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Energy Policy 40 (2012) 59–68

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Renewables and climate change mitigation: Irreversible energy investment

under uncertainty and portfolio effects
Sabine Fuss a,, Jana Szolgayová a,b, Nikolay Khabarov a, Michael Obersteiner a
IIASA, Schlossplatz 1, 2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia

a r t i c l e in fo abstract

Article history: Ongoing negotiations under the UNFCCC center around the possibilities for stabilization of greenhouse
Received 26 November 2009 gases at a ‘‘safe’’ level. New energy technologies are assumed to make major contributions to this goal.
Accepted 29 June 2010 However, in the light of scientific uncertainty (e.g. about climate sensitivity, feedback effects, etc.),
Available online 24 July 2010
market uncertainty (e.g. fuel price volatility), technological uncertainty (e.g. availability of renewable
Keywords: technology), socio-economic uncertainty (e.g. development of different macroeconomic factors) and
Real options policy uncertainty (e.g. about commitment to specific targets and stability of CO2 prices), it is difficult to
Renewable energy assess the importance of different technologies in achieving robust long-term climate risk mitigation.
Portfolio theory One example currently debated in this context is biomass-based energy, which can be used to produce
both carbon-neutral electricity and at the same time offer the possibility of ‘‘negative emissions’’ by
capturing carbon from biomass combustion at the conversion facility and permanently storing it. In this
study, we analyze the impact of uncertainty on investment decision-making at the plant level in a real
options valuation framework, and then use the GGI Scenario Database (IIASA, 2009) as a point of
departure for deriving optimal technology portfolios across different socio-economic scenarios for a
range of stabilization targets, focusing, in particular, on the new, low-emission targets using alternative
risk measures.
& 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction also a possibility (even though still too expensive for the
moment). Next to market uncertainty, it is also not yet clear,
Ongoing negotiations under the UNFCCC center around the which of the new technologies will be available and at which cost,
possibilities for stabilization of greenhouse gases (GHG) at a which is referred to as technological uncertainty. At a larger scale,
‘‘safe’’ level. This stabilization target is usually aimed at limiting scientific uncertainty and uncertainty pertaining to the commit-
temperature increases to 2 1C above pre-industrial levels, which ment to and implementation of regulation interact to confront
is—to a large extent—supposed to be achieved by decreasing the energy companies with the difficulty to form plans contingent on
emissions-intensity of the energy sector. In particular, renewables expectations about the future carbon price, which might be
and negative emission technologies such as biomass-fired updated as new scientific information arrives or as policymakers
electricity generation with carbon capture and storage (CCS) have or their commitments change. Assuming that operations and
been brought into the focus of current discussions. As straightfor- investments (e.g. retrofitting or refurbishments) at the plant level
ward as such a technology-focussed strategy appears to be, are carried out optimally, the question is then how the energy mix
however, it is still vitally important to keep the uncertainties should be composed assuming a top-down view. Adopting types
affecting investments in the energy sector in mind. of capacity, which respond differently to fuel price volatility, for
At the plant level, risks mainly emanate from the market: example, can provide substantial diversification benefits.
volatile prices for fossil fuels might make conventional thermal In an earlier paper by Fortin et al. (2008), the plant-level
power plants a less attractive choice for the future, yet their decisions are optimized in a real options framework and the
capital costs are considerably lower than those for more modern, resulting return distributions are then used in a portfolio
efficient fossil-fuel-fired power plants, where carbon capture is optimization. We adopt the same basic framework here, but
extend it in a very important way: not knowing which stabiliza-
tion target will ultimately be adopted, investors are completely
 Corresponding author. Tel.: + 43 2236 807 550. uncertain about the future level of the carbon price. It is even
E-mail addresses: (S. Fuss), (J. Szolgayová), impossible to assign probabilities to different targets, since new (N. Khabarov), (M. Obersteiner). scientific information (e.g. about feedback effects of climate

