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Flexible System,
Easy To Change
Designing flexible information systems saves
time and money, now and in the future
By Robert Miller, Bruce Johnson, and Walter W. Woolfolk
ypical information systems are modify than others, builders of flexible Recognizing that business requirements

T inflexible, not easily accom-

modating changes in business
requirements. This article iden-
tifies characteristics of a flexible infor-
mation system, using UniverSIS — a stu-
systems focus on achieving a design that
allows subsequent modifications to be
limited as much as possible to the least-
cost-effect components. The ideal system
would be one in which changes in system
are constantly changing, the develop-
ers designed the system to accommo-
date potential future requirements, not
just current needs. The goal was a system
that would support the most complex
dent information system developed at behavior result entirely from business real-world situation, even if such a situ-
University of Cincinnati (UC) — to illus- staff modifying data values rather than ation did not reflect current reality. In
trate principles of flexible design. (See the from information technology (IT) staff pursuit of this goal, developers kept a
sidebar “The UniverSIS Project” for back- modifying file definitions or program few key questions in mind while mod-
ground about UC and the project.) We code. In those cases requiring coding eling the data:
demonstrate the benefits of this changes, they are restricted to local mod- ■ What implicit assumptions are being
approach by discussing specific features ifications that do not result in a chain made? Such assumptions are often
developed to support the admissions reaction of compensating modifications. difficult to recognize. For
application process. These benefits Developers can also look for
include increased business control over opportunities to leverage effort
system behavior, reuse of system solu- by designing reusable func-
tions, and reduced involvement of tech- tions. Rather than addressing
nical staff as business requirements each business requirement as a
change. We examine the impact of flex- separate problem, they look
ible design on business and technical for patterns of behavior and for
staff, and suggest specific steps that opportunities to establish gen-
developers can take to achieve system eral solutions to types of
flexibility. problems.
A stable data structure
What Is Flexibility? forms the most critical ele-
Flexibility in a system means the abil- ment of a flexible system.
ity to accommodate a change in business Design of UniverSIS began
requirements with a minimum of modi- with a careful analysis of the
fication to system components. Since business data requirements and
some system components cost more to design of the supporting files.

44 E D U C A U S E Q U A R T E R LY • Number 3 2002
example, UC’s legacy systems con- arate data elements record the infor- dentials and informs applicant of its
tained an implicit assumption that mation previously embedded in the decision.
the number of colleges within the course number. In the past, the application process
university was fixed. When UC added ■ What will change? While there are prac- at UC followed this scenario. Applica-
a new college a few years ago, thou- tical limits to accommodating all pos- tions were received and assigned to an
sands of hours of IT staff effort were sible change, assuming anything can admissions counselor who monitored
required to accommodate the change. change is a good starting point. The rule them until all credentials had been
In UniverSIS, addition of a new col- of thumb is that change should be received. At that point, the counselor
lege involves only the addition of accommodated through changes in evaluated each applicant’s credentials,
data values by business staff. data whenever possible. made a decision, and recorded the deci-
■ What meaning is attached to record sion in the system. Although the results
identifiers? Such meaning is often so The UC Application were recorded in electronic form, the
ingrained in the culture of the insti- Process review process itself was entirely manual.
tution that it is difficult to eliminate. UniverSIS includes features for admis- Based on their academic credentials,
In its legacy system, UC embedded sions application processing. UC’s appli- applicants for a particular academic pro-
information about the college, depart- cation process resembles that of most gram fell into one of three groups:
ment, and subject matter in the universities, involving three steps: ■ clearly admissible
course number. Periodic renumbering 1. applicant submits an application, ■ clearly not admissible
of courses required significant sys- 2. applicant provides the university with ■ admissible but in competition
tem changes. In UniverSIS, the course required credentials, and with others
number is simply an identifier. Sep- 3. university reviews the applicant’s cre- Applicants who were clearly admis-

