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This is to certify that Mr. ​HRUSHIKESH MAHADEV KHALGE​, M17C22 of

Third Year B.M.S., Semester VI (2018- 2019) has successfully completed the
guidance of ​DR. NEERA KUMAR


Course Coordinator Principal

Project Guide/ Internal Examiner External Examiner


To list who all have helped me is difficult because they are so numerous and the depth
is so enormous.

I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and fresh
dimensions in the completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank the ​UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI​ for giving me

chance to do this project.

I would like to thank my Principal ​DR. MILIND VAIDHYA​ for providing the
necessary facilities required for completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank our coordinator ​PROF. ANANYA GON​ for her moral
support and guidance.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude towards my project guide ​DR.
NEERA KUMAR​ whose guidance and care made the project successful.

I would like to thank my college library, for having provided various reference books
and magazines related to my project.
Lastly, I would like to thank each and every person who directly or indirectly helped
me in the completion of the project especially my parents and peers who supported me
throughout my project.

I ​HRUSHIKESH MAHADEV KHALGE the student of T.Y.B.M.S. Semester VI

(2019-20) hereby declare that I have completed the project on ​“ INFLUENCE
MARKETING IN MOBILE SECTOR”​. The information submitted is true and original to
the best of my knowledge.


(Signature of Student)


Seat No:M17C22













Influence refers to the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of
someone or something, or the effect itself. According to Cambridge Dictionary of English defines
Influence as the power to have an effect on people or things, or a person or thing.

As market is growing rapidly and instead of business market it has become consumer-oriented
market. Either there is short brand or big brand everyone wants to acquire a set of customers and
want to retain them for a long period of time. Not like the earliest times consumer who only
purchases one specific brand and shows brand loyalty but its not up to consumer because earlier
market have only one or two brands which provide the things what consumers wants.

Nowadays things have changed a lot, not only from brand’s side but also consumer’s side. There
are a hell of a lot of brands in the market now and there is proper R & D (Research and
Development) team who works on providing benefits to consumers and research about consumer
behavior and buying behavior pattern of the consumers. They recently started working on
surrogate indicators which plays a main role in re-marketing or retaining a customer. if we talk
about consumers side, consumer search about everything he/she wants to purchase then choose the
best things among many and make the best alternative option by comparing every aspect of
product including price, quality, color, shape, size, etc. and after evaluating finally purchases a

So, to make consumers aware about product and to increase the sale or to establish a name in the
market, brands or companies taking the help of ever new type of advertising that is influence
marketing. In this brands mainly do celebrity endorsement but these are not any film actors or
models but they can be social activist, social media stars, any common person who is followed by
many people.

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Objectives of influence marketing in mobile sector

Only a goal-oriented influencer marketing strategy can bring success. Let’s take a look at 5 of the
most important influencer marketing goals your brand should focus on. We’ll also take a look at a
few strategies that can work best for each of them.

1. Brand Awareness

One of the most important influencer marketing goals a brand should focus on is to increase their
brand awareness. People will only convert into your customers when they begin to recognize and
see your brand.

When done right, influencer marketing can help you tap into the already established audience and
reach of an influencer to raise brand awareness.

To do this, you need to focus on influencer marketing strategies that will get you brand mentions,
followers, and shares. Influencers can encourage followers to share your branded content using
relevant and effective hashtags.

If your influencer marketing goal is to raise brand awareness, the following strategies can help

Brand Mentions

You can ask influencers to introduce your brand to their audiences. Most influencers talk about
brands they genuinely love. So make sure you connect with the right influencers to meet your
influencer marketing goal.

The influencer you collaborate with should have an audience you want to target and a personality
that fits your brand.

Product Reviews

Influencers can feature your brand’s products or services in their posts. However, it needs to be
more of a review in which the influencer shares their experience using your products. It must not
sound salesy or pushy.

Contests or Giveaways
Collaborating with influencers​ to host giveaways and contests is a great way to gain more brand
exposure. This exposes your brand to a new audience who can be your potential customers.
Contests and giveaways can help to engage a large audience.

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If your influencer marketing goal is to boost brand awareness, you need to encourage sharing of
your content using contests. Use branded hashtags to gain more exposure for your brand.

2. Traffic

Boosting your website traffic is an important influencer marketing goal that you must not
overlook. But not all traffic is created equal. You should focus on getting traffic that is relevant
and which can lead to conversions.

To drive traffic to your website consistently, you should focus on creating engaging content. You
can do this through:

Not only can this be great to boost your visibility among their audience, but also a way to drive
traffic to your website. So make sure that your influencers include links to your products or
website on their posts. This will help you drive traffic, which is one of the most important
marketing goals for a brand.

Guest Posts

You can also write guest posts for high-authority sites with a link back to your website. Respond
to every query on the published post to engage readers and drive them to your website.

Leo Widrich, the co-founder of Buffer. wrote about 150 guest posts within the first nine months of
their launch. This drove a massive amount of traffic to the app and helped him achieve his
influencer marketing goal. It increased their customer base from ​zero to 100K​ customers in just
nine months.

Sponsored Social Media Content

It’s the age of social media. In fact, ​77% of the population​ in the United States is using it today.
Collaborating with social influencers to co-create high-quality, engaging content can increase
traffic to your website manifold.

Klean Plate, a food company, managed to ​grow their traffic​ by 204% in four months, primarily
using influencer marketing.

The startup collaborated with a number of food bloggers, mom bloggers, and fitness enthusiasts,
and used branded hashtags to drive traffic.
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3. Sales and Lead Generation

The primary goal of all marketing efforts is to generate leads and drive sales and profits.

If your influencer marketing goal is to drive sales, relying only on shoutouts or product reviews
won’t work. You need to focus on strategies that can give you conversions.

Affiliate Marketing and Discount Codes

You should come up with campaigns that will benefit both the influencer and their followers
(potential customers). The best idea is to meet this influencer marketing goal is to make use of
affiliate marketing and discount codes.

This campaign would involve a custom discount code that can encourage consumers to make a
purchase. You can also provide your influencers with affiliate links that will help you track sales
driven by them. Then, you can offer commissions to the influencers for every sale they drive.

Collective Shoutouts on Instagram

92% of marketers​ believe Instagram to be the most effective social media platform for influencer

Collaborating with multiple Instagrammers to promote your products can generate more leads and
drive extensive sales in a short span of time. So partner with influencers whose audience resonates
with your brand and may buy your products.

New York based retailer Lord & Taylor, collaborated with ​50 influencers​ for a campaign to
promote their new Design Lab collection. Each influencer promoted the same dress on Instagram
which got sold out the following weekend.