0301-4215/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
60 S. Fuss et al. / Energy Policy 40 (2012) 59–68

sensitivity) can change the optimal target either way. In that case, The results show that there is indeed a difference between
the technology mix should be of a composition, which performs risk-neutral investors focussing on the minimization of expected
best, even if the worst case ultimately materializes. Another costs only and risk-averse actors, who minimize the CVaR. The
dimension of uncertainty requiring a portfolio robust across latter seek more diversification, even if this comes at the cost of
scenarios is the lack of knowledge about the future development higher costs. For example, the fact that we are only looking at
of socio-economic factors, technological change, etc. For this relatively strict stabilization targets makes coal-fired capacity
purpose we use the GGI Scenario Database (IIASA, 2009), which very unattractive in the risk-neutral case, but risk averse investors
has recently been updated to provide low-stabilization target would still adopt a relatively high coal share, since the alternative
projections for all socio-economic scenarios. fossil-fuel-based technology, gas, is more risky due to the high gas
Individually, the methodologies combined in this study are not price volatility. Also wind capacity is adopted only under risk
new. Real options analysis has been applied to energy sector minimization due to its stable costs, which are neither affected by
planning for years, since the special features of the electricity carbon price volatility nor by fuel price fluctuations. In addition,
sector (uncertainty, irreversibility and the flexibility to postpone the portfolios, which are robust across specific stabilization
investments) make standard investment rules relying on the net targets for a specific socio-economic scenario appear to be more
present value (NPV) inappropriate because they ignore the prone to diversification than the other way around, pointing to
options involved in the sequence of decisions. Dixit and Pindyck the conclusion that uncertainty about the level of the carbon price
(1994) provide a comprehensive introduction to the topic of real has a more profound effect on the optimal composition of
options and in one chapter they demonstrate the usefulness of technology portfolios than the uncertainty associated with the
this approach to support decision-making in electricity planning materialization of different socio-economic pathways in the
(Dixit and Pindyck, 1994, pp. 51–54). Tseng and Barz (2002), future.
Hlouskova et al. (2005) and Deng and Oren (2003) amongst many The rest of the paper is structured as follows: the following
others have analyzed the effects of e.g. variability in loads and the section will introduce the basic framework, the scenarios used in
inclusion of specific operational constraints on investment. Our the analysis and the technologies considered to illustrate the
study is closer to applications focussing on the longer-run, approach. Section 3 will then give a detailed account of the real
however. One example is by Fleten et al. (2007). They show that options layer, while Section 4 will only be concerned with
investment in power plants relying on renewable energy sources defining the portfolio optimization problem. The results section
will be postponed beyond the traditional NPV break even point will provide some illustrations of applications of the new
when a real options approach with stochastic electricity prices is approach and the final section will interpret the general
used. Reinelt and Keith (2007) also consider carbon capture implications and identify the dimensions, along which future
retrofits in a real options model. The solution methodology used research should expand the new framework.
in this study is the same as in Fuss et al. (2009). This paper also
provides a more comprehensive overview of the real options
literature in this area. 2. New methodology applied to context of renewable energy
The second layer of the framework used in this paper’s study and carbon-saving technology
also relates to principles from finance (Markowitz, 1952, 1959),
but portfolio selection approaches have also been framed and Due to the high amount of uncertainty and the different types
applied to non-financial assets before. Earlier work originates from of risk affecting decision-making in the electricity sector, a new
Helfat (1988), for example, who values offshore oil leases and Seitz framework has been developed, as documented in Fortin et al.
and Ellison (1995), who value the financing of long-term projects. (2008). This approach also takes into account that plant level
More closely related to our purposes, however, are the applica- decisions need to consider irreversibility (e.g. due to the high sunk
tions involving energy planning. Even though the first attempt costs when plants are retrofitted) and that larger energy
dates back as long as 1976 (Bar-Lev and Katz, 1976), interest in the companies will want to diversify their energy portfolio if they
topic has arisen again at later points in time (e.g. Humphreys and are risk-averse. In particular, a real options model is used to
McClain, 1998; Awerbuch and Berger, 2003; Awerbuch, 2006; optimize operational and investment decisions for one plant at a
Roques et al., 2008). Some of the most recent work in this area is time. This is performed for several technologies or types of plants,
compiled in Bazilian and Roques (2008). None of these applica- which provides us with the cost or return distributions resulting
tions deals with the problem that we cannot assign probabilities to from optimal behavior at the plant level, as described in detail in
different scenarios and that some factors, such as the carbon price, Section 3. These distributions then enter a portfolio selection
can simply not be forecast, since it is also a function of new problem, which minimizes risk subject to a constraint on cost or
scientific advances and political processes. One contribution of this return or optimizes cost or return subject to a constraint on risk.
paper is to take a first step into the direction of answering such In order to measure risk we depart from the traditional mean–
questions by implementing an objective using a minimax function. variance framework and consider the Conditional Value-at-Risk
While most of the portfolio work in the past has been relying (CVaR), which is the conditional expectation of random values
on the variance as a risk measure, more recent work has taken exceeding a particular threshold, where this threshold is the
explicit note of the fact that the cost or return distributions in the Value-at-Risk (VaR). The 95%-VaR, for instance, is the 95th
electricity sector are not necessarily normal. Long and fat tails can percentile of a given distribution of losses (in terms of profits
lead to large losses, which are typically not captured by the foregone or costs incurred). Both the optimization problem and
mean–variance approach. If the decision-maker is averse against the risk measure will be defined in more detail in Section 4.
such losses, a better risk measure would be the b-Value-at-risk While this is essentially the method already developed by
(VaR) or the bConditional Value-at-risk (CVaR), where the Fortin et al. (2008), the main contributions of this paper are (a) its
former refers to the bth percentile of a loss distribution and application to a very important problem, which is the adoption of
the latter is the expected value of the random values exceeding renewable energy and carbon-saving technologies in the current
this threshold. Fortin et al. (2008) provide a detailed review of the situation of climate change agreement negotiations and the
literature in this area and with particular emphasis on applica- corresponding uncertainties, and (b) the consideration of
tions to portfolio optimization in the energy sector. We will define technology portfolios, which are robust across different socio-
these risk measures in more detail in Section 4. economic scenarios for a range of stabilization targets, focusing, in
S. Fuss et al. / Energy Policy 40 (2012) 59–68 61

