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Chapter 2

Taxonomy and basic biology

Chapter outline
2.1. Introduction 21 2.4.3. Genus Tilapia 27
2.2. Taxonomy 21 2.5. Factors affecting feeding habits 27
2.3. Body shape and external morphology 22 2.6. Gut morphology 28
2.4. Feeding habits 25 2.7. Closing remarks 29
2.4.1. Genus: Oreochromis 25 References 29
2.4.2. Genus: Sarotherodon 25

2.1 Introduction have been described, yet, there is a considerable argument

over whether these species are truly separate species. The
Apart from the great economic importance of tilapias for taxonomic classification of tilapia is still confusing and a
aquaculture and fisheries, they play a significant role in the subject of continuous changes. This is mainly because of
tropical aquatic ecosystems. This means that unplanned the similarity and overlap of their morphological charac-
introductions and/or culture of tilapia are likely to cause teristics, and also due to the fact that many species of tilapia
severe ecological impacts. Therefore, the study of the basic freely hybridize in nature.
biology and ecology of tilapia is necessary prior to their The genus Tilapia was first described by Smith (1840).
introduction into and/or culture in different geographical It was later split, based on breeding behavior and feeding
regions, in order to avoid, or at least minimize these im- habits, into two subgenera: Tilapia (substrate spawners)
pacts. This chapter discusses, from a broad perspective, the (Fig. 2.1) and Sarotherodon ‘brush toothed’ (mouth-
major aspects of tilapia biology and ecology, including brooders). Mouthbrooders incubate the fertilized eggs and
taxonomy, external morphology, and feeding habits. hatched fry in the mouth of the male or female parents or
Detailed information on these aspects is available in The both male and female. Later, the subgenus Sarotherodon
Biology and Culture of Tilapias edited by Pullin and was raised to a genus and further subdivided into two
Lowe-Mcconnell (1982), Cichlid Fishes by Keenleyside genera: Oreochromis (mountain cichlids) (Figs 2.2 and 2.3)
(1991), and Tilapias: Biology and Exploitation edited by and Sarotherodon (Fig. 2.4) based on whether parental
Beveridge and McAndrew (2000). Further information on females (Oreochromis), males (Sarotherodon) or both
the geographical distribution and transfer and introductions parental sexes (Sarotherodon) perform the mouthbrooding
of tilapia is contained in Chapter 3. The ecological re-
quirements of tilapia are also provided in Chapter 4.

2.2 Taxonomy
The name ‘tilapia’ was derived from the African Bushman
word meaning ‘fish’ (Trewavas, 1982). Tilapias represent a
large number of freshwater fish species within the family
Cichlidae. According to Kaufman and Liem (1982), family
Cichlidae is one of the four families (Cichlidae, Embioto-
cidae, Pomacentridae and Labridae) which the suborder FIGURE 2.1 Redbelly tilapia (Tilapia zillii), a typical substrate spawner.
Labroidei includes. Despite that over 70 species of tilapia Photograph by A.-F. El-Sayed.

Tilapia Culture. 21

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22 Tilapia Culture

Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Metazoa
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Cichlidae

FIGURE 2.2 Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is the most widely

cultured tilapia species. Photograph by A.-F. El-Sayed.
Oreochromis Sarotherodon Tilapia
32 species 13 species 7 species

FIGURE 2.5 Taxonomy of tilapias.

According to Froese and Pauly (2018), genus Oreo-

chromis includes 32 species, while genus Sarotherodon
includes 13 species. In the meantime, seven species are
included in genus Tilapia (Fig. 2.5 and Table 2.1). How-
ever, in 2013, a review of genus Tilapia resulted in the
removal of most Tilapia species to the genera Coelotilapia,
FIGURE 2.3 Blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) is another maternal
mouthbrooder. It is also widely cultured. Photograph by A.-F. El-Sayed.
Coptodon, Heterotilapia, Paracoptodon, and Pelmatola-
pia, leaving only four species in genus Tilapia (Dunz and
Schliewen, 2013). Tilapia zillii (Redbelly tilapia) is
currently classified as Coptodon zillii by many authors.
All these revisions and changes in taxonomic classifi-
cation of tilapia did not eliminate or resolve the current
confusion. Therefore, some taxonomists and researchers still
prefer to use the old genus Tilapia for all tilapia species.

