Electrical Engineering Pope - I: 1Tmt Hourt Nou:-Fiow Quost - Iona Lu

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HI'AS (l\l niu)-2 011


Pope•· I

1Tmt 3 Hourt Af{l.fomum Mor"' 160

Nou :- Al!A>mpt Fiow quost.iona lu ali, tuklug a t lcnat. Oil<

cweetion !tom vach port.


1. (a) For tJ1e ci•·c:uiL shown in li'ig. 1, obtain current

through (I + Jl Obm ompedance UBinJ Nor1on'a
1'heorum. AI••· \'Crll'y your ro•ult using Nodlll

Anolyols. 16

2L60'V (.v"'::-.,

to.: o•v +
2v t ( 1-J)
Ohm Ohm

Fig. 1
2 Elecl Rngg.. J

(b) Obcain all the Footer and Cauer n>aluationo or

l.be driving point lmptdan<c : 15

2. (pl State and prove Tellecen's theorem. Also, veri(y

Tell08"n's theol'tlm (or tho arcuil In P,g. I. 16

(b) Tho circuit of Fig. 2 hn• bllen In the <onditlon

セsィッキョ@ for a long Ume. At t = 0, t.hc switch

It clooed. (I) What io the value or voltage ac:roo<.'l

capacitor immediately be(ore the switch is

Ci06<ld ? (ii) What i1 tho value o( u immediately

uftor the •wlwh io closed ? !;o;nd tho complelo

expression for u aflor tl'ie lfwitch is closed. What

Ia the limo <OIIJIAnt of' uu.ieot term ? Wbat

8 ) Eloct. Engg .•J

V ゥセ@ the t'inaJ steady state voltage across the

cupueitor ? 15

50hm t:o

RPvMZセ@ v 30hm

2F f
l'ig. 2

3. (a) Derive the oxpres.ro:ion of capacitance of a parallel

r•lot• capaciwr u.ring Laplace's Equation. 1,5

(b) There exists a lx>"ndary between two magnetic

mott1rials at y • P セ@ hoving relative perrnenbilitioa

=4 for region 1 where y > 0 and p,. :; 6

4 Elect, Engg..t

for region 2 where y < 0. There exists n Rut'.fflce

current of density j( • 60 d Nm ot tho boundary


y = 0. For n field B. • 2 a..: - :M,. + a., r.n1' in

region 1, find tho I'll lues of m11g-netic field intensities

ii, and tia ln two rog-iona. Also. obtain エN「セ@

magnetic flux dens ity in region 2 (ij 11 ), 15

4. (IJ) Dekcrioo in detail, U>o consLruction. worldng and

applicatic.ns of CRO. 15

•(b) Diseuse hqw inductouco and cnpncltonco cnn bo

measured ? Explain in detail 16

5 Elect. Engg.-1


G. (4) Dcri\'C tht) Darkhausen Critoritm. Discuss the

working of H nrtlcy'"' 1utd Colpitt's Os cllla t,.ors. 16

(b) What are the vo.r ious properties of negative

feedbaclt ? DiBCUII in detail. What are the variou•

topologies of feedback amplifiers 7 Discuss their

charactorjsLics. 15

6. (a) What. is a tran,jjl5tQr ? Oisctas itR construction

and operatio.n. What ore the various operating

ntodcs of BJT ? What arc tho various configurationg

of BJT ? Explain, t bolr ch aracte r ist ics und

applications. 15

6 Elool. Engg.•l

(b) \VhnL tll'O multivibrntor• ? Whni are tho varlovf

LyJlCS of multlvlb ratoJ'H 'I dゥウ」オ セウ@ the working and

appllc•Uon or cnch.

l'ART 0

7. (a) Di•cuss the elassifi eation of D.C. motor. AIH<J,

explnin tllo characteristics of eaeb typo clearly,

indicating their appUc•llon 。イ\セョ N@

(b) What is a transformer ? What ore the basic

functions pCl'formcd by a transformer ? Explain

Ute chll!1lctcriatics of nn Ideal tr•nsformor. Draw

U1e pllaoor dlagr11m of n &!Alp-down real transfonner '

conncctod to a copocltlve load. tG

7 Sleet. Engg.-1

1.. {jr) A 4-pole, 3-phase, 440 V, 50 lh indU<bon motor

has chc fo11Qwing pt\l'ruoet.ers for its circu.it model

(referred to the st.ntor sido on equivalent stal.'


32 0.

Rotational losses u.re 760 W.

(1) FGr a •peed of 1t40 rpm, calculate the input

torque and clntle..ncy.

(ii) Caleult1.te thoe maximum torque and tha セ[ エ ゥー@

at. which it ooc:ura. 15

8 Ele ct. Enllg.-1

(b) C<>mpare tho follc>Wlllg

(•1 Gen era tor and .Motor.

orm.er and Au to
Cu) Tw o win din g Transr


Mllclllne. 15
(jU} Tra nsf orm er ru>d Ind ucti on


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