4. Social Media Followers and Engagement

When you focus on increasing brand awareness, you may also see an increase in your social
followers and engagement. It is easy to combine these two influencer marketing goals together as
they complement each other.

No matter what your follower count is, I’m sure you’ll always be looking to grow them. To get
more followers, you need to focus on building a strong bond with influencers. Establishing strong
bonds with your influencers can help to increase brand awareness and follower count.​However,
having a large number of followers isn’t enough. It is important that they engage with your

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This can be possible only through interesting and engaging content that helps you connect with
your audience. In fact, ​90% of marketers​ consider engagement to be the most important
performance indicator of an influencer campaign.

A perfect strategy to increase your follower base to a great extent is to take your influencer
collaborations to the next level.


A takeover is an effective influencer campaign where you let an influencer take over your social
media profile for a short period of time. It may be for a day or an entire week.

This is a great way to strengthen your relationship with your influencers and get their audience to
engage with your brand. A successful takeover will help you meet multiple influencer marketing
However, before you attempt a takeover, make sure that you have worked with the influencer for a
few campaigns and can trust them. The more trust you build with your influencers, the better
results you can expect.

Brand Ambassadors
Look at your current influencer collaborations to spot the ones who share the same beliefs as you.
If you have worked with them on several good campaigns, you should think of establishing a
meaningful, long-term partnership.Make them your brand ambassadors – the faces of your brand.
This will help to make them feel more valued. And this will directly reflect on their work too.
Brand ambassador programs can

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drive more followers and increase engagement. They will provide great support to help you
achieve your influencer marketing goals.

5. Reputation

Every brand wants to strengthen their brand image and earn a good reputation among their
potential customers. The best way to do this is to build meaningful ​partnerships with relevant

Consumers trust their peers, friends, and their favorite influencers. It is important for brands to get
their influencers to trust them. These influencers will then help you convert people into loyal
customers for your brand.

If building reputation is your influencer marketing goal, you should think of ways to make your
influencers and their audience feel valued. This will help you strengthen your bond and thereby,
build a good reputation.


One effective way to make your influencers feel valued is to host an event for them. You can send
invites to influencers who have done a good job with campaigns. It will make them feel
appreciated and will help you make a stronger connection with them.

Hosting an event can be an opportunity to create more engaging content for your brand. With
influencers talking about being a part of the event, your brand will gain greater exposure.

For their launch event in Australia, Marks and Spencer invited lifestyle and fashion bloggers like
Rebecca Judd. They then promoted the event on social media.

Final Thoughts

Clear and concise influencer marketing goals are the key to a successful influencer campaign.
Never undermine the importance of goal-setting for any campaigns you undertake. In fact, it’s the
first thing you should do.

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This article throws light upon the ten factors influencing the marketing concept of a firm. The
factors are: 1. Population Growth 2. Increasing Households 3. Disposal of Income 4. Surplus
Income (discretionary income) 5. Technological Development 6. Mass Communication Media 7.
Credit Purchases 8. Changing Social Behavior 9. Transport Facilities 10. Increase Competition.

Factor 1. Population Growth​:

The increase in population naturally increases the demand too. Markets are made up of people.

Increase in population causes increasing the markets, increasing the consumers, who have
increased demand for goods, in kinds, varieties, preferences etc.
Thus, the producers have to meet the changing demands of people.

Factor 2. Increasing Households:

The growth of demand for household products is more than it is to the total population at any time.
Joint family system has become unpopular because of many reasons. Most of the families are
sub-divided and this increases the number of families and their demands.
Automobiles, refrigerators, electrical appliances, television sets etc.

Factor 3. Disposal of Income:

Automation in industries, births of many new firms etc. open the door of employment. Thus,
people have increased their income and in turn aim for more satisfaction and more comforts.
When the income continues to increase, the purchasing power also increases.

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Factor 4. Surplus Income (discretionary income):

The people have surplus income left after meeting the expenses on essential items. This surplus
amount will be spent on non-necessary products or luxury goods. Such items are selected by
people, if they can give satisfaction to their needs and desires.

Factor 5. Technological Development:

Science and technology improve day by day. New inventions of products take place often. None
will have the guarantee that his products will always possess good demand in the market. Some
technological advancement may outmode the existing products; in turn the whole industry may
come to a standstill.

People always prefer to have the latest model. A number of new products, in the place of old ones,
are being introduced into the market often. Consumers are at liberty to choose from the new
products. Therefore, consumer-oriented marketing system is essential.

Factor 6. Mass Communication Media:

The growth of mass communication media-Newspapers, magazines, radio, television etc.

facilitates the buyers to learn about the new products available for sale. The buyer gets
information about the new products, faster and more effectively before the products come to the

Factor 7. Credit Purchases:

Credit purchases through hire-purchase schemes and instalment schemes are common today.
Credit purchase pushes sales. The customers can enjoy the facilities and this widens the market.

Factor 8. Changing Social Behavior:

The social pattern is changing. It is essential for any product or service to keep pace with the
change in order to survive in the market. The western style has tremendously affected in
developing countries, including India. The demand for electronic entertainment items and
consumer products has changed tremendously in the last 20 years.

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Factor 9. Transport Facilities:

The fast and easier transport facilities have resulted in urban-rural interaction regularly and also
global tours are becoming very common. These have helped to change consumer’s attitude
towards marketing activities. The demand for frost free refrigerators, high quality soaps,
moisturizing creams, fuel-efficient cars, battery operated machines; remote controlled electronic
machines are increasingly in demand everywhere. Buyers and consumers are searching for better

Factor 10. Increase Competition:

With rapid industrialization, the manufacturing base gone up and a large number of organizations
are manufacturing consumer products and giving rise to competition. Consumers have now the
option to select a suitable product or brand which could meet their requirements. Thus, the
marketing activity of all competing products has become an important day-to-day matter and the
same cannot be ignored.
All the factors mentioned above changed the traditional thinking of business managers and have
dragged the producers to change their idea of marketing to the modern concept of marketing.

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It is becoming increasingly difficult for brands to get attention on the internet. This is largely because
every business, big or small, has invaded the online world creating an insurmountable amount of
noise.This has made consumers extremely sceptical about brands that indulge in self-promotion. That
is why the demand for new, innovative digital marketing strategies has been on the rise.The quest for
an alternate approach has compelled brands to appreciate the power of influencers. Influencer
marketing is becoming a favourite among digital marketers and business owners.

Many brands are investing a significant amount of time and resources into executing successful
influencer marketing campaigns. If you are still wondering why influencer marketing is so popular,
maybe it is time to hone your marketing skills.

However, before we discuss why influencer marketing deserves the attention it is getting, let’s take a
look at the concept in greater detail.

