CPG Arrhythmias (Updated 2016)

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Harrison’s IM 18th ed ren.sama


I. SA NODE DISEASES SA NODE: cluster of small fusiform cells in sulcus ECG: sinus bradycardia (<60bpm benign and very NOT ASSOCIATED WITH INC MORTALITY
terminalis on the epicardial surface of the heart common in young healthy and physically conditioned pt;
at the R atrial-superior caval junction, where <40bpm in awake state in the absence of physical AIM OF THERAPY: ALLEVIATE SYMPTOMS
they envelop SA nodal artery (from R coronary conditioning is abN); sinus pauses (up to 3secs are PACEMAKER IMPLANTATION IS THE PRINCIPAL
artery 55-60% and L circumflex artery 40-45%); common in awake athletes and longer in elderly); sinus THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTION IN PT WITH
structurally heterogeneous but the central arrest; sinus exit block; tachycardia (in SSS); and SYMPTOMS
prototypic nodal cells have fewer distinct chronotropic incompetence (inability to inc the HR in
myofibrils than surroundings, NO IC DISK (on LM), response to exercise or stress or inability to reach 85% of BB and CCB – inc SNRT in pt with SA node
POOR SR AND NO T-TUBULES; richly innervated predicted maximal heart rate at peak exercise or failure to dysfunction
by sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves achieve HR of >100bpm with exercise or a maximal HR with
antiarrhythmic class I and III – promote SA node
and ganglia; exhibits the most rapid phase 4 exercise less than 2SD below that of age)
exit block
Type I second-degree SA block – progressive prolongation
Digitalis – shorten SNRT
SA node > compact AV node > AV bundle of SA node conduction with intermittent failure of impulses
(transverses central fibrous body, subject to originating in the sinus node to conduct to surrounding Isoproterenol or atropine IV – inc sinus rate
injury during surgery and VHD) > Bundle of His (in atrial tissue acutely
the ventricular septum) > RBB and LBB > Purkinje
fiber network > ventricles Type II second-degree SA block – no change in SA node Theophylline – acutely and chronically inc HR but
conduction before a pause inc potential serious ventricular arrhythmias
Extrinsic SA node dysfunction are often
reversible; most common causes: drugs and Complete or third-degree SA block – no P waves Sinus bradycardia – common in pt with acute
autonomic NS influences that suppress inferior or posterior MI and can be exacerbated
Tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome – alternating sinus
automaticity and/or compromise conduction by vagal activation induced by pain or other
bradycardia and atrial tachyarrhythmia
drugs like morphine. It is a prominent feature of
Intrinsic SA node dysfunction is degenerative, Autonomic NS testing – dx carotid sinus hypersensitivity; carotid sinus hypersensitivity and neutrally
characterized by pathologically fibrous pauses >3sec consistent with diagnosis. mediated hypotension associated with
replacement of SA node or its connections; e.g. vasovagal syncope and responds to pacemaker
SSS, MI, senile amyloidosis, inflammatory Determining intrinsic heart rate (IHR) may distinguish SA
diseases like pericarditis and myocarditis. node dysfunction from slow HR that results from high vagal
tone. N IHR after administration of 0.2mg/kg propranolol
Specific indicator of intrinsic SA node disease: and 0.04mg/kg atropine is 117.2-(0.53xage) in beats/min;
abN SNRT, abN SACT, and low IHR slow IHR is indicative of SA disease
SSS – overdrive suppression of SA node result in Electrophysiologic testing – assess presumed SA node
prolonged pauses and syncope upon dysfunction and evaluation of syncope esp. in structural
termination of tachycardia heart disease
AF – inc with advanced age, hpn, DM, LV Invasive assessment of SA node: sinus node recovery time
dilation, VHD and ventricular pacing (SNRT) is the longest pause after cessation of overdrive
Greatest risk of thomboembolism: ≥65 yo, prior pacing of the RA near SA node (N is <1500ms or corrected
history of stroke, VHD, LV dysfunction, or atrial for sinus cycle length <550ms) and sinoatrial conduction
enlargement = should be tx with anticoagulants time (SACT) is ½ the difference between intrinsic sinus cycle
length and a noncompensatory pause after premature
See table 232-1 etiologies of SA node atrial stimulus (N is <125ms)
dysfunction page 1868