Table 1
Power plant data.


Efficiency (%) 46 36 58 49 35 27 NA
Capacity factor (%) 89 85 89 85 89 85 40
Capital cost (h/ kW) 1182 1882 500 848 1537.19 1880.19 1800
O&M cost (h/ yr/kW) 68.297 101.465 15.281 34.042 43.269 64.282 76
CO2 emissions (kg/kWh) 0.74 0.111 0.348 0.052 0  0.141 0
Technical lifetime (yrs) 30 30 30 30 30 30 25

Source: taken or derived from van den Broek et al. (2008), to be complemented with fuel price developments from the GGI Scenario Database (IIASA, 2009) and
with biomass-fired technology parameters from ‘‘Projected Costs of Generating Electricity 2005 Update’’ (International Energy Agency/OECD, 2005), CRRF stands for
capture-ready retrofit.

particular, on the new low-emission targets provided by the GGI The GGI scenarios can be divided into three categories A2r, B1,
Scenario Database generated by IIASA’s MESSAGE model, a large- and B2. Each category is defined by different assumptions on
scale bottom-up, cost-minimizing energy systems model (IIASA, socio-economic development of the world. B1 assumes a
2009). The latter implies that we are effectively changing the relatively optimistic outlook on the future development. In
objective of the portfolio optimization looking for the portfolio, particular, population first increases and then starts to decline
which will perform best, even if the least favorable scenario (in mid-century. Furthermore, rates of technological progress are
terms of costs) materializes. It is clear that for most technologies high resulting in clean and resource-efficient technologies.
the least favorable scenario for a power plant operator is one Finally, economies undergo a transition to service and informa-
where a strict stabilization target combines with a socio- tion economies. Policies are geared toward social, economic and
economic scenario having a relatively pessimistic outlook on the environmental sustainability. GHG (shadow) prices rise sharply in
developments of population, technological change and diffusion, the beginning but actually even decrease towards the end of the
urbanization, etc. Such a combination requires higher carbon projection period. However, this long-term view does not fall in
prices to achieve stabilization, which represent a cost to the the range of the planning period of the study at hand, see Table 1.
power plant owner. Also, fuel prices and their growth rate will B2 is an intermediate scenario category, with assumptions in
depend upon the scenario chosen. In the remainder of this section, between those of the other two.
we provide an overview of the GGI scenarios and characterize the In contrast, scenario A2r—on the other side of the spectrum—
technologies considered in our analysis. is much more pessimistic about the future: fertilities do not
These technologies are coal-, biomass- and gas-fired, all with converge in the near term and population increases substantially.
the possibility to be retrofitted with carbon capture, and an In addition, economic development is regionally very concen-
offshore wind farm, where we normalize the data to correct for the trated and there is only slow and fragmented technological
difference in capacity factors, see also Table 1. These choices were progress. Therefore, stabilization is not achieved easily and GHG
made for the reason that much of the existing capacity is still coal- shadow prices for more ambitious targets increase tremendously
based (for base load, in this case pulverized coal, PC) and gas-based over the course of the projection period. For more detailed
(for peak load, in this case natural gas combined cycle, NGCC). At information about the assumptions underlying the different
the same time, wind is a typical renewable energy carrier and scenarios the reader is referred to Riahi et al. (2007). The only
biomass-fired electricity generation bears the possibility of point we want to emphasize is that we are focussing in our analysis
negative emissions in the sense that retrofitting it with carbon on the newly computed, low-emission targets for all three
capture results in less emissions than emitted, given that the scenarios. We expect that the profitability of coal-fired electricity
carbon sequestrated in the biomass grown for combustion is generation will suffer from the high carbon prices thus imposed,
accounted for as well. These technologies are therefore but our choice is motivated by recent findings that much more
representative for ‘‘standard’’ fossil-fuel-based power plants and stringent targets than previously anticipated will be necessary to
renewable energy technologies in the stylized analysis conducted avoid major global warming (see e.g. Hansen et al., 2008).
in this paper. We think that it is of major importance to test the Figs. 1 and 2 show the developments for GHG prices in all three