Influencer Marketing Decoded

Influencer marketing involves collaborating with popular and relevant influencers in your niche to
promote your brand and increase your revenue.

Influencers are characterized by a large number of loyal and dedicated social media followers. They
are perceived as experts in their niches and their recommendations are often highly regarded by their

What distinguishes influencers from traditional celebrities is that the former shares a strong rapport
with their fan communities. They harness the accessibility of social media to establish personal
connections with and gain the trust of their followers.

Influencers are often real-life consumers who have in-depth knowledge about certain subjects. This
gives them certain leverage and empowers them to motivate their followers to take desired actions.
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Depending on your marketing objective, you can work with influencers to create engaging content,
announce giveaways, host Q & A sessions, etc. In addition, you can invite them to take charge of
your social media profiles and upload content on your behalf for a specific time period.

A successful influencer marketing campaign requires solid planning and a deep understanding of
your target audience and marketing objectives.

According to a recent study, in 2018, Google received ​61,000 search queries for the term “influencer
marketing”​. The same study also revealed that influencer marketing was considered effective by 92%
of the respondents. 86% of the respondents were also willing to dedicate a specific budget for their
influencer marketing campaigns.

This clearly indicates that influencer marketing is gaining acceptance and popularity among business
owners and marketers.
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Bringing the Influencer edge in your smartphone marketing mix

Since July 14​th​, YouTube’s prime advertising real estate the ‘Masthead’ that reportedly costs Rs
1.4 crore per day since January, has been dominated by smartphone players, Vivo, Samsung, and
Xiaomi. Currently, YouTube is the messiest digital platform in India with ​265 million monthly
active users​ and reaching ​80% of Internet users​ across age groups.

Sanjay Sharma

As a price sensitive market, Indian consumers are enchanted by Chinese smartphone players who
have offered great value and great prices in every consumer segment. As ​Sanjay Sharma, Head of
Strategy & Managing Partner, BBH India puts it​, “Affordable flagships as they’re rightly called
have become darlings of the market.”“The segmentation is now clearer than ever. For a largely
value-conscious market its only obvious for the budget phone segment to dominate volumes, but
what we’re witnessing is the demand veer increasingly towards mid-tier and premium segment”, he

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OnePlus has emerged as a de facto leader in this space, as ​Counterpoint Research reported​ that
OnePlus 7 series achieved 43% shipment share in the premium segment recording overall shipment
growth by 33% in Q2 2019.

“This clearly indicates that consumers are willing to splurge on smartphones, and Original
Equipment Manufacturers certainly are leaving no stone unturned by offering them the best of both
worlds: value plus flagship level features”, concludes Sharma.

A once segmented market is moving towards consolidation with the rise of so called ‘Flagship
Killers’ in the market. Xiaomi began the trend with the launch of their Photophone and other
players followed suit quickly thereafter.

As players compete in the same space, there have begun sharpening their communication strategy on
digital and exploring new opportunities to build brand connect with their customers.

Techies Review the Vivo Z1Pro

The brand leveraged Tech YouTubers @AllAboutTechnologies (149,349), @mobiscrub (144,344),
@C4ETech (1,628,468), @Mr.Phone , @GeekyRanjit (195,389), and @iGyaan (982,432) all talking
about the product in a compilation video.
All these tech vloggers have between 15k to 1.5 million followers on YouTube at the time of filing
this report. They are micro influencers who have a dedicated audience base and while they may
deliver fewer impressions, with their endorsement, brand engagement reaches record highs.

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Dhananjay Bhosale

Tech YouTuber, @DhananjayBhosale says​, “While I work with all types of tech savvy brands,
smartphone brands are whom I collaborate with the most. I recently tied up with one of the leading
smartphone brands to test and showcase their new phone's high-performance features.”
Dhananjay who normally edits his own videos partnered with an expert video editor, to create an
enhanced viewing experience for the audience. The resulting video garnered 300,000 views, 5000
likes and several thousand comments Dhananjay has been building his brand on YouTube since
2013. When he recommends a product to his viewers, it has a much greater chance of being picked
up. While Vivo has picked up high profile celebrities like Aamir Khan and Sara Ali Khan to build
their brand in the past, they are also leveraging micro-influencers to great“The game is all about
casting the net wide and deep. While the former (celebrity influencers) serves in cultural imprinting
the attempt with the latter is to speak to the individual in ways, they find most relatable. Roping in
celebrities is a tried and tested method that’s here to stay, but increasingly the use of social media,
macro/micro influencers from different areas of expertise not only adds credence but also puts the
product/technology at the front and center” explains BBH India’s Sharma.

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Samsung picked up celebrity influencer Diljit Dosanjh to promote their product in a lighthearted
digital film. They have used the friendly personality of Dosanjh to drive higher engagement with
users and made tedious unboxing videos a little more fun.

Xiaomi got employees of Xiaomi India​ including Managing Director, Manu Kumar Jain to
promote their Mi Beard Trimmer turning a regular unboxing into something more personable in a
bid to turn up engagement.The thing about executing influencer campaigns on digital is that they can
be executed at a global scale with great success. Look at how Xiaomi promoted its Redmi K20
phone by roping in renowned Tech reviewers on YouTube. Once again, their undermined the value
proposition of the OnePlus 7 Pro just as they had in the year prior with their Pocophone F1.

What the world has to say | Redmi K2

The mix of macro/micro influencers in the video include @UnboxTherapy (14,995,705),

@MrWhoseTheBoss (2,520,289), and @FrankieTech (86,671).Right now, @UnboxTherapy is the
biggest Tech Channel on YouTube and @MrWhoseTheBoss is the biggest Tech YouTube in the UK
that is run by Indian YouTuber Arun Maini. Unbox Therapy has admitted that many of his followers
are Indian as they are crazy about Tech.

Sharma says, “Xiaomi’s attempt to make a dent in the premium segment with their sub-brand POCO
and now their plans to make Redmi into a sub-brand specifically targeting the mid-premium segment
is only emblematic of this shift.”

“From effective use of scarcity to exclusive e-commerce tie-ups, online has increasingly become the
preferred mode of purchase given how internet users across the spectrum are mobile-first now more
than ever,” he adds.He breaks down smartphone brands marketing mix as the following, “Now,
OEMs are spending around 70% of their digital marketing budget on mobile platforms and the rest
on web platforms. Search turns out to be the single most important channel accounting for nearly
one-third of the budget (SEO, Keyword bidding), followed by social media channels,
performance/programmatic and now increasingly influencer marketing.”

Influencer Marketers' Speak​ We reached out Buzzone and Chtrbox to better understand the
myriad ways smartphone brands leverage influencer marketing.

