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Listings are free 01 charge as space permits, Please send us your

Special Event two mont hs in advance of the issue you want it
to appear in. For exempte. if you want it to appear in the June issue, we
should rec eive it by March 31. Provide a clear, concise summaI)' of the
Ham Doings Around th e World essential details about your Special Event.

FEB3 146.31/.9 1, 147.90/.30, 449.425f Falls OH 44223. (2 16) 923-3830, now for officia l sco re and log
Sf. CATHARINES ONT T he ,95. Admission $5 in advance, $7 shee ts. Sen d log slfacsimiles ,
DAVENPORT IA The Daven- name, add ress no later than 1
Niagara Peninsula ARC is holding at the door . Contact Hadley Carri-
gan N40DK, 10 1 N. Adams Dr., port ARC will host its 19th annual March to D. Loverln WA IPDN, 50
its 12th Hamtest and Dinner
Sarasota FL 34236, (813) 388- Hamfest at the Davenport Mason- Liberty Street, Montpelier VT
Dance at the CAW. Hall. Admis-
ic r emoie starti ng at8 AM. Talk-in 05602
sion $3, tables $12 commercial on th e VOBXR 146 .281.88 re-
and $5 noncommercial. Talk-in
peater. Advance tickets are $2, $3
147 .24/.84. Write N.P.AR.C. lnc., FEB 24 at the door. Tables are $7. For info FEB 9-18
PO Boll 692, St. Calhan"nes, Ont, MILTON VT The Northern Ver- or reservations contact Dave J0- SAN BENITO TX The San Beni-
L2R 6Y3. or call (4 16) 682-4844. mont Mid-winter Hamfest Com- hannsen WBmFBP, 2131 Myrtle to ARC will operate NSCOW on
Dinner-dance tickets available on- mittee is holding its Flea MarkeU SSB, and N5HOG on RTTY to
St.. Da venp ort IA 52804. For
ly in advance. Auction at the Milton High School A RRLlVEC exarn information, commemorate the 10th anniver-
from 9 AM- 3 PM. Admission $2. contact AI BrooM el NOOK, 2712 sary 0 1 the Cameron County Fair
FEB 11 Free tables. Talk-in: 145.47/-600. 38th si., Rock Island. IL 6 1201. and Livestock Show. Freq uen-
MELVILLE NY The Long Island Please call Mitch Stem WB2JSJ cies: 28.360, 21 .350 and 14.335
Mobile ARC will sponsor a Ham- at (802) 879-8589, or Tom Taylor SPECIAL EVENTS SSB, and 14.090 ATTY . Fro m
fest at Electr icians Hall from 9 N1 EXY at (802) 893-4834. 1800 UTC-0 1OD UTe . For Certifi-
AM-4 PM. No advance tickets, $5 cate, send business SASE (fold-
at door. Exhibitors $20 (advance). FEB 1-FEB 11 ed) 9lh x 11 (unfolded) and aSL
nando County AAA will hold its
For more info contact Neil Hart- card to San Benito ARC, Brenda
man WE2V, (516) 462-5549 or
eighth annual Hamfest at the Her- QUEBEC CANADA The c«- V. Ryan-QS L Mg r.. P O BOK
nando County Fairgrounds audi- naval de Quebec Special Event
Mark Nadel NK2T, (516) 796- 1382, San Benito TX 78586·1382.
torium . Advance tic kets are $3, $4 and Contest is sponso red by the
2366, at the door. For ticke ts and swap Club Radio Amateur de Quebec
MAN SFIELD OH The Mansfield table reservations , send your Inc ., with the Camavat de Quebec FEB 12-16
Mid·Winter HamlesllCompuler check and an SASE to Hernando roc., from OOOOZ Feb. 1st to 2100Z NEW YORK NY School Club
Show will be held at the Richland County ARA , PO Box 3 4605· Feb. 11th. Open to all amateurs roundup (Formerly O peration
County Fairgrou nds. Doors open 1721, Brooksville, FL 34605. For worldwide 80-10 meters (exclud- SEARCH) is sponsored by the
at 7 AM. Advance tickets $4 , $5 at more information call (904) 796- ing WARC bands). CW contest is Counci l for the Advancement of
the door. Advance tables $7, $ 10 4840 after 6 PM. on Feb 3 at 0000 Z. Phone contest Amateur Radio in the New York
at the door. Talk-in , call W8WE on is Feb. 10. Souvenir plaques will City Schools, the ARRL and its
LAPORTE PA The La p o rt e
146 .34/.94 . Advance tickeUiable be sent to the first five hams to Hudson Division Education Task
ARC's Winter Hamlesl is Sarur·
orders must be received and paid contact the station three times, Force to foster contacts with and
day at the Laporte Civic Auditori- among school radio clubs. Con-
by Feb. 1. For information send each time on a different band in
um. Laporte is 50 miles Southeast
SASE to Dean Wrasse KB8MG. the same mode. Special call is test period is Monday thru Friday
of Chicago. Talk-in on 146.52 sim-
1094 Beal Road. Mansfield OH CY2CQ. To receive special aSL 0800-2000 EST . Operate no
plex. Forums include the Midwest
44905 or phone (419)589-2415 card please send your card and an more than 24 of the 60 hours.
Microwave Society 's construction Logs must clearly show on and off
after 4 PM EST. SASE or with 2 1RCs to: C.R.A.Q.
exhibit and semina r (bring your
VE2CQ, CP 234 1 Quebec, Que, times. Off periods must be at least
SHF projects). Donatio n is $3.50. 30 minutes. Send a large SASE or
FEB 17 Canada GJK 7P5berore April 15
Advance tables are $3.50, reserve
1990 midnight. sufficient IRCs for more info and
MARLBOR O MA The Algon- by sending check and SASE to
results to Lew Malchick N2RQ,
quin ARC is holding its Electron- LPARC, PO SoK 30, Laporte IN
ics Flea Market at the Marlboro
FEB 2-4 Brooklyn Technical High School,
DAY TORTUGAS IIOTANA- 29 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn
Middle School Cafeteria lrom 10
79 ) WA4DAN and K5MK will NY 11217.
AM-3 PM. Sellers 8 AM. Talk-in: FEB25
146.01 /.61 . Admission $2 . Ad- operate /4, from 2000Z Feb. 2-
DEM~BORN MI The Livonia
vance tables $10, $12 at the door. 1600Z Feb. 4. in the first exped i- FEB 24-26
ARC will hold its 20th annual
Wheelchair accessible. Con tact tion to this island in over 20 years. PORTLAND ME The Southern
LARC Swap 'n Shop from 8 AM- 4
Ann KA1PON at (508) 48 1- 4988 Frequencies: Phone- 14260 (in- Maine Contest Club is sponsoring
PM at Dearborn Civic Cente r .
or write A AR.C. , Box 258, Marl- cludi ng the IOTA net , 1300Z Sat. a Maine aso Party from 1900Z
Free parki ng, Talk-in: 144 .75/5.35
boro MA 01752. & Sun.). 2 1260 and 26560; CW- Feb . 2 4-0300Z Feb . 26 . Ex-
and 52. Reserved e-rect minimum
7030, 14030, 21030 and 28030. change: RS(T) and a TH (county
SALEM OR The Salem and Ore- table space available. For further
aSL with SASE/IRCs/return post- for ME stations; state, Province or
gon Coast Emergency Repeater information send SASE (4x9) to age to operalor's callbook ad-
Neil Coffin WA8GWL , c/o the country for others]. Categories:
Associ at ions w ill sponsor t he dress. All band ORO 10 meter only 200W
1990 Ham Fair at the Polk County Livonia ARA, PO BOK 2111, uvo-
niaMI48151 . limit. Scoring: 1 point for phone
Fairgrounds beginning at 9 AM. FEB 3-4 QSOs, 2 points for CW o s o s.
Talk-in: 146 .26/.86 . WriteSalem CUYAHOGA FA LLS OH The MONTPELIER VT The Cen tral multiply by number of counties (16
Repeater Assoc., PO Box 784 , Cuyahoga Falls A RC will hold Vermont ARC (W1 SD) is sponsor- max) or states, Prov inces and
Salem OR 97308. their 36th annual Hamfest at the ing a Vermont a so Party from countries lor Maine stations. Fre-
Akron North High SChool from 8 ooorz Feb. 3-24OOZ Feb. 4. Fre- quencies l or CW : 50 kHz up.
FEB 17-18 AM-3 PM. Handicap accessible. quencies: Phone: 80-15 meters : Phone : 3960, 7230, 142 80 ,
SARASOTA FL The Sarasota Tickets $3 in advance, $4 at the The first 25 kHz up from General 21380, 28480 , 50 130. Awards:
Hamtest South Florida Section door. Advance tables $5, $6 at the Phone band edge; Novice to me- Certifica tes for each category in
A RRL Conve n tio n Co mp ute r door. Sellers may bring their own ter phone portion, 50.1 10, 144.2. each ME. county, state and coun -
Show is being held at the Robarts tables. SASE for ticket orders and CW: 3540 , 3720 , 7040 , 7 120, try . Logs and summary sheet
Arena by the sarasota AAA from 9 table reservations . Talk-in: 87127. 14040,21040,21140,28040. AT· should be sent within 30 days of
AM-4 PM. (Set-up on Feb 16th. Get details from Bill Sovinsky TY: 3620 and 90 kHz from lower the contest to S MCC, PO Box
Free parking. RV space . Talk-in : K8JSL, 2305 24th St. , Cuyahoga edge of other bands. Send SASE 3422, Portland ME 04104 .
2 73Amateur Radio . February,1990
Wayne Green W2NSntl
Jim Moms:sett K6M l-Ul
Wayne Green W2NSOIl
Jim Momssett K6MH/l
Hope Currier
Joyce sawtelle 26 Alinco OR-570T 2m /70cm DEPARTMENTS
Amie JohnsonNIBAC
FEATURES Mobile Transceiver
45 Above and Beyond
David Cowhig WA118P Sensible controls make sense! . NSl B
9 Enforcing PRB·1 72 Ad lndell
Mike Bryce WB8VGE Ham antenna lib is moving forward . 70 Ask Kaboom
el Brown WB8EU< Keep it up l KA7FQW
30 The AEA MX·6S 6 Met er 76 ATV
Miehael Geier KB1UM SSB/CWHT 66 Barter ' n' Buy
JimGray W1Xun 18 The Great San Francisco HT SSB on 6! Now I've seen 88 de K6MH
ChuO. Hout;11Ion W86/GP everything ' WB6IGP &4 Dealer DlrectOlY
Quake ' 89
Or, Marc leavey WA3AJR Ham s do it again , beaut ifully . . . 84 OX
Wf MacJJisler WASZIB mostly W A6ITF
32 Ultra Comshack 64 17 FHdbK k lodell
H am sh ack remole COfllroi from 78 Ham Help
yourHT N71PY 17 Ham Profiles
BiN Paslemak WASITF
50 Ha m UlI
ArIiss Thompson WTXU
BoO Winn W5KNE HOME·BREW 36 AEA 's New MM-3: 62 Homi ng In
The Morse Machine 72 Indell : 2/90
M em ory galore, A joy l or C W cos.
56 Lett er.
ADVERTISING STAFF 10 Contest Quality Headset 78 Looki ng Wesl
and Mike . .. . . .. ... . KA9E LV
Ed Verbin 4 Never Say Ole
Jim BailKAHGA Dou bl e dUly for you r V HF headseV 68 New Product s
m ike " .. " VE5XZ 37 MFJ 's 9410 Versa Tunerll
LisaNiemela 58 Pa e kel Talk
S WR and l un er, 100 KT2 B
DonnaOiRusso 88 Pro pagation
1-603-525-4201 41 Heme-brew Spectrum 380RP
Analyzer 54 The ICOM 1C-725 6 0 AX
1~225-5083 Steve c hecks it out _. N4RVE
Nothil"lQ li ke seeing what's goil"lQ on. 48 RTTY Loop
PROOUCTION STAFF ...... .. .. .. . ............. K EeUV 73 731nlltrnatlo na l
2 Specia l Eve nl s
_Sa>Iield BOOK REVIEWS 86 Uncle Wayne ',
REVIEWS 60 Tune in on Telephone Calls 59 Update.
Is cellular privacy a myth? .. WASZIB
Vlki Van Valen
13 Prolel Easytrax n :EDBACti. • ••
Ruth BenediCt
W hat a breeze! PC Bs on your PC . r EEDBACK!
Dale Williams ...... . ", .. " WB9R RT 1l'.lih being ihcrc-
Peri Adams ri ghl !>ere in ,M,n "ff1c~.!
Ho W? Jusl la ke .dvanlage "f
Dan Croteau 20 Ram sey SA·7 Broadband RF our FEEDBACK card (In page
Amplifier 17. You'll ",..icc a feedb;ol; k
CIRCULATIONSTAFF number al ihc beg inning "f
A performance-per-doll ar m ir acle .
Rodney Bell ...... . . . . .. , AH2AA18 each anicl e and column
Jal'lel LaFontaine We'd like you In fMc "'hat
you rc<od ... !ba r WC' can prinl
To $Ub$Ctibe: 1 ~289-0088 22 The ICOM-765 "'bal l) pc10 of thi",. yOll like
How DOS makes a d ifference . bcsl_ And ihcn _ "'ill d",,,,'
BUSINESS STAFF one F«dNck card each
.... . . ... . . . .. . ......... W A1EYP
nmPel~ey .....-h rOO' a free wbocnplion
10 73.
Je<ry- Cover by Ance Scofi eld Seepage41 .
1-603--525-4201JfAX 4423
MI IlYKrlpt l Conlribut,ons in Ih. rorm of m anuscrip lS Wll h drawings and/or pl'lolographs are welcome
Editorial Officn
WGE Cenler FB and .....ill be considered lor possible pvblicahon. We can assume no respoosibility tor loss or damag e 10
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60 3-52~201 W GE Cenler addrass "'MAG73"') or o fldlsk as an IBM-<::om palible ASCII me. You can also contact us at the 73 BBS al
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Colorado/Foreign Sub scr ibers
call1-303-447·9:nl 73 Amateur Rlldio (ISSN 0689-53091 is pu blished monlh ly by WGE Publishing, Ifl(:., WGE ceoter.
For esl Road , HarlCOCk, New Hampsh"e 03449. Entire contents I&) 1990 by WGE Publishing , Ifl(:, Napert
Advl!ftialng Offices of this pvblicahon may be reproduced wlttloul written permission from lhe publisher, For SubSCriplion
Services write 73 Amateur Radio, PO Bo~ 58866, Boulder, CO 80322..e666, or caM1-SOll-289-0388. In
Wayne Green Enterprises is a division
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HarlCOCk NH 03449
ptlone: 603-525--4201 11'11be appreciated . Do it anyway

73 AmateurRadio • February, 1990 3

Number 2 on yourFeedbaek c_1'd
ralional reasons for knowing the code .
It's a religious matter.
Once you've taug ht your brain 10
copy code at 20 wpm it isn't going 10 be
ea sy to copy th e average key jockey ,
Your aim was to get your lice nse as
ea sily as possible. Of course, now met
you know the code, you may want 10
slart using it and gett ing your brain so il

NEVER SA Y DIE can decipher il at differenl speeds.

Frankly, I'd like 10 see lhe code lest
doria away WIth . jt's beer! irrelevant tor
mo re Ih an a ge ne rat io n . Yes, I'v e
Wayne Green W2NSOIl heard the old saw about the code help-
ing 10 keep out undesirables. Eve n a
short listen to our bands should expose
l hat concep( as ridiCulous . We already
have the und esirables Wit h us-in
large number's.
the letters, much less being able 10 to type or play an ir.slrumenl. II you 've rea d about the wonderful
Beating The Code copy at 5 wpm . It had 10 do with mere ly If you thin k about il, you'll see that job hams did during me rec ent hurr"
IfS a shame thaI th e Mo rse Code is writing dow n the d ots and da she s, mere is not eve n a remote par allel cane and earthquake, you also know
such a bugaboo that its mere specter wh ich is easy at th aI stup id speed, bel ween recogn izing the pattern lor th at who le gangs 01 ham s, many 01
has been scaring off potential ham Then yo u work out th e actua l setters a lette r and writ ing it, and he ari ng them Extra Class, go t logether 10 do
newcomers by the tens 01 thousands. an d numbers tro m me cots and dashes the sound , translating the sound into everything lhey could 10 jam and dis-
This whole th ing is jusl plain oonk. ar your own pace. There's no time limIt dots and dashes Wllh coe side 01 your rupt the emergency traffIC nets,
learning the code is a snap-il you do on the test, you know . brain, passillQ thaI info to the other, I happer1 10 think that the code if;
il the right way. I've heard about a haml est where where the looIIup lable is stored, Ihen great tor those who enJOY using il. If s
Yes, the time-<!ishonore(l AARl sys- th ey tailed everyone who used th,s sys- passing back the info on what letter easy fo learn an d fun 10 use, but it's
tem , which most of you pro ba bly u sed, tem . They' re very l ortunate that th ey 10 write . l erribly destruct ive to th e growth 01am-
makes the code so difficult to learn thaI d idn 't do that to a litigious pe rson , else Th ere 's even more Iroubre ahead . ateur rad io .
you never to rget Ihe weeks or even Ihey could have been slapped with o ne You 're not ou t otme woods yet , When
months 01 agony il caused , This idiotic heck 01 an e xpensive lawsuit. That's you train you r mind to automalicall y Japan an d No-Code
a nd unnecessary angu ish has oe- when you wa nt to make sure thaI your have you write a letter when you hea r a Op ening som e u nw a nte d U H F
come, in some OSSified minds, a right club is property incorporated a nd has sound pattern . I hope it makes sense bands lor no-coders woo't WOl1< any
of passage into hamdom . Make 'e m plenty of liability insuranc e. tt's un fair , that if you vary that sound pattern very better for us than it's done for c aneoa
sutter. dammlt-I had 10 . but no mailer who in your club is dumb much, the mind won 't be able 10 recog- or Bmain, where m e concept turned
Indeed, our licensing system , which enough 10 pull a stun t like Ihat. a Iiti· nize il. out to be a total nop . The J apanese
wa s designed and pushed l hrough Ihe ga nt will love it and h is lawyer will sue So wh at we do is us e o ur lookup system, where no-coders are perm iI-
FCC by the l eague an eo n ago, pou red the club members wit h the deepe st table syste m to get through l he 5 wpm led to operate on all ham bands, has
the concrete lor the sys tem . Five wpm pockels test . Then we build up o ur speed until helped them achi eve lar more growth
for NoviCe and Tech , 13 per lor oeoer- we eventually have to start over and than we have experienced,
al and Advanced and 20 big ones lor Skip 13, Go For 20 learn it the rig hl way, by sound. That Indeed, I'm convinced that the in-
Extra. From this progression il's 0bvi- Now , what aboul the 13 you need lor evenlually gels us through the 13 per credible number 01 new hams the
ous that we 're supposed to memorize l he General Class license? Forget II l est . Now we move 10 14, 15 aridgradu- Japanese no-cooe system has broughl
Ihe code, then build our speed up to 5 an d go lor the 20 rig ht On lhe bat. I ally up. It' s tough going, because we into the hobby is Ihe reason why there
wpm and then increase it to 13. Th en know that sound s c razy , part icula rly il have to relea rn the sou nd patterns for are so many Japanese engineers and
we go on, slowly and painlully increas- you 've talk ed with a ham Who 's spent a every speed as we increase , This is te chnicians. It's one 01 the main rea-
ing , u ntil we linally (whew!) are able to year sweating blood to get up 10 2{) why it c an take mont hs and c reate a sons why Japan has been ab le 10
copy 20 . wpm . Onc e you have a better under. severe Irauma. com pl etely clobber Ame rica in con-
Yes, it actually is possible 10 do all standing of how the brain works, it all Smart code teec ners start th eir stu- Sumer electronics. And we know that
lhat. And yes , the process does seem makes sense. dents out at 20 wpm rig hl from the be- tnerr eleetronics iodustry is the very
10 drive about 9QClob of our potent ial You see, what happens when you 90 ginning. Since it's no more dIffiCult 10 heart 01 the recent J apanese financial
hams away. H eck , armost hall (43%)01 lor your 5 wpm test is thaI you memo- learn code al20 or even 35 wpm Ihan it strength--and why they've been able
our current lice nsees seem 10 have rize the code fOf theatphabet , numbers is al 13 wpm , why even bome r with the to buy so m uc h 01 America , like CBS
g iven up even trying to ge t beyond 5 an d punctuation . In co mpute r parlance slower speed? an d Rockefeller Cente r.
wpm- making them esse nt ia lly sec- you set up a lookup table in your m ind . How do yo u do this? Yo u start cut N o , eng i neers and te ch n ic ia n s
ond class ham citizens. But since when Anyone nOl sulferin g t-ern Alzheimer 's with a 20 wpm lape (you'll l ind on e aren't everyt hing . We stitl need to de-
did we AmeriCans ever let the utter fail- can memorize the tOffy characters in a d esig ned l or this system in Unc le velop some American induslrial goals
ule of our laws d iscourage us? lew minules. Then, whe n you hear a Wayne 's Bookshetl-73T2Q) and sim- and pursue l ham. We need 10 make
The pathet ic fact is Ihallearning l he dah-di-<lie-<lil , you think over the hst ply listen tor a drt. Wri te down an E. inveslment capit al easier f o r en-
code is so easy It'S ridiculous . It's been you've memoriZed and lInd th e letter B , Pretty soon you'll hear every E as tt ueprenee rs to get through ta x law
a while since I've wrillen an edrtcnat This works just fine unlil you get up 10 goes by. Now listen for d, t-<!,Is and changes. But Without engineers, no
about this. so you '~e probably forgot- th e clock speed 01the bra in . The n you write an I. You 'll nonce that you'll stilt amount of other finagling is going to do
ten , l ind thaI no matter how hard you try, be writing m e Es too . us much good.
l et' s take this whole thing in two you ca n't copy any taster. This is the Work your way thr ough the aiphabet. Can we convince an y youngster! we
steps . since lhe brain works enti rely infamous pl ateau wh ic h hits at around It ' s beller 10 sIan w ith t h e more manage to inter eSl in amateur radio
differently lor them . First there 's the 5 10 wpm , No mailer how ha rd and long frequently us ed l efte rs - ETAION that all Ihey have to do is spend 20
wpm h urdle. I memorized the code in a you grind . you can' t speed up the SHAOlU.l'n bet you 'll beable l o lackle m inules a day lor a lew days and they"
lew m inutes one OIght while I was get- bra in. the 20 wpm test wol hin a lew days this master the code well enough 10 pass
ting into my Boy Scout unilorm .l'd put So how c a n som e peo pl e copy way. Some people don't need more l he 20 wpm lest? Not when we have
it off unlil the last minute, bul l had to 80 wpm ? W ell , fhey don 'l do it using than lour or five hours, startin g from lo ur hund red l housa nd hams who are
k now It lor tne meeting that nig ht. I'll a lookup l able , that' s lor sure No , il scratch. tota lly cc nvmcec th at th e code is a
b et I spent 20 min ut es- and I've yo u want to c op y co de faster th an But what about copying code over monumental c bstacle-c-pam ful on Ihe
know n it ever sinc e . 10 wpm you have to start from scratch the a ir? Don't worry about iI -almost orde r 01 childbi rth ,
01 course, il isn't actually necessary and Irain your brain 10 recog nize th e everyone today is using a compuler to l ook, I managed 10 get through us-
10 learn the code to pass the NOViCe or sound pattern o f each code Charader send and receive code Yes, these are ing the old progressive speed AARL
Tech code test . We publ ished a greal at the speed you wa nt to copy and the same codgers who are so adamanl system, so I know l he m isery it causes.
article In 73 (July 1988)on how 10 pass men train your hand to write that char- aboul all newcomers passing a code I just have never had the sadistic eesee
lhe code test withoul even knowing all acter or type it. It's just like learning lest. I neve r suggested there were an y COfltinued Ofl page 78

4 73 Amateur Radio • February, 1990

• Complete all band, all mode

TS-940S 1. CW VBT
t- ~ I""---j Owl,..,
H,·CUI l o ·Cul
transceiver with general

,' -- _.\ ......,. coverage receiver. Receiver
SloPE t-. ~" _ --i- 1Sl OPE
Competition class TUNE '--r '-', TUNE covers 150 kHz·30 MHz. All
, : le W)
........... : ,
HF transceiver
T$-940$-the s t and ard o f
performance by which a ll
In--. ;
r"',<' (SSBI
- tsS81:
' ~~3
" '

~ ,... '~Wl
modes built-in : AM , FM, DN, FSK.
• Superb, human engineered
front panel layout for the
other transceivers are judged . DX-mlnded or contesting
Pushing the state-of-the -art ham . Large fluorescent tube
i n HF tran sceiver des ign and
construction, no one ha s been
able to m at ch the TS-940S in
performance, value and reli- 2. ~:,;,:
' ICW!
main display With dim m er; d irect
keyboard input ol lrequency;
flywheel type mam tuning knob
with optical encoder mechanism
ability. The product reviews r--:-T- , DIll'''' "9""" all combine to make the T5 -940S
glow with superlatives, and <SS BI a JOY to operate.
AF 1igt\l rI PKlrum
the field-proven performance • One-touch frequency check
AF tune operation
s how s that the T5-9405 i s
" The Number One Rated HF
'treneee lvert"
• 100% duty cycle transmitter.
. T~ ilF TU NE lunc h",n '''''''e~5
"'1""1"" ""01 5'0"115 l "ll ...,"" te I'I()ose
. T1'III5 ' unc I""" SI>OuIll onI~ be " sed
"",ong gpe<al.", ,n the CWmooe
of --.... _-
(T-F SET) during split
• Unique LCD sub display indi -
cates VFO, graphic Indication
Kenwood soecmes trenamu duly of VBT and SSB Slope tuning,
1) CW Variable Bandwidth Tuning. Vary me 3) SSBSlope Tuning.OperatmgintheLSB and
cycle time. The T5·9405 IS guar- passband ....idth continuously in th e CW, FSK.USB modes. this fron t pa nel control allo ws and time.
anteed to operate at full power and AM modes, without aHecting the center independen t, contm uousl yva ria ble adj ust- • Simple one step mode chang -
output for oencos exc e eding treqvencj Th is eUe ct,vely minimizes DRM ment otthe high or 10.... frequencyslopes ofthe ing with CW announcement.
one hour. (14 .250 MHz,CW. 110 I, om nearby SSB and CW signals IFpassband The LCD sub display illustrate s • Other vital operating func -
wans.j Perfect lor ATTY, SSTV, 2} Ai Tune.Enabled....rth Ihe push ol abullon. Ihe filtering position tions. Selectable semi or full
and other lon g -duration mooes. this CW interference lighter inurts a tu n- . ) IF Notch Filter. Th e lunable notcll litter c«
break -in (aSK). RITIXIT. all
• First with a full one-year able.three poleachve htte rbet....een the SSBI sharply alIenua tes mterlering si gnals by as mode sq uelch. RF attenuates. filter
limited warranty. CW demodula tor and theaudio amplifier Our· much as . 0 dB.As sho wn here.theinterfering select swi tch, selectable AGC,
• Extremely stable phase lock - ing CW DSDs. I his contro l can be used to signal is reduced, while the ueuree sig nal CW variable pi tch con trol, speec h
ed loop (PLL) VFO. Reference red uce interfering sig nals and noise. and remai ns una ffec ted. Th e notch !ill er work s in processor. and RF power output
peaks audi ofrequen cy response !Of optimum all modes euent FM
freq uency accuracy is measured control, programmable band
rn p arts per m illion! scan or 40 channel m emory scan.
Op t io na l accessories : crystal oscillator . M C-43S UP/DOWN hand
• AT-940 full range (160-10m) autom auc
antenna tuner . SP·940 external speaker
w ith audio filtering . YG -455C-l (500 Hz).
YG -45 5CN-1 (250 Hz),YK-88C-1 (500 Hz) CW
m ic. • MC-60A, MC-80, MC-85 deluxe bas e
station m ics.• PC-1A phone patch . TL-922A
linear am plifier . SM -220 station monitor
• 8 S-8 pan di sp lay . !F-?32C/IF-10B
nners: YK' 88A-l (6 kHz ) AM filler . VS-l voice com pu ter interface. 220 1E. Dominguez SI.. Long Beach.CA 90810
synthesizer . SO -l temperature compensated
Com,Olere _VICe I7IdllUaiS at eava,/atl/e!of Kenwood ftansce<vE'tS a"" I7lO$l" ilCU'SSOI....S
SpeofJcaltOnS. le;ofU,es. ena p' o<;e$ ate suo,ecr 10 dlange w,rhotJl tlOI"o<;e Ot obllgafrorr.
P:O _Box 2274 5. Long Beach. CA 90801-5 745

Number 3 on your Feed bac k card


mari ly on weekends and at lunch hour on act as a substitute for communicat ions satel-
lites, which are more vulnerable. The major
Hams Help in Romanian Crisis weekd ays. No, it doesn't count as OX, but the
QSL card is unique and a shack conversation disadvantage is tnat you have to wait for a
Morel 4X 1AD sends thanks fro m Roma· piece. Send aSL cards wilh an SASE 10: The useful meteor-induced reflector to arise. Al-
n ia. He is a Romanian-born Israeli ham (ex. World Bank Amateur Radio Club, 1818 H though several billion meteors enter the atmo-
Y04BRR & V04BE). He has informed us of Street NW., Washington , DC 20433. sphere every day, relatively few are uselul as
the following communications efforts by hams renectors between any given pair 01 ground
woridwide between December 22 and Decem-
ber 28,1 989: French 6·Meter Activity stations.
A nat ional emergency co mmunicati ons
- In the first 30 hours the single two-way reli- Fren c h operat ors h ave bee n active network consisting of meteor burst systems
able communications system was the 3650 during 50 MHz openings lately , through- is expected to be completed in the very near
kH z and 14130 kHz net s. out the band . Controversy and rumor have fu ture , and will be used by gove rn ment
«ln the first two days, du ring the almost total been attached to " theories" of authorization agencies in the event normal communication
collapse 01national and loc al communications for French stations. Recently, K5ZMS offered links are disrupted by manmade or natural
systems, hams handled messages lor Ihe an explanation based on his direct contact disaster .
Romanian army and for local self-defense through the SMIRK organizatio n as well as
groups. (More details 10 come on this.)
- After December 24 hundreds of hams from
from information provided by tne ARRL
There are 252 French stations which hold
Retest as aPenaliy?
Israel delivered thousand s 01 me ssages from official 50 MHz permits. These stations, locat- The FCC has been petitioned to make it
famil ies all over the world to their relatives in ed near VHF TV transmitters . are permitt ed to po ssible 10 force a retest on a violator.
Romania (4X1AD himself handled over 600 operate above 50,2 MHz. Their callsigns are There has been no action taken at this time,
messages). Unfortunately, propagation to the unique, in that special prefiX letters C, D, and but the petition seems to have merit. What
US was poor during this period SO only a few E are added. For example, F1 EMT becomes better way to have a viola tor learn the rules.
messages were handled to and from the US . F0 1EMT. (And what a lesson!)
- Many messages were handled for the Red Al so, 100 VH F Expe ri menl al Group li-
Cross in over 20 countries, including coordi-
nation between the convoys of thousand s of
censes have been issued. These operators
are not required to hold a permit like the
BY7WGL in China
first-aid vehicles from the rest of Europe and above mentioned group, but some do . The Mainland Ch ina's newest amateur radio
the Romanian arm y. Hams helped to pre-iden - Experimental Group license allows the op- stat io n took to the air last November 4.
tify these vehicles and set up army escort for erato r to work in the foll owing frequency Station BY7WG L was opened at Guilin, its
them from the borders. wind ow s: 50.086-.089 , 50. 111 - . 114, and first a s o with Beijing's BY1PK, during the
Many thanks to atl the Europeans and OX 50.136-.1 39 MHz. opening ceremonies. In attendance was a
operators for their importan t and effective For now, to be assured of a legal French goodwill mission from the Japan Amateur Ra-
help and lor their solidarity with the Romanian aso, look for stations in the proper areas of dio League, headed by Mr. YoshilO Tanaka
people! Many t hanks to everyone for not the band or ask the station to a SY. JA6VVS. Via JARL.
QRMing the net frequencies , and for reo
translating when propagation was down. Plus
many thanks to YO hams f rom the near
Meteor Scalier Communications Don't Resist the Change
400,000 Israeli citizens of Romanian origin for Co m m u n icatio n at VHF f requen cie s A reminder from th e National Bureau of
their tremendous effort in handling the many using t he ionized trail s left by meteors is Standards : the values for the st andard ohm
thousands of messages from and to their reta- ex pand ing rapi dly in commercial and military and standard volt are c hangi ng . Effective
lives in Romania. communications. This same type 01communi- 0001 UTC on January 1, 1990 the standard
The most important thing is that now all of catio n has been used lor many years by radio volt will change 9.2 parts per million while
the YO hams can talk FREELY! amateurs. Because the ionized trail lasts only the ohm will be adju sted about 1.7 parts per
a lew seconds, communications du ring mete- million.

No Amateur License Fees or showers are normally carri ed out with high
speed CW or single sideband. But now com-
Why is the NBS is going to all this trouble?
First. standard ization . Currently, four differ-
A mateur license fee s have been d eleted puters have the ability to compress data and ent standard values for the ohm and volt are
from t he budget reco nc iliation legislat ion send it in automatic high speed bursts, or used worldwide. After the adjustment next
now under consideration in Congress. The packets . January, the entire world will use the same
conference commit1ee report states that the Meteors. many as small as a grain of dust, standards. Second, to correct a mistake . In
conferees recognize that amateur licensees enter the Earth's atmosphere at speeds 01 1972, the last lime the values lor the standard
do not operate for profit and can play an impor- up to 45 miles per second. As the meteor ohm and volt we re adjusted , t he val ues
tant public safety role in time of disaster or reaches about 50-75 miles in altil ude, inter- chosen were wrong .
emergency . There is little chance of the fees action with the atmosphere leaves a short-
being reintroduced on the floor of either house
of Congress.
lived trail of electrically charged ions, When a
radio wave strikes the trail, the ions absorb
Famous Broadcaster Gets TIcket
the energy and radiate it back toward the Walter Cronk ite , w ell -known retired
Wo~d Bank Goes on the Air ground.
A meteor scalier commu nications system,
broadcaster now li ving in New York City,
has received his No vice Class License, U s-
The World Bank Amaleur Radio Club is controlled by high speed computers, trans- ten on the bands for KB2GSO. Congralula-
now on the air. Located at the World Bank mits a continuous " p ro be " signal f o r ucns. Walter .
headquarters in Washington, DC. it joins the refl ective meteo r trails . Wh en found , th e
ranks of other world organi zations , such as
the United Nations, with an amat eur radio sta-
tra nsmit ter then fires it s co mmunications
burst and asks lor an acknowledgment. TNX \0 QRX Contributors
tion. It has been granted a speci al call sign- Meteor trails otter a communications link TNX to NCARC COMMUNICA TOR, B-N· T,
4U1WB. highly resistant 10 disruption by solar storms, Slate of the Arts, Kettle Drums, and West/ink
4U1WB operates 80 through 10 meters pri- nuclear war , and jamming . This system can Report.
6 73 AmateurRadio · February. 1990
Packet Controller
nique operating features with a proven

U hard ware and software design make AEA's

PK· 88 your best choice in packet radio .
now with Mai lDrop. an 8K Bytes efficient pe rsonal
Mailbo x w ith selectable third-party traffic. The
MaiJDrop uses a subset of the well -kno wn
W0RLI/wA7MBL packet BBS commands. When
your PK· 88 Mailljrop is active . ot her statio ns can
connect to your PK-88. leave messages for ) 'OU or
read messages from yo u. You can also store a
single message or up to 15 se parate ly num bered
message s. Your MaiJDrop also accepts inbound
mail forwarding from your local W0RLI/WA 7MB L
auto-forwarding packet BBSs.
The PK -88 \ inte rnal KISS Mod e is your d irect
interface to KA9Q 's "NET" TCpnp protocol
suite - a sing le KISS command presets all packet
parameters for TCpnp o peration. AEA's un iq ue
Host Mode prov ide s the type o f complete interface
protocol pre ferred by man y professiona l program -
Specifications: mers for e fficie nt control o f the PK -88 by externa l
• Processor: Zilog zao. RAM: Battery backed, 32K Bytes. prog rams and spec ial applications. Your PK· 88
ROM: 32K Bytes
also accepts special "N ET/RO M" EPROMs
• Hardware HOle: Zilog 8530 sec
provided by Software 2000. Inc.• for Level Th ree
Modem: node operation and ne tworking.
• Modu lator/ Demod ulator: AM D 79 10 "World Chip"(lm), with
differential AM detection and phase-continuous eneweve
In addi tio n to all the feature s o f a "standard"
AF$K generator TNC. the PK -88 offers features not found in any
• ModulatOl' Output l evel: Adjustable,S to 300 millivolts RMS o the r TNC:
• Input Sensitivity: 5 miNivolts RMS • WHYNOT command - Shows rea sons why
- Input Range : 5 to no miUivDlts RM$ some received packers are not displayed.
• External Modem Connector for use with external modem • A UDELAY com mand - Red uces spurious
• Hardware Watchdog Timer: One-minute time-out emi ssions in slow -switching radi os.
Rear PanellnputiOutput Connections: • "Packe t Dump Suppression" - Pre vents dump-
• Radio Interface: locking eight-pin; Receive Audio, Transmit
ing unsenr packet s o n the rad io channe l whe n
Audio, PTT, Auxiliary Squelch, Ground the link fails.
• Audio InputlOJtpul:: 3.5mm mini-plug • Prioritized Acknowled gement (AC K) protocol
• External Mooem: Five pins on 0 8-25; Transmit Data. improves performance o n busy packet chan-
Receive Data. Data Carrier Detect. Clock, Ground ne ls.
• Terminal Interface: Standard RS-232 25-pin DB~25 connector • CUSTOM com mand - All o ws lim ited PK-88
• Terminal Data Rates: Autobaud settings at 300, 1200, 240 0. customization fo r non- standard appl ication s.
4800, 9600. TBAUD adds 45, 50, 57, 75, 100, 110. 150, • Enhanced MBX command - Perm its display
200. 400.600 and 19.200 BPS terminal rates of the dat a in 1- and Ul-frames. without packe t
• HDLe Unk Data Rates: 45. SO, 57, 75, 100, 110, 150, 200, headers a nd without retries and repeats.
300, 400,600,1200.2400.4800.9600,19200 BPS
• Enhanced MPROTO command - Sup presses
Front Panel LED Indicators: d ispla y o f n on~ A S CII packets from Le vel
• Converse. Transparent, Command, send, Data Carrier Three switches and net work node s.
Detect, Status, Connect. Multiple Connect, Power
• Uniq ue MFILT ER value $80 - Suppresses all
Power: g raphics and control characters except TAB ,
• + 12 to + 16 VDG @ 5S0mA. coaxial power connector, (cen- en and LF.
ter pin positive). Model AG-l 120 VAG wall adapter available • Unique DFROM command - Permits selective
Physical: digipeating (" Accept" or "Reject" digipeater
• TSW x 6"D x 1.5"H; Weight 2Ibs. ,60z, operation by call signs).

.. Through participating AE A dealers only. AEA BrIngs You A Better Experience.

Advanced Electronic Applications, Inc.
2006-196th St. SW/P.O. Bo x 2160 Lynnwood. WA 98036 206-775-7373
Prices and specifications subject to c hange without notice or obligation.
Dealer inquiries invi ted. Copyright 1989.
Enforcing PRB-l
Work together to override restrictive antenna ordinances.
by Gene B. Williams KA 7FQW

W e all know the value o f amateur radio

as a pu blic se rvice . especially in times
of eme rgency. Earthquake. fire . fl ood-if
What happened in Mesa changes all th is.
When the new ordinance look effect, the Su-
pe rsntion ARC banded together. not to se-
lished in the Novembe r 1985 issue o f QST.
Even better. send a 9x l 2 self-addressed en-
velope (SASE) with $2. 05 in postage at-
there is a need for solid and ass ured commu- cure variances on an individual basis but to tached 10 the Regulato ry Information Branch
mcauons. hams are the re to help. Sometimes overt urn the o rd inance entire ly. of the A RRL. Request the PRB-I kit. This
u 's the o nly rel iable co mmunica tions a vail - And they won! The orig inal o rdi nance was wiil get you not only a copy of PRB-I . but
able- maybe even the only co mmunications. defeated and mod ified to be more reasonable. also copies o f other ordinances and other
A few years ago. the city o f Mesa. Arizo- This sets a fu rther legal precede nt which re lated informat ion,
na . was threatened with flooding that could makes it eas ier for ot her communities to de- The efforts of the Supe rstition ARC in
have knocked ou t all telephone lines in and clare overly resmcuve ordi nances illegal. Mesa resulted in the "model o rdina nce. " as
around the affec ted a rea. The C ity Ma nager Two ci ties ncar Mesa , Glendale and Tempe. it is now k now n. This ordi nance reads as
contacted Bill Fall. of [he Superstition Ama- are already taking on city hall. follows , concerning communications lowers:
teur Radio C lub, a nd within hours local hams
Teamwork, Knowledge, and Coordination aJ Such slrneturt'S shall not be located in
had mobilized to ensure cont inued comm uni-
the requiredfront yard or in from ofthe from
cations. The City sent a lette r o f commenda - Group action gives st rong support for an
lint' ofthe d....elling or principal building; ami
lion pra ising the im po rta nce of amate ur o rdina nce overruling . It also reduces the
b) such st ru('tures shalt not exceed a height
radio. chances of the case ending up in court, and so
of 10 ' within the required side or rear yard ;
Then. on January 19, 1989. (he City of tends 10 red uce o ve rall costs.
Mesa adopted a new ord inance which rc- You r main " weapo n" is teamwo rk . Ama -
c) such structures shall not exceed a height
smcted antenna height 10 30 feet , with o nly leur rad io clubs are a natural mean s of getting
of 75 ' within the buildable area ; and
o ne such anten na allowed per 101 . Th is wasn't together for this purpose . Nex t. you must
d ) not more them one sucn structure per lot
the first ordinance o f its kind , and local re- know the elements of the ordinance (" igno-
or parcel shalt ex('('('d a height of30' .
smcuo ns of 30 to 35 feel are becomi ng com- ra nee is no excuse"). It' s easy 10 fi nd out
mon. A few areas have gone so far as to abou t it since it is a mane r o f publ ic record . Sample legal cases a re a lways good .
prohibit antennas for rad io comm unications You can either buy a copy of the o rd inance especially when dealin g with the C ity Attor-
e ntire ly. One. in Lakeside Park , Kentuck y , for a nomin al fee , and. in most areas, they 'll ney . Theme v . Lakeside Park, Kentuck y
prohibited external antennas for radio co m- also be available fo r study at c ity hall and the (case /I 83-218, filed 2-24-87) is a classic.
munications o n the basis of aesthetics. How- munic ipal library. Although there is quite a long list, a couple of
ever , the same place allowed e xternal ante n- The next step is coordination. Delegate other good o nes are: Willi ams v. City of
nas for television reception. someone in the club or group to lake charge of Columbia (SC-C<lSC #88-2 199- 15, 2-28-89);
hand ling co rres pondence and keeping Ihe Bodony v , Incorpo rated Village o f Sands
PRB- I membership informed . This person should Po int (NY- case /I CV 86-3967).
T he problem had become so severe thai the have e xperience dealing with red tape , and Clippings and leiters o f com me nda tio n
FCC released PRO- I (Septe mbe r 1985 ), a preferably a degree of written communica- which show the public service side of ama-
ruling tha t specifies that federal law take s lion skills. Make su re 10 clearly deli nea te teur radio . and the importance of effect ive
precedence over local law. and that overly respons ibilit ies. commu nica tions. will also help . especially if
restrictive ordinances are agai nst the pub lic they 're from a loca l so urce. You r club mig ht
good. (PRB - l is now incorporated in Pa rt No HTs! be help ing a local hospital to run test emer-
97 , 15(E ).) The Department o f Defense added Bringing HTs 10 the town board meeting gencies. T he Red Cross recognizes the value
its o wn part to PRB-I . say ing that such re- when you present you r case is asking for of amateur radio , as does the National Guard
st rictio ns represe nt a th reat to national securi- trouble . If the board or council members get and C ivil Defense. The local MARS cha pter
ty and to emergency preparedness. the idea that communicatio ns arc pos sible is always a valuable source of support.
The e xcuse often used by local govern- with an HT and rubber duc kie . if II be diffi-
ments who are fam iliar with PRB-I is that it cult 10 convince them that you need a 75·foot US(" Patience a nd RC3-'iflll
ta lks about allowances " .. , to accommodate lower. Don't e xpect them 10 know the differ- Ex pect resistance . You ' lI probably be fac-
reasonable amate ur commu nicatio ns." AI- ence betw een local 2 mete r commu nicatio n ing the people who came up with the restr ic-
thoug h PRB- l does not spec ify a minimum and long distance HF . l f thcy knew the differ- tion. They did n't enact it out o f malice , but
height , case precedent and technical exper- ence, they would never have allowed the or- out o f ignorance of how importan t am ate ur
tise prove that the min imum would be 65 feet, dinance , communications are. and what 's required to
and higher in some terrains . Anything below Fonnallegal assistance is always of value. support them ,
this is a utomatically a violatio n of federal Superstition A RC was lucky in that a local If their attitude seems unreasonable , re-
statute. Thiny feet might seem reasonable to attorney . Ne il Wake KV70 , volunteered his spond with reason , Prepare ro answer-c-catm-
a local o ffici al with little technical knowl- time . If you ca n dothe same, you can greatly ly-e-every objection with sound, so lid reason.
ed ge. bUI from an engineering sta nd point it is reduce COSIS. Even so. there will be some For more i nformut jon, contact Bill G laze
totally unreasonable by federal statute. COSIS , and taking money from the cl ub funds KA7SUF, care of Supe rstition A RC, PO Box
In the past , such restn cuons have been requires approval of the members hip. 155 1, Apache Ju nction. AZ . 852 17-155 1.
fought (and won) on an ind ividual basis. Ge n- Please include a se lf-addressed stamped en-
erally. th is requires a great deal o f both time Get the AR RL Kit velope (SASE) for response. m
and money- someth ing every ham in the area Your fi rst line of defense is the FCC 's
has 10 face if the lower and antenna exceed the PRB-I . You can obta in copies from the FCC Gene B. lVi/iiams KA 7FQW, /9333 E.
local restrictions. in w ashington. DC 20554 . It was also pub- Ocotillo Rd . • Quem Creek AZ 85242.
73 Amareur Radio • Febtu ary, 1990 9

Number 5 on your FflIdbKk ul'd

Contest Quality
Headset and Mike
Let your VHF/UHF headseVmike work on HF.
by Keith Stieb VE5XZ

and att ached it to an HF rig

for testing. After a few prob- Parts List for Interface
lems were ironed our . we
came up with a very accept- P.rt CaltOut RS. Value Pnce (SCON)

able unit. Resistors R12 271·306 3.30 4,99"

R' 27 1-306 4700
Solvin ~ the Problems
Rl 271-306 5<On
We first solved the prob- R3,4 271-306 22kO
lem of RF geuing into the RlO 271-306 47k
unit by insratling liberal RF
R2,5,7 271-306
Photo A. Top \'iew ofthe interface board. chokes and bypass capaci-
tor s . We thought abou t
R8 271-306 ""
R11 271-306 11<
putti ng ferrite beads on each
(RS 27 1-306 is an assortment paCk)
lead. but we d idn ' t try it
because the cho kes and ca - Capacitors C 1,7, 13,14 272-801 ' 000l IJF 2,99 "
pacitors solved the prohlem. C' 272-801 " 0.OO21JF
We expected the unit to op- C12 272-801 " O,OO5\.lF
erate at a 2 kW plus level, CS,C10 272-801 • O, Ol IJF
and it did . C6 272-801 " O.OSIJF
Nelli , we found. as inher- C3 ,4 272-801" O,33IJF
e nt in electret mikes, that the
C11 272·1024 4,7mF/ 35V 0,79
m ic rophon e e leme nt re -
•.- sponded much too broadly
in frequency . especially in
C2,9, 15
' Assortment pack
272-1025 10,OmF/ 35V 2.67

that it responds to too Iowa Transistor 01 276-2009 2N2222A 0 .89

frequency , down to 25 Hz .
Inductors RFC1 ,2.3 273-1601 " 1.omH RFC 2 .99'
Thi s is no problem for VHF
FM . but too "bassy" a tone Ferritebead 273-1601"
{on base 01at )
on HF SSB is unacceptable ,
, Assortment pack
We designed an audio net-
work and played with it. Af- Bare PC board 1.50
• ter some on-the-air testing. Boom mike jack 274-249 1.39
we selected a system. coonecroe 27~5 379
An active filtering system V. - phone plug 274·1536 150
would have been nice , bu t I Aluminum bo~ 27Q.239 '79
Photo B. The complete VHF/UHF headset to opted for a pass ive system to PCB standof1s 276-t95 1 99
HF ril< interface system. avoid possib le RF prob- 9V bat. connector 270-325 0,35
lem s , suc h as feedbac k . 9V bat holdef 270-326 0 .45
(Play with the values of th is
M,kecable 100
A fellow ham and I were d iscussing
boom microphone/headsets . My friend
was considering buying a commercial head -
network and tailor the re-
sponse for your o wn prefer-
Audio cable
Pwr . SWItch 275-<62
ser to allow hands-free operation and improve PTIswitch 275-80n 1.75
After the audio shaping
rece ptio n (his hearing was a little off) . He network , we added a simple LEO wl case 276-068 1.10
soo n asked, " W hy can' t I usc the headset emitte r am plifier to increase 9V battery 1.95
from my two meter rig'!" and I replied , the audio signal and buffer Yaesu YH· l boom m;ke/headset 20,00
" Why nor?" With a fe w modifications. the re the passive shaping network 'roter cost 01 project is S62 CON ($49 US). Those junk bo ~ pans can
was no reason why it shou ldn't wo rk! II from the "loadieg" effects espect to spend as little as 'h to 'h 01 the above price. II you have any
would also give a dual purpose 10 the headset. of the rig , There is NO ad- trouble fIndIng parts at Radio Shack, try All Ele<:1ronics Corporation in
wh ich o ften just salon the shelf. justab le gain control (AGe) , Van Nuys. Cahfomia .
Consequently . we designed an interface as the mike ga in controlo n al-
10 73Ama leur Radio . Februa ry, 1990

~_ C , _). , ~"


[ UC TOI(l~'T<S
l"' .a.' 00' GAU T[ .

~OC l
L _ _ ." Figure 2. Circuit to USI? the interface headset

'" .'.- with mO.H VHF/UHF rigs,
r 1" "IE

. ..'C
M with only specif ic Yaesu rigs. o ne o f which
I know i!> the Fl'-T!.7 dual-band HT . You can.
" however , use [hi!> headset/mike with I1lO!>I
Figure I . aJ is the schematic f or the VHF/ UHF headset to HF interface unit. b) shows the VHF/UHF rigs. In fact, I made a small
schematic to install an AGe in the interface. ci rc u it (sec F igu re 2) and inte rfaced it
to seve ral rigs, includ ing the Yaes u FT -230 R
mobile and FT-23R HT . and all worked

8 0 00
8---1 . J-
E~_~~ · lu· .·i nd Pan s
You can buy most of the parts for this unit

• ---1 "' J- •0
"" at Radio Shack. I fo und all the ca pacito rs,

• "
• '1 -80

•• .,
'r 8 .. "
(0) ---j ." f-
. l


resisto rs. and RF chokes in their respective
assortmen t packs. An alternative source of
parts is All Elec tronics Corporation of Van
Nuys, California .
8 8-n08 "' -1 · ·C2
J- The YH -I headset is avai lable from any
Yacsu dealer , However. most of the optional
@ • .. ,C head sets for VHF /UHF rigs use electret mi-
~ 8
. ~--[ $
cropho nes . I see no reason why. with a cou-
ple of minor modifications to the R I. R2
section , you couldn't use this interface with
other makes and model s o f headsets.
You can spe nd a few do llars and give your
Figu re 3. Component layout fo r the interface, headset dual purpo se capability on VHF/
UH F. and the HF bands . For us. it was well
most all HF rigs docs a fine job at this . If you This unit has bee n interfaced to a variety of worth the e ffort! m
want to insta ll an AGe in you r interface unit, rigs with good results . These rigs include :
see the circuit in Figure Jb. Consider also the Heathkit 5B- 102, Yaesu Ff· 102, and Ken-
input impedance of the mic rophone ci rcuit on wood TS-830S. 440S , and 940S . A ll pe r- Keith Stieb VE5XZ, currently a firefighter ,
yo ur HF rig when making the circuit. Be sure formed well with the un it. hUJ beena ham for 18 years, Keith 's previous
it doesn ' t get loaded down as you adjust the On-the-air tests were ve ry gratifying, We contribution to our pages is his ' 'Heathkit HF
interface level. compa red th is unit 10 so me popular micro- iinear Mods " article in rhe March '88 issue.
phones , and in most instances. .....e could DOl He teaches at the local radio club. You nUl,\'
Interface Cu-cuitry crit icize the headset/mike . reach him at 358-&h St. East , Prince Alben,
The interface unit consists of three parts . T he YH -I wa s d e si gne d to ope ra te Sask.• Canada S6 V4 W2.
The fir st part , RI and R2, and associated
parts, is the circuit tha t supplies voltage 10
operate the electret microphone .
The second section. consisting of R3. R4 ,
and R5 with associated parts, is the passive
audio network that shapes the audio ou tput of
the electret mike element.
The th ird section is the commo n emitter
amplifier/buffer circui t, built arou nd QI, a
2N2222 A transistor . Output impedance of
this unit is approximately 6(X)Q .
We added a PIT sw itch as an aftenhoug ht.
There are times , especially with olde r rigs ,
when VOX operation is not advantageous,
Depend ing on the rig, the P1T ground co n-
nection ca n be commo n to the inte rface
grou nd o r separate from it. Some of the new-
er rigs require separate grounds . Figure 4. Interface foil diagram.
73 Amateur Radio • Februa ry, 1990 11

MFJ, Bencher lind Curtis team up to bring you America's most popular
keyer in a compact package for smooth easy CW .
~ The best of all CW world's -- a deluxe MFJ Kever using a cums 8044ABM
chip in a compact package that fits right on the Bencher iambic paddle!
This MFJ Keyer is small in size but big in features. you get iambic keying.
adjustable weight and tone and front panel volume and speed controls (8-SO
WPM), dot-dash memones. speaker, sidetone and push button selection of
automatic or semi-automaticl tune modes. It's also totally RF proof and has
ultra-reliable solid state outputs that key both tube and solid slate rigs. Use 9
von battev or 110 VAC with MFJ-1 305, $12.95.
The keyer mounts on a Bencher paddle to form a small (4·1/8 x 2·518 x 51/2
inches) attractive combination that is a pleasure to look at and use.
The Bencher paddle has adjustable gOld plated silver contacts. Iucite paddles.
chrome plated brass and a heavy steel base wittl non-skid feel.
MFJ,422B $1299 5 You can buy juSt the keyer assembly. MFJ-422BX. lor only $7995 to mount
on your Bencher paddle.