methodology proposed with real data, but we do not intend to scenarios for the planning period considered in this paper’s exercise,
make numerically precise projections for a specific region or while fuel prices are only shown for the middle scenario, B2. The
energy company. In order to do that, we would need an exhaustive volatilities of the fuel price processes are taken from Pindyck (1999),
data set of all types of power plants used, precise information where gas prices have the highest volatility and coal the lowest.1
about the producer’s contracts for in- and outputs, a detailed
listing of all existing capacity and the remaining lifetimes and a
concise description and quantification of the regulations applying 3. A real options framework for firm-level decision-making in
to both investment and production decisions. Note that this is different socio-economic scenarios
beyond the scope of this paper, which is on the contrary intended
to extend a new methodology, test its applicability to electricity The framework used in this study is primarily intended to
planning and derive general insights for both stakeholders in the derive the cost distribution created by investment into a power
sector and policymakers on the regulatory side. plant of specified technology. The distribution is further used as
The GGI (Greenhouse Gas Initiative) scenario database docu- an input for the portfolio model and represents the cost
ments the results of a set of GHG scenarios that were created
using the IIASA Integrated Assessment Modeling Framework.
Beside its principal results that comprise the estimation of Due to lack of data, we assume biomass price volatility to be slightly higher
than that of coal, but significantly lower than that of gas. The results are robust
technologically specific multi-sector response strategies it also against marginal changes in this parameter, since the possibility of retrofitting
reports the projections of future carbon prices for a range of biomass with CCS and benefitting from negative emissions more than offsets the
alternative climate stabilization targets. disadvantages from higher biomass price volatility for the ranges tested.
62 S. Fuss et al. / Energy Policy 40 (2012) 59–68

Fig. 1. Coal, biomass and gas price projections from the GGI Scenario Database (IIASA, 2009).

Fig. 2. GHG shadow price projections from the GGI Scenario Database (IIASA, 2009).

associated with the investment into a power plant given that it is where xt denotes the state variable, at the control variable, p the
operated optimally afterwards. Therefore, it is derived as a yearly costs, c the costs associated with the undertaken action, r
solution to an optimal investment and operation plan for a single the discount rate, mc the drift and sc the volatility parameter of
cost-minimizing electricity producer. As possible technologies we the CO2 price. The state variable describes whether the CCS
consider gas, coal and biomass. Each technology considered is module has been built and whether it is currently running. The
analyzed separately. Independent of the technology, the possible possible actions (with the resulting costs) are the following: (I) no
actions the producer can consider and optimize is the investment action (zero costs), (II) investing into the CCS module (costs of the
into and further operation (switching on/off) of a CCS module. module), (III) switch the CCS module on (costs for switching) (IV)
We consider a producer that has to deliver a certain amount of switching the CCS module off (costs for switching). A(xt) denotes
electricity over the course of the planning period and faces a the set of feasible actions.2 The function F is used only to denote
stochastic price on CO2 (Pc). The investor’s optimization problem that the state in the next year is a deterministic function of
can be formulated as follows: current state and action only. The yearly costs consist of the cost
9 of fuel, CO2 expenses, and operational and maintenance (O&M)
PT 1 > costs3
minat ðxt ,Ptc Þ t¼0 E½pðxt ,at ðxt ,Ptc Þ,Ptc Þ þ cðat ðxt ,Ptc ÞÞ >
ð1 þ rÞt >
s:t: xt þ 1 ¼ Fðxt ,at ðxt ,Ptc ÞÞ for t ¼ 0, . . . ,T, >
> pðx,a,Pc Þ ¼ q f P f þ qc ðxÞPc þ O&MðxÞ, ð2Þ
sc =
lnðPt þ 1 =Pt Þ  N mc  , s2c for t ¼ 0, . . . ,T,
2 >
> 2
The restrictions on actions are that the investor can invest into the CCS
x0 ¼ 1 >
> module only if it has not been built yet and once the CCS module has been built, it
P0c ¼ P0 >
> can be only switched off and on.
at ðxt ,Ptc Þ A Aðxt Þ for t ¼ 0, . . . ,T, ; 3
As an assumption, a power plant will produce continuously throughout the
year, i.e. we have a fixed coefficients production function in the style of Leontieff
ð1Þ mimicking output contracts between distributors and generators.
S. Fuss et al. / Energy Policy 40 (2012) 59–68 63