2.3 Body shape and external

Tilapias have fairly conventional, laterally compressed,
deep body shapes (see Figs 2.1 and 2.3). The body is
covered with relatively large, cycloid scales, which are not
FIGURE 2.4 Galilee tilapia (Sarotherodon galilaeus) is a biparental easily dislodged (Ross, 2000). The dorsal and anal fins
mouthbrooder where both males and females incubate and defend fertil- have hard spines and soft rays. The pectoral and pelvic fins
ized eggs and hatched fry. Photograph by A.-F. El-Sayed.
are large and more anterior in an advanced configuration.
This character provides the fish with a great control over
behaviour. In early 1980s, two other alternative classifica-
swimming and manoeuvring. The fins are also used for
tions of tilapia were proposed by E. Trewavas (cited in
locomotion, and that is why cichlid fishes have red muscles
Fishelson and Yaron (1983):
designed for relatively low speed, but continuous move-
1. The first classification includes five genera: Tilapia, ments (Ross, 2000). The numbers of scales, vertebrae, gill
Sarotherodon, Oreochromis, Tristromella and rakers and fin rays and spines are widely used for species
Danakilia. distinction and identification. The fin formulas of different
2. The second classification includes only one genus, tilapias are presented in Table 2.2. It should be mentioned,
Tilapia, with seven subgenera: Heterotilapia, Pelmati- however, that the number of fin spines and/or rays of the
lapia, Sarotherodon, Oreochromis, Nyasalapia, Alcola- same species may vary from one strain to another and from
pia and Neotilapia. one aquatic environment to another.
Taxonomy and basic biology Chapter | 2 23

TABLE 2.1 Valid taxonomic position of tilapias.

No. Valid name English name Author

Genus: Oreochromis (32 species)
1. Oreochromis amphimelas Hilgendorf (1905)
2. Oreochromis andersonii Three spotted tilapia Castelnau (1861)
3. Oreochromis angolensis Trewavas (1973)
4. Oreochromis aureus Blue tilapia Steindachner (1864)
5. Oreochromis chungruruensis Ahl (1924)
6. Oreochromis esculentus Singida tilapia Graham (1928)
7. Oreochromis hunteri Lake Chala tilapia Günther (1889)
8. Oreochromis ismailiaensis Mekkawy (1995)
9. Oreochromis jipe Jipe tilapia Lowe (1955)
10. Oreochromis karomo Karomo Poll (1948)
11. Oreochromis karongae Trewavas (1941)
12. Oreochromis korogwe Korogwe tilapia Lowe (1955)
13. Oreochromis lepidurus Boulenger (1899)
14. Oreochromis leucostictus Trewavas (1933)
15. Oreochromis lidole Trewavas (1941)
16. Oreochromis macrochir Longfin tilapia Boulenger (1912)
17. Oreochromis mortimeri Kariba tilapia Trewavas (1966)
18. Oreochromis mossambicus Mozambique tilapia Peters (1852)
19. Oreochromis mweruensis Trewavas (1983)
20. Oreochromis niloticus Nile tilapia Linnaeus (1758)
21. Oreochromis placidus Black tilapia Trewavas (1941)
22. Oreochromis rukwaensis Lake Rukwa tilapia Hilgendorf and Pappenheim (1903)
23. Oreochromis saka Lowe (1953)
24. Oreochromis salinicola Poll (1948)
25. Oreochromis schwebischi Sauvage (1884)
26. Oreochromis shiranus Tilapia shiranus Boulenger (1897)
27. Oreochromis spilurus Sabaki tilapia Günther (1894)
28. Oreochromis squamipinnis Günther (1864)
29. Oreochromis tanganicae Günther (1894)
30. Oreochromis upembae Thys van den Audenaerde (1964)
31. Oreochromis urolepis Wami tilapia Norman (1922)
32. Oreochromis variabilis Victoria tilapia Boulenger (1906)
Genus: Sarotherodon (13 species)
1. Sarotherodon caroli Fissi Holly (1930)
2. Sarotherodon caudomarginatus Boulenger (1916)
3. Sarotherodon galilaeus Mango tilapia Linnaeus (1758)
4. Sarotherodon knauerae Neumann et al. (2011)