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Pranay Swarup

Pranay Swarup, CEO & Founder, Chtrbox said, ​“Many of our smartphone brands collaborate
with recommended influencers to introduce a product, create rich unboxing & review content, drive
purchases via discounted sales and create extended advocacy content.” ​Buzzone Influencer
Marketing said, ​“The digital touch-points are Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Blogs.
YouTube, Facebook and Blogs are usually used for tech reviews and unboxing videos of the phone,
while Twitter is used for generating conversations, creating buzz and trending during launches.
Instagram is used to highlight camera features. Keeping in mind the features of a smartphone, we
leverage influencers from different genres like Technology influencers for review purpose,
Photography, Fashion, Lifestyle, and Food influencers to highlight the camera and design of the
smartphone.”Swarup says, “Traditionally, smartphone brands utilized influencers who specifically
specialized in the domain of technology, but of late brands are working with all types of influencers.
Social media is one of the most used features in smartphones, and who better to showcase it than
content creators!”
Like Vivo collaborating with content creator Bhuvan Bam (@BBKiVines) where the product was
mentioning during the sketch.

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Sangram Dasgupta

Young Netizens are the major consumers of such content and the primary target of smartphone
brands. As Dasgupta puts it, “The core T.G smartphone brands try to reach out to through
influencer marketing are the digitally active audience from the metro and non-metro cities which
includes college students, professionals, and homemakers. The age bracket smartphone brands
target is from 15 to 45 years but the core age bracket would be 15 to 35 years”Swarup points out
that collaboration with influencers usually achieves 3 objectives for the smartphone brand. Firstly,
it highlights a unique product feature. Second, since most influencer created content organically
ranks higher on YouTube search results, brand integrations optimize product discovery. Lastly,
they drive brand consideration and drive conversation during the launch period.As the importance
of digital media grows, the role influencers play becomes even more crucial, “brands are now
leveraging Influencers for research (even before they plan and launch their campaigns

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Influence marketing is the most important new approach to marketing in a decade for those professionals
at the leading edge of purchasing decision-making. The word “Influence” can be broadly defined as the
power to affect a person, thing or course of events. Brown and Hayes define an Influencer as “A
thirdparty who significantly shapes the customer’s purchasing decision, but may ever be accountable for
it.”Influencers are individuals who have the power to affect purchase decisions of others because of their
authority, knowledge, position, or relationship” ( Social influencers
are 12 everyday people who influence consumers as making a purchasing decision. Anyone can be a
social influencer, influencing someone else’s brand affinity and purchasing decision Social Influence
Marketing is defined by Singh et al. as “a technique that employs social media (content created by
everyday people using highly accessible and scalable technologies such as blogs, message boards,
podcasts, microblogs, bookmarks, social networks, communities, wikis, and vlogs) and social influencers
(everyday people who have an outsized influence on their peers by virtue of how much content they share
online) to achieve an organization’s marketing and business needs.” The Finnish Influencer marketing
company “PING Helsinki” defines influencers as those who keep a blog, or post their opinions on
Youtube, Snapchat, Instagram or other social media channels. They can be for example athletes or artists
among many other things, but the essential element is that they have their own community in social
media and they have the willingness to produce sponsored and professionally produced content for their
followers ( Influencer marketing can take its form in blog posts, videos or pictures on the
influencer’s social media channels, which means content cooperation, and it can be content for the
company’s marketing campaign with influencer’s name or picture, which means providing content. It can
also be operating as a brand ambassador, competitions for the end-users, cooperation in different social
media channels, for example on the company’s Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter, or involving consumers
in product development and testing. Influencer marketing can also be events, trips and workshops,
widgets and display advertising The word influencer can sometimes be mixed with the word advocate,
but the two words do necessarily not have the same meaning. Influencers are typically noncustomers
incentivized to recommend a brand or a product while advocates are existing customers who voluntary
recommend the brand or the product

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Earned and paid media in the context of influencer marketing :

Influencer marketing can be both earned and paid, depending on how well executed and well coordinated
the owned and paid media is It’s called earned media when a brand gets free media and the customers
become the channel, rather than having to pay for it. 13 This passing of information can also be referred
to as word-of-mouth marketing, also called WOM (Corcoran, 2009). The Nielsen Holdings information
and measurement -company did a Survey in 2011 about Global Trust in Advertising with more than
28,000 Internet respondents in 59 countries all around the world. According to the survey that was
conducted between August 31 and September 16, 2011, 92 % of consumers around the world say they
trust earned media, which is an increase of 18 % since 2007. Randall Beard who is global head and
Advertiser Solutions at Nielsen say that, as the results of the study about Global Trust in Advertising
showed, consumers around the world continue to see recommendations from friends and online consumer
opinions as the most credible source of advertising. Because of this, successful brand advertisers will
seek ways to better connect with consumers in form of consumer feedback and experiences (Nielsen,
Influencer marketing from a brand’s perspective
In this chapter the researcher will go into depth of why a company should use influencer marketing as a
marketing tool and how they should go about to do so.

Why does a brand need influencers?

According to Matthews’ article “The definite guide to influencer targeting” (2013) consumers more
likely trust recommendations from a third party (ex. a blogger or Instagrammer) rather than a brand itself.
The Influencer can be though of as a friend connecting a brand with their target consumers. The
influencer does not only bring their own followers, but they also bring the followers network. When an
influencer has loyal followers they can also drive traffic to the company’s website, increase social media
exposure and sell the company’s product through their recommendation or story about their experience
with the company’s product/service (Matthews, 2013). With topics like ad fraud and ad blocking,
companies are moving toward earned media, because they want distribution options that won’t be
blocked and that they know can reach the right audience. Influencer content cannot be blocked, external
influencers are being created every day, and the best way to gain customer trust is by aligning with
somebody the custom- 14 ers already trust. The built in level of trust between influencer and reader is

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essentially impossible for a brand to build alone with the customer (Hall, 2016). According to a research
made by the companies TapInfluence and Influitive, customers trust a referral from their personal
network at a rate of 90%, and the referrals are found online in 81% of the cases. People trust referrals
from people they know above all else with 92% (TapInfluence, Influitive). In 2016 the Tomoson
Company made a survey and gathered information from 125 participating top marketers. According to
the influencer marketing survey, businesses are making 6.50 dollar for each 1-dollar spent on influencer
marketing. The survey concluded 125 marketers online from 10-16 March 2015. The poll found out that a
majority of 59% of marketers are planning to increase their influencer marketing budgets over the next 12
months, and 21% plan to reduce the spending on influencer marketing or keep it the same (Tomoson,
The four M’s of influencer marketing

Brown and Fiorella describes in their book ​"Influence Marketing: How to Create, Man-
age, and Measure Brand Influencers in Social Media Marketing" h​ ow the four M’s of
influencer marketing should be mastered. The four M’s represent: ​make, manage, moni- tor
and measure. ​Like any other business discipline, influencer marketing does need focus,
goals, and metrics. In the concept of Influencer marketing, these are called the Four M’s.

