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Harrison’s IM 18th ed ren.sama



MITRAL Rheumatic fever – N area of mitral orifice 4- Rheumatic carditis – 4th Malar flush with pinched ECG: LAH; Tall peaked P Symptom control: BB,
STENOSIS leading cause or most 6cm2 decade of life and blue facies wave; N QRS complex; nondihydropyridine CCB
(MS) common cause of MS; RAD and RVH if severe or digoxin for rate control
“fish-mouth valve” Hemodynamic hallmark Hemoptysis – rupture of Systemic arterial pressure pulmonary hpn of AF; cardioversion for
of MS: <~2cm of orifice, pulmonary-bronchial N or dec new-onset AF or HF (at
CAREY-COOMBS blood flow from LA to LV venous connection; inc CXR: straightening of least 3 weeks of
MURMUR - short, mid- propelled only by abN inc LAP without markedly inc S1 accentuated and upper L border of cardiac
slightly delayed anticoagulants to
diastolic murmur during of LAVP gradient pulmonary vascular silhouette, prominent therapeutic INR of 2-3, if
ARF resistance; rarely fatal Opening snap (OS) most main pulmonary arteries, urgent then use IV
Mild MS (>1.5cm2) dilation of upper lobe
Thrombus formation and Recurrent pulmonary audible in expiration at or heparin and TEE before
Moderate MS (1-1.5cm2) – medial to apex pulmonary veins, posterior procedure); diuretics for
embolization in calcified emboli – important cause displacement of
valve normal cardiac output of m&m rates; late HF
(CO) Time interval of A2 and OS esophagus by enlarged
Atrial Fibrillation (AF) – VC, TLC, max breathing varies INVERSELY with LA; Kerley B lines in lower Natural history: Warfarin
thrombi more in dilated Severe MS (<1cm2) – subN capacity, O2 uptake/unit severity and mid-lung fields results for AF or PCN for RF
LA CO ventilation – dec from distention of prophylaxis
Duration of murmur
interlobular septae and
Thrombi in LA esp in correlates with severity of Mitral valvotomy: NYHA
lymphatics with edema
enlarged appendages stenosis in preserve CO Class II-IV with isolated MS
when mean LAP
>20mmHg <~1cm2 /m2 by either
Systemic embolization Hepatomegaly, ankle
PMBV (Inoue balloon
(10-20%) esp in >65yo, AF, edema, ascites, pleural
technique) or surgical
dec CO effusion ®
valvotomy (half require
Rumbling sound with BELL reoperation by 10years)
of stet
Successful valvotomy:
MID-DIASTOLIC MURMUR 50% dec in mean mitral
valve gradient and 2x of
mitral valve area

Unless recurrent systemic

embolization or severe
pulmonary hpn (PA
systolic pressure
>50mmHg at rest or
>60mmHg with exercise),
valvotomy is not
recommended for
asymptomatic or with
mild stenosis
Mitral valve replacement
(MVR): with preservation
of chordal attachment to
optimize LV function

MITRAL Affects one or more of the LV afterload dec-> LV Chronic mild-mod : Acute severe: arterial ECG: LAH and RAH if Warfarin for AF with target
REGURG functional components of decompresses into LA asymptomatic pressure dec with narrow pulmonary hpn; chronic INR 2-3
(MR) mitral valve: leaflets, during ejection-> LV PP; signs of pulmonary severe MR associated
annulus, chordate dilation with dec LV size Chronic severe: fatigue, congestion is prominent; with AF For asymptomatic severe
tendineae, papillary during systole->rapid exertional dyspnea, S4 MR: avoid isometric
muscles, and sub decline of LV tension orthopnea, palpitation CXR: LAH (late); exercise
adjacent myocardium (signify AF onset) Chronic severe: arterial pulmonary venous
Initial compensation: pressure N; systolic thrill congestion, interstial Surgery: chronic,
Acute MI: complete LV emptying palpable at apex; LV edema, Kerley B lines; nonishemic, sever MR with
POSTEROMEDIAL papillary hyperdynamic; S3; apex calcification in lateral symptoms or with LV
muscle more involved Severe nonishemic MR : displaced laterally; grade view; acute severe MR dysfunction is progressive,
(use TTE) regurg vol ≥60mL/beat, III systolic shoes asymmetric with LVEF <60% and/or
regurgitant fraction (RF) pulmonary edema end-systolic dimension
Other causes: ARF; HOCM ≥50% and effective regurg HOLOSYSTOLIC at apex >40mm; recent-onset AF
(anterior papillary muscle orifice area ≥0.40 cm2 radiates to axillae and pulmonary hpn (PAP
displacement); AV ≥50mmHg at rest or
cushion defect Severe ischemic MR: Ruptured chordae ≥60mmHg with exercise)
effective regurg orifice tendineae: systolic
“MR begets MR” area of >0.3cm2 murmur “cooing” or “sea Percutaneous Mitral Valve
gull” quality Repair
Acute severe MR: LAP rise
for any inc in LA Flail leaflet: musical
compliance, pulmonary quality
edema common, murmur
early decrescendo
ending well before S2

