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Composites: Part B 33 (2002) 117±123

Exploding pressure vessel test on zylon/epoxy composite

Y.K. Huang*, P.H. Frings, E. Hennes
Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute, University of Amsterdam, Valckenierstraat 65, 1018 XE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Received 14 June 2001; revised 28 November 2001; accepted 1 December 2001

The ef®ciency of zylon/epoxy composites under radial load for the reinforcement of high-®eld magnet coils is studied using the exploding
pressure vessel technique. Under the combined stresses in tangential and radial directions, the behaviour of zylon/epoxy composite is well
described by the theory of orthotropic cylindrical shells when the pre-stress effects are considered. The ultimate tensile strength of the zylon/
epoxy shell with a ®bre-®lling factor of 90% is found to be 4.8 GPa. The bursting pressure (maximal radial stress) is, for a given ®lling factor,
a monotonically increasing function of the ratio of the shell thickness to inner radius. The bene®cial effects of the pre-stress during winding
on the reinforcement are discussed. q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: A. Polymer±matrix composites; B. Strength; C. Analytical modelling; E. Filament winding

1. Introduction with a radially outward directed, axial symmetric force, in

analogy to the stress state in a magnet coil.
Ef®cient reinforcement is essential for the mechanical
stability of pulsed high-®eld magnets. Zylon ®bre, poly(p-
phenylene-2,6-benzobisoxazole) or PBO [1±3], is a newly 2. Experimental
developed, commercially available material with an extremely
high ultimate tensile strength (UTS), a high elastic modulus Zylon ®bre (type HM, 111 tex) is wet-wound with epoxy
along the ®bre direction and good electrical insulation. (Stycast 1266) on the copper vessel. The copper vessels
Therefore, zylon ®bre in combination with epoxy resin is annealed after machining so that large plastic deformation
chosen as one of the candidates for internal reinforcement of in copper is attainable and a large portion of the oil pressure
high-®eld magnet coils. can be transferred to the zylon/epoxy shell. A pre-tensile
In a previous paper [4], we have reported the effects of stress of about 0.7 GPa is applied to the ®bre bundle during
pre-stress on the distribution and the ®lling factor of zylon winding in order to obtain a high and uniform ®lling factor.
®bre in epoxy matrix, and the mechanical properties under The explo-vessel sample is cured at room temperature for a
uni-axial tensile stress or transverse compressive stress. In time longer than 16 h before testing. The ®lling factor of
order to study the behaviour of zylon/epoxy composite in a zylon ®bre in the zylon/epoxy shell is about 90%.
similar stress state as in the magnet coil, a set-up, the so- A strain gauge is attached to the outer surface of the
called explo-vessel (exploding pressure vessel [5]) has been zylon/epoxy shell along the ®bre direction (tangential direc-
designed and used. In the present study, the set-up is modi- tion). During the experiment, oil pressure is gradually
®ed as shown schematically in Fig. 1. Oil is used as the increased until the explo-vessel fails. The tangential strain
pressurising medium and the copper vessel serves as an on the outer surface of the zylon/epoxy shell is recorded as a
oil container and as a mandrel for winding the zylon function of the oil pressure.
®bres. The top and bottom parts of the explo-vessel are
strengthened by steel rings and are axially ®xed by an
3. Results and discussion
external clamping device in a steel cylinder. When the oil
pressure is increased, the zylon/epoxy composite is loaded
3.1. Stress±strain analysis of the explo-vessel

The purpose of the explo-vessel test is to evaluate the

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 131-20-525-6337; fax: 131-20-525-5102. UTS along ®bre direction of a zylon/epoxy shell under
E-mail address: (Y.K. Huang). the combination of tangential tensile stress and radial
1359-8368/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1359-836 8(01)00065-8
118 Y.K. Huang et al. / Composites: Part B 33 (2002) 117±123
n o 
s u…1† ˆ p0 C12 ‰1 1 …R1 =r†2 Š 2 p1 ‰1 1 …R0 =r†2 Š = 1 2 C12 …2†
s z…1† ˆ n s r…1† 1 s u…1† …3†