Starting with the word ​make, t​ he customer should be placed at the centre of your influ- ence
marketing efforts, like showed earlier in the customer-centric model (figure 2), so that
companies can build profiles based on where they are in the purchase lifecycle at the
​ here they are looking for information, in the
moment. They can be in the ​research stage w
awareness stage ​when they may need validation from people they know, or they may be in
the ​purchase stage a​ nd ready to make a purchase. Because of that each stage presents the
need for a different tactic and outreach, the company need to identify where they are in that
path so that they can connect with people and ​“make" ​influencers who will move the
customer into the next stage of the purchase decision. This way you get straight to the
customer via the right influencer at the right time
PAGE 20 OF 5
The Make part of the four Ms can be attributed into two sections, Identifying and Acti- vating.
In the Identifying section the path of the persona should be identified.According to Brown and
Fiorella (2013) there are two core stages in every influencer campaign: the Trickle and the
Ripple Phases. The Trickle phase is where the message is first spread, and from here the
direction of the message determines whether the cam- paign is successful or not. The path of a
message is not as simple as just giving it to the influencer, because the noise of social media
offers many distractions. To get through this Trickle Phase the brand needs to work with
influencers to identify key information about the audience:

● The time they will be online

● The platforms they will be on,
● The people they will be speaking with
● The topics they will be speaking out
● The actions they will be creating

When the influencers are segmented into definitive personas and segregating which of their
communities are most likely to react to a particular message, the potential for an influencer
marketing campaign to succeed moves from possible to probable. When the success of the
campaign is probable it’s moved from the Trickle Phase to the RipplePhase - the influencer’s
community has noticed the brand’s message.

PAGE 21 OF 52

When a brands core audience is identified that it is going after with a specific campaign, the
next step is to activate the influencer that is right for the message. Influence market- ing is not
about having the largest follower base or loudest voice, but about making the customer the
influencer and identifying the context behind their purchase decisions. When identifying the
right influencer for the campaign, the filters of this stage offer the right starting point needed to
ensure that a brand pick the right people. One should look

The influencer filter

Demographic ​– Finding out audience age, sex and locale is important for knowing how a
brands’ message needs to be crafted.
Timescale ​– For an effective and successful influencer campaign, it needs to be a con- stant
part of the brands’ marketing strategy, and not only a short-term buzz. The differ- ent parts of
the campaign dictate which influencer is needed at each stage.

PAGE 22 OF 52
Platform(s) ​– Each social network platform has its own attraction to certain demographics with
sex, race and income playing a large part in popularity of each net- work. A brand should
choose the platform and influencer according to what suits their target audience best.

Reaction history ​– To understand the customer behavior within a influencer marketing

campaign the brand need to identify when customers make decisions and takes ac- tion based
on the content of the influencer. The reactions of the customers could be fa- vomiting a tweet,
liking or sharing a Facebook update, commenting on a post or news article. When a brand
understands the reaction history of its audience it ensures that the message is seeded at the right
time with the right influencer.

Influencer ​– The key problem with influencer marketing is that brands are only trying to
connect with high-profile influencers instead of the ones that are actually relevant to the
consumer. Recognizing the right influencer from the start is the key to a successful campaign,
otherwise the message is diluted.

Manage -

Once a company knows who their new influencer is for their target customer, they need to
move into the ​managing stage​. Like any other marketing tactic, influencer marketing needs
to be managed from before the campaign starts to after the campaign ends, and beyond, to
truly succeed. Relationships with the influencers may continue for future outreach and
promotions. By continuing a relationship with the influencers there are benefits like
established trust, knowledge of each other, a ready customer base, and the opportunity of
switching the brand influencer to brand advocate. By nurturing the rela- tionship with an
influencer it can help turning these into brand advocates. There are seven steps to managing
influencer relationships for all brands to follow:
PAGE 23 OF 52

The seven steps of influencer marketing management,

Product ​– The product is equally important as the message in a influencer campaign, and
trust is the ultimate currency of the social web. The brand needs to ensure that the
influencers they are working with have all the tools they need when it comes to the
products they are promoting and that it is worth promoting.

Knowledge ​– The brand have to make sure that the influencer shows experience and
knowledge of the products. Fact sheets, work sheets and hands-on training should be
provided for the influencers (ex. bloggers, celebrities, media outlets, online publica- tions)
to make sure that they have as much knowledge of the product as the employees of the
brand has.

Calendar ​– Traditionally, influencer-marketing campaigns consist of short-term out- reach

and longer term marketing efforts by the brand to build the buzz the influencer has created.
A preferred method is to build a longer-term vision that establishes the in- fluencer as a
core part of the brand’s marketing efforts and team. In any case, it is cru- cial to map out
the content and promotion calendar for the campaign to succeed

PAGE 24 OF 52
secondary posts to support the main promotion). One additional benefit to mapping out an
influencer calendar is that it makes it possible to prepare a backup plan for any errors
during the campaign.

Message ​– Brands need to adapt their message so that it fits the influencer’s natural tone at
the same time as they want to keep the core promotional points front and center. What the
influencers are willing to say and what language they are willing to use should be
determined early on, and the promotion should be crafted around that. The brand should
look up if the influencer has discussed anything similar to the brand’s message before and
look how they approached that, this way the brand can get to know the influ- encer’s style
and interests and increase the likelihood of working together.

Platform ​– The brand should determine which platform will be number one of use, and
which ones will act as support networks. At this stage it is certainly important to look at the
demographic that is discussed earlier in this chapter.

Alternatives ​–Preparations should be made for the possibility of unforeseen market re-
actions, because even well planed campaigns can receive a poor reception or a negative
response from the target audience. Examples of preparations could be alternative influ-
encers who can respond to negativity and help shift the balance of the campaign back to
positive or having alternative promotions and landing pages if it becomes clear that some
particular message is not working.

Feedback ​– Listening to the influencers opinions of what worked well and what could have
been done differently, and what other approaches could be used in future cam- paigns, has
to be a key part of the post-campaign analysis. The influencers are still the ones who have
built their audience and the trust of the audience.These seven steps above relate to macro
influencer marketing, although it can be adapted to the micro influencer.