where P f is the fuel price and qc and qf are the annual quantities of 4. Optimal portfolios facing policy and market uncertainty
CO2 emitted and fuel combusted, respectively. The formulation
assumes that decisions can be executed only on a yearly basis and The standard portfolio optimization framework is the mean–
assumes the actions are carried out immediately, i.e. we abstract variance approach introduced by Markowitz (1952). It employs
from construction times. This is not too strong an assumption, the variance as a measure of risk and although it is capable of
since the concerned technologies’ construction times do not differ explaining diversification and the risk-return trade-off in a very
substantially at the sizes considered and are not long in the first straightforward manned, there are a number of disadvantages
place compared to other plant types such as nuclear power plants. associated with this framework. Among the major ones are the
For all the technologies considered, we assume the planning assumption of joint normal distributions of assets’ returns and the
horizon T equal to 30 years, i.e. the lifetime of the plant (that assumption that the risk preference of the investor can be
means the power plant is new at the beginning). As formulated, modeled by a quadratic utility function. The former one is
the problem is a discrete stochastic optimal control problem on a particularly relevant for our paper, since the distributions derived
finite horizon and can be solved by dynamic programming. by the real options model proved to be non-normally distributed.
This means that the optimal actions can be derived recursively Therefore, another measure of risk has been considered. The
by the Bellman equation for the value function VðÞ: Conditional value-at-Risk (CVaR) has been studied since the later
nineties. In addition, the results in Rockafellar and Uryasev (2000,
Vðxt ,Ptc Þ ¼ min fpðxt ,a,Ptc Þ þ cðaÞ þ ð1 þrÞ1 EðVðxt þ 1 ,Ptcþ 1 Þjxt ,Ptc Þg,
a A Aðxt Þ 2002) make computational optimization on CVaR readily acces-
ð3Þ sible, since the CVaR minimization usually results in convex, or
even linear optimization problems. The bCVaR, also called the
where the value function is equal to zero at the end of the lifetime expected tail loss, is the expected value of the left btail of the
of the plant. We solve this problem numerically by discretization cost distribution; where b is the confidence level usually set at
of the carbon price, computing EðVðxt þ 1 ,Ptcþ 1 Þjxt ,Ptc Þ by Monte 95%. In other words, it measures risk of a distribution by the
Carlo simulation.4 expected value of the ð100bÞ percent of the highest losses. This
The output of the recursive optimization part is a multi- risk measure may be even more appropriate to measure the risk of
dimensional table, which lists the optimal action for each time long-lived real assets, as is the case in this paper, since the
period, for each possible state and for each possible carbon price in investment is irreversible. Therefore, the investor may be more
that period.5 These optimal actions can be called ‘‘strategies’’ and the sensitive to negative fluctuations in his profits disregarding the
output table can be regarded as a kind of ‘‘recipe’’ for the producer, positive ones.
so that he knows in each period, for each possible state occurring Defining the Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) according to
and for each possible realized price, what he shall optimally do. Rockafellar and Uryasev (2000), let f(x,y) be the loss function
For the analysis of the final outcome, we can then simulate depending on the investment strategy x A Rn and the random
(10,000) possible CO2 price paths and extract the corresponding vector yA Rm , and let p(y) be the density of y. The probability of
decisions from the output matrix (or the ‘‘recipe’’). f(x,y) not exceeding some fixed threshold level a is cðx, aÞ ¼
It is important to notice that although the optimal actions R
f ðx,yÞ r a pðyÞ dy. The bVaR is defined by ab ðxÞ ¼ minðajcðx, aÞ Z bÞ