Deluxe 300 W Tuner MFJ Coax Antenna Switches 12/24 Hour LCD Clocks
. _--_. ~JtQ!'~
]f' _

•--• .." :j, i i 'i ·

.. -
- ~
- =
, ,

, , 1
o~~ I . _"'=
$19 I1 S MfJ.l 068 sge6 MFJ.l 07B
Huge 5/8 inch bold LCO digits let you
MFJ 9490 MFJ·949D is the world's 534 115 MFJ.1701 521 8 & MFJ-1702B 5599 5 ,~ FJ-1704 see the time trom anywhere in your
514· 9115 most popular 300 watt PEP shack . Choose from the dual clock that
tuner . It covers 1.8-30 MHz, Select any of several antennas from your operating desk with these MFJ has separate UTCIIocal time display or the
gives you a new peak and average reading Coax Switches. They leature mounting tIoIes and automatic 9rounding or single 24 hOur ha-n dock.
Cross-Needle SWRlWattmeter, built-in unused terminals. They come with MFJ's one year uncondihonal guarantee. Mounted in a orushed aluminum frame.
dummy load, 6 position antenna switch MFJ·1701, 534.95. Six position antenna switch . 50-239 connectors. 50-75 Easy to set. Tile wort(\'s most ~ar
and 4:1 balun - in a compact 10 x 3 x 7 Ohm loads. 2 KW PEP, 1 KW ON. Black alum. cabinet lOx3xl1Jz inches. ham clocks for accurate logs. MFJ·108B
inch cabinet. Meter lamp uses 12 VDC or MFJ·17028, $21.95. 2 posi tions plus new Center Ground. 2.5 KW PEP, 1 KW 41h xl x2:MFJ-l 07B 2Vul x2 in,
110 VAC with MFJ-1312, $12.95. CW, Insertion loss below .2 dB. 50 dB isolation at 450 MHz. 50 ohm. 3K2x2in. Cross-Needle MfJ-8158
Antenna Bridge .",.., MFJ-1704, $59.95.4 position cavity switch with lightening/surge
8 5 device. Center ground. 2.5 KW PEP. 1 KW eN . low SWR Isolation tetter
SWRiWattmeter 569 •
Now you can quickly 579 tten 50 dB at 500 MHz. Negligible loss . 50 ohm. 6V.x41/.xm in.
optimize your antenna for MFJ Cross-
peak per10rmance WIth this " Dry" Dummy Loads lor HFJVHF/UHF Needle SWRI
portable, totany self- Wattmeter has
contained antenna bridge. a new peak
No other equipment reading tunc- _ _ . __. _ _ .
needed - take it to your MfJ·26Oll MFJ-262
ton' It shows you SWR, lorward and
antenna site. Determine it reflected power in 20001500 and 200150
your antenna is too Ioog or 528 9 5 $69 85 5109 o.::=:,",,,,,
wan ranges. Covers 1.8-3) MHz.
too short, measure its MFJ has a lui line 01 dummy loads to suit your needs. lise a dummy toad Mechanical zero adjusts for movement .
resonate Irequency and for tuning to reduce needless (and iftegal) aRM and save your finals. 50·239 connectors. lamp uses 12 VOC
antenna resistance to 500 MFJ·2608, $28.95. VHF/HF. Air cooled, non-incucnve 50 ohm resistor. 50-2 or 110 VAC with MFJ·1 31 2, $1 2.95.
ohms. It's the easiest, most connecter. Handles 300 Watts. Run full load lor 30 seconds, derating curve to Deluxe Code Practice
convenient way to determine 5 minutes. 5WR less than 1.3:1 to 30 MHz. 1. 5:1 to 150 MHz. 21hx2lJ2x7 in.
antenna eenomence. Built in resistance MFJ-262, $69.95. HF.1 KW. SWR less than 1.5:1 to 30 MHz. 3x3xt3 in. Oscillator
bridge, null meter, tunable oscinator- MFJ·264, $109.95. Versatile UHFNHF/HF 1.5 KW load. low SWR to 650 MfJ-551
dtive,,!:U·3) MHz). Use 9 V banery or MHz, usable to 750 MHz. Run 100 warts for to minutes. 1500 watts lor 10 524 95
110 VAC with AC adapter, $12.95. seconds. SWR is 1.1:1 to 30 MHz, below 1.3:1 to 650 MHz. 3x3x7 inches .
MFJ·557 Deluxe Code Practice Oscillator
SUj)erAclive Antenna MFJ Ham License Upgrade Theory Tutor has a Mors e key and oscillator unit
" WOrld Radio TV Handbook" says II'Jn-yT..... theMfJ Theory Tutor practiCally guarantees you'll pass
thtory pan 01any FCC ham license exam. Versable
mounted toaemer on a heavy steel base
MFJ-l024 is a "nrst rate easy-to-operate _.~-- so it stays put on your table. Portable

MFJ software is the best computer tutor lMf tailor-nw:le because it runs on a 9·YO/t battery (not
active arl1enna QUiet ... excellent fo, Iwn radio. You can study ee entire FCC question
dynanic range good gain ... very low included) or an fJ£ adapter ($12.95) that
11; •. pool , selec1ed .-eas and take lor prVlt) sampe tests
Auto. saves uch stulty session (ex sample lests), gives plugs into a jack on the side.
l10lSe ~ .. bfoad frequency coverage ...
excell~tchOice. " ~ ~ •.. "0'0;:': you all FCC test graphics [ex. morlO .), e~planabons of Earphone jack for private practice,
Mo nut outdoors away lrom electrical . ....- "":-'"! ~.=-= hard questions, pop-up calculator, weighted scoring Tone and Volume controls for a wide
noise r maximum signal, minimum anaY5js. co r C ange option and more. Order MFJ·161G-Noviee: MFJ·1611·Tech,: ranUe 01 sound. Speaker, Key has
MFJ'1612-Gen~ MFJ·1613- MY.: MfJ·1614· U . lor IBM comp,ubll . For Maelnlosll:MfJ- adjustable contacts and can be hOOked to
noise. vers 50 KHz to 30 MHz. 163O-N: MfJ-1631-T; MFJ-l632-G: MfJ-l633-A: MFJ-l 63H . SZU 5 Per license class
Receivu strono. dear si9nals your transmitter. Sturdy. 8 h x21fu J34 in.
from all ever me woOd. 20 dB MFJ Speaker Mics MFJ-~4:J-2fl6 AC Volt Monitor 5~g..
artencatcr. gain control, ON MFJ's compact SpeakerlMics let you carry your HT on your Prevent damage to ng,
LEO. Swtich two receivers and belt and never have to remove it to monnor calls or talk. computer or other gear.
aux. or active antenna.6x3x5 in, You get a wide range speaker and first-rate electret mic Monitor AC line voJlage ~
Remote unit has 54 inch whip, element for superb audio on both fransmt and receive.
50 It. coax and
•• lor potentially damaging - ±.....
Earphone jack, handy lapel/pocket clip. PIT, lightweight

j fA
connector. 3x2x4 retractable cord. Gray. One year uflcond itlonal guarantee.
in. Use 12 VOC or
110 VfJ£ with MFJ-284 lrts ICOM, Yaesu. Santec . MFJ-286 fits Kefl'NOOd.
(t. power surge or brown out
conditions. Expanded 95-
135 volt 2--co1or scale. Plugs into any AC
S 8 5 outlet. 2% accuracy. 21/u21t.x1Vt in.
MFJ-l024 129 MFJ·1312. $12.95. MFJ,1278 Multi,Mode Data Controller Neare st Deater/Orders: 800-647-1800
VHF SWR/Wattmeter MFJ·1278 USIt computer to transmit/
8 5 receive in all 9 digital moces: • f) ~!!L:,~~;;~J MFJ ENTERPRISES, INC.
529 95
CO'Ien 2
Meters and
1"'3 - ,;;;-.

• . U.
0• •
Packet. AMTOR. ASCII, ON, ~
RID, FAX, SSTV, Contest Memory Kever and Navtex. receive. Easy·MaiI TU
Personal Mailbox, Built-in printer port, ~ LED turung Indicator. AC power
supply, HosVKISS, 32K RAM, Multi-gray level FAXISSTV modem. ON key
MIl Box 494, MISS. Stale, MS 39762
~liO l1 3n-5e69. FAX: 16(1) 323-6661
rna 53 4590 ..J Sn:V
• One year unconditional llU3rantet' • 3D day
220 MHz. 30 or 300 Watt scales. Also paddle jacl\ and tons more. Options include 2400 baud modem (MFJ·2400. money back guarantee (less sIh) on orders
reads relative field strength 1-170 MHz $79.95) and software starter packs with computer cables, $24.95 each, lor lrom MFJ . Add $5.00 each sIh ' FREE catalog
and SWR above 14 MHz. 4Vt x2Vo3 in . IBM compatible. Commodore 64/128, Macintosh and VIC·20. JIFJ . . . making quality affllrdahle
•• • JI-..-,_
Number 6 on you, F-.clbM:k utd

73 Review by Larry R. Anlonuk WB9RRT

Protei Easytrax PCB Layout System

Easytrax Prctel TechnolOgy, Inc.

50 A irport Parlo;way
San Jose CA 951 10
Telep hone: (408) 437- 7771
PCB Layout System Price Class: $400

P rotei Ea sytrax is a computerized syste m

for producing camera-ready PC board
artwork. Using a library of "pre-buljt " designs
be marked off, and then moved or rotated -
ex isting tracks " stre tch" as req uired . The p ro-
gram serially d esigna tes each component a s
fo r comple x plo ts . O nce yo u create a file, you
c an move it to another comp uter, run Easy-
plot , and plat the layout . This way you don't tie
(o rp Ie packages and outlines for resistors. it's placed on the board (U 1, U2, elc.) and up you r main co mputer, allowing you to do
capacitors, and transistors, etc .} and a system cre ates a separate tne lisling the number 01 more design work. (Easytrax disks are not
lor laying down pads, trac ks, and holes, this components, th eir designation , and location. copy protected , but the program comes with
program lets you create multilayered PC Th is in formation can later be converted to a an exte rnal program p rotection device or
board de signs and then output them to any 01 Bill o f Materials by using an includ ed utility " key" that plugs into the printer port . The
several printers or plotters . To use Prete! program. Ea sytrax portion w ill run on ly w ith the " key"-
Ea sytrax vcu'n need an IBM compatible w ith The most important characteristic of any Ea syplot run s without the use of a " key.")
640K RAM and two floppy d rives; I also recom- tool is its ease of use . Protei Ea sytrax is menu- The highest quality p lots are produced on
mend a hard drive , mouse, and color monitor. driven b ut, as with any tool th is complex, you plotters or la ser p rin ters ; th e resol ution 01 a
w ill need to read the man ual. The manual dot mat rix p rin tou t leaves so methi ng to be
Making Circuit Design Easi er contai ns a step-by-step tutorial lhat guides the de sired. If a dot matrix printer is all that's
I designed and etched my first printed user th rough the steps of cre ating and p lotting available, this limitation is easily overcome by
circuit board in May 011978. The project was a layout. changing the scale on the print routine to pro-
a logic purser. published in a monthly elec- duce a tw ic e normal size layout. Th is can then
tr onic s mag azine. The article suggested using be reduced on a copy machine by fifty perc ent
perftcerd , but I wanted a PC board . The cir- to greatly increase the fin ished resolution. Of
cui t had been designed to lit inside a 35m m " Howe ver, for the cou rse , this trick reduces the possible size of
film canister-minibOxes were expensive the linished board to one-hall the size of your
back in those days. The resist method used
experimenter who builds dot matrix printer paper, but this should still be
wa s the on ly one available: a 99c Radio S hack even five boards a year, sutnctent for most hobbyist applications.
re sist pen (a.k.a . Magic Marker). The results
were, shall I say, somewhat marginal. How ev- the savings in time will Yes, It 's Worth the Price l
er, with a Iinle solder to bridge a lew thin spots At first glance, some hams may have trou-
on the traces, the thing actually worked. I was be considerable. " ble justi fying S395 for their own copy of Protei
amazed. Easytrax . Ho wever, lor the experimenter who
Th ing s change . Th e above scenario actual- b uilds even five boards a year, the savings in
ly !lashed through my mind shortly after I boot- To get some idea of the " friendliness" 0 1 time will be considerable. If that time is spent
ed up Protei Easytrax. As an introd uct ion to the program I ran a si mp le benchmark te st. writing those projects up as magazine articles,
the product, the manual suggests that you call First, I went through my files and dug out the the program could easily pay for itself in a few
up a DEMO file for practce. The DEM O is a schematic 01 the 01' logic purser (one 14-pin months. Com pared to co nventional methOds,
" simp le ZOO microcomputer layout" . Th is DIP, si x caps, five resistors, and two switch- Easyt rax is so easy to use that it's worth doing
" simp le" layout has 12 1Cs, two doze n rr uscet- es). To tally dis regarding the tutorial, I sat j ust about an yt hing to g et your han ds on it.
raneous c omponents, 518 holes, 423 pads, down at the keyboard (sound familiar?). W ith Ham Ec onomics dictates frugality, so how
and 1544 segments of track. The time lapse virt ually no previous CAD experience to my about getting the ham club to buy a " floating "
between h itt ing " return" and the point where credit, I began laying out the circuit, looking copy, and have a club member plot the fin-
the layout wa s com pletely drawn was slightly up information and command s as needed. ished files at work? Or maybe you could talk
under th ree seconds (using a ' 386 laptop, with The first layout took me one hour and twenty the boss into getting a copy for those ceca-
math cop rocessor, running at 12 .5 M Hz) . m inute s. C lea ring th e screen and sta rti ng siena! projec ts, and letting you borrow it in
Want to zoom in on a specific section 01 the from scratch , I prod uced the same layout between. The options are many, but the bot-
board to erase, resca le , or make a change? again in j ust under twenty m inutes. One wee k tom line is that once you 've used Protei Ea sy-
Just call down the menu, h it the appropriate later, tne same project took eleven minutes. trax you ' ll never go back to conventional PC
command, and wa it about a tenth of a second. Regardless o f Ihe time, the Irustration level board layout methods again. m
Things move fast these days. decreased w it h e ach use. Conclusion #t : Th is
Easytrax is Protei 's low-cost, easy-to-use is an ea sy-to-use program . Con clu sion #2: Larry Antonuk WB9RRT has wriften numer·
ous re views on test equipment and electronics
package, but ils capabilities are tar from limit- You ' ll save time in the long run il you use the
books. He currently works as a project man-
ed. Maximum board size is 32 - x 32- . Each tutorial. ager for a fand mobile service shop in Keene,
board may contain up to six signal layers, An included separate program called Easy· New Hampshire. He enjoys home-brew
power and ground layers, and a component plot lets you print or plot the fin ished layouts projects, experimentation, and instrumenta-
overlay. Pad srae. treck w idth , and te xt height created with Ea sytra x. T WQ programs are tion. Contact him at P.D. Box 452, Marfbor-
are all variable. Entire blocks of the layout can needed because of the leng th of time req u ired ough NH 03455.
73 Amateur Radio • February ,1 990 13


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114 EHS Guywire O.l8ttt. ~
(6 s q. ft. model) Ce M damps 3116 • .•..•...... 0 .39 16 Sq. Ft. Models:
1/4 • .................0 .49 HG-70HD 70 II.• 4 sections
6X64 64 ft. .... ...••.....$499
Thimbles; 1/4TH O.39 HG·54HD 54 II., 3 sections
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Rohn TB ·3 Thrust bearing __ ..64 .95
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HDBX40 40" ,$349 GU~~~~~ ............•.1.69 f 2.99 HG-eoA ccax Atms
HDBX48 48 tt. ,$404 Earth Anchor; 4 11. screw·in ._19.00 HG·TBT Thrust Beanog
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GUYED TQWER SECIIQ!§ Phillystran GUy Systems: HG·5. HG· l O. & HG·1 5 Masts.
We have a complete Inventory 0 1
25G. 4%. 55G & accesscnes cable and acce ssories.
Ca ll for current prices HYilain crank-up towers let you
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New! 7 N. UPS shippable Roof Towers. pertormance and retract it lot sevce
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Freight aoddiUonel on other lowers.

TH7DXS: 7·el, tribander ~ / M2 ANTENNAS HUSTLER
6BTV 80-10 rmr vertical $139.95
TH5Mk2: s-et tribander 5BTV 80-10 mtr vertcat 124 95
E ~plorer· 14 : tribander ~ ~ 06-1 448 2 mtr base antenna 89,95
Discoverer: 40 Meter beams 6M-5 5e1.15-g"boom 2M·5Wl 17e1,33'boom G7·1 44 2 mtrbase antenna..12495
205BAS: 5-eI. 20 M. beam 6M-2Wl geI . 39'6" boom 2M·18XXX 18 el. 36' boom Complete mobile systems.
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Soon ! Gel on 24' boom. Call! 2M·CP1 4 14 er.
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18HTS: 80-10 1.4 , vertical 2M·CP22 22 er.
18' boom HF6VX v ertcat 80·10M.
HF2V verucai. 80 a 40M.
2M·12 12 er
18ATVIWBS: 80·10 M, vertical
V2S; V3S: a V4S
'!R.Ml!l RMK 11 root mount kit
432-13Wl 39 ai , 30'3- boom
21.4·7 7 e! STR II raoar kit
64BS & 6665: 6 Meter beams 2M·440XP Packet' 5 Horiz, et TBR-l 60. coil killor 160M
OSCAR Linll Antennas 430· 16 16e1,1 0'boom WARC resonatots
on 2M: 10 vert. on 440.
Com plel e in ventory. call lor prices. HF5B Compact beam. 2O-10M
Worid-wllH openings on 6, Qreat fropo on 2 mel,"s and 432 M~,
ALPHA-DELTA sporsdic E, meteor shower OSO·s. and Rlhe ulfimate - - EME. CUSHCRAFT
DX-A Sloper , _$46.95 There'lI never be a belter time to try thes e exciting trontler• . Call u. 1 A3S Tribander
DX·CC , , , 79,95 A4S Tnbander
DX·DD ,65.95 R5 ( SP EC/AUf
Transi -Trap Surge Portectors lor
ecax lines and rotor control cables WIRE & CABLE AP8 (80 · 10 VertiCal)
AV5 (80 - 10 Vertical)
DIAMOND BELDEN COAX: (Perfo rmance ... not problems 4o-2CD 2·el4OM_beam
ASO-5 5-el6M. beam
Base Repeater Antennas : 9913 low jess ..... ,$O, 491t, RGaX (9258).......$0.24,'1- 617--6B 6 Mlf. boomer
RG·213IU (8267) $0,49ilt. RG-l1AIU (8261) $0.45/11. ARX· 2B RIngo Ranger II
X·SOOMA. XSOOA. a X·300A A147-11 11·e! 146-148MHz
RG-8/U (8237) ,$0,39Ift, RG -58AIU (8259} $0.19/fl.
X·200A, X·50A 215WB t wide band 2M
F-22A, F-23A
RG·8JU (821 4) $0,43111.
RG-2 14/U (8268)
RG -59/U (8241) ..$0.20111-
32· 19 is-er.2M beam
4218XL 18-ei 2M Boomer
Dual·Band Mobile Anlennes: 424B 24-el 432MHt
NR-nOHA. NR·790A. NR·770SA AOP·l OSCAR pack
COPPERWELD ANTENNA WIRE: C.lllor prices on the to1!rJ: line!
s X-Series Power ,'SWR Meter s
5ohd: 12 ga ..$O.12t1l.; Solid: 14 ga,..$O.09l1.; Stranded 14 98.•.$O.lOttt
Choose from live models --
1.8 - 1300MHz ROTOR CABLE: KLM
Standard(6·22.2-18),....$0.21 Heavy DUly(6-18,2·16) ... .$0,38!l1. KT34A .., , , $409,00
Coulal Switches, Dummy Loads, KT34 XA 599,OO
Duplexers, Trlple~ers, Surge We sl ock Amphenol Connectors and Andrew Hellax HF Monobanders, VHF, UHF, &
Protectors, Con nectors Installed! OSCAR anlennas In stock.


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OMNI V$ a 12 band crr.;l<tI m" ed local osoIalOf !Of \tie IC-735
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FT-767GJ 16Q-l0M T. enS«'iver se lec1O>d 'nOependenl of mode , output adlu sl able from 2(1 to
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Call u s for ill.! your ICOM needs !


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Grou p A

Food for thought. 67,0 XZ

71.9 X,\
74,4 w ,\
77.0 X 8
9 1,S 12
94 .8 ZA
97,4 Z8
123.0 3Z
127.3 3A
162,2 58
lOO.O I Z II I II 38 IH 8 M
OUf new Universal To ne Encoder le nds it s ve rsatility 79 ,7 SP 10) .S IA lJO HZ 179,96B
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85 4 Y,\ 110 9 ZZ 141>2 48 19287,\
as Burst Tones. Touch Tones. and Test Tones. No 88,S YB 114,8 2'\ lSI 4 SZ 203.5 ~ I
counte r or lest eq uipmen t req uired 10 SCi frequency - • Frequency accuracy. ± . 1 Hz maxi mum - 4(fC to + S5°C
j ust dial it in. Wh ile travel ing . use it o n your Amateur • Frequencies to 250 Hz available on special orde r
tra nsceiver 10 access to ne ope ra ted systems . or in • Contin uous tone
your service van to check out your customers' re- G rou p B
peale rs; a lso. as a piece of te st eq uipment to modul ate TEST·TONES: TOUCH·TONES: BURST TO~ES :
yo ur Service Monitor or signal generator. II can even oro
I ~~
1650 19()(1
'<00 24S0
opera te off an intern al nine volt battery. and is av ailable
for one day deli very. hacked by our o ne yea r warranty.
217S '"
94 1
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• Freq uency accuracy. ± I Hz maximu m - -t-O°C to + 85°C

• All tones in Group A and Group B arc included . • Tone length approximately 300 rns. xtay be lengthened .
• Output leve l flat (0 within 1.5d b ove r entire ran ge selec ted. shortened or eliminated by chang ing value of resistor
• Separate level adjust pots and output connec tions for eac h
tone Grou p.
Model T E-64 579.95
o Immune to RF

o Powered by 6-30\ldc. unregulated at 8 rna.

o Low impedance . low distortion. adjustable sincwave 426 West Taft Avenue , Orange. California 92667
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o Instant sta rt-up .
• Off position for no to ne output.
o Reverse polarity protection built-in .
Numbef" 7on your FHdbM:1r. card
Dale is one of the founders of not, get working on it!) earty in the

HAM PROFILES the Bear Repeater group, and

he's now its Trustee, Director, and
Treasurer, He has been a part-
morning to work with Carole and
to get experience listening and
speaking on the air. StUdying on
There are no "average" hams! time Se rgeant i n t he Mo rt o n her own, Mary passed the Novice
Grove Park District Police for 22 exam and is now working hard to
look an advanced tech nologi- years. He's also a photographer, upgrade . Mary gets on the air ev-
cal radio course, then went to a treasure hunter, and a fisher- ery morning , talking to hams on
work for the recording studio man . He and his wile Margit have the local repealers. She has also
that t ranscribed the very pop- two ch ildren and three grand- partic ipated i n t h e " C O A ll
ular radio show of the day: daughters. Incidentally , after he Schools " net T uesdays and
" Bob Elson Aboard the Twen- was married , Dale learned that Th u r sd ay s at 17 ,3 0 UTC on
tieth Century Limited ." he had been adopted. He was re- 28.303 MHz.
Aller t hai he played the united with his two sisters and Mary loves animals and ha s
you ng hero on a bloodcur- his brother, who is also a ham! many interesting pets , including
dling radio mystery show on (Biog raphy by Angelo Po lve re two gerbils and a snake . She
W HIP where he was stabbed, KA9CSO.) loves to draw and to create car-
shot , strangled , and always loon figures. Mary plans to pursue
d ied before the end of the a career in communications. III
Another Reason to
show. He was given the stage
name 0 1 " Henry Dale ." Next,
Check Out the
he worked as a sound effects School Net
man at Ihe same station until Mary Alestra KB21GG is 11
he moved to the Engineering years old and in the seventh
Department of WJWC. There grade at Intermediale SChool 72
Ham with a Dramatic Past he worked with Clifton Utley and in Staten Island , New York . She
Dale Shimp W9LOV earned his played practical jokes on Mike became interested in ham radio
amateur radio license in 1940. He Walla ce. through her friend s in Carole
joined the New Trier (Illinois) High After a stint in the U.S. Army he (WB2MGPj Perry's " Introd uc-
SChOol Amateur Radio Club and came home to a job in the Engi- tion to Amateur Radio" program
Broadca st ing Club. One of his neering Department at WLS and at the school .
classmates in the Broadcasting stayed for 43 years , the longest When she was a sixth grader,
Club was c nerfton Heston. After term and possibly the oldest em- Mar y would c o m e t o the
graduating in 1941 , he briefly at- ployee of that radio station. He is school's hamshack (Does your
tended Northwestern University , now retired from that job. local school have a hamshack? II

Feedback.# Title FeedbackH Title
In Our continuing effort to present the best in ama-
teur radio featu res and columns, we recognize the 1 Special Events 19 Hamsats
need to go directly to the Source-you , th e reader. 2 Never Say Die 20 Review: IC-725
Artic les and co lumns a re assigned feedback 30AX 21 Letters
numbers, which appear o n each art icle/colum n and 4 Enforcing PAB-1 22 Packet Talk
5 Home-brew : contest Quality 23 Book Review: Tune in on
are also listed here . These numbers correspond to
Headset Telephone Calls
th os e on th e feedbac k card opposite th is page, On
and Mike 24 Homing In
the card, please check the box wh ich honestly 6 Review: Protei Easytrax 25 Dealer Directory
represents your opinion of each article or colu mn, 7 Ham Profiles 26 Barter 'n' Buy
Do we really read th e feedback cards? You bet! 8 San Francisco Quake '89 27 New Prod ucts
The results are tabu lated each month , and the edi- 9 Review: Ramsey SA-7 28 Ask Kaboom
tors take a good , ha rd look at what you do a nd don't 10 Review: IC-765 29 Ad Index 2/90
like. To show our appreciation, we draw one feed- 11 Review: Alinco DR-570T 30 Keyword Index 2190
back card each month and award the lucky winner a 12 Review: AEA MX-6S 31 73 International
free one-year subscription (or ext en sion) 10 73 . 13 Review: Ultra Comshack 64 32 ATV
14 Review: AEA MM-3 33 looking West
To save o n postage, why not fill out the Product
15 Review: MFJ's94 1D Versa 34 Updates
Report card and the Feedback card and put them in
Tuner II 35 Ham Help
an envelope? Toss in a damning or prai sing letter to 16 Home-brew: Spectrum 36 OX
th e editor while yo u' re at it. You can also enter your Analyzer 37 de K6MH
aSL in ou r ~ contest. All for the low , 17 Above & Beyond 38 Propagation
low pr ice of 25 cents! 18 RTTYloop 390RP

73AmateurRadio • February,1990 17

Number , on your FHd bkl< u rd

The Great San Francisco

Quake '89
Hams fulfill the purpose of the amateur radio service.
by Bill Past ernak WA6 1TF

W ithin mi nutes of the Octo ber 17 ,

1989 earthquake. hundreds, maybe
thousands, of amateur radio operato rs re -
ther isolatio n. But in Californ ia, this isola-
tion ended when the qua ke began to rumble .
N6VV seems to feel things have changed:
junction of three of Califo rnia's most acti ve
faults- the Ce tiveras . the Heyward and the
San Andreas . Officials he re were ready for a
sponded state wide and nationwide . Wh ile "The combination of the automatic routing quake. They had rehearsed just three months
Pacific Bell Te lephone suffe red little dam- capability of packet and the appropriate use before.
age , the lines into and out of San Francisco o f the FM networks ... made it work. When " RACES member Al Romeo N60JO of
were jammed . According to a telephone com- we got word (via packet) of emergency relief San Jose was one of the volu nteers who ran
pany spokesman on the ABC new s, some supplies fro m Los Angeles , the first thing we th e amate u r sta tio n at the San Andreas
25 ,000,000 callers attempted to reach San did was to get on 2 meters (FM voice) and School. Forty families whose homes were
Francisco almost instantly . The number of contact the E.O .C. in Santa C ruz , which now unsafe had moved in to the she lte r.
callers continued unabated for th ree days. passed that tra ffic on the Loma Prieta ma- N60JO, N6RCO, N6DDM and WA6BWT
For the average citizen trying to lind out chine . . . Meanwhile , ' health and welfare ' took turns providing coordination. Much of
abou t his loved ones o r friends, there was traffic was flowing (on packet] all of the time the effort involved keeping the shelter in con-
on ly amateur rad io to tum to. that the (voice] conversation was going on. " tact with Red Cross headq uarters about fifty
Thousand s of " health and welfare" mes- But there were some repo rts of packet- m iles away near San Jose . They had a packet
sages flowed into and OUI of San Francisco oriented hams being a bit too zealous about rad io system and were prepared to handle
a nd a reas 10 the south . T he hou rs of prepared- proving the impo rta nce of the ir favorite mode health and wel fare messages on HF and VH F
ness drills paid off for those wh o devote at a time when they should only have been radio .
themselves to eme rgency communications. worrying about getting messages th rough . "The amateur radio operation was manned
Statewide nets responded al most instantly. Several apparently showed up at disaste r co- around the clock for about forty hours until
with long-haul nets close behind . ord ination sites armed with radios and TNCs, power and tele phone links were restored .
bu t no microphones . They insisted that pack - And what type of messages do rad io amateu rs
Ingtpeann g r acketeers et was better tha n voice for ' tactical' ama teur handle du ring an emergency like the qu ake?
According to Lew Jen kin N6VV, president radio communications fro m the streets . One order via 2 meter rad io in San Francisco
o f the Nort hern California Pack et Radio Jenk in thinks th is was a pretty bad idea : was to a drugstore for the purchase of three
Association. digital , rather than analog , com- " ... The genera l reaction up here was that hundred de sperately needed baby bott les. "
munications prevailed . " We had it coming in talking keyboard-to-keyboard in an emergen -
on AMTOR; on packet via HF nets; and it cy situatio n was not that effective . There may Alkaline Batteries Last Longer
could be easily warehoused in the devastated be some isolated cases where we will see that What did N60JO learn from his experi -
area , then worked (delivered ) at the con ve- it worked . But what we did was to try to get ences in the quake? Not to re ly on NiCd
nience of the fol ks there ." some people with portable packet gea r into batteries. There was no good way to charge
Jenkin added that the ab ility to 'digipcat' by the affected areas to take ' health and welfare ' them when the power was off for so many
every ham running pack et offe red many ad- outbound traffic ... " hours. He said that dry-cell, alkaline batteries
vantages ove r co nventional vo ice repeaters last much longer, and he suggests that anyone
with traffic on VHF and UHF : " No other T he Lifeline fo r the C it,,· preparing for an emerge ncy stoc k up on
mode gave that form of audit trail and trac k- The quake's epicente r was near the once- them.
ability . And the adaptive nature of the net- picturesque town of Santa Cruz some 50
works- not having to re ly on one repeater- miles away . Santa C ruz was devastated and T he Condor Co nnection
let us switch [work arou nd it ] when we lost cut off. Also hard hit was the city of Holl ister . G iven the 220 M Hz controve rsy , it' s iro nic
one of our major nodes down at Crystal Peak; A day after the quake, NBC Netwo rk Ncws that the statew ide backbo ne of amateur radio
we just brought up addi tional nodes. We were producer Alan Kaul W6RC L visited the Red emergency communication was not HF, but
able to create a new path into areas where we Cross Evacuation Center in Hollister with a rather the 220 M Hz statewide open interlink
needed to get traffic . .." camera crew for Nightly News. Alan and called the Condor Connection. Designed and
c rew came across an amateur radio station built by Mark Gilmore WB6RH Q and the late
Di2it al - Anal ~ Cooperation that was literally the lifel ine for the city. AI W6TLG , the Condor Connection covers the
One of the long-ru nnin g bones of con- was very moved by what he saw, and called state fro m San Francisco/Sacramen to to the
tent ion between d igital and analog ama- A mateur Radio Ncwslinc with the following US- Mexica n border, and east to A rizona and
teur co mmun ications has bee n the se lf- story; Nevada. This open system funct ions as a
imposed isolation between th e two . The " One of the Red Cross Centers was at the th ree-state super- repeater with the ability to
ARRL has tried to remedy this by asking San Andrea.... High School in Hollister, Cali- handle massive amounts of voice traffic free
voice repeater coordinators to take on packet fornia. about 30 miles east of the ea rthquake o f the kind s of natural and manmade interfer-
and d igipeater coord ination , but vi rtually epicenter. Hollister is the so-called 'earth- ence often hampering H F links. WB6RHQ
all have dec lined . This has led to even fur- quake capitol of the world ' because it is at the had engineered Condor to withstand a quake
Continued on page 83
18 73 Amateur Radio • February, 1990
For the best buys In town call:1
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2210 H. 0-2200 MHl IN STOCK

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AEA 144 M Hz BIRD ~ J. M IRAGE AMPLIFIERS ' . :. , - stHppw lgcoM ,
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evl: Btoadway 16 to Spring St. Palh·9th SI.I61h Ave. SALES
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Number 9 on r ou' FeedbKk card

73 Review by David K. Pelaez AH1AR/8

Ramsey SA-7 Broadband

RF Amplifier Ramsey Electronics
793 Canning Parkway
Victo r NY 14564
(716) 924-4560
A hot little amplifier at an extremely low price. Price Class: $15.00

creuv if the p re amps don't have selective tnte r-

T he SA·7, new from Ramsey Electronic s,
is an easy-to-build kit for a general pur-
pose broadband AF a mplifier, c apa ble o f o p-
ing as pa rt o f their d esign . At VHF a nd UHF
fr equenc ie s, image s can become a real prob-
erating from 100 kHz to 1 GHz. It's small on lem when the rece iver and antenna are Iocal-
price, but big on performance. eo near crowded RF environments. Some
After searching hi gh and low (no p un inle nd - preamps may end up acting like broadband
ed) for an ine xpensive preamp 10 help boost mi xe rs . I d id n't notice th is with the SA·7, bu t it
th e fr ont e nd of a tired shortw av e c ommunica - could beco me a prob lem.
tions receiver. I came across the Ramsey Th e design of the SA-7 is sim ple a nd
Electronic s advertisement announcing sever- straightforward, and the addition of helicalfil-
al new " mini-kits." The SA-7 preamp kit wa s ters or tuned c ircuits would totally defeat the
inexpensive , so I look the p lunge and o rdered idea of keeping this kit under the $ 15.00 mar k .
it. One week and $1 5 ,00 rarer. I received a Top view of the assembled Ramsey SA-7 This a mplifier cont ains Iwo stages (with no
c urio us ly small pa rcel from Ramsey . broadband RF amplifier. tuned elements): a common e mitter st age
which drives an emitter-follower by utilizing
A ssembl y two 2SC 25705. Page 17 of the AARL pcouca-
The SA·7 is easy to assemble. There are amp . Current drain is minimal (less than 50 ten. Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur,
only 15 components to mount on a phenolic mAl and the powe r req uirement lor th is amp is circa 19 75 , described a similar ci rcui t de sign
circuit board measuring 1 V4 d X 1 Vi ". I pUI it B to 15 volts DC . Si nce th is volta ge is available as a " ge ne ra l purpose p reamp ." Thi s publica -
togelher in a bou t 15 min utes USing just a sol- in mo st solid-state equipment, it's a snap to tion slated thaI a common emitter-followe r
dering iron, a steady ha nd , and about an inch use the available power al ready presen t w ithin stage tends to be u nstable but, as explained in
of solder. You won' t need to use any tu ning Of the gear. The extra current drain usually won 't the Handbook , the absence of t uned ele-
test equipment after completion . Even a first- be not iced. If you opt to use the SA·7 in a tube ments allows for extremely good stability.
lime kit builde r c an tac kle this project with rig , a 9 volt batt ery o r an ou tboard power sup- listed specifications claim a gain of 15 dB at
confidence. ply would be a n alternative so lut ion. l to 950 MHz and 8 d B at 1300 MHz . The SA·7
Bu t, even as a "veteran " kit b uilde r, I at- After turning o n the receive r with the SA-7 in can be used in many applica tions req ui ring
most forgot to install the kit' s only SMT (su r- line, I was pleasantly surprised to not ice a extra gain in a wide variety of amateur and
face mount technology) resistor. After assem- marked increa se in the number of stations on general coverage receivers. It can also be
bling a nd soldering eutne componen ts on the the air. I noted a solid two S Un it ju mp in signal used to increase the sensitivity of frequency
PC board, yo u m ust sold er the SMT resistor st rength th roughout the HF receiver 's ra nge . counters . Because of its small size, the SA-7
between the two designat ed foil traces on the Stations barely aud ibl e w ith the SA-7 out 01 can be used internally in almost a ll receivers,
foi l sid e of the board. Re member also to keep line ca me up to " armc hair copy " w he n the o r placed in a sm all chassis, for a variety 0 1
all of the other component leads as short as amp w as put between the antenna and rece iv- appncancns within the hamshack.
possible if you wa nt to exploit the amplifier's er. I noted an increase in the noise floor , but
capabilities o n the " hig h end " of its range. the two-plu s S Unit increase in received sta- A Good Deat
Long co mponent leads may al so ca use n to ti o ns ' signal strength mo re tha n compensated On a scale of 1 to 10 (not in dB), I wo uld give
break into oscillation. fo r the associaled a nd expected increase in lhis lillie broadband RF amp a 10!1 Now, I
the rece iv er 's noise floor . The spec sneer indi- wonder if the SA-7 would work in boosting the
Amplifier Appli ca tion cat ed a 3to 5 dB noise figure . horsepower in my Fo rd Ranger?!? m
After mounting the SA·7 w ithin a n A llied
AX-190 rece iver, I put in a jumper w ithi n the Technical Information
rece iver' s powe r sup ply and borrowed ap- When preamplifie rs are added to a receive r, Contact Dave Pelaez AH2AR/8 at 4872 tren-
proxima lely 9 volt s to run the new ly installed images and heterodynes may appear, espe- side Court, Huber Heights OH 45424.
20 73 Amateur Radio • February, 1990
9 Au try
Irvi ne. CA 9271 8
(71 4) 458-7277


• FOLD-BACKCURRENT LIMITINGProtects Power Supply • OUTPUT VOLTAGE: 13.8 VDC ! 0.05 volts
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. u .,1RS -3A. RS·U. RI·5.\. low line)
• MAINTAINREGULATION & LOW RJPPL£ at low line input • Alit n.Il.~I. wit. ZZIJ VAC1.,.1 nU".



OIl, IA_, ' I [h,., Silt 11111
H x W xl
5'1. x 19 x 8'1.
WI. Ilh.)

5'10 x 19 x 12'11
5'1. x 19 x 12'h
• separate Volt and Amp Meters
RM -12M 5'1. x 19 x 8'10
5'';' x 19 x 120,;.
5'10 x 19 x 12""
C"Ii,u.. ICS· Silt {III ) n i"i"
OIt, IA_,. I
IA_, . I
H xW x l
a x ..... x s... ,
Wt· llh.)

• •5
31<0 x 61'> x 9
3"" X 6'" x 7%
FlS-7A 5 7 3"< x 6'h x 9 9
FlS-7B 5 7 .. x 7'h x 101,0 10
R$-10A 7.5 10 .. x 7'1, x 10'1. 11
RS-12A . 'h x 8 x 9
R$- 12B
9 "" 4 x 7'h x 10310

RS-20A 16 20 5 x 9 x 10\', 18
FlS-35A 25 35 s x 11 x 11 27
MODE L RS-7A RS-SOA 37 50 6x13%x1 1
C••till.n ICS· Sillll_1
RS·M SE RIES MODEL 011, (,1,. , 11 IA. , 'I I x W xl
n i"i"
WI. Ilh.)
• ~ wlt and Amp ~er
R$-12M , 4'1J x 8 x 9
• 5eparate volt and Amp meters " 13

FlS-20M 16 20 5x 9x 10'11 18
FlS-35M 25 35 ex u x u 27
RS-SOM 37 50 s x us x u

VS·M AND VRM·M SERIES • separate Volt and Amp Meters · Output Voltage adjustable Irom 2-15 volts . Current limit adjustable from 1.5 amps

10 Full load

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Sillll _1
I xW xl
U i"l.,
WI. IJh.)
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VS-'2M 9 5
, 2
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s x s x ie»

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• Variable rack mounl power supplies
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MODEl h l, IA_,11 A_, . • x Wx D WI. Ilh.1
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FlS-211S 20 s xs xtew
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73 Review by Mi chael Cobuccio "'AI EYP

The ICOM IC-765 ICO M America, Inc.

2380-116th Ave. N .E .
Bellevue WA 98004
Tel. (206)454-7619
The DDS unit makes the difference. Price Class : $3150

quency. This means you can vary

A few mo nths ago, a frie nd invit-
ed me over to see tCOM '5 new
IC-765 all-mode, all-band ri9 - I wa s
CW tone pilch when using a very
narrow CW filter , say 250 Hertz. Or-
immediately impressed by the re- dinarily, varying the VFO frequency
ceiver's quietness, but I wond ered woutd cause you to drop out of its
what else was ditterent fro m its pre- passband and consequen tly lose
decessor, the IC-761 , to warranllhe the signal.
price increase.
After examinmq the rig inch by No More Presets
inch , l concluded tnatthe IC·765 Is a The antenna tu ner no longer has
finished ve rsion of the IC-76l . It has any presets . Hurrah! How I hated
man y desirable features missing adjusling the tuner presets on the
from the latter. Righi away, I or- The ICOM IC-765, quietly recep tive. IC-761 and an A T· 500 I once
dered an IC-76S of my own . owned . This new, lightning·fast
The uni t I' m reviewing is from the first pro- when no signals are present I sometimes think tuner memorizes the tuner setting on each
duction run , SN,f 0001 132 . I installed option the rad io is ott. Thi s is similar to Ten-Tee's band . It then uses the memorized selting as a
modules Fl·53A a nd Fl·l01 . Fl·1 02 filt ers, a Omnl-v. ICOM 's published nOise Iloor, a value tuning start point or the nominal 500 setting
C A-2 82 high stabilily crystal unit, and the that measures how much noise or hash the next time you come back to that band. I have
UT·36 voice synthesizer module. receiver circuits prod uce , which could inter- tried the tuner with a number of offbeat coax-
Like the 761, the IC·765 has ns own AC fere wilh an extremely week incom ing signal, ially led wire antennas, and I've found a malch
power supply, ant enna tuner, and general is around - 140 dB. every time. ICOM 's tuner matching range ap-
coverage receiver . However, the options What is the di fference between the DDS pears somewhat conservative.
available for this rig are the same as those for chip and a Pll system? In both cases, the With the elimination of all the tuner preset
the IC-781 . The IC-765 is like an IC-781 with- microc omputer in your HF rig per iod ically cont rols, the under-the-cover controls now
out the scope and second receiver . loads you r rig ' s frequency control logic with number only five : MARKER ONaF, CAliBRATOR
digital data that corresponds 10 your rig ' s cur- ELEUEY WEIGHT.AHTWOX, and SCAN SPEEO.
Sc anning the 1C-765 rent freq uency, In the Pll system, this data in
He re, ICOM added a digillo the digital fre- turn changes the output freq uency of the rig' s Key Convenience
quency readout for display accura cy. ICOM phase-rock loop system which usually serves ICOM also added a transmit microphone
has also expanded memory capabilities to as the rig 's master oscillator system. With a tone control to the bank of push button con-
100 banks and Improved freq uency control, typical " digital" PLL, the output is somewhat trols on the bottom lefthand corner of the front
including a smoother feel in the variable tun- squared; tne sine wave contains a series of panel. This appears to be a set-once-and-
ing rate . minute ste ps which together "simulate" a leave-alone control. I guess teOM has real-
ICOM ' s " band stacking regis ters" ensure sine wave. These squared waves contain PLL ized that not many amateurs want a compli-
that the micro-processor remembers the last sw itching noise, the freq uency correct ion cated desk mike, like the SM-l0, when a
freque ncy your VFO dial was on before you switch ing , and harmonics typical 10 square simple tone control could suffice in 90% of all
switched to another band. The IC·765 has an waves. cases.
additional register for what appears to be the The DDS chip, a kind of digital-to-analog One really nice convenie nc e for an old
general coverage band. It doesn 't have a HAW converter, generates as close to a " real" sine straight·key hack is the inclusion of a straighl
GENE coverage switch. ICOM 's CPU unit now wave as possible-NOT a squared . steplike key jack over and above the usual electronic
recognizes a ha m band from a general cove r- sine wave. The result is the frequency stability key jack. Instead 01 wondering which is tip or
age band, allowing the operator to use its of a digital PLL system and the low noise and ring . as with previous ICOM HF rigs, and mig.
memory more liberally. harmonic content of a trad itional oscillator cir· wiring the plug in the process , ICOM has
Unlike the IC-765 ' s less expensive cousin, cult. All ol the rig 's circuits and low noise com- made it almost foolproof. And you can choose
the IC·725, you cannot program the main dial ponents benefit immediately. your style of keying .
frequen cy step size. To olfsetthat deficiency, On the receiver side , ICOM has added to its ICOM has moved the FUNCkey to the former
tCOM provid es a DIP switch under the bottom general coverage front-end a three-step m- position 01 the HAWGENE and replaced it with
cover that allows you to select the frequency comi ng signal attenuator quite uselul on 75 an SSB mode key . As a result, all the rig 's
travel of the main tuning dial to either 5 kHz or meters in the eveni ng here in New England . modes are available with a single keystroke
2.5 kHz per revolution . Overall it looks like The existing preamp on position is on this rat her than the previous FUNe + key sequence
tCOM has put substantial efforts into improv- same knob, of course. The audio tone control for some modes. Some 01 the mode keys in-
ing their freq uency control features. has migrated from its larger knob style to a clude a narrow mode on the second press of
pu sh button . recessed cont rol on the bottom the same mode key. Narrow bandwidths are
The Dawn of DDS left . In its place is a CW pitch control which I availabte on the CW, ATTY , and AM modes
The t(;.765 contains ICOM 's newest Chip, have lound quite uselul, especially when while a second press of the FM key act ivates
the DDS, or direct digital synthesizer, a sign ifi- copying Morse code with mu llimode data con- the FM lone encoder.
cant contribution to HF design . Though my troller equ ipment like the AEA PK-232. You A 250 Hz super narrow CW filter select has
ear cannot measure any improvement in tre- can vary the audio frequency of a received CW been added which is only active in CW narrow
quency stabi lity, the receiver's so qu iet tnat signal without changing the actual VFO Ire- mode. The familia r passband tu ning control
22 73AmaleurRadio . February . 1990
llefe"s ~ trul booslei' lor iny 2 melt< or220
MHi hand./lelcl uM. These ~ booSleJ1 ,.....
lleI,w:1 ow, JO ,ulls 01 O\I r~ 1 ,IIo*,"!l you
to M the 'epea11f! lull QUIet ing while the low
noise P'M<np remarkably ,mprows recep-
bons . Ram sey E~ t,om cs has SOld IhOlt- PR·2 COUNTER

!Illnd~ 012 mt, amp kits 001 now, we of~

comple1ely ..." ed I.Ild test«! 2 mt, as ..,U 220 T.. ....Z.. _ '"" _ _
MHl unIts Bolh line al lhI lNt",es or lhI • ___ 1 111) llHz . ..