The UniverSIS Project

University of Cincinnati UC decided to replace these systems ■ Degree Audit (DARS [Miami Univer-
Profile with a single, integrated student infor- sity – Ohio])
■ Founded 1819 mation system. When existing vendor UniverSIS was implemented on
■ Second-largest state university in Ohio product suites were found to meet schedule, within budget, and with all
■ 35,000 students only 60 to 70 percent of the univer- mission-critical functionality in place.
■ 5,000 Faculty and Instructors sity’s needs, UC decided to build the Implementation began 18 months after
■ 5 campuses system. Most of the system was cus- the start of the project and continued in
■ 17 colleges and schools, including tom-developed, but vendor products stages. Since development and imple-
Law and Medicine were used for specific purposes. The mentation overlapped, construction of
■ 250 undergraduate programs/majors design of the system emphasized prin- temporary interfaces proved necessary.
■ 150 graduate programs/majors ciples of flexibility. The existing legacy systems were retired
on the fourth anniversary of the pro-
The UniverSIS Project System Scope ject’s start. Included in the implementa-
In the mid-1990s, the University of ■ Demographics: personal information tion effort was conversion of the aca-
Cincinnati (UC) faced the need to ■ Curriculum: colleges, courses, demic records of the 250,000+ students
retire its legacy student information academic programs, classes, class- for whom electronic records existed.
system. The system was in fact a set of room scheduling — Series 25 The UniverSIS programming was done
individual systems that supported spe- (CollegeNet) by fewer than six people.
cific business processes and were used ■ Admissions: recruitment and appli- UniverSIS is currently in its third year
exclusively by individual business units. cation processing of operation. As expected, business
The systems interfaced via batch feeds ■ Financial Aid: Financier (Wolffpack) requirements change frequently, and
of data. A significant amount of data ■ Registration/Student Records the demand for enhancements is con-
was stored redundantly. Most of the (enrollment processes and academic tinuous. As hoped, the flexible design
systems were written in PL/I using records) of the system has allowed many
VSAM files for data storage; one major ■ Student Accounts (fee assessments enhancements to be accommodated
component used an IMS database. and billing) with little or no IT intervention.

Number 3 2002 • E D U C A U S E Q U A R T E R LY 45
sible could be offered admission imme- ent admission standards. Each appli-
diately. Those who were clearly not cant’s situation is potentially unique
admissible could be denied admission and could require exceptions to the gen-
immediately. Review of those in the eral rules. A solution that required tech-
third category was postponed until nical staff to be involved with each
the end of the application process. change in credential requirements or
admission requirements would have
The Problem been doomed to failure.
UC competes for those high school
students that all universities try to Flexible Awareness
attract — good students who fall in the To solve the awareness problem, the
“clearly admissible” category. Success developers designed mechanisms to let
in recruiting such students can depend administrative staff define required cre-
on reducing the time required to dentials and record receipt of an indi-
notify them of their acceptance. A It was critical that the vidual’s credentials.
trend among universities is “instant solutions to both the
admission.” As reported in the Chris- Define Credentials. Credentials take a
tian Science Monitor, “...a trend toward awareness and the evaluation variety of forms: transcripts, test scores,
rendering speedy decisions in person letters of recommendation, auditions,
problems provide both
is turning on its head the long wait for and portfolios, for example. Business
a ‘fat envelope’ in the mail.”1 automation and business staff define and maintain credentials. A
Processing an application involves credential definition may specify rat-
business rules and actions based on control over change. ings where appropriate. For example,
these rules: the College of Music may define a cre-
1. Determine, for each academic pro- In an environment where instant dential of “audition” with ratings from
gram, which credentials an appli- admission is the trend, the business prob- “poor” to “excellent.”
cant must provide. lem was to expedite the processing of
2. Determine, for an individual appli- applications, particularly those of stu- Define Credential Requirements. Busi-
cant, whether all required creden- dents who were clearly admissible. The ness staff define the standard credential
tials have been received. development problem was to solve the requirements of each academic pro-
3. Determine the conditions under business problem with a design that would gram. These requirements include the
which an applicant is clearly admis- easily accommodate future changes. following options:
sible to an academic program. ■ Levels of specificity. A credential may
4. Determine whether an individual Improving the Process, be required of all applicants or limited
applicant is admissible. Flexibly to specific colleges, programs, or
Points 1 and 3 refer to business rules. In designing the system to stream- majors. For example, “application
Credential requirements and admis- line the process of reviewing applica- fee” might be a general requirement,
sion requirements are typically stable, tions, the developers identified two but “audition” might be a require-
but may change from year to year. independent problems: awareness and ment specific to applicants to music
Experienced admissions counselors evaluation. The awareness problem or dance programs.
remember the requirements. New staff involves identifying required creden- ■ Count. Multiple credentials of the
members typically need to refer regu- tials per academic program, and recog- same type may be required, such as
larly to a procedure manual. nizing and recording the fact that an letters of recommendation.
Points 2 and 4 refer to actions taken application is complete. The evaluation ■ Verification. Upon receipt of a cre-
on an individual application. These problem consists of identifying admis- dential, the content and validity
actions occur only when the admis- sion requirements per academic pro- might need to be verified separately
sions counselor becomes aware of the gram, determining that an applicant (letter of recommendation, transcript).
need for intervention. Any delay in satisfies those requirements, and record- ■ Alternatives. A credential requirement
that awareness translates to a delay ing the decision. can be met in an alternative way, as
in reviewing the application. In addi- It was critical that the solutions to when one test result may be substi-
tion, during peak application review both the awareness and the evaluation tuted for another.
periods, even when a counselor becomes problems provide both automation and
aware of a completed application, time business control over change. UC offers Record Receipt of Credentials. Business
and the volume of applications already more than two hundred undergraduate staff record receipt of an individual’s
in the queue may delay review of that programs, each with potentially differ- credential as a document. Multiple ver-
application. ent credential requirements and differ- sions of the same document might be

