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MTI PESHAWAR (To be filled in Capital words)

Post Applied for: Job Adver sement No.

Deposit Slip No.: Date Bank Name Branch Code

Applying Against The Quota Yes NO

Quota Detail: i- Disabled (proof will be required) ii- Minority (proof will be required)

iii- Other: (Specify)

1. Applicant's Name 2. Father/Husband

(Dis?. /Agency name)
3. Date of Birth 4. Domicile

5. CNIC No. 6. Gender M F 7. Email

8. Contact No. (Primary) 9. Contact No.(Secondary)

10. Permanent Home Address

11. Mailing Address

12. Educa onal Qualifica on (Staring from the recent one)

S# Degree /Cer ficate Passing Marks Grade/Div.
Name of Ins tu on Year (obtained/Total)

13. Experience (Star ng from recent/current job)

Name of Organiza on Total
S# Designa on / Post From To Experience Reason for Leaving

14. Professional Courses / Training etc.( If any)

S# Course/Training Title Ins tu on Name From To Dura on
15. Computer Literacy/Courses: i._______________________ii._______________________iii.____________________

16. Languages (with good fluency in wri ng and speaking)

i._______________________ii. _______________________iii. _______________________iv. ____________________

17. Details of any rela ves working with this ins tu on

S# Name Rela on Designa on CNIC No.

18. Give Two Referee Names (Only professional or educa onal references are required)

Name Name

Designa on Designa on

Rela onship Rela onship

No. of Years of Acquaintance No. of Years of Acquaintance

Contact No. Contact No.

Email Address Email Address

19. A ached a ested copies of the following Documents to this job applica on form
I CNIC ii. Domicile iii. Two Recent Photographs iv. Educa onal Degrees and Transcripts
v. Experience cer ficates vi. Original Bank Deposit slip/Voucher (if asked in Job adver sement)

20. Applicant's Declara on: I, Mr./Ms.…………………………………………………………………………, hereby solemnly

affirm that the informa on given above are true, correct and that nothing have been concealed.

Applicant's Signature


Note: I Job Applica ons, duly filled, are only accepted against the adver sed posts.
ii. Incomplete Applica ons are not acceptable.
iii. Job Applica on submi ed a er closing date will not be entertained.
iv. Candidates will be called through Given Contact Numbers or email.
v. Only Shortlisted Candidates will be called for Test/interview.

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