where C1 ˆ R0 =R1 : The zylon/epoxy shell is orthotropic

with transverse-isotropic character: Ez ˆ Er ± Eu ; nzr ˆ
nrz ; nuz ˆ nur ; where Eu and Er are the elastic moduli of
the zylon/epoxy composite along and transverse to the
®bre direction, respectively. Under plane strain condition,
the stress and strain are related through Eu ; Er and the
Poisson's ratios nur and nrz : The radial, tangential and
Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of the exploding pressure vessel (explo-vessel). axial stresses in the zylon/epoxy shell are
The inner diameter and the height of the zylon/epoxy shell are both 30 mm.  
s r…2† ˆ p1 C2g2 11 ‰…r=R2 †g2 21 2 …R2 =r†g2 11 Š= 1 2 C22g2 …4†
compressive stress. The bursting pressure measured in the  
explo-vessel test is governed by the strength of the zylon/ s u…2† ˆ p1 g2 C2g2 11 ‰…r=R2 †g2 21 1 …R2 =r†g2 11 Š= 1 2 C22g2 …5†
epoxy shell as well as the copper shell. Therefore, it is
necessary to analyse the stress and strain distributions in s z…2† ˆ nrz s r…2† 1 nru s u…2† …6†
an explo-vessel in order to separate these two contributions. q
where C2 ˆ R1 =R2 ; g2 ˆ Eu …1 2 nrz †=Er …1 2 nur nru † and
The method for the analysis of stresses and strains in an
explo-vessel is based on the theory of orthotropic cylindrical nru ˆ nur Er =Eu :
shells [6] under the assumption of plane strain. Both ends of The radial displacements in the copper and zylon/epoxy
the explo-vessel are clamped in a strong steel cylinder so shells are given by
that the axial deformations of all layers are equal and small. h i
In order to simplify the analysis, we will take the axial strain u…1† 2
r ˆ r …1 2 n †s u 2 n…1 1 n†s r
=E …7†
1z ˆ 0: It can be proved that the error introduced by this h i
simpli®cation is negligible. u…2† …2†
r ˆ r s u …1 2 nur nru † 2 nur …1 1 nrz †s r =Eu …8†
The explo-vessel consists of two shells with different
material properties as shown in Fig. 2. The ®rst shell, the The strain components are related to the stresses by the
copper, with the inner and outer radius of R0 and R1 ; is usual compliance matrix and can be calculated easily. In
subjected to the inner and outer pressure of p0 and p1 ; particular, the tangential strain is ur =r: The radial displace-
respectively. The second shell, the zylon/epoxy, with the ments of the adjacent shells at their interface must be equal,
inner and outer radius of R1 and R2 ; is subjected to the i.e.
inner pressure of p1 only.
u…1† …2†
r …R1 † ˆ ur …R1 † …9†
The copper shell is isotropic. The elastic modulus and
Poisson's ratio of the copper shell are denoted as E and n , from which we get
respectively. Under the plane strain condition, the radial,
p1 ˆ …h=g†p0 …10†
tangential and axial stresses in the copper shell are
n o  where
s r…1† ˆ p0 C12 ‰1 2 …R1 =r†2 Š 2 p1 ‰1 2 …R0 =r†2 Š = 1 2 C12 …1†  
h ˆ 2C12 …1 2 n2 †=E 1 2 C12 …11†

2 2
2n…1 1 n† …1 2 n † 1 1 C1 n …1 1 nrz †
gˆ 1  1 ur
E E 1 2 C12 Eu
g2 …1 2 nur nru † 1 1 C22g2
1   …12†
Eu 1 2 C22g2

The pressure p0 is the measured oil pressure. Therefore, the

interface pressure p1 between the copper shell and the zylon/
epoxy shell can be calculated with Eq. (10), and the radial
and tangential stresses and strains in the copper shell and
Fig. 2. Shell notation in an explo-vessel sample. zylon/epoxy shell can be determined using Eqs. (1)±(8), if
Y.K. Huang et al. / Composites: Part B 33 (2002) 117±123 119

the tangential, radial and axial stresses and strains along the
radius in an explo-vessel. The maximal oil pressure is
0.64 GPa. The calculation consists of nine pressure steps
and the following parameters are used in the calculation:
E u ˆ 240 GPa; Er ˆ 3 GPa; nur ˆ 0:35; nrz ˆ 0:6 [4] for
the zylon/epoxy shell with a ®bre-®lling factor of 90%.
The stiffness of the copper shell is changed in every step
according to Eq. (13), and n is chosen to be 0.5. The results
show that more than 90% of the oil pressure is sustained by
the zylon/epoxy shell. The inner side of the zylon/epoxy
shell has the highest tangential and radial stresses at any
pressure. The resulted pressure±strain curve under the
above-mentioned material parameters is shown in Fig. 4(c).