46 E D U C A U S E Q U A R T E R LY • Number 3 2002
recorded for an individual. In addition have been able to reuse the creden- program and can be as simple or as com-
to the credential information itself, busi- tial/document mechanism for other plex as necessary. A requirement has
ness staff might record expiration date/ business purposes. For example, it is date-sensitive versions. This permits
term and free-form notes. used to record that an incoming stu- maintaining a history of requirements.
dent has attended freshman orienta- It also allows administrative staff to pre-
Achieving the objectives. The solu- tion and when a student’s address pare and test new versions of require-
tion UC developed addresses all of these information was last verified. ments without affecting current pro-
considerations. When an individual In addition, the mechanism has been cesses. IT staff get involved only when
applies for admission to an academic enhanced over time. The expiration date/ a new factor is defined.
program, the system retrieves the set term and free-form notes were later addi- A fictitious example using the 22BBA
of credential requirements pertinent to tions, prompted by the experience of Accounting program (see Figure 1) in
that program. These standard require- the business staff. These modifications the College of Business illustrates the
ments are copied to the individual’s did require intervention by the IT staff, design. Any applicant for this program
application profile. The admissions but the modifications were localized. between Terms 01W and 05U who meets
counselor can customize the applicant’s the requirement called ACCT will auto-
requirements to accommodate any spe- Flexible Evaluation matically receive an admission decision
cial circumstances, such as home school- The solution of the evaluation prob- of “OF” (Offered). In other words, if the
ing, foreign schooling, or need for lem allows administrative staff to define applicant meets the criteria found in
English proficiency certification. The admission requirements and provides a requirement ACCT, the system will auto-
list of required credentials functions as mechanism that lets the system evalu- matically admit the applicant to the
a checklist. ate credentials automatically. The first 22BBA ACCT program.
As an applicant provides credentials, step was to identify the factors that the Figure 2 shows that the requirement
receipt of each credential is recorded as colleges consider in making their deci- called ACCT specifies two conditions. If
a document. The system automatically sions. At the undergraduate level, the either condition is satisfied, the require-
matches the individual’s credential number of factors was small: ment has been met.
requirements — the checklist — against ■ High school GPA The first condition is shown in Figure
the documents received. When each ■ Percentage rank in high school class 3. The second condition would be the
item has been checked off, the system ■ Ohio High School Proficiency Test same except that SAT scores are specified
changes the status of the application to rating instead of ACT scores.
“Ready for Decision.” ■ Best ACT or SAT math score A mechanism called Evaluator com-
The credential-related mechanisms ■ Best composite ACT score or SAT total pares the applicant’s credentials to the
described above provide a high degree of score criteria specified in the requirements.
flexibility. No IT intervention is required ■ High school core courses completed This mechanism consists of two com-
to define new credentials or to maintain The developers designed a mecha- ponents: retrieval and analysis. The first
credential requirements. Unique needs nism that lets administrative staff define component retrieves an individual’s data
of individual applicants — exceptions to requirements in the form of logical state- for the specified factor. The component
the rules — can be accommodated ments about the factors. Requirements consists of a set of modules, each corre-
within the system, again without IT are attached to the appropriate academic sponding to a decision factor. For exam-
It is important to note that the con- Figure 1
cept of documenting credentials did
not come directly from the admissions Example of Decision Rules
staff. They expressed their require- =============================================================
ments very specifically: application Maintain Admission Decision Rules
fee, letter of recommendation, test
score, high school transcript, and so *Academic Program: 22BBA _____ Bachelor of Business
on. The UniverSIS developers, thinking
*Academic Area...: ACCT _____ Accounting
in terms of flexibility — accommo-
dating change — identified a general
*Decision Code: OF Offered
category into which these specific
items could be grouped and identified *Begin Term...: 01W _____ Winter Quarter 2000–01
a pattern of data elements needed to *End Term.....: 05U _____ Summer Quarter 2004–05
support members of that category. That
pattern has proven to be consistent *Requirement: ACCT___________ 09 12 2000 CBA ACCT Criteria
with the pattern of documenting cre- =============================================================
dentials in general. The developers