Chronic severe MR: LAH

and inc LA compliance
with little inc in LA and
pulmonary venous
pressure for any inc in LA
vol, murmur is holosystolic,
severe fatigue

MITRAL AKA: systolic-click murmur More common in women Posterior leaflet ECG: biphasic/inverted T IE prophylaxis with prior
VALVE syndrome, Barlow’s (15-30yo); most often prolapsed: jet is directed waves and occasional endocarditis
PROLAPSE syndrome, floppy-valve benign; asymptomatic anteriorly and medially supraventricular or PVC
(MVP) syndrome, and billowing and radiates to the base BB to relieve chest pain
mitral leaflet syndrome >50yo often in men are of the heart Echo: systolic and palpitations
severe and requires displacement (in
Other causes: dec type III surgery Anterior leaflet prolapsed: parasternal long axis Severe MR: MV repair
collagen, Marfan’s jet directed radiates to view) of MV leaflets by at (rarely replacement)
syndrome, osteogenesis AD with incomplete axillae or left infrascapular least 2mm into the LA
penetrance Aspirin for transient
imperfect, and Ehlers- region superior to the plane of ischemic attacks and if
Danlos syndrome Arrhythmias: PVC, mitral annulus not effective consider
POSTERIOR leaflet more paroxysmal FINIDING: MID-LATE warfarin (esp if AF)
affective and MV annulus supraventricular and SYSTOLIC (nonenjection)
more dilated V.tach, AF -> CLICK
palpitations, and syncope “Honking” or “whooping”
sound best at apex
Chest pain often
substernal, prolonged and
not related to exertion