24 Tilapia Culture

TABLE 2.1 Valid taxonomic position of tilapias.dcont’d

No. Valid name English name Author

5. Sarotherodon lamprechti Neumann et al. (2011)
6. Sarotherodon linnellii Blackfin tilapia Lönnberg (1903)
7. Sarotherodon lohbergeri Keppi Holly (1930)
8. Sarotherodon melanotheron Blackchin tilapia Rüppell (1852)
9. Sarotherodon mvogoi Thys van den Audenaerde (1965)
10. Sarotherodon nigripinnis Guichenot (1861)
11. Sarotherodon occidentalis Daget (1962)
12. Sarotherodon steinbachi Kululu Trewavas (1962)
13. Sarotherodon tournieri Daget (1965)
Genus: Tilapia (7 species)
1. Tilapia baloni Trewavas and Stewart (1975)
2. Tilapia brevimanus Boulenger (1911)
3. Tilapia busumana Günther (1903)
4. Tilapia guinasana Otjikoto tilapia Trewavas (1936)
5. Tilapia pra Dunz and Schliewen (2010)
6. Tilapia ruweti Okavango tilapia Poll and Thys van den Audenaerde (1965)

7. Tilapia sparrmanii Banded tilapia Smith (1840)

Data from Froese, R., Pauly, D., 2018. FishBase. World Wide Web Electronic Publication., version 06/2018.

TABLE 2.2 Fin formulas of various tilapia species.

Species Location Dorsal fin fin Anal fin References
Tilapia mariae Umuoseriche Lake, XVeXVII, 10e14 11e15 9e12 Anene (1999)
Tilapia zillii Umuoseriche Lake, XIIIeXVII, 11e13 12e14 8e10 Anene (1999)
Lake Edku, Egypt XIVeXVI, 10e13 12e14 8e10 Abdalla (1995)

Lake Mariut, Egypt XIVeXVI, 9e13 12e14 7e9 Akel (1989)

Oreochromis Lake Mariut, Egypt XVeXVIII, 10e13 12e15 8e10 Akel (1989)
Lake Edku, Egypt XVIeXVIII, 12e14 12e15 9e10 Bakhoum (2002)
Oreochromis Lake Mariut, Egypt XVIeXVII, 10e14 11e14 8e11 Akel (1989)
Lake Edku, Egypt XVeXVII, 12e13 12e14 9e10 Bakhoum (2002)
Sarotherodon Lake Mariut, Egypt XVeXVIII, 11e13 11e14 9e11 Akel (1989)
Sarotherodon Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria XVeXVII, 10e13 12e14 12e13 Omoniyi and Agbon (2008)
S. melanotheron Badagry and Lagos XVeXVI, 10 11e12 12e13 Kuton and Adeniyi (2014)
Lagoon, Nigeria
Tilapia guineensis Badagry and Lagos XVI, 11 12 11 Kuton and Adeniyi (2014)
Lagoon, Nigeria
T. guineensis West Africa XIVeXVI, 12e13 8e10 Teugels and Thys van den
Audenaerde (2003)
Taxonomy and basic biology Chapter | 2 25