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24 73 Amateur Radio . February. 1990
has interesti ngly vanished. Howe ver, the IF we re intentionally misadiusted.
shift seems to work qu ite differently from any I also chec ked my IC -76S under high VSWR
of the former ICOM rigs I have owned . It is conditions and found tha t the tr ansm itt er
quite ellective in shifting the IF passband to q uickly folded back output power aft er a sus-
compl etely elim inate an in te rfering signal. tained mismatch above 3 to 1. Under these
Could it be that when ICOM elim inated the condi tions the tra nsm itte r's cooling fan
PSBJIF combination, they rethought the desig n worked almost continuously. Under normal
ol the IF shift function ? S5e transm ission cond itions and proper load
t o the tran srnit tar , t he fan hardly ever
Wh y Not Two AGe Functio ns? came on.
ICOM has conti nued its trad ition of provid- The newly added t rans mit microphone tone
The Bo1c:er& WIIIiOmson PT25IX\6. Lirll:o Ampli-
ing a selectable receiver AGe, automatic gain control seems 10 work on my rig . Howe ver I fier is a compIeteIV self-conta ined tcoe-rcc
control, that is either ot t, last release, or slow have not really figured out how to opt imally set unit Cle$igned tor continuous 558, ON. RnY.
relea se . The AGe circuit either takes "hotd' or thi s control. Remember, transmitted audio AM or ATV cceronco.lntooded for covefOge
of a ll amateur bands between 1.8 MHz o ro
attacks very quickly . But the decay speed is quality is not only a function of your rig 's de- 21 MHz. it con be readily modified tor fre-
variable; this mean s that , since this circ uit sign and audio ci rc uit, but also the speaker's quencies outside the ornotetJf bonds lor
actually red uces the receiver' s overall gain in voice and the listener's ears. With most hams commercial or military applicatiOn Two type
J...5OOz ~en'o'El ' ","06 triodes pIO\IIde l'ElliobiliIv
the pre sence of strong signals in its passband , getting older, and maybe more deaf, I have 10 a nd rapid turn-on time
a weaker background signal may not be eas ily wonder about the benefit of this co ntrol and FEATURES INCLUDE:
detected . Not since the IC-740 have I seen a m icrophon es like ICOM's 5M-101 • Full 150) walt o utput
continuously variable AGC until rec ent ly on the Although my IC-765 did pick up some ha sh, • Pl-network input for maximum drive
• Pl'essurized plenum cooling svsteen
IC-7S1 . Why , with today' s tec hnology, don't it wa s less than S 1 on 10 meters . • OContElfV"lOI9lovIor~free opelQ1iQn
man ufacturers provide two AGe functions on a The IC-76S's control program is contained • Ilium noted SWQ and power meters
single concentric con trol-cone to vary the eoc in a single EPROM which in my rig was socket- • Vernier t u n ing for occwcte settings
• Pl-l output for g reater honnOnic
attac k time cons tant and one for the AGC re- ed ! I wond er if ICOM is going 10 oller EPROM cneooctce
lease time constant? upgrades in functionality? Rugg edly constructed o f proven design. this
ICOM ha s also incl uded a notch filt er on the arrplilier reflect s the manufacturer's cntcor
IC-765 very much like the one on its predeces- Du st? attootion to details- such a sIheSiIvel-pIoIed
tonk coil k>r mollimum effiCieoCY ccecoe
sor, the IC-761 . The not ch filter dept h on my One continued irrita tion I have had with the Zanet ruse a nd irltemoVelflemol cooling cee
rig can lake a CW signal from S-9+30 down to IC-76S is dust. Ye s, dust! Whatever the rea- among the protective a nd solely devices
about 55. Th is is pretty good, except that the son, small dust particles repeatedly lodge employed Input a nd ou tput im pedances
a re 50 ohms
notch is so na rrow it is very ea sy to m iss Ihe them selve s behind the large clear pla stic digi -
notch " window" when selling the rorcn fre- tal display cover. ICOM provided no wa y 10 r
Dimensions 1 wide Il 19" deep Il 8"'h high
weight: 80 lcs (shipped in 3 cortons to meat
q uency control. It' s too bad ICOM did not in- dust behind the cover, nor have they sea led lJ'S r8QI liremenls)
clude some kind of notch freq uency au tomatic it from dust. I have had to take off the entire Price $2 175.00 FOB roctov. PrIce
tracking and lockup, as the Dat ong FL-3 Multi- front pa nel twice 10 remove the nagging dust includes one veer limited warranty
mode Filler does. particles. Ca ll or write fa c tory for cor-oete specs-
The " select memory " scan is a new feature. My IC-76S was not without a m inor problem . ncctcos.
Press the SELECT button in the upper right cor- I gol the rig in March and ran it almost every
ne r to select the memories you wish to scan in wa king hour until about June . Then I discov-
Ihe memory rec all mode. ered thai on initial powerup, the PLL wasn 't
locking up on the lower 200 kHz of every band
Under the Covers segment. Like most intermit tent problems, it
The interior of the IC-765 is spacious. All went away once the rig had been powered up
modutes either have their own casing or they for more than a m inute . I ca lled ICOM service
are covered by met al panels and separators, in Wash ington state immediately. They eager- MODEL VS1500A ANTENNA COONR
prov iding reasonably good shiel ding, which in ly helped me perform a few basic chec ks on The Barker & Williamson VS150JA antenna
turn helps reduce the coupling of stray noise the rig and concluded that they had to see it. coupler is d esigned to match vlrtuaily a ny
among the various transceiver mod ules. The I shipped it off to ICOM , and within a few receiver. trc r cmnter or transceiver in the 160
to 10 meter ra nge ( 1.8 to 30 MHZ) with up to
CPU and PLL modules are completely isota t- da ys they had loo ked at it. Apparently, the 15CO watts Rf po""9r to almost a ll'( antenna.
ed in a metal enclosure under the power su p- DDS uni t needed a slight adjustment. I guess including ocoee, irwerted vees, verticals,
ply, just under the top cover. m inor eclostments are not uncommon on first- mobile wh ips. beams. ,ondem wire! Ond
others. led by COOJ( ecce. balanced lil"l8$ or
ICOM has liberall y used coaxial cabling be- production run rigs. I also learned that whe n a sing le wire A b l balun is buit! in lor
tween modules , remini scent of some of the ICOM America first got my rig from Japan, co-oec ton to balanced lines
more expensive commercial and military de- they Subjected it to a thorough checkout and FEATURES INCLUDE:
sign tec hniques . Of course, this helps reduce burn-in for at least 72 hours before delivering it • Series para lle l c apacitor connection
lor greater harmOniC attenuation.
receiver noise and susceptibilrty to personal to me in March. I guess ICOM is being ext ra • In-crcuit wa"meter tor continuous
computer hash. Th is is an unprovement over cautiou s on first -production ru n deliveries of monitoring
• Vernier tuning tor ecw adjustment,
the interference my PC used to ge nerate on equ ipment .
Front ponel switchlng a llow's ropkl select ion
an IC-751A I owned .
Without a Glitch 01 antennas. Of to on eKternal dum my load.
or parmits bypassing the tuner
The IC-76S in Act io n At the time of writing this review, the IC-765 [)ir'rI(lnsion ( Appro_): 11" wide Il 13·' deep
There is not too m uch I can say about the has performed fla wtessly for months . In my . 6" h igh
Weight 6'h tbs
IC-76S' s transmitter other than it yielded the opinion , it' s one of the best HF rigs ICOM has
specified 100 walls minimum on all band s. ev er made. It may be less expensive than the Price $499. 00 F06 Foc tory Fullyworronted
lor one year,
The transmitted SSB envelope pattern ap- IC-78 1, yet slightly better in certain areas, This
pe ared identic al and quite asym metr ic on in my estimation makes the IC-765 a good buy "" , (b(1'<lODl.C WoOf ... us.o
bot h sidebands . The sse Christmas trees for the money! m ~
.. -.. 0~"'" """"'-<to,"coo woe.. "l<
looked good .
Wh en I swi tch ed the spe ech processo r
on, the rig d id not flat-top on voice peaks,
You may contact M ichael Cobuceio WAIEYP
at M.K.E.J. Associates Inc., 16 Westminster
ooc""", _ ....... ... '''00 1
(21 5)1" · 55&1 z
not eve n wh en b ot h t he ALC and CO MP Lane, Merrimack NH 03054.
73AmsteurRadio • February,199O 25

Number 11 on ,OUt' FMdbloetl e.rd

73 Review by Bryan Hastings NSI B

Alinco DR-S70T 2m/70cm

Mobile Transceiver Alinco Electronics Inc.
20705 S. Western Ave., Suite 104
Torrance CA 90501
Tel. (213) 618-8616
Look Ma, no eyes! Price Class: $750

A 440 MHzI2m mobile rig is becoming an

increasingly useful travel companion.
The 2 meier band nowadays is very crowded.
challenges in ham radio is to make ou r com-
munications more effective and meaningful.
Although there are times where being in either
especially in metropolitan areas, and more only the talk or listen mode is be st, full d uplex
and more repealers are sprouting up on the really hel ps an animated and creative discus-
h igher frequency bands, especially on 1.25m sion flow .
and 7OCm . Even in rural southwestern New For some reason, some manufacturers
Hampsh ire. I can access three 440 MHz rna- don't seem to pay enough attention to heat-
chine s, and as many on 2m , during my half sin king the finals to support lengthy key-down
Front panel of the A/inca 5lOT.
hour com mute between work and home. periods. I was first alerted to th is while using
Yes, there are more hams who operate mo- another name' s du al bande r in full du plex,
bile than ever before. and the push is on to Features and Operation and the sme ll of melting Vinyl waited from the
make mobile operation ever easier and safer. The 570 has nearly all the features that have front passenger seal (on which Ihe rig sat)
As I found out over severa l months' use, the become de rigueur for mobile rigs: lull cro ss. alter about five minutes. One of Alinco's pre-
Alinco DA-570T is right up there with the best band duplex ; memory, programmed, and eecessors.tne 24T, quickly became 100 hoi to
of them. Read on to find out why! ope n channel scan; ton e encode; CTCSS touch when in full duplex.
(ton e en code /decode) with 37 selectable Alinco addressed this problem in the 570-
Specifications tones: standard ( ±600 kHz for 2m and ± 5 the heal-sink lins have nearly three times the
The manual claims a power outp ut on the MHz lor 70cm) and non-standa rd ollsets: pri- su rface area o f those on th e 24T. It remai ns
high setting of 45W and 35W for VH F and ori ty and call channel; and ollset reverse. very warm, but still touchable, alter 10 min-
UHF, respective ly , and 5W for each on low. Full duplex operation-also known as " tete- utes of key-down.
Tests at 73 HQ shOwed that the 570 met or phone style" operation since you can both The scan modes worked as advertised. The
exceeded these specs. The high power leve ls hear and lalk at the same time-is one of my VFO scan is really just a programmed scan
are about as high as you'll find on any mobile favorites . Hopefully, we will soon see more full with tne band edges as the scan boundaries
rig on the market today. duplex repeater sites springing up. One of the (in memories 7 and B). If the programmed
Bear in mind that the maxim, " the r- , scan is set with in the band edges, and
more powe r ou t , the m e rr ie r, " is activaled, the rig does NOT jump to
doesn 't always hold true for repeater
Manufacturer's Specifications
General within the boundaries befo re starting
operation. The ideal situation is to be VHF Receive: 130-169.95 MHzlTransmit: 144--147.995 MHz to scan, but tunes until it gets within
in reciprocity with a repeater, where UHF ReceiveJTransmit: 440-449.95 MHz that range. It scans in one direction
both the mobile rig and the repe ater Mod. F3 (FM) only, determined by the direction the
begin to hear one another at roughly Tune steps 5,1 0, 12.5, 20. and 25 kHz VFO was last tuned (either up- or
the same time as the mobile station Antenna Z 500 unbalanced, female UHF connector down-frequency), rather Ihan oscillat-
approaches the repeater . I found , Power 13.8V DC ing between the two boundaries.
though, that the high power out/re- Current Drain Receive (squelched) doesn't exceed 500 mA Memory functio ns are as simple as
ce iver sensitivity ba lance on the 570 (13.8V DC)
you can gel with a rig that doesn't
Transmil VHF High/Low Power8AI4A
is very good . Operating while ap- have direct frequency entry. To enter
UHF H'9h/low Power7Af4A
p roaching . and receding from, ten DimensIOnS S"' ·Wx2"Hx8Y.1 "O a memory into a cell takes four
repeat er systems in this area, there Weight 3.74 Ibs. keystr okes and VFO and memory tun-
was rec iprocity in all case s. Ing.
On 7OCm , the 570 receives only in One of the local 440 MHz mach ines
OUlpuI Power VHF High/Low 45W/SW
th e amateur alloca tion (440-450 I regularly check into use s tone ac-
UHF High/Low 35W/5W
MHz), but on 2m it receives be tween Modulalion Variable Reactance FM (Phase Modulation) cess. The tone encode worked as ad-
130-169 .995 MHz. In many rigs, re- Devial ion ± 5 kHz maximum vertised on the rig. You see the actual
ceiver sensitivity is optimized for the SpuriOus More than 60 dB beloW carrier sub audible tone frequency (e.g. , 88 .5
ham band, and drops off sharply out Emi$SiOns Hz) when in tone set mode, instead of
of bero. This didn 't appear 10 be the Microphone Electret condenser a chan nel number some rigs show.
case with the 570-at least up-fre- Receiv er The non-standard offset is a little
quency f rom the 2m ham alloca- Receiving system Superbeteecdyne. dual conversion unusual -it works b y p utti ng th e
tion-judging by the p letho ra of IFs VHF 1st 10.7 MHz. 2nd 455 kHz transmit fre q ue ncy in memory 9 ,
weather service stations and public UHF lsi 30.825 MHz, 2nd 455 kHz and tuning the VFO for the receive
service cnanners I received on 162- Sensitivity 0.301N lor 12 ee SINAD frequency . There is selectable VFO
163 MHz and 150-160 MHz (recall Selectivity More than :1 6 kHz at 8 - dB lock, and I discovered thai the VFO
that I do not live in a metropolitan l ess than :1 12 kHz at - 6OdB
automatically locks during transmit.
Audio Power 1.>-2.5W
Speaker Z 80
continued on p. 29
26 73 Amateur Radio • Feb ruary, 1990
*** Unlden CB R.dlos ***
The Un/den line of Citizens Band Radio transceivers is
***Unlden Cordi••• Te/ephone_***
XE750-T Uniden Cordless Phone wil h apeak..' . .. . $99,95
atyled 10 compliment ctne r mobile audio equipm ent. XE55G- T Uniden Co,dlen Phone, $79,95

uni err Unid en CB radios are so reliable l hat lhey have a lwo XE300- T Uniden Co'd less Phon", " , ,,569,95
year limited warr anty. From the feature pac ked PRO
Bl0E to the 31 OE handhe ld. tbe re is eo bell er Citize ns
** * EJclended al",lcl Cont'lct * * *
il YO~ pu,chase a scanner. ca, redar delaclo, or cordless
Band ra dio on the markel today, phon.. t,om any Sl ore in lhe U,S. or Canada wil hinthe l&5t 30
PA031 0E·T Uniden 40 Ch. Portable/MoOile CB . , $83.95 days. you can get ~P 10 thres y..ars of extend..d service

$12,000,000 PR0330E·T UM1en 40 Ch. Remota mount ca .. $104.95

PRC)500[).T Uniden 40 Channel c a Mobil
KARATE·T Un'den 40 channei 'escue 'adio
" $38.95
conlracl from Warre nl8C h. TtliSs..",ice extansion plan begins
.lter Ihe manufactura(s warra nly expires. Warrenl a<:h wHI
perform all naceuary labor snd will not cha'ge for r"'urn
sn'PPlnll. h t"nd8d sa",ica cont,acts are nOl ralundatlle and

Scanner Sale GRANT·T Unid..n 40 Chann el ssa C8 mobile

MADISON·T Un/den 40 channel SSB CB base $244.95
PCl 22·T uniden 40 channel SSB CB moOiie
PRC)51 0 XL·T Uniden 40 channei C8 MoOil
$188 ,95
$ 119 95
" $38,95
applyonly 10 lhe onllin al purchaser. Atwo yeare.t and..dcon·
lreel on a mobile or base scann..r IS $29,99 and t h, ee year. is
$39,99. Fo' handhald scannars, 2 years ia $59.99 and 3
yaarsis$79,99, FOlfadar deleClors. tw o yaaraIS $29,99, For
Uniden Corporati on of America has pur- PR0520 XL·T Uni~n 40 channel CB Mooi;e. . $58.95
PRC)530XL·T Uniden 40 channel C8 Mobila " $19,95 CB radios, 2 years i5$39,99, For cordlessrmona... 3 yaars is
chased the co nsume r prod ucts li ne of Re- PR0540E·T Uniden 40 channel CB Mobile $97.95 $34,99. O,de, yo~r e. le nded service contr acl taday,
gency Electron ics Inc. for $1 2,000,000. To PR0640E·T Uniden40 channeISSBCB Mobiie " , $131,9 5 OTHER RADIOa AND ACCeSSOR/Ea
cele brate t his purch ase, we're having o ur PA0110 E·T Unid..n 40 cM nnel CB Base. . .. $ 11 9,95 BC55XLT·T Bea rca l 10 channel scanner .. . ,." . $11 4,95
PRl)e1 0E·T Unid..n 40 channel SSB CB Bas.. . . $ 174,95 BC70XLT·T B.,,,ca l 20 chenn..1 scann..r. . . .. $159.95
largest sc anner sale in history! Use t he
co upon in t his ad tor big savings. Hurry...offe r
ends March 31, 1990.
*** Unlden Rada, Detectors* * *
Buy the finest Un/den rad ar detectors from CEI loday.
BC175XLT·T aearcal 16 channal scanner .. . " . , $156.95
R2tH1a·T y SO cMnnel scanner .
R1 Qilg·T Rellency 45 chann,,1scanner
." , .. $1 49.95
" . $109.95
TALK EFl-T2 Unlden lai king ,adar delactor .. , ... . $144,95
A0 1·T Uniden viso' mounl radar eetecrce $99.95 T'S2·T R6l/enc ~ 75 channal scann..r, , . . $269.95
***MONEYSAWNGCOUPON* ** ROlI·T Uniden " Passport" si. a ,adar det..ctor , $ 114.95 UCl 02·T R&<J enc y VHF 2 en, 1 Wan transceive' $114,95
ROlIX L·T Uniden " micro" size radar detector " $144,95 BPS5·T R"<Jency 16 amp rell. POwe' supply, , , $179.105
Get apecial SevinllS on the scanners RD2 5·T Uniden visor mount radar deleclor" $54,95 BP205-Tl N~Cad bait paCk tor 8C200/BCl OO XLT.. , $39, 95
listed in lhis coupon TIl/seal/pon must AD500-T Unid en visor mount radar delactor" , $74 ,95 B8·T 12 V AA N ~Ca d balle,ies (Sel of e ~ h ll " $11.95
be ,neluded wi/ h your prepaid orde,. FBE·T Fr..qu..ncy Oiractory for Eaale,n U,SA $1 4.95
Credit cards, persona l checks andquarr
fit y discounts are ucluded from this Bearcat'" 200XLT·T2 FBWo T F,..qu..ncy Oiractory lor weste m U.s.
RFOl .T Greal Lakas F,equency Olractory,
$1 4,9 5
.. $1 4.95
otter: Oller valid on/yon prepllidorders Li st price $ 5 09. 9 5/ C E price S239 .95/SPECIAL RFD2·T N..w Enlliand F,eouency Oiractory . . $1 4.95
mal/oti dlreclly to Communications Elec- ',- 200 CII.nn.' • •00 MHz. H.ndll.ld AF03·T MId Allanlic F,aquancy Di,eclory " $1 a.95
troniCS tnc. p.a 80)( 1045 - Dept. UNI3. ".roll • Lim" • Hold. Priority. locllout RFD4·T South..asl F,equency Oi' actOry $1 4,95
Ann Arb o r, Mich iQa n 48 10 B- / O.f S U.SA F",quenc y fanlle: 29·54. 118·' 74. 408 ·512. 805·955 M Hz.
E~cludU 823,118 75·849,0 I 25 11M 858,9875·894,0 I 25 M Hz,
RF05·T N, W & Nol1hern PlaIns F,equency Oir $1 4,105
Coupon fJ )(pires Mar ch 31, 1990, ASD- T Ai,piane Scanner O"ectory , ", $1 4,95
Coupon ma y not be used in conjunction The B earca r 200 XLT sets a new standard fo r hand-
SRF·T Su",ival Radio Fr..quency Direcl ory . . . $ 14.95
with any ol"e' olfe, Irom CE I. COlJpan held scann e rs in perfo rma nce and de pend abilit y. TSG-T "ToOsecret" Rellistry 01 U,S. Gov!, Freq. .. ,$ 1a,95
m ay bl1 onosooooea Add $12,00 fa, Th is lull featured uni t has 200 prog ram mabie TTC·T Tune in on lelephone calls $14.95
shipping in rhe conrinenlal US-A. ch ann els wit h 10 scanning b an ks and 12 ba nd CBH·T Bill C8 HandbooloJ AM/F MI Fr" " band. . ... " $14.105
RIgln c y TS2·T • • • •••••• $259.95 co verage. If yo u w ant a ve ry sim ila r mod el wi th o ut TIC-TTechnOquesror Intarcapli"ll CommuniCaHons $14.95
RIglncy R1600·T• • • • . • •$239.9 5 the 8 0 0 MHz, band and 100 c han ne ls, order t he ARF·T Railroad 1r&quency di,ectory ,,, $ 14,105
BC 1OOXLT-T lor on ly $189 .95. Irctcdes ante nna, EEC·T Embassy & Espionalle CommuniCa tions"" $14,95
Regen cy Rl099·T •• , • • • • • 599.95
RIglncy RH 606B-T.•••• $41 9 .95
Rigency RH258B-T•• •• . $294.95
• ca rrying c ase w ith belt loop, ni-cad battery pac k.
AC adapte r a nd earphone. Order your sca nner now.
CI E·T C""..rt intellillence. Elect. Ea.8$d 'oppi"ll ... $1 4,95
MFF·T Mid'We al Fede,al Fr&Quency di'ectory . . "" $1 4,95
A60-T M a ~ ne l mount mobila scan""r anlenna" $35,95
BI.rClt 2 00X LT·n •.•• • 5229.9 5 • Bearcat" 800XLT·T2 A7G-T Base slation scann" , ant..nne, $35,95
Be.rclt 100XLT·T • ••• • . $184.95
B••rc.t aOO XLT·n . , ••• $229.95 • L is t p rice$5 49.95 / C E price$239.95/SPECIAL
1J1-a.nd, 40 CII.nn.1 • No-cryetll IClnn.,
Al 300-T 25 MHz,-1 .3 GHz Oiscone anlenna... ,. $ 109,95
USAMM·T Mag mounl VH F anI, wi 12' cable ."", $39,95
USAK·T ,,"" hole moun! VH F anI. wl l 7' cable", ., $35,95
Unidln HR2510·T •• , ... $22 9 .95 Priority control' a ••rch/Scln • AC/DC Add $4,00 snipping tor al1 4Cc.SSOries order8d at tha aame tlme
Unidln HR2600-T •••••• $2 74 .9 5 Ban ds: 29-54. 11 8-174. 406· 5 12, 806 ·9 12 M Hz.
E~cludu 823,9875·849,0 125 and 888,9875'89 4,0125 M Hz.
Add 512,00 ahippinll pe' radk> and $4.00 pa , anlenna.
Unidln PROSOOD-T2 ••••• 5 29. 9 5
The Uni den 800 XLTreceives 40 channels in twobanka, BUY WITH CONFIDENCE
****VALUABLE COUPON **** $cans 15 ch annels per second , Si ze9'1." x 4".,.· x 12 '12 : '
If you do nol need the 800 MHz, band. a similar mod e l
To lIf.r th.I•• t•• td.llr.,., Irom CEl of anyscann&r,
send or pho ne your order dl reclly to our Scanner
Bearcatt 760XLT-T called the Be 2 10XLT-T is available for $ 178.95 , Oistribulion Ce nt er~ M ic h i ~ an residents please add 4%
sates tax or supply your tax 1.0. number. Written pu r·
List price $ 499.9 5/C E price 5244.9 5 / $PE CiAL
12-a.nd, 100 CIt.""./1 Crtlrilleli' AC/DC
Bearcat" 145XL-T ch aae ord ers lire aCCepled trc m approved governm enl
agencies and most well rat ed firms at a 10% surcharge
Fr &q lJe nc y ra n ge. 29- 54,118·174. 40 6 ·5 12. 806·956 MHz
Lis t pr ice $189. 95/ C E pri ce $94 .95 /SPECiAL
1o-a.nd, 1. Chann.1 • No-crylt./lcenn.r lor nel l 0 billing. Alt saiee are subiect to availability,
E~cludes 823,9875'8 49,0 125 and 8889875·894,0125 MHz.
Prlorlt, control' Wlltlt., laarch • AC/DC acc eptance and verit icat ion, All sales on accesaooee
The Bearea t 760 XL T has 100 prog ramm abl e Chan- .relinal, Prices. te rms and specifications are subject to
nels o rg anized a,s five c hannel ban ks lor easy use, Band s: 2 9·54. 138·1 74. 4 0 8 - 5 1 2 M Hz. chang e wi thoul nolice, All prices are in US. do lla rs. Out
The Bearcal 145XL is a 16 channe~ prog rammable of stoc k itema will be placed on backorder aul omalic aUy
and 12 bands ofcoverage including t he 800 MH z. scanner covering ten frequency bands. The un il fearures
band. The Bearc al 7 60X LT moun ts neally under unl ess CEI is instructed differently. A $ 5,00 add it ional
a buiil-in delay function that adds a three second delay handling fee will be charg ed tor ail orders w ith a
the dash an d connects directly to lu se block or on all cnenners 10 preve nt missed transmissions, A
batt ery. The unit also has an AC ada ptor, Ilip down mercha ndise total under $50 ,00. Shipm ents are F.o,a
mobile versio n call ed the BC560XL T·T featuring pr~ e El wa rehou se in Ann Arbor. Michillan, No COO's.
stand and te le sc o pic a ntenna for de sk top use. 6- oril y, weather search, chann el loc kout and more is Masl items list ed have a manu faClure( a warranty, Free
5/16" W x l"''' H x 7%" O. M ode l BC 590XLT· T is available for $94.95. CEl's pac kage price includes copi es at wa rr ant ies on th ese prQd..c ts are available
a similar ve rs io n w it ho ut th e 800 MHz. band f o r mob ile moun ting brac ket and mobile po wer cord. by wril ing to C Et. Non-ce rtified chec ks require ban k
onl y $ 19 4 .95. Ord er yo ur scanner Irom CEt tod ay.
Presiden~ HR2510-T clearance. Nol responsib le for l ypagraphical error s.
Mall orders to : C ommunicati ons Electron-
L ist price $4 99.9 5/ C E pri ce 5239 .95/SPECIAL
NEWI Regency" Products 10 ...t.r "oblll Trl"' • Dlg/r.I"'O ics;" B o x 104 5, An n Arbor, M ic h ig an 4 8 10 6
R403G-T Re<Jency 200 ch. handh"ld scanner $254,95 FilII a.rId Cov.rlg• • AII-..Dd. Ope,ltlon U .S.A. Add$1 2.00 p er scao ne rto eU .P.S. gro un d
R402G-T Re <Jenc ~ 100 ch. handheld scanner , $ 189.95 a.clllllllqllid crtll.' • Aulo Squ./ch sh ipp i ng a nd handli n g in the co ntin e n t al U .S.A.
R401G-TRegenc y1 Ochennel handh..ldscanner $11 4.95 RIT' Pr.progr.mmed 10 KH• • Chann./e For Ca na d a, P uert o R ic o, Ha wa ii, Ala8 ka, o r
Rl l1OO-T R&<Jency 100 channel mobile scann" r $244,95 Freq uenc y Cove'ege: 28,oODO M Hz. 1029,6999 M Hz APO /FPO delivery. shipping c h a rg e s are tw o
P2OG- T Rel/ency 40 cnannel CB Mobil , $38,95 The President HR2 51 0 M obile 10 Meter Transceive r ti me s con ti n ent a l U .S. rat es. If y o u ha ve a
P21O- T Re<Jency 40 chann,,1CB Mobile . . • . . . . . . , $56,95 made by Uniden, has e ve ryt hing yo u ne ed for
P2 2G- T Rel/ency 40 cnannel CB Mobil" .. , . . . . . . $79,95 Di s c over, Vi sa, Amaric a n E x p re s s o r Mas t e r
amat eur radio communicat ion s. Up to 2 5 W att PEP C a rd, y ou m ay c a ll a nd place a c re dit c a rd o rd e r.
P3OO-T Rel/ency 40 channel SS8 C8 Mobila, $131,95 USBllSB a nd 25 Wall CW mo de. N oi se Blan ke r.
P4OO-T Rellenc ~ 40 chann,,1 SS8 CB Base" $114.95 5% s u rc h a rg e f or b i llin g t o America n Express .
PR1 1G-TRagancy· PassPOrt" size radar oelllC1or . . $ 114,95 PA mode. Dig ital VFO. Built· in S/RF/MOD/SWR O rd e r t o ll-fre e in t he U .S. O iaI 8 0 0 ·USA-SCA N .
PAn G-T Rellency " micro" sire radar del"clor.. . , $1 44.95 met er. C hann el switch on the microphon e. a nd In C an a d a, d ial 800- 22 1' 3 475. FA X a nytime,
Mptll OOX L·T R6l/ ..ncy4O Ch, marinerr ansc,,'v"', . $139,95 much morel The HR2 51 0 lets yo u o pera te AM , FM,
USB, LSBorCW. The digitall y svnth esuect recu en- di a l 3 13-9 7 1 -6 000. If yo u a re o u t s id e t he U .S.
Mptl51OXL-T R&<J..ncy60 Ch,marin.. lransceiva" . $159,95 o r in M ic h ig a n di a l 3 13'9 73-8 8 88. O rd er today.
MPeOOOX L·T R6l/ency60 Ch, marine lransceiva, , .. $209,95 c y con t rol gives y o u ma ximum s tabili ty a nd y ou
Scann er Oistribution c enter" and CEllOI/oS are trade-
MP2000XL·T Rellency handheld marina Iran... " .. $189,95 may c hoose eit he r pre- prog ramm ed 10 K Hz. ch an-
nel st eps. or use th e built-in VFO ' o r st e ps down to marl<.s 0' Communicat ions Eiec tronics Inc,
Sale dales 10/1 /89 - 3131/90 AO . 100189·T
Regency" RH256B-T 100 Hz. Ther e's a lso RIT (Rec eiver Increm e ntal
Tun ing) to give yo u ce rtecuv tuned s ign als. With C opyrlg ht e> 1969 Communle.tlon a Electronlc.lnc.
List price $ 799.95/ C E pri ce 5299.95/SPE CiAL re c e ive sca nning, yo u can sc an 50 c ha nne ls in an y
1. CNn"" • 25 Win Tr."lc./wr • Priority
The R f#} ency RH 256B is a soeeeo-c nennet VHF land
one of l o ur band seg me nts to ho d ou t w he re t he For credit card orders call
ac t io n is, O rd e r your HA 25 10 fro m C E l today.
mobile transce ive r designed to cover any frequency
between 150 to 162 MHz. Si nc e t his rad io is NEWI Presiden~ HR2600-T 1-800-USA-SCAN
syn th esiz ed, no e xpensi ve cryst als are ne ed ed to
store up to 16 f req ue ncies w ith out batte ry bac kup.
AU radios c ome w ith C TCSS to ne and scanning
10 M.t.r Mobil.,. N."",••
L ist price $ 599,95/C E price 5299.95/SPECiAL
Th e new Presiden t HR2 600 Mo bile 10 Meter Tra ns·
ca pabilitie s. A monitor an d nighVday s wi tch ts atso c eive r is simil ar 10 the Uniden HR2 51 0 bu t now has
standard. r nrs teaescervee eve n has a priori ty fu nc- re peat e r offsets (100 KHz.) and CTCSS e nc ode.
tion. The AH2 5 6 make s an id eal rad io f o r any p o lic e
or f ire department vo lu nte er becau se 0 1it s low cost
and hig h perfo rmanc e. A 60 Walt VH F 150 - 162 BC760XLT
MHz. version ca ll ed the RH606B-T is avail a bl e
fo r $4 29 .9 5 . A UH F 15 w att, 16 c hannel ve rsion of
800 MHz. Consumer Products Division
m ob ile .ca n n. r P.o. Bo. 1045 0 Ann Arbor. Michigan48 1OS·104 5 USA
t his radio called the RU1 56B-T is also available
and covers 4 50 -4 8 2 MHz. b ut the cost is $ 4 54.9 5.
SPECIAU For o rd e.. call 313·913·88B8 o r FAX 3 13·9 11·6000


* Large Stocks HJnd-fwld, Regular SALE

* Fast Service IC.{I2ATlHlgI! Power... 40900 3t~
* Top Trades IC.{I4AI 44O (CJa-I)
IC·2SA 2m HT
44900 36 ~
41900 369"
aAES' IC·2S,At 2m HIITIP 439 00 3a~
IC·3SAI 210 HIITTP 449.00 399"
Accessories for IC·765. 181 . 725· CA LL lor Prices
HF Equ ip fIJ/' nr Regulu SALE IC~S AT 440 HIITTP 449 00 399"
VHfjU~-I f beses Regulaf SALE
IC-765 Xcvr/ps/ ke yef /aulo tuner. ..... 31 49.00 2699 IC·2GAI 2m Hl/ITP 429 00 319' \
IC·215A 25w2m FM/SSB/ CW w/ ps 1299,00 1099
IC·215H lOOw2m fM/SSB/CW 1399,00 11 99 IC·4GAT 440MHI, 11P 449.00 389 ' \
IC·315A 25w 220 fMlSSB(CIotH#I) .. 1399,00 799' \ S" di f . .
IC·05A 25w440 fMlSSB/CW w/ ps 139900 1199 IC·32AT 2m/440 HT 629,00 549'\
IC·05H 100w440 fMlSSB /CW 159900 1369
IC·515A 25w6/ 10m xcvr/ ps (S~ 1399 00 1129 IC· 12AT Iw 12GHl fM HTITIP (Sf«it/J 47300 349 ' \
IC· 515H 25w IDOw 6/ 10m xcvr 169900 1469 IC-1 2GAI 1w 1.2GHz HTibatl/cglITIP 52900 469'"
VHf jUHf j l.2C Hz mobile, Regular SJle Aircr,'" hJndheld, Regular SALE
IC-41A 25w 440 FM!TTP mit (CIftMt) S49.oo 369" A·2 5W PEP sm th. allCl3ft HT.. 525.00 419'"
PS~S Compact &II power supply 14500 134" A·20 Syat h. accntt HT w/VOR 625.00 S49'"
UJ·16/EJ·388 Voice synlhe$lzer 34 99 Acce»o,,(') fo r JII eu('pI mK'ro, Regular
SP-IO Shm-hne enemar speaker 35,99 Bp·1 425mahll J 2V Ncad Pa ~ . use BC·35 7900
IC·28A 251'1 2m fM, TTP smc (S~ 469 00 379" Bp·8 8oomah/8 4V Nlcad Pak . use BC·35 ... 7900
lC·28H 45w 2mfM. TIP me (S,w.I) 499,00 389" BC-35 Drop In desk charger tor all batteries 7900
IC·48A 251'1440·450 fM. TTP n ne ..... 509,00 44 9'~ BC-16U Wall chalger 101 BP7JBP8 21.25
HM ·14 Ema TTP microphone.. ..... . 59,00 tc.n Vinyl case (or O l ~ usmg BP·3 20,50
UJ.28 Digital code squelch. .......... 39,50 LC-14 Vin yl case fOI Dlx usmg BP·7/8 2050
IC·151A s.oand xcvr!.l ·JOMHz rcvr 1699.00 1469
UT-29 Tone sq uelch decoder......... 3950 LC·02AT Leather case tor Olx mccers w/BP·7/B 5450
PS-35 Internal po er supply 21900 199' \ HM ·16 Spea ker/ microphone......... 34 00 Acc e >lOr;{', for IC and IC-O ,Nit') Regular
FL·6]A 2~ Hz CW filler UsIIFI ... .. 5900 Bp·2 425mah17.2VNcao Pak · use BC35 4900
FL·52A 500 Hz CW liMe! 12nd If) 1I500 109"" IC·228A 25wzm FMITIP mic (l~ 50900 379'"
lC·228H 45w2mfMITIP sun (f"aM) 53900 U 9" BP·3 Ext,a SId 2~ mah /8AV Nlcad Pa k 39 ~
n ·S3. 250 Hz CW Iilter 12nd If) 115 00 109'1\ 8p·4 AI~a lme battery case 1600
FL-ll AM " lief .• .. .. . .........••.•••.. 49 00 IC·448A 25. 440 FMm p mil: 599.00 519'"
UT·4(l Pocket beep furcten : 45 00 SP·5 425mah/ l0 8V Nlcad M . use BC35 6500
H ·l O 28 kHz.lde SSB hiler. ....... 59 00 CP-l CIR hghtefpluglcardtorBP3 0rOb 136S
RC-IO Exlernal !fellue",y [(Jnlroller 49 00 IC·gooA TransceIVer controller 639.00 499' 1 CP-10 Battery separation cable w/ cllp 2250
CJ-uI Sp«iaI . . .
Transceiver controller With UX-29H
DC-l DC opera tion pak lor slandard models 24 ~
MB· 16D Mobile mtg. b~t far all HIs _ 2599
LC-2AT Leather case for standard models 5450
2m125W and UX·39A 220125W band units, HM-9 Speaker rrucm phone 4700
Package Price. $899 95 HS- lO Boom rmcrophune/beadset ..•.•. ......• 2450
HS-IOSA vox unit lor HS·IO & Delu ~ e only 2450
UX-19A 10m, lOwband uml.. 299 00 269' \ HS· l0SB P1T umt for HS·10 2450
UX-29A 2m. 25wband umt .•... 29900 269' \ For ether HI accesscnes not listed please CALL
UX·29H Zrn. 45wband urut •.• .•.• ... 34900 319"
UX·39A 21OMHI. 25w band unrl.... 34900 299'1 Rff f';Ve" Regular SAtE
IC-735 HF IranSCl!'Vfr/SW leVI/mit 114900 999" UX-59A 6m. lOw band uOll 34900 319" R·1lA 100kHz 10 30MHz receiver $999.00 869'"
PS·55 Ertemat power ~ pply _ 21900 199' \ UI -129A I2GHI lOw band umt. .•. . 54900 499'" Re· 11 Inhared remote conlroller 7099
AT·lSO Auto anten na tu ner (If**) 44500 369" Fl·32A 500 HI CW Mer 6900
FL·l2A 500HlCWt e 69 00 IC-901 Fiber OptIC 2m/440 I CYf •••• .•. 119900 1049 Fl·63A 2~ Hz CW Iliter (1 st IF). .... 5900
EX·243 Electrol'llCkeyel uM .••..... .. 64.SO IC-I200A lOw. I 2GHz FM (C'W'rI) 699.00 599' 1 Fl·« A SSB Iilter (2nd IF) 178.00 IS9'I
uno Tone encoder 1850 IC·2500A 35"/\". 4401L2GHz FMmobile 99900 869 '1 £X·251 FMuOll. ........... ............ 49 00
IC·32 10A 251'1. 2m/440 fMIttP 73900 6391\ EX·310 VOlcewntheslzer 5900
IC-725 Ultra compact Hf lcvrlSW '(VI 94900 829\\ IC·240llA 451'1 2m/35w440 fM IttP 899 00 189' \ CR-64 Hrgh sfabillty OSCillator rtat 7900
IC-726 Hi-nand xcvr/6m/ .5-30MHz I X 129900 11 29 AH -32 2m/440 Dual Band mobile ant 3900 SP·3 External speake r 65,00
Orhf'r Arfl'I.,o rie> Regular SALE AH B·J2 Irunk.lia mo un!.............. 39.00 CK-10 (EX-2991 12VDC. option 1299
IC·2Kl HF solid state amp w/ ps 1999.00 1699 larsen PO-K Roof mounl ........ 2100 MB- 12 Mobile moun!... ......... ...... 25,99
IC-4Kl ~ F IKW oul sis amp w/ os.... . 6995 00 5995 Larsen PO-ILM l runk.bp mount 2470 R·1000 25MHI·2GHz rcvr (SpIti,Q 1199,00 999' \
EX-627 HFau to ant. se'ecrcr (lfttilf) 31500 269 ' \ larsen PO·MM Magnetic mount 28.75 RC· 12 Infrared remote controller. 70,99
PS·15 20Aexternal powel supply 11500 159" RP-IS IO Zm 25w repealer 184900 IG49 £X·310 VOice synlheSlzer........ ..... 5900
P5·30 Syslems pis w/cord. 6·pm plug 34900 319" Rp·221D 220MHI 25w rplr (Sf«#') 164900 1399 JV·R7000 ATV umt.. ..... .. .. ... •... .. 139.00 129'\
MB Mobile mount. 735/751M761A .... 2599 AH-1000 Radl<ltlng antenna .......... 99.00
SP·3 External ~a 'er 6500 Due to lhe Slle et ne ICO lll product line. some Kte1S01J R-9000 100KHz·2GHI aj-mcde fcvr ... S45900 4699
SP·7 Small ellernal speaker 5199 itelM lIe not listed. II you hJ~. qIleSIlOll. please a ll. All
CR·G4 High slab let. dal tor 75IA ..... 7900 prices shown Ire subject to thJnre Inthout notice.
PP·I Speakel /palc h 17900 IG4"
SM-6 Desk rmcrcotene
SM ·8 Desk n uc . Iwa cables. Stan
Top Trades! • We'll take your
Clean Late Model gear in trade ,~IS4i.J
AI- lOll 100w Bband aulo ant. tuner 445.00 389' \ towards New ICOM Equipment.
AT·5oo SOC'!I' s-baod auto, ant. tuner 58900 51 9' \ Ufe youl
AH-2 8·band tuner w/ mount & whip 758.00 689 ' \ Write or Call for our QUale Today.1
AH·2A An tenna tune r system. only....... 55900 499' \
GC-5 World clock(S"mQ 9195 69 ' 1
AES;oJ * Om 32 Yem in Amateut Radio CARD
Alinco continued from p . 26
copied pages, includi ng pictorials 01 the front number, resetting code lor our repealer, etc .
I find the reverse toggle useful . I use it main- panel and LCD display, with numbered con- In programmed scan, it would be nice if the
ly to see if I have come into range of my con- trols and indicators keyed to their descriptions VFO would jump to the scan area when this
tact's direct signal, so we tie up the repe ater in the first seven pages. The English text is scan is activated. As is, at the scan rate of
as little as possible. formal in places but still very easy to under- nearly '12 minute/M Hz , it can take up to five
stand. At this writing , Alinco is already ship- minutes for the rig to tune to a given bounded
Unusual Features ping a more pol ished manual. area.
The first thing that struck me about the 570 Put the t ransmit and receive chan nels for
was the amount of separate controls there are Nit-Picks the odd offset into two memory chan nels, or
for each band. The LCD display erowe the There are areas on any rig that can be im- have a selectable offsel functiOn. Tuning the
frequencies for both the main an d subband. proved. My suggestions lor the 570 are: receive frequency on the VFO is a bit of a
The only difference between the main and Do not hard-partition the twenty memories. hassle.
sub band is that you t ran smit only on the main II' s now set at 10 each lor the two bands. You
band : other than that you can receive on both are much more likely to use many more mem- Conc lusion
(even simultaneously) and separately adjust ories for 2m than lor 7OCm . I used the 570 nearly daily tor several
the AF, squelch, and VFO. This lets you moni- Inctude standard offset directions as de- months on both bands, and it didn 't give me a
tor both bands without pressing even a single tauns. For example, receive c hannels be- whit 01 trouble. Audio reports were all very
keystroke--and if both are active at the same tween 147-147.375 MHz typically have a posi- gocxIto excellent . I was glad 10 see thai Alinco
time, and you want to focus on the main band tive offset. On this rig . you have to set the zapped the design bug that caused the 24T to
activity, just press the MUTE bu tton to attenu- ollset, anyway, and it wouldn't take any more em pty its me mories every few weeks.
ate the subband audio by 20 dB . Press TWIN if work to reset an offset lor an unconven tional I recommend the Alinco DA-570T whole-
you want to shu t the sub band olf entirely. You channel pa ir. heartedly. The few fault s I found with it are
have effectivety two separate rigs under one Add detent and/or a sidetone lor the DTMF minor. It is nearty as full·featured as you can
cover! keypad on the mike . With th is pad , I always want , and certainly one of the salest mobile
The band/sub key swaps 2m and 70Cm feel a little un sure when entering an autopatch rigs to ope rate that you will find anywhere! liD
between the ma in and subband. Each r---------------- --- - - --- - - - --- ------
band contains eithe r 2m or 70Cm frequen-
cies only, at one tim e.
The 570T ca n be turned into a cross- 108·1000 MHZ RADIO DIRECTION FINDING
band repeater wit h no modificat ion! Just
take the top cover off (seven screws) and
find the pushbutton behind the front panel
* Interference Location , •
on the left·hand side as you look at the * Stuck Microphones -~ -
lront panel.
Aex puts the subband freque ncy into the
* Cable TV Leaks e_---

main band whenever the re's activity on it ,

and keeps it there tor a few seconds after it
* ELT Search & Rescue
becomes inactive. The bell funct ion tells New lechnology (patented) COrM!nS any VHF or UHF FM receiver into a sensitive Doppler
you ot activity on a channel, even when shift raoo direction finder. Simply plug into receiver's antenna and external speaker jacks.
your AF is turned all the way down. Models availal'1e WIth computer interface, synthesized speech, fixed site or mobile - 108 MHz
I think the most impressive features of to 1 GHz. Call or write for details.
the 570 by far are its tact ile and auditory
aids, critical for mobile work since you
t--' DOPPLER S YSTEMS. IN C. P.O. B O il 3 18 19
Phoenix. AZ 85046
(602) 488 ·9755
FAX (602) 488-1 295
need to keep your eyes on the road as CIRCLE 13 ON READER SERVICE CARD
much as possible. All 20 controls are locat-
ed on the tront panel, and most of the
pushbutton controls are large enough to
accommoda te the broadest (and ciemst-
est) finge rtips. In tact, the six dual-function
pu shbullons along the bollom ed ge of the TEN
tront panel have unique raised patterns on
their surfaces whi ch let your fi ngertip
quickly tind the right con trol. Nice touch!
t ne ·Holm 10· t en meter antennars designed ol n d manusactured bY Amerlun
AntenN ,molkel'5 of tne w oriO folmou s IC4QAntenN With ol power ~nOling

Ali nco almost went overboa rd with all

U p;lClty Of 1500 WolttUrnl 011 eaoe Wiatn of 1,Sm n z oetween 2;1 SW~ POints
the beeping indicators they've included. the ' HAM 10' is me eereecr com Dllm e n t to olll slngle -oarnl t en m et er rlt;lS_
There are series of beeps to tell you when !'t,. m e sU lnless steel ease of m e ' HAM 10' IS SUPDlieO w ltn oln
aOjust able t runk IiI' mou n t , AlSO i1Volllolb le IS an o p tlOnoli olOolptabie
you 're passing a MHz point while goi ng neaw OulY m aa n amount .
up-treq . wh ile going down -Ireq , wh ile IXCLUSIVI nATURIS:
passing'12 MHz points, and while passing G) HANDLESUPT01500WAIISI
channels in memory. Using this with the 1
MHz rocker switch to the left 01 the d isplay,
you can quickly get well within '12 MHz 01 @ STAINLESS STEEL WHIP AND BASE.
your desired channel withOut even glanc- @ IIOUNTS A N YWHERE ON A N YVEHICLEI
ing at the rig! If the beeping drives you to @ FUU Y ASSEM BLED W iTH 18 ' Of RG· 58 COAX.
distraction, however, you can just shut It J ® COMPUTER DESIGNED ISOLATION CHAMBER.

them olt with the beep toggle.
S ~ For A Free Brochure, csn.
Manual 1-800-323-5608
I found the rig's control setup intuitive, ~ IN IL. 1 800-942-8175
and so d idn't consult the manual very .... (Or writel AMERICAN ANTEN NA 1500 EXECUTIVE DR. ELGIN, I L 60123
much. If you need to , however, you 'll find it
modest but well organized . It is 25 photo-
73 Amafeur Radio • February,1990 29
Num ber 12 on you r Feedback c:.rd

73 Review by C.L. Houghton IVB6IGP

Advanced Electron ic Applications Inc.
PO Box C.2160
lynnwood WA 98036-0918
(206) n5-7373

The AEA MX-6S Price Class: $320

6 Meter SSB/CW HT
World wide hamming from a hand-held transceiver!

ix meter SSB/CW in a hand-

S held radio? You don't run into
maximum of 9.5 valls.
[Ed. note ... Those interested in
this kind of rig very often . This ar-
rangement, however, makes a lot 01
, going mobile with the OX Handy
should consider buying the Radio
sense. Six meters is like 10m : When Shack Archer Un iversal DC AUlo
the band is dead , no amount 01 out- Adapter (#270-1560, $11.95). This
pul power works for Skip wave, but adapter plugs into the cigarette
when the band is up, you can work lighter jac k and has l ive output
the world with a watt or less! VOltage choices. incl uding 9 VOC,
and six eesns-sweccec power con-
What It' s About recto-s. includi ng the one that mates
The frequency c overage as sup- with the OX Handy power connector.
plied covers 50.1 to 50 .150 MHz, The adapter is rated to 300 mA at
and 50.200 to 50 .250 M Hz , using a Photo A Front and top panel of the OX Handy. This 5\7 w x 2\7 ~ x 9 VOC, putting it well within range
variable crystal o scill ator (VXO) giv- 1\7 ~ em1 Watt SSB/CW transceiver weighs less than 2 pounds! for using the OX Handy on receive
ing 50 kHz of range per c rystal. The (RX rated current drain: 70 mAl .
first crystal covers 50 .125 MHz, a common vity . Also , the rad io was not troubled with over- The rig 's current drain on transmit is rated at
c alli ng frequency. You select the two crystals loadi ng or crossmod interference when coer- 400 mA, 100 rnA beyond the adapter's rat ing
b y choosing channel " A" or " B " on the ating close to several very h igh-power TV and at 9 VOC . I en joyed a 45-minute contact with
rad io's top panel. FM transmitt ing stations. At the test be nch Bob W1BOC with the Handy, however, includ-
Rota ting t he VXO con t rol kn ob ad just s with the antenna removed from the OX Handy, ing several transmissions exceedinq five min-
frequency (top panel, up per right). A 180 I found no birdies whatsoever. utes, with no troubles. If you plan to do a lot of
degree rotatio n o f the knob gives a 50 kHz transmi tting with this su p p ly, however, it
adjustment per chan nel crystal . The dial scale Int ernal Data wouldn 't hurt to keep a supply ol1A fuses at
is in 5 kHz increments. Thi s is more than ade- The MX-6S is powered by 6 internal dry hand .. NS1BJ
quate a s most of the sill meter SS B OX use is " AA" batteries, with an additional spacer for The MX·6S has good frequenc y stability be-
in the first 50 kHz or so of the band. Only NiCd battery operation. The 6 dry batterie s cause of the crystal VXO and its veractor-ccn-
during periods of very hig h activity would you tota l 9 vol ts with the spacer in place. However, trolled ad just circuitry (R IT). I did find that set-
want to use another frequency, possibly set- when using N iCd batteries Ihe spacer is re- ting the frequency wa s somewhat less than
ting the channel " 8 " crys tal 50 kHz lower in moved and an extra or seventh cell (NiCd) is accurate because the antenna was in the way
freq uency to give fu ll 100 kHz coverage from put into ope ration. Th is seventh NiCd cell 01a direct observation. The dial cal ibration is
50 .1 to SO.2 MHz. bri ngs the NiCd pack vcnaae up to 9.1 volts. very close to the antenna BNC connector.
The VXO knob is small, and the range is An additional good feature is thai the cells are When the whip antenna wa s in use there was
wide when you con sid er tha t you get only '12 all individual cells and not a futl pack, allowing a slight parallax problem, but this situa tion
revolution sweep, so getting right on freq uen- the user to make u p an easy-to-repair battery doesn't cause much difficulty du ring normal
cy takes the fine touch. Fortunately, there's a system 01dry or NiCd battenes. operation ,
Recei ve Incremental Tu ning (RIT) cont rol (top Per the manulacturer's recomme ndalion ,
panel, upper le ft) that c overs only 1/10 that the radio must not be operated from a 12 Antenna
range (5 kHz) range in nearly a full revoru- volt power sou rce. This will damage the radio The supplied long wh ip (4 '4 ") antenna was
lion-making it very ea sy for you to set the and void me warranty. With a 12 volt source . very effective. To be sure, an antenna close to
receive exactly where you wa nt it, without use a simple voltage regulator to supply a Y..,\ long at 6m can be unwieldy! For me, how-
changi ng the tr ansmit frequency. ever, the ga infconvenience trade-ott is well
worth it , since I would use this rig to spot band
openings, and then head home to the base
I used the HT on several mountaintop trips, station when an opening occurs.
includi ng the ARRL 10 GHz contest. The con- You can , however, further improve the field
ta cts tha t I made were all Sou thern California operation , A aso with Bill KB6M CU on 6m
ones, due to poor propagation on 6 mete rs . SSB g ave me a g re at idea: Use a small
All the feedback on the OX Hand y I received portable ca mera tripod as the base or counter-
was very good , es pecially reports on the audio poise part of the whip antenna, mount the
quality. Th ere was little d istortion; my voice wh ip on the top of the camera tripod, and
characteristics were still very recognizable on connect the radio with a short section of coax-
SSB. On receive I had no tr ouble copying ial cable for portable operation. I tried it with a
weak signals, due to this unit's h igh sensrn- Photo B. Bottom panel of the DX Handy. lightweight camera tripod and the perform-
30 73A maleur Radio · February, 1990 Contmued on page 65
REP-200 REPEATER If you prefer a plain-vanilla or kit
repeater, you couldn 't find a
at a fraction of the cost
of comparable units!
If you always thought a ccmputer-contrcued better va lue than our original
repeater had to be expensive, LOOK AGAIN! You REP-100 REPEATER LNG-(*)
could easily spend this much just for a controller. Seme line rl modu~s as REp·2OQ but
with COR·4 Controller. Can add ONLY $59
..1,..m. .Hxl
As always, Hamtronic s strives to g ive superb performance at aulopatct1 , dtm! decoder. crcss. either
modes! cos!! In this case, a premium repeate r with versatile now or later, Kil only $075, wit $975.
computer control, autopatc h , and many dlmf co ntro l featu res at
less than many charge (or a bare-bones repealer!
We don't skimp on rI modules, either! Check the features on ACCESSORIES
R144 Receiver, for instance. GaAs FET front-end, helical COR-3 REPEA TER CONTROLLER kit
resonators, sharp crystal filters, hysteresis squelch. Features IIdjustabl9 tail & Iim&-ouI
timers. sokt-stale relay. CCUlesy beep.
We c ompletely re-thought the whole Idea of what a repe ater and local speake.- ~ $49
should be, to g ive the best features at the lowe sl c ost.
CWID k~ . Diode programmed any lime
i1lhe field. adjusIablB tone. speed. and
ONLY 51295! timer. to go with COR·3 $59 MINIATURE
ONLY $24Ik~, $39 ..1'-<111•••''''
• GlIAs FET Preamp similar to LN G.
except designed lor low cost &: small
siz e. Only SlP:W x 1·Sl8"L x :!Io4'H.
Easiy rT'l(UllS 0'1 many radios.
•SpeCty uong 1"&'lpOO: 2S-35. 35-55. ~S-IlO,
• Awailable lor the 10M. 6M. 2M. 22Of.1 Hl. 44OMHz, 902MHz ham bands.
FCC type acce,xed models /JIso lNtVltJbJe toe vhf tmd uhf commerciIJI Nnds.
• Rugged u ener and PA. designed lor c:onti'1uou$~.
• ~ output 15-1 ffN (25W oplion) on 2M or ti-band; 15W on 22OMHz; 1(JN on
&0.120. 120- ISO. 150-200. 200-2ro. 01 4O(l.~