AORTIC ¼ in chronic valvular BAV – MOST COMMON ONCE SYMPTOMS Rhythm is regular until late ECG: ST-segment severe AS: no strenuous
STENOSIS heart disease CONGENICAL VALVE OCCURS VALVE depression and T-wave activity or competitive
(AS) DEFECT; more in males; REPLACEMENT IS Thrill or anacortic inversion (LV strain) sports; avoid dehydration;
80% with symptoms are AD with incomplete INDICATED “shudder” over carotid tx hpn or CAD (BB or
male predominance; X-linked (more common in the L) Echo: LVH; eccentric ACEI); statins for
component as in Turner’s 3 CARDINAL SYMPTOMS: closure of aortic valve is prevention of CAD
Causes: degenerative EXERTIONAL DYSPNEA LV impulse displaced characteristic of
calcification and most syndrome; coarctation or laterally; palpable S4 in L
medial degeneration with (due to inc PCWP caused congenital bicuspid valve Surgery (within 3-4mo)
commonly in bicuspid by inc LV diastolic lateral recumbent; systolic indicated in: severe AS
aortic valve (BAV) 53%, ascending aortic thrill at base of the heart Severe AS <1cm2;
aneurysm pressure secondary to who are symptomatic, LV
chronic (tri-) leaflet dec LV compliance and to R of sternum leaning moderate AS 1-1.5cm2; EF <50%, BAV and
deterioration or previous LV outflow obstruction-> impaired relaxation); forward or in suprasternal mild AS 1.2-2cm2 aneurysm or expanding
rheumatic inflammation pressure gradient bet LV ANGINAL PECTORIS notch aortic root (max
(commissural fusion) CXR: hypertrophy without
and aorta-> LV dilates (imbalance of myocardial Paradoxical splitting of S2; dilation-> rounding of dimension of >4.5cm or
Most have systemic and dec stroke vol oxygen demand and dec S3 and S4; rough and cardiac apex in front and annual inc in size of
hypertension O2 availability); and rasping in character slight backward >0.5cm/yr) even if
LV contraction is SYNCOPE (dec in arterial asymptomatic
maintained by presence loudest in the base (2nd displacement in lateral
Death with severe AS is pressure due to RICS) view; dilated proximal
most common in 7th or 8th of concentric LVH-> LV vasodilation in exercising Relatively indicated in:
systolic function dec and ascending aorta along very severe AS <0.6cm2
decade muscles and inadequate MOST COMMON CAUSE upper R heart border;
abN diastolic fx progress vasoconstriction in non OF MID-SYSTOLIC and sever LVH >15mm
Calcific AS is a progressive and irreversible absence of calcification thick
exercising muscles in the MURMUR IN ADULT suggest that severe AS is
disease with annual myocardial fibrosis face of fixed CO or not present! CABG surgery and AVR:
reduction of valve 0.1cm2 develops GALLAVARDIN EFFECT –
sudden fall of CO by asymptomatic mod or
and annual inc in peak jet murmur high pitched at Aortic sclerosis: jet
Severe obstruction to LV arrhythmia) severe AS
velocity 0.3 m and mean apex, confused with MR velocity <2.5m (peal
valve gradient 7mmHg outflow: mean systolic LATE: marked fatigue,
gradient >40mmHg with N PARVUS ET TARDUS – small gradient <25mmHg) Homograft AVR reserved
weakness, peripheral for pt with aortic valve
CO or effective aortic delayed upstroke Catheterization:
cyanosis, cachexia; endocarditis
orifice area <~1cm2 (or orthopnea, PND, multivalvular disease,
~<0.6cm2/m2 BSA) pulmonary edema; young asymptomatic with ROSS PROCEDURE:
SUBENDOCARDIUM – esp severe pulmonary hpn noncalcific congenital AS, replace aortic valve with
vulnerable to ischemia leading to RV failure and and pt with suspective LV autologous pulmonic
systemic venous hpn, outflow obstruction at sub valve and implant
hepatomegaly, AF and TR or supravalvular level homograft in native
pulmonic position
Percutaneous Balloon
Aortic Valvuloplasty:
children and young adults
with congenital and
noncalcific AS

AORTIC See table 237-1 page Inc total stroke vol ¾ of pure or predominant Chronic severe: jarring of ECG: LVH; ST depression Acute AR: IV diuretics and
REGURG 1930 ejected by LV AR are men entire body and bobbing and T-wave inversion; LAD vasodilators; urgent
(AR) motion of head with each or QRS prolongation operations; AVOID BB;
EARLY SIGN OF LV women predominated if systole; abrupt distention surgery is tx of choice esp
DYSFUNCTION IS DEC EF associated with and collapse of large Echo: rapid high- within 24H of diagnosis
rheumatic mitral valve arteries frequency diastolic
MAJOR HEMODYNAMIC fluttering of the anterior Chronic AR: diuretics;
COMPENSATION: inc in LV Acute severe: LAP rise Typically for chronic AR: mitral leaflets produced vasodilators (first choice
end-diastolic vol (INC rapidly with LA and PA high-pitched, blowing, by the impact of regurg of antihypertensive
PRELOAD) wedge pressure markedly decrescendo, DIASTOLIC, jet – characteristic finding agents); SBP goad
elevated; shock develops best in 3rd ICS along LSB <140mmHg; control
Severe AR: vol rapidly CXR: apex is displaced
regurg=effective forward arrhythmias; syphilitic
AUSTIN FLINT MURMUR – downward and L in frontal aortitis needs PCN;
stroke vol Chronic severe: long low-pitched rumbling mid- projection
latency; asymptomatic optimal time for surgery
Chronic AR: both preload late grade1-2 diastolic after LV dysfunction but
for 10-15yrs; early murmur, due to
and afterload is inc complaint palpitations before severe symptoms
displacement of anterior
Acute severe: LV lying down; EXERTIONAL leaflet by AR stream, (-) SURGERY:
compliance is N or dec DYSPNEA FIRST SYMPTOM OS and response to
and LV diastolic pressure OF DIMINISHED CARDIAC vasodilators 2 points to consider: (1) pt
rise rapidly >40mmHg; RESERVE; followed by with chronic severe AR
premature closure of MV orthopnea, PND, and CORRIGAN’S PULSE – usually don’t become
excessive diaphoresis; water-hammer pulse, symptomatic until after
Chronic severe: effective anginal pain wide PP the development of
forward CO is N or dec at myocardial dysfunction
rest and fails to rise during QUINCKE’S PULSATIONS – (2) when delayed too
exercise capillary pulsations, an long (>1yr from onset of
alternate flushing and s/s) surgery don’t often
paling or skin at the root restore normal LV function
of nail while pressure is
applied to the tip of the AVR: for severe
nail (chronic severe AR) symptomatic AR
irrespective of LV
TRAUBE’S SIGN – booming function; if asymptomatic
“pistol-shot” sound over but with progressive LV
femoral arteries dysfunction (LVEF <50%,
DUROZIEZ’S SIGN – to-and- LV ESD >55mm or end-
fro murmur audible if systolic vol >55ml/m2, LV
femoral artery is lightly diastolic dimension
compressed by stet >75mm