Tilapia bodies are generally characterized by vertical Generally speaking, tilapia can be classified into one of
bars, with relatively subdued colours, with little contrast the following broad categories according to their feeding
over the body colours. This provides the fish with an ability patterns.
to change their colours, in response to stress or environ-
mental conditions, by controlling skin chromatophores. 2.4.1 Genus: Oreochromis
Tilapia have well-developed sense organs, represented by a
prominent nares and clearly visible lateral line. The eyes are Tilapia of the genus Oreochromis are primarily micro-
also relatively large, providing the fish with excellent visual phagous, feeding mainly on phytoplankton, periphyton,
capability. aquatic plants, benthic fauna and detritus, depending on
food availability and fish species and size. Oreochromis
niloticus, Oreochromis aureus and Oreochromis mossam-
2.4 Feeding habits bicus are examples of this category (Table 2.3). These
species can efficiently ingest the food sources mentioned
The increasing importance of tilapias as an aquaculture
through ‘filter-feeding’ or grazing.
candidate makes it necessary to understand their food
preferences and feeding regimes in their natural habitats, in a. Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
order to prepare the suitable diets for them and adopt the Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) exhibit trophic plasticity ac-
appropriate feeding regimes under culture conditions. cording to the environment and the other species they
Tilapia are generally herbivorous/omnivorous (i.e. they are coexist with (Bwanika et al., 2004). They are known
low on aquatic food chain) (Table 2.3). However, they to feed on phytoplankton, periphyton, aquatic plants,
possess many morphological features, including jaw small invertebrates and benthic fauna, detritus and bac-
structures, mouth size and shape, dentition, and size and terial films (GISD, 2018a) and even other fish and fish
number of gill rakers (Fryer and Iles, 1972). These features eggs. They feed either via suspension filtering or sur-
allow tilapia and other cichlids to occupy a wider variety of face grazing, depending on the food source. Harbott
feeding niches. (1982) reported that all size classes of O. niloticus in
Although they feed at low trophic levels and their feed Lake Turkana are primarily phytophagous, grazing on
costs are lower than for carnivorous fishes, yet tilapia are a the dense algal plankton found in sheltered, inshore wa-
source of high-quality protein suitable for human con- ters, while little selectivity of food items was recorded.
sumption, at a relatively low cost. Feeding habits and di- O. niloticus, in Lake Hayq, Ethiopia, were found to feed
etary preferences of tilapias depend, among other factors, on a wide variety of food items including various types
on tilapia species and size, time of the day, photoperiod, of phytoplankton, zooplankton and macrophytes
water depth and geographical location. The feeding habits (Assefa and Getahun, 2015).
of tilapia in relation to these factors are briefly discussed in b. Blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus)
this section, with emphasis on economically important Blue tilapia (O. aureus) have a wide variety of diets,
species. including, phytoplankton, epiphytic algae, zooplankton,
During larval stages, tilapia feed initially on insects, vascular plants, copepods and cladocerans;
zooplankton, especially crustaceans (copepods) (Bowen, depending on fish size (GISD, 2018b). Spataru and
1982; Harbott, 1982). When Florida red tilapia fry were Zorn (1978) found that O. aureus in Lake Kinneret
stocked in fertilized seawater pools containing different are mainly zooplankton feeders, while vegetable
food resources, copepods were selectively ingested (Grover detritus, mixed with plankton and benthos forms, served
et al., 1989). Frequent consumption of phytoplankton also as additional and alternative foods.
takes place during early larval stages of some tilapia c. Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)
species. Mozambique tilapia (O. mossambicus) feed on phyto-
The transition period from planktivore stage to a typical, plankton, zooplankton, zoobenthos, molluscs (gastro-
specialized diet(s) is usually short (Bowen, 1976), but in pods), insects, benthic crustaceans, worms, fish and
some cases it occurs gradually over an extended period of a macrophytes (Sakhare and Jetithor, 2016; Froese and
year or more (Whitefield and Blaber, 1978). The food of Pauly, 2018).
juvenile and adult tilapias consists of considerable variety
of aquatic vegetation, phytoplankton, zooplankton,
2.4.2 Genus: Sarotherodon
periphyton and detritus of plant origin, depending on tilapia
species, as mentioned earlier. Many research studies have Tilapia of the genus Sarotherodon are also primarily phyto-
been carried out on the feeding habits of different tilapias, plankton feeders (Table 2.3), but they are more selective.
in their natural habitats, under a variety of environmental However, feeding habits of this genus may vary consider-
conditions. ably, depending on fish species and size, environmental
TABLE 2.3 Feeding habits of some economically important tilapias.

