Name: GUEYE Surname: Bara

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Surname: Bara
Class: Master 1 Comptabilité/Finance

School: Institut Supérieur d’Entrepreneurship et de Gestion (ISEG)

Subject: Business English

Teacher: Mr. SECK

Topic: What is the difference between marketing and communication ?

The integration of marketing and communication is important to create an

effective marketing strategy but there are many differences between them.
Marketing refers to activities undertaken by a company to promote the buying or
selling of a product or a service. It ivolves the creation of a high-level strategy
or plan that a business will use to sell product or service. Many marketing plans
identify specific activities such as communication to reach existing and new
customers. A marketing plan includes tactics for communicating a company’s
strategy, including public relations, advertising, social media and promotions.
This is an approach that begins with market research ( definition of client
segments, positioning, targeting), continues with planing through a marketing
plan ( budget allocated, programming over time) and ends up with a concrete
implementation on the market materialized by the marketing mix.
Communication is the process of sending and receiving a message through
verbal and non verbal means, including speech or oral communications like
writing and graphical representations sign, signals and behavior.
Communicaton takes place via communication channels ( press, media, internet,
etc.). The heart of the communication strategy is to find the best combination of
communication channels to achieve marketing objetives. Like marketing, it
requires concrete planning, a communication plan (budget, planning, targets,
Communication plans advance marketing efforts by developing, compelling,
messaging, related to your services or products. It too should be strategic.
communication is one part of the overall marketing plan. A communication plan
defines the specific tactics (or tools) that will be used to spread the word about
product or service.

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