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Oficina de Bilingüismo

Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco

Weeks 4-6

Teacher: Hugo Vargas.

Stage 1: Introduction / Warm-up.

Stage 2: Topic presentation
Stage 3: Practice. INTERACT App
Stage 4: Project.

 We will cover each aspect of the guide each week on our meeting on

WEEK 4: Spare time passions

• Tell people about something you do in your spare time

• Extended listening and speaking

WEEK 5: Taking sides

• Discuss an issue

• Giving and responding to opinions

WEEEK 6: Stretching the truth

• Talk about lies and making things up

• Structures with reporting verbs

Interact 4 app:

Go to:

And download the app

The teacher will tell you which exercises to work on in order to practice the topics form the Lesson.

WEEKS 4-6 Project

Express an opinion about a currently interesting topic; state your agreement and
disagreement (120 words)

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