Monitor :
The next stage is where the brand is Monitoring influencer campaigns. When monitor- ing
the efforts of an influencer marketing campaign the brand needs to focus on results and not
efforts, because it allows for a much more structured framework to accomplish

PAGE 25 OF 52
goals and meet targets. With real-time intelligence about the industry, companies can reach
competitors, sharpen their strategy, and make the outreach a success. With the help of
search analytics, listening tools, dedicated messaging, landing pages and more, marketers
can begin to understand who and what is offering the greatest ROI, where they need to
adapt the brand message, and which influencer is influencing consumers and their decision
process at any given time. There are three essential targets that brands should build their
strategy around and monitor how each campaign is making progress based on these goals.

Three essential influencer statistics to measure

The first influencer statistic to measure is ​Awareness​, which should include blog posts
about the campaign, social shares and updates, news articles, media interviews and/or
pitches and mentions of the brand or product.

The second influencer statistic to measure is ​Reaction. ​To the reaction target include visits
to the company website/landing page, increase of newsletter subscribers, in- creased traffic
to offline properties, increased search queries and social followers and peer
PAGE 26 OF 52

The last stage of the four M’s is the ​measure ​stage, and the final piece of the equation of the
four M’s model. For being able to replicate the success of a campaign in future campaigns,
the brand need to measure why it happened and who created it.

“Measurement is everything, and everything is measurement”

With the help of social media we can create extremely targeted campaigns, combined with
different platforms that measure which network and content, create the most return on
investment, and the same works for measuring influencer results. There are two core
metrics that brands need to measure in any influencer marketing campaign. To the first
metric include:

Investment ​– To the investment metric include the pre-campaign cost of which influ-
encers are right for the company. A brand should find out how much it costs to set up the
program and using that as a barometer against how much return, financial or aware- ness,
the brand experiences.

Resources ​– The brand needs measure manpower, like how many employees are need- ed
and how many hours they use for the campaign, and the second thing is education, like how
much time is needed to train each influencer on the brands product and com- pany culture.
Manpower and education need to be added to the bigger financial invest- ment.

Product ​– Free samples of the brands products need to be made available for both the
influencers and their audience if the brand is looking to connect from a lead generation or
purchase decision angle. The costs of the products sent out need to be factored into the
overall financial investment of the campaign.

The second key metric to track is the influencer metric.

Ratio ​– Differentiation of the influencers leads to better returns, and a thriving and in-
teractive influencer audience base is much more important than high following numbers.
Companies should measure how many reactions an influencer receives when shar- ing the
brand’s message as a percentage of the influencer’s overall following to get a more exact
return on that specific influence

PAGE 27 OF 52

Sentiment ​– By measuring the buy-in of the audience of the campaign it allows the
company to understand the sentiment around the brand message and how the target au-
dience perceives the brand and the campaign itself. There are different platforms that allow
organizations social media team to track different activities by the influencer’s audience.
This way a brand can increase awareness around the influencer and help to improve the
perception of less well-received influencers. A brand can also quickly iden- tify areas that
are found upsetting by certain demographic and instigate crisis communi- cation response if

Effect ​– When measuring how effective the campaign has been, the company needs to look
at traffic generated to a website, microsite, or landing page. One should also look at how
many times the brand or product is mentioned online and how many people rec- ognize the
brand name with help of new fans, followers, subscribers to newsletters and how many
white papers or fact sheets were downloaded from the company’s website. Depending on
the product or service, the customer purchase cycle may be longer than the duration of the
campaign. The company should include a plan to continue measuring the effect of the
influencer marketing campaign on this purchase path
PAGE 28 OF 52




To study the influence marketing in mobile sector


To identify the satisfaction rate of customer towards influence marketing in mobile sector

To find out the customers Attitude and Preference towards buying mobile phones.

To examine the influencing factors responsible in purchasing an mobile phones

To assess the Awareness of influence marketing in mobile sector

To study the problem and difficulties faced by the customer in purchase of mobile phones.
To study the impact of the influence marketing


1. The basic scope of the study is to analyse need, and importance of ​influence marketing in mobile

2​. It will help in understanding how consumers think about ​influence marketing in mobile sector

3​.There are many challenges when it comes to brands and agencies executing successfully when it comes
to influencer marketing and the impact of influencer marketing on consumers.

PAGE 29 OF 52


Type of Study:

It is the random research in which all the questionnaires are distributed among the people by ensuring that
all answers will be kept confidential.

Types of Data:

The source of data includes both Primary and Secondary data.

A. Primary Data:
Primary data is the first hand data which is collected from the number of respondents. Here structured
questionnaire was used to collect primary data through surveys.

B. Secondary Data:

Secondary data has been collected for other for other useful resources & information essentially required
in order to successfully complete the project report & company figures from the internet, books,
magazines as well as newspaper

Sample size:

100 respondents.

PAGE 30 OF 52

Sampling Method:

In this study the method of selecting samples is random questionnaire was circulated among the
consumer of various age groups.

1. Sample Method

Random sampling is used for research project.

2. Data representation technique and tools

Columns charts and pie charts have been used for the Representation.

Tools used for analysing data are method, graphs, pie-charts, etc. Questionnaire is distributed to the
individual respondents and special care has been taken to make him/her feel comfortable so that, he/she
could answer all the questions as the answers answered were kept confidential. This method is followed
to get unbiased answers.

Data Collection Method:

The relevant data was collected from both primary sources and secondary sources. The starting point of
my information gathering has been the secondary sources such as internet, newspapers, etc. First, I made
a collection of information using internet and other secondary sources. Then I conducted survey using
questionnaire for knowing the peoples perception towards influence marketing in mobile sector.

PAGE 31 OF 52


the following factors responsible for impacting people's perception to purchase a new mobile.


18-20 22.5%

20-25 64.7%
25-30 5.9%

30-40 2%

40-45 4.9%

Type of Phone you Own

android 86%

Ios 17%

Basic phone 1%

On the scale of 1-5, rate the following factors responsible for impacting people's perception to purchase a
new mobile.

1.)Population Growth

1 11.9%

2 9.9%

3 17.8%

4 43.6%

5 16.8%

PAGE 32 OF 52

2.)Increasing Households.

1 3.9%
2 10.7%
3 44.7%
4 26.2%
5 14.6%

3.)Disposable Income

1 6.8%

2 27.2%

3 25.2%
4 28.2%

5 12.6%

4.) Technological Development

1 0%

2 3.9%

3 18.4%
4 47.6%

5 30.1%

5.) Advertisements

1 6.8

2 9.7

3 25.2

4 41.7

5 16.5

PAGE 33 OF 52

6.)Social Media Influencers.

1 2.9%

2 2.9%

3 31.3%
4 43.7%

5 19.4%

7.)Credit Purchases(EMI, credit card etc.)