..rot or 902t.1Hz.
• Accessory adc:l-on PA', available wrth power level' up 10 l 00W. IN-LINE
• Five courtesy beep lypes. ildudlOg a pleasant multH one sequence.
• AUTOPATCH . erther open or closed access, t on-ca ll restric!. aulo-disconnecl:. ONLY S 7 9 ,,", S99 w~~
• Reverse AutopalCh. two types : auto-answer or ring tone 00 the air. • GlIAs FET Preamp with features similar
• DTMF CONTROL: over 45 1unctions can be control led by touch-tone . Separ ate
NEW TD·3 to LNG series. except aUlomatically
4.digrt control code lor each tuncton, plus extra 4-diglt owne r password .
• Ow ner can Inhibit autopatch or repeater. enable either open- or closed-access DECODER/ENCODER kit
lor any tone, Designed especially ' or
, wltches out 0'
line du ring t ran.mll.
Use with base or mocae transceivers up
!of repeater or aulopatch, and enable taU calls, reverse patch, kerchunk liner. 10 25W. Tower mounting bra ckets indo
sde alarm. au:< rcvr. and other options. ir'lduding two au.o;ilia<y external circuits. repeater. , with remote control
actovateldeactNale pr ovision s $24 ' Specify h.OVi>g 'aIIQ'I: 120-175, 200-240, or
• The cwid message. dIml command codes. and owner-specified delault parllfll&.
tees lor cor and cwid timers and tones are b<.Xnect s ue lhe eprom at lhe l ae:tory. TD-2 TOUCH-TONE DECODER/CON- ~=-
, Cw speed and tone, courtesy beep and tail tmers, and oounesy beep type can TROLLER k~ . F'" 16 digits. WIth t(
all be changed at any time by owner -password-protected dImf commands. res1fictor. programmable. Can tl.m 5 HELICAL RESONATOR
• Many bu ltl-fn diag nostic & testng h.n:lioos usng .ncroptocessor. functions OI'\IotI. Great lor selective c;iI.
• Coler ceded lecl'lIlndie ate $Ialu. 01 all major u lCtiQl 15. ing. loot _ $79
Preamps wrth 3 or 4 MCtion heicaI
• Welded partition. lor e.o;citer. pa. r... ..... and conIJofer. PEM ruts lor oovers.
• 3-1/2 inch ~ rad< panel, friSh8d 0'1 eggsheI..nite and black.
• AUl<iIlary receiver Inpullor ndependenI conIJoI or cro.. linking repea" ....
. . , ~ .;1~ e . • :;J
4)... "" ~
resonators reduc.lnt~ & ere...
band Interferenc e in Cl1bcal appi(at io ..,
MODEL HRA-{O). $49 vtll. $94 Lt1I.
r - ... _ "',..,,......... 100 ............... '0 " .., , _.. "*,,,,"," eM-.go lot- ,.", __
'"""lotI{ ' ~ l ' ' Spec.fy ll>"WIV 1"&'lpOO: 141-150. 150- 161.

~~~~ ~·i~jfl
161· " 4. 1 13--233. 420-4SO. 4SO--f70.

HIGH PERFORMANCE XMTRS & I~i j;/;;'/"{.\ r /)' !-':I i!

~ ,~, ,~",-,;(i ~ . .'
!':'\ ,",y-¥..


lor repeater autopatdl. Reverse patch
FM E XCITER S : kits & phone line remote control are std . $79
S99.w/l$l69. Z'N oonlir'I- AP·2 SIMPLEX AUTOPATCH Timing
UOUlI d.JIy . rcxo & xtaI Board krt use witl't above lor sifTllIel<
oven opOOI l$ avalable, operatJl)n using a tral'lKa""" $39 RECEIVING
FCC f}'p6 accepl«J 10£
com " uhf & hi bands. CONVERTERS
• TA51 lor lOU. 6M. 2M. Low noise corwerters to receive vhf And
15().174. 2:2OMHz. uh' bands on a 10M receiver . 0>0i0lI
• TA451 lor l,krl. ol k~ with case & BNC jacks. kd with pcb
, TA901 Ior 902·928MHz. only , or w/l unit i1 a case. Other models
O.5W 0IJl (Wltontv. $1(9) available lor othel irlIOIJl ranges & atv.
• VHF &: UHF AMPLIF IERS. Request catalog lor complete lis tings .
For 1m, ssb. atv. Output VHF Inp ut ranges avail: 136·t38.
from l OW to l 00W Several models. kits starting at $79. 144-146. 145·147. 146-148. 220-222,
MO-202 FSK DATA MODULATOR kit 222-224; krt less case $39. kd w/case
F M RECEIVERS : kds $139. wit $189 Run up to 1200 baud d~itar signals $59. wit in case $89,
• R144/R220 FM RECEIVERS lor 2M. UHF Input ranget avail: 432--434.
15().174. or 22OMHz. GaA s FET Iront through lilly tm transmitter with lull
handshakes . Radio link oornput ers. 435-437; kd less case $49. k~ wfcase
end. O.l5uV sensItiviIy! Bottl aystal & $69. wit in case 199.
ceramic ~ filters plus helical telemetry gear, etc $39
902·928 MHz mnverts down 10 422-448
resonalOl" frorl end for exceptional DE·202 FSK DEMODULATOR k4. For Of 431).450 range. Same price as dll.
selectivity: > 1OOdB at :!: 12kHz (best receMt end 01 link _ _ $39
available ~e!) Flutte.--prooI

hy1;leresis SQI'*"';
ate tracks li'dt. cost packet netwlJrlung system. TRANSMITTING
• R451 UHF FM RCVR , simiar to oonsisWlg 01 new M().96 t.Iodern and
spec:iaI veI'$iOnS 01 OU' 220 or 450 mHz CONVERTERS
xv: 10l' Yhl and XV4'or uhf. Models to
• R901 902-928MHz FM RCVR. FM Transrnilters and Rec:&iWrS. Inler·
Trlple-<:onversion. GaA.$ FET front end. l ace direct~ wrth most TNC·s. Fast. convert: 10M ssb , cw,lm. etc. to 6M. 2M.
, R76 ECON OMY FM RCVR lor t OM. 6M. 2M, 22OMHz, wlo hel>cal res, or diode-switched PA>$ O\JtpuI 15 or enN. 220, 432. 435. and lor atv. l W OIJlput
ale. Kits $129, Call for more info on tile n'ght system for Kil only $79. PA's up to 45W available.
• Weathe r satemte &: AM aircraft rCVrI also available. your IJpplic6tion,1 Request cetalog for complere listin gs.



Number 13 on yo ur Feedback card

73 Review by William Waters III N71PY

Engineering Consulting
583 Ca ndlewood 5 1.

Ultra Comshack 64 Brea , CA. 92621

Tel. (7 14) 6 71-2009
Price C lass: $350, plus options

Remotely control your ham shack station from your HT.

H ave _you ever th ought of

ownmg your own repeater
or operating your own remote
VH F/U H F rad io com bin a tion .
This radio is used for all ccera-
tlons on the system over the ba se
base system? Have you been repeater. The control transceiver
late lor a sc hed ule because you must have a touch-tone (OTMF)
were u nable to get to your station pad because all con trol opera-
on time ? Or just wanted to oper- tions on the U ltra Ccmsnack are
ate OX while sining in the shade keyed w ith touch tones. O nce the
of a big tree in the backyard? If system is runn ing. the software
you answer yes 10 any of these disables the co mputer keybOard.
questions, read on!
Run the Shack In Absentis W ith the many features the ad-
Ultra c cmsnack 64 , a package vanced controller offers, I d ecid-
that allows you to remotely con- ed to begin w ith a simple installa-
trol your ham shack, consists 01 tion: one remote HF base and the
one or more small PC boards th ai autopatch .
plug into a Commodore 54/' 28 Photo A. The essential hardware for Ultra ComShack 64. The soft- All t he cable s, and the co nnec-
computer, and a program on a ware comes either on Ifoppies or in a cartridge that plugs into the tor I needed for the C S64S con-
floppy disk or optional ROM ca r- back of the C-64. troller board, were included. The
tridge (see photos A and B). CS64S controller plugs into the
There are four modes of opera- expansion port o f the C om-
tion in this system , w h ich m- modore. A cable har ne ss, con-
elude: HF remote and VHF re- sistin g of three m ulticonductor
mote base, repeater contro ller, cables about three leet long, ter-
autopatch, and code pract ic e. A minates to a 22-pin edge connec-
new feature supports a packet in- tor that pl ugs into the CS64S to
terlace . connect th e rig s to th e interlace.
Also in th e w iring harness were
First Glance additional cables and connectors
Initiall y, the box of w ires, c a- for va rious ports on the Com-
bles, and PC boards along with a .. . .
. .. . --
.. _. modore. The Users Manual has
30-page Users Man ual an d a
51/. Commodore fo rm atted disk ,
... ..
.. ,.
- connection informat ion for the
above-mentioned HFN HFJUH F
was a little overwhelming . I had a transceivers. My original station
chance to compare the old and layout required longer lengths of
new systems manuals . however, intercon necting cables, so ener a
and found the new one vastly su- Photo B. The Ultra ComShack 64, with the software on the cartridge, short call to Engineering Ccnsur-
perior. The new manual is type- installed in the Commodore 64. The program Main Menu is dis- tants, I le ngthened the c ables to
set; well laid out; contains addi- played on the monitor. The IC-761 is the remote HF base (not yet 10 feet each . Connecting to the
tional informat ion. includ ing the entered as remote # 1 on the Main Menu). HF remote base requires a m ike,
packet fea ture; and ha s clearer diagrams. rangement is different from that on the C-128 Push-To-Talk, headphone. and serial compct-
and is physically incompatible with the Ultra er interface co nnections. The manual ade-
System Needs Co msh ac k c a r ds . Secon d , th e Ultra quately covers installation.
Along with the Ultra Comshack 64 's ma in Comshack prog ram depends on the drive My l ull duplex control link or base repeat er
control board and soltw are. you need a Com- ROM configuration to run, and this chi p differs consisted of a Kenwood 2600 2m HT lor trans-
modore 64 , 64C, or 128 computer. wit h a mon- from the one in the internal drive onne 1280.1 mitt ing, and a TH-45AT 70cm HT for receiv-
itor and a floppy disk drive. Next, you need a The re mote bases must support a serial ing. The CS64S interface req uires a squelch
dual-band (or separate VHFJUHF) transceiver data com munications port to allow the com- signal from the control link receiver. Atter pok-
a s the base repeater or control link. Th e puter to directly control VFOs and other con- ing around inside the TH-45AT. and making a
transceiver combi nation is used in l ull duplex trols on the radio. Some 0 1 Ihe rigs that will second c all to Engineering Consu lt ants , I
mode, and therefore requ ires an antenna sys- work include the Kenwood T8-9401440n111 found the signal I was looking for. The System
tem that w ill work fuU duplex; . att .tne ICOM 1(;.735, and the Yaesu FT-757/ Manual has examples of what to look lor when
(Ed note ... Ultra ccmsnack 64 does not 767J98On27R. trying to find the squelch signal , which I found
easily interface. if at all, w ith the Commodore The last rad io you need is a dual-band hand- useful.
1280, a graphically enhanced version of the held, such as the Yaesu 727, a dual-band After connecting the mike and PTT signals
C-128 . In the first c ase, the C-1280 port ar- mobile unit like the Kenwood 70 1, or any other to the lin k transmitter (TR-2600). and the Au-
32 73AmateurRadio · Feb ruary , 1990
The Magnificent Six
Gives You More Power
Best 2M Micro Value
The A1inco OJ- lOOT is "Magnif
cent" for its tiny size, but stands
up to the competition
with power and capabil-
ity. 10 memory chan-
nels store offsets and
s ubtones. Has LCD
readout with call chan-
nel and reverse at your
fingertips. 500 mah bat-
tery with direct DC to
DC is standard. 3W on
standard battery, sw on
optional battery leaves
DR-570T DJ-500T the competition in the
Set your sights for dual! Power-Packed Dual Ha ndi! dust! OJ-200T for 220 MHz.
The Alioco DR-S7aT "Twin Bander" has 20 Memory channels, subtones, built-
dual LCD readout, volume. SQuelch and in DC to DC, 700 mah nicad
battery, LCD readout with
tuning controls. Double barrelled power
with 45W on 2M and 35W on 70 em, plus 6W on 2M and 5W on 70 2M HI T is here! And wow!
simultaneous receive on both bands or em (with optional battery) "Bells & whistles" is a tame word to use
intermix with four modes of scan. The DR- ca ll c hannels , DTMF for the new OJ- lOOT. newest "Magnificent"
S70T will win the "battle" with its illumi- Tou chtone. an d direc t one from A1inco. Keyboard entry is just
nated fr ont fun ctio n panel a nd LCD keyboard entry, are just one of four ways to enter a frequency in
readout, readable in any lighting condi- the few winning features the extended receiver (137-173.995 Mhz)
tions. Don't let the "Tiny" DR-S7OT fool of th e Alinco OJ -SOOT of the Dl- I6OT. You can store duplex /
you! It's fast, and leaves the competition in Dual Band Handheld . simplex pairs in any of 20 Memories, or
the dust with many standard features you Easy to use, and Value Call Channel. with offsets, and any of 38
expect. Cross band repeat with the flick of Priced a t your Alinco encoding s ubtones. Choose one of 3 scan
a switch. Full du plex, 20 me mory chan- Dealer. modes, "Band" "Program" or "Memory"
nels, call channels. l o-key DTMF Micro- and one of five step ranges in VFO. Prior-
pho ne. and subtones are just a few. ity mode can be used in VFO. Memory or
"Reach" (or the DR-S7OT DR-110T&R-410T Call. "Dual Watch" allows the DJ-1OOT to
today! Tiny 2M Power From A linco! scan 3 seconds alter-
DR-l lOT, this 2M Allnco. enters the nine- nately on CALL, VFO
ties a proven winner with the "reputation" or one MEMORY.
of best value. The DR-ll OT packs a power- "Pager" is for group
ful 45W on 2M and sports all the features or s ingle pe rs on
you expect in tcdays transceivers. Tuning alert. Other features
is a snap with the multi-fu nctioned easy-to- include: Auto "Bat-
see keyboard, 14 memory channels, sub- tery Save". Auto
tones, scan, multi- colored LCD readout, "Power Off ', and 2-
reverse, are a few of the many features of Me mory Autodi-
the DR1IOT. The mobile of the fu ture - aler. Get 3-watts on
DR-510T today! DR-41OT available for 70 em. standard 700 mah
battery, or in-
Best Dual Value on the creased power from
Market! built-in DC to DC.
The Alinco DR-SlOT has most of the out- or optional 12V bat-
standing features of it's sister the DR-S7OT, tery.The A1inco Ill-
including 14 memory channels. cross band lOOT, now the ''Top
duplex and cross band repeat. The multi Gun" with the com-
color LCD display, and simple tune con- petition today! OJ-
trol panel makes simplicity the key word. 460T for 7Ocm.
The DR-SlOT with 45/ 35 watts is the best,
feature-packed dual bander on the Ama-
teur market today. See the DR-51 OT along ALI NCO ELECTRONICS, INC.
with the other A1inco "Magnifice nt" ones 20705 S. WESTERN AVE .. SUITE 104, TORRANCE , CALIFORN IA 9050 1
at your favorite dealer today! TEL: (2 13) 618·8616 ' FAX: (2 13) 6 18·8758
dio Out and Sq uelch from the link receiver next to the system, watching it function and Relay Control: There are a total of 16 possi-
(TH-45A1), I proceeded to plug in the various gaining confidence in its operation. As my ble on/off control options ava ilable. The CS-B
cables and boards to the C-64 . With the hard- confidence increased, I slowly moved into oth- relay control card ($80) provides for eight and
ware installed and cabled , I gave the installa- er rooms of the house, and finally outside. The the PK-B provides the second group of eig ht. If
tion a final check, and turned on the computer usefulness of the mac ro feature soon became the HM·l beam rotator control optio n is being
to configure the software. apparent as I used the remote base. Once I used, three 01the eight control points on Ihe
IMPORTANT: Before making any connec- knew what I was doing, I operated the remote CS-B are used , leaving 13 for the station oper-
tions between equipment, or plugg ing any base from a friend's station about five miles ator to use as needed. You can use these
boa rds into the computer, make sure all power down the road . on/off control points to tum an amplifier on
is turned OFF! Plugging cards into the Com- and off, change antennas, or any other tunc-
modore while it is powered could damage both Autopatch ten controlled by either a relay or an open
Ultra Comshack hardware and t he computerl Th e eutccatcn supports both incomi ng and collector transistor switch.
ou tgoi ng calls. I plugged the fam ily phone line Talking Meters: Using the the PK-B expan-
Software into the RJ 11 connector on the CS64S inter- sion inte rface, you can install Iwo lalking
I use version 7.4 software,the latest at the face board and tested the autopatch . When meters t n t c the system . E ac h o f the
time I wrote this review . Most of the defaults the controller detects an incoming call, the two analog meters can read a OC voltage
were acceptable lor the first installation. The system pages the operator over the 2 meter greater than 12 volts. The hardware allows for
new software release is menu d riven. I found link transmitter. The system user can then calibration at the DC inputs. By setting a scale
that the Systems manual clearly an swered enter the proper code on his transceiver key- factor in so ft ware configu ra tion, yo u set
whatever questions cropped up about the pad, and answer the call. You can con figure the range of voltage each meter can monitor.
software. the pagi ng mod e to page in different ways, You can set a mi nimum and maximum trigger
depending on your pre ference . point fo r each meter, and a use r-defined
Operating the Program I tested the autooatcn from my front yard . macro will be executed when one of the two
The ma in program loaded and executed With only one phOne line in the neuse. I resort- extremes are reached. A user-defined mes-
withOut a fault, and the ope rating screen dis- ed to talking with my helper, our eight-year-old sage is then spoken by the voice synthesizer,
played the system status and option configu- son, Eric , on the cellular phone in my truck. announcing the condition . You can use this
ration. Of pa rticular interest was the status of This was an impressive feat ; t he Ultra feature to monitor SWR levels on the remotes,
the remote base unit and the link transmitterl Comshack worked great. I also succeeded in tempe ra t ure at th e re mot e sue. battery
receiver. A large dot wa s in the row next to the the opposite direction, by placi ng a call from voltages, or whatever DC voltage the operator
rad io , in a column for Transm it or in a colum n my HT to the phone in the truck. wishes to monitor.
for receive. At the bottom of the display is The softw are allows the operator to restrict Autoboot Cartridge: You can obtain a per-
inco ming com ma nd data from the link ra- sonalized program cartridge with the sys-
dio. Seeing the digits that I keyed into the tem parameters which will give the system
keypad of my HT was usefu l. I used this the ability to operate without a disk drive .
feature to get used to the timing of Ihe dat a
Remote 1 and 2 Command Examples With th e ca rtridge inst alled , the cern -
entry operatio n. The computer monitor Comma nd Function moo or e autcmancenv runs t he Ultra
doesn't need to be on all the time , only Cor 0 Scan Up or Scan Cown ComShack software at power on or at re-
wh en you wish to mo nitor system op- 7 Stop scanning set. You can still use the disk drive, to log il
eration . IA Change to lSB Mode desired, and to load other configuration
The current software supports over 100 #B Change to USB Mode files . This option enables the Commodore
command s. Table 1 is a list of some of IfC Change to AM Mod e to autoload and execute after a power out-
the command s suppo rted in version 7.4. 10 Change to FM Mode age or remote reset.
At firs t I carr ied around a list of the #Ohhm mss Set lime in HH:MM:SS formal My C64 would occasionally hang due to
commands, bul J soon started using the 5A Spli t on power line noise, so the autobooting car-
Macro feature, which allows you to pre-de- 5B Spliioff tridge really helped when I wasn 't near the
fine compieK command sequence s and XXX -XXXXXA Enter VFO A frequency system. Engineering Consulting provided
acc ess t hem w ith simple commands . I -B Rotate 10 degrees clockwise the necessary software rout ines to copy
Changi ng VFOs, beam headings, and oth- config uration file number 1 hom your
er operations, are easy with macros . Every Autopatch Command Examples working disk to a disk sent to them for
command the system recognizes is spo- program ming the EPROM Autoboot Ca r-
ken by a voice synthesizer built into the
software. The voice is a lillie crude, but
Command Function
Answer an autopatch page
tridge ($100).
Remote Reset: Occasionally, you might
understandable, and a must for proper 0p-
erauo n.
- 4XXXXXXX Quick dial user entered num ber
Hang up phone and end patch
need to reset the computer and re-loaded
the Ultra ComShacksoftware.llyou're not
near the station, you have to use a remote
Inverter Stage Mod method . You can do this with the TSOO,
I soon found that all the function s on the outgoing calls to certain numbers, area codes, 4-digit tou ch-tone sequence decoder and
T$-440$ remote base were not changing as and prefixes. This is an important feature if the latch . This device ope rates sepa ratel y from
they should . I soon learned that , given my autopatch is to be left open for other users . the computer, receiving its audio directly from
software version, and my hardware, I needed the link receiver. You need the Auto Boot Pro-
to install an invert er stage in the serial data Other Options gram Cartridge for the remole reset.
link to the remote base. The CS64S interface Rotor Control: Aot or control is accom- 12 Volt OC Power Supply: You can use a
has prov isions for this feature, and requ ired plished with the HM-1 ($50) beam rotator con- storage banery 10 power the computer and
only a 2N2222 and two 10kO resistors. After trol option. This hardware, along with the CS-B interface electronics with the model OCPS op-
performing the modification, which was out- (a-latch and relay cont rol card), allows the tion . This switching power supply generates
lined in the Systems manual , the remote base user to control the Ham " M," Ham 4, or similar the proper voltages for the computer, allowing
worked as it should. (CDR) rotator control box . The HM-1 interface the system to operate from a battery back-up
samples meter voltage to determine beam 12 voft power source. The switcher provides a
Making a aso heading . The voice synthesizer announces crystal-controlled 60 Hz 18-20 volt AC signal
My first contact through the remote base beam heading . This option allows for ± one which allows the computer to keep accurate
was checking into the local 10-10 Wind Farms degree accuracy with zero to 360 degree rota- time without using 115 V AC utility power. This
net. During the con tact, I started by standing tion control. fealureis$120.
34 73AmateurRadio - February, 1990
Pa : Th is is a new fea ture t o t h e
ComShack line and requires a second Com-
modore 64(128 comput er. The PK-8 option ** AND GET A
supports a high speed data channel to talk
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and the packet control featu re sends "Voice
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Packets" to the mas ter system It lets you · 45 Watt OU1PlJt
control the master system from pac ket. Pack- . Wide Band Re ee ,,,,,
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et and BSS with voice meters (see option PK232
. PerSOnaI M~4box · 21 Channel Memoty
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"" • '•;•;•'•
So ldering Iron Required
Installing the Ultra ComShack is not a pro-
ject for the ham who is afraid 01 the soldering

~ ....
-- - The Morse MachineTlIl
VHF Hand Held
iron. To install the system, you have to mak e - 2·99 WPM - RS-232 110 . 1 Wan H.-Power
many co nnections and possibly attach addi- - Oyer 6,000 Characters 0 1 Memory . 20 Channel Memo<y
- Use as a Code Trai ner . RX 138- 114 MH Z
tional wire s into your transceivers. You can . TX 140-ISO MHz
_ Automatic Serial Number Insertion
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the place , and PC boa rds hanging out of the
L'" 4033 Brownsville Road , Trevose, PA 19047
Commodore in all di rections . But the ma ny For Service & Info (215) 357·1400 For Orders (800) 426-2820 FAX 215·355·8958
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ideas and ways to use it . OJ ox .._ , ..m,,& III_ ._~ ."" ..
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The solution to most interference , tntermod . and desense
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- 40 to 1000 Mhz tuned to your frequency
_••. •_ - Slarge helical resonators
- Very high rejection
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- 6 db gain-ultimate rejection ) 60 db
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Typical rejectiOn: " N. BNC, and 50239 connector options•
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- Si-:e: 2.7 x 2.6 x 0.7"
The 10-28 provides required station identification without troublesome
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teous opera tion by not an 10 until the next squelch closing.

10·28 Wi redlTested S99~.9~5p''!l 1D-2B-LP Low Power 5 109.95


151 Commerce Pkwy., Bull_to. NY 14224
116-875-8740 9 to 4

Number 14 on your Feedbeck c.ard

73 Review by Ted Drude KA9ELV

AEA's New MM-3: Advanced Electronic Applications, Inc.

The Morse Machine 2006-196lh $1. sw

PO Box 2160
Lynnwood WA 98036
Tel. (206) 775-7373
Is this the ultimate CW memory keyer? Price Class: $190.

T aka heart, cwenttuetasts! In the midst 01

packet mania, no-code licenses, and dIgi-
tal everything, you 're still in the hearts and
bac k speed of stored memory messages. It
normally ranges from 5-45 wpm, but you can
program it for other speeds as well. You can
mind s of some ham radio equipment manu- also control ptayback speed precisely via key-
facturers. A case in point is the new MM-3 pad commands, by punching in the exact
Morse memory keyer from Advanced Elec- wpm with the correc t command seq uence.
tronic Applications (AEA). AEA, who previous-
ly produced the MM- 1 and MM-2 MorseMalic The Intel 8031 CPU an d MM-3 Memory
keyers. sta rted hearing from CW enthusiasts The MM-3, a m icroprocess or co ntrolle d
when their original products went out of pro- product, uses an Intel 8031 C PU, a second
duction a few years ago. generation microcontrctler in the 8051 family,
AEA 's MM-3 Morse Machine, the CW srare-or-
Wh ile computerized mummoce data con- but without a factory-programmed ROM. In-
the a11 for enthusiasts .
trcuers.ske the PK-232, were becoming all the ste ad , the MM-3 uses a socketed 27C256
rage, many hams were lOOking lor a simpler DIN-5 jack labeled REMOTE MEMOAY. This DIN-S EPRO M for its firmware , allowing field up-
CW alternative . There were st ill plenty of CW lack is clearly shown in descriptive diagrams grades. In fact, we received a new EPRO M for
contesters and DXers out there who relied in the SO-page User's Manual, and it's also the MM -3 while doing th is review. AEA had
heavily on their old AEA MorseMatic kevers. shown in the MM -3 schematic, but its actual modified th e firmware to make th e code speed
So, after working for quite a while on an im- use is never fully explained. Most likely, it con trol knob programmable from 2-99 wpm,
proved design, AEA finally released the new auows you to select keye r memories wit h a instead of just the default 5-45 wpm.
MorseMatic successor, the MM-3. AEA calls remote swi tch (good guess, hUh?). As mentioned earlier, the MM·3 can Store
it, appropriately, " The Morse Machine." and replay up to 20 different CW messages.
Front Panel Controls The two memory banks, A and B , store ten
A Memory Key er ... and More! Moving around to the MM-3's front panel, separate messages each, numbered 0-9. The .
While advertised as " the ult imate memory there is a touch-tone styte keypad on the right memory for messages is loaded in a special
keyer.' the MM·3 is actually more than just a with lour extra keys: A, B, C , and D . The key- mode, which also allows individual message
memory keyer. It holds up to 20 different CW pad is primarily used to set the mode of opera- editi ng. CW play back occurs in the keyer
messages. with a total storage of 8,400 to tion. For example: pressing the asterisk (0) mod e. Yo u sim ply select the de sired memory
36,000 characters . Bu t the MM-3 is also capa- and 5 on the keypad puts the MM-3 into the bank and message number on the numeric
ble 01 operating as a programmable CW bea- Trainer mode. Once in an operating mode, pad . Your message then plays back at the
con, random code tra iner, and a OSO simula- you can use the keypad to further select spe- pre-selected wpm speed , crvcu can choose to
t or . Wh ile des igned as a completely cial features in that mode. For example. in vary it on the fly via the speed control pot on
stand-alone product, the MM-3 also has a sen- Trainer mode, hit the 0 key, and the MM-3 will the front panel.
al 110 port to interface with your terminal or start sending random code samples. (If you Character memory is stored in a 6264 state
computer, to act as a Morse code terminal set the MM-3 in the compu ter 110 mode, you RA M chip. Standard memory is 8K bytes, or
wi th ASCII conversion . In short, anything can then send all the mode co mmands from about 8,400 Morse charac ters. The 6264 RAM
you're likely to want to do with Morse code can any RS-232 port-computer, terminal , TNC , is socketed, and ca n be use r-upgraded to a
be done with the MM-3, or what have you.) 43256 chip for about $25. That bumps the
At the top left of the front panel are four MM-3's memory to 32K bytes, or about 36 ,000
What ' s Behind the MM ·3? green LEOs which show the primary operating Morse characters. All the character memory is
The MM-3 is packaged in a small metal en- mode the MM-3 is currently in: «ever. Memory soft partitioned , and maintained with a lithium
closure 7.4 " K 4 .75 - x 1.9 - . The rear panel 01 Load, Trainer, or Beacon . Below these LEOs ballery backup . Powered down, the MM-3
the MM ·3 has several jacks and connectors. is a color coded command summary chart, shOuld still hold its memories for a couple of
Looking from left to right, first you have a DC showing the various keypad command se- years!
power plug and two RCA phono jacks, SERIAL quences. W hile yo u'll still need the MM-3
IN and SERIAL OUT, which form the optional user's man ual for de tailed reference, with a Power Source and Draw
compu ter I/O port. Ned, an RCA phone PTT, little experimentation you can figure out how Any 9- 16V DC po wer source , drawing
push-to-talk , jack in case your transmiller to access most features from the panel chart. about 3SO mA, will power the MM-3. AEA sells
needs a PIT line in lieu 01 a CW keying line; At the top right of the front panel are three an optional AC power supply for $16 . Most
then a stereo phone jack for keyer paddles or more LEOs. Two yellow ones show wh ich users can probably use their rig 's exlstmq
a Straight key, and a mini-phone jac k lor memory bank, A or B , is active at the moment. power supply, For thOse interested in operat-
sidetone audio for headphones. Then you A single red TRANSMIT LED tell s you when the ing the MM-3 on ballery or solar power, AEA
have two RCA phono jacks (with the proper keyer is putting out a signal to your rig, provides oetane on ge tting the curren t drain
male connectors) which provide both positive In the center of the Iront panel are two pots. even low er. You can disable the sidetone
and negative keying outpu ts ( + 50V at 500 mA One controls functions as an on/off switch, spea ker, disconnect th e panelLEDs and seri-
or - 35V at 200 mA max.). and it also ccn trors the volume of the CW al port drivers, and replace a couple of its VLSI
Finally, at the far right, there is a mysterious sidetone audio. The other pot adjusts the play- chips with CMOS equivalents, to obtain about
36 73AmateurRadio . February, 1990
Number 15 o n your F~db. c k c . rd

70 mA power consumption . This should espe-

cially interest those doing Q AP and remote
beacon work .

MM-3 Advanced Operating Features

73 Review by Pete Putman KnB
MFJ Enterprises. Inc.
The Keye r function of the MM-3 is a com-
plet e contest keyer with automatic seria l num-
ber insert ion and incrementin g in any memory
MFJ's 9410 PO Box 494
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Tet. (60 1) 323-5869;
message . serial numbers can range from 1 to
9,999. You can use the front panel speed knob
to send at any speed from 2-99 wpm, or enter
an exact wpm with the keypad, and then tog..
Versa Tuner II FAX: (601 ) 323- 6551 ;
Order; (800) 647-1 800.
Price Class: $110.

gle between the two any time .

You can also select dot and dash me mory
Antenna tunerlSWR bridge in one versatile unit.
onlofl , au dio sio eto ne onlolt , dot-spa ce or
dash-space ratios, and bug , iamb ic or straight
key mod es, an d many other pa rameters . In
the Memory l oad mode, you can enter and
W e am ateur radio operators are lairly
smart teuows. aren't we? Aller all , we
have to master Morse Code and comprehend
lec tor curre nt as a function 01 VSWA mis-
match es and " throttle back" the drive to keep
max imum current below a specilied value ,
edit messages. a wide variety 01technical topics ranging from thus insuring long lile lor your hnattransrstors.
baud rates to beamwidth . We understa nd Most tra nsceivers have their AlC circuits set
Trainer Mode feedpoint impedance, reactance , resona nce , to " kic k in" at about a 1.5:1 I1SWR (750 ), but
The MM-3's Tra iner mode is especially pow- angles of radiation , and the care, feed ing and the truth is that with ballasted emitter devices
erlul. You can set random cod e practice ses- use 01 batuns . right ? in me finals. 2 :1 mismatches don't present
sions for a speci fied duration in minutes, using So how do we account for all these guys much of a problem .
prog rammable code speeds . You can have wh o load up qutters as antennas, operate 160 I've re set the Al C circu it in my HF radios to
sessions with steadily increasi ng code speed. meters using 15 fee t ollongwire in the attic, allow as much as a 2:1 mismatch , thereby
You can also select easy, medium, or hard and insist on using a triband er to call CO on 75 allowing greater frequen cy excursions lor a
character sets . All code sent by the MM-3 is phone? Hmmmm? given antenna. n's only when imped ances
echoed out the AS-232 serial pert. so you can The truth is that our world is lull of compro- rea ch above 2 :1 that things get tricky, and
check your pracuce copy aga inst the original mise . Sure, we know darn well that a half- he re's where an antenna tune r really helps
by looking at a termin al or computer screen . wavedipote lor 160m takes up 240 feet , and it out . But the important point to remember is to
An interest ing part of the Trainer mode is should be at lea st 60 leet above the ground to optimize your antenna lor the chosen band.
the aso simulator, based on AE A' s success- do any good . and we must use a balu n al the Ge t it as high as possible, strive lor the longest
l ui " Dr. OSO" ca rtridge lor the Com modore leedpoint . Then we go outside, loss 30 feet 01 possible physical length with respect to opti-
64 computer. The sim ulator allows the use r to wire across some tree branches just out 01 mum , and use a good ground . II your tun er is
actually practice code via a simulated CW reach , and try to work 4X 4s with it. (Sigh .. . ) looking at realistic impedances , it can be a
OSO. The MM-3 will call CO, including a call- II necessity is the mother 01 invention , then potent tool.
sign, via its scetone monitor and wait lor your co mpromi se is the mother of the antenna
tuner. There are probably more variat ions 01 MFJ Tuners, and t he 941 0 in Particul ar
re sponse. You can then converse with the
MM-3 by returning its CO with your own call th is device on the ma rket today than there are MFJ manufactures a bewilde ring array 01
and completing the ago . (The MM-3 user's ha ndHalkies-a staggering thought! And yet tuners, starting with the 16010 Random Wire
manual helps you understand the aso pro- without them, many ama teurs would not have model and stretching all the way up to the MFJ
cess in cetan.) We tee! this is the most pain- worked those 4X4s on 160, 80 or eve n 40 989C 3 kW versio n. I considered USing the
less wa y lor Novices an d Technicians to ge t me ters. The ante nna t uner is indeed a key pa rt scientific m ethod of c losing my eyes and
their code speed up, and they don't even have 01 an amateur' s station . And so it is for me with throwing a dart at the page to ma ke a choic e,
to fire up their rigs! the MFJ 9410 Versa Tuner II, a 300W PEP but alter careful study decided on the 941 0 lor
In the Beacon mode, you can program the tuner incorporating an SWR bridge, power several reasons: (1) I only run 100 wa tts on
MM-3 as an automatic CW beacon, repeating meter and 4:1 balun all in a tidy box. HF; (2) it has a bunt-m SWR bridge/jX)wer
the message every t tc 999 seconds . Use the meter; and (3) it will handle 2 coaxial lines, one
keypad or RS-232 serial po rt-to-computer for lured by Sunspots balanced and one unbalanced line.
programming . This makes it easy to rem otely After spending the better part of the last 6 The 941D Versa Tuner pa cks quite a bit in a
prog ram t he MM -3 Beaco n via a p hone years on VHF and UHF, I've grown accus- sm all package. It checks in at 3 "H x 10 ·W x
mod em or TNC link . tomed to broad-ban ded 500 antenna leeds. 7 "D. and weighs just a couple 01 pounds. The
The MM-3 user manua l describes several But the siren song 01 sunspots has lured me chassis is linished in black, litting right in with
other creative " modes". With an AEA CP-loo back to HF and the attendant problems with most ol today's transceivers. Front panel con-
co mputer cetcn . the MM-3 can be a Morse antennas. I recently erected a cuercren A3 trols Irom left to right are SWR SENSITIVITY. AN-
reader as well as sender. You can use the tribander with 40 meter add-on kit, and while it TENNA SELECTOR l'RANSMITIER MATCHING. INDUC_
MM-3 to convert ASCII to Morse output lor works qu ite we ll , m y Kenwood TS-430S TOR SELECTOR. a nd ANTENNA MATCHING In
blind operators on packet, lor example. You doesn't like to load in to it at several po ints in addition, pushbuttons select FWOIREV, 3OOo'3OW
can also slow on-the-ai r Morse cod e down and the 40 and 15 meter bands. range, or POWERISWR functions on the front
copy it with a PK-232 controller . As a compromise, I set the elements on the panel meter.
A3 lor cove rage 01 the middle port ion of 40 Rear pan el conn ections are lor BYPASS COAX,
Whether You're an Ext ra or a Novice meters, resu lting in VSWR readings 01 ove r COAX 1. COAX 2. and a combination 01 bind ing
The MM-3 is a worthy successor to the origi- 2:1 be low 7.090 and above 7.220 MHz. I also posts that allow connecti on 01 an unbalanced
nal MorseMatic keyers . AEA has done a supe- obtained 2:1 read ings below 21.375 MHz ( 10 wire, balanced teeonre and ground. The 9410
rior JOb in prOViding a new generation product meters and 20 meters are under 2:1 across has a built-in 4:1 balun lor a 200 or 3000
lor CW operators. The MM-3 proves you don', each band). Time to pick up an an tenna tuner! ladder or ribbon line , with a maximum raling of
necessarily need a computer to keep up with 300 warts PEP. Theoret ically, you could have
the CW state-of-the-a rt.m Why Use a Tuner? 2 coax lines and on e longwire connected al
Modern sene-state transceivers want to see the same time 10 the 94 10 . (Note that the
You may write Ted 8 . DrudeKA9EL V al6 170 a range of 50 to 750 in everyday operatio n. BYP ASS coa x does just tha t and is rout ed

Ouito Avenue, Cocoa FL 32927. Internal ALC circuits measure increased col - around the tuner.j COII/inllt"d on I lI.l[(" 82
13 Amateur Radio • February, 1990 37

Number 390n your FHdback card

78108 in the junk box , use a 7805 Circuit , but that placement isn't
by adding some d iodes in the crit ical. I used a junk box 12 volt
ground lead 01 the regulator. Th is relay. II your junk box comes up
increases the voltage by 0 .7 volts empty, Radio Shack has a very
Low Power Opera tion tor each diode. You can also in- good line to choose from.
stall a voltage divider and get the Remember, the larger the relay,
Michael Bryce WB8 VGE whic h I'll pass along to you. same results. J ust play with resis- the longer it will take to go trom
2225 Mayflower NW First, take a close loo k at the tor values until you're happy with open to closed, and vice versa. II
MassillOn OH 44646 schematic (Figure 1). The NE602 the resutts . The bottom line is that you 're not worried about aSK,
is used as an oscillator. Second, you can always run the NE602 at 5 you should have no trouble using
as Jerry noted to me in his letters, volts, with a tad less ga in. what is on hand . Because the re-
NRSA 's 17m
the front end is strictly guesswork. No mailer how you build the lay will be pulling in when the key
Receiver Converter Th ird , I told Jerry that T-60-2 cores converter, tune-up is qu ite simple. is closed , the taster the relay clos-
With a lill1e luck, you should would inc rease the 0 of the cir- Jusl tune the trent end lor maxi- es , the less distorted the first char-
have a tully operational 30 meter cuit. Fourth, the converter uses mum signal, then tune the 10.7 acter sent will be.
transmitter runni ng. This month , the 3.5 MHz ba nd, which should MHz IF ca n for maximum signal.
we'utook at improving it a bit. But be of special interest to HW-7 and Repeat this cycle lor maximum How the Relay Works
first , I mentioned last month that I HW-a users. signal. That's all there is 10 it. I've The switching transistor must
had a small rece iver converter, The NE602 is very sensitive included the front end circ uits be able to pass the current drawn
and I'll get this out 01 the way so abolJl its supply voltage. Although (figure 2) you need for different by the relay. In my case, a cheap
you can start getting a teet tor the Jerry added a current·limiting re- bands. Aga in, I haven't tried out 2N2222 works qu ite well (see FIg-
new WAAC bands. sistor, I'd feel much better if a this converter, so bu ilder beware; ure 3). lithe transistorfrelay com-
Jerry felts NA5A designed this Voltage regulator were added . it may need some line tuning . Ad· bination you pick causes the relay
converter. You may contact him at The NE602 will go up in smoke if dress yourqueslions 10 Jerry Felts to hold in, aller the delay has
PO Box 1033, Elder SO 577 19. Be the supply voltage is ove r B volts . at the address above. ti med out, add some diodes in
sure to enclose. an SASE . Though Install a 7BlOB in place of the the emitter lead. Two diodes add
I didn't have time to put one 01 2 .2kQ resistor. Of course, you 30m Transmitter Mods about 1.5 volts above ground and
these together before my dead- could use a zener diode rated be- Now that you've got a receiving keep the relay from staying on
line, I related some ideas to Jerry low B volts. If you can 't find a converter underway , let ' s get alter the control voltage is re-
back to the 30 meter transmitter. moved-very helplul when using

." . This time around (see last column)

we'll add a simple transmit con-
a sensitive relay.
Here' s how it works. When you

• r aj
c- troller.
I've used tnts circuit lor yea rs
close the key on the transmi tter,
12 volts is applied to the PA and
and have had no trouble at all wit h oscillator. The relay key line is at-
~ E 60 2
it. In tact . il you use a reed relay, so connected to the PA supply
you can get just about lull aSK. line. The 12 volts passes Ihrough
The only factor holding you back the diode and charges up the ca-
• is the receiver AGC recovery time. pac itor . The d iode keeps the
-l '·" '''~ ' ".
" ,
Build the circuit on a small piece
of perfboard and install it in the
charge from being discharged
back into the PA transistor. A sim-
I·'" same cabinet as the transmitter. I ple AC network consisting of Rl ,
placed the switching circuits on A2, and c t . set the ti me. When
the same board as the transmitter the capacitor is charged very
C<Jn tinued on page 84

mo' Qo

H~ ~ [ L.'
~ .,

~ .
I fl H.·

" toY l ' ~[
,~ 92~
.n p 2~2222

" , .~
Figure 1. Schematic, parts placement, and PCB foi/diagram for the 17m [ •• 1~'"
receiver converter.

Figure 3. Transmit controller mod for the 30m transm itter.

• . c, ." •

, ,.,. :t"" • , ~,

Figure 2 . Front end for the converter. Values:

.~ . ..

... "

•• ~
C• ~

• •
Band L1 L2 ci XTAL • •
30m 3T 25T SOpF 6.6 MHz , , ,. Z.. 1"
3 ,SMHz
10.5 MHz •'l - - •
• "'
•• J:" .""..."""

15m 2T 20T SOpF 17.5MHz
Use #28 wire on T·50·2 for 40 meters. Wind the same gauge wire on
T-60·2 cores for the other bands. Figure 4. Side/one generator circuit for the 30m transmitter.
38 73AmateurRadio · February, 1990

March 23 24 <25 1990,(

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Write today for our latest Bulletin /Used Equipment List. Walertawn. SO 57201 L --l
40 73 Amareur Reoa » February. 1990
N um~ HI on your FHd~ uorcl

Spectrum Analyzer
Project for DXers and experimenters alike.
by Gregory R, Mc intire KE0UV

f yoe've always wanted a spec-

I trum analyzer, but figured it Theory and Construction
was way out of you r budget, he re ' s
the an swer! All the components re - + Si nce it ' s unlike ly ma ny of
you have the same sco pe and SW
quired to build your own HF spec- rece iver I usc , I g ive relat ively
tru m analyzer may be fou nd in a gene ralized instructions here . With
well-stoc ked junk box . In the worst a lillie care, however, you should
case , it'll run you less than ten dol- be abl e to easily a pply this idea
lars , as long as you already own an to most models of SW receivers ,
osc illoscope and an ine xpensive , and to almost any oscilloscope. If
gene ral coverage shortwave (SW) you ha ve my part icula r setu p,
rece iver. thou gh , contact me for help o n
findi ng the speci fic connections
on the DX-360 . Please se nd a n
This system is surprising ly sim - SASE.
ple. Imagine a " scanning receiv- First , obta in almost any simple,
er" whose IF output is rectified low-cost scope . I use a forty -dol-
into DC . This DC signal is then fed lar, 2 MHz , used scope .
to the vertical input of an osc illo- Photo A. Top view of the spectrum analyzer interface, Next, obtai n a simple, LC tuned,
scope . The scope's trace beam shortwa ve recei ver . M y Radi o
scans the face o f the CRT at exactly the same you want to view , or feed the antenna input of Shack Realistic DX-360 works great. How-
rate as that of the scanning receiver. Thus, the SW rece iver with the wideband IF signal ever, since I couldn't see the component side
whenever the receiver scans across a re- o f your HF tran sceiver . Using the latter sys- of the board, it was tough figuring out what
ceived signal, a DC voltage proportionate to tem , any signal on the freq ue ncy to which was what . After a lot of trial and erro r, I
the strength of the recei ved signal causes the you r transceiver is tu ned will show up in the found what I was loo king for . It 's easiest if
trace on the scope 's C RT 10 deflec t upward . cente r of the C RT. This sig nal, too, marks one terminal of the tuning capacitor is con-
As soon as the sca nner passes by the signal, the middle of the spectru m range the analyzer nected di rectly to ground .
the trace deflects back down. If the scan rate is looking at . Now see the schematic in Figure I . The
is fast enough, a continuous trace a ppears on The amou nt o f spectru m you can view de- recei ver provides the sig nal (DC voltage) for
the C RT with vertical spi kes or defl ecti on s of pends on the amount of bandwidth available the oscilloscope 10 display . All you have 10
varying magnitude which correspo nd to the at the IF (be fore the final IF filtering) of your bu ild is a very simple device that wi ll (I )
RF signals in the path of the scanner. transceiver. This also requi res that the IF cause the recei ver to " scan" a portion of the
Th is spectru m analyzer inte rface contains frequency be with in the lu ning ra nge of the HF spectrum and (2) pro vide a" sync" sig nal
its own HF receiver. Simply tune the SW SW receiver. If you r IF is 455 kHz , you can to the scope so it will also scan the C RT at the
receiver to the portion of the H F spectru m use a simple A M broadcast band receiver. same rare.

.."' 1
-r ,
. 0
, ~

1 ~C I
• rflf CS
a ,. . .
- '"
"" '" "'ro.. ~ " " 21 '~

1~ 01'
LM)), CO~CA~(O )A " r OO' M

.... .....
w A v[ . O ~'"
,nE O IS ••• 100<. 10M, .
, ,
.. ,.
,J; •
U" ~.

, . 00


J,. "
1 00
j " 1"'" 220_ 100 _
<=> ~
01. 02 . • ~ O 0 " 1. " .
II • 2'0 M ' C~O M E • • 'U
r",s vAHlE" IS NOr CRl rlC AI
Pu e SE " AvH"" '"
1'0 O f[ " ~ A L
' ~ IOGH ''' .....'
P<: 1 0 ' Ole 510. ' OC' " AI. OJ," '

l F Il£ Q ' $ APPOIOO )O M"

Figure I . Schematic f or the $10 or less home-brew spectrum anoiyier. Figure 2. Foil side of board. actual size.
73 Ama teur Radio • February,l 990 41

feeds a paralleled capacitor and resistor. The terminal. (See below if your scope doesn't
Two Birds With O ne Sto ne pulse charges the cap very rapidly, and then have an external trigger. )
The 555 timer IC lakes care of both of the the resistor discharges the cap slowly. This
above. II is config ured as a square wave gen- creates a " concave" sawtooth waveform of Optimtzfng the Sa~100t h waveform
e rator, but with the ON pan ofthe wave being about 25 Hz. Select values ofe2 and R5 to give a smooth
very sha n relative to the OFF pan. This is We need th is waveform 10 create "lineari- concave sawtooth waveform as measured on
essentially a pulse wave. The pulse signal ty" of the scanning frequency of the SW the cathode of D3. This is a trial and error
receiver. The nonlinear characteristic of a process. If R5 is too large, the scanni ng range
varactor dioJe, and the nonlinear fashion in is narrower and the mini mum capacitance of
TO u n ~ I<A L
TR I(;(,; E~ 00" sooP'I:
which the LC tuning circuit ofthe SW receiv- VCI will never be reached. The maximum
er operates. requ ires a nonlinear voltage 10 capacitance range of the varaetor-and thus
I -~ -~ --
J "-':l-r be fed to the varactor. but with its nonlineari-
ty inverted in order to end up with linear
the maximum possible spectrum scanning
range-is never exploited since R5 willllOl be
j 1/ " "'0,..... tuning.
This DC voltage feeds a varactor diode
(tuning diode) thai is connected in parallel to
able 10 discharge C2 to zero volts . IfR5 is 100
small, however , the scanning range will be at
its maximum but will scan 100 fast. In this
"" C)

b r;r' ). _ the existing mechanical tuning capacitor of casc othe waveform drops off very rapidly to
the shortwave receiver . The sawtooth wave is zero volts before me cycle finishes.

~o g lO
O' 5"
oS<:. t o . I
-..- -.. \ 1 \ .;.g ,.... =--"
also fed 10 the scope's externaltrigger or sync You may want to make slight va riations on

U ' H.~£
" I ' -~
'f ~ ~G[ O UOlO S" ' T C ~

Figure 3. Pans placemrm on foil , enlarged. f

I •, •
r ? .. •
"l" , e o -.tll r - -- -- I UO £
. T O ~ ' £ '"

The 8-pin Ie is in a / 6--pin dip socket with pin

I at I in the dra wing. Lea ve p in 5 position
undrilled to a mid breaking Ihe trace from pin

,..... b It iJ j] ,

4 to + 12 volts. Note that C3 and VCI plu!: (

into the l6--pill DIP sockel f or easy removal ,,,
for experimentation. C3 and v el call also ,
each be paralleled wilh other values I'ill the
unfilled DIP socket holes.
•, J• . ._, ._. ,..
___ ;:..Js.."
U~ O £
TO Loc.o l OSC

•• ••• '

- ~O
tJ tf
' .......G C£ P

S~OfO' '' £'<'[ P(C( '\I (" &8 0 \l( ll~ £

• CO ~ ~ EC T TO 0 Oe o ,, [
elL ~ OI<IU"£" C ' ~ CU'T 1..... "&1I I£ L.O .. C'~[

" ." J------.

200. _
,,£OOC' O_
CO ~ ~ E CT TO I oeov[


Figure 4. A typ ical SW receiver RF and local oscittaior tuning circuit, The lead from C3 from
Photo B. The 0 'scop e CRT showing signals in the sp ectrum anatyzer anaches 10 point A : the other spectrum analyzer lead (from VCI ) auaches
a 150 k H:. piece ofspectrum on 20m . topoint B.

Photos C.D. Greg KE0UV getting ready 10 10 spot some DX on 10m using the $/0 Spectrum Photo D is a dose-up of the system,
comprised ofthe 0 'scope , the scanning receiver (the DX-360) and the interface, which sits atop the DX-360.
42 73AmateurRadio . February, 1990
these t wo val ues if the finished spect rum a na-
lyze r 's display has wider spikes o n o ne s ide Optimizing the Sync Freque ncy
of the C RT than the o the r. You ' 11likel y need I selected the freque ncy of the 555 timer
a lter o nly R5 ' s value . c irc uit 10 give a smoo th. sha rp d isplay o n the
If your sco pe doc s not ha ve a n external C RT . It should ge nerate pulses in the 20- 30
trigge r input , yo u may be a ble to ta p into the Hertz range . Mu ch be lo w 20 Hz gives a n ick-
linea r sa wtooth wave inside the sco pe. In th is e ri ng C RT d isplay . Much above 30 Hz
ease, you ca n eliminate the 555 timer c ircuit. widens a nd s mea rs the di splayed signa ls.
Simply feed thi s sawtooth, wh ich may need to
be voltage d ivided, to obtain a le vel of around
probably d ue to the SW rece ive r' s AGC re-
sponse time.
[f i] IICOM I ~ JUN",
0 -1 2 vol ts , to the veractor. Couple the saw- Make the connection to the AGC ci rcu it of lC·n, N..-Delu.a HF R'll sssss Od S
1C165 c;.n, C.g XC'Wf 3 1. 995 CalS
tooth to L 1 through a capacitor. ( Expe rime nt the SW recei ver at a point befo re this AGC IC-735 Gan. C.g Xc"," ross Cali S
to find the proper va lue of this ca p-O.OO I IlF voltage is acted upon by a ny " timed decay " 1G-151A Gan, C.g Xcv, '"w CaliS
is a good sta rt ing point. ) This will c reate the
conca ve sa wtooth wa vefo rm s uitable fo r
driving the varactor.
circ uitry. If yo ur SW receiver has a n Scmc-
rer. try tappi ng into the AGC voltage the re .
Connect you r scope to the S-metcr, the n man-
~7000~'300 MHIAcvr
1C-fl71A loo ~HI·30 M H. Rev<
IC--228NH f M "'-~5w
IC-2aAJH Ft,r . . . - ~5w
IC-2GA T 2m 7.. HT
~ -

00. .
Od S
00. .
uall y tune the receive r ac ross some short- IC-9OOSuo _ . . . - ~ CoOS
SeUing the " Vie"' w " Bandw idth wa ve s igna ls and determ ine ho w fast the IG-3S AT220 MH. u, CoOS
1C·2SAT 2 M .w
T he varacro r luning d iode (VC l) I use is AGC volta ge rises and falls. It sho uld be ~'ery IC"S AT u, Od S
rated at 15 pF, but thi s ca n vary according fast. If it is not , the n work backwa rd s fro m scs
to yo ur system. You ma y need to change
thi s value , and/o r the value of C3. de pe ndi ng
the S- meter till yo u get to a po int where the
AGC voltage is fast.
IC"' !lA f M MobOla 25..
IC"'GATN... 6"" HT
IC-36A 2'5w f M XC'Wf
IC-32AT 2nV7Ocm HT ~~
• • 9, 95