II. AV NODE: subendocardial structure in the 1ST deg AV block (PR interval >200ms) – slowing of TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT ARTIFICIAL PACING
ATRIOVENTRICULAR transitional zone, composed of aggregates of conduction through AV junction; typical site of delay is AV IS THE MOST RELIABLE TX FOR PT WITH SYMPTOMS
CONDUCTION cells in the posterior-inferior RA; superior, medial NODE; WIDE QRS suggestive of delay in DISTAL conduction
DISEASE and posterior transitional atrionodal zone system; NARROW QRS suggest delay in AV node or The most expeditious technique is the use of
converge to form compact AV node (proximal) Bundle of His transcutaneous pacing, where pacing patches
(~1x3x5mm) at the apex of the triangle of Koch are placed anteriorly over cardiac apex
(coronary sinus ostium posteriorly, septal 2nd deg AV block – intermittent failure of electrical impulse (cathode) and posteriorly between the spine
tricuspid valve annulus anteriorly, tendon of conduction system from atrium to ventricles and scapula or above the R nipple (anode);
Todaro superiorly); highly innervated with highly effective (acutely) but limited to pt
Mobitz type I (Wenckebach) – progressive lengthening PR discomfort and longer-term failure to capture
postganglionic sympathetic and interval, shortening of RR interval and a pause that is less
parasympathetic nerves the ventricle owing to changes in lead
than 2x the immediately preceding RR interval impedance.
AV bundle: blood supply from AV nodal artery Mobitz type II – intermittent failure of conduction of P wave
and first septal perforator of the L anterior Permanent Pacemakers in adults access though
without changes in the preceding PR or RR interval; the subclavian-SVC venous system use a 5-letter
descending coronary artery typically occurs in distal or infra-His conduction system code:
Bundle branch: blood supply from the septal (INFRANODAL), often associated with intraventricular
perforators of L anterior descending coronary conduction delays; prolonged AH interval; associated with First letter indicates chamber/s that is paced (O,
arteries and branches of posterior descending series of nonconducted P waves after a period of sinus none; A, atrium; V, Ventricle; D, dual; S, single)
coronary arteries bradycardia with N PR interval => PAROXYSMAL AV BLOCK Second is the chamber/s in which sensing occurs
(indication of permanent pacing) (O; A; V; D; S)
Bundle of His and distal conducting system are Third is the response to a sensed event (O, none;
minimally influenced by autonomic tone; High-grade AV block – intermediate between 2nd deg and I, inhibition; T, Triggered; D, inhibition +triggered)
insulated from ventricular myocardium (most 3rd deg Fourth refers to the programmability or rate of
rapid conduction in the heart is observed here). 3rd deg AV block – complete failure of conduction from response (R, Rate responsive)
The action potentials (AP) exhibit very rapid atrium to ventricle; block is distal to AV node, duration of Fifth refers to existence of antitachycardia
upstrokes (phase 0), prolonged plateaus (phase QRS is helpful in determining level of block functions if present (O, None; P, antitachycardia
2) and modest automaticity (phase 4) pacing; S, shock; D, pace+shock)
Without BBB: WIDE QRS escape rhythm – implies block is in
Functional (autonomic, metabolic/endocrine the DISTAL HIS or BUNDLE BRANCHES while NARROW QRS –
and drug-related) causes of AV node disease the block is in the AV NODE or PROXIMAL HIS and the ACUTE complications of transvenous pacemaker
tend to be reversible. Etiologies that produce escape rhythm is in the AV junction; typically faster and implantation: infection, hematoma,
structural changes (fibrosis) are generally more stable pneumothorax, cardiac perforation,
permanent diaphragmatic/phrenic nerve stimulation, and
The difference of innervations of AV node and infranodal lead dislodgement
Idiopathic progressive fibrosis of the conduction conduction systems, vagal stimulation and carotid sinus
system – one of the more common massage, slows conduction in AV node but have less Limitations of CHRONIC pacemaker therapy:
degenerative (aging) cause of AV block effect on infranodal tissue and may improve conduction infection, erosion, lead failure, and abnormalities
described as “sclerosing of the L cardiac due to reduced rate of activation of distal tissue. due to inappropriate programming
skeleton” typically 4th decade and accelerated
by atherosclerosis, hpn, and DM. Atropine, isoproterenol and exercise improve conduction Twiddler’s syndrome – rotation of pacemaker
though AV node and impair infranodal conduction. pulse generator in its subcutaneous pocket
Acute MI – 10-25% develops AV block most producing dislodgement with failure to
commonly 1st or 2nd AV block; 2nd and higher Congenital CHB and narrow QRS – exercise inc HR sense/pace the heart
degree tends to be INFERIOR which tends to be
Acquired CHB and wide QRS – don’t respond to exercise Pacemaker syndrome – occurs when pacing
more STABLE, narrow escape rhythms.
with an inc HR modes interrupts or fail to restore atrioventricular
Acute ANTERIOR MI with block in distal AV synchrony include s/s of: neck pulsation, fatigue,
Time from the most rapid deflection of the atrial
segments results in wide complex, UNSTABLE palpitations, cough, exertional dyspnea,
electrogram in the His bundle recording (AH interval)
escape and worse prognosis dizziness, syncope, inc JVP, canon A waves, and
represents conduction through the AV node. N is <130ms
stigma of CHF including edema, rales and S3
For more info: See table 232-2 etiologies of AV
Time from the His electrogram to the earliest onset of the
block page 1871 See table 234-3, 234-4, 234-5, 234-6 for
QRS on ECG (HV interval) represents the conduction time
guidelines/indications for pacemaker
through the His-Purkinje system. N is ≤55ms
implantation pages 1876-1877