1 0%

2 3.9%

3 42.7%
4 32%

5 21.4%

8.)Changing Social Behaviour

1 0%

2 11.7%

3 20.4%
4 39.8%

5 28.2%

9.)Increase in Competition

1 8.7%

2 4.9%

3 16.5%
4 28.2%

5 41.7%
PAGE 34 OF 52


On the scale of 1-5, rate the following factors responsible for impacting people's perception to
purchase a new mobile.


The above diagram represents the age group of the respondents and the major population of the sample
belongs to 18-20 years of age.
PAGE 35 OF 52

Android​ is the most used ​mobile​ operating system in the world right now. ​Android​ and iOS have created a
duopoly in the smartphone market, accounting for more than 95% of the 3.1 billion active
smartphone ​devices​ in the world. ​The above chart represents the group of the respondents and the major
population of the sample belongs to android phone is 82.9% and the 16.2% in ios user.

So there you have it - ​people​ choose ​Android​ over iOS because it's easier to ​use​, customers prefer the plans
and the network operators, they like the OS brand, and the handsets are cheaper
PAGE 36 OF 52

On the scale of 1-5, rate the following factors responsible for impacting people's perception to
purchase a new mobile.

Interpretation :

out of the empirical data collected through questionnaire it is being found that 59.8 agree that population
growth impacts people’s perception on purchasing a new mobile whereas 17.8% are not sure about it. ​and
the other 20.1 % have rated negatively that they do not agree population growth impacts on the same
according to prior experience population growth might affect the growth of mobile sector in terms of
sales but this factor is not that influencing that it may change the perception of buyer towards purchasing
a new mobile phone.

PAGE 37 OF 5

Interpretation :

out of the emperical data collected through questionnaire it is being found that 40.8% agree that
Increasing households impacts people’s perception on purchasing a new mobile whereas 44.7%
are not sure about it. ​and ​the other 14.6% have rated negatively that they do not agree Increasing
households impacts on the same
The growth of demand for household products is more than it is to the total population at any
time. ​according to prior experience Increasing households might affect the growth of mobile
sector in terms of sales but this factor is not that influencing that it may change the perception of
buyer towards purchasing a new mobile phone.
As income ​rise​, consumers tend to ​increase​ their ​spending​ on higher income elastic goods and
services, such as luxuries, holidays and leisure goods. When income falls ​households​ may
postpone ​spending​ on these luxuries until incomes rises again

PAGE 38 OF 52

Interpretation :
out of the emperical data collected through questionnaire it is being found that 40.8% agree that
disposable income impacts people’s perception on purchasing a new mobile whereas 25.2% are
not sure about it. ​and ​the other 34% have rated negatively that they do not agree disposable
income impacts on the same
according to prior experience disposable income might affect the growth of mobile sector in terms
of sales but this factor is not that influencing that it may change the perception of buyer towards
purchasing a new mobile phone.
When disposable income increases, households have more money to either save or spend, which
naturally leads to a growth in consumption. ​Consumer spending​ is one of the most important
determinants of demand; it creates the demand that keeps companies profitable and hiring new

PAGE 39 OF 52
Interpretation :

out of the emperical data collected through questionnaire it is being found that 77.8% agree that
technological development impacts people’s perception on purchasing a new mobile whereas
18.4% are not sure about it. ​and ​the other 3.9% have rated negatively that they do not agree
technological development impacts on the same
according to prior experience technological development might affect the growth of mobile sector
in terms of sales but this factor is influencing that it may strongly change the perception of buyer
towards purchasing a new mobile phone.
Technological development relates to really anything in regards to inventions or innovations.
Development is essentially the process that takes a product or idea from a hypothesis to a usable
product. More often than not, development is usually restarted after a product is finished, which is
known as a prototype, which means it was a testing to determine if the technology was ready for
regular usage.
Mobile development is becoming a priority and the new normal for many businesses because,
without a mobile-optimized solution, a company undoubtedly faces the risk of losing a significant
proportion of clients and lagging behind the competition. In this article, we’ve compiled the main
trends in the mobile industry as of now and for the coming year.The increased adoption of
connected gadgets has led to the remarkable growth of the mobile app industry. Smartphones and
tablets affect customer behavior and provide many business opportunities. More and more users
expect the availability of sites and services via portable devices because they need the
convenience and freedom.

PAGE 40 OF 52
Interpretation :

out of the emperical data collected through questionnaire it is being found that 57.2% agree that
advertisement impacts people’s perception on purchasing a new mobile whereas 25.2% are not
sure about it. ​and ​the other 16.3% have rated negatively that they do not agree advertisement
impacts on the same
according to prior experience advertisement might affect the growth of mobile sector in terms of
sales and this factor is influencing that it may strongly change the perception of buyer towards
purchasing a new mobile phone.
This study is intended to find out the impact of Advertising on the sales of mobile. This include
investigating whether Advertisement help’s in the sales of mobile phone and also know whether
advertising is necessary in making telephone user to be aware of telecommunication services, in
terms of moral, ethnics and norms in the advertisement of telecommunication services. Further
more, the study is also intended to find out if the seller undertake advertising in view of it’s
impact to telecommunication services.
PAGE 41 OF 5

Interpretation :

out of the emperical data collected through questionnaire it is being found that 63.1% agree that
social media influencers impacts people’s perception on purchasing a new mobile whereas 31.1%
are not sure about it. ​and ​the other 5.8% have rated negatively that they do not agree social media
influencers impacts on the same
according to prior experience social media influencers affect the growth of mobile sector in terms
of sales and this factor is influencing that it may strongly change the perception of buyer towards
purchasing a new mobile phone.
the world of marketing is ever-changing, and as social media continues to spread its influence
across the world as a whole, the role of the social media influencer has risen in stature.The effect
that influencer marketing can have on sports and fitness brands in particular was brought to the
forefront recently when Nike controversially used Colin Kaepernick as the face of a new advert,
and saw their market value rise to an all-time high of ​$6 billion​ as a result.Social media is being
increasingly used by digital customers, and in the ​16-24​ age group social networks are the top
product research channel. Sports and fitness brands are taking advantage of this and using
influencers to show tangible results of health and fitness, as well as relatable and inspirational
PAGE 42 OF 52

Interpretation :

out of the emperical data collected through questionnaire it is being found that 64.1% agree that
credit purchases impacts people’s perception on purchasing a new mobile whereas 32% are not
sure about it. ​and ​the other 3.9% have rated negatively that they do not credit purchases impacts
on the same
according to prior experience credit purchases affect the growth of mobile sector in terms of sales
and this factor is influencing that it may strongly change the perception of buyer towards
purchasing a new mobile phone.
When your competitors are making sales on credit to your customers, you will need to do the
same just to stay competitive. If you want to offer more favorable terms, you might consider
giving discounts for prompt payment. For example, instead of just providing 30-days terms, offer
2/10/30. This means that the customers can take a 2-percent discount if he pays within 10 days
instead of waiting for the full 30 days to pay. An increase in sales may or may not happen when
you start selling on credit. If your competitors are not offering credit terms, then you will gain
sales by offering credit terms, because your customers will buy from you instead of having to pay
cash from your competitors.