were derived for stochastic CO2 prices only, with the power plant R
and the bCVaR is defined by CVaRb ðxÞ ¼ fb ðxÞ ¼ ð1bÞ1 f ðx,yÞ Z ab ðxÞ
data used in our analysis they are also optimal for a situation
where the investor would face stochastic fuel prices as well. This f ðx,yÞpðyÞ dy, which is the expected loss given that it exceeds the
holds because the fuel requirements for a given technology are bVaR level, where b is the confidence level.
the same both for the power plant with and without the CCS Both VaR and CVaR are applicable to profits as well as to losses,
module. Therefore the fuel costs for a given technology are because one may consider returns as negative losses (and losses
independent of the actions chosen. This fact enables us to as negative returns). Since we only consider cost distributions in
generate cost distributions for an investor facing both stochastic the following we do not need to reformulate the distributions
CO2 and fuel prices. We simulate 10,000 fuel price paths derived from the real options model; they can readily be used as
(assuming they behave as a GBM process with parameters from an input to the portfolio problem. Let us consider n different
the previous section), which together with the optimal decisions technologies (here n ¼4 including carbon capture facilities
at are used to compute the total discounted costs for each for three of them) for investment. Values yi, i ¼ 1,y,n,
simulation. These together with the capital costs needed for reflect the costs for each technology. We assume the vector
installing of the power plant form the cost distributions used as y ¼ ½y1 , . . . ,yn T A Rn of NPV costs to be a random vector having
an input into the portfolio model. some distribution and describe the investment strategy using the
In this way the distributions for the coal, gas and biomass vector x ¼ ½x1 , . . . ,xm T A Rn , where the scalar value xi reflects the
technologies are derived (for given parameters on fuel and CO2 fraction of capital invested into technology i.
prices), the costs of the wind plant are independent of both The cost function of the portfolio depends on the chosen
stochastic processes and are therefore deterministic, computed as investment strategy and the actual costs; therefore the loss
the sum of capital costs and discounted operational and main- function f(x,y) is equal to xTy. As the actual cost is unknown, there
tenance costs. The next section will now describe the portfolio is a specific degree of risk associated with investment strategy x.
optimization problem using these distributions. We assume the costs are uncertain and distributed according to
the distribution function derived from the real options model. The
task of the portfolio model is to find an investment strategy x that
Alternative methods are the formulation of partial difference equations,
minimizes the CVaR of the portfolio. Since the cost distributions
which are then discretized, or the set-up of binomial lattices. We use Monte Carlo
simulation, since it adapts rather easily when there are changes to the framework are empirical, following Rockafellar and Uryasev (2000) this
(e.g. when other price processes are tested). More importantly, however, it problem is equivalent to a piece-wise linear programming
remains computationally efficient for a high degree of complexity and is rather problem. This can be further reduced to a linear programming
precise when the discretization is sufficiently fine.
problem with auxiliary variables. A sample fyk gqk ¼ 1 ,yk A Rn of the
Note that the price will be discretized, so if we talk about possible instances
of the price, we mean each point in a grid between a pre-defined maximum and
cost distribution is used to construct the LP problem, this sample
minimum price, where the latter are set in such a way that they encompass 95% of is the input from the real options model. The LP problem is
all simulated price paths. equivalent to finding the investment strategy minimizing risk in
64 S. Fuss et al. / Energy Policy 40 (2012) 59–68