TACHYARRHYTHMIAS Standard definition: Ventricular rate of >100bpm Mechanisms:

Palpitations and racing pulse 1. ABN IMPULSE FORMATION

Premature beats – skipping pulse or pause or slowing of HR or dizziness abN automaticity is due to inc in slope of phase 4 depolarization or dec
threshold for AP depolarization (phase 0) in myocardium other than sinus
Dizziness or syncope due to dec CO or breathlessness due to marked inc in node; responsible for most APCs and VPCs and some AT
cardiac filling pressure
Early afterdepolarization (EAD) – triggered activity during phase 3 of AP
24H Holter monitor – only for pts with daily symptoms due to alteration of plateau currents; may be responsible for VPC that
Patient-activated event monitor – intermittent symptoms that are of trigger polymorphic ventricular arrhythmias known as torsades des pointed
prolonged duration; use with loop recorder to document short-live (TDP)
episodes and the onset of arrhythmias; preferred monitoring technique for Late/Delayed afterdepolarization (DAD) – triggered activity during phase 4
symptomatic pt with less frequent arrhythmias but requires continuous of AP due to IC calcium accumulation; may be responsible for atrial,
monitoring junctional, fascicular tachyarrhythmia cause by digoxin toxicity and basis
12-lead ECG – important dx tool in identifying the mechanism and origin of for catecholamine-sensitive VT originating in outflow tract
Reentry – is due to inhomogeneities in myocardial conduction and/or
recovery properties; anatomically driven (fixed) forms are more stable and
has monomorphic/uniform repetitive tachycardia; functional forms are
more dependent on dynamic changes, more unstable and polymorphic



Inc with age and + structural heart disease For extremely symptomatic:
Asymptomatic; palpitations BB may uncommonly exacerbate symptoms if AV block occurs with APC
and irregularity of pulse is more profound
ECG: P wave before the anticipated sinus beat; PR interval lengthens;
characteristically reset the sinus node Class IC antiarrhythmic agents – eliminate APC but should be avoided if
structural heart disease is present

Junctional Premature Extremely uncommon Same as above

Complexes (JPCs)
Complex originate from AV node and His bundle region

ECG: pseudo Q or S waves

Sinus Tachycardia Pathologic conditions: thyrotoxicosis, anemia, and hypotension Treat underlying condition
ECG: P wave upright in leads II, III, aVF and negative in aVR; biphashic in
Tx for inappropriate sinus tachycardia:
Diagnosis should NOT be based on PR interval or the presence of P wave
before every QRS Inc hydration, salt loading, and careful titration of BB to max tolerated
dose in divided doses
Inappropriate sinus tachycardia – HR inc either spontaneously or out of
proportion to the deg of physiologic stress; quite disabling; s/s: dizziness, If unresponsive to BB: catheter ablation and atrial pacing therapy
syncope, chest pain, headaches, GI upset; may occur after a viral illness
and may resolve spontaneously over 3-12 mos