3.2. Pressure±strain curves of zylon/epoxy explo-vessel

Fig. 3. The tensile test stress±strain curve of an annealed copper bar. The
Fig. 5 shows examples of the measured pressure±strain
line is the ®tting to the measured points in the range 0:02 , 1 , 10% and is
expressed by Eq. (13). curves of zylon/epoxy explo-vessel samples. Three stages
can be seen from the curve. First, at low pressure, the curve
shows a small linear part with large slope. This is followed
the dimension of the explo-vessel as well as the elastic by the second stage, where the slope of the curve becomes
moduli and Poisson's ratios of the materials are known. smaller and smaller until a certain minimal slope is reached.
These equations are deduced based on the generalised When the pressure is increased further, the slope increases
Hooke's law. They seem to be inapplicable for describing again and becomes a constant in the third stage. The upturn
the stress and strain when copper is undergoing large plastic of the slope is more pronounced in the samples with thicker
deformation. However, in the special case of the explo- zylon/epoxy shells. These features are different from those
vessel, the plastic ¯ow is uni-directional, i.e. the radial strain shown in Fig. 4(c).
is negative while the tangential strain is positive. Locally, From the tensile test, we have learned that the strain of
the copper behaves the same as in an ordinary tensile test. zylon/epoxy composite increases linearly with the stress
Therefore, we can apply the above equations to describe the before breaking [4], while copper undergoes both elastic
stress and strain increment under a small load increment by and plastic deformation when the stress increases (Fig. 3).
replacing the E-modulus …s=1† with the differential modulus When the plastic deformation of copper starts, the slope of
ds=d1: This `modulus' is determined according to the the stress±strain curve of copper becomes smaller and
stress±strain curve of copper in a tensile test (Fig. 3) and smaller with increasing stress, although a certain degree of
the Poisson's ratio is assume to be 0.5 in the plastic defor- deformation hardening continues to occur. Considering the
mation stage. The line in Fig. 3 is the ®tting to the measured copper vessel and zylon/epoxy shell together as a new
points in the range 0:02 , 1 , 10% with the following `composite', we expect that both shells deform elastically
expression at low pressure, corresponding to the ®rst stage of the
pressure±strain curve. With the increase in pressure, the
s ˆ 54…1 2 e 2451 † 1 30:510:6 …13† plastic deformation of copper shell starts and the slope of
the pressure±strain curve begins to decrease. With the
where s is in MPa and 1 in %. The slope ds=d1 at any strain increase in pressure, the contribution from copper to the
can be determined from Eq. (13). slope is reduced very quickly and the slope at the end will
Accordingly, the pressure dependence of the stress and be determined by the elastic modulus of zylon/epoxy
strain in an explo-vessel will be calculated as follows. The composite only, as shown in Fig. 4(c). If the elastic modulus
stresses and strains in each shell at a small initial pressure of zylon/epoxy shell is a constant, we do not expect the re-
are calculated and used as initial states for the next pressure increase of the slope in the pressure±strain curve as shown
step. The stress and strain increments corresponding to the in Fig. 5.
pressure increment in the new pressure step are calculated In order to account for this `upturn', we compare the
based on the updated stiffness of the shells in this stage. The results of two experiments that only differ in the copper
total stress and strain in the shells are the sum of the stress wall thickness (4 and 2 mm, respectively). It is found that
and strain increments up to that pressure step. The calcula- the upturn of the slope is substantially reduced for a 1.6 mm-
tion continues step by step until the bursting pressure is thick zylon/epoxy shell on a 4 mm-thick copper vessel, in
reached. contrast with that on a 2 mm-thick one, as shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 4 shows an example of the calculated distributions of However, the slopes in the last stage are almost the same in
120 Y.K. Huang et al. / Composites: Part B 33 (2002) 117±123

Fig. 5. The pressure±strain curves of zylon/epoxy explo-vessel samples.

The outer radius of the copper vessel is 15 mm and the wall thickness is
2 mm. The numbers in the ®gure indicate the thickness of zylon/epoxy
shells in different samples. The point-marks are the analysis results (see