o n how much sca nning ra nge o r band width There's a point j ust after the IF filte r where
you want . A 33 pF va racto r gave too much a port ion of the IF is rectified. Th is is the SPECllL SALE
tuning ra nge; too muc h of the spectru m was AGC voltage. You may also be ab le to tap IC-llAT 1.1 GHz NT $341.15
d isplayed o n the C RT , which ca used a loss into the AGC voltage at the same point that it IC·2AT 2m NT $2".15
of resolution a nd melding o f the di splayed is fed back to the RF a mp .
sig na ls. I suggest using a 16-pin DIP packa ge Th e a im is to probe around with the scope
for the 555 , so that you ca n use t he extra e ight
sockets to try out d iffere nt VCI /C3 combos.
until yo u find a poi nt wh ere yo u get a DC
voltage proportionate 10 the stre ngth of a re-
TSC)5OSD U""_ ~~ CoOS
Re me mbe r that VC I a nd C3 a re simply two ceived signa l with insta nta neous re sponse as
ca pacitors in series, so you ca n calcula te what you tune. When you find it. co nnect a wire to
a mounts of cha nge will ha ve what affects it . Bring the wire ou t ofthe rece ive r 's ca bine t JS.' oIOSGan. CYlI Xa< ~,~ CoOS
o n the tota l ca pac ita nce. us ing t he sta nda rd a nd connect it to the ve rt ical input o f the
TJ.I--55AT 2m-7Ocrn I 2GHz
T5-19OA, 2m-7O<:m 1,2G H. 1999,95 COOS
se ries ca pa ci ta nce formula : C I x C2/C I scope. TS·711AAII Mode ea.. 25.. 1059 95 Cans
TR·75t A Ali Moda MOI><la 25"" &69.95 Ca liS
+ C2 . The IF filter of the sca nning receive r lim its TH-215A 2m HT H" " AI ass ss CaliS
If you a re tuned to the high e nd ofthe d ial of the width of eac h d isplayed s ig na l. T he nar- TH·2!>AT 5.. 1'0<:1<", HT NEW Od'
the S W receiver. you will want a s ma ll va rac . ro we r the filt e r, the bette r. I temporarily
JM·101A2mI1Ocrn . . . - sss ss CoOS

tor, and vice versa . The values I chose g ive a inserted in cascade (se ries) a 4 kHz filter
d isplay of about 325 kHz wide . The wide- with the 6-8 kHz wide filters in my DX -360, fEBRUARY SPECIAL
TM 2J 1A "'- ~ FM
ba nd IF of my Yaesu FT- IOI Z O is a lso abou t a nd got much narro we r spikes on the C RT TMn, 2nV7Ocm FM, " ' -
ceu "
th is wide , so this means I ca n view about 150 d isplay . A 2 to 3 kH z filter wo uld be ideal. TH75A 2m17l1cm HT CAll$$
TM353 0A FM 220 MHI 25.. CALL $$
kHz of spectru m on both sides o f the frequen- I reco mmend using a metal e nclosure to T SaaO SIAT Gan C~ XcV< CALL $$
cy to which the Yacsu is tuned . kee p o ut stray RF . Also , use shielded cable
Connect C3 and VC I , in series, across the from the IF of the transce ive r to the antenna
local oscillator (LO) tu ning capacitor in the input o f the sho rtwave receive r, to keep
SW rece iver. Si nce we a re tuning o nly a everything but the IF out of the SW receive r.
relatively small part of the spect ru m, we
don 't need to tu ne the RF ta nk circ uit. See n ·76 7 Gx Ga<!. C~XC'Wf ~oo OdS
FT-75 7 GX II Gen , C~ XCVI" 1280,00 OdS
Figu res 4 a nd 5 .
Parts List fl·7000 15m- 160m AMP 2219 00 00"'
You may have to mount a trim mer capaci- Rl .R2 1k v. w FT-212RH NEW 2m as.. . 99 00 00"'
to r, set at approximatel y the same value as the FT·712AH 7O<:m 35"" ""00 OdS
R3 >Ok ww FT -29OR .... Modoo ~ 61000 CoOS
varacror d iode (VC I). across the RF section. , Mog v. w
of the main tu ning ca pacito r o f the shortwave
rece ive r. This is because the LO "scans" a
(may be 22k- l00k)\40 W
v. w
FT -23 RfTT U n HT
FT·736R. .... _
FT-470 2mI1Ocrn HT
CoO ,

slig htly lo we r range o f freq uenc ies tha n the e, 0.05 disc ceramic
RF sectio n of the tuning cap is cente red o n. I e2 O.33IJF electroly1 ic
tried it without a trirncap and it worked , but I (any temp stable cap)
FT·2311 R 1.2 GHz Mobile·1 0M $359.95
get high er AGC voltage to the ve rtica l input e3 330pF mica or any stable ca p
(o ther val ue s may be
of the o'scope with this trimmer insta lled, subshtuted. depending
and thus ta ller spikes o n the C RT d isplay . on desired scan range)
If room perm its. mount C3 , VCI and LI vc- 15pF varectoe diodeMV2105
inside the receiver cabinet. as close as possi- II 150 to 300 J.lH incluetor43LS l 54
ble to the LO tun ing cap. There is ve ry little or 43LS564
roo m ins ide my DX-360, so I s imply solde red 01 ,02,03 1N914 orany smali signa l
wires to eac h termina l of the tunin g cap , (o ne silico n diode
of these wi res is the rece iver' s ground) a nd U1 LM555 or NE555 timer IC
DC E lec tr o ni c s , PO Bo x 320 3, Sc o llS
brou ght the two wires to the outside o f the
dale AZ 85257 , ( 800- 423-0010) has a ll 3919 Sepulveda Blvd.
rad io via a I,.. ~ ste reo phone jack. I used the the p ar ts lor t his p roj ect. Sinc e th ey r eo
th ird conductor of the ste reo j ac k to bring out Culver City . CA 90230
Quire a minimum $ 15 order, you may want to gel
the AG C voltage o f the rece iver to feed the several values o f varactor diodes, 213-390-8003
sco pe's ve rtical input.
73 Amateur Radio a
• • • •
February, 1990 43
If the IF of you r transceiver is 455 k.Hz ,
Lei the Fun Begtnt

re place the SW receive r with a simple AM
After co nstructing the simple interface. b roadcast band rece iver. Tu ne the AM re -
powe r it up with a 12 volt sup ply a nd liste n to ceiver to the low end o f the dial, a nd yo u may
the aud io o f the SW rece ive r . It should have a have 10 usc a 100 pF or h igher varac to r diode .
buzzi ng so und as it very rapidly sca ns. Tune (S imply pa rall el two or more varactors to ge t

o the rece iver to a busy sho rt wave band . You'\I

note that the added capacitance o f the va rac-
tor diode caused the dial calibration on the
higher valucs.)
Ofcourse, you can analyze chunks of spec-
t rum the SW receiver itself tunes through .

ICOM rece ive r to be a bit inaccu ra te , and that you

w ill ha ve to tune the receiver h igher than
Just u nhook. the t ran sce iver from the setup,
and repl ace the SW rece iver' s origi nal a nte n-
na (o r something with high er gain.) Tune the
If all chec ks out so far . turn off the power recei ver to the ba nd of intere st and view the
a nd connect the AGC wi re to the scope's act ivity o n the scope C RT . One di sadvantage
ve rtical input. Sct the trigge ring fu nct ion of o f th is is that. 10 mainta in the same spectrum
the scope to external a nd connect the external viewi ng width , you would ha ve to swap in
trigge r or sync input ofthe scope to either the and out d ifferent values of VC I fo r the lower,
1-800-231-3057 concave sawtooth wavefo rm, or to the p ulsed
wave directly from pin 3 o f the 555 1C. Tum
midd le . and upper sect ions of the d ial o n the
SW receiver .
the power back on and adjust the scope's
713-520-7300 inpu t ancnuaror unt il you ge t a display on the So No ", T ha t You've B uilt It , ..
scree n. Now set the scope's sweep speed until ... what do yo u use you r spectrum a nalyz-
520-0550 it sweeps the entire C RT at a rate slig htly er fo r? Imagi ne sitt ing in front of you r r ig in
fas ter than the 555's frequency. I set my the wee hou rs oflhe morning, hoping to work
scope's t imebasc at I millisecond per division some ra re D X. A!> you sit and listen, slowly
and use the variable sweep cont rol to slow it tun ing across a seem ingly d ead ba nd (wh ich

dow n. yo u know will soon be o pe ningt). yo u have
yo u r eyes focused on the CRT . You see a
sma ll pip about three -fourth s o f an inch to the
le ft of ce nte r; you wa tch ir for a moment. just
Electronics Supply " All the components to be su re it isn't noise . Sure enough, it has
FAMLY OMED SI.cE 1956 c:" required to build y our
the rhyt hm ofa C W signal! Quickly, you tune
3621 FANNIN ~~ do wnward and watch as it moves to the right .
HOUSTON , TEXAS 77004 ~ own HF spectrum As it becomes cente red o n the C RT, you hear
it. Whi le working this statio n, yo u see anoth-
Number 25 on yo ur Feed back card analyzer may be found e r s igna l ap pear o n the C RT. You quic kly

J~ ~ ID 1 " :,_~ ! w~m~/:

in a well-stocked
j unk box. "
make yo u r QSL info excha nge a nd tu ne till
th is new signal is centered.
It ' s also useful fo r those who take an ex-
plorer's interest in what goes o n on the E· M
" " " .... y
wave spectru m. For example; J a m fa sc inated
VIDEO I.D. BOARD at watching and tryi ng to a nalyze Ihe m yriad
Now di sconnect the antenna from the SW o f swee pe rs, or " ru n ne rs," o n 10 me te rs as
recei ver , a nd connec t the ante nna input o f the they go rac ing left and right ac ross the C RT .
rece iver to the wideband IF OUt put of your As they pass the center, you hear epeep. A 101
transceiver. If your transceiver docs not have of st range stuff goes on o n this hand! If you
an IF output jack. look fo r a source of wide- are a birdwatcher. the only place you will
hand IF immediate ly before the IF filte r, and ever SE E the woodpecke r is o n you r spec-
'Custom Graphics with your Call Sign bring it out via a wire . This signal is used o nly num anal yzer. (And the wood pecker is in-
' 4 Screens (2 Hi-res/Z color bar) to feed the a nte nna input of the sho rtwave deed a strange bird to seen
- 12 VDC Operation scanni ng rece iver. so yo u can loosely cou ple
-lnstant Video 10 it to the a nten na input, witha re sisto r in li ne. Concl usion
' Video Relay for switching in Llve C hoose a re sista nce that will give max imum The most time co ns uming part of this pro-
Camera Video
IF signal to the scanning receiver without ject usually is trying to locale the AGC circuit
' Built-in Automatic Sequencer-Timer overloading its front end . You may first want and the local oscillator LC ta nk circuit of
(steps through aU four screens)
to use a pot w ith a k no wn ra nge to dete rmine the SW re ceiver . C onst ru ction te chn iq ue
VDG·I with pre-programmed calls : th is. a nd then replace it w ith a fi xed resistor is n' t critical, although the varactcr should
$99 with the app ro p riate value. I used a lOOk not be located too far from the LC circuit .
CI1I1 or wn'te forcatafog of iJvailable graphics resistor fo r the DX ·36(r s input. I breadboa rded th is c irc ui t usi ng 12 -inch
The last IF fr eq uenc y o f my Yae su long co nnect ing wires , a nd it worked just
ELKTRONICS FT-IO IZD is 8.9 MHz, so I simply tune fine . For dis play stability. howeve r. keep
12 5 36 T.R. 77· Findlay, OH 45840 the SW receiver slightly above that setting connecting lengths as short as possible.
(4 19) 422 ·8206 on its dial. Then I tunc the Yae su to a s/rong Now, you can build from the junkbox a
ELKTRONI(S C W station a nd watch the spi kes o n the C RT fea tu re fo r which avid Dx ers spe nd addit ion-
12536 T.R. 71 unt il I id entify the o ne that I am hearing . a l thousand s of dollars in comme rcia l a ma-
rindllg. 011 'lSB'lO Next , I tu ne the SW re ce ive r unt il that teur gea r ! BI
(~.., 4.1:1.....
pa rticular spi ke is in the cente r of the C RT
d isplay . Gregory R. Mcln tire KE0 U V can be reached
Now, as I tune the Yaesu, the signals on the at Hillsview Tr. Cn., Lot 92. Belle Fourche
display move left or right in such a manner SD 57717. Greg KEOUV has been licensed
that the signal I'm tuned to is a lways dis- since May 'S7, and has S WLed since ·S/.
CIRCLE 8 ON READER SlAVICE CARD played in the cemerof the C RT sc reen. Other hobbies include beekeeping.
44 73 Amateur Radio • February, 1990
get them for you . Write me at the credit card . I'll have more on this

ABOVE ANDBEYOND above address . The five ferrite

rod s and a couple of VN10KM
FETs postpaid is $7.
coun ter after I've used it a while.

Mailbox Comments
VHF and Above Opera tion Ric h a rd WA6JOX , Ve nt u ra
New Test Equipment County Amateur Radio Club Pres-
C.L. Houghton WB61G P le ss scre wdrive r . Sec urin g a Recen tly I picked up an HP· ident, is protestin g the decision to
San Diego Microwave Group short, V. " bol t head to the ferri te 5360A Computing Counter. II' s re m o ve the " New Fr o nt ier "
6345 Badger Lake rod , I chucked the bol t in the cord- even more accu rate than the HP- column from QST magaz ine. He
San Diego CA 92119 less screwdriver. The lOw turning 5245. ThOugh the counter's maxi- sta tes that the fut ure of amateur
speed of the toot 's motor, along mum frequency is 320 MHz. it ra dio may we ll be in t he mi-
with careful support, helped pro- shines in that it can resolve fre- crowave band s. His main poi nt is:
More on Frequency
tect the awkward rod . quency to 1 part in 10 to the 10th . " NO N EW F RON T I ERS , NO
Counters and Accuracy Ha nd-feed the #36 gauge wire As Hewlett Packard states: " This N EW S U BSC R I P T I O N S ' "
Last month I talked about com- in a lathe-like manner. Wind the counter can mea sure the time be- Ri c ha rd support s his poin t by
mercial and surplus frequ ency coil in a single layer. Although I tween two events to a resoluti on of taking a look at European and
counters. I suggested you pick up made a few winding errors, they 100 pice-second s, about the time Japan ese amateu r ra d io m ag -
an older HP-5245 type counter didn't alter the antenna's perform. it takes ligh t to travel one inch! " azines to see how far we are be-
because it' s c heap and highly ance. The coil has about 60-70 I don't plan to measure light to hind in t his fie ld . He says mat
accurate. I checked the counter' s turns per inch. that degree. but I'm very excited he underst ands th at the ARRL
mtemer stand ard using a low fre- Tune the coil to frequency with 10 have the counter. Less than two eeeecn was made "for budget
quency receiver et 60 kHz. a 650 pF capacitor. Use a silver- weeks la ter , my partner, Kerry reasons, and not due to I<lck of
AI first , I had problems with in- dipped mica-type for high Q , and a N6IZW. also picked up the same material or interest."
terference. Connected to an out- variable capaci tor for fine tuning type of coun ter from a different Mark AG8N writes t hat he ' s
side antenna , the LF receiver not adju stments. source. These co unters are as looking for other interested ama-
on ly picked up the d esired signal , See the Figure for details of the ra re as the proverbia l needle teurs in the northern Ohio area to
but some j un k as well . It especially coil and amplifier cons tru ction . in the haystack. They not only 01· ba nd together, share ideas, and
received the 15.750 kHz signals Parts placement isn't critiCal. You fer high resolution, but automatic conduct microwave experiments.
from the horizontal oscillators in can put the finished coil and am- frequency banding to input sig. He's selecting snes for a possible
most TVs. When operating near plifier into a shOrt piece of plastic nals as well. Their time base is link wh ich would go into down-
" d irty" TVs, the noise on the pipe to protect them. Take the fin- not normally found on available town Cleveland. Mark's address
fourth harmonic almost covered ished coil with its fixed and vari- counters. is 326 Township Road 1080, Polk
the 60 kHz signal. able capacitor attached . T he n These coun ters have g reat OH 44866.
couple a few turns on the coil for range and auto-rang ing . If you put Kirk N7CCB has bee n rebu ild-
Low Freq uency test ing. This link is connected to a very low freq uency signal, such ing a Ribidium Beam, high accu -
Calibration Antenna your low frequency oscillator . as Hz. into the counter, it racy , frequency standard (clock).
To solve this problem , N61ZW Ned, calibra te the an tenna to displays 12.123456789 HZ. Then Quite a proj ect; something I' ve
came up with the easv-to-ouuc the desired frequency. I adjusted with the same counter connec- never had the opportunity 10 do.
re-nte antenna. With proper se- my antenna to 60 kHz by measur- tion, shift the input to your 2 meter The Ribidium and Cesium Beam
lection of the capacitor/inductor i ng the peak (h igh read ing) HT a nd key the t ransmitter standards are the top of the line
ra tio, you can use it on almost Voltage as it developed across the on 146.52 . The counter responds in frequency accuracy. We wi ll
any frequency up to approximate- tun coil-capaci to r comb ination . with 146.52000034 M Hz , Shi fting report on his p roject as news
ly 1 MHz. You can adju st either the capa- t he freq uency ra nge indicato r develops .
This high-Q ferrite rod antenna citor or the turns on your coit for f rom Hz to MHz a ut omatic al- N61ZW and I have been working
has a VMOS FET to convert the 60 kHz . ly. Kind of makes you feel like a kid out designs and PC board layouts
high impedance of the antenna to The coil's 3 dB response was in a candy store with a no-limit for a simple phase-locked loop for
the low imped ance of the receiv- about 4 kHz Irom center frequen-
er's input. cy . Now I could attach the amplifi-
I got all components from the er's impedance matching staqe.
junk box . Bought new, compo-
nents shou ld cost no more than
$ 10 . At a local surplus store, I
a VMOS FET (VN 10KM). It is tied
sou rce- to-g round th ro ug h a
1k V. W resis tor with the co mmon, ,
.N ' O
/ ~. A T 51[1(

f'1 ' I' ~.
found ferri te rods 2 " long and 'h N
or cold, end of the coil. The top of
I ,.~ -~ SC01CM

in diameter. I stacked five of them the coil is tied to the gate of the
to make a lO N rod and secu red
them with scotch tape. I went easy
on the tape because I wanted to
FET. Bypass the dra in to ground
with a capacitor. and power it with
a 9V transistor battery. AF output TAPE
~t P P , 1 l
" 0 DS
10'[T~ [ "

• 1'"'
. ..00. " ,
wind the coil close to the ferrite 10 the receiver is caoacnor-cou- , •

• •
pled from the low impedance
~ro. ~
material. You can use other kinds ,•, •
of rods , incl udi ng old ferri te loop. source . !!!:!. ' ' ,, '"'
stic k ant ennas from FM rad ios . I have foun d that the ferri te rod ,,
1 ,00

... "." I
.. . .....
' 00 · 0 00
TU." S
The bigger the better, up to about antenna ou tperforms most anten-
. ,
" 0 ' 0- ' .
...,"[ ON ~
12 " long . nas and oHers qui te a bit of noise TAP [
~ H"""[ !O)o ~ "
immunity. It' s also sensit ive. It Q
Winding The Coli even provided a lot of rejection to , ~
Making the coil is really a two- a nearby high power, low frequen- S'''G.l.f
person job. You can do it by your- cy transmitter operating about 8 u 'u
self, but the slow wind ing proce- kHz lower.
dure, considering the number of I found a large qu antity of the Construction details for the 60 kHz ferrite rod antenna. You can put the
turns, is tiring. However, you can ferrite rod s in a local surplus store. finished antenna inside a piece of plastic pipe 1 ~ in diameter with plastic
mak e a sma ll wind ing ji g usi ng a If you have trouble lind ing compo- end caps to support and protect the antenna and amplifier. SM ~ silver·
low speed motor. I used my cord- nents for the ferrite antenna. I can mica capacitor. Continued on page S2
73 Amateur Radio • February, 1990 45
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nt roductng the only The art of tow Power
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Built de signs avai la ble. A nine-step
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QSY from the displayed frequ e ncy New castle. DE
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Portland Radio Supply.
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e xcept between two Rf Enterprisn.
frequencies. Scm favorite Merriheld. MN
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bu sy channe ll, sca n first ten Hammon.OH
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then resume> o r Busy Scan Jamestown. NY
(stop o n active cha nnel a nd
hold ). O ne button Call
cha nnel is a q uick way 10 ge t
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Amateur Radio Teletype
Marc Leavey, M.D. , WA3AJR The Video Capture VC-1000
6 Jenny Lane board , by Diamond Flower Elec-
Baltimore MD21208 tric Instrument Cc., (USA) Inc .
(OFI), is sold in many computer
BCNU in a New Way outlets . Setup is easy- just plug
We hams are land, 10 say Ihe the board into an expansion slot in
least, 0 1 abbrevialions. From DE you r com puter, and plug an exter-
10 73, Irom OX to WX, ama teurs nal contro ller into the board .
operating on CW and AnY have Video is input to this controller,
always enjoyed using a string 01 which features slide controls lor
upper case letters 10 represent a brightness and contra st, as well
thOught. as a switch lor dithering vs. line
One 01 those strings is BCNU , art. Also, you can select the size 01
sho rt for " Be Seein g You," of the image , within narrow con-
course, rather figuratively used at fines.
the end of many a CW or Any When installed , the VC·1 000 al- Figure 1. Main Screen for VC-1000 software.
OSO . W el l , now a ll t hat c a n lows input of images from a cam-
change. This month, I will begin era or VC A, monitoring output on play . The board is conligurable sm a ll er than t he act ual area
looking at a way to really allow the a local C AT, and storing them on a for Hercules, CGA, EGA, or VGA scanned, represented by a box
fellow at the other end to BCNU, PC compatible computer. displays, A mouse is opti on al , superimposed over the miniat ure
or anything else. lor that matter. but it makes using the board a lot version 01 the scan, displayed
If I menton digitizers, to most Needed Hard ware, ea sier. at the right of the screen. Figure 1
of yo u one of two images will Supplied Softwa re Software supplied with the is a sample co mma nd scr een,
cryst allize. One is the expensive The OFI VC-1000 requ ires a PC card lets you view four captured leaturing an image of my daugh-
page sca nner, able to convert a compat ible with at least 384K images. These may be different ter, captured as image number
page 01 image into a graph ics memory (640K recommended), versions of the same image, cap- one.
fue. The other is the hand sca n- MS-DOS version 2.0 or later, one tu red in sequence , o r entirely Captured images may be edited
ner, which is held in the hand 10 available OMA channel, a Iree ex- unrelated images. The viewable in a tat-bit mode, although the dis-
sweep a picture into a computer'S pansion slot, and a graphics dis- portion of each scan i s a bit play is a bit hard to deal with, as no
The page scanner is nice , but
as I intimated. rather expensive.
The hand scanner, at about $200,
is more affordable, but it can only
scan flat objects about three men-
es across or so. W hat we need is a ,
m or e flex ibl e so l uti on! This
. .' . ' .: ::
. . .. .... . .
month , and next, I shall look at two ::: :::: : :: .:: I .,'
' : :' : : : : . : , : , ' I
of them. ,.
Vid eo cameras are no longe r a •
rarity in American homes . With
the prouteretcn of VCRs , cam-
corders are just a speck behind.
That said , ret's have a look at a
video digit izer, a board that will
convert standard video into an im-
age that can be viewed on a com-
puter screen, mani pulated, and
transmitted over radio or wir e cir- •

The Ve-1000 Bo ard

As the IBM PCfXT/AT compat-
ible category comprises the bulk •
of amateur computers, I'll cover ,.
two boards , one this month and
the other next month , which allow
you to import video images to
these machines. Selling lor about
the same cost as hand scanners,
they make e)(citing extensions lor
the home compute r, with applica-
tions as diverse as digital AnY
pictures, desktop publishing , or
entertainment at your kid's birth-
day party . Figure 2. Image at finest dither, serring 2.
Con/inued 0fI page 52.
48 73AmateurRadio . February , 1990
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Amateur Radio Via Satellite
Andy MacA llister WA5ZIB tro t operator Ian Ash ley ZLl AOX.
14714 Knightsway Drive Hosting the even t wa s the Cen-
Houston TX 77083 tral Iowa Tech nical Society, with
l o n g -li m e A MSA T s upporter
Space Symposium 1989 Ralph Wallio W0 APK as chair-
Th is lime last year, AMSAT vol- man . The Space Symposium pro-
un teers were getting ready lor the gram began at 8 AM Saturday,
launch of four Microsals and be- November 3rd.
ginning 10 work on the many re-
quirements altha Phase 4 geosta- Microsats and Phase 4
t ionary satellite program . And AM SAT Directors Jan King
they' re still working . W3GEY, Or. To m Clark W31WI Photo A. WASZ/B/6 monitoring VoSA T-oSCAR-7 7using an HT near lhe
Golden Gate Bridge. Listening /0 the digital voice encoder on the DOVE
Microsat will be at least as easy.

ture space missions and even bat- tremely similar in design.

loon-berne amateur radio televi- Everyone appreciated Franklin
sion (ATV). Anton io N6NKF' s donation of
In stant T rac k 10 the AMSAT
New Projects and New Sohware Software Exchange, and the pro-
AM SAT V.P . o f Operat ions gram features brought sponta-
Cou rtney Dunca n N5BF di s- neous applause during the slide
cussed AMSAT user projects for dem o ns trat ion . Chec k t h e
t he fut ure, i nc lud ing thir teen November 1989 issue of 73 for a
points concerni ng project man- product review, but call AMSAT
agemen t, interfaces to other (301) 589~6062 for information on
organizations, techno- sports via availability.
satellit e, frequency coordmation Ed Stluka W4QAU described

Photo B. AMSA T Director Dr. Tom Clark W3fWf gets in phase with lhe
Microsa t model at the AMSA T Space Symposium.

The Microsats, includ ing two and Dr . Bob McGwier N4 HY

packet radio flying mailboxes, the joined with previo us AMSAT Di-
Weber State College digital pic- rec tor Haro ld Price NK6 K t o
ture system, and the DOVE voice- present a complete update on the
encoder sat ellite , have exper i- Microsat program , covering de-
encec launch delays into the early sign and construction diffiCulties .
part of 1990. They're ready to go; Stan Sjol W0KP and Bill Clapp
all they need is a ride into space. presented details on the MiCrosat
The delays have allowed more operations at Weber State CoI-
lime to organize ground-control lege in Ogden, Utah. Webersat is
activities and develop software for identical to the packet Microsats
co mm unic ations through the for AMSAT NA and AMSAT Ar-
packet satellites, and picture dis- gentina, but it also has a height·
play programs co mpatible with increasing "penthouse" for ad-
the Webersat imaging system . A ditional experiments and the CCD
few minor quirks have also been (charge-coupled device) color Photo C. Bill Brown WBBELK's micro-balloon experiment included a 2m
ironed out of the satellites them- camera. transmitter with internal batteries and attached ground p lane antenna .
selves. Dick Jansson WD4FAB filled
Des Moines, Iowa was the joca- out the morning with a status ra--
tion for the 1989 AMSAT General port on the Phase 4 Geostat ionary issues and the creation of a Mi- the tethered satellite project , in-
Meeting and Space Symposium. namsat program. A full-size model crosat Command Network. volving the suspension of an ama-
Satellite enthusiasts from the US was built at Weber State College, All four of the Microsats were teur-radio package on the end of a
were Joined by many overseas shipped to Arlington, Texas, and const ructed by AMSAT NA, but long cord or lether from the space
hams. Notable foreign attendees displayed at the ARRL National the satelli te ham licenses (like re- shutt le. AMSAT Execut ive V.P.
included AMSAT UK Secretary Convention in June 1989 . Pro- peater trustees) belong to lour Dr . John Champa K8OCL, with
Ron Broadbent G3AAJ, AMSAT gress on the mechanical design separate individua ls in three dit- the Solar Sail Program , presented
Italy V.P. of Engineering Alberto contin ues at a steady pace, but teren t countries . Four different new concepts, and Preston Carter
Zagni 12KBD, AMSAT Brazil Pres- many questions concerning the groups of ground controllers will described Lunar Polar Orbiter
id ent Ju nior Torres de Cas tro control systems and radio equip- mon itor and control operations possibilities.
PY2BJO, AMSAT Mexico Presi- ment remain. onboard the MicrosalS, but they
dent Dave Liberman XEHU and Afternoon talks ra nged from will need to keep in close contact SAREX 2
AMSAT-oSCAR-13 grou nd-con- current activities on A-Q.13 to fu- since the four satellites are ex- AMSAT V.P. lor Manned Space
50 73 Amateur Radio • February, 1990
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you willing to support? Do we
Above & Beyond
Programs Bill Tyna n W3XO (also Continued from page 45
known for his column, " SO MHz need further Iow-earth-orbit (lEO) local time base . We'll use this sys- l a rr y K 1lPS wri tes that th e
and Above," in QS T) delivered satelli tes with easy-to-use analog tem to phase-lock our brick oscu- wea the r in th e No rt heas t
the latest information on the up- tr an spo nd er s? Do we need a lators for microwave use. I'll have " .. . wreaked havoc both week·
coming ham-m-scece activi ties larger, more po werful variation of ends. Some areas of the east
more information on this when we
Irom the space shuttle . In 1990 A.().13? AMSAT DL in West Ger- were virtually rained out for the
finish the project. We need reler-
two hams are scheduled to go into many has recently received fund- entire weekend. Those operators
erce oscillators in the 5 and 10 that have participated in past con-
orbit with amateur radio voice, ing prom ises from their govern- MHz range. 1would be interested
packet and TV activities. Details ment for much of this program. tests ment ioned that the poor
in hearing from any of you who weather has bee n the same in pri-
on missions ST8-35 and ST8-37 Shoul d we join with them to pro- might have such osci llato rs or
will be forth coming. but for now, duc e part of their system? l et me or years."
know of a source for them . l arry proposes mor e flexi ble
get you r 2 meter FM rigs and know! Write to me at the address
Zack KH6CP/1 states that he scheduling of operating periods.
tracking software ready. Two-way above.
hopes we enjoyed the 10 GHz Being able to ad just to local
packet connects and slow-scan- AMSAT NA would like to pro-
Contest. The weather was lousy at weather condit ions will permit
television activilies will be possi- gress to geostationary satell ites
his location. He cl imbed the Tal- greater activity and promote more
ble . The astronauts , Aon Parise and beyo nd , using microwave
cott Mountains in Connecticut and interest.
WA4 S1A a nd K en Came ron bands and the fantastic volunteer
couldn't get schedules on 2 me- Since microwave 10 GHz activi-
KB5AWP, are excited about pro- expertis e available . but it must ters. He has kept active building ty is largely reg ional , flex ible
moti ng amateur radio with their have the cash and support to get an Avantek 10 GHz preamplifier SCheduling would allow for rained-
experiments from space. there. using the ATF-13735 GaAsFET. out weekends and other prob-
Test measurements show a noise lems . Some groups might find it
Imaging Activities and ATV DOV E
figure of 6.3 dB using an lG-402 in advantageous to schedule days
Jeff Wallach N51TU explained Constructed in Boulder, Colora- the IF system. dur ing t he V HFfUH F contest
the i nc reasin gly so phi stica ted do, and sponsored by BAAMSAT, larry K1 lPS writes that Michael weekends.
methods used by amateurs to re- DOVE (Digital Orbiting Voice En- VE2DUB is t rying to keep mi- The ARRl will consider chang-
ceive and display weatber-satet- coder) , is one ol the lour Microsats crowave projects going during the ing the rules only if the majority of
winter in the Montreal area. He is participants request il. K1 LPS
working on several 10.7 MHz IF would appreciate your input about
systems and making a coat pock- the proposa1. Contact larry Filby
"A ll fo ur of the Microsats were et (small) rig for 10 GHz. His best K1LPS at RFD 1t2 BOX 125, SI.
OX on 10 GHzwas 83 miles, using Johnsbury VT 05819.
const ruct ed by AMSA T NA " a simple system and a 17 d B horn Thanks for the fine input from
antenna. all, and as always I wilt be glad to
answer your questions. For a
K1LPS Proposes prompt reply please send an
lite imagery. The pictu re quality whiCh shou ld have been launched 10 GHz Aule Change SASE with your questions. Best
was stunning due to the use 01 in l ate J an ua ry , wit h the t wo
Durin g th e 10 GHz Con test , 73s, Chuck.WB6IGP.1FII
High aescruucn Pict ure Trans- UoSAT spacecratts on the SPOT-
mission systems now on board 2 mission, on an Ariane 4 rocket
satellites like Advanced TIROS. Irom French Guiana. RTTYLoop to the fine control of as simple a
For more data on weather satel- U.().9 was capable of transmit- Confinued from page 48 program as PS Plus, I was disap-
lites, contact the Dallas Remote ting synthesized speech using the reference view is given to the en- pointed by the clumsy interface,
Imaging Group (DRIG) BBS at National Semiconductor Digitalk- larged view. Nonetheless, it's bet- limited choices, and non-intuitivity
(21 4) 394-7325. er chip set . FM deviation on the ter than noth ing , a nd perhap s 01 Halo OPE. After installing the
Bill Brown WB8ElK f inished 145.825 MHz downlink Ireq uency more useful lor cleaning up line program on my hard drive and
the Space Symposium with video was low, and power output was type drawings. playing with it for a while, I just
tapes of his balloon launches car- limiled to 350 milliwatts. DOVE Once captured, images may be chucked the whole thing, and lell
rying ATV to the edge 01 space. An will use the same Irequency, but it saved in Microsoft Windows Paint back to PS Plus .
image at 133 ,000 feet c learly can transmit up 10 tour watts 01 (.MSP), GEM Paint (.IMG), Dr. Now, as to the images you can
showed th e ea rth 's curv at ure . fully deviated (5 kHz) FM using a Halo ( .C UT) , PC Pain t b ru sh obtain. Figure 2 is a video capture
more complex speech-synthesis (.PCX), and Paqernake r (.TIF) tor- at the highest dither available. For
The Board 0 1 Directo rs Meeting system . It' ll be easy to listen to mats. Conversely, any of these different applications, anyone of
The AM SAT boa rd meeting , DOVE on an HT. In addition to form ats can be loaded , and re- the three d ithers may be used.
open to all, took two days. The telem etry data, DOVE will also saved in an alternate form. Next month, I wil1 look at a dif-
upcoming launch 01 the Microsats tr ansmit messages created by I found that images saved as lerent board , similarfy priced , to
and Phase 4 were d iscussed . studen ts in elementary and sec- .TIF files could not be loaded into accompl ish this task. While this
AMSAT spacec raft designers are ondary schools. Print Shop Plus, the graph ics pro- one does not come with graphics
eager to pursue new programs Tape-recorded material will be gram that came with my Logitech software, it is capable of transler-
and project s, but fu nding is a ma- digitally stored on board the eater- mouse, despite the fact that PS ring images to other users . Each
jar concern. lite for retransmission around the Plus works only in .TIF mode . has its strong points , so there are
Phase 4 , the geostat ionary world . The original tonal qualities However, if I saved the files in no clear winners, but I hope to
hamsat, will require money be- and speech infl ect ions will be .PCX formal , the conversion rou- give you enough information to al-
yond the abilities of the amateur maintained for true reproduction . tine t hat ca me wi t h PS Plus , low many of you to begi n playing
radio communi ty. Although AM· For information on the Project PCX 2T IF, would su cces sfully with digital images.
SA Tcaneasily build satellites like DO VE T ea c h er ' s G u i de , f o r convert the images to a workable As always , I we lcome yo ur
the new "cnee psat" under study teachers wishing to integrate this .TIF lormat . comments, c riticisms, and sug-
(2 meters up and 10 meters teaching-tool-in-orbit into the sci- I mention this problem because gestions. Reach me via USPS
down), and proceed with altered erce. social studies and language the graphics program that came at the above address, or electroni-
versions of the Microsat s , we arts curriculum, contact: Project with the VC-1000, Halo OPE, a cal ly on Com puSe rve (ppn
know that Phase 4 cannot be built Dove, % Aichard Ensign, AMSAT special version of Dr. Halo de- 75036,2501 ) or Delphi (username
and launched without serious out- Scie nce Education Advisor, 421 signed to work with the VC-1000, MAA C WA 3AJR ) . A fte r nex t
side commitments. N. Military, Dearborn Ml 48124 is in my opinion, for all intents and month, let' s all mean it when we
What do you want? What are USA . III purposes, next to useless. Used say BCNur... de WAJAJA HI
52 73Ama'eurRadio . February, 1990
- '.
I '9

•~ 10.1
11111 _
_. oJ'.

F~OO, mobileor portable, ICOM's new IC-725 GLOIIl·SPANNING OP£IlAnoN! directly into the IC-725. Wide impedance
ddivers bard-commanding peformance The FuD Fealured ~ 26 tunable memories matching range. Mating whip writ (OO-B)
easy4<>qmIe IC·725 retIeas ICOM's world- \\ilh Band Stacking Registm wbidl enable j\lU boI~ to auto's frame. works 8(l.1O melfIS.
reno.n excelleoct in ciJcuit desigr6, \=riIity to store a lrajoency, S\\ildllnOOs, and retwn to
and dqmIalility. YOOf enjojment is am gua-
ranteed with ICOM's me full)tar .,,,ranty!
the stored lrajoency • 10Hz digitallrajoency
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Extraordinary Performance! Includes: 160
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fher • Bwlt-in AH-3 rnntroller • IC·725mea-
sures only 9.0 x 3.7 x9.4 inches (Ii, IV, D}
First in Communications
• SSB, CIV and AM mOOe; (FM optional) • 0ptmaI AH-3 automatic and remote antenna C:OU.l.rro:n:a. Fe.. 2J!K>.116r1 A.e. Ni. BeIMe. WA 9EroI
Cw~ Slnioe MoIh (2061454-7619
Sensitive 105db djnamic range nm,,:r • Low lWleT for mobile and rooaNe qmtion. Plugs 3150 ~ ~ 5I.-12thflg. TX 75063 11m I'h:llnJ: ~
noise OOSS\\itching • P.mekeIe::rabIe RF preamp F='=rrc""e-n!I 10 I'lXl SuI! 201. AId. G,l, Xl)l9

~ ~ ,§ ~:l-'
C(),l CANAOI.. A D-. r1 c:ou AlTeu Fe..
and attenuator • Dual VFO's • SeIroabIe r-' •• 00
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COUIl.l Dar
Number 20 0 n you r F~ba<: k c.rd

73 Review by Steve Roberts N4 RVE

The ICOM IC- 725 ICOM America, Inc.

2380-116Ih Ave. N.E.
Bellevue WA 98004
Tel. (206) 454- 7619.
An experiential viewpoint. Price Cl ass: $949.

his is not a normal equipment review. excellent noise blanker, along with AF GAIN,
T There are no lab lest results and no
objective compa risons between th is un it
SQUELCH.••lIC GAIN, and AF Power controts .
Missing is fast aSK operation . which I
and anything else on the market. My new came 10 appreciate with the Argonaut,
ICOM 725 did not arrive with a 73 product- tho ugh the delay on the semi-break-in
revie w assignment attached. no r have I keyer is internally adju stabl e and I haven 't
really given the issue much th ough t. experimented with it. More significant is
What realty counts in equipment discus- the tack of a passband tuning or similar
sion is the non-analytical impressioni stic cont rol, though I rarely encounler a RM
The ICOM 1G-72S.
view that comes from experience. coupled situations that can 't be resolved with an
with some commentary on how appropriate a T-A delay. I'm rewiring the otherwise seldom- external auclio fitter system that inc ludes spa-
product is for a given set of needs. And it was a used TRANSMIT push-button for this purpose . tia! synthesis. ICOM offers optional plug-in
speci fic need thai drove my selection of this Actually, I may ret ire the 100 watt power CW filters. with 500 or 250 Hz bandwidth. (I
un it ... bicycle-mobile HF operation. amplifier in the 725 . The tCOM engineers should note that AM and FM transmiss ion re-
thoughtfully made it an eas ily removable mod- qui re another optional module. though AM re-
Battery Operated Rigs ule. The alternative, not available in the US ception is standard.)
First, I have to say that no current commer- but com monplace in Japan, is a 10 watt am pli-
cial Japanese all-band HF rig is optimized for fier .. . just abo ut perfect for my lifest yle. and The IC-72S In Action
low-power operation. The two obvious candi- MUCH liqh ter. My actual performance evaluation is sub-
dates are the ICO M 725 and the Yaesu 747 jective. and is influenced by all the variables
(which also appears in slightly modified form 725 Operation that attect any stat ion . Signal reports and
as the Heath 5 6- 14(0). Both are fine unit s. but So much for the custom installation, Fired comments on audio quality are consistently
they draw a lillie over an am p on receive up, whether in camp, on the road , or in a host 's excellent with in the expectations of band con-
stand by-far too high for casual all-nig ht use garage, the 725 is all business and a joy to ditions, I'm only using a dipole and mobile
on battery power, Compa red to myoid Arg- use. It' s a capable general coverage AM re- whip, but I have no trouble with moderatety
o naut 515, th is ast ronomica l po wer drain ceiver as well as a multimode, all-band ham competitive OX.
would have an inhibiting effect on operation. transceiver. and it has let me retire the trusty And the operating experience itself-the
Bul life is a tyranny of trace-ens. On lhis ICF-2002 digital Shortwave I've carried for feel of controls, the sound,the level of simplic-
next trip, I want more power, more features. 16,000 miles. It has 26 memories (two of which ity-are all supe rb. I've been a guest in a lot of
more prec ision, more operating convenience . work togelher for spli t-frequency operation on shac ks. and the IC-725 holds its own very well
and remote ope ration. For all the pleasure of 10m FM or wherever), and two VFOs. despite its small size.
the old Argonaut (and no, I haven' t see n the One of the nicest features is the architec- ICOM offers companion automatic tuners
new model), it's lime to move up. But the in- ture of the digita l side of things, includi ng .....hat (the AH-3 and AT-150) which are tully support-
evitable cost is more .....eight . more power ICOM calls the " band stacking registers." (In ed by the rig: just push the TUNER button. Also,
drain, and more com ple xity . Is it .....orth it? essence, this makes it easy to .....ander around the CI-V line makes it completely compatible
Yes! the bands and return to where you left oft in with previous smart radios from ICOM . I'll be
My ICOM 725 is now shock-mounted in the each one withou t having to explicitly store the using the NM 1D shareware Autolog program
comm bay of the new bicycle trailer. The 725 locations in memories . The operatinq mode is 10 control the radio from one of the DOS ma-
offers a serial interface port known as CI-V; tracked intelligenUy, defaulting to the normal chines in the console, While also handling con-
this is handled by a loc al New Micros FOATH side band in each case, Manipulating lhe dat a tact logg ing (or maybe I'll write one in Hyper-
6SHC11 in communication with lhe network in memories and VFOs is simple enough to talk for the Mac),
up in the console. The radio's audio input and quickly become intuitive. All in all. I can comfo rtably recommend this
output are ported to a crossbar switch tnat leis Tun ing is very fast, and can occur in steps of radio to anyone contemplating mobile opera-
me conveniently ope rate .....ith the Setcom hel- 10 Hz , 20 Hz, 50 Hz . 1 kHz, 1 MHz, or by tion, or anyone looking for a small-footprint rig
met headset, a speaker mike, or through the bands. The mechanism is simple-push-but- for a crowded operating space, It seems to
UHF remote-and it's a Si mpte matter to tons labeled kHz . MHz, and band invoke an- weather abuse wett . .. since we're in a Santa
switc h in fitters and the like. nunciator arrows over the appropriate digits Cruz layover. it has been extensively earth-
lis ante nna output is cabled to a co ax patch on the display. and turning the dial results in quake-tested. Indeed, it served as a lifeline to
panel thr ough which I can ma nually select the corresponding tuning rate. All together, the outside world in the 3 days we were with no
mobile Whips, ext ernal dipoles, the tuner, or this results in real agilily in getting around the power. DI
wha tever. spectrum, further augmented by three auto-
Aeducing power drain is a little trickier, but matic scanning modes and UP/DOWN buttons
Ste ~en K. Roberts N4RVE is ClJrrently in a Silicon
I've managed an est imated 60-70% savings on the microphone. Val/ey layover, blJi/ding the Win nebl/(Q System 3. on
in standby current. The dia l tight is now which he will ta/(e off lo r open-ended interna tionat
SWitched, and tile internal audio amp is by- Controls tra vel this spring. Detailed system descriptions and
other stories appear in his bimonthly Journal o f High-
passed in favor of the network. And it turns out The 725 has RIT, of course, along with an
tech Nomadness. 8va iiabJe tor SIS from NomaOiC
that you can switch off the po..... er amplifier internal 10 dB preamp and 20 dB attennuator Research Labs, P,O. Boll 2390. Santa cnu CA
when in receive with only a slight penalty in (but no AF Ga in conrron. There is also an 95063
S4 73 Amaleuf Radio . February,l990
Simple and Easy. Software Included.
Here 's I he easiest packet rad io yet. Unlike others. DRS I includes a ll
you don't even have to buy a T:\C the software you need. The TH S
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PC Packet Ada pter into any ex- pri nt, scroll, review a nd more.
pansion slot a nd get on the ai r in
min utes. just like an expe rt. And
yo u'll still be able to use the PC for 2400 ~iUD
other work! The complete VHF Ma ny areas are upgrading their
system is only s I39.95! packet nets to this higher speed .
DRS I's M-24 modem for 2400
baud con nects sim ply with no
Sophisticated, Too. modifications to you r rig and lets
When you've mastered the basics, you operate bot h 1200 and 2400
use the PC. Pa cket Adap ter for sim ultaneously with your present
simulta neo us dual-ba nd H F radio. Step up to this new speed
VHF. multiconnect. BBS. TC P
IP. D Xer's Pac ketCluster, 2400
for just S79.95. today!
:::e: D R S I
baud (and higher). Even use the Call or Write 2065 Range Road
Developer's Pa ckage to write yo ur fur com pie-It Clea rwate r, FL 34625
own packet applica tion . Product Catalog ORDERS: t-80o.999-0204


Number 21 on your FHdback cerd

From the Hamshack
Something for ketl or Yldea term1n&l&l I gu9S8 It can 't
be sald that 73 doesn't gI'Ie sp&CS to
Beginners both sides of acontroversial wue .
Afloer watching 8. ham oper ator In ec- Ron Johneon WABRON
t lon.l decided to look Into the hobby. I Austln TX
know a.bsolutely nothing about erne-
teur radio . I pic ked u p your J uly issu e DslIg h ted y ou rememberfJd Ih e eru-
In ho pes or lea-rnlng where to begin , cle-I'd forgo tUin about It. Of CO Ul'B9,
The one theme I understood wa.s tha t the IIJ'tlcJe doesn't say what you say it
the ranks or ham operators Is o win- does. You ''''Just trying to get my we11·
dllng and the hobby needs ne_ oomal'S. UitheJWI goal. But th e article oeruJnly
But In this issue, I fou nd the newcomer seems on larget as far as polnl1nt ou t
Ignored. Nothing 011 how to get st&rted, that 0811s UIiI III6CU'ical and _m to be
no alm ple ex p1a.n&UOll8 ..bout equ fp- afflICted by AC curn m tll. Th~reasonJng
_m6 Joglcal that AC m&j(Mtlc fJellis
TaipeI. Tai.-m, In tll~mlddJerow.on tllengbUwld racIf. old 73S ..aJlfor /le.-bomes,
mentor license requ1rtmentl.
I f'e6.\.IuI UUS le vel woull1 be boring to nay be abllJ to h elp as "'flU U harm
you r experienced opel'l.tors. but aU1'&- cellular nproou CtiOn . n 's 08N&1nJy though you may be mentioning prod· mode , For thOllfl JuSt atarttng. CW ca'l
I)' .. ~e or two devoted to the beginner ti me ly to g~t s ome experlmenUng ucts only becauae you eeu them. You be 't1tal. We are not n__ ssr'ily pro-
is f'M8OlIable--or even a ooncnuously done I wtsh mol"fl readers had paid at· may be 8fllllng beginners shon on the moting a Ltw requmng CW for ucen-
r unn i ng offer tor free o r tow -cost tentlon to tIll' '71 article. Thespark 08' tremendous nu m ber of well·prepared sure, but we do believe In t h s prlnclple
repMnts or s uch material , cl1Jator JSprIIDlt.J ve. We 'd want tohave study gu ld ee , &8 well a s compute r that CW ls pro fou ndly valuable,
How IDany people Uk" my self might close oontl'Ol OVaI' the fnquency an d COUl'Bf/S. If you're t./'uly goIng to cover Goh Kawai NBUOK
have picked up an issue With the Idea of fJeld stnmgths , and 9xperlm9nt fll'Bt t he n ewco mer's scene, do more t han Ds p~ , of Linguistics
becoming 8 ham, only to become dis- on thlngslJ1r.llchlck embryos befol'6 we r e a d o yer y ou r tn va n tc r y o n Mr , Ste nford Unlv erslty. Mou n tai n View
couraged? start zappJng hum 81lS. Wayn e's boo ks helt, CA
William E. Hugger But the Idea ths t this mJght h elp Gordon West WB6N OA Len Traub ma n W6HJK
Essexville MI thIngs Ilk e' sk Jn oencer isn't that far C<:>lIa M... CA Se.n Ma.teo CA
afJeld. SomlJthJnt is golnt wrong wJth
Thanks f or your 1,,'tsr-4II d y tJS. we theOflI18. u/UeJWI by a groJrJtJI num · Gordon, I kno ..J'Vurcourses al"fIex08l·
don 'r hSV8 m uch fo r bol8lnners. You bf/r of agentll of which we al"fIa",UIiI, lent but my 8N1 "'/IS to Inform people They Get Around
wouldn 'I ~J th flr Jf J'Vu wel"fl pu blJSh - such ... ma,gnllt.Jc fields. smokJnt, UV. abou t th~ books w~ ha ve on band HaTe y ou ",er won d e r ed w he r e
lng, With ham growth a t 0 ,8<l1i In the etc.• a11 plus a neMSs 'ry peycholOflJcal .-hJch I Wr.~. Ti'lJs .... my Idea-In ~ ol d copies of 73 go t o di e'> We ll .
lasl YNJ', Ulere 4l'l' "lIry f ll" nl,,,com· compon en t . Wayn e, sP01lSf/ to calls &lid Jeuers from rNders I found the place , . .TaJpel. Taiwan .
ers If I p ublish stuff for b<I¥lnners, I askJJIg abou l the books wllbaveavaJl· Some copies up to a yll&l" old were ~
gM h"Ut nail and subscription canOl'l1· "ble---and I did N()T wriUt i t as a sal..
l ,,/kmsfrom the old tlmflrs, And I hard -
Make Contact - plu:h . I wroten to Jnform, and sh&l"fl tor . 5-8 US at the Brothllr Hotlll
In dow ntown TaIpeI.
sr gflt any new readers, since the", aro Please Don't my enthusiasm, Also, my intent W'as hter Bealo WB2MJ G
so fe" begJ.nners, Disregard Us not to coVllr a11 the best courses avaJl · Pla18tow NH
A f ll" YfIUS&gO. Ham Rad lo started a able. Had I aone so. With only one page
I wIs h to praise KAI UKM fo r ~he
new m&gWne for ham beglnnllrs, Ie
went brokll, There 'sa Jesson U'lel'6, splendi d rspl y she made to WB2DSH In
to fJ11, I could only hav9 made a IJst ,
wi th no descrJptions, That woul d have
In 1983 the ARRL almost totally e e- the Novem ber 1989 Issue of 73 . I hav e »een no better than the t.Jny, barely tn- Conversations?
stroyed the high school radio club in- llved In Botswa na (2 yeal'S) a nd I have f orma tiv e bl u r b i n t he B o ok · In line with you r campaJgn to clean
~raveled extensIvely i n South Atr lca , I
(r/lStructure which kepI us gro wJng, sh elf. . Llnda K A 1UKM u p ham radio. I ot ter t hs follOWi ng
so we've had Illt/e gro",th sJn Cti then . moYed to Liberia last summer. Several comments, I hope you 'U aooept thllm In
A nd ",llh out lhose radJO cl u bs . not governments hllrEI In Afr ica do not live
up to ou r Idee.Js, I t 18 too bad WB2 DSH
CW, A Valuable tIlIISpirit IIflth which they 're written !
m uch h ope of growUl
Wayn e W2NSDI I hu Mt up the American medta aa his International As you k now , our on·the-air connr-
MtiOns typically could be gllnsr&ted
WJ11i&m . _ the N ovem ber " Waloom e
saviO.. of Africa , Ma ny news people Language Illld responded to byoomputel'. I n fact.
come OUt here Illld han their copy all
Nllwoome1'8 for book s. and look over We bellne thoee who do not uae oode lOme hama I suspect of being silent
written , but Just need eame lnc1dents are m1sslng a crucl&l opponunlty for keys long ago. fol' thalr oon'lersatlons
/JlII adS " II ~rry f or NorlCti COU I'S - to s pice It up a bit. Much suffering ror
• . . KA1 UKJ/ th e p r o m o ti o n of International nevsr vary . But It turna ou t that restor·
my broUlSr8 and sisters hu resulted
goodWIll. Clf I' the choice of many Ing meanIng to radiO conversa tion
from th_ manipulated repone .
nonEnglll:h·spealting hams. not only "'ould s pell the ENDOF AMATEUR RA·
Full Cycle? KInd words and gentle pressure In a
contact wl1l move mor e mountains
beeauss of propagation. bu~ because DIO!
W&yn~ 'seditor'ialln the 1&S~ Septom· some foreign hams cannot obtain SS B Yll88lr , it's thsre In t he regulations ;
(racleml than a Ut he " blasting" ou ~ of
bar Iss ue seemed to aocept and ex· equ ipment . Only conver eatlons which by reaoon of
a person will ever accom plis h, Over
pound the theory that 60 oycle electra· CW Is a n i n t-erna tiOn al languagll , their unimportance are not con sldllr ed
h ere. many wh its rolk a re wor king
mag netic emana~ions f r om h ou s e liven more than EnglJah . Its a.bbrevl,,· fit to spend. telllphone fellS on may bfI
wit h black Afr ica ns to ma ke ~he oontl·
wiring anq appl1a ncee causes cancer tlone a nd oonven tlons a llow mearung· exchanged!
nent better . Chan ges are coming . ObViously, our bret hl'fln In radio are
and other disorders . I~ ",minded mea! ful communicatio n; cu ~ down mls·
Plfl&M don 't " thro w out ~hlJ baby with
an article published In 73, " Electronic spellings a nd mispronunciations, and not deliberately bo ring u . with the
the bath ",ater."
Health ," by C.A. Moore, In the May help maln~ln corr ect word Ol'der. same old information, nelthsr are they
Daie Mcldln des
19'1l ls8ue, which bol dly c1&lmed In no Since CW la s lower than vOice. the non · 80 unlntelltgent that only the same old
Wonro'l16, L1ber'i4
u ncertain terms that a n apparatus MUTe spea.ker can spend more l1me ph rases fall trom their Ilpe. No. They
Wllllt Africa are conBcientioUll . rule-abiding opera-
co ns ~ ruc te d of a n eon'lIl gn trans · understandln( the mes&&.ge and for·