Marked disorganized, rapid and irregular atrial activation; ventricular Initial goals: establish ventricular rate and address antiagulation status and
response is also irregular; 120-160bpm; if heightened vagal tone can be begin IV heparin if duration of AF is >12H and risk of stroke is present
Ventricular rate control: BB, CCB, digoxin (can be used as stand-alone
Incidence inc with age (>70yo) agent)
Acute AF common during early or acute recovery phase of major Target INR 2-3; if pt hasn’t been anticoagulated for >1-2days perform TEE to
vascular, abdominal, and thoracic surgery, in which autonomic fluxes exclude presence of LA thrombus that may be lodge with attempted
and/or direct mechanical irritation potentiate arrhythmia restoration of sinus rhythm

Clinical importance of AF: (1) loss of atrial contractility, (2) inappropriate Anticoagulation must be maintained for at least 1 mo after restoration of
fast ventricular response, and (3) loss of atrial appendage contractility and sinus rhythm; heparin maintained until INR 1.8 with administration of
emptying leading to inc risk of clot formation warfarin after TEE

Hallmarks of poor rate control with exertion: exercise intolerance and easy For pt who don’t warrant early cardioversion: anticoagulants maintained
fatigue for at least 3 weeks with INR >1.8 on at least 2 separate occasion before
attempts of cardioversion
ECG: irregularly irregular ventricular response; PP interval (<200ms) and
chaotic P-wave morphology - confirmatory Termination of AF: direct current transthoracic cardioversion during short-
acting anesthesia; use 200J biphasic shock synchronously with QRS
Risk factors for stroke in AF: hx of stroke/TIA; MS; hpn; DM; >75yo; CHF; LV complex
dysfunction; marked LA enlargement (>5.0cm); spontaneous echo
contrast Drugs to maintain sinus rhythm: if (+) structural heart disease use sotalol,
amiodarone, dofetilide, or dronedarone; if depressed LV function with HF
symptoms precludes use of dronedarone and sotalol; if (-) structural heart
disease or hpn without sever hypertrophy used class IC agents like
flecainide or propafenone


Acute rate control is inadequate if: HR >80bpm at rest or 100bpm with very
modest physical activity

Rate control + chronic anticoagulation must be coupled in all cases


Alternative to additional drugs with recurrent symptomatic AF and poor

rate control; eliminates AF 50-80%

Surgical ablative therapy (Cox-Maze) is typically preformed at the time of

other cardiac surgery

If L appendage has been removed surgically, threshold for stopping

anticoagulants must be lowered

Antiarrhythmics are typically discontinued after catheter or surgical


Atrial Flutter (AFL) and Macroreentrant arrhythmias involving the atrial myocardium are DC CARDIOVERSION – because of the anticipated rapid regular ventricular
Macroreentrant Atrial collectively called AFL – denotes nonfocal source of an atrial arrhythmia; rates
Tachycardias (AT) atrial rate 260-300bpm with ventricular response 2:1 or 130-150bpm
AFL terminated with low-energy cardioversion 50-100J; it is poorly tolerated
Most common AFL circuit rotates in a clockwise or counterclockwise than AF
direction in the RA around tricuspid
Risk of thromboembolism is high
Posterior boundary of R AFL circuit – crista teminalis, Eustachian ridge, IVC
and SVC In all patients, an effort to control ventricular rate pharmacologically

COUNTERCLOCKWISE R AFL 80% of all AFL with superiorly directed Recurrence rates >80% by 1 year; tx with catheter ablative therapy
activation of interatrial septum which produces SAW-TOOTHED Selected patients with high anesthesia risk, an attempt for pharmacologic
APPEARANCE of P waves cardioversion is procainamide, amiodarone, or ibutilide is appropriate

Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia It is a signature tachycardia of pt with significant pulmonary disease Tx directed at underlying condition
Atrial rhythm is at least 3 DISTINCT P WAVE MORPHOLOGIES and often at CCB verapamil
least 3 different PR interval and associated with 100-150bpm
Flecainide or Propafenone
ABSENT INTERVENING SINUS RHYTHM – distinguishes MAT from normal sinus
rhythm with frequent multifocal APCs Low dose amiodarone – control arrhythmia and minimize the risk of
pulmonary toxicity


Automatic ATs – start with “warm-up” period over 3-10 complexes, slow in
rate before termination; responds to adenosine not only with evidence of
AV block but with gradual slowing of atrial rhythm and termination;
provoked by isoproterenol infusion