both samples. The elastic modulus of the zylon/epoxy shell

on a thin-walled copper vessel seems to be lower at the
beginning and increases with the pressure until it reaches
its maximal value. We may understand this by considering
the effects of pre-tensile stress applied to the zylon-®bre
bundle during winding.
First, when an additional layer of zylon is wound, the
residual stress in the already wound zylon layers will be
reduced and redistributed if the pre-stress of the zylon
bundle is kept constant. Only the outer most winding layer
has a residual stress about the same as the pre-stress.
Secondly, the pre-stressed zylon/epoxy layer will press
the soft copper shell of the explo-vessel inwards and the
copper shell will eventually deform plastically. This reduces
the residual stress of the inner zylon layers even further.
When the total number of wound layers is suf®ciently
large, the residual stress in the inner layers will be reduced
to zero. Further increase in the number of winding layers
may cause buckling of the ®bres in the inner layers due to
the structural instability under compressive stress along the
®bre direction. Increasing the wall thickness of the copper
vessel will increase the strength of the copper shell, thereby
reducing the tendency to buckle for the zylon ®bres.
Due to these two effects, the residual stress in the ®nal
zylon/epoxy shell of an explo-vessel sample is not uniform.
It has a maximum value in the outer most layer and
decreases gradually inwards. The redistribution process of
the residual stress during winding is modelled based on the
similar theory as described in Section 3.1. The estimated
residual stress distribution in a 1.2 mm-thick zylon/epoxy
Fig. 4. The calculated tangential, radial and axial stresses (a) and strains (b)
shell as a result of constant pre-stress during winding is
in an explo-vessel sample as a function of radius across the shells at the oil
pressure of 0.64 GPa. The calculated pressure±strain curve is shown in (c) shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that, if a 1.2 mm-thick
as well. The thicknesses of the copper shell and zylon/epoxy shell are 2 and zylon shell is wound on a 2 mm-thick copper shell, the
3.56 mm, respectively. residual tensile stress exists only within the 0.8 mm-thick
Y.K. Huang et al. / Composites: Part B 33 (2002) 117±123 121

Fig. 6. The in¯uence of the wall thickness of the copper vessel on the
pressure±strain curve of the zylon/epoxy explo-vessel samples. The wall Fig. 8. The average E-modulus of zylon/epoxy shells with different thick-
thicknesses of the copper vessels are 2 and 4 mm, respectively. The thick- nesses as a function of the applied oil-pressure.
ness of the zylon/epoxy shell is about 1.6 mm in both samples.
buckled ®bres inside has a small initial elastic modulus
zylon shell from the outer surface, and not within the other under a tensile stress. The elastic modulus will gradually
0.4 mm-thick zylon shell from the inner surface. The zylon increase with stress and reach its normal value when all the
®bres in the inner layers are buckled. The maximal thickness ®bres are stretched again. This explains the upturn of the
of a zylon/epoxy shell, which remains under tensile stress pressure±strain curves in the explo-vessel samples. By
after winding, is called the critical zylon shell thickness. ®tting the measured pressure±strain curves to the analytical
This critical thickness depends on the copper shell thick- model described in Section 3.1, we can obtain the average
ness and the pre-stress applied to the zylon bundle during tangential elastic modulus of the zylon/epoxy shell as a
winding. The thicker the copper shell the larger is the function of pressure in different explo-vessel samples. The
critical thickness of the zylon/epoxy shell. results are shown in Figs. 5 and 8 (the point-marks). The
The buckled ®bres will remain so after the epoxy matrix initial and ®nal average tangential E-modulus as a function
is hardened. It can be shown that a zylon/epoxy layer with of the thickness of the zylon/epoxy shell are shown in Fig. 9.
It is found that the thicker the zylon/epoxy shell is, the larger
is the change in the average elastic modulus, in agreement
with our discussion earlier. The ®nal E-modulus follows the
rule of mixture for continuous ®bre reinforced composites
along the ®bre direction.
Apart from the above-®tting results, the initial E-modulus
can be estimated by considering the pre-stress effects mention
earlier (Fig. 7). If the total thickness of a zylon/epoxy shell is
t, and the critical thickness is tc ; we can consider the shell as
two sub-shells. In the ®rst sub-shell, starting from outer
surface to the thickness tc ; the ®bre is stretched and the
E-modulus is the same as the ®nal E-modulus, Euf ; which
can be calculated using the rule of mixture for such compo-
site. The other sub-shell, with a thickness of …t 2 tc †; has a
lower E-modulus, Eu0 ; which represents a statistically aver-
aged E-modulus of the layer due to the buckling of the ®bres.
Therefore, the initial E-modulus of the zylon/epoxy shell, Eui ;
is the averaged E-modulus of these two sub-shells:
Fig. 7. Estimated residual stress distributions in a 1.2 mm-thick zylon/
epoxy shell wound on three copper vessels with different shell thickness Eui ˆ ‰tc Euf 1 …t 2 tc †Eu0 Š=t …14†
(2, 4 and 8 mm, respectively). A constant pre-stress (700 MPa) is loaded to
the ®bres during winding. The distance is measured from the inner side of
the zylon shell. The critical thicknesses of the zylon/epoxy shell are about
The initial E-modulus of the zylon/epoxy shell Eui as a func-
0.8 mm for a 2 mm-thick copper vessel and 1.2 mm for a 4 mm-thick tion of shell thickness t is estimated using Eq. (14) with Euf ˆ
copper vessel (dashed line), respectively. 240 GPa; Eu0 ˆ 93 GPa and tc ˆ 0:8 mm and is shown in
122 Y.K. Huang et al. / Composites: Part B 33 (2002) 117±123