Number 3 2002 • E D U C A U S E Q U A R T E R LY 47
Figure 2 tern of evaluating an individual’s data
profile against a set of criteria has proven
Conditions for “ACCT” Requirement to be one that repeats itself in many busi-
============================================================== ness processes. For example, the Student
Accounts office maintains all rules for
Maintain Evaluator Requirement
assessment of tuition and fees, and the
Registrar’s office maintains rules for reg-
Requirement: ACCT___________
istration restrictions. As rules change,
Version Date: 09 12 2000 business staff make the necessary system
adjustments. UniverSIS provides a tool
Description: CBA ACCT Criteria______________________________________ that allows business staff to test require-
ments online. Staff can view the result of
*Conditions (meeting one condition satisfies requirement) each step of the analysis to pinpoint any
1 CBAACCT1_______ CBA Criteria (with ACT) difficulties with the logic.
2 CBAACCT2_______ CBA Criteria (with SAT) A reusable tool such as the Evaluator,
============================================================== used for multiple purposes in multiple
business units, presents potential risks.
Figure 3 Without some control mechanism, staff
in one business unit might inadvertently
ACT Condition for “ACCT” Requirement make changes that affect another unit’s
============================================================== processes. To address this issue, UniverSIS
segments Evaluator requirements by type,
Maintain Evaluator Condition
ensuring that only authorized staff mem-
Condition ID: CBAACCT1_______ bers maintain them. Every business pro-
cess that uses the Evaluator is tied to a
Description: CBA Criteria (with ACT)___________________________ requirement type.