terms of CVaR: ~ so that the corresponding CVaR reaches its minimum

optimal x,
9 across all scenarios, i.e.
X >
1 >
min aþ u >
> ~ ¼ minmaxCVaRsb ðxÞ
CVaRb ðxÞ
x, a,u qð1bÞk ¼ 1 k = x s
s:t: eT x ¼ 1, mT x r C, x Z 0, uk Z 0, >
Alternatively to this formulation, it is also possible to find an
yTk x þ a þ uk Z 0, k ¼ 1, . . . , q, >
; optimal portfolio that minimizes expected costs subject to a
constraint on the risk as defined by the CVaR. We are also
where uk A R,k ¼ 1, . . . ,q, are auxiliary variables, e A Rn is a vector presenting the results for this optimization problem, but again we
of ones, q is the sample size, m ¼ EðyÞ A Rn is the expectation of the do not impose a binding CVaR-constraint in order to get the pure
cost vector, a the threshold according to the confidence level b expected cost minimization.
and C is the maximum allowed expected portfolio cost. Note that
we will set this constraint sufficiently high, so as to exclude the
possibility that one technology would not be part of the solution 5. Results
due to its cost level only, even if it had a favorable risk profile.
Eq. (4) describes the basic optimization problem. Its solution Having laid out the modeling framework in the previous
gives the optimal portfolio composition given the investor’s section, we are now presenting results for four cases. In each of
assumption on the CO2 scenario. However, let us consider a the model runs the portion of renewables is restricted to 50% of
situation where the investor does not know which socio- the total portfolio, since spatial constraints put a limit on the
economic scenario will materialize in the future. The aim of this expansion of both wind farms and biomass plantations for the
study is to determine such a portfolio that would perform best generation of biomass fuel for electricity generation. Two
even under the worst circumstances, where there is no informa- different scenarios to test the sensitivity of the energy mix for
tion as to which scenario is the most or least likely to materialize. assumptions about biomass data come into play: the baseline
In other words, we seek to find a portfolio that would be robust considers the shadow prices of the GGI Scenario Database (IIASA,
across all scenarios. Let us therefore consider a problem similar to 2009) for each socio-economic scenario and for each target,
(4), where the sample ðyk,s Þqk ¼ 1 ,yk,s A Rn of the cost distribution whereas we also consider a situation where biomass would come
depends on the scenario number s ¼1,y,S. We consider a at a considerably higher price (e.g. van den Broek et al., 2008, look
minimax setup, where an investor wants to hedge against the at wood pellet prices for firing biomass power plants). In
worst possible, where ‘‘worst’’ refers to the highest costs: particular, we assume that biomass prices are twice as high as
9 in the baserun. On top of this, we present portfolios minimizing
min v >
> expected costs versus portfolios minimizing risk in terms of CVaR.
x, a,u >
> The figures, which will be shown in this section, show the
1 Xq >
s:t: v Z as þ uk,s , >
= composition of the portfolios, which are robust across socio-
qð1bÞk ¼ 1
ð5Þ economic scenarios for a specific target (the first four bars), across
e x ¼ 1, ms x r Cs ,
T T >
> targets for a specific socio-economic scenario (the next three bars)
x Z 0, uk,s Z 0, >
> and across all scenarios and targets (the last bar, denoted
yk,s x þ as þuk,s Z 0, k ¼ 1, . . . , q, s ¼ 1, . . . , S, >
T ; ‘‘AllScen’’).
Figs. 3 and 4 display the technology mix for the baseline case,
where yk,s A Rn are cost distributions from the real options model i.e. for biomass prices developing as in the GGI scenarios. We see
ys for scenario s and uk,s A R are auxiliary variables. The solution that the minimization of expected costs fills the maximum
ðx  ,a  ,uÞ of problem (5) yields an approximation x to the renewables share of 50% with biomass-fired capacity, while the

Fig. 3. Expected cost minimization: optimal portfolio for baseline case.

S. Fuss et al. / Energy Policy 40 (2012) 59–68 65

Fig. 4. CVaR minimization: optimal portfolio for baseline case.

Fig. 5. Optimal portfolio costs and CVaR for baseline case.

rest is made up by gas.6 Only if carbon prices are relatively low which is robust across socio-economic scenarios for low stabiliza-
(590 ppm) and in the B1 scenario, biomass loses some of its tion targets. Also, coal-fired capacity becomes more attractive.
attractiveness and its share falls below 50%. This also shows up in These results can be explained by the high volatility of gas prices,
the optimal portfolio robust across both socio-economic scenarios which reduces the attractiveness of gas from a risk perspective,
and stabilization targets (‘‘AllScen’’). and by the fact that wind capacity is suffering neither from fuel
When minimizing risk in terms of CVaR, however, we observe price volatility nor from carbon price uncertainty.
a substantial amount of wind capacity entering the portfolio, However, this stability comes at the cost of significantly higher
expected costs, which need to be incurred in order to achieve a
relatively small gain in terms of CVaR risk. This can be verified in
Without the renewables constraint, i.e. assuming there is enough space for
Fig. 5. This figure also shows a rather unexpected result—the
biomass plantations and wind farms, biomass-fired electricity completely expected costs of the optimal portfolio are lower for stricter targets.
dominates the technology mix in the low stabilization target cases. Although this result may seem counterintuitive, it can be explained as
66 S. Fuss et al. / Energy Policy 40 (2012) 59–68