Tilapia Culture
Species Diet Remarks References
Oreochromis Phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthic detritus, Little selectivity of food items. The fish Moriarty and Moriarty (1973), Dewan and Saha
niloticus periphyton, aquatic plants, small invertebrates, change food and feeding habit with size; (1979), Harbott (1982), Northcott et al. (1991),
benthic fauna and bacterial films. increased preference for debris with GISD (2018a), Assefa and Getahun (2015)
increasing size.
Oreochromis Phytoplankton, zooplankton, detritus, vascular plant Food preferences detected in juveniles and Spataru and Zorn (1978), Jiménez-Badillo and
aureus residues, epiphytic algae, insects, copepods and adults. Nepita-Villanueva (2000), GISD (2018b)
Oreochromis Macrophytes, benthic algae, phytoplankton, Intraspecific variations in diet between envi- Bowen (1979), De Silva et al. (1984), de Moor
mossambicus zooplankton, detritus, periphyton, fish larvae, mol- ronments and over time. et al. (1986), Sakhare and Jetithor (2016), Froese
luscs (gastropods), insects, benthic crustaceans, and Pauly (2018).
worms and fish.
O. mossambicus x Periphytic detritus, filamentous and colonial algae Intraspecific variations in diet between Haroon et al. (1998)
O. niloticus (periphytic epipelon). environments.
Florida red tilapia Macroalgae, phytoplankton. Variations in diet between environments. Grover et al. (1989)
Sarotherodon Phytoplankton (dinoflagellates). Fish are highly selective. Corbet et al. (1973), Spataru (1976)
S. galilaeus Detritus, diatoms, desmids, blue-green algae, green Euryphagous and can exploit a wide range of Adeosun (2016)
algae, protozoan and unidentified plants organisms.
Sarotherodon Macrophytes, blue-green and green algae, organic Plant materials more preferable than animal Fagade (1971), Oben et al. (1998)
melanotheron debris, aquatic insects and insect larvae, rotifers, di- sources.
atoms, benthic invertebrates.
S. melanotheron Juveniles prefer cyanophyceae, chlorophyceae and Feeding occurs mostly around 1200 noon Ofori-Danson and Kumi (2006)
rotifera, while adult fish prefer cladocera, bacillario- and between 1500 and 1800 GMT.
phyceae and cyanophyceae
Tilapia zillii Macrophytes, blue-green and green algae, organic Plant materials more preferable than animal Buddington (1979), Spataru (1978), Oben et al.
debris, zooplankton, aquatic insects and insect sources. Variations in diet between seasons. (1998)
larvae and pupae, rotifers, diatoms, benthic inverte-
brates, arthropods.
T. zillii Macrophytes, detritus, phytoplankton, zooplankton, The importance of phytoplankton, detritus Shep et al. (2013), Dadebo et al. (2014)
insets and zoobenthos. and insects declines, while the importance of
macrophytes increases, with increasing fish
Tilapia rendalli Macrophytes, attached periphyton, zooplankton Feeding behaviour depends on fish size. Caulton (1976), Lazzaro (1991)
(cladocerans and copepods), insect larvae, fish eggs, Small fish are visual feeders, large fish are
detritus. pump-filter feeders.
Tilapia guineensis Algae, detritus, sand, invertebrates. Fagade (1971)
T. guineensis Insects (Diptera) and macrophytes. Molluscs, coleoptera and zooplankton repre- Shep et al. (2013)
sent some importance.
Taxonomy and basic biology Chapter | 2 27