*Selection Element *OP *Value

The Improved UC
HS-GPA _________________________ GE 3.000 _____________ Application Process
AND HS-CLASS-RANK-PCT ______________ LE 25 ________________ Solution of the awareness problem
AND BEST-ONGPT-RATING ______________ EQ E _________________ has improved application processing
or _________________________________ EQ P _________________ significantly. Admissions counselors
AND ACT-BEST-MATH __________________ GE 22.00 _____________ review applications “Ready for Deci-
sion” and take action only on those
AND ACT-BEST-COMPOSITE_____________ GE 22.00 _____________
applications for which the system was
AND HS-CORE-DEFICIENCY _____________ EQ 0.000 _____________ unable to make an automated decision.
The system functions as each counselor’s
self-maintaining “to do” list. Counselors
ple, one module retrieves an individual’s tree, plugging in the individual’s data val- no longer review applications for com-
high school GPA, another retrieves best ues appropriately, and returns either a pleteness. The system does that. This
ACT math score, and so on. Once written, “true” or “false” value. When all criteria feature is especially valuable for new
these modules are available as building have been satisfied — the result is true — counselors who are unfamiliar with the
blocks for an unlimited number of con- the system records the decision auto- requirements of each program.
ditions. A factor can be data retrieved matically on the individual’s application. UC chose to implement automated
directly from the individual’s record, or The business objective was to design a evaluation of applications as a batch
it can be data derived programmatically mechanism that would allow the system process. Each night, the system identi-
from a combination of records, such as to admit qualified applicants automati- fies applications that have reached
ACT-BEST-MATH. cally. The technical objective was to meet Ready for Decision status and evaluates
The second component analyzes the the business objective with a design that them. For any applicant who meets the
applicant’s data, comparing it against the was flexible. Both objectives were requirements, an offer of admission is
requirement, factor by factor, until it can achieved. Business staff in the admis- recorded and an offer letter is auto-
be determined whether the applicant has sions office maintain the requirements matically generated.
satisfied all criteria. The conditions without IT intervention. With the automated evaluation mech-
described earlier are stored in the form of The effort to develop the Evaluator anism in place, the UC admissions office
a logical binary tree. The mechanism that tool was significant and complex. How- can mail an offer letter to a clearly admis-
performs the analysis parses the binary ever, the payoff justifies the work. The pat- sible applicant within 48 hours of the