Fig. 9. The initial (open square) and ®nal (®lled square) average tangential Fig. 11. The distribution of tangential stress in the zylon/epoxy shell. Solid
elastic modulus of zylon/epoxy shell as a function of the thickness of the line: with pre-stress effects; dashed line: without pre-stress effects. The total
shell. The continuous line is the calculation results using Eq. (14). tangential stress is the combination of two parts: one is the residual stress
resulting from the pre-tensile stress during winding and another is due to the
oil pressure in the explo-vessel (see insert).
Fig. 9 as the continuous line. It is seen that the model can well
describe the experimental results. the zylon/epoxy shell, we ®nd that all the curves can be
The changes in the average tangential E-modulus with the described by an even simpler function
applied oil pressure for different samples have the same
E u ˆ Euf 2 …Euf 2 Eui †exp…2s u =s u0 †a …16†
features. They can be described well with a cumulative
Weibull distribution function where a and s u0 are constants for all shell thicknesses. This
is shown in Fig. 10.
E u ˆ Euf 2 …Euf 2 Eui †exp…2apo †b …15† The zylon/epoxy shell is considered to have failed only
when zylon ®bres are broken. Therefore, the failure criterion
where po is the applied oil pressure, a, the linear function of is that the tangential stress in any part of the zylon/epoxy
1=t and b is a constant. Euf ; Eui and t have the same meanings shell reaches the UTS. Using this criterion, we can deter-
as in Eq. (14). The result is also shown in Fig. 8 (lines). mine the UTS of the zylon/epoxy shell from the measured
Furthermore, if we plot the average tangential E-modulus as bursting pressure in explo-vessel test. It is found that the
a function of the tangential stress at the inner surface of UTS of the zylon/epoxy shell is independent of the thick-
ness of the shell and has a value of about 4.8 GPa.
In explo-vessel tests, the zylon/epoxy shell experiences a
non-uniform tensile stress in tangential direction due to the
oil pressure in the vessel (Fig. 4). This tangential stress has
the highest value at the inner side of the zylon/epoxy shell
and decreases rapidly across the shell. The distribution of
the tangential stress caused by the oil pressure is opposed to
the residual stress due to the pre-stress effects (Fig. 7).
Therefore, the pre-stress effects reduce the gradient of the
tangential stress in the shell (Fig. 11). This is bene®cial, e.g.
for a 3.56 mm-thick zylon/epoxy shell wound on a 2 mm-
thick copper vessel, with the pre-stress effects, the bursting
pressure is 0.681 GPa (measured) while without the pre-
stress effects, the bursting pressure would be 0.642 GPa
(calculated) only if the UTS of the zylon/epoxy shell is
the same in both cases.
The pressure at the interface between copper shell and
zylon/epoxy shell is calculated using Eq. (10) following the
Fig. 10. The average E-modulus of zylon/epoxy shells with different thick- analysis steps described earlier. The maximal interface pres-
nesses as a function of the tangential stress at the inner surface of the shell. sure is the bursting pressure of a zylon/epoxy shell alone,
Lines: results of Eq. (16) with a ˆ 3:27 and s u0 ˆ 1:93 GPa: re¯ecting the maximal reinforcement capability of the shell.
Y.K. Huang et al. / Composites: Part B 33 (2002) 117±123 123

4. Conclusions

The explo-vessel tests show that zylon/epoxy composite

with a ®lling factor of 90% has very high UTS of 4.8 GPa at
room temperature, agreeing reasonably with the result from
uni-axial tensile test [4]. Under the combination of tangen-
tial tensile stress and the compressive radial stress, the beha-
viour of zylon/epoxy composite is well described by the
theory of orthotropic cylindrical shells when the pre-stress
effects are considered. The pre-stress applied to the zylon
®bre bundle during winding causes the non-uniform radial
distribution of the residual tangential stress in zylon/epoxy
The bursting pressure (maximal radial stress) is a mono-
tonically increasing function of the ratio of the shell thick-
ness to inner radius of the zylon/epoxy shell. Therefore, the
required thickness of zylon/epoxy shell for the internal
Fig. 12. The bursting pressure (maximal radial stress) of a zylon/epoxy shell
reinforcement in a magnet coil can be estimated directly
as a function of the ratio of the thickness to the inner radius of the shell.
Points: derived from explo-vessel tests; continued line: calculated using the from the plot.
model described in Section 3.1 assuming a constant Eu ; broken line: calcu-
lated using the same model as the continued line, taking into account of the
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