conditions, food abundance and geographic locations. For (Diptera) and macrophytes were the most important food
example, Spataru (1976) found that the dinoflagellate Peri- items in the diet of T. zillii and T. guineensis and their
dinium cinctum was the most abundant food in the stomachs hybrids in Ayamé man-made lake (Côte d’Ivoire). Mol-
of Sarotherodon galilaeus in Lake Kinneret, sometimes luscs, coleoptera and zooplankton also represented some
comprising >95% of the phytoplankton biomass, especially importance.
during the blooming season of these dinoflagellates
(MarcheApril). On the other hand, Adeosun (2016) reported
that S. galilaeus in Oyan Lake (Nigeria) are euryphagous,
2.5 Factors affecting feeding habits
opportunistic feeders, which can feed on a wide range of It should be realized that the above-mentioned categories of
organisms, both on surface water and bottom sediments. feeding habits are not rigid, but extensive overlap may also
Their food includes diatoms, desmids, blue-green and green occur in tilapia diets. Intraspecific variations may also occur
algae, protozoan, detritus and unidentified plants. However, in these diets between environments over time, as has been
detritus is the most preferred food followed by filamentous reported with O. mossambicus in Sri Lankan reservoirs (De
blue-green algae. Silva, 1985). In addition, tilapia introduced into new hab-
Sarotherodon melanotheron are more selective, feeding itats can adjust their feeding strategy to reflect the relative
mainly on phytoplankton and zooplankton throughout their abundance and composition of available food in their new
life cycle (Froese and Pauly, 2018). Benthic algae, small habitat, to include even fish consumption. For example,
fish and debris are also found occasionally in their stom- blue tilapia (O. aureus) introduced into Muddy River sys-
achs. Ofori-Danson and Kumi (2006) found that tem (Warm Springs area, Nevada, the United States)
S. melanotheron juveniles prefer the Cyanophyceae, switched their diet from aquatic eelgrass (Vallisneria) to
Chlorophyceae and Rotifera, while adult fish prefer Cla- fish after the depletion of Vallisneria (Scoppettone et al.,
docera, Bacillariophyceae and Cyanophyceae. The majority 2005). Consumed fishes included mosquitofish, shortfin
of these fish had 3/4 stomach fullness around noon (1200 molly, moapa dace and moapa White River springfish.
GMT) and between 1500 and 1800 GMT, suggesting that Similarly, Bowen and Allanson (1982) observed that
they feed mostly at these times during the daytime. O. mossambicus which were moved to different habitats in
South Africa had the ability to change their diets to fit with
2.4.3 Genus Tilapia prevailing food availability. De Silva et al. (1984) reported
also that the feeding habits of O. mossambicus from
Tilapia of the genus Tilapia are generally macrophyte different lakes in Sri Lanka ranged from detritivory to
feeders (Abdel-Malek, 1972; Caulton, 1976; Lowe- herbivory, to total carnivory of small fish and invertebrates.
Mcconnell, 1982). This explains why they are used for The piscivory in O. mossambicus has also been confirmed
biological control of aquatic weeds. However, they cannot by Doupé et al. (2009). The tilapia Alcolapia grahami
avoid ingesting the algae, phytoplankton, zooplankton, (formerly Oreochromis alkalicus) of the alkaline Lake
bacteria, benthic invertebrates, insect larvae, fish and Magadi (pH 10) in Kenya were also found to feed on
vertebrate eggs and detritus which are attached to the cyanobacteria (Bone and Moore, 2008).
macrophytes they feed on. These attached materials are Since light penetration in water column is affected by
therefore an important food component for Tilapia species water depth and turbidity, natural food productivity in the
(Bowen, 1982). Fagade (1971) found that the principal water is likely to vary between different depths. Accord-
components in the stomachs of Tilapia guineensis and ingly, the feeding patterns of tilapia may vary with varying
Tilapia melanotheron melanotheron in Lagos Lagoon water masses. Bowen (1982) stated that deposit feeders that
(Nigeria) were algal filaments, diatoms, sand grains and feed in the littoral zone frequently ingest algae, detritus and
unidentified organic material, and these components were bacteria, which cannot be distinguished from the material
very similar in both species. Adult Tilapia rendalli have attached to macrophytes. On the other hand, deposit feeders
also been found to consume a wide variety of food items, that feed in deeper waters ingest a mixture of precipitated
including macrophytes, phytoplankton, zooplankton, insect phytoplankton and detritus that are indistinguishable from
larvae, fish eggs and larvae and detritus (Caulton, 1976; the diets of suspension feeders. By this mechanism, tilapia
Lazzaro, 1991). can switch from one source of food to another with little
Redbelly tilapia (T. zillii, also classified as C. zillii) feed change in diets composition (Moriarty et al., 1973).
mainly on macrophytes, detritus and phytoplankton, Tilapia feeding patterns and efficiency may also be a
whereas the contribution of zooplankton, insects and zoo- subject of diurnal and seasonal changes. Extensive studies
benthos is relatively low (Dadebo et al., 2014). However, have considered the diel feeding patterns of tilapia, both in
the importance of phytoplankton, detritus and insects de- their natural habitats and under aquaculture conditions.
clines, while macrophytes become more important, with Harbott (1982) found that all size classes of O. niloticus in
increasing fish size. Shep et al. (2013) found also that insect Lake Turkana followed a daytime feeding cycle, but fish fry
28 Tilapia Culture