48 E D U C A U S E Q U A R T E R LY • Number 3 2002
time the applicant’s documents have answer. If the answer was “because we’ve selves with individual processes, pro-
been recorded, without any interven- always done it that way” or “because gramming staff traditionally concern
tion by an admissions counselor. Even the system won’t let me...,” more anal- themselves with coding programs to sup-
when decisions cannot be made auto- ysis was needed. The answer often traced port those processes. Because the flexible
matically, the typical turnaround time for back to the design of the legacy system, UniverSIS design allows business staff to
an application has been reduced signif- in which changes almost always required exercise control over much of the sys-
icantly. This was evident from a cam- modifications to program code. Busi- tem’s behavior, programmers do not
pus survey in which the UC characteristic ness staff had found ways to work spend their time on the traditional task
that was rated highest by the students around the system’s limitations to of recoding programs when business
was “timeliness of your acceptance.” accommodate changes in business rules change. Instead, they design and
The automated decision process was requirements, often by recording odd code solutions that frequently work indi-
initially implemented for a limited num- values in fields designed for a completely rectly. Programs often don’t contain the
ber of academic programs. After one different purpose — “beware the aster- actual business rules. Instead, they con-
year, analysis of the results indicates isk.” Over the course of the project, the tain the logic to look up the rules.
that approximately 12 percent of the business staff began to recognize that Furthermore, since the developers
offers of admission were made through workarounds occurred because often it have isolated many reusable pieces of
the automated decision process. Clearly was too difficult to change the system. complex logic, programs are often
qualified applicants were offered admis- The experience of long-time business assemblies of references to other spe-
sion, and also confirmed their accep- staff was particularly important in cialized programs. This approach takes
tance, earlier than in years past. The cri- answering the second question. They some getting used to. It also requires
teria for “clearly admissible” were set knew that the answer to whether the good communication and documenta-
conservatively, to avoid any potential rules ever change was “Yes!” They knew tion. The independent-minded pro-
oversubscribing of the programs. The which business requirements had been grammer who would rather do things his
list of academic programs for which stable over time and which changed on or her own way presents a significant
automated offers can be made has been a regular basis. barrier to the success of such an
expanded, and the “clearly admissible” The good news is that business staff approach. It is critical that management
bar is likely to be lowered as well. The have come to see the value of flexibility, take an active role in establishing and
goal is to have 70 percent of offers made particularly in putting direct control enforcing adherence to standards,
automatically by the system. The expec- over change in their hands. The bad including the concept of reuse. While
tation is that the admissions staff will news, or so it sometimes seems, is that design and construction of flexible solu-
make any system adjustments required the business staff have active responsi- tions initially may take longer than task-
to achieve that goal without IT staff bility for maintaining business rules as specific solutions, over time flexible
intervention. data, which involves a lot of work. Before solutions lead to a significant reduction
a system feature can be implemented, in routine system maintenance and an
Staff Impact the rules have to be in place. In addition, increase in the amount of time available
of Flexible Design because formerly separate modules are to IT staff for new projects.
A flexible system design changes the now integrated, staff in one business
roles of the developers and operators of unit have to communicate more closely Designing Flexible Systems
that system. In the development of Uni- with their colleagues in other units. The An information system that incorpo-
verSIS, the key business roles were played impact of change can be far reaching and rates effective use of flexible design embod-
by the individuals who could explain may be felt immediately in unexpected ies a set of technical principles. It also
current processes and also analyze and places. Ultimately, however, this is good, reflects an understanding of the attitudes
clarify the underlying business rules and requiring the various business units of of both the IT developers and business
requirements. Similarly, the developers the university to follow a consistent set staff who will be involved in the project.
had to think beyond the requirements of business rules and to explore the
of the current processes, understanding potential impacts of change. Technical Guidelines
the underlying rules and requirements In addition, the nature of system test- To design a system that is flexible,
well enough to design solutions that ing has changed. Changes to business developers should
would easily accommodate changes in rules ideally do not involve changes in ■ Conceptualize the system as a whole
those rules and requirements. program code. Testing has become, there- dynamic entity, not as a set of connected
In analyzing business requirements, fore, not only a significant responsibility pieces. The goal must be an integrated
the developers regularly posed two ques- of business staff but an activity for which system with a shared information
tions: “Why do you do that?” and “Do they are almost solely responsible. structure, not one in which inde-
the rules ever change?” The first question The change for the IT staff has been pendent modules are merely inter-
was often met with puzzlement, partic- equally significant. Just as the front-line faced, passing information back and
ularly when no one was sure of the business staff traditionally concern them- forth between one another.

