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Periodicity Analysis Lab oratories, Department of Pathology
Univer sity of Minnesota, Minneapolis

The study of physiologic rhythms, overlapping a number of traditional
disciplines in biology and medicine, depends also on progress in engineering­
benefitting, as it does, from modern technology for the sensing and tele­
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

metering of body functions and from advances in electronic computer

science. Computers already process data much more efficiently and quickly
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

than was heretofore possible; their contribution to the study of biologic

rhythms, however, is yet more important. Precisely because of their high
speed and efficiency, they enable us not only to do the "old" kinds of tasks
better, but also to resolve new dimensions, e.g., to detect rhythms that
could not possibly have been uncovered otherwise by all too laborious hand
computations (1). By virtue of this fact, the electronic computer yields for
the student of biologic time structure what the microscope or the electron
microscope resolves for the student of spatial structure (2) .
One purpose of this review will be to illustrate developments in the dis­
play of objective quantitative estimates of rhythm parameters in terms of
their level, amplitude and various phase relations at each of several fre­
quencies. This is done with a view toward the future of a field which may
become a domain of quantitative biology, even though the major part of
work thus far, including that published during the last few years, has been
done primarily by naturalists who relied on the visual inspection of data.
Endpoints from quantitative rhythmometry here reviewed will bear upon
healthy human beings and a few laboratory animals, notably nonhuman
primates and rodents, included as illustrative examples for comparative
physiologic purposes.
Problems relating to the phase shifting of rhythms, again with the prin­
cipal focus upon primates, will be alluded to with special reference to long­
distance, transmeridian travel.
Alterations of rhythms, notably as a function of drug administration or
disease, will not be discussed, since they have been dealt with at a number
of recent symposia (10-14) . The information here reviewed represents the
background for the as yet unanswered questions: 1. whether rhythm altera­
tion might represent an early etiologically determinant stage in disease, or
at least a sign of threatening, even if as yet not established, illness and, if
so, 2. whether correction of rhythm alteration will prevent or alleviate
1The survey of literature for this review was concluded on September 1, 1968.
IWork supported by the United States Public Health Service (5-K6-GM-13,981)
and by NASA (NGR 24-005 -006 and NAS 2.2738).

certain diseases. Answers to these questions may eventually be provided by

means of developments such as (a) sensors for nuisance-free collection of
time series on biophysical, biochemical, and more broadly behavioral vari·,
abies; (b) means for automatic data transfer to a medium and into a format:
directly amenable to analysis (e.g., on magnetic tape) ; and (c) means for a.
so·called microscopic evaluation of rhythms (e.g. , by electronic computer
programs) . Such technical developments, prompted largely by plans for
extraterrestrial research, embody a worthwhile bonus to life on this planet.
Some definitions will be necessary in order to introduce rhythms as an
aspect of the broader field of chronobiology.
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

Most of the work based exclusively upon the viewing of data plotted as a function
of time-in chronograms-and interpreted as representing a physiologically unquali­
fied "clock", will not be evaluated here. The use of chronograms to evaluate the
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

variability contributed by factors such as an unqualified time of day has been dis­
cussed elsewhere (3); it also remains beyond our scope herein.
For the aforementioned kinds of contributions, as well as for more rigorous ap­
proaches to rhythms, the interested reader can be referred to a number of symposia
(4-16,292), books (17-27), recent review articles (28-30, 286), a handbook on biologic
data (31), and a bibliography on time series (32).


Rhythms, synchronizers, and bio rhythms Whether they are viewed


" macroscopically" or " microscopically" (see below) , rhythm s can be defined

as statistically validated physiologic changes recurring with a reproducible
waveform. Rhythm in "macroscopic" terms denotes a reliably periodic
� '
aspect of data displayed as a function of time. A " microscopically" defined
rhythm constitutes a periodic component of biologic time series with an
objectively quantified (average) period, T, and/or (average) acrophase (crest
time) cfJ, and an (average) amplitude C demonstrated to be different from
zero by inferential statistical means ( 1 , 2; d. Figure 1 and Tables 1-3) .
Endpoint and confidence interval estimates for these rhythm paramo
eters, and also for the level Co, are obtained by the use of approximating
functions [inter alia, by functions of the form: J(t) Co+ C cos (wt+cfJ) , where

w is the angular frequency and t = time) as sketched in Figure 1 .

