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March 14, 2019

Lab Assessment (grading)

Submit the assignment during Lab Session (upto 12:30 pm Today, March 14, 2019)
In the folder LabTests/ Lab Test 2 March 14 2019

No discussion is allowed. No etc communication.

(1) Write a complete and an efficient –Program that should accept the value of initial velocity,
time, and acceleration (all in SI units). Calculate and display the distance travelled.
(2) Modify the above program such that ask the user to enter the value of initial velocity (in cm/s),
time (in s), and acceleration (m/s/s) Calculate and display the distance travelled (in meters).

(3) Write a complete and an efficient C Program that should take 2 complex numbers (which may
have decimal values) named C1 and C2 from the user. You program should calculate and
display the results of: C1+C2, C1-C2, C1*C2, C1/C2 and C2/C1.

(4) Write a complete and an efficient C program that should accept two matrices mat1 (3x3) and
mat2 (3x3). Your code should add these two matrices and place the result in mat3. Display
mat3.Your program then should take the values of another matrix mat4 (3*2). Your code then
should calculate mat3xmat4, put the result in mat5 and display it.

(5) Write a complete and an efficient C Program to generate Fibonacci series upto 30 terms.

(6) Write a complete and an efficient C program to generate and display the following series upto 9

10000 /(4+5) + 10000/(8+15) + 10000//(12+20) + ….

Your code should also display the net value of the sum.

(7) Modify the program of Question 1 such that accept three complex numbers C1, C2, C3 form the
user. (i) Ask the user which two complex numbers are to be added? Calculate and display the
result. (ii) Ask the user which two complex numbers are to be subtracted? Calculate and
display the result. (iii) Ask the user which two complex numbers are to be mutiplied? Calculate
and display the result. (iv) Ask the user which two complex numbers are to be divided?
Calculate and display the result.

(8) Write a complete and an efficient C program to generate and display the following series upto 9
10000 /(4+5) - 10000/(8+15) + 10000//(16+45) - ….
Your code should also display the net value of the series.

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