infrequently consumed invertebrates during the hours of more intensely on zooplankton in spring, where zooplankton
darkness. Feeding activity of O. niloticus adults reared forms are more abundant. Nile tilapia also showed seasonal
under conditions of self-feeding (using demand feeders) variation in feeding activity in Bangladesh fish ponds
was also observed exclusively during the light phases (Dewan and Saha, 1979). The feeding activity was greater in
(Toguyeni et al., 1997). Moreover, Nile tilapia in Lake summer than in winter. Greater amounts of phytoplankton
Rudolf exhibited a regular diurnal feeding rhythm, were recorded in fish stomachs during winter, while debris
commencing between 05.00 and 08.00 h and ceasing be- was consumed more during summer.
tween 14.00 and 18.00 h, and the largest fish individuals From the above discussion, it appears that tilapia have
appeared to feed longer (Harbott, 1975). On the other hand, irregular feeding patterns, depending, as mentioned earlier,
Nile tilapia in Bangladesh ponds are reportedly continuous on fish species and size, season of the year, time of the day,
feeders, but they increase feeding activity from noon to photoperiod, water depth, geographical location and type of
midnight, with a peak immediately after dusk and reduced habitat. It is crucially important that tilapia farmers, re-
feeding activity after midnight (Dewan and Saha, 1979). searchers and farm managers consider these factors in order
Fish size may also affect feeding rhythms in tilapia. For to adopt the most suitable fertilization regimes, prepare the
example, Richter et al. (1999) analyzed the diel feeding best pelleted diets and select the most convenient feeding
patterns and daily ration of O. niloticus in cages in Laguna regimes in terms of feeding frequency, timing and quantity.
de Bay, Philippines. They found that, in May, larger fish
(31.5 g) feeding on natural food alone fed continuously
from dawn to dusk, whereas smaller fish (9.8 g) exhibited
2.6 Gut morphology
two feeding periods per day, from sunrise to mid-morning The digestive system of tilapias is characterized by certain
and again from mid-afternoon until after sunset. In another modifications reflecting the types of food they ingest. It is
study, Haroon et al. (1998) investigated the diel feeding relatively simple, unspecialized and consisting of a very
patterns and ration of tilapia hybrids (O. mossambicus  short oesophagus connected to small, saclike stomach, and
O. niloticus) at two sizes (4.3e9.3 and 9.5e13.8 cm total a very long, coiled intestine, which can reach up to 7e13
length) in pond and paddy field in Bangladesh. Both small times the total fish length (Caulton, 1976; Balarin and
and large tilapia exhibited a single feeding peak around Hatton, 1979). Such long intestines reflect the herbivorous
afternoon-dusk in the pond, but irregular feeding peaks in feeding habits of these fishes, perhaps because vegetable
the rice field. However, small fish were more active feeders foods are digested less readily than animal sources.
than large fish, and both feeding intensity and food con- Therefore, herbivorous fishes have amylase activities in the
sumption decreased with increasing fish size. Periphytic gut much higher than in carnivorous species.
detritus was the principal food in the paddy field, while Tilapia have two types of teeth: jaw teeth and pharyn-
filamentous and colonial algae attached to sediments and geal teeth. Both types of teeth are varied in configuration
mud (known as periphytic epipelon) were the main food in from one tilapia species to another, to suit the different diet
the pond. In the meantime, zooplankton was an insignifi- preferences. The jaw teeth are small, unicuspid, bicuspid or
cant dietary component in both habitats. tricuspid structures that are arranged in 1e5 rows, and
The feeding habits of T. rendalli in southern Brazilian flattened distally to form blades that can be used as scrapers
lakes and reservoirs, in relation to fish size, have also been (Fryer and Iles, 1972; Lanzing and Higginbotham, 1976).
studied by Lazzaro (1991). Fish smaller than 30 mm in The pharyngeal teeth of the phytoplanktivorous tilapia,
length were visual feeders, while fish with a size ranging such as Sarotherodon esculentus, are fine, thin and hooked
from 30 to 50 mm were either visually feeders or pump- on the pharyngeal bones, whereas these of macrophyte
filter feeders, depending on zooplankton size. Fish larger feeders, such as T. rendalli, are coarse and robust (Caulton,
than 70 mm were pump-filter feeders. Electivity and 1976). Microphagous tilapia are also characterized by
feeding rate increased with prey length. A difference in numerous, long, thin, closely spaced gill rakers, while fish
food preferences between juvenile and adult O. aureus in species that feed on large particles have fewer, large gill
Mexico was also detected, in addition to a variation in the rakers. While gill rakers are specialized for feeding in many
consumption of some food items during the rainy and dry tilapia species, their role in feeding mechanism in some
seasons (Jiménez-Badillo and Nepita-Villanueva, 2000). other tilapia species may not be significant. Drenner et al.
The time of the year may also have an influence on tilapia (1987) found that the surgical removal of gill rakers did not
feeding habits. Spataru (1978) found that T. zillii in Lake affect phytoplankton ingestion rates of S. galilaeus. How-
Kinneret have great variations in their food in relation to ever, it may be unwise to adopt a firm conclusion based on
season of the year. In winter and spring, Chironomidae pupae only one study. Clearly, more work should be conducted on
(Diptera) were prevalent in fish stomachs, while zooplankton different tilapia species that employ different feeding stra-
forms were dominant in summer and autumn. Spataru and tegies, before a concrete conclusion can be drawn on the
Zorn (1978) found also that O. aureus in the same lake feed role of gill rakers in feeding mechanisms of tilapia.
Taxonomy and basic biology Chapter | 2 29