PAGE 43 OF 5

Interpretation :

out of the emperical data collected through questionnaire it is being found that 60.2% agree that
changing social behaviour impacts people’s perception on purchasing a new mobile whereas
28.2% are not sure about it. ​and ​the other 11.7% have rated negatively that they do not changing
social behaviour impacts on the same
according to prior experience changing social behavior affect the growth of mobile sector in terms
of sales and this factor is influencing that it may strongly change the perception of buyer towards
purchasing a new mobile phone.
Consumers have different roles in purchasing products and services. Here, a role is defined as the
expected behavior of an individual in a society. These roles can be as part of the consumer’s
family, employment, or social status, among other things. For example, the role of father can be
different than the role of mother in purchasing consumer goods. Although there are many
different roles that can influence how a consumer behaves, three in particular are presented here:
influencers, prosumers, and personas.
Influencers are people who have a relatively large audience in which to tout their beliefs. In the
consumer world, influencers can impact the success or failure of a product by using it or shunning
it. A marketer often targets influencers rather than the entire target market, because these
influencers can alter the behavior of other people. Influencers can be influential buyers, retailers,
or people, such as journalists or industry professionals (among others). Influencers are sometimes
ranked according to six criteria: market reach (how many people the influencer will connect with),
independence (no vested interest in product), frequency of impact, expertise, persuasiveness, and
thoroughness (the extent to which influence is exerted across the decision lifecycle).

PAGE 44 OF 52

Interpretation :

out of the emperical data collected through questionnaire it is being found that 58.1% agree that
increase in competition impacts people’s perception on purchasing a new mobile whereas 28.2%
are not sure about it. ​and ​the other 13.6% have rated negatively that they do not increase in
competition impacts on the same
according to prior experience increase in competition affect the growth of mobile sector in terms
of sales and this factor is influencing that it may strongly change the perception of buyer towards
purchasing a new mobile phone.
One of the central questions in economics is the effect of competition on prices. Many studies
have been devoted to this very topic in the hopes of explaining the impact on consumer goods.
When discussing economics, ​competition​ is the rivalry among the producers to achieve
increasing profits, higher sales numbers, etc. In other words, companies wish to sell as much as
possible while making the most money.
Competitive advertising interference arises when viewers of advertising for a focal brand are also
exposed to advertising messages for competing brands within a short time period, say one week
for TV advertising.

PAGE 45 OF 52

Conclusions & Recommendations

influencer marketing​ provides brands with an efficient and focused approach to reach their target
audience through multiple social media platforms. Effective and business-driven ​influencer
marketing​ strategy can ​influence​ opinions, increase brand loyalty, and generate sales
Everywhere is full of advertising and your target audience is trying to find the true information.
Rather than an anonymous advertising, people trust influencers who are standing in front of them as
a “real person”. Influencers gain the trust and attract the interest of your target audience naturally.
Therefore, when they share information about your mobile app, you steal many hearts in the most
organic way. 60% of your potential customers mobile phone when recommended by a famous
fluence marketing is the best mostly because it tells a story and us – as people – value stories that we
can relate to. Any influencer is not the stairway to success; you need to find the ones who are great
storytellers. The influencer should present your phone almost as a part of life so that the target
audience can relate themselves to your mobile phone

How to Succeed in Influence Marketing in mobile sector?

Plan your influencer marketing campaign carefully. No matter what, you’re cooperating with
another person who will represent you in front of many people. Influencers are essentially online
marketing consultants, and many treat their social media platforms as a kind of business. You should
approach them in the same way.
Here are the basic steps to consider succeeding in influencer marketing. Take these steps to harness
the power of influencer marketing.
​Setting targets: ​Strategy is everything for a successful marketing campaign. Before knocking the
doors of a celebrity or a famous Instagrammer, you need to set your goals and find out your
requirements. What will you try to achieve as a result of this cooperation?

PAGE 46 OF 52

Choosing the right platform:​ Know your audience and contact with them where ever they are.
Every platform has its own characteristic and technical features. Twitter offers limited numbers of
characters while you cannot share a link on Instagram.
Unfortunately, there aren’t many quick and easy tools to find the best platform, but you definitely
need to pick the right platform for your influencer marketing campaign. Which platform is used by
your target audience? Where do they spend their time?
Telling a story:​ Storytelling must be the focal point of your influencer marketing efforts. People have
short attention spans, so you need to make a difference in a short time to grasp their interest. People
love to hear things that touch their lives, so try to find these touching points to implement in the story
to be told by the influencer.

Providing influencers with freedom:​ When you are in action to choose an influencer to work
together, you need to be selective. But, then give the influencer some creative freedom to let them
represent you in the most organic way. Their profile on the social platforms has a characteristic that
will bring success to influence your target audience. Let them reflect this unique characteristic in a
creative way.

PAGE 47 OF 52

People use social media actively and widely, and accordingly, brands/companies try to reach them through
these platforms. As a very effective strategy, influencer marking is based on the social media to contact with
as many people as possible.
Digital marketing is a constantly evolving world with numerous platforms. A platform that is the most
popular today can be forgotten tomorrow. However, influencer marketing is an evergreen strategy. Even if
you don’t have a huge budget, you can take advantage of influencer marketing to promote your mobile app
in a strategic way.
PAGE 48 OF 52
PAGE 49 OF 52

On the scale of 1-5, rate the following factors responsible for impacting people's perception to purchase a
new mobile.


1) Age of Respondent

o 18-20
o 20-25
o 25-30
o 30-40
o 40-45

2) Types Of Phone You Own

o Android
o Ios
o Basic Phone

3) 1.)Population Growth
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5

4) 2.)Increasing Households.
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5
PAGE 50 OF 52

5) 3.)Disposable Income
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5
6) 4.) Technological Development
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5

7) 5.) Advertisements
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5
8) 6.)Social Media Influencers..
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5
9) 7.)Credit Purchases(EMI, credit card etc.)
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5

PAGE 51 OF 52

8.)Changing Social Behaviour

o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5
9.)Increase in Competition
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5
PAGE 52 OF 52

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