Number 3 2002 • E D U C A U S E Q U A R T E R LY 49
■ Define and enforce consistent design
standards for both technical require-
ments and the user interface. A data
dictionary is essential to defining
UniverSIS Tools business staff. The system behaves in
the same way regardless of which
standard fields and relationships and Techniques component is being used.
among entities. Use of program mod-
UniverSIS was built using the Soft- UniverSIS uses standard CON-
els and templates facilitates coding. A
code generator, in conjunction with ware AG development tool set. It STRUCT object models for mainte-
the active data dictionary, signifi- runs in a mainframe environment. nance of data. All data is stored in
cantly reduces the amount of manual ■ ADABAS is the DBMS. ADABAS, and maintenance of all
coding required. Technical managers ■ NATURAL is the fourth-generation records is managed through object
must ensure that standards are doc-
language. subprograms, which enforce the
umented and enforced.
■ PREDICT is the active data stored business rules. The developers
■ Separate the user interface, business rules,
and data (n-tiered architecture). This per- dictionary. used PREDICT extensively within Uni-
mits use of a new interface medium, ■ CONSTRUCT is the code verSIS, both to provide documenta-
such as the World Wide Web, without generator. tion and to enforce standards. The
change to business logic or data stor- At the outset, project stakeholders system was developed with main-
age. It’s not just the business that may
agreed to use standard CONSTRUCT frame screens as the user interface,
change — the world is also changing.
models and a consistent look-and- but that interface contains no busi-
■ Identify logical data entities and entity
types, and maintain them as individual feel for presentation of information ness logic. This approach permits
objects. The object maintenance pro- on screens. This facilitated both tech- easy substitution of a different inter-
gram performs all maintenance of nical development and training of face, such as the World Wide Web.
entity records. All business rules are
enforced through that program, ensur-
ing that those rules are applied consis- nize inflexible design and correct it. At a demonstration project involving a sig-
tently. Variations of entity types must times the developers of UniverSIS missed nificant but not mission-critical system.
considered in the design. For example, requirement details or made incorrect Those involved in the development of
a Person may be an Applicant, a Stu- assumptions about what could change. this system should agree to the following
dent, an Employee, and so on. On such occasions, they tore apart what behavioral guidelines:
■ Eliminate meaning from record keys. they had done and redesigned it. Though ■ Be committed. Everyone, from the project
Keys are simply pointers to unique painful, the effort of correcting the design sponsors to the technical staff, must be
records in the database. For user com- to make it more flexible was worthwhile committed to the goal of flexibility. Busi-
fort, naming conventions may be in the long run. The tools used to develop ness and technical staff must ask two
needed, but meaning must not be the system made the effort much less questions: “How might this change in
embedded in the name, and enforce- painful than it might have been. (The the future?” and “How can that change
ment of business rules must not use sidebar “UniverSIS Tools and Techniques” be accommodated through changes in
a naming convention. summarizes the technical tools and staff-maintained business rules?”
■ Store business rules as data. Changes in environment.) ■ Be patient. It may take longer to develop
business rules are the most likely trig- a flexible solution than a specific solu-
ger of system modifications. When- Participant Attitudes tion until developers have mastered
ever possible, business rules should be While the technical environment and the tools and approach.
maintained by business staff, reduc- tools play important roles in the design ■ Be persistent. Under pressure, develop-
ing the need for file and program of flexible systems, no less important ers are tempted to go with a quick-
maintenance by technical staff. are the attitudes of project participants, and-dirty (inflexible) solution, with the
■ Code reusable logic in callable routines. who must have confidence in the con- intention of going back later to do it
Documenting such routines is an essen- cept of flexible design. The lead devel- right. Resist this temptation. Eventually,
tial aspect of technical management. opers of UniverSIS had such confidence, the time saved with the quick-and-
■ Develop general-purpose, reusable busi- having been involved in designing other dirty solution is lost many times over
ness processes whenever possible. Sepa- flexible systems. The confidence of the to the effort required to maintain it. If
rate business processes often follow a UC business staff evolved over the course a design is recognized as insufficiently
common pattern. Develop general- of the project, as the effectiveness and flexible, redesign it. Everyone will learn
purpose, rather than purpose-spe- benefits of flexibility became clear. from the experience.
cific, processing tools. To establish the needed confidence, an ■ Think in a new way. This is essential and
It is essential that developers recog- organization might want to begin with rewarding at the same time. The chal-