former Illld a s par k gap would c ure mulatlng a reaponM . tors who are meticulously tollowing
ca nosr, " severo toothac he a nd other Unfair Coverage Am a te u l'S are wor ltt ng hard to thelettf/r of the law .
pa i n s ," and gen srally " r e vit a li ze After read ing your [ L i n d a brtdge t h e language ba r rie r. Len I n s tea.d o f castigatin g the m . you
cella" U co nstr-uCWd. a nd used per the KAI UKW' s ) November " We lco me W6HJK huoompUed "RUSSI4n Phr...· .houid be congratulating them! Such
a rtlcle' s d lreetiOns , t h s a ppara~us Newcomers. " I was wonder ing w hy es for Amateur Rad io ," Goh N6UOK 18 attention to det&l1 proteet8 our h obby
would give t he user a mu ch stro nger ou r RadiOSchool Novice clasa OOUrsefl p r e par i ng a . yllabus of Ja pa ness a nd keeps our frequsnetes from bel ng
dose of 60 cycle and higher frequency were not msntloned , Please don' t leave phrases . Tor ~hoae wholtnow a foreign take n for meanlngi'u l purpoge8,
e m ana~lo n ~han " kill er" elec~rlc blan· us out o f fur~ her editorl a ls - s vs n la n gu a ge . CW w ill re m a in a vIab le Cortla nd E . " Rich" Rich mond KA5S

56 73 Amateuf Radio • February, 1990

IBM - PC with the CODEKEY 1000 LOGBOOK
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A multl-I••tu" '''Olllnil .ppl1••" .... ' . r Pr;./XT/~T •
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gj ncc r~ and Finkky PC
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73 Amat9Ur Radio • February, 1990 57

available for packet operation , not is how to do this using current
just the 100 kHz from 145.00- TNCs. As it turn s out. most TNCs
145.10 MHz. support a different modem stan-
Start using this spectrum. No dard, V.23, that uses an 800 Hz
Latest in Digital Hamm ing person or group " owns" a fre- shift . Instead of 1200 Hz and 2200
quency . 0 0 be courteous. but Hz tones. V.23 uses 1300 Hz and
Brian Lloyd WB6RON on one Irequency at anyone time don 't be shy . Packet radio uses 2100 Hz . The spectrum for V .23
Teleb it Corporation is lim ited . Not everyone can be Carrier Sense Mu ltiple Access spans from about 700 Hz to about
1345 Shorebird Way crammed onto 145.01 MHz and (CSMA); you can share the fre- 2700 Hz . Compare this to the Bell
Mountain ViewCA 94043-1329 forgotten. Packeteers need solu- quency with other users. Take ad- 202 whose spectrum spans from
tions: either the allocation of more vantage of that capability. about 600 Hz to 2800 Hz. Most
freque ncies, or frequency cccrdi- Before you begin to transmit on SSB transceivers can pass a sig-
Better Frequency nation so they may use me fre- a freq uency, find out whether lt's nal that is 2 kHz wide, but they
Coordination Needed! quencies they have more ettr- in regular and general use. One al have trouble with signals any
My call is going home to Califor- ciently. the simplest methods consists 01 wider.
nia. By the time you read this, I will putting a rece iver on the freque n-
have moved from the Wash ing- Packet On 2m cy , and using the squelch line Ad vantages o f V.23
ton, DC. area to the san Francisco How is this most popular VHF or a VOX to start a stereo tape t . The overall bandwidth 01 the
Bay a rea. spectrum spl it up? There are re co rder . U se one c hanne l to signal is about 2 kHz . seven times
In many ways, it's easy to ope r- three major user groups who. record the aud io from the receiver less than a Bell 202 modem driv-
ate packet rad io in the Wash ing- because of the nature of their ac- tuned to the frequency, and the ing a NBFM transceiver. Now you
ton, DC. area. Users have ple nty tivity, cannot easily share their fre- other channel to record the audio can get 25-35 packet channels in-
of frequencies on 2 meters to quencies. These are the repeater from a receiver tuned to WWV. to the space formerly occupied by
choose from . The Mid Allant ic us ers , t h e hamsat (O SC A R) This way you can find out who is only five channels.
Repeater Council (TMARC, the users. and the weak-signal enthu- actually using the frequency. and 2 . The different modulation
to ea ! frequency coordina ting siasts, when . scheme buys you 10 dB or more
committee) took an active interest Repealer users can centrale in The repealer portion of the 2 link margin improvement. This
early on an d saw to it that there 144.5 1- 144.89 MH z , 145 .1 1- mete r band is not sacrosanct . means that you can use 1 wall of
were plenty of frequencies avail- 14 5 .4 9 MHz , 146 .00- 146 .40 Many allocated repeater pairs are SSB signal to do the work of 10
able for packet radio operation. MHz, 146.60-147.4 0 MHz, and little , if ever, used. Check with the watts of FM signal. l ooked at an-
(In add ition to 145 .01-145.09 147.60- 148.00 MHz . Satellite and local coordinating council to see other way , th is means your 10
MHz , TMARC legi timized the use space commu nicat ions u se what channels are and aren 't watt SSB rig will do the work of a
of 145.51 -145.69 MHz for pack- 145.80-146.00 MHz. Weak signal spoken for . Use the monitoring 100 wall FM rig.
et.) Those responsible for building operation generally takes place technique mentioned above to 3. This is an ideal way to do
and mainta in ing BB S s . d igi - on and around 144.1 50-144 .250 locate unused repeater frequen- 1200 bauds on 10 meters using
pe aters. NETfROM nodes. and IP MHz. 144.000-144.100 MHz is re- c ies . You might also hnd re- inexpe nsive 10 meter SSB trans-
switc hes assisted by using 220 served lor CW operation. pealers seldom used and come to ceivers . Novices can use th is
and 440 MHz, and the 6 meter, Packet operation in the satellite an agreement with the owners on scheme effectively and inexpen-
band liberally and effectively. This subband and the weak signal part packet use 01 the repeaters. A sively to get on 1200 baud packet.
kept co ngesti on . hidden termi- of 2 meters can be very disruptive. properly adjusted repeater is a (The little $260 . 25 watt. 10 meter
nals , and frequency use argu- A eereune is essentially allying MUCH better choice for packet transceiver Irom Radio Shack
ments to a minimum. repea ter; any signal wit hin its ope ration than a simplex dig i- might work very well, and the
This app arently is an unusual passba nd gets repeated on anoth- peater. price is much less than a new 2
case . Many hams who live in large er ba nd (usually 10 meters or Plenty of spectrum is available meter FM rig. I'll experiment with
me tropolitan areas complain 70 em. in the current crop of satel- on 2 meters for packet radio coer- this and give you a report in a later
about the lack of available fre- lites) and in many cases, you can ation . You just have to look lor it . column.)
quencies for packet ope ration. It hear their signals over large areas Spend time " mining" the spec- 4. Most TNCs can operate their
seems that mosl freque ncy coor- 01the Earth. Unless you know for trum. and you may just find a few modems as V.23 devices with little
dinating groups pay little or no at- sure that there is no " bird" above more frequency " nuggets." or no modification.
tent ion to packet rad io . probably the horizon with its 2 meter input
due to a bias toward repeater op- enabled . d on 't u se 145.800- Modems8nd Most TNCs Will Support V.23
erat ion (most of these coordinat- 146.000 MHz. Spectrum Effic iency If you have a Kantronics TNC ,
ing groups grew out of a need to The weak signal enthusiasts oc- Most packet ope ratio n takes you're in luck . Most Kantronics
coo rdinate the use 01repeater fre- cupy a very small part of2 meters, place at 1200 bauds using Bell TNCs can operate in V.23 mode
quencies) and a tack of knowl- but they are very sensitive to ANY 202 modem s to modulate a nar- simply by entering the command
edge about packet radio. The so- emi ssion in t heir part of the spec- rowband FM transceiver. This is CCITT ON . TNCs wilh the AMD79 10
lutio n is lor oacketeers to get trum. They spend a great deal of very inefficient; the packet signal or the TCM3105 sing le c hip
invo lved in the frequency coordi- time experimenting with propaga- occ upies 15 kHz or more of band- modems can operate V.23, as
nation process. tion, and they examine any signal. width. Using an SSB transceiver cont rol pins on the chips select
Pac ket racket ca n raise havoc instead of an FM transceiver is a the modem' s operating mode. If
More Channels for Packet when you are trying to receive a possibte imp rovem ent, but th e yo ur TNC ha s one of these
Frequency coordinators need signal that is only a few decibels Bell 202 modulation scheme (FSK modems, but no command to se-
to understand that their decisions above the noise floor. ~th a 1 kHz shift using 1200 and lect V .23, contact the manufactur-
strongly affect other users of ama- 2200 Hz tones) generates a signal er for modification information.
teur rad io besides the repeater Plenty at Room tor Packet? thai will nol pass through the aver- By modifying the transmit m0d-
users and ope rators. They need to Gosh. it seems like all of 2 me- age SSB transceiver without un- utator , TAPR TN C-1 and TNC-2
know that packet rad io' s require- ter s is used up, right? Wrong! The acceptable distortion. One simple clones (those that use the 2206
ment for freq uency coordination is above only represents 2.760 MHz solutiOn-change the shift. modulator and 2211 demodulator)
different, but no less vita l to ama- of 2 meters, 1.240 MHz are left for There is no need to use a 1 kHz can operate in V.23 . Use the stan-
teur rad io. simplex voice and packet. This shift . With FSK, shifts as low as dard calibrat ion technique 10 set
Yes , packet users can share a means that almost a third of the 2 half the data rete (600 Hz for 1200 the transmit modulator to the 1300
channel, but the number of users meter spectrum is poten ti ally bauds) can be used . The question Hz and 21 00 Hz tones . The receiv-
58 73 Amateur Radio • February , 1990
er demodulator oces nol need re- band, and your transceiver has IF JANUARY 4 , 1 9 8 3
.................. ...... . ...... ...... . .... ...... . .
calibration. That' s aU there is 10 it. shi ft, you are in luck; ju st use the
You can also modify the AE A IF shitl to center the IF passband A CURE WAS FOUND
PK-232 to op e rate as a V .23 over the modem tones. II you do
modem simply by readjusting lhe not have IF shift, you'll have to FOR THESE DISEASES :
2206 modulator. seethe PK-232 either mod ify the radio (change
man ual, or contact AEA for in- the BFO injection frequency) or 1. REFLECTI:D POWER-ITC H
structions on how to do this . use different tones.
It turns out that using differen t 2. KNOB-ITUS
Proper Passband Adjustment tones is not a problem . The only
There is one fly in the ointment; important thing is that the tones 3. QRII-DEAFNI:SS
not all SSB rad ios have a pass- diller by the correct shih, in this
band centered at 1700 Hz. You case, 800 Hz. If you have a TNc.1 ,
can find out if yours does by doing TNC-2, or other TNC that uses a
a simple test using only an audio 2206 modulator and a 221 1 de-
generator and a wallmeter/dum-
my load . Connect the aud io gen-
modulator, all you have to do is
readjust the 2206 to the new tone
erator to the microphone jack and pair. Adju st the 2211 center fre- 7. CROSS NI:I:DLI:-I:VI:S
the wattmeter/dummy load to the
anten na jack. Set the mike gain
cont rol to its normal operating
quency to be exactly in the middle
of the new tone pair, e.g., if the
tones are 1000 Hz and 1800 Hz,
THE CURE IS: * ._--, -
- ~ ~";;J
position. Set the frequency of the adjust the 22 11 10 a center fre- •
audio generator to about 1500 quency of 1400 Hz.
Hz and increase the signal from
Ihe aud io generator u nt il the
Plea se try this and let me know
how things work out. I will also be MA COM
transceiver is putting out about experimenti ng to see what works
half power. Decrease the freque n- and what doesn't, and I'll report
cy of the aud io generator unt il the back on Ihis in a later column. ANTENNA MATCHER ®
FO R AL L S .S . IlI . RA D I O S
transceiver output power drops to
one-fourth of the previou s power
level (down by 6dB).
The ARRL HF Modem Pro ject
The Federal Emergency Man-
The audio generator is now set agement Agency (FEMA) and the
to the low frequency edge of the A RAL Technology fu nd have MAX COM, I N C. BOX e 0 2 , '=T . LAUD" FL . 3 3 3C.ii!:
pesscaoc. Now increase the fre- provided a total of $16,000 for HF 30!5-1!523-S3S9
quency of the audio generator. modem exp eri me ntation . The -..-
The power ou tput of the rad io will fund will help delray the costs in- CIRCLE 101 ON REAOER SERVICE CaRD
rise again . Continue to increase curred by amateurs while they are
the frequency of the audio genera- developing and experi menting .& UNADILLA ANTENNA .&
tor until the power output aga in
drops by 6 db (one-fourth power).
with new modem hardware.
If you are a se rious experi-
( 50 8 ) PO Bo x 4215 BV'Ando:r. MA-D 1810 (508)
The aud io generator is now set to
the high frequency edge of the
menter interested in s pe nding
l ime developing and testing new
4 7 4 -8 9 4 9
24 Hour FAX THE
8 IG SIGNA L 4 7 5 -7 8 3 1
9-5 ES T M-F
passband. You can now dete r- mod em ideas for HF packet corn,
mine how well the modem signal munications, contact Lori Wein- Turn Your Antenna Into
will lit int o the pa ssband. berg , 203-666-1541 , at ARRL
If the modem spectrum does Headquarters, 225 Main Street, Several Antennas!
With the ' O ld Refiable'IN2VS a ntenna tra ps
not fit com fortably in the pa ss- NewinglOfl CT 06111. Ell
Traps N8flloKl too a ,",u lh ·ba nd
A pa~ IOf ,,,f" V b and _
Number 34 o n your Feedbae:k (:8rd e 'Cef'1 Iowe.' 1 h "qupn cy -1Jf KW· 20

UPDATES - - • -1J"
KW ·1S

S pecial wire length di ll. is shipped with your trap order. Get rid of the "antenna
KB1UM's Fl avorig Abou t Updat e s farm " and pol all of you r Iavoeae band s on one antenna.
Beter to " Aavorig! ," by Micha el J . II you have any questions about an
emcre . p lease c o n laCt l he author,
- - -=M,',=---.
,, "'h'
. . 11.00nanl
Geier KB 1UM , on pa g e 12 in l he
November 1989 issue. The Part s List whose name and address appears at """"
';;W· IO
lor this project is on pa ge 88. The cor-
rect Source and No . lor L6 (1 0 m H) is
th e end 01 the art iCle. II a ny changes,
correc uces. o r addi tional information
11l. Il I
Digi·Key M70103 (NOT M71 00). co nc ern i ng any ilem in the arti cle "N-'" zc 14 .175
needs to be published , it's the a uthor' s "N-'" so 10.1 25
Etlsy Tu ning l o r the Un ld e n
responsibility to contact 73 and provide
"N"", eo 7.""
"N _
Also in the November 1989 issue, II
the edilorial staff with the new infor-
~ ... . . . ,..d lnpi
'" 3.875
lor .:p«oaI t-,;-,-J
ulI lc>r add;tiorlod .. ro otod q_.
connection was leI! 001 01 the d iag ram " Upd ates" is nol limiled to ccrrec-
o n page 40 ollhe article, " Easy Tun ing l ions, For example , il you lind a eener Contact Your Loca l Ham Deafer Toda y!!!
lor Ihe Un iden HR-2510 ," by Carl A . supplier 01 II part icular part than the To order direct call (508 ) 475-783 1or write
Kollar K3J M L. Pins 2 and 4, and pins 8 aUlhor, or a n easier wa yol carrying oul lor our inlonnational brochure on our other fine products
and 12, should be jumperecl togelher his inslructions than he suggesl S, leI BaoI...·Anl.... tot.. FioI1.• • .....alo"'· ENCHUato.."'oCo.oxi.. Ae-lay.
(K the Circuil won 't work . Otherwlse. h im and us know . All produc:tol e..... OI'ilh a 30 o.y W • .,..nty
lhe scnematc, parts pl aceme nt. parts Ma leria l p Ublished i n " Upd ate s" -NOTICE-
list, and component mounling g uide al ways re ters 10 items in p re vious We are the tl.Eii manufacturers of the original
are all co rrect. issues . III JA MES MILLEN"" Products
508 975--2711 Qam-5 :"E",S",T:,M,,-::F::-::-.,..::-::-~
Number 23 o n your FH dback e a rd

73 Book Review by Andy MacAllister WASZIB


Tune in on Telephone
1-800-426-2891;'--1 Calls
For the casual listener and
the arden t enthusiast.

FT·761GX Gen C c.M S Tune in OIl Telephone Calls

FT·151 GX UGenC c.M S Scanner and Shortwave Freque ncy Directory
:i~1 1 Snl-- 6On1 $ ;:.0:'--'7 g:: by Tom Kneild K2AES
FT·712F!H /I; c.M S CRB Research Booksvlnc.
:i:~AI S~"E
Ci?1 ~: POBo ~ 56

:i~ro,"", f ....161G~ ~:: : :

Commack NY 11725
$ 12.95 ($2,00 S & H)
FT·7..7Ge , p..S~ a il S
~=~ UHF ",f 6 ·~-"'c al: :
Copy right 1988
ISBN: 0-939780...08-9
FT 690 RlH ~ Call S
FT 190 RIH Call S
FT ..700 Dual Band
FT "1 12 Mele, HT
FT81 1«OHT "1 0 ,00
Call S
Ca li S
R adiotelephone signals abound from just
above the AM broadca st ba nd through
the microwave spectrum. Tune III on Tele-
formation. incl uding sys tem input and output
frequencies with cha nnel spacing.
If you're interested in tech nica l details on
tf ~ IICOM I phone Calls by Tom Kneitel K2A ES delivers
a detailed examination of the mod es, frequen-
cies and purposes of the many types o f wi re-
C MT control frequencies or command for-
mats, don 't look here . The book docs not go
beyond the basics. but it does provide a sim-
less phone systems on the air today . plified desc ription of the cellular-radio con-
Tom has bee n actively writing for the ama- cept in opcranon.
teu r rad io entbusiast and shortwave listener
for over 30 years, and he has published many Section for Swl.ers
1C-181 New Deiu• • H c... books and hu ndreds o f articles on communi-
1C-165Gen.C CVI' c.. , The book has a fine section on shortwave
IC-135Gen.C C.. , cations topics. receivers and VHF/ UH F sca nners for mon i-
1C-151AGen. C Call S
IC-R1OOO~ _1 "'-....,,"a ll $
Tune in on Telephone Calls is formatted as toring radiotelephone frequencies. Tom even
IC·Rl CaliS a freq uency list. with deta iled descriptions of provides instructions for modi fying the Radin
IC·228A1 Call S
IC·28A/H F ~~Ca I I S
each serv ice and its location in the RF spec- Shac k PRO -2004 scanner to resto re its ability
IC·2GA trum . The aut hor also provides a few de fini- to receive frequencies in the 825 to 845 and
C- AT "
Call S
tions of terms that might not be familiar to 870 to 890 M Hz ran ge .
1C.2S AT 2 ,...::,.. Call S
beginners. Unlik e other guides Tom has put He discusses antennas and the use of re-
IC"'S AT 1.--1 II( Call S together over the years. which are composed ce ive conveners for extendi ng the frequency
1C-4GAT New 6w HT
C.." ,
c.. almost entirely of channel listings. this ra- coverage of olde r scanners.
1C.38A 25'M FM XCVI' c.. , diotelephone book is mo re than a third text.
1C-32AT 2mI7Ocm HT c.., Services and Frequencies

IQ"I AI.INCO Comm unk anons Prlvacy Covered

The first chapter gives some of the history
of mobile tele phone use and the lega lities of
Subseq uent chapters cover twenty other
types of rad iotelepho ne services and their
frequencies. From cordless phone freq uen-
FEB CLOSE-OUT monitoring calls hea rd over the air. Unlike cies to military ai rcraft VIP telephone ope ra-
DR·Sl0 the ham on a 2 meter repeater, a radio-tele- tions , the reponing is very accurate, with a
Dual Band Mobile phone user, especially a new cellular sub- few exceptions.
OR·110 T 2M Mobila 51900 CaliS sc riber. th inks he is on a clear channel with no Amateur VHF and UHF freq uency list-
DR-51 0 T DIB Ma l 2ml1Occ 71900 Ca liS eavesdroppe rs. ings. where phone autopatchcs are allowed ,
DR·510 Dual Band Mobile 759 00 Ca ll $ A nyth ing said ov er normal phone lines.
OJ·100T3w-2mH T ess oo Call S
arc incomplete . The section on satellite tele-
1.cG- 150 MHz AMPLIFIERS from casual business ope ration s to cla ndes- phone ca lls is quite short, without any detai ls
ElH-23OG All Mode :)Ow CalIS
ELH ·23OQ Pre-amp:)Ow
ElH·26OQ Pre-amp 5000
tine activities. will turn up on the rad iotele-
phone frequencies.
on what it takes to listen in. Tom docs. how-
ever. gi ve information on sources the reader
Tom desc ribes in detail the events leading may pursue to ferret out more data on these
up to the passage of the Electronic Communi- serv ices .
cat ions Privacy Act . This law makes it is Tune in on Telephone Culls provides all the
METRO: (612) 754-1200 illegal to listen to cellular mobile telepho ne basic infonnation for the casual listener to get
PIONEER VILLAGE (C MT) serv ices . started with radio-telephone monitoring. and
12581 Central Avenue NE many details for the arde nt enthus iast. This
Blaine, MN 55434
C~IT Overview book is recommended reading for both . m
Alt hough the chapte r dealing specifically
MN 1-800-328-8322, Ext 176 Atld)" M<l rA lljx l ~r WA 5Z IlI ;,1 n ·x H<lm su ls e o / -
with cell ular phone operation is short, it is urn"i.,. Y,1l' ""'.I" ,,'riu Itim <II / 47/4 K"'IIItIX""'.I" Dri,-r .
CIRCLE 332 ON READER SERVICE CARD informative . There is complete freque ncy in- H"w I"" rx 7708J
60 73 Amateur Radio . February. 1990
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73 Ama /eur Radio • February,1 990 61

Num ~r 24 on your c.rd

Radio Direction Finding
Joe Moell PE KOOV catching T-hunt fever. For exam-
PO BoK2508 ple, th e l akes Area Amat eur
Fullerton CA 92633 Radi o A ssoc iation of Bolivar,
Missouri, holds a weekly hunt
on 146 .52 MH z. Gary Harrison
Mail Call WA0RWS says the hunt starts in
From the response I receive 10 the parking lot of a local market on
" Ho ming In," I know that fox - Sunday at 2 PM. The hider trans-
hunting fun is pan 01the activitie s mit s 10 seco nds out of each
of many ham clubs wor ldwide. minute. According to m y almanac,
Kath y Alli son KA1RW V of the Polk County (the hunt boundary
Midd lesex Amateur Radio Society area) ha s a population 01less than
of Portland , Connecticut, writes, 20,000, so having a well-attended
" r -tr unts have helped bring our week ly hunt there is quite an ac.
radio club cicser together. " Jon complishment .
Van Allen W B7QWL of West
Jordan , Utah, says, " I want to see First th e T, t hen Tea
more T-hunts in Utah. I can't have Fcxhununq is a worldwide ham
any more fun without going to radio sport. O ver in England ,
jam" Rich ard Morrall G8ZHA repo rts
I' m always interes ted 10 hea r on 2 meter hunts in Wal sall , near w
how different groups set up thei r
RDF contests. Hunl rul es around
the country are varied and innova-
Birmingham. Doppler RDF units
are popular there ,
The majority of G-land hunts.

tive. Some clu bs hunt on repeater however, use 160 and 80 meters, :\
mputs. others use sim ptex ch an- as they have lor many years. Par-
nels . There are ti me hunts and tic ipants build various kind s 01
mileage hunts, toot hunts and m0- loops and ferrite rod antennas for
bile hunt s, beginner hun ts and ad- foot and vehicle pu rsuit. Photo B. When you don 't win the hunt, you need a gcxxJ excuse. J. Scott
vanced hunts. A well-established schedule of Bovitz N6MI is modeling the T·hunter's Excuse Shirt.
To learn more about T-hunting regional and nation al c hampi-
practices across the coun try, 1 onShip RDF contests takes place one ba nk 0 1 a deep, water-filled to tenet it out with a variety of
started sendi ng a survey form to yearly in England. Hunts on low drainage ditch . The antenna was gear, from simple shie lded HTs
col u m n r e s pond e nt s so m e frequency ba nds mean lOng hid- a 300-foot wire along both banks. to commercial hOming un its. They
m onths ag o , Seve ral su rveys ing antenna s. Sometimes the This made it very cutcun for the toved it, and severer came back
hav e come ba ck , and lhey are hiders carry this to extremes. and hunters to figure out which side of later, bringing their friends.
greal read ing . I'd like to know the competi tors find themselves the ditch to search for the trans-
ab out hunts in your area , too . inside the antenna system. mitter location . Giga-Hunts Nut?
Pl ease drop a line and let me A good example is th e tw o- The seco nd transmitter was 8.4 Some clubs find that there is not
know who , as a knowledgeable transmitter event held last spring miles away from the start in the enough interest 10 support month-
hunt leader, can be st answer the at Banbu ry, abo ut 65 mites north- opposite direction . It was in a very ly hunts with the same set of rules.
survey questions . (Yo u, p er- west of l ondon. The first transmit- large thorn bush next to a stream . Whe n that happens, try some spe-
haps?) ter was 8.7 miles nort heast 01the The only way hu nters could get to cial event hunts. Da ve Kn ight
Both large and small clubs are start point in a thorny hedge near the transmitter was to pick their KA1DT repo rts that the 200-mem-
way through a swamp , and then ber Nashua Area Amateur Radio
j um p th e str ea m. The hiders Club of New Hampshire has got-
strung 400 teet of antenna wire ten about 15 team s to participate
acr o ss a nea rb y v a ll ey , z ig- in each of its ha lt-dozen 2 meter
zagged back and forth to saturate " Supe r-Hunt s."
that area wilh sign al. Every Super-Hunt has different
rules . The first one featured two
Child's Play foxes. One used a beam pointing
I can hear some of you saying into a metal building for lots of re-
tha t r -nuoters are Just adul ts who flect ions . The second was 3 ,5
never slopped playing hide-and- miles away from the urst . at a plc-
seek. Cou ld be . But that al so nic area lor pos t-hunt refresh -
means kids will get a big Charge ments. Tran smitters came on only
out of playing hide-and-seek with when a hunter made a request.
rad io gear, Hey, that's anot her The second Super-Hunt was a
way to int erest kids in ham radio! It walking-only hunt, held in a large
woree.t cc. parle The transmitter, concealed
The Fullerton Radio Club put a in a metal so-ceneee ammo ecx.
hidden 2 meter transmitter on the was so low-powered that it coutd
grounds 01 the loca l Youth SCi- not be detected at the starting
Photo A. Foxh unting fascinates kids. Christie Holoubek K01U oemon- ence Center's annual Hobby Fair po int, requiring a bit 01hiking just
strafes the art of sniffing at a Youth Science Center event. (see Photo A). Kids of all ages gol to be able to hear the signal. This
62 73 Amateur Radio • February, 1990

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CORDLESS use? And benefi ts its users t hrough

Its wea lt h of interactive fea t ure s ?
Chanees are. It's controlled by an ACC
The system wfll leave you messages If
you m iss a r e verse patc h o r ala nn.
Pa ging support includes all popular
PHONE RC·850 Repeater Controller. Because
more discriminating repea le r owners
c hoose ACC cont rollers fo r their
tone forma te so users can always be
available wnhou t having to lis ten.
~l u l tl - ban d
lin king e xte nds you r
systems than any other. And Ihc 850 repeater's range. ties your repea ler to
• (omOl EIIllY lead s the Industry In performance. o t he rs fo r eme rgency an d p ub lic
TO YOUI EIIITl'G The '850 Is extensively programmable. service ecuvtues. and lets you benefit
PHO'llill u s in g tnte racttve T o u ch ·T o n e e ntry from the elevatton of you r repea te r s ite
a nd voice re s p o n s e , o r a com pute r for wo rk tnu a ll band s. ln drvtd ua l u ser
•MANY MOm S10 term tnal. All remotely! F rom a cces s eodes offer secure a cces s to s elec ted
(HOOlEno. cock s to Its cperaung schedu le, nea rl y Iuncuons to b a r unautho rized u sc.
everythtng r- an be ea sil y changed. The to p-of- thc- Itne '850 d is tin gu ishes
tMAY AlSO 8f usm T he p at c-h suppo rts loc al an d ra d io - usc rr as a s t e ll a r p e rfor m e r o n
II AUI PHO'( linke d p h o n e lines. A m rcc-ucrco h un dreds o f repea ter s . An d It can d o
system oners Ilextbtlrty In call routi ng, th e s ame for you. Learn more about
assignme n t o f p rivileges a nd con trol. h ow 10 e n rich yo u r r e peal e r sys te m
The 250 autodial slots support even by contacting us direcUy.
MEGATRONICS the largest g roups.
in t e r n ation a l advanced
6 13 7 WIlSN IU I O UlE VA R D
tOS ANGUU . CA 9004 1

ace c omputer
c o nnors, inc.

fAX 213 ·931 ·6786 2356 Wil ish Ave nue, SOl ntOl Cla ra, CA 95051 (408) 727·3330
WE SIIif H1w ~ E IE

73A maieur Radio • February ,1 990 63

Number 25 on your Feedback urd Homing In Continued'rompsge62
brought an element of chance into will be more Mega-Hunts.
the hunt. giving less experienced
DEALER DIRECTORY hunters an opportunity to beat the
" old hands,"
California Commandos
The greater l os Angeles area
He"rj,OiliCS-Astron, New and UMd 9N". 8 A picnic or other social event continues to lead the nation in T-
am 10 5:30, SM ."., Sun. tIy eppoont_ . follows each Super-Hunt. Spon- hunt activity. There are 14 regu-
s.nlMgo VHF CO UNICATIONS . 210 Tiffeny
Hard to find parts . surplul ellCtronocs . SIan-
.,.., W ~_ , Hams. 1lCIbbyots. indUSlnal
A" • .• J lown NY 1.701 . (716)
6:M5 . CIfCIe Reade< SeMce IIl.lmber 129 for
66._ sors make sure that a program on l a rly scheduled hunt s each
RDF techniques is presented at month, with starting points from
Pfolflsionals-lrom nu lS & bolls 10 la$9r more onlormenon the club meeting before each Su- Santa Barbara to Escondido. Ev-
dlOdes...Elecfronically spe.~Ong . Gal_illy's
gol~' M·F 9-5'3OSal. 9-5 GATEWAY ELEC_
"enhanen per-Hunt , to help generate inter- ery month there is some type of
TRONICS , 9222 Che..peek, Orl"e , Ssn Ma nna n. n', largeosl and only h. m . nd bus i· est and encourage beginners . " All Day" or " All Night" hunt,
O~o CA 92123 : (619)279-6802.
ness RadiO Slore. Fealuring MOTOROLA .
ICOM, KENWOOD . YAESU . AEA. SONY. They show sophisticated setups. with no boundarie s and almost no
COLORADO BIRO. TEN·TEC , ere. Fuli sl ock 01,ad ... a nd but they also demonstrate how to rules.
accessories , Repair la b on pre mises, Open 7 sniH out the bunny on foot with J. Scali Bovitz N6MI (see Photo
Den"er days M- F. 9-6:30 pm: Sill & Sun. 10-5 pm
Ha rd 10 find parts. surplus &lectronICS, sIan- W" ship workfw""', BARRY ELECTRONICS. nothing more than a handle-talkie B) and Mill RonneyWA6FAT set a
dilld lone dams. Hams. hobbyisl$, industrial 512 ar_way. New Yoril NY 10012; (2 121 wrapped in aluminum foil. Non- new d istance record last July
proleH-ionals-lrom nUI$ & boll . 10 laser 925-1000 . FAX (212) 925-7001 . hams and alm ost-hams some- when they hid the 2 meter All-Day
dlOdn ".Elec\l'onicaIIy spHl"ng. GaI_ay'S
got ~I M-F 9-5:30 Slol 9-5 GA TEWAY ELEe. NORTH CAROLINA times come out to hunt. too. hunt transm iller on top of 8351-
foot Shuteye Peak in the Sierra
TRQtlICS. 5115 N. F.......I 8hrd . F32·8.
Den ..... CO 80221 : 13031 . SS-S4«.
loa m . 10 1p m , Closed Monday. ICQt,I our
I'm going to give the foil-wrap
idea a try . It should work fine for National Forest.
DELAWARE spscieIIy-SaleI I 5erYice Also (10 _ a hand-held sniffing, provided that Their Madera County location
~), T......Tac. Yaesu. Kenwood . Bencher.
the transmitter is running very lOw was 252 air miles from the Rancho
NewCnIIot SangeerI. e l w . MFJ. AIinco. Comet. Sufe.
Faclory aulhorized dealer' Yaesu . 100M. Callboo ~ •
. Am"c o . Fre nk N. AZM. M... power. (KA1DT used a 50 mi- PalOs Verdes slarting point, Only
Ten-Tee. KOK. Kenwood . AfA. KanlrOl'lOC$. K~ iM X FI" ELECTRQtlICS. 3520 Roell· crowatt rig on one hunt.) The two of the eleven starting teams
Sanlee, Futlline of accesllOOft. NO sa.... lax Inghem Roed. GrHnsboro He 27.07; (919) Nashua hunters make simple vari- found Scott and Ron without as-
,n Del.war" , One mile 011 1·95, OELAWARE m -:M31 .
AMATEUR SUPPLY , 11 Mudow Roed, able atlenuators for this system by sts ta nc e. Th e winning team .
Nsw Culle DE 19120: (302l328_1128 . OHIO sliding the foil shield up and down Clarke Harris WB6AOC and
IDAHO Columbu. the HI's rubber duckie . Don't Jensen Woods WB6ZFU, got
Ce ntral Ohio', lull-l ine ilulhorlZed c\fIaie r for short out your battery pack! there in 24 hours with 423 elapsed
Prnlon Kenwood. ICOM, Yaesu. Ten-Tee. Inlo-Tech.
Roes We 7BYZ has the lergeslsloc ~ 01 arna- Japan RildlO. AEA , Cushcra lt, HUSlier. and An award ceremony with simple miles,
Ie ", gear in lhe Inlermounla,n Wesl and lhe Bune<nuf, N_ and used equipmenl on d'S' prizes caps off each Super-Hunt.
Dell pnces , Over 9.000 IIam ,"aled geill in play and operellOt>al in our «lOll sqlt. • Ior" There's even an " 8-ball Award ," T-Hunting Hazard
Sloel, Cd us for " all" 'fOU' hem needs today Large SWL department. lOO UNIVERSAL
ROSS DISTRIBUTING Co.. 76 S . Slete , P_ given with tongue in cheek to the Hunts normally go smoothly in
A""'TEUR RADIO . 1260 AIda Drl"e.
.Ion 10 832t3 ; (2'08) 852-4830 . Reynoldsburg lColumbus) Otl0068: 16 1. ) hunter who strays farthest in his laid-back southern California, but
~21i7 . pursuit of the faxes, occasionally there are big surpris-
PENNSYLVANIA es. Miles Abernathy N5KOB pass-
WeffinglOfl Po ker o n the Green es on this item from the Circle City
We _ If! ASTACN , BUnERNUT. EN· Trev_
CO MM. H EATH KIT. GORDO N W EST . Aulhorized IKtory sales and Mf\IQI KEN- The Victor Valley Amaleur Ra- Communicator, the newsletter of
KANTRONlCS. LASE R COMPUTERS, MFJ . WOOD. ICOM. YAESU. In lurlng AMER· dio Club knows the value of spe- the Corona-Norco Amateur Radio
RADIO SHAC K. TEN·TEC. VALOR ANTEN· ITRO N. 8 1W . MF J . H YG AlN. KLM . cial event hunts, too. Wall Brack- Club :
NAS & more . Small lOWn servICe w,lh d iS' CUSHCRAFT. HUSTLE R. KAHTRONICS .
counl p'lCes. DANDYS , 120 N. W. .hlnglon , AEA. VIBROPlEX, HElL. CALLeooK. ARRL mann WA6SJA told me about " N6SBU was stopped along the
Wellinglon , KS. 67152 , 13161 326-631 •. PubllC al;onl , and much more . HAUTRON· VVARC's first " Mega-Hunt " and way to take a bearing on the hid-
C,rde Re.lle. Se rvice 263 for more informa· ICS, INC. , .033 Browns"lIla Road, T..woae den T, when much to his amaze-
Poker Run last November , featur-
PA 190.1; (215) 357_ "00. FAX (215) 355-
8958 . Seln Order l.aOO-.26-2820 . Clrel. ing five transmitters spaced over ment , a big , ugly homeowner
MISSOURI Read,r Service 379 lor mo.. Inlorm.llon . an area 01 335 square miles. It came out to John 's car. grabbed
Sl . Lou l. was slow going because each his T-hunting quad . and said ,
Ha rd 10 lind pa<IS. s urplus electronICS. sIan- TEXAS
transmitter came on for only 30 'You get out of here! If you come
dasd lone rfems H....... 1l<Ibby1s1$. ondUSlnal
prolessoonals-lrom nulS I bolls 10 laser In Dallas
Do'' '
aonce 1960. We lealu,," K... ~. seconds every 10 minutes. When back. I'll kill you!' In his rapid es-

MO 63130; (31.) .214116.
Elec\l'ono<:aIIy lpHI<,ng. Gal_ay's
llOl IIf M-F 9-5'30 Sal , 9-5 GATEWAY
Blvd .• se. Loui.
~ . Y~.AEA. 8u"~, ~. ~
1_ putllw:aloons. and a lui
_ _ Factory IlJlhorized Keu~


~ of _ _
a hunter found a transmitter, he cape , N6SBU lost his quad . but
received an envelope containing
a playing card and a clue. On the
o utsi d e of the envelope was
once his pulse rate dropped from
345 to about 150. he continued
the hunt wit h just his * -wave
Rosa ........ Cal... TX 75201 ; (21.)169-
NEW HAMPSHIRE 19H. the frequency 01 the next trans- Whip. To his credit . he founel hider
HouSlon miller. W6TKV firsl (best time, but not
Serv,ng lfIe hilm commun,ty wlln new and
UM'd equ,pmenl, We S loc~ .nd M"""'" masl
melor l,nes: .ilEA. ASlron, e &W, Bflnche r,
Ha rd 10 hnd ps.ns . surplus electronICS. sfan-
dard line ,Iems, Ha ms. hobbyisls , indu'lrial
prol....On.I._from nu ls I bolls 10 laser
Hunters were to leave their en-
velopes unopened for the poker
winn ing mileage). Now that's a
dedicated r-hunted'
Cusheralt Husller. ICOM. Ke nwood . KLM . diodflS",Ele<:lronicaily speel<i ng, Galewey's hand contest at the end of the Oops. I'm out of space for this
Larsen , MFJ, M"agfl, V,brople. : boob, rG- gOI ill M_F 9 -5:30 Sal. 9-S. G.. TEWAY hunt, but if they got stuck, they month. Too bad, because there's
lors. c ilble and conneclors, eu..nen hou rs ELECTRONICS, 9690 Wnlpsrk Orl"e ,
Mo n._Sa l. 10-5, T n ursd il~ 10_1 , Clos ed Hou.lon TX n063 ; (113) 97a-6575. could open the envelope and reed lots more to tell about amateur ra-
S....lhwesl Hou.lon the clue. Opening the envelope dio transmitter hunting. I hope you
ICS,. Londond"ny R~ , Derry HH 03036; meant fcrtaiting the points for that have gollen some good ideas for
Full line 01 Equ,pment and Accessor.... in-
(603 )ol~-53 7 1.
IlOuaa' ~ leatunng!COM and YAESU . transmitter , but the clue would hunts in your area.
H_ equ'pment on displ,ay and operaloonaJ!
NEW YORK help the hunter stay in the poker Thanks to everyone who has
(7131 : FAX (713) 179-9~1 . "IS.
J _ lo*n SION CO.. MUNICATIONS. 11103 Allel· hand compet ition. pr ov ided in form atio n fo r this
West.,n N_ YOfI< 's ',....1 amll...r .adlO C1ocll.... Sune 500. Hou.lon TX n082 . CIr· Hunters from as far away as month's column. I welcome your
dU la r fe .l ur'"9 IC O M_L. run. AEA_ de "-* setvIc:s 380 for mora ~.
l os Ange les county ca me t o cards. letters. and T-nunt photos.
pa rti c ipate in the fir st Mega- It's also fun to get club bulletins
DEALERS: Your com~ny name and meauge can contain up to 50 words lor Hunt. Victorville and the rest of containing T-hunt reports . let's
as 1i«la as $420yea"y (prepaid), or $210 fOf.ill months (prepaid). No mention the Victor Valley is a high growth show everyone that the fun of T-
of m.II-order business please. Directory text and peyment mu.t r,aCh us 60
area in the Cal ifornia de sert. hunting is the best kept secret in
d.ys in advance 01 publication. For example. ad"ertising for the April '89
issue must be in our hand. by February 1,t. Mall to 73 Amateur Radio , Boll Ham r ad i o act ivity is mu sh- ham radio, but let' s not keep it a
278, Forest Road, Hancock, NH 03449 , rooming there , and I hope there secret. FJJ
64 73 Amateur Radio • February, 1990
Continued/rom pagt' 30
erce was markedly better than with the radio
and whip. The tripod added just one extra
pound of weight to the hike up the hill.

Accessories Iem e Inc. 800-942-88731

This radio has jacks to connect an external
speaker and an electret microphone with o KENWOOD VAESU I
push -to-talk switching. There is also an inter-
nal noise blanker. I tested it, and it was very
effec tive on ignition noise. Additionally, the
ICOM JaABTRON "=onc:epu I
receiver has a switch that ca n be co nt rolled
externally to reduce the sensitivity on very
cushaaft < • • •• • • " • •
strong signals .
On dillicult contact s , the radio can be
1057 East 2100 South
switched to CWoIf you didn 't bring a key you Call for your Special Price Salt Lake City, UT 84106
can use the momentary CW key switch on the 801-467-8873
top of the rad io for CW operalion . The PTT
switch has to be con tinuously depresse d
when usin g the buil t-in CW switch . (Switch
from sse to CW on the bottom of the radio.)
To c hange to another frequency range you
must replace the VXO crystal. The AEA manu-
al states tha t crystals cost $15 each; contact
them lor details. I determined that the crystal
frequency was 12.95883 MHz for 50.150, or
• ARRL Tested and Approved
c hannel " A," operation, and 12.99216 MHz
for channel "a" operation on 50.250 MHz. • See 73 Review- April '89
The 12 MHz crystal frequency is tripled to the • See Monitoring Times
38 MHz range for injection into the mixer. To Review- August '89
determi ne crystal frequencies use the follow-
ing formula: Freq uency operation (high side)
minus IF Frequ ency (11.2735 MHz), d ivided
The Wideband PROCOMM Th e
SUPERCO NE 1948 Coventry Court SUPERCONE
by 3 equals the cry stal frequency . The VXO ANTENNA PLUS
circuitry pulls the crystal lower in frequency for TXlRX, 10 mete. VHF, Thousand Oaks, CA 9 1362 TX/RX, HF, VHF, UHF
the 50 kHz band coverage per crystal . UHF and Microwave bands (805) 497-2397 and Microwave bands

I have a few recommendations to improve
the unit . Make the PTT larger, so your thumb
can lind it faster, and keep it depressed com-
fortably lor longer periods (since its spring
resistance would be spread out ove r a larger
base). Also, consolidate the controls on the RECEIVER
16 91-LY (N) 13 7.5 MHz
same panel, or at least move them and the
power jack off the bottom panel so you can 169 1-lY (N)
place the unit upright. Another solution is to GAIN: 20dB
include an antenna with a swivel joi nt located 800M : 6 '
near the connector , so you can lay the unit on
$91 .50
its back panel. Finally, make available a 120
VAC/12 vec to 9 VOC supply matched to the
unit .

The receiver sensi tivi ty, measured at 0 .21J,
far exceeds the specified 0.5 mic rovo lts, and CIRCLE 183 0 ,. READER Sl RVIC ECARD

the power output was 1 Walt AMS (almost 2 W

PEPjon SSB .

I enJOyed using the MX-6S sse and recom-
mend it to anyone interested in working th is SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 1990
fascinating band . It's not just a monitor to Open at 8 :00 A.M .
watch for six meter openings, but also a full
sse transceiver to use on those openings you Located on the Indiana State Fairgrounds
might otherwise miss. AEA had a good idea in Indianapolis, IN
providing this sse HT to a market that is short
on sse handhelds! OJ • A ll l n d OOfs . F re e Par k ing · Pave d t ct s e t edres A cl i vi' ,e s . porums . N at io n a ll y
Advel I ,sed Co mm e rcial n ee re r s e Fl e a mar ke l . VE e OEV RY Testing
• Over 50 0 Table s
C. L. Houghton WB61GP writes 73 's " Above
aM Beyond" column. Contact him c/o the
Talk-In on the " Mighty (2.1 KW) 525" • 145.25 MHz
San Diego Microwave atouo. 634S Badger
Lake, $an Diego CA 921 19_ NOTE: TABLE S SOLD OUT FOR PAST 3 YEARS
F1;Ir Tables: SASE To A,1een Scales KC9YA. 3 142 M arke l Place. Bloomtngtoo. IN 4 7401. 812·339 · 4446

Number 26 on you r Feedbeck c.r d

9:00 TO 600. 900--2,00 P M MONDAYS nol-Retaln luncloons Wored-lllSled-
CLOSEO SATU RDAY & SUNDAY ROSS po$lpa,d: Ten Chanl'lo8l $2 . 95 (cn-e.=k )-
DIS TRI BU TI NG COM PAN Y. 18 SOUT H Seleclable 10 255 chan""ts $44 9S-K " y

BARTER 'N' BUY STATE . P RE STON 10 63263 (208) 852-

~. BNB~
Rese.,ch. POe 50545. Cary He 2751 1.

" "'"
150 P ACK E T DIGICOII > 64 - so 11 we re BASIC ELEC TRONICS COURSE narraled by
based PACKET lor tl\e Commodofe 64 Son· a pootessoonal inSltuC\Of-W2£ KY. Ched< Of
Turn your old ham and compuler gear ;nlo cash now. Sure, you ean wa l' tor a n'IOnft'y order $39 9'5 Ronald Koesl... . EKY
war" IS pubIo: dor!'laon and req<.Rres • modem
hamfest to try a nd dump it but you know you' " get a lar more realistic price iI 'IOU have VIdeO, PO Bo. IS. Stoeoh<:*n NJ 07460
lor tIM C-64 whICh ia prov;ded by our ~ ~
it out whare 100,000 Klive ham polential buye<ll can see II man the few hundrecUocal B NB874
Board plugs d,..ctty ""0 c asselle port Of r.
hams wtoo come by a Ilea market lable. Check 'IOU' atte. ga'age , cella' and eoser
mole mounled v,a c _. both connectors ,no
shelves and gel cash lor your ham and compuIlll' gea, betore u's tooold '0 sell. You RlT KITS fOfmost Iranseei.era. 51 5. Includes
c luded , Powe r ""rMld from compul... , Uses
know you're rot goiing 10 I.!se il again . so why leave it lor your widow to throw out? sh,pp,ng, Loren Wallen KA7AlM, 6323 S W
7910 chip_ noahgnm"nl requ"ed, Sw'tch al·
T hat stuff isn't getting any younger ' 10011i. Tacoma WI. 98499 BNB885
lows HF or VHF operaloon O rder Kil '1 54 for
The 13 Flea Markel, Barter ' n' Buy. costs yOU peemns (atrrostj-ccornes to asc a
$49.95 or Assembl y '154 for $79.95. bOth
word for individual (noncommercial) ads and $1 ,00 a word lor commercial ads, Don't LO W COST HAM OEAR. SASE tor I ree tisl
include FREE DISK , Add $2 .50 sl h A & A
,plan on telling a long sto ry. Use abbrev;ations , cram il in, But be honest There are WA4DSO. 3037 Audrey Dr" GaSlonia NC
Engi"""rong, 252 1 W , LaPalma. ' K. Anaoo lm
plenty of hams who love to fix things. so if it doesn 't work , sev so. 28054 BNB 890
CA 9280 1, (714) 952- 2114 MC or VISA 8C'
Make your Iisl COl.!nt me words . inc ludi ng your call, address and phorle number .
cepl ed BNB732 SURPLUS C"' TALOG . n
pagM 52. Su'·
Include a check or your C, adlt card number and expiralion . If you ' re p1acU'lg a
commercIal ad , include a n adclil oonal p~ number. separate Irom your ad plus, POBo. 276. Alburg VT05440 BNB89 1
This is a monthly magazIne. not a daily newspaper . $0 figl.!re a coupIa months
28th yelU Buy, Swap , SeI ham racloo 9"ar WANTED: AI types 01 ElIlclfOll Tubes C_
before the action st ar1S; then be prepared. "you gat too many call s. you pr;eed it low .
Pubkshed \WIC6 e monlh Ads quoc~1y ............. IQlI Iree 1 i600l 421 _9397 Of 1 (6 12) 429 -
II you don'l get many calls, too high .
Ia'e, I1ClIong w.... lor 'Mulls Send ~ 9397. C & N EIecI.Of\OC$. ~old Blamslecll .
So get busy. Blow I,.. d ust ott. check everyltllng out . make sure 11 Sill works ngtl1 SIZe SASE lor sample copy. $15 lor one year 6104 Egg Laoe Road . Hugo MN 55038
and ma'{be you can help mak a a ham newc:omer or retired old limer happy ...ltl lhat
(24 issues) PO B 2057. Glen EIynIL601J8.- BNB900
rig you' re not using now, Or you might get busy on your compuler and ptI1,ogether a
2 0 5 7 or P O B 151 42 . seaure WA
hst 01 small gear/parts 10 send 10 eose inlerested"
98115 BNB 141 10 M TR FM HYGAIN CB BOARD ..- ~ h In-
Send your ad s a nd paymerttlO lhe Barter 'n' &y. Donna D IRusso, Foresl Road.
srruCflOns 5995 F'" OET KI T $7.00 . 40
Hancock NH 0340(9 aOO ge( S6f /or thephone calls,
SS$n SUPER SAVINGS sssn EIecI,on lC Chan",,1 Sw'lch $5 ,00, Crystal $5 ,00. SOl
pan s. com ponenls, suppl ...., and compule. VOL POlS $2OO1pa" All lor 524 9'5 piuS $2 00
aSLI TO OROER. V.n" ty of , Iyllls. colors. 300 $19 95. " NEW PACK S " ICO M PB5 8CC&SSOroeS, Send $ 1,00 for a one-year sub< Si H MORN ING OISTRtBUTORS, PO BOX
ca rd slock , W4BPO OSLS. PO Orllwer OX. $43 95. BP8S $56,95 , YAESU FNB2519. 95, scr iption 10 our calalog " and I he>! suppl,,· 717. HIALEAH FL 33011 (305) 884-8686
Cordova SC 29039. BNB260 FNB10SIF NB I2$44.95. SANTEC , 142/1200 menls , Get on our meihng list. (214) 343- BNB902
$22 .95. TELEPHONE I PAGER & COMMER· 1770. BCD ELECTRO , Dept . 73, PO 80x
THE DX '£R$ MA GAZINE Up-to-dat" . inlor, C tAL PACK S-FR EE CA TALOG , Add $3 450207. Garl and TX 75045 WE ALSO BUY D IGI T AL A U TOM ... T IC DI SPLAY S. Be
mallve, inler&Sling. Compiled end edlled by Shipp,ng/order PA + 6%, VISA- MIC .. $2 SURP LUS BNB 749 spec,hc , 4S,' S.A S E GRAND SYSTE MS ,
GUll Browrllng W4B PO. o xCC Honor AoIl TeVFu (814) 623-7000. CU NARD , R,D, 6 Oept A. PO Bo. 3377. Bta,ne WI. 98230
een,hl;al" 2-4, Send lor " " NmPIe and Bo. 104 , BedIotd PI. 15522 BN8628 H...II RAD IO REPAIR . a makes."""""s E. · BNB908
subacnploon II'lIorrnaloon lOday PO 0 . _ penenced . r.......... wrvlCe Robe<1 Hall EIec·
tron ....s . 80. 280363 . San Fr anc,sco CA HAM·SOFT_Public Domain Softwa,,, FOf
OX. Cordova SC 29039 BN826 1 ROSS ' $SS$ USED Feb<u..., SPECIALS :
9041 28--0363 (408) 129---a2OO BNB 751 Amaleur Radoo Hunc!,_ of rotles . foooresl
PAC"S. salO$laetoon guaranleed' IBt,II . C-64 ,
AZD£N SERVICE by ~ taclory teem- 200 $ 119 90 . OG ·5 $ 159 90 . TH · 45 AT
WANTED, Ham Eqwpment and _ proper. MAC . VOl. Grap/>ocs. 010''' CalalOg 51110
c ,all, Fas' l urna rOUnd PCS ·300 N!Cads $249 90 . SP · 180 $4990. IC O U IC ·2 KL
ly . The Radro Club 01 J....". Hog!> SChool 22 'e1undec1l"SI Ofda< HAM-SOFT . PO Bo.
$31595 Soutt>em Tech II; , . . ..... Ieur R;t. $1395.90. f'S. 15 $ 122 .90. 1C-9Oll $37990.
NYC, Inc., is a _01~ Ofgan'zaloon. gran! ' 2525 . MorqanCrtyLA 70381 B NB!109
docI. IflC.• 101 15 SW 190 51 iP9. U <ami FL IC·PS20 $1 5 9 90 . YAESU FTV ·90 l R I
33151 ,(305)238-3321. BNB2'62 W . 2U ,6U $37 9 .90. FT · 730 R IW .YU· 50 ad SOl(C1I3) st atus by lhe IRS. 'nCOOllO'aled
H"'M SOFTW"'RE tBM!CompaI'b!es 10 d 'skS
S229 90 . FC·902 $169.90, YQ.901PS4 59 90 , wrIh the goal 01 USII'Q the lheme of ham ' adOO
$26 95 , MCNl SAIOISCOIref N5ABV EAP(;();
a SL CARDS· LOOk good w,tn lop Qual,ty FRG ·88 00 $ 549.90 , GONSEl 3049(6 m l 10 turther and enhance the educahon 01
7. PO Bo. 14. I< el lef TX 76248-0014 (817)
prlnt,ng , Choose sl andard des'llns or tuUy $79 .90 . 4050 $4990 . 677 $7990. 866 B young ~ naloonw"'" You r prt'lperl y <lo-
4 98-4242 Ord er O nly I (800 1 8 69-
c ustomIZed cards , Bener c ards mean more $ 109, 90 , TEMPO ON E & AC SUP PLY nal ion or fonanc,al support wou ld be grealty
7208 BNB9 11
re lUrns 10 YOll Free b rochur e, samples $269.90 . LooKtNG FOR SOMETHING NOT appreciated and acknowledged >'Iilh a rece' pl
Stamps appreciatad , Ches ter OSLs , Dept A. LtSTE O?? CALL O R WRt TE , W E H AVE lor your la. deduct,ble contflbution , If you call
ELECTRON TU BES: All type s & sil es , Trans-
3 10 Com mercial. Emporia KS 6680 I OVER 220 USED tTEMS in srccs MENTION Or wrole loday ira not too early to get a 1990
mlllong. ReceIVIng . M,crowave Large ,n-
B NB434 A D . PRI C E S C A SH, FO B PRE ST ON . lao deduCllOl'l , Ir s eas"'r , faSler. and usuaiiy
venlory • same day .hOW,ng Ask aboul OUr
HOOR S TUESDAY-FRIOAY 9'00 TO 6'00. more proMablll 10 donale lhan 10 ...." .......t
3-5OOZ speclat, Oa'ly EleclronlCS, PO Bo.
9:00--2 :00 P M MON DAYS. CLOS EO SAT · important your helpong , Wrire us at: PO Bo.
SUPERFAST MORSE COOE SUPEREAS Y. 5029 . Complon CA 90 22 4 e80 0 ) 3 46-
Subllmonat cassen". $10. LEARN MOJlSE U RDAY & SU NDAY. ROSS DISTRIBUTING 1052. N_ YorI< NY 1000 2. Round the clock
6661 B NB913
cooe tN I HOUR Amazong new super"asy COMPANY . 78 SOUTH STATE. PRESTON HOllon" , (5 16) 674--4012. BNB762
!eCIlnique , $ 10 . Bolh $ 11. UoMyba<:k guar- 1083263 (208) 852-0830, BN~ W"'NTED RF J"' MMING : Knowledge and or
_ Free catalog, SASE. Batu, Cepl7J.5, INDIVIDUAL I'tiOTQFACT FOLDERS. • 10 equ ipmenl Al so h'9hly sen• •t've hea ro"9
1196 C<1rus, PalmbayFl32905 BN65-31 WRITTIEN EXA MS SUPEREASY . "'emooy ' 0 . 1400. sa 00 . '40 1 up . S6 00 ~m 's devices' medICat or surveloance Eugene
books. $7 00 POSlpald AIlIln Loe b . 41 4 0&11. 300 BenhWXI,,1 ........ . Jol'lnslown PI.
aods !rom ~""9"- c:uI Sludy-
S8-2201221 OW NERS : 11 de1..1ed mods I,me ~ . Now:e, Tech. Gen : $1 each Ad- Cheslnul Lane. EllS! ""'adow NY 11554 15904 B NB915
vanced . E Olra $ 12 each. Moneybacl< 9U"'ran- BNB766
which oncIude 160-6 ........ oparaloon. OSK,
.. .....anced p .S 5O'IlI I'lIbale lor new mods I"". Batv', Depl 73-5. 1196 C,nUll , PaimblIy H"'M· SWL·SC"'NNER BOOt<S. Calalog $1
HAMLOG COM PUTER PROGRAM Full t.,. Tlare. PO Bo. 49315 , u ke Geneva WI 53147
S/Jbm,ned ' 9 pages 01 3-5OOl11lCh ,nto. $11 FL~ BN~ I
lures 17 modules AUlo-k>g$. 7-band WAS/ SNB916
WA2S00. 69 Memorial Placa, Elmwood Pari< ROS S ' UU N EW Febru l ry SPECIALS:
exec. Apple $19.9'5 , IBM . CP/M . KAYPRO,
TANOY, C R8 $24.95 . 7J,.KAIAWH, PB 201 5, CO MMODORE 64 HAM PROGR"'M S - 18
NJ 07407. BNB561 KENWOO D TS·440SIWAT $115990. TS·
Peabody MA 0 1960 BNB175 d,sk sides ove' 200 Ham prog ram s 516,9'5,
1405 $769 .90, TS·950S $3719 90. TM·231A
25" Siamp 9<'ts unu sual soltware catalog oj
YA GI BUILDERS , 6061·T6 I ube Iraps, Good $ 33 9, 9 0. TM ·3530A $3 44 .99. TM ·4018 LAMBDA AMATEUR RADIO CLUB Inlerna- Uhlil ies. Games, Adult and Brilish Disk s
for 1500 PEP. SASE tor deta ,ts No eo nect $ 3 07 ,99 . TM ·41 1A 53399 9 , TM· 70 1A
tional amateur radIO club tor gay and Iesb,an Home-Spun Sollware, Box 1064-BB. ESle ro
caUs, Brown Engir.eering , tnc .• 550 1 SW 251h $479 .90 . IC OM IC·900 $45 8 .99, IC·725
hams, On-elf Skeds . monlhly newslell" r. and FL 33928 BNB9 17
Coun . Hollywood FL 33023 1305) 969 - $789 9O, 1C·32AT S539.9O.1C·2$AT $374 90,
annual galhenng al Oaylon PO Bo. 24810.
4658 BNB624 1C-75 1A $1 449.90• ..,4AT $286.99. YAESU
Ph~adel phoa P... 19130 BNB812 100 a SL CARDS S9! Shipp'ng ,ncludecl
FT· 757GXII $989 90 , FT·736I'I $1559 90. FT· Free samples $hell Pf"'long . K09KW . PO
B AnERY PACK REBUILDING : Dorn potch 4 11 $3 19.90. FT·7.1GX $68990 . FT ... 70 VIO£D-LEARNtNG CW Your own pnvate 80. SO",", RocklOll IL61 0n BNB 921
~-maiI ~ -Ior FAST- PAOFESSIClfIlAl 5«. $ 4 34 9 0 . HEATH KIT $679 .90. HN · 31 A instrUCIor, I~ subltm,naj audoo 1_
.......... SatlSlacoon guaranteed' ICQU BP2I S21 90 . H[).I234 $2190. H[). I 2S0 $1 19 90 . 539 95 EKY Video Produc!fons. PO Bo x 15. AMIGA . M"'C' NTOSH. ATAR I XUX£I$T
BPJ $1 9 95 . BPS $2595. BP1fBP8tBP70 H[).I . ,8 $2290. HW·2·M $37'9 90 . AEA PI(. Stockh<:*n NJ 01460. BNB83S Amal"u r RadIO pUbtlC dOma .n soltwar" .
13295 KENWQ(X) P82 1 $1595. P821H 232 MBX $309 90, P K.s8 $ 11990. MM·3 S4 00Id0slI SASE lor UlaIDg SpecIfy com-
12195. PB25I25HI26 S24 95 YAESU FNB9 $ 159 90 . PK-64AJ HF U $ 18999, MP·64 VHF/UHF MoOu.... 1o< 8M 1023cm Catalog PU16" WA4EFH. Bo. 1646 , Orange Pan. Fl
$1995 . FNB10 523 .95. FN94J4A S36 95 . $99 99 . MP·2O S69 99 ALL L T O (lIU ITED TEC . PO 1743. Ue w " "" FL 32902 , (407) 32067· 1646 BNB922
B P3 $16 .95 . BPS $22 ,95. BP718 $27 ,50. sot LISTED?? CALL OR WRITE 9004 EA S Y PCB . us ,ng our po pul ar l.ansle.
KEN WO: PB21 $12.95. PB2..,2S/26 $ 1995. ham·,elaled Ilems ,n slOCk tor ,,,,madi. le PRO· 200415 OW NERS : search· and· Store SheeIS' lne . pensive FREE deta,ls. PCB s.
TEMPO , S I·15lseries $2 2 ,95 . YA ES U' ShIpment. MenllOl'l ad, PrICe'S cas h, F O ,B, l,nds eluSOV& tr6Quencl9!l automatICally, Inl...· De pl HI . Boo 13534 , Kanala . Onlano .
FN B414A $32 .95. FN B10 $ 18.95, AlDEN . PRES TO N HOU RS TUE SDA Y-FRI DAY na i eo-notes inst all alOon- Keyboard eon - Ca nada K2K I X6 BNB923

66 73 Amateur Radio e February, 1990

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LIMITED AVAILABII.ITY! • " 'gh 'U"'''''OCO • - C R1

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"ICC""". . . . p ...., " _ ' ............ _

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XP·Hll.1l/I ......'-11 Ihl... I 1TS
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Four·Functlon Frequ,ncy Cou nl'"
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GF-'OU F,nttlon GlMOIlor
.n~ ""l- C..."", -_ _---""'--
. .... _
_ ..
_ ., . . _ 0(:0t0$
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"1' ....

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S179 n"9
S"" Sou.,•. r,,".o'.
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'·10lMl 1 ttl H ... w . _ _"'_ "_ " •• '" ...;00
NEW ONLINE CAll DIRECTORY f ,~"" .....'0<1