Chronic severe AR: LV Follow-up for severe AR

heaving displaced without indications for
laterally and inferiorly; surgery: echo every 3-
systolic thrill in the 12mon
suprastenal notch and
transmitted upward to
carotids; diastolic thrill in

TRICUSPID Generally rheumatic; Diastolic pressure gradient MS precedes TS, initially Jugular veins distended; ECG: tall peaked P waves Intensive salt restriction;
STENOSIS more common in women; bet RA and RV – defines pulmonary congestion hepatic congestion bed rest; diuretics during
(TS) doesn’t occur as isolated TS (jaundice, cirrhosis, serious CXR: prominent RA and pre-op
lesion; associated with MS Severe TS: little dyspnea, malnutrition anasarca); SVC without enlargement
Mean diastolic pressure hepatomegaly, ascites, prominent presystolic of PA Surgery at the time of
gradient 4mmHg is ad edema; fatigue pulsations of enlarged mitral valvotomy or MVR
sufficient to elevate mean secondary to low CO Echo: tricuspids are with mod to severe TS
liver thickened and domes in
RAP = systemic venous who have mean diastolic
congestion MID-DIASTOLIC, best at diastole pressure gradient
LLSB and xiphoid and inc ~4mmHg and tricuspid
CO at rest is depressed in inspiration; prolonged y orifice <1.5-2cm2
and fails during exercise; descent
a wave tall and y descent TVR preferably
is prolonged bioprosthetic valve

TRICUSPID Secondary to marked Clinical features from Neck veins distended; Prominent RV pulsations ECG: RVH Isolated TR without PA
REGURG dilation of tricuspid systemic venous prominent v waves and over L parasternal and hpn are well tolerated
(TR) annulus from RVH due to congestion and dec CO rapid y descents; marked blowing HOLOSYSTOLIC at Severe TR: hepatic vein
PA hpn hepatomegaly; ascites; LLSB systolic flow reversal; CO Tx L CHF dec severity of
pleural effusion; edema; dec and RAP pulse has no functional TR
Seen in late HF due to systolic pulsations of liver; CARVALLO’S SIGN – inc in x descent during early
rheumatic or congenital murmur intensity with systole but prominent c-v Correct mitral valve
and (+) hepatojugular disease
heart disease with sever reflex inspiration wave with rapid y
PA hpn (PA systolic descent
pressure >55mmHg);
ischemic and idiopathic CXR: RAH and RVH
dilated cardiomyopathies

PULMONIC Most common acquired Pulmonary GRAHAM STEELL MURMUR Percutaneous pulmonic
VALVE abnormality affecting the stenosis/regurg: carcinoid - decrescendo, early-mid valve replacement with
REGURG pulmonic valve is syndrome diastolic blowing murmur severe PR after TOF or
regurgitation secondary that begins after P2, best pulmonic valve
to dilation of pulmonic Repair of TOF -> at 2nd LICS and radiates stenosis/atresia repair
valve ring as pulmonary regurg along LSB
consequence of severe
PA hpn

Note: for any questions, comments, and typos please refer to the book :D

For more explanation about murmurs pls read chapter e13 & 227 and valve replacement and repair page 1949 v(^_^)v


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