50 E D U C A U S E Q U A R T E R LY • Number 3 2002
lenge of devising programs that adjust management feature that can be used to The success of UniverSIS, or any flex-
their behavior based on changes in generate personalized letters. The feature ible system, will be judged by how well
staff-maintained business rules can was initially developed to produce offer it accommodates current and future
release pent-up creativity. This is a far letters for the admissions office. Without business requirements, and how business
cry from the typical hostage situation any changes to program code, the Col- staff take ownership of the system. At
where IT professionals have no time, lections office was able to use the same UC, the business staff own UniverSIS.
no resources, and no charter to imag- feature to generate personalized letters The benefits of flexible design have been
ine anything new. to students with delinquent accounts. clearly demonstrated. e
■ Develop general-purpose, reusable busi- All correspondence-related work was per-
ness processes whenever possible. Separate formed by business staff modifying val- Endnote
business processes often follow a com- ues in UniverSIS. The only change that 1. “Why Wait? Colleges Try ‘Instant Admis-
mon pattern. Look for that pattern. involved technical staff was setting up a sion’,” Christian Science Monitor, Decem-
ber 11, 2001.
Develop pattern-oriented processing new batch job.
tools rather than purpose-specific pro-
cessing tools. Ask “How else might we Financial Oversight for Athletes Robert Miller ( is Direc-
use this tool?” UC, like other large universities, is fre- tor of Information Technology System Ser-
Having developed one flexible system quently under scrutiny by the NCAA to vices at the University of Cincinnati in Cincin-
that stands up well to changes in business make sure athletes aren’t getting money nati, Ohio. Bruce Johnson (mountainbruce@
requirements, both business and techni- they should not be getting. The athletic is retired from a position as
cal staff will gain confidence in the con- director ordered that the system be mod- associate professor at Xavier University. Wal-
cept of flexibility and in their ability to ified — immediately — to block refund ter W. Woolfolk ( is Infor-
design other flexible systems. checks for athletes until financial aid mation Systems Director for Taylor Dis-
award requirements had been verified. tributing in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Flexibility in Practice Only 12 hours of programmer time were
The following brief examples illustrate required to develop the required modifi-
the positive impact of flexible design. In cation, which includes automated block
an inflexible system, the required modifi- of refund checks and automated e-mail
cations would have been costly, time- notification of the Athletics department
consuming, disruptive, or not done at all. when a change in an athlete’s enroll- Suggested Reading
ment or financial aid status occurs. The
Johnson, Bruce, Walter W. Wool-
On-Campus Transfer developers were able to adapt and reuse
folk, and Peter Ligezinski, “Counter-
In the past, students who wanted to existing features, significantly reducing
intuitive Management of Informa-
transfer from one college to another the need for custom coding.
tion Systems Technology,” Business
within UC were required to go through
Horizons, March–April 1999.
a procedure that involved paper forms Results Justify the Effort Johnson, Bruce, and Walter W.
and manual processes. Adding a single Flexible features form the tool set for
Woolfolk, “Generic Entity Clouds: A
code to a staff-controlled table, for “on- the business staff. As they learn the tools
Stable Information Structure for
campus transfer application,” allowed and gain confidence in them, they want
Flexible Computer Systems,” Sys-
the UniverSIS admissions module to be to use them for every possible purpose.
tems Development Management,
used for this new purpose. All necessary As new business requirements have
October 2001.
system modifications were performed by emerged, business staff recognize how
Woolfolk, Walter W., Peter
business staff modifying data. The paper much direct control they have and appre-
Ligezinski, and Bruce Johnson, “The
process has been eliminated. ciate the value of reuse and consistency.
Problem of the Dynamic Organiza-
There have been situations in which the
tion and the Static System: Princi-
Tuition and Fees business staff accommodated a com-
ples and Techniques for Achieving
The university was faced with a sudden pletely new requirement in minutes with
Flexibility,” Proceedings of the 29th
and unexpected mid-year drop in financial an existing feature simply through mod-
Annual Hawaii International Confer-
support from the state. In the middle of ification of data. The UniverSIS devel-
ence on Systems Sciences (HICSS-
autumn quarter, a decision was made to opers have been surprised, and delighted,
29), Vol. III, January 1996, p. 482.
increase all tuition and fees as of winter at the ways in which the system features
Woolfolk. Walter W., and Bruce
quarter. All rate adjustments were performed are being used. In many cases, technical
Johnson “Information-Free Identi-
by business staff in less than two business staff function only as consultants, help-
fiers — A Key to Flexible Informa-
days. No IT intervention was required. ing the business staff identify which of
tion Systems,” Data Base Manage-
the available tools would be most appro-
ment, Part I July 2001, Part II August
Correspondence Control priate, but making no changes to pro-
UniverSIS provides a correspondence grams or files.

Number 3 2002 • E D U C A U S E Q U A R T E R LY 51

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