P o ' ' ' , R.mQ. 1 , • • ,, ~ ,
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Minera L Vlrg ,n ia 23t17
703; 894-5777 800;282·5628
Number 27 on your Feedback card
The TX Enhancer, for use with Kenwood
NEW PRODUCTS and ICOM transceivers, is a small, shielded
box that plugs in between the microphOne and
Compiled by Hope Currier the mike jack on your radio. The box contains a
statu s LE D and a two-position cen ter-off
switch for AM , FM and SSB operation on HF,
VH F and UHF radios. One position keys up
your tr ans mitter and injects a short duty-
pu lsed tone into the mike audio. This provides
a pulsed drive in SSB for safe, " no rush" tun-
ing of you r linear amplifier while allowing more
accurate tune-up than you can set by tuning
up in the CW mode with a reduced carrier. Each pulse will provide 100%
peak output , but the average output will be approx imately 25% .
The other position provides a shOrt beep transm itted at the end of
each of your transmissions , telling the station you're in contact with that
it's his turn to talk. Usable in the PTT mode (and VOX mode with almost
alilCOM and most Kenwood models), it is especially useful in roundta-
PRODUCT OFTHE MONTH bles or Just plain rag-chewing .
The TX Enh ancer needs one battery, which is supplied. The price is
CUSHCRAFT CORPORATION $62. Specify the version when ordering: K8-2oo works with all Kenwood
THE TEN-3 TEN METER VAGI models that have an 8-pin mike jac k; 18-346 works with ICOMs that have
an 8-pin mike jack. Add S5 shippi ng and handling for USA and Canada;
The Cushcraft Ten-3 is a high performance three-element yagi S13etsewhere. Contact IntemationalRadioand Computers, Inc., 75 1S.
that offers 8 dB forward gain at a price affordable to all whO want Macedo Blvd., Port Sf. Lucie FL 34983. (40 7) 879-6868. Or circle
to enjoy the OX opportunities that 10 meters offers. The beam Reader Service No. 203.
also offers an excenenttrcra-to-back ratio 0125 dB .
The Ten-3 has an 8-foot boom , and takes a mast size of 1.5 · to part no. 2201Ais a one-pair 22GA
2.0·, making it easy 10 install on a simple mount with only a light NEMAL ELECTRONICS cable with foil shielding and drain
rotator. The Reddi Match system provides SOO feed for a stan- Nemal Electronics International wire featuring reduced diameter
dard PL-259 co nnector. Th e antenna is power rated for 2000 has introduced a se ries of new (0 .135 W ) , crush resistant construc-
watts PEP. precision video and audio cables tion, and singte strip removal 01
Detailed instructions and precision manufactured components for broadcast, video and AF appli- both jacket and foil. The audio ca-
make assembly quic k and easy. All tubing is heavy-wall , hard- cations. Both cables comply with ble is available in 7 colors, and in
drawn, bright finish aluminum . the new Nationa l Electrical Code multiple pair counts up to 32 pa ir,
The ren-a is available from amateur radio dealers worldwide. requ irements , and carr y the for $79 per 1,000 ft .
U st price: $125. Contact Cushcraft Corporation, P.O. Box 4680. " CL2" rating . Both cables are available either
48 Perimeter Rd., Manchester NH 03108 . (603) 627-78n . Or Nemal part no . 1570 is a preci- in bulk or pre-terminated, and ei-
circle Reader Service No . 20 1. sion video coax, similar in size to ther on spools or in pull-out boxes.
AG -59 fU , offering excellent Contact Nemal Electronics Inter-
shielding , low loss (0.7 dB per 100 national, Inc., at (9 14) 359-3333
ft . at 10 MH Z), flexibility and low or FAX (914) 359-3607. Or circle
BIRD ELECTRONI C CORPORARTION cost ($235 pe r 1,000 ft .). Nernal Reader Service No. 204.
rate measurements at mW, W, or
kW, quickly and ec onomically. SGC INC .
The 4410A includes a standard 9V The Model SG-2QOO from SGC,
alka line battery. There is a battery Inc., is a.high frequency , single
te st position on a rotary switch on sideband radiote lephone that pro-
the cover. vides global HF communications
The 4410A contains an inher- on voice and data transmission. It
ently self-balancing amplifier. Jls features several sophisticated
patented bridge circuit has four scanning modes, has a large LCD
legs divided between the base frequency display, and is remote
and each of the proprietary Plug- and AAQI FEC ready . It also has a
In Elemen ts. The bridge circuit al- splash-proof fron t panel , an inter-
lows optim um reading accuracy, nal clock with turn onloff program- trolled by an IBM or compatible
with a 5000-to- l dynamic element ming, 616 ITU voice and data computer without its removab le
range . Temperature extremes do channels, and 100 user-pro - front panel.
Bird is offering the Model 4410A not allect it. Element s for the grammable memory channels. Designed as a product for the
port able THRULINP AF Direc- 4410A plug into the element sock· Th is unit is a com merci al HF '90s, the SG-2000 will operate on
tional Wattmeter with seven pow- et and rotate for forward or reflect- SSB transceive r and incorporates any marine, commercial and ham
er ranges pe r element, and an ed measurements. unique leatures wh ich appeal to frequenc ies , and has receive ca-
accuracy of ±5%. Standard ele- Price 01 the 44 10A is $545. t he commercial, industrial and pabilities for broad ca st a nd
men ts provide frequ ency ranges Presently, the 30 optional Plug-I n pleasure markets. It produces 150 WEATHEAFAX frequencies . II re-
from 0.2-2300 MHz and power accessories range f rom $140- watts. and operates on the 1.8 to tails lor $1,995; additional remote
ranges from 0 .002- 10,000 watts; $ 190 each . For more information , 30 MH z frequen cy bands . All heads are $595 each . Contact
spec ial elem en ts provide mea- contact Bird Electronic co-pore- functions for HF SSB operation SGC, Inc., Sales and Marketing
surements at freq uencies as low tion. 30303 Aurora Road, Cleve- are bu ilt-in, including remote ca- Depa rtment , SGC Bu ild in g .
as 50 kHz. It' s ideal for field-ser- land (Solon) OH 441 39-2794 . pability (up to 6 remote stat ions) or 13737 SE 26th St. , Bellevue WA
vice work, laboratories, and any (21 6) 248- 1200. Or circle Aeader remote control through telephone 98005. (206) 746-6310. Or circle
appl ication which requ ires accu- Service No. 202. lines. The SG·2QOO can be con- Header service No. 205.
68 73A mateurRadio . Febru ary , 1990
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WITH NO TR"'CE OF Tv! ON A/'>:Y CH"'NND. .. our abi lity to quickly move merchand ise.
we were selected to liquidate these

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top quality 8 V' " M iter Saws. Features
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Num ber 28 o n yo ur Feedback ca rd

hot and it can be uncomfortable usually don't last very long, and

ASKKABOOM working with one over your head.

Also, they usually have no mag ni-
fier. In today's world of micro-
their hand les get rather hot. Of all
your equipme nt. you'll use your
soldering iron the most, so get one
The Tech Answer Man miniature circuits, the lens is very you like.
helpful. Finally, get a small, pow. tn addition, it is wise to have a
MichaefGeier KBJUM dropped them, at least you have a ertul flashlight. For seeing into the 100-150 wall gun. You can't do
P.D. Box 64766 chance of finding them! If you dark corners 01 some chassis, some jobS, like Pl-259 coax plug
S . Burlington VT 05406 must work in a carpeted area, get somet ime s there's just no sub- Wiring, with the small iron; there
an old, light-eolored, shallow pile stitut e. just isn't enough heat. The guns
Selling Up Shop carpet scrap and put it directly un- are usually no more than $20, and
In previous colu mns, I've dis- der your chair, to catc h solder Basic Tool s well worth it.
cussed various aspects of equip- drippings and such. Service can You'll need some basic hand Your solder should be 60% tin,
ment repair . Hopefully, I've whet- be a remarkably messy business , tools . Get an assortment of screw- 40% lead , and rosin core, which is
ted you r appetite enough t hat and it's easy 10 ruin a good carpel. drivers, a pai r of needlenose the kind normally sold by all elec-
you've at least contemplated fix- Also, the shallow pile and light col- r,.,iers, and a pair of diagona l cut- tronics suppliers. It comes in vari-
ing your own gear the next lime it or help avoid the twilight zone lost- ters. Forceps are also very handy. ous diameters, and I recommend
breaks. It you already have an screwellect. Although some medium size pli· using the smallest one you can
equipped workspace, great' If not, Once you 've se'ectee yo u r ers a nd screwd riv er s a re re- get. larger sizes make close wor1l.
you may consider the prospect of workspace , it's time to pic k a table quired, most 01your tools should on small boards diffJcuh. Try to
selting one up to be daunting, on which 10 work . Try to get the be small, in keeping with the scale buy a one-pound spool, for cost
even intimidating, and perhaps biggest one you can, with shelves of modem electronics . You can savmqs. You'll eventually use it
too great an obstacle 10 over- if possible. The shelves let you find such tools at your local Radio all, anyway. Nothing is more frus-
come. Well , it doesn't have to be! place your large test equipment at Shack or hardware store. trating than running out of solder
In fact , settin g up shop can be fun, eye level, and tremendously in- You'll also need some chemi- in the middle of a project on a Sun-
and even fairly inexpensive. crease your effective work area, cal s. Tuner cl eaner (usef ul for day night . Also, get some wick-
because they leave the table free switches, relays, etc.), isopropyl type solder rem over. This stull
Choosing Your Space drinks up solder Irom a connec-
Th e first th ing yo u need , of tion, making part removal easy.
course, is some place to work . Especially with ICs, it often makes
This can range from a desk in the " . .. today's tiny surface the ditterence between easy work
corner of a den to an entire room
or basement. Obviously, the big.
mount parts are soldered in and a ruined PC board. It comes
on small spools at modest cost.
ger the better . But size alone much the same way as were the parts Get two.
doesn't guarantee a successful
workshop. Organization and ca re- hang ing off tube sockets in our Testing. Testing
ful selection and placement of The most influential factor in
equipment are far more impor-
grandparents' generation. " choosi ng test gear is your budget.
tant. II you can afford spectrum analyz-
II you have a choice, select a ers and computerized signal anal-
workspace that is quiet and isolat- for the equipment on which you're alcohol and compressed air are ysis equipme nt (and know how to
ed . Elect ronic s wo rk de ma nds working. especially handy. A tube of super- use it), by all means go and get it.
concentration , and a noisy living The table should be at a corn - type glue and a bottle of nail polish II you're like most of us, though ,
ro o m , w it h th e ki d s r unn i ng fortable height, so you won't have remover (which also removes the such things are merely dream s.
around and the TV on, just won't a sore back after spending a few glue), some light machine oil, and So, where should we begin?
do. Not only is such an environ- hours tracking down that elusive a tube of lubing gel complete the Get a decent analog vonmeter
ment counterproductive , it can be intermittent. For the same reason, basic chemicals collection. (VOM). Expect to pay $30-S6D for
downright da ngerou s . Dead ly the chair should be selected with it. A digitat meter is also nice, and
high voltages are present in many long sitti ng periods in mind. An Some Like It Hot they have become fairly inexpen-
kinds of equipment , and the slip of office chair, with wheels or rollers, The backbone of any repair or sive in the last few years. Don' t
a test probe, or a distracted finger, is best . Avo id fold-up kitchen constructiorl job is, of course, sol- bother to pay for laboratory accu-
ca n result in d isasters ranging cha irs. The discomfort you'll en- dering, This connection method racy unless you reall y need it,
from blown transistors and ICs , to dure alter spend ing an e nti re has changed lillie over the entire which is unlikely .
fire or even electrocution . Also, evening in one of those will leave history 01electronics; tocay's tiny If at all poss ible, get an oscillo-
ma ny repa irs require le avi ng you reluctant to do it again . surface mount parts are soldered scope. There are some decent
equipment open ove rnight. and in much the same way as were the ones evaneere new for about
family membe rs, especially little Have You Got a Light ? parts hang ing off tube sockets in $350, and used ones abound , too.
children, may inadvertantly dam- Good lighting is essent ial. In our g randparents' generation . There is nothing , I repeat nothing ,
age it, lose the SCrews, or be in- addition to fairly bright overhead The pr imary difference is the more uselulthan a scope. If you
jured by it. II you have young kids room tighting, you should get a amount of heat used. don't know how to use one, get
or pets, use some means, such as lamp on a swing arm and mount it Most modern parts should be a book and learn; it isn' t hard. Al-
a lock on the door, to make sure to a corner 01 your table. These soldered using an iron of no more so, see my last column in the Jan-
Ihey can' t get to your work area lights come in two varieties: incan- than 30 watts or so. The most con- uary 1990 issue of 73 regarding
when you're not there . descent a nd fl uorescent. The venient and comfortable iron is scopes .
fluorescent ones usually have a the kind with a cord leading to a A DC power supply is neces-
Furnishing Your Space circular tube with a big magnilier separate stand. Some have an ad- sary when working on mobile or
It is best if the room is not car- in the middle, through which you justable heat control . If you intend portable gear. A variable unit with
peted . n ny parts and screws may can view your work. They cost to work with ICs, it is wise to con- a lew amps c u rre nt c apacity
disappear instantaneously when acout sao , but get one if you can sider an iron with a 3-wire AC plug should hand le most jobs. High·
dropped into carpeting , Although afford it. and a grounded tip, to bypass stat- powered transceivers may requ ire
they bounce on a hard floor, and The incandescent lamps only ic charge problems . Avo id the a much biggs . supply, but unless
can wind up far from where you cost about $20, but they get very $4.95 pencil types, because they you intend to work with lots 01
70 73A mateurAadio. February, 1990
them, the cost may not be justi- from weeks of frus trating waiting.
f ied . Co nsider bu ild in g you r You'll also need data books.
o w n power s u p p ly trom a You sh ou ld have a tran s istor
pub lished schematic . With
today's IC voltage reg ulato rs,
n's easy, and can save you quite
s ubst it ut io n guide , and books
for co m mo n CMO S, TTL and
linear IC s . Ju st k nowing the
a bit
If you 've got any money left,
pinout ot a suspected IC can save
yo u hours of tro ublesh oot i ng .
is calling ...
consider a frequ ency co unte r,
particularly it you 're going to
work with radio gear. The upper
(Of course, yo u' re supposed to
have the schematic for anything
you fix, but t hat's another sub-
It's for
counting Irequency and the cost
generally rise together, but try to
get one tha t will cove- me freq uen-
ject. .. )
Some books may be in your l0-
cal bookstore, others you may
you! You can own a business in a
fast-growing communications
industry . Marting ~ Radio
cies you are likely to encounter. A have to order. Often, people will Diagnostic Services » franchises
30 MHz counter won't d o yo u sell or even give you the ir old ones sell, install. and maintain cellular telephones,
much good it you're primarily a when they update. mobile two-way rad ios and pagers. Now you can
VHFer, but it' s fine for most HF Next t ime you 're at a ham- play an integral part in the future of rad io and
work . tes t , look fo r parts barga ins ,
te lecommunications, with a comprehensive
Other test devices, suc h as ca- junked m achines an d l as t
pac itance meters, d ip meters,
tra ining and support program from the
year's data books. Oft en, you ca n
signal generators a nd tran sis- grab a handful ot, say, capacitors
professionals who know the industry. Find out
tor tes ters, are handy but may tor $1 that wou ld cost $10 in more about your opportunity to own a M art i n g ~
be dispensable, depend ing on the store . Or you c an bUy a franchise. Ca ll o r write today.
the kind ot work you d o . You wreck ed chassis for 50 cents that
may be able to borrow a seiccm- will yield $ 50 in parts, some of
u sed inst ru me nt. A lso , some them hard to get at any pric e. All in
504 Sout h Eg bert Street
0 1 them c an be ncmebrew ec . a ll , hamfest s are p robably the P.O. Box 279, Monona, Iowa 52159
and they make n i ce w inter best place to took to stock your 319-539-2670
projects . And , of course, you can larder.


" .. . select a workspace

that is quiet and iso lated. "

a lways p i ck t h em up a long
the way. as your need for them Puu ing it atl Together

Parts is Parts
A carefu l arrangement of your
gear and parts will help max imize
their u sefulnes s and co nv e-
® Only
Get some storage cabinets and nience. There are lots 01 possibili-
Designed and
Wi them with a variety ot common ties, and no right or wrong ways to
• •• buill in the USA
components . Label the d rawers, do it. t keep my sold ering iron at
Value + Quality
and be sure to leave a few empty table (not shelf) level, off to one from OYer 25years
so you can use them to sto re the side but within arm' s reach . My
in ATV." W60RG
screws from jobs in progres s. You parts cabinets line the back ot the
should have all the standard resis- table. Small test equipment, such With ou r all in one box TC70·1 70cm ATV Trans-
tor values from 100 to 1 megohm as the freque nc y cou nter and ce iver you can easily transmit and rece ive live action
(v. watt or lh watt is fine), disc power supply. is also at table lev- co lo r and sound video just like bro adcast TV. Use
capacitors up to 0 .1 ~t . and elec- el , as are sma ll hand tools. On the any home TV camera or VCR by plugging the com-
trolytic caps up to 250 1.If. It you shelf are the scope, meters, larger
pla n to homebr ew , al so get tools, and some parts ove rflow
posite video and audio into the front VHS 10 pi n o r
diodes, common transistors (such (I've been at this a long timet) . Any rearphono jacks. Ad d 70c m antenn a, coax , 13 .8 Vdc
as 2N2222 , 2N3904 , 2N3906, instruments wilh d isplays should and TV set a nd you are o n th e's that easy !
et c .), a nd so me C MOS gate s be placed for easy readi ng . I angle
(400 1. 4011). the scope so that it points directly
TC70-1 has >1 watt p.e.p. with one xtal on 439.25. 434.0
You'll tind tha t no matter how at me.
or 426.25 MHz , runs on 12-14 Vdc@ .sA, and hot GaAsfet
many parts you have, you never Plug all or most 01 your AC oper- downconverter tunes whole 420-450 MHz band down to
have the one you need! Many ated gear into a switched outlet ch3. Shielded cabinet only 7x7x2.5-. Transmitters sold
times, you 'll have to buy or order strip, and mount it within reach , so only to licensed amateurs, for legal purposes, verified inlhe
parts in the middle of a job. Espe- that you ca n hit the switch in a latest Callbaok or with copy of license sent with order.
cially with Japanese gear, there's hurry. Always use it when testing
Call or write now for our co mplete ATV catalog
just no way around it. Still , the an AC operated repair job . lor the
more you have o n hand , th e same reason. Finally , round out
including d ownconverters , transceivers , linear
bet ter. I keep a pile of PC boards your lab with a vital. but often amps. and antennas fo r the 70, 33 , & 230m bands.
tra m junked VCRs, CB radi os, overlooked. item : a tire extin- (616) 447-4565 m-t aim-5:30pm pst. Visa , MC , COO
etc., and pull parts as needed . guisher. Yo u'll probably never
I can 't co u nt the n umber o f use it, but you never know . And it
2522 Pa xson ln Arc ad ia CA 91006
t imes th ey ha v e save d me can be a life saver. III

73 Amaleur Radio • February, 1990 71

Number 29 on your Feedbac;. eard

A.S ..... page R.S.' page A.S .' page R.S.I page

355 AceCommuniCallons 61 • COMB Direct Marlleting 69 354 ICOM Ameriea 53· 34 Ramsey Elect ron ics 23·
1 Advanced Compute!" Con trol 63 343 Cornmput e Corporation .... 65 • Indiana Haml est . . 65 14 Renaissance Development 61
6 5 Adval'"lCed Electrcr uc 99 Communication ccocece. • Int&rcon Data Systems 57 254 Ross Distributing 57
Applications S" Inc 63 100 tnterccnnect Specialists 24 115 RFConnectiOn 61
aa Aerospace Consulting _. 61 121 Commun ications Electronics 27 42 lsotron Antenna 75 171 RF Enterprises 14.1 5
388 AlE Corporation 75 10 Commun ications Spec ialists. 272 Jun 's Electronics 43 73
67 AlinooElectronics .. , 33 ' Inc. 16" 92 K-40 . .. .. . . . . 29 • Uncle Wayne's
• Amateur Electronics 15 c cmtercc , 67 • Kenwood U.S.A. Bookshelf ,... . 86,87
Supply . . . . . . . . . . . 28' 12 ConnectSystems . " l Corporation 5,7.CV4 · 332 Sateliite City 60 ·
90 Antennas West 67 306 Creative Control Products . . 69 2 LEB EnterpriseS 57 382 SCO Electronics 61
302 Antennas West . . . . 75 • D&SSales 85 25 Madison Elect ronic Supply . 44 387 sac, Inc 81
236 Anlennas Wesl 83 147 Data Com International , 75 • Maggiore Electronics lab. . . 39 250 Software Systems 63
5 Antennas West 35 • Delaware Amateur Supply .. 55 381 Marting Franchise 244 Software Systems 61
304 Antennas West. . . . . . . . . . .. 46 239 Dig Ital Radio Systems. Inc. 55 Corporation 71 23 SornetseI Electron ics 49
303 Antennas West ••........ _ 61 13 Doppler Systems . . . • •. 29· 101 Ml!llcom, Inc 59" • Sony Corporatl(H'l of
107 AnteonasWesl. 69 114 E.H. Yost n 241 Media Mentors 57· America 79
B9 Antennas West •....... _ 57 386 Electron ic Engineering . . •. 69 44 Metro Printing . . . 51 51 Spectrum Communications . 85
271 Anl ique RadIO Class,l,e<I 46 8 Elktronics 44 86 MFJ Enterprises . .. . . . . . . • • 12 183 Spectrum International . . ... 65
• Associated Radio 83 • Engineering Con sulting 80 348 Micro Computer Concepts . . 61 11 Surplus Sales or Nebraska . 51
16 Astron Corpcrauce 21 82 Franklin Belle Publishers 83 295 Micro Conlrol Specialities . . n 87 TCE labs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 69
243 AXM, lnc 67 372 G & G Electronics 80 252 Midland Technolog ies 69 136 Unadilla/Antennas
SJ Barker & W illiam son _ 25 373 Gap Antenna Products . , •• . 35 187 Mission Communications & Manufacturing Co. . . . 59
41 Barry Electronics Corporation 19 46 Gauth ier's Covers Plus .. . . • 46 Con sulting . . . ..•.... 85 103 Universal Amateur Radio .. 85·
42 Bilal Company 75 • GGTE 75 " • Oklahoma Comm Center 77 79 Vanguard Labs . . 46
365 BuCkmaster Publishing . . 75 · 17 GLB Elect ronics , , 35 • Ornar Electronics . . . , , , 83 • VHF Communi cations . . 67
7 Buckmaster Publishing .... 83 · 72 Glen Martin Engineering •• . 49 • Orion Business lntematicnalg t " 191 W & W Associates .. . .. 40
170 Buck master Publishing • . .. 67" • Grapevine Group . . • . . . . . • . 75 96 Orlando Hamcation .. ••. . .. 39 38 W91N N Antennas 83
• Burghardt Amateur Radio . . 40 • The Ham Center 75 • P.C. Electronics 71,79 · 105 WilBUr! Company 57
• Bunernut Elect ronics 49 • Ha rru ro nrcs 35 152 Pac-Comm 46 • Yaesu Elect ronics
356 C & S Sales. Inc. . . 67 57 Hamtronics, Inc. . . .•...... 31 178 PaCific Cable Company, Inc. 67 Corporation CV3
• C BCily . . . . . . . 83 • Heath Company . . • • . • . . 46,47 68 Periptlel 51
• Charlotte Haml est 24 110 Hor,zon Manufact uring 57 • ProcommlDigltrel 65 · Mwi b$lth . 1Iflo ..... ~ 10 1he ~

157 Cleveland InstItute of 269 Hustlet, Inc 51 6 Radiotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 nlusIry ....,...., Coo",_ (MAC}
Electronics 49 389 ICOM America CV2 · 150 Radio WorIIs . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 69 0n-..,..._ .P'* 10blI wll:iC*:l ."..,

Number 30 on your Feedback card


10 GHz contest 52 direct digital synthesizer 22 KB2IGG . Mary Aleslra 17 South Africa 56 , 82
220 MHz 18,83 DOVE 52 KE0UV. GregoryR .Mclntire . 41 Space Symposium 1989 SO
2N2222 11, 34, 38 DXe C countrie s 84 KT2B, Pete Putman 37 spectrum analyzer 41
4U1WB 6 easvt rex softw are 13 MFJ-94 1D 37 Sweden ", ",.", 73
555 l imer 42 emergency service 18 MFJ Enterprises. Inc "., 37 Switzerland , 74
Advanced Electro nic encl aves 84 microwave operation 45 telephone, wireless; frequencies . 60
Applications, Inc 30,36 Engineering Consulting , .. ,. 32 mobile operation .. 26. 30 . 32, 54 Ultra Comshack 64 32
AEA MX-6S 30 Flavorigupdate , . " " " " , . , 59 modem expenmentation Uniden HR-2510 tuning update .. 59
AGe functions 22 France, legal OX QSOs with 6 projecl 59 updates 59
AH2AR/8. David K . Pel aez 20 frequency coord ination 58 N4RVE, Steve Roberts 54 V .23 modem standard 58
Al inco DR·S70 T 26 freq uency counters 45 N6PYY. Kelly Howard 78 VC-1000 board 48
Alinco Electronics, Inc 26 headset intertace 10 N7IPY. William Wa ters III 32 VE5XZ, Keith Stieb 10
a nte n na, ferrite , , , , 45 home-brew set-up 70-71 New Zealand 74 video grap hics 48
an tenna ordi nances 9 HP·5360A Computing Counte r 45 NS1B, Bryan Hastings 26 W1XU ,JimGray 88
antenna tuning 37 ICOM America, Inc 22 , 54 oneness 88 W5KN E. Bob Wi nn 84
ATV net 77 ICOM IC-72S 54 pac ket 35, 58-59 W9 LOV. Dale Shimp 17
balloon ATV 76 IGOM IC·76S 22 PCB system 13 WA1EYP. Michael Cobuccio . 22
BY7WGL 6 Intel 8031 C P U 36 propagation 88 WA3AJR, Marc Leavey. M.D. 4S
Commodore 64/128 32 Japan 73 physics, new , ., 88 WA5ZIB, Andy MacAllister SO. 60
communic ation 88 K0V. Joe Moe!. 62 PR& l 9 WA6 fTF. Bill Pasternak . . . 18,78
Condor Connection 18,83 K6MH . Jim Morrissen 88 Pro tei Technology, Inc 13 WB6IGP. C .l. Houghton . . 30 , 45
CW keyer 36 KA7 FOW, Gene B . W illiams 9 Ramsey Electronics . , . . , 20 W B6RQN . Brian Lloyd 58
DC Electronics 43 KA9ELV• Ted Drude 36 RDF ru le-making 62 W BBELK, Bill Brown 76
Diamond Flowe r Electric KB 1UM , Michae l Geier 70 SA-7 preamp kit 20 W B8VGE , Michael Bryce 38
mst rumeot Co 48 KB2GSD, W alter Cronkite 6 SAREX 50, 52 WB9RRT , Larry R. Antonuk .. 13

72 73A mateurRadio . Februa ry, 1990

Number 31 on your Fft'dl»clc c.rd

edited by G.G.G.
No tes from FN42 ten do we " talk " to another ham,
WO W/ As the lyrics of a song receive the normal "5 9" or " 599 "
popular in my earlier days said: and then go about our business of
" Oh the times they are achang- getting another rare one? Ho w
ing . " Something that many of us long has it been since you really
felt would never happen has hap-
pened. The compfete opening of
the borders between East and
" lalked" to another ham for more
than one minute? Do we really
" talk " or " co mmunie8te " ?
West Berlin, the free flow of citi- According to one of my trusty
zens between the German Demo- dictionaries Jfind: " talk: to deliver Photo A. ORP OSL card of Carlos PYICC, a 73 Hambassador from
cratic Republic and the Federal or express in speech; to use (a Brazil.
Republic of Germany, has hap- language) for conversing or com-
pened! municating; to express or ex- have been closed for many years. by t he Ministry of Post s and
This event should certainly not change ideas by means of spoken These borders include the physi- Telecommunications, the number
override other events of the day, words "; "Communicate: an ex- cal as welf as the communicative. of radio stations licensed in accor-
week, month, or year (such as the change of information ; a tech- What we need to remember is that dance with the regulations 0 1 Ra-
changes in Poland, the free elec- nique for expressing ideas effec- there are many hams around the dio Law, reached 5, 107,175 as of
tions in Namibia, the changes in tively." Something common to world with many ideas to co nvey. June 30th, 1989 in Japan. When
Bulga ria , and many others) yet it both is the word " idea. " "Idea : a Let 's say something more than radio stations are classified, the
does seem to get the most anon- formulated thought or opinion. " just "59, OSL via the Bureau." number of Conventional Radio
tion in the U.S. news media. But I will let you formulate your own Ler's rea lfy " communica te." Stations (Citizen Band Radio,
news is news, and we on this thoughts as to whether we truly -AmieNIBAC etc.) are 2 ,390 ,000 , that of
Earth should be very thankful that commun ica te. Our world is Portable Radio Stations (Auto mo-
we have means ofrapid communi- changing, sometimes more rapid- ROUNDUP bile Radio, Multi Channel Access
cation and joyful communications ly than some might wish. Coun- Japan From the JARL News: Radio, etc .) come to 1,540,000
that herald the reuniting of tries are open ing borders that According to the bulletin issued and these are fOllOwed by Ama-
families and friends after years of teur Radio Stations , 950 ,000
separation. (18.6% of total) . All three kinds of
Hopefully the leaders of th e Calendar for February stations are 93.5% of the total Ra-
many countries that are reopen- l -SI. Bridget' s Day , Ireland dio Stations.
ing their borders and those lead- 2-Groundhog Day, USA Sweden From Radio Sweden
ers allOwing their citizens to take 3-Felix Mendelssoh n, 1809; Gertrude Stein, 1874; SI. Bias, Bulleti n:
part in governing their country's Paraguay PUBLICATIONS: Edition 4.2 of
affairs have fina lly realized what 4-lndependence Day , Sri Lanka Rad io Sweden's commumce-
we hams have known for years, 5- Anniversary 0 1 the Constitution, Mexico tions in Space: The DXers Guide
that communicating wi th each 6-New Zealand Day to the Galaxyis now available free
other, lis tening to each other's 7-lndependence Day , Grenada of charge from Radio Sweden .
ideas, and helping each other 8-1963 Revolution Day, Iraq This publication covers
makes sense, and can go a long 9- Soseki Natsume, 1867; St. Marion' s Day, Lebanon satellite rad io and television ,
way towards solving the world's 10-$1. Paul Day, Malta; Lantern Festival, China weather and other " utility" utility
problems. f t -c-Nanonar Holiday, Iran; Commemoration of the Found ing of satellites, amateur radio in space ,
Oh, what a joy it is to live in this the Nation, Japan ; Thomas Alva Edison, 1847; Youth Day, and th e American and Soviet
time and dream of our fulure, a Cameroon space prog rams. (Radio Sweden,
future tha t appears to be getting 12- lincoln' s Birthday, USA S-105 10 Stockholm, SWeden ]
berter and better, not j ust year-to- 14-Valentine 's Day, Race Relations Day, USA They are still updat ing th ei r
yea r, but day-by-day! 15-Nirvana Day, Buddhist; Susan B. Anthony, USA book The DXers Guide to Com-
It is not too often that you open la- Democ racy Day, Nepal; Independence Day, Gambia; Start puting and edition 4 is still several
your local paper (at least not mine) of Brotherhood Week, USA mon ths away. However , due to
and find a story from the Associat- 1. -Preside nt' s Day , USA popular demand , they repri nted
ed Press (AP) about a ham. I was au-cr csnirc Mayuzumi, 1929 the mas! recent edit ion, 3.0, in
very surprised and happy to read 21- Robert Gabriel Mugabe, 1924 one volume includi ng all updates
an article about 9NIMM, Rev. 22-Frederic Chopi n, 1810; Independence Day, SI. Lucia; 3.1 to 3 .6. Note tha t this reprin t
Marshall D. Moran, an 83-year-old Washington's Birthday, USA contains exactly the same in-
Chicago-born Jesuit priest, the 23- lsra and Miraj; Georg Friedrich Handel , 1685; National Day, formation as in the previous edi-
only ham operator in Nepal. Most Guyana; National Day, Bru nei; Shiv arati, Hindu tion and updates. Irs avanabre
of the article was about people he 25-National Holiday , Kuwai t; Vic tory Day, Czechoslovakia from Radio Sweden for USO 3,
had met, such as Ma h a t m a 26- lntercalary Days, Bahai: First Day of Lent , Eastern Orthodox GBP 2, SEK or FF 20, or 7 IRCs
Ghandi and Jawaharlal Nehru, 27- lndependence Day, Dominica n Republic ; Shrove Tuesday, or OM. Ptease DO NOT send or-
but there was certainly enough to Mardi Gras ders for the forthcoming edition 4,
help promote the cause of ham 28-Kalevala Day, Finland; Ash Wednesday as it is still in preparation (George
radio. He estimates to the reporter Wood).
that he has talked to over 80,()()() Data for the monthly calendar comes from The 1990 World Radio Sweden sends out Swe-
ham operators. Calendar published by Educational Extension Systems, PO Box den Calting DXers bulletins every
I certainly do not mean or wish 259, Clarks Summit, PA J84 11, Copyright 1989 by P.R. Fischetli, four weeks. listeners who send in
'0 belittle Rev. Moran but the word and other sources. media news go on the mailing list
'·talked" caught my eye. How of- for one year . News can be sent to
73AmateurRadio • February, l990 73
George Wood at Swedish telex sort of relationship with ham re- Wellington Civic Chambers on R.D.1 , Levin, 5500 , New Zealand .
11738, Teletax + 46-8-667-6283, aio. Looks like a few fun years January 22,1990. 8 . VK-ZL-OCEANIA Contest ,
to CompuServe (Easyplex 70247, coming for those who like experi- 4. The Northland Branches 01 OCtober 1990 ... Planning is un-
35 16), through the FidoNet sys- menting .-G.C.C. ) NZART plan to have a station der way to make this contest a
tem 10 2:2021297 or to SM011 N on ZM1 VlA operating at Awanui truly international VK·ZL.()ceania
the packet radio BBS SK0TM. An from February 10th to the 28th, Contest for 1990 with specially
Electronic Edition is ca rriedonthe 1990, to commemorate the 60th produced Award s and Dertiti-
Com pu8erve HamNet Forum , the ann iversary of the closing of the cates. Still in the planning stages,
Pine land s BBS. and other tele- last New Zealand Spark Transmit- but more information will be sup-
phone-based and pac ket rad io NEWZEALANO ting Station (VLA). plied when details are finalized
com put er bulletin boards . Des Chapman ZL2VR 5 . The XIV Commonwealth and confirmed .
Switzerland From the Interna- 459 Kennedy Road Games Station ZM14CG will be 9 . The XIV Commonwealth
tional Telecommunication Union Napier, New Zealand on the air from June 1sl, 1989, to Games Award ... sponso red by
(ITU) Press Release: February 10th, 1990. A special the New Zealand Association of
ITU -COM 89 , th e l irst world aSl card and an award are ava il- Rad io T rans mitters, Inc. This
summit on the elect ronic media, able . award is available to radio ama-
started on 3 Octobe r and finished 6. A specialletter postmark will teurs worldwide between June
8 October 1989 in the presence of be use d by NZART HQ during tst. 1989, and Feb ruary 10th,
445 Ministers, Ambassad ors, Di· 1990. 1990.
rectors-General 0 1 broadcasling, 7. The Marton '90 Awa rd-a To qualify for the Award , radio
bu siness and indust ry leaders New Zealand Sesqui-Centennlal "freebie" . .. Marton Branch 23's amateurs must contact 5 ZM l sta-
from 123 coun tries. 1990 is New Zealand 's 150th cont ribution to the New Zealand tions . . . o ne (1) each of ZM2 ,
Held unde r the gene ral theme Ann ive rsa ry yea r . . . and the sesq ui-centennial is a special ZM 2, and ZM4 stations , PLUS
"Toward s global information: the NZART Branches and mem o award tha t will operate between one Commonwealth count ry in
electronic media explosion," ITU- bers have some special events January 15th and 29th , 1990. Regions I, II, and III, a total of 11
COM 89 aimed to draw anenucn planned to help commemorate ZL2VS (Branch President, Dusty) contact s.
to the growing importance 01 the the anniversa ry: will be operating Irom Waitangi, The log must be verified by two
electronic media in everyday life 1. The use of the special prefix Chatham Islands , u nder the other amateurs and sent to: The
and the dynamic growth of the ZM is presently in operation-its special callsign ZM7VS on all HF Awards Manager, AoIa Johnston,
sector. use was authorized from t st June, bands during that period . The ZL1ALE, 63 Red HIli Road, Pa·
ITU.cOM 89 was essentially a 1989 th ro ugh 31st De cember, Marton Branch stat ion, ZM2AMS, pak ura , 1703, New Ze a land .
symposium in three parts (policy, 1990. will operate on all band s HF-UHF Please send return postage, ap-
technical and legal), co mbined 2. Scout Jamboree, Hamitton, during the same period . RE - prox . US$1 for A mericas and
with an exhibit ion d isplaying J anuary 4th-11th , 1990 with a QUIR EMENTS : W ork both Canada.
so me 0 1 the applicat io ns d is- spec ial callsign, ZM 1JAM. (Hope- stations, any band, any mode .. . Good News for NZ Tra vellers
cussed at the symposium: elec- fully some of you had a chance to details 01 both contact s required . From the NZ Radio Freq uency
tronic communicati on appuca- contact this special station. Info listener part icipat ion invited . Service , our reg ulato ry body,
uons. digital aud io broadcasting. came in too late to include in the The award is free . . . just send comes the news that forthwith, li-
direct satellite broadcasting, high- January 1990 issue.-G.C.c. ) an SASE or return postage (US$ l c ensed amateu rs v isiting New
definition te levision, cable net - 3. To celebrate the 150th an- app rox . fo r the Ameri ca s and Zealand may use VHF/UHF hand-
works . .. lit appears that most, niversary of Wellington, ZM6A will Canada) for est-care-see award helds on frequen cies 144 MHz
if not al/, of the topics have some o pe rat e loperated ?) f rom the to ZL2IG, E.P. Tombs, Ihakara, and above, operating for a period
of not more than lour (4) weeks
without any app licatio n or
charges being made.
SI B(IIIA a.u. The visiting amateur MUST be
the holder of a current license is-
sued by their own adm inistration,
and MUST carry a copy 01 the cur-
rent license while operaling 10 be
made available for inspection on
Usage 0 1 the apparatus must
conform with tne requ irements of
New Zealand Radio Regulations
1987 and the general terms and
conditions shown on the amateur
license schedule. The visiting am-
ateur must use the " home" call-
sign suffixed by ZL 1, 2, 3, 4, as
appropriate .
This is a very welcome change
lor our short-term visitors Irom
overseas administrations.
[This certainly seems to con-
form with a few other countries
that are doing the same thing.
Maybe we can dare hope that
all the countries on o ur Earth
will do the same thing in time.
Photo B. U 100000o C, USSR 1,000,000 Cities Award from the West Siberia OX Club, sent by UA9MA. We've -C.C.C. j
saved the " Best for the Last " next month. Oon ', miss it! contifl/J6d Of! page 82

74 73 Amateur Radio • February, l 990

Field Day AII·Band Antenna AMIGA c or-ru-ocs cf o r-e
Radv to UOI:
;= Filii L~1t31 Pow er


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73 Ama reur Radio • February,1 990 75

Number 32 on your FHdbKk c..-d

Ham Television
Bill Brown WB8EL K With a 50 wan transmitter and a IUJ OOI:3
Elktro nics good antenna system , your local
12536 T.R. 77 range should be between 30 and
Findlay OH 45840 60 miles, depending on the sur-
rounding terrain. Under the right

Bored with Network TV?

conditions, you can extend your
range tremendously.
Tune in to some real entertain-
ment with Am at eur Tel ev ision
A good trope or duct has been
responsible for many contacts KR9S2X
(ATV)! II you own a TV set and
video camera or camcorder, you
have the basic ingredients to start
ov e r s e v e r a l- h u n d r e d mile
paths. Last March W5VDS and
WA4GRK established the US
your own ATV statio n.

Getting Started
record across the Gulf of Mexico
(over 937 m iles) on th e 1200
MHz ATV band . One hundred
Now that commercially built mile or more contacts are possible Photo B. ATV transmissio n received by W9ZIH sra WB4ZJP 8/ 1SO
ATV transceivers and antennas just by taking advantage of early miles.
are available, you no longer need morning and late night band en-
to be a technical wizard to be- hancements, particularly during
100,000 feel in altitude before you have to switch your TV or VCA
bursting and parachuting the pay- to the cable channel posit ion).
come active on ATV. P.C . Elec- the summer months.
load to Earth . With just 1 wan to an You can view other popular 70Cm
t ronics, Wyman Researc h and Mountain-topping can be a
omni-direct ional antenna, the ATV frequencies on either cable
ATV signal has been received channel 57,58 or 59.
over 400 miles away, covering a
10 slate area! Go Fly a Kite!
On October 7, 1989, KA9$ZX Jon Pifer WM8W of Arlington ,
and and I launched the latest of Ohio, came up with a unique way
these from Champaign, Illinois. of raising his antenna height. He
Bob N81YD designed a servo-op- built a mammoth te-tcct Delta
erated mirror system to provide us Wing kite to take his 1 wan ATV
with a spectacular view of the transmitter and camera to new
ground below, as welt as views 01 heights. With a good wind , this
the horizon showing the Earth's kite will take his J.pound package
curvature from the onboard BNI up to over 500 feet for some fan-
TV camera. We're planning sever- tastic aerial views of the area. If
al flights in the spring and sum- you want a good workout , try reet-
mer- keep a lookout for dates, ing in 1000 feet of kite sIring! Jon
t.rnes. and places here. plans to attach two radio control
All you need to view these bal- servos to remotely point his cam-
loon flights and local ATV asos is era on his next flights.
a 70Cm antenna system! If you
have no ATV equipment, just hook Finding ATV Act iv ity
Photo A. Bob NSIYD designed a servo-operated mirror system to
your antenna up to a cable-ready If you're in an area with nme or
provide us with a spectacu lar view o f the ground below.
TV or VCR. It turns out that cable no ATV activity, try to get a nearby
AEA all make a complete line 01 channel 60 is on 439 .25 MHz friend involved or you may end up
quick way to create your own band
(Note: this is not UHF channel 60; watching a TV screen full 01 snow!
ATV transceivers and associated openings. K4$AO and KC4CTW
equipment. Just hook up your TV set up last summer on top of 6300'
set, camera, and 70Cm antenna, Aoan Mountain in North Carolina,
and you're ready to joi n in the fun . and they were rewarde d with
Since ATV transm issions are al- several 300 mile ATV contacts!
lowed only on the 70Cm band and Aeronautical mobile contacts
above,lor best results you should can realty produce some amazing
give special consideration to your results. Mel KA8lWA has made
antenna system . Put up the best nume rous 14O-mile contacts from
antenna you can find, above tree- his Cessna a~ 10,000 feet , while
top level, if possible. Some of the allowing us all to fly along with
more popu lar antennas are the him from the comfort of o ur
Jaybeam, KlM series, the K1FO, nemsnecke.
and heme-bunt Ouaqis or Col-
linears. At the se frequen cies, ATV Balloon to the Edge
feedline loss can be one 01 the ot Space
most important factors. A cheap During the past two years, we
grade of AG-8 coa x can turn your launched from sites across the
high gain antenna into a dummy cou ntry a series of helium bal-
load. Use 9913 coa x or hardline loons carrying ATV transmitters.
whenever possible. These balloons usually go beyond Photo C. Fly 8 kite with A TV/
76 73Ama'eur Radio . February, 1990
Somenmes all il takes is a knowl- try . a weekly ATV net meets every
edge of 2 meter calling trequen- Tuesday night at 6 PM EST on
ces to scare up some unexpected 3.87 1 MHz. I' d like to see this be-
co ntacts. 144 .34 MHz has be- come a nalional net. Would any-
come the callin g frequency in the one would like 10 vol unteer for
Midwest and 147.45 MHz in parts western net control? If you'd like
of Ohio. If in Southe rn California , to find out about jocat act ivity in
call on 146.43-that will usually your area , check into the ATV Net
net you anATVer. or send mean SASE. I' d be happy
to help hook you up with any local
Video Tape Co ntest ATVers. I can also be reached via
The Western Washington ATV the N8ET BBS on packet.
Socie ty is sponsoring a video ta pe In the follow ing mon t hs, we
contest. All you have to do is make w ill cover ATv repeat er s a nd
a t s-mtnure video pre sentat ion special happenings, plus ci rcuits
usi ng home vi deo equip me nt. you can build 10 enh ance your
First prize is an lCOM IC· 1275, AT V sta tion . St a y t un ed . , .
second prize is an AEA FS-430 73s, Billm
ATV transceiver, and third prize
is a P.C . El ec t ro nic s rec e ive
converter. For complete ru les, 8 if1 WBBELK. our new A TVcolum-
send an SASE 10 WWATS Video nist, has been active in A TV since
Contest, 353 S. 11 6th SI " Seattle 1969. He 's noted for his many
WA 96 168 . All entries must be in high amtude balloon A TV expen-
by March " 1990. Winners will ments. He holds an MSEE and
be a nnoun c ed at t he Day to n owns EIJ<.tronics of Findlay , Ohio,
Hamvention 1990 . a business that specializes in A TV
products, 8i11 is also co-publisher
ATV NET-3.B71 MHz of Amate ur Television Quarterly
In the eastern half of the coun- Magazine ,


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We also carry a full line 01Kenwood and Yaesu battery packs.
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73 AmaleurRadio • February. 1990 77

Never Say Die
LOOKING ;EST'''''''''~ Continued from page 4

to force others to sutter as I did. most generous sense. at an affective

A few years ago I explained all this rate 01 a lew words per minute, a small
and came out with my set of lour cas- coterie of hams are tripping along at a
Bill Pasternak WA61TF wa s hardly any time to sleep, let
settes 10 help make the code more brisk 1200 baud. Baudy bunch.
28197 Robin Avenue alone see all the exhibits in th ree painless. The brainwashing caused by Rag·chewers are able to mumble
Saugus CA 91350 days. On Sunday, the last day of the FCC's acceptance of the progres- about 125 indistinct words per minute.
the event, everyone involved in sive code system and its support by a The throughput plunges on 20m. when
Nineteen-year-old Kelly How- the planning of the H a mve ntio n number affirms with code courses has one is fighting QRM. Since ops seem to
ard N6PNY, a star in the New gathered in a Mexican rest a ura nt made it so only a few of the people figure that when there's 2 kHz between
World of Amateur Radio video, and talked abou t t he wonderfu l who've bought my tapes actually use two groups in contacl that this consti-
and one of my panelists at the time they had. I was inv ited to join them as I recommend, tutes a clear frequency. almost inpene-
Amateur Radio Media Forum at My first tape (73T05) has the letters. trable ORM is the norm.
this group in thei r memories and
numbers and punctuation to help peo- If you read the October 73 you know
the Dayton Hamvention, noticed thought this the opportune time to
ple memorize them. One or two times that there's a growing group or hams
that there was nothing at the th row a little of the fu tu re at them. I through should do for that. Then I have experimenting with 56,000 baud (56K)
Hamvent ion for younger hams brought up Ihe idea of a forum for a practice tape for people who actually packet. Many packeteers are running
and young people wanting to be younger people wh e re th ey could want to bother to learn to copy code at at a creepy 300 baud, with 1.2K (wowl)
hams. I suggested she talk with feelfree to ask questions, a nd un- 5 wpm (73T06) Tape 73T13 will help being the last lane. It was mentioned in
the planners ot the 1990 Hamven- der the supervision of young you learn to copy al13 per. I put this out October that the Japanese are running
li on. Here is her message . hams, to contact other ham opera- because it was simpler than trying to 9.6K, using fax IGs.
tors anywhere Ihose little freq uen- convince everyone just to skip it and go For some reason lhere seems to be
To t he Youn g cies allowed them to. Kind of like a
to 73T20, If you want to make extra an aversion to translating bauds into
work for yourself, that's your decision. words per minute, which might make
" You may be asking yourself, is Children's Zoo where they coul d
It takes about .twlce as long to master throughput more understandable. 300
it really true? Are we finally going actually touch the animals to get
both 13 and 20 wpm speeds as it does baud, when we're sending the B-bit
to have someth ing especia lly more familiar wi th w hat is re all y either of them alone. ASGII code, plus a start, stop and pari-
planned for the younger folks 10 out there in this huge world of There are undoubtedly some other ty bit, means we're using 11 bits for
get them interested in our world of ours . excellent code tapes. I should buy 'em each character. That's 300/11 = 27.27
radio? You can slop wondering " T hat 's w hat this w hol e th ing all and see which are good and which characters per second .. x60 = 1636
becau se the rumors are true. On boils down 10 as far as getting it aren't. 1"11 tell you what, you check 'em characters per minute. If we take the
Saturday, April 28. young people st arted . Bu t let me tell you just out for me and let me know and I' ll use average word to have five characters,
will be gath ering at the Hara A re- the time I save for something else- plus a space, we're talking about 275
getting it o rganized was th e fun
perhaps a day of skiing-or rag-chew- words per minute. Not bad, compared
n a in Day to n , Oh i o . They will part. Not until you actually set
ing with DX ops I might visit some day. to talking.
sha re the day with a room full of you r m ind to doing something
Gening a ham ticket is prett y easy Al 1.2K we're up to 1090 wpm. At
enthusiasti c ham operators and does it seem so easy. There have these days. A few hours on the code, 9,6K we're at about 8725 wpm. 56K
working amateur rad io gear. been so many people right beside the memorization 01 some O&A and brings us to 50,000 wpm. If we have
Peo p le an d e q ui p m e n t are me all the way with Ihis who are you're in. Oh, it isn't nearly as easy as it 500 words per page, that's 100 pages
ready to sha re the Amateur Radi o willing to help no matter what. was a few years ago when Dick Bash per minute. Heck, even my editorials
E x p e rienc e w ith young peopl e People really took off on this idea sold the exact FGG exam answers, in- wouldn't take long to send at that
who a re interest ed , or who might and got fired up about it. clud ing the code tests. Thousands speed. In more practical terms, if you
were able to get their Extra Glass li- start commun icating at this speed by
becom e interested . This gather- " T h e weekend of the 19 90
censes without even having to know writing, il might take you ten minutes to
ing w ill permit those attending to Dayton Hamvention will hold
the code or one shred 01 theory , write the page and then 11100th 01 a
con tac t so m eone in a faraway many e xciting adven tures , and I hope this will put the code into bet- minute Co send it-about a half second.
la nd , or m aybe o n the p remises of I promise that this for um will be ter perspec tive for you. It's easy to That's about right. With that speed it
the Hamventton itself. Al ong with one 01them. If you a re a teenager learn, but since there seems no way to would be easy to have a couple hun-
being able to co m municate, many or the parent of a young person break the perception kids get from us dred round tables all on the same
door prizes w ill be g iven . The day inte r e sted in amateur rad io or that it's hard, it'll keep us from getting channel withoul any interference.
wi ll be ve ry u plifti ng for all. who m ight become interested in much ham growth until we do away Of course, if anyone starts taking my
" Anothe r question you m ight amateur radio , b ring the m by . W e with it as an obstacle. suggestion about setting up a 16-bil
be asking yourselve s is, how did Even if we were to completely elimi- dictionary seriously, we could assign
will introduce them to our special
nate the code from the license exam. I bit combinations to 65.000 dillerent
this fo rum a ll c o me about? It all world . Our own new world of
feel that we'd still have to mount a ma- words and send each as one 16--bit
st arted when I first went to Dayton amateur rad io . So com e one ,
jor PR and advertising ertort to attract word, thus increasing our throughput
Hamve nti o n in 1989. The conven- come al l , and have a good youngsters to our hobby. It's just that by 3.5 times to 175,000 wpm,
ti o n was so ove rw hel m ing, there lime ... " de N6PNY m without the code we might be able to
get most of 'em licensed. Why Not Packet?
Number 35 on your Feedback card Lemon. If 8artlerr Sr., Sf. Calharines, Onf, If you want to know more about how Since a packet TNC and computer
Canada L2M 5K8 . the brain works. there are plenty of doesn't cost much these days, I sus-
good books on the subject. II you run pect the main obstacle stopping most
HAM HELP I am looking for an inSlruct,on manual aool
or schematic fo< a "Thunderbolt 305" 10m
amph!,er. I Will pay fo, copying and shippIng.
into me on the air ask me about ii-and
settle back for half an hour. I doubt it
of you is the daunting new technology.
It's as lull of acronyms as computers
Arn old "'Ben" Irv ", e N 3CNH. 65 3 Blu e
Your Bulfetin Board Church Rd.• Coopersburg PA 18036. many people will be interested in my and there are few reliable learning rna-
own extensive (and to me, fascinating) tertats sources. II you want to get a
We are rlappy to pro " ,de Ham Help Ilsllngs I need a schematic dIagram and/or repa i, research on how the mind works, so I' d
manual lor a Gala xy III Transceiver by Wo,ld headache even Excedrin can't touch,