Focal Reentrant AT – initiation of tachycardia with programmed atrial

stimulation or spontaneous premature beats; different P wave morphology;
don’t slow or terminate to adenosine; more common in the absence of
structural heart disease tends to have isolectric baseline between P wave

AV Nodal Tachycardias

1. AV nodal reentrant MOST COMMON PAROXYSMAL REGUALR SVT Tx directed at altering conduction within AV node
(AVNRT) More common in women; 2nd-4th decade; tends to occur in the absences Vagal stimulation: valsalva maneuver or carotid sinus massage
of structural heart disease; well tolerated;
Adenosine 6-12mg IV if unresponsive to physical maneuvers
Frog sign – neck pulsations felt because of the simultaneous atrial and
ventricular contraction IV BB or CCB – 2nd line

Develops because of the presence of two electrophysiologically distinct If hemodynamic compromised: R wave synchronous DC conversion using
pathways for conduction in the AV node; fast pathway (only one 100-200J
manifested resulting in a N PR interval)in more superior part has longer Prevention: digitalis, BB, CCB, class IA or IC
refractory period; reentrant circuit can develop in response to premature
stimulation Catheter ablation – very effective in permanently eliminating AVNRT esp. if
with significant symptoms and HR of >200bpm
ECG: narrow QRS; rate 120-250bpm; P wave buried in QRS
Atypical AVNRT: activation in the reverse direction producing prolonged
RP interval during tachycardia with negative P waves; easily precipitated
by ventricular stimulation

2. AV junctional The most common manifestation of digoxin intoxication is the sudden Tx directed at decreasing adrenergic stimulation and reversing digoxin
tachycardias regularization of response to AF. The junctional tachycardia due to this toxicity
doesn’t manifest retrograde conduction.
If due to abN automaticity: use BB or trail class IA or IC drugs
Accelerated junctional rhythm – HR >50bpm and <100bpm
For incessant automatic junctional tachycardia: use focal catheter

Tachycardias Associated with Accessory pathways (APs) – manifest as N QRS+short/long RP interval; Tx is directed at altering conduction in the AV node
Accessory AV Pathways capable of conducting rapidly both ante/retrograde direction
Antegrade APs – bypasses AV node and pre-excites ventricles resulting in
shorter PR interval; “delta-waves” (initial QRS portion is slowed); has more Others: IV CCB (verapamil or diltiazem) or BB; chronic oral use of these may
rapid conduction but longer refractory period than the AV node prevent recurrent supraventricular reentrant tachycardia associated with
MOST COMMON AP CONNECTS LA TO LV followed by posterior septal, R
free wall, and anterior septal DC conversion – to terminate AF

Atriofascicular APs – ventricular insertion is at the site distant from the AV Non-life threatening situation: procainamide 15mg/kg IV over 20-30
groove in the fascicles which demonstrates decremental antegrade minutes to slow ventricular response and may organize or terminate AF;
conduction other: ibutilide

Mahaim fibers – other APs from AV node to the fascicles that manifest as N Caution for the use of digoxin (shorten refractory period of AP directly and
PR interval with delta waves inc ventricular rate) and verapamil (shorten refractory period indirectly by
vasodilatation and reflex inc in sympathetic tone) – inc risk for VF
Orthodromic AV reentry – most common macroeentrant tachycardia
associated with WPW syndrome Catheter ablation: hx of recurrent symptomatic SVT, incessant SVT, and HR
>200bpm with SVT
Echo beat – retrograde activation of atria via APs
Antidromic AV reentry and/or Preexcitation macroreentry – reentrant
circuit reverse so the impulse reaches ventricles via AP and conducts
retrogradely through to the atria via His-Purkinje system and AV node

The second most common and potentially more serious arrhythmia

associated with WPW syndrome is a rapidly conducting AF

50% of APs, there’s no antegrade conduction but retrograde conduction is

preserve; AP will manifest as sustained tachycardia; more prone to AF but
not rapid ventricular response to AF