Synchronizers, time-givers o r entraining agents, clues or cues (4, 5, 1 7 ,
1 8, 2 1 ) are environmental factors determining the temporal placement o f a
given rhythm along an appropriate time scale (e.g. , uniformly demarcated
"local time" and, preferably, also the separately coded Greenwich Mean
Time) . The adjectives "primary" and "secondary" describe the relative
roles played by different environmental synchronizers ; in several strains of
inbred mice, fed ad libitum, the lighting regimen is the primary synchronizer
of the blood eosinophil rhythm; the lighting effect overrides any secondary
effect of feeding time, under usual laboratory conditions. The adjectives
"dominant" and "modifying" also can be used to describe the effect of a
given environmental factor in relation to a given rhythm. Under unusual
circumstances a secondary synchronizer may become dominant. Thus in
CaH (Minnesota) mice subjected to a SO per cent restrIction in dietary
calories, the feeding time may be dominant over the lighting regimen.
Moreover, a rhythm can be influenced by secondary synchronizers and other
modifying factors-modulators or, more generally, influencers.
A biorhythm is a rhythm which, if it be amenable to frequency synchroni­
zation and thus to phase-shifting by a known synchronizer, persists after
elimination of the synchronizer effect. For a biorhythm the minimal number
of persisting periods (which depends upon the system) and any damping
noted during the persistence test also chould be indicated, with the test con­
ditions, such as blinding or constancy of light (or darkness) , environmental
temperature, ad libitum feeding. For instance, in our hands the cirdadian
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

rhythm in intraperitoneal temperature telemetered at 10' intervals from 6

blinded mature, inbred Minnesota Sprague-Dawley rats, kept singly housed
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

with food freely available at 24 ± .5° C environmental temperature in light

and darkness alternating at 12-hr intervals persisted with a 24.3 ± .03 hr
period during an entire 1 16-day test span, with a circadian amplitude of
.57 ± .030 C corresponding roughly to that of .61 ± .020 C in 5 concomitantly
evaluated intact rats with a 24 ± .00 hr period.
Chronobiology and its subspecialties - Chronobiology" is the study of
. "

the temporal characteristics of biologic phenomena, leading to an objective

description of biologic time structure.
Biologic time structure, in turn, can be defined as the sum total of non­
random and thus predictable temporal aspects of organismic behavior­
including bioperiodicity, developmental changes, and age trends. Biologic
time structure characterizes individuals as well as groups of organisms or
of their subdivisions: organ systems, organs, tissues, cells, and intracellular
elements (including electron microscopic ultrastructure) .
Chronobiology includes, among other "subspecialties":
1. "chronophysiology"-investigation of temporal features in physio­
logic behavior and of physiologic factors underlying biologic temporal char­
acteristics ;
2. "chronotoxicology"-investigation of undesired or harmful effects
from chemical, physical, or other agents including poisons, pollutants, and
overdoses of drugs upon biologic temporal characteristics and as a function
of biologic timing;
3. "chronopathology"-investigation of alterations in biologic temporal
characteristics as a function of disease and as determinants of disease;
4. "chronopharmacology"-investigation of drug effects upon biologic
temporal characteristics and as a function of biologic timing.
Considerable information is available in fields 1. and 2. above (29, 30, 33) ;
fields 3. and 4. are no longer utopian concepts but they will have to be ampli­
fied on the basis of further work.
All subspecialties of chronobiology usually involve the collection of ob­
servations, measurements, or counts recorded as a function of time, i.e. , or
time series. However, occasionally chronobiologic observations may describe
an apparently unique phenomenon, rather than a recurring one; for example,

(34, 35) or death (36, 37) in populations of humans or rodents (38).

Macroscopic versus microscopic approach (2, 39).-Chronobiology (also
chronophysiology, chronopathology, etc.) can be considered to be "macro­
scopic" when it evaluates biologic temporal characteristics:
1. with time as the sole reference frame for the raw (or averaged) data;
2. by the procedures of classical biometry, such as analyses of variance.
computations of correlation or of regressions (or of both) among others;
3. without the explicit endeavor not only to separate the biologic temporal
characteristic under study (a "desired" signal, e.g., a rhythm) from
the effect of other unidentified or unevaluated factors (biologic noise)
but also, and in any event, to evaluate parameters by inferential sta­
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

tistical point and interval estimations.