follows. As can be seen in Figs. 3 and 4, the optimal portfolios are in the expected costs. As the change in costs is more pronounced for the
most cases a combination of gas and biomass technology. Therefore, biomass rather than for the gas technology, the costs of the optimal
the effect of a stricter target on the portfolio costs can be explained by portfolios are higher for stricter targets.
its effect on the costs of gas and biomass technology. In case of gas The importance of biomass-fired capacity is striking in these
power plants, the investor reacts to a stricter target (and therefore a experiments—regardless of the optimization problem considered.
higher CO2 price) by an earlier and more frequent deployment of the This result hinges on this technology’s ability to ‘‘save’’ CO2
CCS module. For a stricter target the effect of the high CO2 price can emissions upon a carbon capture retrofit, as more CO2 is captured
be cushioned to some extent, which results in an only moderate than generated. In addition, the assumptions for biomass price
increase in expected costs. However, a biomass plant without the CCS developments appear to be rather optimistic compared to the
module is CO2 neutral, in case the CCS module is installed the data used by other analyses. Therefore, Figs. 6 and 7 show results
emissions get negative (see Table 1). Therefore, the higher CO2 prices for cost minimization and risk minimization, respectively, where
are beneficial for the biomass plant resulting in a sharp decrease of the biomass price has been doubled.

Fig. 6. Expected cost minimization: optimal portfolio for higher biomass price case.

Fig. 7. CVaR minimization: optimal Portfolio for higher biomass price case.
S. Fuss et al. / Energy Policy 40 (2012) 59–68 67

It is immediately obvious that the dominance of biomass-fired costs of which are relatively stable over the course of time. This is
capacity decreases compared to the baseline only when one of the issues that we consider important to investigate in the
we consider risk minimization; the case for expected cost future, especially since the time structure of the cost distributions
minimization appears to be largely robust against the change in for the underlying technologies may be complementary (e.g.
biomass costs. The technology gaining at the expense of biomass biomass costs declining sharply as the carbon price increases,
in the case of risk minimization is wind, which now also enters while the opposite applies in the case of fossil-fueled capacity).
the optimal portfolio for the 520 ppm target and the portfolios We expect that this could lead to a much wider scope for
robust across targets for all socio-economic scenarios. diversification.
These results, and in particular the last ones, point to an Another important issue neglected so far is the load structure
important implication: pure cost-minimizers,7 i.e. risk-neutral of the technology mix, so that demand can also be covered during
decision-makers are insensitive to different assumptions about peak hours. This could be implemented by introducing minimum
biomass price developments. In contrast, the behavior of risk- constraints on peak-load technologies, for example. Since the
averse investors changes significantly when biomass prices are purpose of this study was to analyze robust decisions in the face
doubled. In addition, it is evident that they seek more diversifica- of climate policy uncertainty based on the cost structure and risk
tion and adopt wind capacity and coal-fired capacity, whereas the profile of the underlying technologies, we omitted such technical
risk-neutral investors focus on biomass- and gas-fired plants. details at this stage. However, for providing recommendations for
the optimal energy mix, these constraints need to be incorporated
in the model in the future. In addition, more technologies would
6. Conclusion and identification of future research needs need to be considered and regionally specific conditions (e.g.
resource constraints) taken into account.
The analysis presented in this paper is an admittedly stylized
exercise, with a limited number of technologies. However, the
purpose of the study at hand is not to make numerically precise
recommendations for real investments, but rather to provide
insights to the effect that uncertainty has on decision-making
when there is no information about the probability of the This study has been carried out under IIASA’s Greenhouse Gas
occurrence of events. We think that the extension of our method Initiative’s ( project entitled
provides a new perspective on such investment decisions, ‘‘Climate Risk Management Modeling’’ and under the EU-funded
illustrated by the numerical application to electricity-generating projects CC-TAME (Grant no. 212535,, PASHMI-
technologies. NA (Grant no. 244766,, PROSUITE
In addition, we include the new GGI scenarios for low emission (Grant no. 227078) and NitroEurope Integrated Project (Grant no.
targets (which include even 450 ppm) in our analysis. Since recent 017841, The authors want to thank two
findings by e.g. Hansen et al. (2008) indicate that we might need anonymous reviewers and the organizers and participants of the
to stabilize at much lower CO2 concentrations than initially Energy Policy Workshop 2010 in Sankt Gallen, Switzerland, for
anticipated, studying the effects of tighter targets on policy and their constructive feedback and comments.
therefore on the energy mix will become increasingly important.
In the face of such uncertainty about the target to be adopted,
investors will want to rely on a technology mix, which is robust
across all possible targets. In other words, they will seek to
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