Ventricular Premature The origin of the premature beats in the ventricles at sites remote from the Threshold for tx of VPC is high and is directed at eliminating severe
Complexes (VPCs) Purkinje network produces slow ventricular activation and a wide QRS symptoms associated with palpitations.
complex >140ms in duration
If no structural heart disease – VPC don’t have prognostic significance
Common; inc with age and structural heart disease; associated with “fully
compensatory pause” (duration between last QRS before PVC and the If (+) structural heart disease – increased risk of SCD
next QRS is equal to 2x the sinus rate)
Bigeminy – every sinus beat is followed by VPC

Trigeminy – 2 sinus beats are followed by VPC

Mutiformed – different morphologic VPCs

Pairs/couplets – 2 successive VPCs
VT – ≥3 consecutive VPCs with rate >100bpm

Nonsustained VT – repetitive VPCs terminate spontaneously and are more

than 3 beats in duration

Interpolated VPCs – VPCs that fail to influence the incoming sinus impulse
Parasystolic focus – ventricular focus that fires repetitively at fixed interval
that produce variably coupled VPCs

Accelerated Idioventricular Ventricular rhythm characterized by ≥3 complexes at rate of >40bpm and

Rhythm (AIVR) <120bpm

Tends to be benign rhythm; characteristic gradual onset and offset and

more variability in cycle length; brief and self-limiting arrhythmia

Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) Originates below the bundle of His at the rate >100bpm or >120bpm Sustained polymorphic VT and VF will result in hemodynamic collapse =
Emergency asynchronous defibrillation with at least 200-J monophasic or
QRS complex may be uniform (monomorphic) or vary from beat to beat 100-J biphasic shock with IV lidocaine and/or amiodarone
For monomorphic wide complex rhythm that results in hemodynamic
Polymorphic VT associated with long QT interval during their baseline compromise = prompt R-wave synchronous shock
If arrhythmia persists used R-wave synchronous cardioversion AFTER
Monomorphic VT suggest as stable tachycardia focus in the absence of a administration of conscious sedation
structural heart disease or fixed anatomic abN that can create the
substrate for a stable reentrant VT circuit when structural disease is present; Idiopathic LV septal VT – responds to IV verapamil
tend to be reproducible and recurrent and initiated with pacing and
programmed ventricular stimulation If VT + structural heart disease = implantation of ICD

TIME DURATION OF 30 SECONDS – used to distinguish sustained from Prevention of VT (not due to long QT syndrome: SOTALOL (associated with
unsustained VT decrease defibrillation threshold) or AMIODARONE (better tolerated with
marginal hemodynamic status and BP) are FIRST LINE
Sustained VT – hemodynamically unstable VT that requires termination
before 30sec Catheter ablative therapy: for pt without structural heart disease

Ventricular Flutter (VF) – sine wave on ECG and >250bpm; completely MANAGEMENT OF VT STORM: >2 episodes of VT in 24H
disorganized ventricular activation on ECG IV BB for polymorphic VT storm
SVT – (+) aberrant QRS pattern that matches exactly that of wide QRS Acute IV of lidocaine, procainamide, or amiodarone for recurrent
VT – BBB QRS pattern and doesn’t match up with QRS and/or wider in monomorphic VT
duration than QRS during wide complex tachycardia

Except some idiopathic outflow tract tachycardia – most VT DON’T


PE: intermittent cannon a waves and variable S1 consistent with AV

dissociation (marked presence of sinus capture or fusion beats)

Unique VT syndromes

1. Idiopathic Outflow VT in the absence of structural heart disease Tx is rarely required because it is hemodynamically tolerated and typically
Tract VT unsustained
80% originate in the R outflow tract; common in women; rarely associated
with SCD IV BB terminates tachycardia

Palpitations with exercise, stress, and caffeine ingestion; triggered Chronic BB or CCB prevents recurrence; Also responds to class IA or IC or
hormonally and timed to premenstrual period, gestation, and menopause; with sotalol
terminated by vagal maneuvers
Catheter ablation eliminate tachycardia

2. Idiopathic LV SECOND MOST COMMON IDIOPATHIC VT is linked anatomically to the VERAPAMIL

septal/fascicular VT Purkinje system in the LV
Catheter ablation is unresponsive to verapamil
ECG: narrow RBBB pattern and superior L axis or inferior R axis

3. VT associated with Most uniform and sustained VT are around areas of fibrosis around mitral Prophylactive ICD device reduce risk of SCD from first VT/VF episode
dilated and aortic valvular areas

4. Bundle branch ECG: QRS morphology with LBBB type of pattern and L superior axis Catheter ablation and/ or adjunctive ICD therapy
reentrant VT