free on a space a"a"abie basis. To make Our
RadIO. 80-40.-20 . I will pay all costs for acopy. rather you don't bring it up when I'm just try reading a packet handbook.
lob easier and 10 enSure thaf your lisMg is
correcf, please fype Or p rinf yoor request Or I will COjly and return the o' iginal, Thank giving a talk at hamtests.I have a pretty Good luck.
clearly, double spaced, on a lu ll (8'>l- ' x If-j you. J im Crawford NY5Y, P.O. Box 643, rev-
inglon NM 88260 , good idea why not one SCientist has yet We're all cautious (afraid) of new
sheer 01 paper. '0100 may also upload a lisring
as E.-mall foSysop 10 lhe 73 88S, (120 baud. been able to even get a hint as to how things, so it's easier to put off thinking
8 dala Ms, lID pariry. I srop bit. (603)525- Wanled: ICOMFMumt EX-t 06 10r an ICOM our memory works,
6 met e, transceiver ModeI IC-551D. Piem A packet than to lace coping with a whole
4438) Use upper- and lo wer·case lellers If you are Elmering newcomers. try
Sassu N3FVG. 7/ 4 W. Marsh all St.• Noms- new language. With the average ham
where appropriale. Also. p"nl numbers care·
10wn PA 19401 my code system and see if it doesn't age almost 60, tender egos are right
lul'y-a f . for example, can be mIsread as the
lefters I or I. or eWJn rhe number J. Thank you work miracles for you. curmere on line when it comes 10 look-
for your cooperaflon I need service informatIon and aschematIC
for a OSllnstrumenfS Inc., Model 5600A Fre- ing foolish. And that's what it looks like
quency Counter. I will pay copyi ng cost s and Faster , Faster!
Needed Manual and schemalocs for a we're all inevitably going to do when
poslage, 0' I will copy and refurnthe o<iginal
Na1l0nal NCX 5 Iransceive r I WIll gladly Thank you. John Rusink o, 38A Union Ave.. While 95% of us are still communi- we finally take the plunge into packet.
pay poslage and copying expenses. Kevin Little Falls NJ 07424 cating. and t am using the word in its Isn't it time to demystify packet?
78 73AmateurRadio . February, 1990
Th e ATTY Aevolullon
take away from us if we don' t start us- 500,000 Radio Amateur
ing them. 1.2 GHz, for exam ple, is a
Along about 1948 1got interested in grea t band -and virtu ally em pt y . Call Signs at Your Fingertips
RTTY. Lordy, that was over 40 years There's plenty of equipment for this
ago ' Gelling basic information about band ava ilable too.
Introducing Buckmaster's From Here
HamCall on CD·ROM
RTTY was every bit as diHicult then as
packet is today , In between televis ion
Pictures, Too Over 500,000 call signs in the U.S,
and possessions are available,
job s, I took some time to build and e x-
periment with RTTY . Thus, in 1951,
Once you're set up to move comput-
er data over the air you can send any-
searchable by call sign, name,
address, city, state, Zip code or
'Il:" _.
when I got a job as a TV director with thing you like. You can send digitall y license class. Using CD·ROM opl ical
WXEL in Cleveland, I was de lighted to encoded music, te xt, computer pre- disc technology and your micro-
find they had a mi meo machine. I'd grams or even pictures. The Japanese computer, you have instantaneous
been fussing with my fellow RTT Y ex- are busy sending COIOf graphics via access to the Buckmaster HamCall
perimenters. grumbling that someone packet using the NPLPS protocol. This database, To Mere
should publish a newsletter. When a is the system developed for use in the
mimeo machine turned up, I quickly U.K. for their home comp uter informa- $499.95 per Package
" - 1""
put out my first publ ication . Within a t ion service. It's a data compressed plus Shipping (Quantities Limited >
few mon th s I had over 2,000 sub- way of sending graphic tntcrmancn. HamCall on CD-ROM is a package
scribers! 01 course , if you prefer to spend your that includes the CD-ROM data disc,
This gol CO after me to do an RTTY declining years rag-chewing on 75m a SonyCDU '6100 external CD·RO M
colu mn . Both in my Amateur Rad iO instead of exoenmenunq-eor perhaps drive with interface card for IBM
wor ki n g despera tel y to ward your PC/ATtypecomputers," and MS-DOS
Fronti ers news letter and in my CO
CD-ROM extensions software .
colu mn I di d eve ryth ing I could to Worked All Counties award , hoping to
Publishers Data Service
make RTTY simple to understand. I leave yo ur hard-won certificate to your
widow as your main legacy, th en I Corporation's newQueslar'" retrieval software package is also supplied.
e xpla ined the fun dam en ta ls- d e'
This retrieval system enables the user to search the CD-ROM data quickly
scribed all the avai lable equ ipmenl- shouldn't bother you with visions of the
and efficiently.
how to build term inal units-how to fix fun you might have pioneering a new
technology ,
When repeat ers cam e along in 1969
Ordcr by calling (-800: 282-5628
Par it y
I did the same with 73, backing it up SON~ I]UCKMASTER
with a monthly Repealer Bulletin . It's just a Small loose end, but earlier
"Whitehall' Rte. 3, Box 56
These arnctes made repeaters under- on I mentioned a par ity bit. This is an
Mineral, Virginia 23117

standable and soon had over a hun- e xtra bit which is added to your data in ,.
703: 894-5777
d red thousa nd hams enjoying re - order to let you know when you are
having transmission errors. You can .
ag ree on odd , even or no parity. Odd · Requires 640k RAM, hard disk dri ve and
Now I'd like to see simple basic arti- MS· DOS 3 .l or later version.
cles on packet. I' d like to see articles parity means your co mputer will add up
on higher speed experime nt ing, so the " 1" bits tor a character and, jf the
let's get busy w ith 48K , 9.6K and on up number is even , add an exira bil so the
to 56K . Heck , why not 112K? Sure, it total is odd. Thus, il the pe rson getting
t ak es m or e bandwidt h , but the your message gets any ch aracters
throughput far more than makes up for which have even parity, you know you
the extra bandwidth. As was men- are having problems.
tioned in the Oc tobe r issue, whe n you I also mentioned mumbling on voice.
on . I don 't mind so much il you mum-
go from 1.2K to 9.6K your signal takes
up five times as much spectrum, 100 ble while you're talking to me during a
kHz vs. 20 kHz, but your throughput aso, but at least give me a brea k when
goes up by 46,7 t imes, Whewf you are call ing' Please enunciate your
But I' m not at all sure we 're up call letters clearly and distinctly.
against a wall on bandwidth . When Ma One other th ing, Why do you get up-
Bell' s minions tell me they're pushing set when I get your call wrong? I care-
117K through twisted pair wires, I kno w fUlly spell out the letters of my call and
darned well they have some pretty the n you come bac k to W2M S B or
good ways of handling that digital data. something , I correct you and you don't
Between narrowi ng our bandwid ths pay any attention , still calling me
and compacting our data, I' ll be sur- W2M SB. Then, when I purposely man-
prised if we can' t get a 9,6K channel so gle your can in retali ation, you get all
It can be used on 20m , bent out 01 shape. KPA5-E board $169
Please don't make me turn to Japan Should n't your ATV trans mitter be as re liable? W eather
Another Way To Aea ch Kids
for solutions to these problems. Let's
I've been fuss ing with hamfest oHio
you want to put one in a balloo n, RIC mod el, Robot , use
see what you can do. I' ll be deligh ted to
cials to push their local clubs to set up as portable ATV xmtr , o r get on e in our ready to go
help get your info out to spur on others
via 73, exhibits at hamfests and conv entions TX70-1 for the shack, w ith P.C. Electronics you see the
In the meanwhile we need articl es on which would expla in some aspect of best ! Companion receiving downconve rte r board TVC-
packet basics-articles written in plain our hobby rather than just sitting be- 2G $49, or ready to go in a c ab inet - TVC-4G $89.
English, with as few acronyms as cos- hind a table with some membership
sible, This will encourage a few thou- literature. Then the local med ia could TX70-1 TVC-4G
sand more hams to give packet a try. be encouraged to try and get youn g- ,
This. in turn , will provide the interest sters to come to the hamtest and see XMTR
needed for more e xperimenting.
We al l want to know how packet
what amateur radio is all about.
It's a challenge to design an exhibit
$259 t) . • CON V .
$ 89
work s. We also want a simpl ified expla- which will show how repeate rs work THE ATV TWINS
nation 01 what equipment we need to and communicate how much lun we Hams , Call or Write for o ur latest catalog of ATV gear!
try it. We need step-by-step guidance have with them. Or why DXers are so Transmitters sold only toTech Or higher licensed amateurs
through ou r first contact , both on HF dedicated to their seemingly idiotic varitied in latest Callbook or copy of new license. 5189
and VHF . pursui t of making ten-second contacts
As we get into highe r speeds we may with 400 different countries, (8 18) 447·4565 m-18am-5:30pm pst. Visa• MasterCard
well want to move some VHF packet I mentioned that when your Club gels P.C. ELECTRONICS Tom (W60 RG)
repeaters up to the microwaves-the an opportunity to set up an exh ibit in a 2522 Pax son Ln Arcadia CA 91006 MarVan n (WB6YSS)
same ones the FCC will darned well local shopping center that it shoul d be
73 AmateurRadio • F eb ru ary , 1990 79
designed to ed ucate kids rather than only fair success. EJ Macco is still out in
the usual table with peces of almost trent.
unreadable ARRL throwaways and a So what does desktop publishi:tg
ham busy operating a rig several feet mean to you? Unless you're firmly re-
ART . 1 : A completeinterface system lor send away. talking some strange lang uage. tired and are devoting your 'emaining
and recewe o<l CW, RTTY (Baudol " ASCII} and I've seen the ham exhibits at several days to improving the world via the best
AlATOR, lor use with the Commodore 641t28 world lairs and noneof them have been gol! scores you can enter on God's
computer, Operating prog'am ondiskincluded.
set up to try and sell our hobby. They all Score Card as your contribution , you
have had ropes to keep the public probably have a good publishing aopn-
AI R·1 : A complete Inlerface sySlem la, send away, The ham gear is usually brand canon which you 've been missing.
and receive on CW, RTTY lBaudo! & ASClll and new, Slate-of-the-art, exoensjve-tcok- For instance, small retailers have
AlATOR, tor use with Commodore VIC·20. ing and f,ighten ingly complicated. been cleaning up by putting oU I
Ope rahng prog ramin AOlA ,
$99.95 Okay, we've managed to screw up newsletters and catalogs. Many prod-
every opportunity to sell our hobby so ucts and services today require much
far . You only have to look at the ARRL more than a couple minutes ct sales-
SWL : A recefve only cart ridge 'or CW, ATTY
(BauDol & ASC II) for use wil h Commodore 641 ham videos to see the problem. Like man time to make the sale. Just look at
128, Ope rahng program in AOlA ou r fair exh ibits, they are exercises in the complexity of today's ham prod-
$64.00 sert-congrarutanon , preaching to the ucts. Fewof them can be explained in a
AIRDISK: An AIA·l fype op- choir. None of them have been ce- simple magazine ad-many aren't
erahng progra m for use wiTh signed to try and interest newcomers. given a -eeecoecre chance in the
your interface hardware . 9<.Ifh
VIC-20 and C641128 prog,ams No one involved has done the most stores. The products, their benefits
on one disk, $39.95 b asic ma rket ing-orien ted th inking- and nuances are just too complex to
pulling himself in the place of the po- communicate in anything less than a
AIR·ROM: Cartridge vers >on
of AIRDISK for C641128 only. tential customer and saying, hey, what booklet.
$ 5 9. 9 5 would get me to buy into this hobby? Reta ilers are gelling their customers
Well. if you and your club are jl,lst too to keep coming back with newsletters
MORSE MORSE COAC H: A complete leaching
and teshng program tor learning the Morse
code in a cart ridge
b usv to try and sell amateur radio to
kids at shopping centers or at ham-
and catalogs, Few stores can survive
on first customer visits . It's the repeat

COACH Fo,C64orCI28
$ 49 ,95
$39 .9 5
tests, I have one more suggestion.
Most cities have a science museum.
Could your club take on designing and
customers who make or break a busi-
ness . A recent survey of retailers who
have started newsieuers for their CUS-
G AN D G ELECTRONIC S building an exh ibit illl,lstrating one as- tomers shows they've found them to
pect of amateur radio for the museum? increase their business by at least
A mate ur radio is a who le bunch of 50% . Some have been reg iste ring
hobbies, so each needs to be sold dif- 50% per month increases, according
ferently. Imagine your science muse- to a report on desktop pl,lbiishing at the
(3 01) 2 58-7373 um with exhibits ' rom local ham clubs, Consumer Electronics Show .
each showing a different aspect of our I've ment ioned in the past the power
CIRCLE 372 ON READER SERVICE CARO hobby. We have repealers, Oscar. OX· of a newsletter not just to keep a ham
ing, spacial interest nets, home build· club alive, but to contribute substan-
ing, packet, SSTV, ATV, fox cnemeee- tially to its growth .
ing. certif icate hunting , contesting,
moonbouncing. etc Starti ng Up
If any club anywhere in the wIlDie If you 're going to start from scratch
world decides to set up an exhib it to and buy a Macintosh with a laser print-
~~'" R a1ortOlJal~
/ : ..
Includes : Interface.
pro mote ham radio, p lease lake a good
p icture of it for possible use in 73. If
er you're going to have to shell out
around $7 ,500, inclUding software.
CS8 ,. disk. cables. Manual that's just too much bother, at least That's a p ittance for most businesses.

FT 12m,n " n. ~
• •• •
Add duplex tet. Remote Base con-
write and let me know where it is so I
can fly out and l ake the picture myself.
You know , even though I've set up a
$500,000 state -ot-rhe-art typesetting
TS7l1 ' .,,'""O trol& 3 waypafch.,TLCN.. S159.95
Controller Felltures AulOpalCh & Ro ver,,, External rel ays; 3 OPOT relays . 5 Yes, It's a challenge to try to comrnu- system for Wayne Green Enterprises.
"Change variables remotely ,' 1000 (16 dillt} tel , 's stoted Open Col, Trans. Sw....CS 8.,$89.95 mcate the fun we have with amateur we've added a Macintosh desktop coc-
Irom touchtones or Packet !"Qulck dial quick answer 'Rotor control D.C. 10 digita l display
'Unlimited voice vocabularyl ,·DI,eCfed. ganeral page & VoiciI; for all rotors ....HM1 ...$59.95 radio-all in a small exhibit which can lishing system. It doesn't do everything
'Ala' m Clock. auto execute ,"Se lected resfrlcted patch '2 Voice Meters II< 2 Alerm Inputs fit on a table at a nemresr. mall or sci- the big system does, naturally, but it
:Indivldual 4digit user COlU!S 'Telephone cont,ollnput 8 Relay OnIOff ControI..PKB.S159.95
Disk II< Prl~te' I09glnll 01 I. Dual Combined Remotes. ' ReprOllram & Cont,ol via Packet; ence museum. Can you do it with some sure takes Ihe load off for smaller jobs,
~se,s, lei' s, lapsed !,me 1.18 Mac:rolScen memo,les Packet to Voice 8,8,S ,PK1 ....$89.95
,18 Roleflnll Paille ID 50 I.scan UP/down; 100Hz step 'EPROM Autoboot CART. ..$109.95 posters and pictures? Do you need a For instance, I've been wr iting a
16 Externsl relat: confrols Monlto, II< lock molIel 'C64 II< 1541 12V SWitching supply short video? It's better if the exhibit has Green Congressional Te chnology
:Jw5~a~tT;eS~It~~:I~:lllnll l ~o~~a::JI~I~t:iCD~?~F6!~ crySlel controlled ...DCPS...$129.95 some participatory aspect so kids can Newsletter . I write it on my Model 100
'Secu.lty mode, T.tone mut. I·Automatlc mode selection ' Olgltal Voice ReclPB 32 or 64 sec. actuany operate it in some way. Get
'Voice announces eech uI...:'Talkln S Mater' Voltmete, vo""" Mailbox II< ID Ta,I.OVM $179.95 laptop computer , which I use anywhere
iI'~",1 nwhen lo In n I· V I eac,gn ,otafin m ' Manual (REFUNDED).MN1..$20.00 'em personally involved I happen to be. I dump my copy to a
• • • • Let me know how you make out. disk which is then transferred to the
Mac. It's then prinled out on a laser
The Deskt op Pu bl ishin g
~ e =~~~ ~~x~ ~S) .i::~;J~OIJAOl.'".'fij~!!,,:,:"
printer and the finished pages are sent
Re vol ut ion_And You
out to be printed .
Allows H.T. to scan 100 Unless you 've been parficularly iso- In lh is way I' m able to send a
Channe ls & programs lated from world even Is, you're aware newsletter to Congress quickly and in-
H.T. for field use! Olgilal "S"
Meter; commen t fieRls; aut o that des ktop publishing is a foaring expensively, helping them cope with
resume & delay; Scan Lock· new industry. On the off Chance that the impact of technology on their leg-
oUIS; Loads Fn27 In 15 sec.
Hardware, cables, & disk you need a hit in the head to get your islative decisions. They need a good
inCluded for C64 or IBM attention on what this new industry information source on amateur radio,
means to you, . . whack ! CB , compact discs , OAT. synthes ized
A recent reader surve y sho ws that sampling, digital communications , cel -
'R ~ordl 32 or 64 Sac. 80% of you already have a computer. lula, radio and so on.
studiO "u elily audio
"Use 10' eulOCQ. ID Good fi rst step , Probably. In real ity The Mac also has speeded up and
tall, Mailbox, Loeel Or des ktop publishing was developed on cut production costs on Music Retail-
100Ic cont,ol; Up to 16
_ . ........ eelectable me ssallesl the Macintosh and bloomed in Apple ing , a pubuceuon we send to some
We accepl' . .D. I Includes: 1 Wan audio amp; l Meg RAM; country , The PC crowd suddenly no- 10,000 record retailers . I write my I,lSU-
MasterCa' d.VISA.Dlsc Mlc II< Spk, Jacks, vOl. contra!; Req. 9 to
AMERICAN EXPRESS 12V; Interfaces to Ullra Com ::;l\ack 64 ticed t hat so mething important was a! long editorial, the editor adds infer-
"add $4.00 S'M U.S.A. Ver S.O; Provides Digital VOice CO, 10
..ce.•esidents add 6% tall, Mailbox. bulletins • getting awa~ from them, so they' ve marion sent in b~ retailers . plus lnto r-
been playing Big Mac catch-up-w ith mation from record compan ies and the
80 73 Amateur Radio • February , 1990
industry. The arrn is to help boost CO
sales and to prOVIde an adVert,slng
Now . how do you mak e meetIngs
fun? Well, that calls lot a boc*-length !I ,1
medIum lot record companies 10 reach edItorial. It means nol only providing

music retailers. good entertainment, bUI recognition
My wile Sherry has been learning l or eac h person-plus plenty of oppor-
how to use the Macintosh. She bought tunities to mix and talk with eth er local
a complete desktop publishing system ham s, A N ANTENNA COUPLER THAT WILL LOAD TIfE PROVERBIAL
and uses it to pul out a nawslenerzcata- It mean s getting DXers to bring in
log for her sixty how-Io-dance videos.
The how-Io video market is largely a
and show their prize aSl ceres. II
means gelling packeleers to bring in 'WET STRING"*
mail order business since so fll'W video their prinlauts Of interesting contacts . It
An4. the S.....rt....... lImt b fully ...- .tic. II ~Ili .... ftOthU,S mon tMn RF hom )'OW'
Slores have enough demand in their means geWng the builders to bring in
riS - " 11 VOC from the intelliStnl Iw itch CPU. Whom II "wn"' I M'W hrquenq i1 la kn
small sales area 10 stoc k anyth ing their jetest gadget for a show and lell. 1t
2· ) W«>ndllo fi nd I low S WR for )'our "'.ns mitt..... H ow ~ DurinS thb lime. it _ilchfoo
more than best-selling movies. Thelll'W mean s club activiti es such as l ox
64 in pu l I nd ) 2 o..lp ut u p.cito.. p lu. 256 in d.. <tln« ( om binl lion. In I pi-n<twork.
video mail order ca talog firm s are lisl- hunts , Field Day , VHF contests . II
Thl t'. on r I h l lf_m llii on di ff ,"""nl wl y. 10 e n ~ I p erfect mltch for )'o ur h lIfl rig.
ing her videos, The biggest, S I. Video, means getting all this news and excile-
says hers are their t est-seumq videos! ment into newsletters.
Eve n mOrr importlnt. it t."'.... b the fr.'1~e ..( y d the t .... i..g v..l"eo, The n e.t time
yo .. trl n om il 0" thl. b.nd, Ihe S tt....., ..... eIHt. lhroe vallO" in In l lh. n 10 m ..
So, as you can see. I'm surrounded Sometimes I think you'll gel led up
by desktop pu blishing these days-at with me exhorting you to go into busi-
work we're cran king out n&wS!etlers ness lot yourself . Then I gel a leiter
Wlthoul bogging doWn our main typset- /rom a reader saying my editorials got
- '
ting system (which is kept quile busy
with 7'3. CDReview and The CD GuIde.
to him and he' s done it successfully-
and than ks. A rec en t leller from a •
Slill .hpli(;lJ~ Write Gordon West, WB6NOA. for hlo ~esl Cou pl EYe. Teste....
Sure. there are some businesses hand icapped ham said my edItorials
where a newsletter or catalog wouldn't gol him over being sorry lor himself ... vie w of Ihe sec Mode l 5 (;,,230 s"'. tt Or, bt'ite r y<t. send $10 , fundlble w llh
be helplul, but not many. Just in the and got him going . He set up a compu t- p..rcho..,1 for I copy of the inl truction m ;>I.
-..I, .... ,., pl__ !
last two years the lechnology has pro- er and is doing well as an independent
gressed to wh e re iI's pract ical 10 put prog rammer_work ing at home. I'm
together newsletlers in Ihe office or at not going 10 shul up until every one s pecial
home. Any real en trepreneur should be 01 you is making more money than H aIU Price:
able 10 make a desklop publishing sys- you really need. If s out there if you
tem pay for itself many times over have the guts 10 go lor it . You don 'l S525.00
doing newsretters and catalogs for l0- even have 10 be able to walk, talk, or
cal businesses as a part -lime home even see.
business. l ook , wh en microcOmpu l erS first Wrile Gordon West. WB6NOA . for h is "111'11 Cou p le r Ever Tn ted"' Rl'Yiew. of
Whal real estate business cou ldn't came along I wrote in 73 and sa id hey, the 5G-230 Co uple r and Ihe nam e o f you r nea re se dealer.
use a monthly listing catalog? Hatail- here's a new industry starting, why nol
e ra need catalog s as a way to move take advanl age of it? Like ham radio, il SGC Inc. SG C Building.1 3737 S.E. 26th SI. uenevue, WA . 98005 USA
close-outs and keep from building up was a technical busi ness , pe rfecll y P.O.Box 3526,98009. Telex: 328834.Fax: 206-746-6384 Tel: (206) 74&-6310
dead inventory. They also want 10 re- geared to hams. Hundreds of hams did CIRCLE 3 8 7 0/1ol "'UDH I SERVICE CAItO
mind customers 10 come in and see go into computers-wit h hardware,
. what's new-no store traffic, no busi- software, retailing-and many who got
ness. And what a great way to ma ke there early got rich .
sure prospective customers under- Then came the compact disc. I wrote
Sland the benelits and featu res 01new agai n e xplai ning th e opportu ni ties
products? open i n thi s brand ne w i ndus tr y.
Ho w abou t gett ing some loc al Though me microcompu ter industry
restau rants to use da ity printed menus grew 235% a yea r lor eight years, tha OR-2300
which customers cen take home as compact disc industry has been grow-
souvenirs to remind them to com e ing even faster.
back? Desktop publishing has been grow-
look anne incredible success of ca l· ing like slink, bulyou haven 'l seen any-
alogs such as JS&A, OAK and so on, lhing yet. Since most of you have c0m-
catalogs where a full page or two are puters it isn't like you have to start /rom
devoled to explaining the delails of a square one to learn. 01 course il YOU'd
product. That beats Ihe heck oul of a preler to wail l or me to spot another
simple producl listing, new high tech industry start ing up, all
I' m always astounded at how much okay. Why gel rich loday when you
01a sales pitch many ham manufaclu r- can do it tomorrow and spend today
ers have for Iheir products when I get walch ing TV, drinking beer and taking
an opportunity 10 talk with them in per- it easy . Right? Then you'll start whin-
son _like at Dayton. Many have a ing because I'm charging $20 a year
whole ratt 01 reasons why I should buy
'" 73
the prodUCl-reasons which I'd never Speaking of $20 lot 73-you know ,
guess from Iheir magazine ads and mat's aboul the price of a good nmner
brochures, 1I 1hey could prod uce some outlhese days. And mars aboul what
e Xlensi ve sales infor mation to send to 73 cost l or a subscription bac k 29
years ago when I started ill In 1962,

reader's service req uests ,'m sure they
could double or triple sales. when I moved 10 New Hampshire, a
dinner at th e " 88" resta ura nl in
Ham Clu bs Manchester ran aboul S3-and that
Ham clubs can easily double meel- was by far the finest restaurant in the For fur ther details contact your local dea ler or Orion.
m9 allendance WIth a newsletter. To state. Most thing s have gone up al
gel members to meetIngs you have to least ten limes in the last 28 years , so
P.O. Box9s n
have a progr am w hich sounds like stop griping. ~ ORION Canoga Park., CA 91309
l un- some lood-and then make sure
the y plan lor the meeling way ahead of
How man y needs can you think of tor
newsletters? One purely personal ap-
~ BUSINESS Tel: (818) 88&4927
Fax: (818) 888-51 12
time. If the meeting is l un you'll have a plication lor me is for a quarterly Drum INTERNATIO NAL, INC. Telex : 697-4899
good chance 01 gelling 'em bac k the Newsletter. The USS Drum (S5-228) is TM
next time . on permanent display in Mobile, so

73A mareurRadio • February,199O 81

that's where my oid WWII submariner lowed Uncle Wayne's advice , you
crewmates gather for a yearly reunion. don't have a lousy extra $7,000 burn-
The Drum News/elter, which I've been ing a hole in yourpocket. So get off the
publlshinq for quite a few years. helps
keep the group together and bring 'em
back for reunions.
Sherry's been editing and publish-
SNiSEEP stick-sh ape up-get a move on-
stop whining and making excuses.
Hey, they even have spelling checkers
for your computer these days, so not
ing a Mensa SIG (Special Interest knowir'lg how to spell is no 10r'lger an
Group) News/eller, which her Mac excu se.
makes easy. Are you a member of Not that spelling (or grammar) has
a club or group which doesn't have ever stopped anyone with gumption.
a newsletter? Perhaps there's an Two of my tcnq.ttme 73 COlumnists
opportunity to have fun and be of were so terrible at spelling and gram·
some value to others It I weren't a mar that we routmery used their raw
bit too busy, l'd start a retired racing copy as te sts 01 editorial skill. If some-
greyhounds ne wsl elter to hel p one could make their stuff readabl e
find homes for the thousands of WCl1d wOe VlSUaI Corrm.ricatioo we'd hire 'em. An interesting note-
dogs which are no longer of value lor
rac ing, but which make incredibly won-
I. SSTV both chaps now publish successful
ham newsleners.
derlul pets. I hate fO think of these I'd like to see specialty newsletters
beautiful, loving and intelligent dogs QSL OF THE MONTH for every ham interest: fox hunting, RT·
being killed once their racing days TY, SSTV,packet, rnoon ocunce. eater-
To enter your aSL, mail it in an envelope to 73, WGE Center, Forest
are over, lite, weather, traffic and so on. You
Road , Hancock, NH 03449 . Attn: aSL of the Month. Winners receive a
If the cost of a desktop publishing start 'em up and 1"11 help you build a
system isa bit steep for you, you might one-year subscription (or extension) to 73. Entries not in envelopes national readership. No, they don't
check around and see if there are cannot be accepted. have to be non-profit-charge lor 'em
some systems available for re ntal on and make it worth your while. Keep
an hourly basis. We have one in Pefer· way to get training on the system-sav- Look at it this way .. ,I know you've your eye on that 781, right? That way
borough, so it isn't like this is exactly a ing you some sleepless (but exciting} been reading about the ICOM 781 and you can do well by doing good- like
rarity. This is probably an e! cheapo nights. licking your chops. But, not having fol- the missionaries did in Hawaii. OJ

73 International is a testimonial to the efforts made on tz Aucust. 1989, the President totally of South African origin.
Conllnued from page 74 at vario us levels to encourage of the Association , Hans van de The purpose of the SA Amsat
young people to join the amateur Groenendaal , announced that microsat will be to provide digital
service and guarantee growth for South African Radio Amateurs will store and forward commun ica-
the 1990s, build two satellites over the next tions, linking many Amateur Ra-
The Amateur Radio licensees three to live years. dio bulletin board systems around
are now being sorted into their re- The first project. is the devel- the country. " We are also pla n-
spective ZS and ZR groups for the opment , design and construction ning to include a voice transpon-
SOUTH AFRICA purpose of IARU statistics. 3328 of a communications module for der and several educational ex-
Peter Strauss ZS 6ET Amateurs hold the CEPT class I the international Amsat Phase 3D periments," Van de Groenendaal
PO Box 3546 1 compatible ZS license. 1363Ama- satellite, which will be launched in said. " The community will also
Northcliff 2115 teurs hold the CEPT class II com- 1992 in an elliptical orbit . This benefit from this project , as the
South A frica patible ZR license. satellite is being designed to bring new satell ite will enha nc e t he
The number of repeater licens- Amateur Radio satellite activity Radio Amateur' s abil ity to provide
Amateur Radio Statistics es has inc reased from 87 to 94, a within the grasp of enthusiasts communication s during flo ods
The tot al numb er of Amateur reasonable 8% . Digital repeaters who own the minimum of equ ip- and other natural disasters when
Rad io Licenses issued by the (digipeaters) increased from 14 to ment. It will include several edu- offi cial channels may fail."
Sou th African licen se authority 21 , an outstanding 50% and an cational experiments. T he SA Am sat sp ace p ro-
has declined from 5163 in 1988 to indication of the interest that the The second project , running in gramme w ill provide exc it ing
4691 in 1989. This is a decrease of Packet mode commands. parallel with the in te rnational opport uniti es for South African
9. 1%. The holders of ZR and ZS participation, is the development, Radio Amateur s and student s
licenses have declined by 1.00/0 So ut h Afri can Radio Amateu rs des ign and co nstruction of a at techn ikons and universities 10
but the number of listen er mem- t o Build Satellites mrcrosat. a 30cm satellite, which expe riment with new te ch nol-
bers has increased by 111%, from At the 10th Anniversary SA Am- will be launched in a low earth ogies and develop their skills
342 to 722 members. sat Satellit e Communications orbit 700--800 km high . This satel- in Electronics and Computer Sci-
The 11 1% increase of listen ers Conference held in Johannesburg lite will be self-contained and ence. DI

MFJ941D ground connec tion as a counterpoise. The selling. Fifteen meters is similarly covered
continufJd from page 37 settings are very sha rp, but stable and repeat- with one setting, resulting i n under 2:1
Performance able ... very important when contesting and performance across most of the band . In ei-
El ectrically, th e t uning ci rc uit is a " T- jumping around between bands. And there's ther case, you can gel the A3's original set-
match" system, using two variable capacitors been no evidence of the balun core saturating lings by switching either coax line to DIRECT on
in series with a tapped inductor shunted to at this power level. The 941 D's power and the front panel, so rapid aSYing is a breeze.
ground. One would expect this circuit to ex- SWR meter agree quite closely with a Bird 43 For 160 and 80 meter operation, I'll use an
hibi t a moderately high a, similar to a " T sec- Thruline on all bands from 160 through 10 end-fed 250 ' longwire, connecting a balun at
tion" filler. And it does, as the optimum set- meters. A toroidal coupler is used, as sensitivi- the teedpotnt to eliminate RF burns in the
tings lor a given match are quite narrow-that ty of wattmeters is quite low in the HF range . shack , By atta ching the counterpoise outside
is, one setting of the inductor is usua lly best. SWR is calculated by setting the front panel and transforming down to open wire line, the
Where the mismatch is mo re severe, the set- control for a full meter deflection, then switch- internal 4:1 balun will be matching 150- 2000
tings on the 941 D become critical. Converse - ing to REF, to 500 unbalanced , and it should tune fairlY
ly, when presented with impedances in the 75 Using the 9410 , I' m able 10 set up t he A3 on smoothly. Pretty versatile! Ell
to 1000 range, the tuning is quite broad, 40 meters to operate under 2:1 from 7.200 to
So far, I've been able to match up random 7.300, or from the low end of the band up Pele Putman KT28 , former " Abo ve and Beyond" columnist,
has written many revie ws fOfn . You can reach him a13353
500-6000 longwire antennas, using a good Ihrough 7.125, just by changing the inductor Fietdstol16 Dr,. Doylestown PA t8901

82 73Ama teurRadio . February , 1990

ContinlJ6d from page '8
of thi s mag nitude or greater. a nd on Octobe r ability 10 ha ndle vo lumes o f traffi c quickly
17 this attention 10 deta il pa id off. Condor and effective ly. It has a lso opened up a ne w
withstood the test and wen t o n 10 handle a dialogue betwee n th e anal og a nd digi ta l
traffic load that would boggle the mind of worlds thai will definitely lead to mo re inter- e M AGAZI Nt:'liie
a nyone listening in . action and cooperation betwee n the two . _antenn eX- A monthly magazine
There is no way to establish the message all about antennas. Read in 40+
cou nt handled by those usi ng Condo r. but it Cbers l"01 10 Bla me cou ntrie• • 1 yea r••...•••••••••••.....•••$15.97
has to be in the thousands . Unfo rtuna tely , the But the qu ake a lso pointed out that we ha ve
Condor Connection is stared fo r oblivion. a mong our ran ks psyc hotics ho lding ama teur e n OOK Se
The FCC rece ntly reallocated the spect rum radio o pe rato r licenses. We can not exc use the _Rules of the Anl enna Game
between 220- 222 MH z 10 Land Mobile organized jamming of the e me rgency co m- By Ted Hart, W5QJA. $9.95
Services. munications. We can' t blam e it on "C fsc rs _Sm all High Efficiency Antenna.
w ith stole n rigs. " Hams d id if. Peop le who By Ted Ha rt, W5QJR $19.95
What A bout the Ne xt Time? studied fo r the ir lice nses . Who too k a tcsr o f _Electronic. for t he Radio Amateur
In the c ro wded amateur bands of Califo r- Mo rse Code and a mateur radio theory . Hu- By Ja me. G. Lee. W6VAT••••••••.$19.95
nia. the re is no place left to relocate the Con- man bei ngs who prohahly she lled o ut several
dor Connect io n . As vita l as it is. there ap- thou sand dollars 10 l'C1 up a ham sta tion. a nd . s o t'-WARE (lnM) e
pears to be no way to convince re peater what fo r? To dest roy! _Tr ansmin in g loop Antenna•••••..$17.75
o wners of 2 meters. 220 MHz and 450 MHz In the late 19705 a nd ea rly 1980s. Califor- _Tr ansmiss ion Une Anlenna.•••••. $17.75
10 vacate channels for Condo r. nia had a master legal tactician who devoted _Antenna UtilitIes-series 1. $27.75
As I am writ ing this o nly hou rs si nce the himself to pulling the sickles off the a ir. He _Noise AnalysIs Program $9.75
e me rgency bega n. information pe rta ining to was able 10 red uce the amount of ma lic ious _ Capacit or Design Program $9.75
amateur radio involve me nt is still scarce . int erfe rence to almost ze ro. The Dayto n
Some o f it. regardi ng o rga nized maliciou s A mateur Rad io Association recognized his eOTHER e
interference. is dismaying . I e nj oy writing work a nd a wa rded him its Spec ific Ach ie ve- _Wiper le.. Capacitor Plan $4.9 5
about the triumphs of those in o ur hobby/ser-
vice who . like AI Romeo N60JO. F rank
men! Awa rd . His so lving the ja mming pmb-
le m a lso almost cost hi m his life when he -- - - - - ----
TO ORl>t:R - Sto lid Ch«k or :'tlO p lu-~
Coll ins N6TAF . Lew Jenkin N6VV. Ma rk suffe red a massive hea rt attack as a result. Joe $1.50 S&II per IWo m [e xcep t n~ )
G ilmore WB 6RHQ. a nd countless o t he rs Mcrdler N6AH U. where a rc you whe n we Texas rnidf" nl<; add 7.5% Sll l~ t.u. TO:
whose na mes we ma y ne ver know . are need you! DJ n~A.-.;KIJ~·Ht:U .E PUBLlSIIJo:RS
providing the kind of community support in- -4639 Co rona. Sul~ 12
dicati ve of what we hams a re supposed to be. Cor pu... C'hri..u, TX 78·U I
The Sa n Francisco quake brought many You can r~adl Bill PaJ/~m(lA; WA,61TF t i t 28197 ( 512) 852.0.&46
ha ms closer then e ve r before . It proved the Robi n A, ,~. • Sauxu.!" CA, 91450 0r 0" M C/ . Wt'.<l ru ·
importance of the new d igital modes and their diaJU· /4J7.

Silent Solar Power

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19/6' Calalog 52
8012 CONSER BOX4327 FAX 913-648·3020 lOU FRANKLtN/K6NH . Owner

EVERY DAY All brands new and reconditioned.

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YOUR A ll three - $25
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STATIONS· Minera l. Virginia 2311 7
703:894-5777 800: 282-5628
ESTATES ETC. $end $3.00 for our current catalog and wholesale sheet CllICl E 7 0 ... IIUOER SERYICE CARD

73 Amate urRadio • Februa ry. 1990 83

Number 36 on your FMClbltek e.rd Continued from page J8

quickly, the transistor t urns on You can inc rease or decrease

Ox and pulls in the relay. This switch-

es the antenna over to the trans-
the gain 01 the LM386 by changing
the value of A 1. To increase the
gain , decrease the value of A1.
Hams Around the World A second set of relay contacts But beware! Instabil ity will raise its
mutes the receiver. When the key ugry head if you raise the gain too
Bob Winn W5KNE List Criteria, such as the recent is opened. the capacitor starts to much .
%QRZ DX adjustments that added Roturna, discharge. The amount of time re- The sidetone is generated by-
PO Box 832205 Banaba Island and Conway Reef, quired to do this is dependent on guess what?- a 555 timer chip.
Richardson TX 75083 may pave the way. Possibly the the setting of R2. The more resis- I've used these before and have
most fert ile ground is in the area of tance , the slower the delay . Resis- always had good luck with them.
OX Countries enclaves. tor A3 limits the current to the They always work. I've added
There is no doubt that the OX An enclave is an isl and of land transistor switch. some extra capacitors to make up
Century Club Award (D XC C) belonging to one country whic h is a simpl e filte r to roll off some of the
sponsored by the ARRL is the located inside anot her country. Testing and Troubleshooting square waves Irom the output of
most popular OX awa rd in exis- West Berlin and Walvis Bay are Very little can go wrong. Check the chip. This makes for a much
te nce today . Most OX co unt ry notable examples. over your work and apply 12 volls nicer sounding tone . As always,
awards are based on the ARRL Study the DXCC Countries list to the relay control line. The rel ay you can pick Ihe capacitor values
excc Countries List. As I write Criteria. Point 3(8), wh ich defines should putt in. Remove the 12 to suit your own needs and tastes .
this article, the number of excc the 75-mile rule. very nicely pre- volts lrom the control line and the Adjust the sidetone level via the
countries is 321 . but only a lew vents several enclaves from be- relay shou ld slay in lor a second or 1kO lrimmer.
days ago the ARRL' s OX Advisory com ing OXCC countries . And two, depending on the setting 01
Committee (DXAC) recommend- Point 4, which defines if'l8ligible limits . Of course, you must have Refinements
ed that tw o new co un t ri es be areas, nails the lid shut on em. 12 volts applied to the relay coil all I originally wanted to keep the
added 10 Ihe list: Banaba Island basses. monuments. etc. the time. The only rrc ume you sidetone oscillator running all the
and Conway Reef . Bullimes change and the C rite- might gel into is a leaky junk box time and key the outpu t to the
In late 1969 , the DXAC consi d- ria may change: the 75-mile rule transistor. I pulled my hair out for amplifier . Th is worked , some-
ered many applications tor sepa- may become th e zc-mne rule, or an hour or two wondering why my what. Given the amount of gain in
rate country status, but they rec- the s-rnne rule, or eliminated com- version for the 30 meter transmit- th e aud io chai n , the s ign a ls
omme nded only Barraba Island pletely. Who knows? Let's look at terdid not release the relay. Leaky blanked bec ause th e sidetone
and Conway Reef . Applications several European enclaves that ju nk box 2N2222 was the culprit. bled through to the audio. I decid-
they didn' t recommend: Frederick cannot quality lor DXCC stat us Now when you key the transmit- ed to key the Vee to the 555, using
Reel, Au stral Islands , and t he under the current Criteria be- ter, you switch antennas and mute another PNP switching transistor.
Ma rquesas , T a t o o sh , and cause 01the 75-mile rule. the receiver. Of course, with the As a second thought, I added a
Guemes Islands. The enc lave of Camp ione receiver mut ed, you can't hear the small red LED, mounted to the
The DXCC Countries List Crite- D'italia is a part olllary thai is to- signal. I added a small sidetone panel, to the switched side of the
ria, like the law , is open to inter- tall y enclosed within the bound- oscillator to the tra nsmiller . The trans istor . This LED flashes code
pretat ion, and our interpretation aries of Switzerland . This enclave circuit is a bit different lrom whal as you key the transmitter.
doesn't always agree with that 01 is ocatee just a lew miles from most QAP operators have seen You can change the frequency
the DXAC. But the name of the the natten border near Lugano, in the past. I wanted to have a of the sidetone by changing the
DXing game is countries, and no Switzerland-d escribed as a good soundi ng sidetone, without 100kO resistor andlor the 0 .01 ca-
one says Dxe rs can't search for glamorous casino which has been spending a lot of time and money. pacitor connected to pins 2 and 6.
new ones. The decision to make Italian since the 6th century. What you see here is a Iried and Again , chec k your wiring lor
Rotuma, Banaba Island and Con - The West Ge rma n enclave 0 1 true circuit. I added it to enhance error s. Bu ild the amplifier first.
way Reel new DXCC co untries Busingen, near Schallhausen, is the perfo rmance of the 30 meter Apply voltage and louch the input
were the result 01 research by DX- also located within the borders of transmitter . of the chip, pin 3, with your finger.
ers ... Iike yourself. Switterland. You should hear a loud buzz from
Anolher unique part 01 Europe Sidetone Generator the speaker. Set the level control
Countries Galore Revisited is the enclave of Baarle-Hertog, and Fine Points to about hallway. Alter you com-
Almost three decades ago, Bill which belongs to Belgium, but is Figure 4 shOws the details of the plete the sidetone generator,
Orr W6S AI id enti fi ed several locat ed within the borders 01 Hoi- stde tone ge nerator . Note the ground the key line of the tone
choice OX spot s tha t might qualify land, just 9 miles from Turnhout, LM386. This is a very common low generator ; you should hear the
for new country status for DXCC. Belg ium. With Baarle-Nassau it power audio amplifier chip. The sid etone coming Irom the speak-
His " Countries Galore in 1961 " lorms the town of aeene. Holland. sidetone is generaled and fed into er . That's about all there is to it.
article in the January 1960 issue The intrigu ing thing about Baar- th e chip . This may seem like Connect both key lines togelher,
0 1 CO magazine is a classic. In Ie-Hertog is . . . it is not just a sin- overkill, but we have a very good sicetone and transmitter. Ground
several cases his crystal ball gaz- gle enclave in the normal sense. start for the audio part 01 a direct the key line, the relay will close ,
ing proved true. Two of his sug- but rather more than thirt y tiny en- conversion receiver. All we really and the sdetcne will emit from the
ges ted co un trie s have be come claves, some enclosing areas of have to do is add Ihe mixer and a speaker. J ust like the big rigs!
DXCC countries: the Sovereign land tha t belong to Holland-en- filter or two. You can press a sec-
Military Order of Malta and Ha- claves within enclaves. No ctear ond 2N2222 into service as a low Stay Tuned
gian Oros (better known as Mt. line divides the two communities; level preamplifier. (We could get A lot is going on Ihis new year .
AthOS). they are intermixed . In 1984 a bet ter results with a low noise l oo k for some QRP mods for
group of Dutch operators operat- transistor, but we'll hold that one ICOM radios coming next month.
Enc laves ed ON6SBJA trom Baarte-Hertog. for a different month.) When the earthquake hit San
Though many 0 1 Bill's "coun- The enclave of L1ivia is a part of Due to the high gain of the Franc isco late last year, many
tries" don't qualify under the cur- Spa in completely landlOCked io- UJl386 , keep alt leads as soon as hams were on the air even though
rent DXCC Countries List Criteria . side Fra nce . just a short distance practical. The 470 mF capacitor the grid power was knocked out.
the potential is still there. Perhaps from Andorra. on the supply line must be as Next time someone pokes fun at
by lollowing his lead we can dis- DXing is fun, but crea ting a close to the amplifier as possible. your QA P rig , teu'em t hat low
cover a few ne w ones . Fut ure NEW DXCC country can be fun, Do not leave this capacitor out of power is always better than no
changes to the DXCC Countries too! III the circuit. powe r. III
84 73AmateurRadio . February , 1990
Call Sign ANO Name
For the Latest in Repeater Technology
Professiona lly Done
FREE Replacement For 1 yllr if broken!
Go with the Leader-

We've got the greatest

large Slonewa re Coff ee Mugs $I n u 2 for SI6 ."
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Huvy 1SOl Glass Beer Mug s $ 1D.n ell 2 for s 19."
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" Kno w-how " - 15 years
AM '1 " $Jupptllf ~MJ 1IMtIII#If fW' .1I/} in the business-with
Ai R,$idMtl MM 5ll ~~J " .
Mit' C"« h " ",_ , 0,.,/'$ ,..,,~ ttr constant improvements
() & S Sales Phone II (602) 286- 1236
P.O. Box 17012 1 Munds Park, AZ 86017 in our Repeaters &
Basic SCR77 Link Units!
For that new Machin e-Spectrum
... Communications Receivers
make s 2 lin es of Repeat er s-the
world famous Deluxe SCR1000A-VHF
or SCR4000·UHF, and the basic low
Japan Radio. Kenwood. cost line of SCR77s.
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Number 37on your Feedback ClIrd

.deK6MH PROPA GA TioN'F" db~k"'d

• •
Jim Gray WI XU

I f you 've r e ad Surely You 're

Joking, Mr. Feynman, or seen
the program Nova did on the late
and there is no monopolizing of this
attention throug h indu lging in opin-
ions , or propaganda, that something
Jim Gray W1 XU
POBox 1079
Richard Feynman, you know already like a group mind, or collect ive con- Payson AZ 85541
how Feynman cut through the cloud sciousness emerges. I' m not quite
of multi-syllabic scien tific jargon com fortable with ei ther of these
w hic h , as a Nobel prize- wi nn ing terms , since they seem 10 imply a
Good DXing on the Way
physicist himself, he understood on- whole that is made by putt ing parts You can expect February to As always, look to WWV at 18
ly too we ll, to illustrate, by dipping a together. Instead, what seems to be be a fair ly good month for OX, minutes past every hour for so-
sample of the C-ring material in his emerging is a natural unity that was as cond itions recover from the lar-terrestrial co nditions and
glass of ice-water, that it just wouldn 't there all the time, a consciousness mid-winter doldrums and race propag ation trends. Remem -
perform at near Ireezing tempera- or intellig ence that is inherent in the toward the vernal equinox when ber; A high solar flux and a low
tures. They hated him lor that. way things are. OX is superb. Because solar flux A index are good . III
Another top physicist, David Bohm, What does tnrs bode for ham ra- will be very high for most
has some interesting things to say, d io? I heard again last night fro m a o f th e mo nth , al l HF
in layman's terms , that come out of well-informed source that ham radio EASTERN UNITED STATES TO:
The New Physics. Botvn, a student is dying. What a shame. We have an
bands from 160 throug h
10 meters will give sur-
00 O~ G4 06 08 '0 ' 2 ,. ' " ' 8 20 n
of Oppenheimer and Einstein , wrote inc redib le medium of communi ca- , ~ , ~ ~ ~ ,

prising results.
one of the best books on Einstein 's tion. We shine in emergencies. Isn't - - - \0 ' 0
160, 80, and 40 mete rs
Special Theory of Relativity . Science there a wo rldw id e eme r g e ncy
texts ment ion the acnm Diffusion.
ought to be good from
caused by a lack of ex periencing this
the Bohm-Ahranov effect. Bohm 's fund amental wholen ess, this one- sunrise to dark. Although
book Wholeness and the Implicate ness of all life? Can amateur radio MUFs will often be above
Orderis an astonishing, mind-stretch- address that emergency? How? 30 MHz , some days will
ing view of Universe. When he demon- te nd to be worse than
strated mathematically that the flux Think Tanks others, due to magnetic
we think of as empty space contains , Think tank s seem to work very field upsets from exces-
in one cubic centi meter, more poten- well in groups of five. Think of a bas- sive solar activi ty. These
tial energy than the energy-as-mat- ketbanteem. with five players. Think days are mos t likely to
ter in our entire physical universe, I of the hand , with five fingers. Th is is occ ur between the 12th
knew instantly that something that your basic think tan k. A handful of and the 19th, and the n
outrageous had to be true. people. again between the 24th
What the New Physics is showing Real thinking is not just reciting and the 28th.
is that o rganisms are not "built up" somethin g you have learned. It is However, compared to
out of parts, but are aspects of an learning while speaking, a revelato- recent years, conditions
unbroken wholeness. One poet of ry process. I have seen Buck y Fuller will be excellent on most ,"
the new physics put it this way: Con- do this in fron t of a large audience , days. ,,
sc iousness is not an island , it is the coming upon a breakthrough real-
During times of flares
Ocean . ization while talk ing. He intentionally
and proton events, take
When people or groups thin k of spoke witho ut prepared notes, in-
advantage o f 6 and 2
themselves as separate from the stead taking his cues from what was
meters for special VHF
whole , they behave in fragmented "in the air:' from sensing what the A RG ~Nn NA

ways. Bohm is experimenting with a audience was ready 10 Ihink about . OX a nd eve n auro r al AUS TRAliA
p roce ss he c all s Dialogue. This Isn't th is what's fun in friendly con- propagation . On the 9th ENG lAND
sounds like a pretty familiar word , versation, that it's not just old stuff, the re will be a full moon HA WA II

what can be new about this? People but something new is happening? and a total lunar ecl ipse ' N DIA
APAN , - - 1~ ~20 '~ _ '~

get together and talk , is that all? You' re using old words and drawing in Alaska and the arctic, "'H I , I "'I ' 20 _ '5 _ _ , , g
,~ ,~

Well , maybe tt's in the way they do it . on old information, but someth ing as well as in Africa and PH IU PPINE - '-- 202O20' ,~,~ _ _

& ERT RIC , "1..

' ~J 20 - t5 _ ,_ 10 ,g
If there is no leader, no boss, no ide- else is present, too . Call it live aware- Australia . The (est of us SOU TH AfROCA - - ~ 2O_ _ 2O '
<'O ~ __
ology, no age nda, what would hap- _ _ _ 20 20 '
ness or whatever you like . It' s fresh. ca n e xpect a partia l .:..:::: ~

pen? Would it degenerate into small If it isn't there, talking is deadly du ll. eclipse .
EMl TCOAST " ' 5 ' 20 I ~ I ~ .20 ' 0 , g '0 '0

talk? Come on , you a re hams , What Boh m is saying is that dia-

you've been through this in round ta- logue is a living proce ss that is inte-
bles. So isn't small talk an agenda? grative, revelato ry, refreshing , in-
What if we set aside our program of spiring. energ izing ; that it reveals a FEBRUARY
s mall talk ? What then? Pro found
talk? Is that an agenda? If so, set it
harmony that is fundamental and
'" MO.

1 '"' 2 '" 3 '"

as ide and keep talk ing . Sports, pol i- So hams are supposed to orga- G G G
tics? More agendas . Without agen- nize think tan ks on the air to solve
das does dialogue degenerate into the problems of the world? In a word , 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
aimless rambl ing? Can something yes. Becau se no one else is going to G G G-F F F·P P-F F-G
emerge that is independent of what do it. Not the experts, not your elect-
is being talked about, some thing ed representatives nor your chosen 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
that is read between the lines, a deities. Only partic ipation works. G G G-F F-P P P P
common grou nd , a rapport, an un- Delegation won' t work . It' s like sex.
derstanding between people? Leaving it to someone else won 't do. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Groups in U.S. and Europe that You've got to be there. P P-F F-G G G G-F F
are experimenting with Bo h m' s
mode l of dialogue are finding that
For more abou t Bohm, see Quan-
lum Leap, New Age Journal, Sept.
25 26 27 28
indeed, when attention is present , 1989.III F-G F-G F-G G
88 73 Amateur Rad io • February,1990
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