2.7 Closing remarks Abdel-Malek, S.A., 1972. Food and feeding habits of some Egyptian fishes
in Lake Quarun. 1. Tilapia zillii (Gerv.) B. According to different
1. The taxonomic classification of tilapia is still length groups. Bulletin of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
confusing and a subject of continuous modification. 2, 204e213.
Currently, tilapia are divided into three genera, Tilapia Adeosun, F.I., 2016. An investigation into the food and feeding ecology of
(substrate spawners), Sarotherodon (maternal/paternal Sarotherodon galilaeus in Oyan Lake, Ogun state, Nigeria. Nigerian
mouthbrooders) and Oreochromis (maternal Journal of Animal Science 18, 364e369.
Akel, E.H.K., 1989. Effect of Water Pollution on Tilapia Populations in
Lake Mariout (M.Sc. thesis). Alexandria University, Alexandria,
2. Tilapias are freshwater groups of fish species origi-
nated exclusively from Africa (excluding Madagascar) Anene, A., 1999. Morphometric and meristic description of Tilapia mariae
and from the Middle East (Jordan Valley and coastal (Boulenger, 1901) and Tilapia zillii (Gervais, 1848) from the
rivers). They are distributed all over Africa, except Umuoseriche Lake in the freshwater reaches of the Niger delta
the northern Atlas Mountains and South-West Africa. floodplains. Acta Hydrobiologica 41, 211e218.
3. Feeding and dietary preferences of tilapias depend on Assefa, W.W., Getahun, A., 2015. The food and feeding ecology of Nile
tilapia species and size, time of the day, photoperiod, tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, in Lake Hayq, Ethiopia. International
water depth and location, with little selectivity. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2, 176e185.
4. Tilapia of the genus Oreochromis are primarily micro- Bakhoum, S.A., 2002. Occurrence of natural hybrids between nile tilapia,
phagous, feeding mainly on phytoplankton, periph- Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and blue tilapia, O. aureus (Steind.) in
Lake Edku, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries
yton and detritus.
6, 143e162.
5. Tilapia of the genus Sarotherodon are also primarily
Balarin, J.D., Hatton, J.P., 1979. Tilapia: A Guide to Their Biology and
phytoplanktivorous, but they are more selective. Culture in Africa. University of Stirling, Scotland.
6. Tilapia of the genus Tilapia are generally macrophyte Beveridge, M.C.M., McAndrew, B.J. (Eds.), 2000. Tilapias: Biology and
feeders. They also ingest algae, phytoplankton, Exploitation. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/Lon-
zooplankton, invertebrate larvae, fish eggs, insects, don, p. 505.
bacteria and detritus which are attached to the Bone, Q., Moore, R.H., 2008. Biology of Fishes, third ed. Taylor &
macrophytes. Francis Group, New York, p. 478.
7. Tilapia introduced into new habitats can adjust their Bowen, S.H., 1976. Feeding Ecology of the Cichlid Fish Sarotherodon
feeding habits to reflect the abundance and composi- Mossambicus in Lake Sibaya, KwaZulu (Ph.D. thesis). Rhodes Uni-
tion of available food in their new habitat, to include versity, Grahamstown, South Africa.
Bowen, S.H., 1979. A nutritional constraint in detritivory by fishes: the
even fish consumption.
stunted population of Sarotherodon mossambicus in Lake Sibaya,
8. Feeding patterns and efficiency of tilapia may be a
South Africa. Ecological Moneograph 49, 17e31.
subject of diurnal and seasonal changes. Generally, Bowen, S.H., 1982. Feeding, digestion and growth- Qualitative consider-
tilapia feed intensively during early morning and late ations. In: Pullin, R.V.S., Lowe-McConnell, R.H. (Eds.), The Biology
afternoon and reduce feeding during midday and at and Culture of Tilapias. ICLARM Conference Proceedings No. 7.
night. ICLARM, Manila, Philippines, pp. 141e156.
9. The digestive system of tilapias is relatively simple, Bowen, S.H., Allanson, B.R., 1982. Behavioral and trophic plasticity of
unspecialized, consisting of a very short oesophagus, juvenile Tilapia mossambica in utilization of the unstable littoral
small sac-like stomach and a very long intestine. habitat. Environmental Biology of Fishes 7, 357e362.
Such a digestive tract reflects the herbivorous feeding Buddington, R.K., 1979. Digestion of an aquatic macrophyte by Tilapia
habits of tilapia. zillii (Gervais). Journal of Fish Biology 15, 449e455.
Bwanika, G.N., Makanga, B., Kizito, Y., Chapman, L.J., Balirwa, J.,
10. Tilapia have two types of teeth, jaw teeth and pharyn-
2004. Observations on the biology of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis
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tilapia species to another to suit the different diet Ecology 42, 93e101.
preferences. Caulton, M.S., 1976. The importance of pre-digestive food preparation to
11. Microphagous tilapia have numerous, long, thin, Tilapia rendalli Boulenger when feeding on aquatic macrophytes.
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