5. VT associated with High risk SCD ICD implantation

cardiomyopathy Amiodarone, Sotalol and BB for control of recurrent VT

6. VT associated with Predicting risk of sudden death: AD, PR interval of >240ms, QRS 120ms or ICD implantation: LV EF <35% or history of unexplained syncope with
other infiltrative heart block and type 1 myotonic dystrophy significant LV dysfunction
and neumuscular dx

7. Arrhythmogenic RV This is due to genetically determined dysplastic process or after a Threshold for ICD implantation is low
cardiomyopathy/dy suspected viral myocarditis
splasia (ARVCM/D) Other tx options: Sotalol, BB+other antiarrhythmias
Predominance of perivalvular fibrosis involving most free wall of RV in
proximity to tricuspid and pulmonic valves Catheter ablation directed at mappable sustained ventricular arrhythmias

ECG: RV activation, terminal notching of QRS complex (if distinct and

appears separated to QRS = epsilon waves) and inverted T waves

8. VT after operative Evidence of RV systolic dysfunction; typically macroreentrant circuit Catheter ablation
TOF repair around R ventriculotomy scar

9. Fascicular Digoxin toxicity will produce inc ventricular ectopy and bradyarrhythmias Correct electrolyte disorders and IV infusion of digoxin-specific Fab
tachycardia caused that predispose to ventricular arrhythmias and VF fragments (over the couse of 1H will bind digoxin and eliminate toxic
by digoxin toxicity effects)

Genetically Determined
Abnormalities that Predispose
to Polymorphic Ventricular

1. Long QT syndrome Defects in cardiac ion channel responsible for cardiac repolarization; LQT 1 – restrict exercise; avoid swimming
enhanced sodium or calcium inward currents or inhibits outward potassium
currents during plateau lengthen AP duration and QT interval LQT 2 – BB

LQT1 – MOST COMMON GENOTYPIC ABN; fail to shorten or actually prolong LQT 3 – BB is not recommended and exercise is not restricted
QT interval with exercise; T wave is broad and QT is prolonged; most Prophylactic ICD implantation in: male pt with LQT3 and all pt with marked
common trigger is EXERCISE, followed by emotional stress; 80% of males QT prolongation (>500ms) particularly when coupled with family hx of SCD
have first cardiac event by 20yo

Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome – 2 LQT1 alleles; more dramatic QT

prolongation and deafness and worse arrhythmia prognosis
bifid; most common trigger is EMOTIONAL STRESS, followed by sleep or
auditory stimulation

LQT3 – mutation in gene that encode sodium channel; late-onset peaked

biphasic T waves or asymmetric peaked T waves; POOREST PROGNOSIS OF
ALL LQTs; male has worst prognosis; most event occur during SLEEP

2. Acquired LQTS More common in women and manifest of subclinical LQTS Eliminate offending drug; reverse metabolic abN by infusion of magnesium
or potassium, preventing pause-dependent arrhythmias by temporary
Drug-induced LQT and polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (TDP) is pacing or isopreterenol
potentiated by hypokalemia and bradycardia; most are dose dependent

3. Short QT syndrome A gain of function of repolarization currents ICD implantation

ECG: T waves are tall and peaked; QT interval <320ms; predisposes to AF Quinidine – used to lengthen QT interval and reduce amplitude of T waves
and VF

4. Brugada Syndrome Major clinical features: transient or concealed ST segment elevation in V1 – Drug challenge with procainamide to establish diagnosis
V3 that is provoked with sodium blocking agents and a risk of polymorphic
ventricular arrhythmias Ajmaline and IV flecainide has higher sensitivity

Diminished inward sodium current in the region of RV outflow tract Tx: isoproterenol or quinidine
epicardium ICD implantation for those not benefited by BB and chronic quinidine
AD inheritance pattern; most common in young males (75%) and thought
to be responsible for sudden and unexpected nocturnal death syndrome

5. Catecholaminergic Mutation of the myocardial ryanodine release channel which creates a Restrict exercise
polymorphic VT leak in calcium from SR
BB and ICD implantation
Manifest as bidirectional VT, nonsustained polymorphic VT or recurrent VF

Note: for any questions, comments, and typos please refer to the book :D

For more explanation and basic stuffs about ECG pls refer to chapter 228 & 231


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