Biologic noise for a student of rhythms is the sum total of variability
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

stemming from unidentified or unevaluated sources and interfering with the

signal to be evaluated, i.e., with one or several rhythms. Different kinds of
errors in measurement, in counting or in other observations-errors that
may be random, systematic or even "blundering"-are part of the noise
term. In a given time series or time function transformed into a frequency
spectrum, variance or energy corresponding to biologic noise is spread mo�e
or less uniformly through the entire spectral domain amenable to such a
transformation. By contrast, variance accumulated in a more or less sharply
defined spectral region, e.g., a narrow spectral band or line, may correspond
to a rhythm.
The temporal characteristic studied in such macroscopic periodicity
analysis is a bioperiodicity, which can be defined as a rhythm plus noise.
"Microscopic" chronobiology, on the other hand, evaluates biologic
temporal components, preferably in edited data ( 1 74, 175) :
1. after isolation from biologic noise;
2. on the basis of inferential-statistical summaries in terms of a prominent
frequency lor period T (i.e., reciprocal I), Table I, and/or phase, cp,
Table II, of some appropriate approximating function, as indicated in
Figure 1 (40) , as well as with further assessment of waveform, where
indicated and practical (62, 63, 336);
3. with the estimation of objective, numerical and relativized endpoints
(41) and of confidence intervals for each biologic temporal endpoint
(42, 43) ;
4. when indicated, in terms of displays of such results in the domains of
I. T, and cp as well as time t.
For instance, a biologic temporal component such as a rhythm with a
given frequency can be evaluated not only in terms of a correlation function
(44-46) and variance as a function of frequency in a variance spectrum
(47-53, 64) but also in terms of quotients derived, e.g., from variance spectra,
such as the circadian quotient CQ (53, 58); in terms of amplitude as a func­
tion of frequency in a periodogram (46, 59-61); in a periodic regression (62)
or in the least squares spectrum (1); in terms of amplitude-weighted phase in

O.Sh -. T .;;; 6d T - 6d


Sleep-wakefulness Menstruation
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

Electroencephalogram Responses to drugs

RHYTHMS 17-Keloslerold excrelion
Blood constituents with spectral components
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

in: Urinary variables In all regions Indicated

Metabolic processes, above and in other
generally domains

"o. .. al.s and regl •• s [namod a".rdl.g to lroq ...c, criteria] dell".IId accordl.g I. ro lprocal '. I••••
(Ij c
perlodl't)of fu a lon apprulmating rhyth . f1 s=suQnd. h=hoar, d=day.
d m
Sneraf � arlables tlamlned thus far exhibit statlsthally slgalffcaat components In SlYlnl spectral .omaili.

F ossil circa dian , c irca trigintan (a bout 30- da y) an d c ircann ual rhythms have
gaine d in tere st for p oss ible use in pale o- bi o- ge oc hr on ome tr y (20 7-216, cr. al so 21 7,
218) . Ass uming tha t the len gth of the year has been reas ona bly c ons tan t, chan ges in
el n gth oft he da y an d mont h c onsi de re d on t he ba sis of as tron omi cal evi dence (21 7,
218) have been al igne d, inter alia, w ith p ossi ble a bout- mont hly an d a bout-ann ual
groupin gs of p re sume d cir cad ian growth line s in f ossil organi sms-a s compa re d t o
c orresp on din g group in gs in c urren tl y l v
i in g ma rine inve rte bra tes (20 7, 216 ).




[0000 on Day 1 Of
L study
mid-dark span for
man, mid-light span
for rodents

body core temper- ]

alure acrophase

As est imates o"f a rh,thll's liming In relatlo. 10 dlfferenl phase references.
Least Squares Fit of 24 - Hour Cosine Function (Continuous Line)

to Intraperitoneal Temperatures (x) of on Adult Female MSD Rqt.

Telemetry at N 30' intervals for 24 hours

u.u -co + C cos (wl+.p) Key:

Co = meon level, in DC
C" amplitude, in °C
w "angulor frequency, fixed at
3600/24h ' 15°/h
38.5 sf"= .07 "C
t = time. in hours
4> = computative ocropho �I
in degrees from oouu
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

SE • standard errar
� 38.0
C'_86 'C


by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.


----- r
� 37.5

.p. -109° CI of .p , -100° 10 -liS'
I rp. -199·---:iI-----?!CI of <p , -190° 10 -20eo
CI' of> ±(SE"IC x 112.31)' 95 'Y. confidence inlerval


u ! ���====�"IIII��I1"��===:'::====�

1 8 00 0000
°° 00 1 800 2400
Clock ho r (GMT): 06 12

1 from 00° 0 bI - 96 I
- 1 8I 0 -270
from mid-L: ° -90 - 180 -270 -360

FIG. 1. Imp utatio n of level, amp il tude, and acr op hase by a least- sq uar es fit as a first
step in the cosinor p rocedur e; such imp utations ar e inter mediate comp utations rather
than being endp oi ntsi n themselves (42) . Note in any event two of theseveral k inds of
acr op hases, computative and external (d. Table II). (Internal acrophase not shown. )

the cosinor (1, 42; cf also 63); in terms of a phase not weighted by the ampli­
tude (43) under certain conditions only (42, 43) ; or in terms of a rhythm­
adjusted level. Table III indicates how some of these procedures yielding
distinct displays are related in terms of computational procedure.
The biologic temporal component isolated from noise, evaluated by such
microscopic rhythmometry as a mathematical function fitting the data, is
the quantified rhythm.
It is realized that the meaning of the terms "microscopic" and "macro-


Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

.............. RtLAlEO PROCEDURES

Th is table ig nores th e pr oblems ass ociated with data collecti on, editing and
fi lteri ng----p
-s ec ialized tasks th at aregr eatly facili tated by elect ronic comp uter meth ods
(cf . e.g ., 42, 43, 47-50, 53-5 7, 59-64).

scopic" is changed when they are used to denote methods for the resolution
of rhythms. The term macroscopic then refers to findings from classical
biometry displayed in the time domain only. By contrast, the word "micro­
scopic" used in the context of certain techniques for rhythmometry indi­
cates the higher level of r esolution of rhythms by such methods, i.e., their
"isol ation" f rom nois e, and th e f easibi lity of es tim atin g th e p ar am et ers of
each "isolated" rhythm.

E lectroni c comp uters s erve for pr ep ari ng mos t rapi dly and effi ciently th e macr o­
s copic disp lay of rhy th ms as well as for th e is ol ation of a rh yth m and for th e su bs e­
qu ent esti mati on of it s par amet ers. Rh yth mometry th us depends r ath er h eavi ly y et

not critically upon electronic computers. For certain limited rhythmometric purposes,
mechanical or optical analyzers may be used in conjunction with a desk calculator, in
lieu of an electronic computer. In any event, and in contrast to a microscopic analysis
of tissues, a "microscopic" analysis of time series, like the study of so-called micro­
scopic aspects of physics, does not necessarily depend upon the use of a microscope.
Transient misunderstandings arising from the use of terms such as microscopic
seem to be a lesser disadvantage than the probable confusion that can be a nti cipated
from the coining of completely new words. Understanding of words such as microscop­
ic, when used in the context of rhythmometry elsewhere, may be facilitated by plac­
ing them under quotation marks at the outset.
In contrast to widespread practice, reference to terms such as clocks, oscillators, or
other physical analogies or models will be avoided so far as possible, notably in defm­
ing the endpoints of biologic rhythms. Analogies, e.g., to light microscopy, can indi­
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

cate the level of resolution achieved by certain approaches; they must not bias the ob­
jectivity of the measurements and the interpretation of what has been measured. Con­
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

sequently, reference will be made to those measurable aspects of a rhythm that can be
a pproximated by a mathematical function--e.g., in Figure 1. The endpoints of rhythms
are to represent objective, numerical, and inferential-statistical aspects of physiologic

In the service of medicine, it is particularly worthwhile to attempt to

quantify objectively a statistical and microscopic chronobiology, by analogy
to statistical and microscopic physics. As such ambitious aims may be
realized, the new definitions of the endpoints of a rhythm lead to new u nits­
such as the acrophase in Table I I . When the endpoints and units are mean­
ingfully defined, one can more readily satisfy the condition that certain char­
acteristics of a bioperiodicity under study be invariably expressed numeri­
cally and that such numbers be comparable from case to case and biologically
meaningful as well.
I n the microscopic approach',
statistical procedure can be made available i n the form of a given electronic
computer program or set of routines, after ascertaining the predictive value
of the results obtained with the program in various biomedical test situations.
For this purpose, the selection of reference standards for endpoints of
rhythms, like the selection of the analytical procedure, must be standardized.
To the extent that pertinent international agreements can be made on a
broader basis toward such steps of standardization, the results on endpoints
of rhythms obtained at different times and in different localities will be more
directly and more reliably comparable. Tables IV to XIII demonstrate
halting first steps in this direction. The aerophases of certain circadian rhythms
summarized objectively in these tables agree remarkably well in studies on
healthy subjects carried out by different investigators and methods many
years and time zones apart. These acrophases thus may serve as reference
standards for possible chronopathology such as that reported for certai n
emotional disorders (95, 274-277) or cancer (285).
Tables IV to XIII serv e as illustrative examples of endpoints fr om
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from


by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

Noise-to- P
N of subjects* Level, Co
signal or Rhythm amplitude C acrophase cI> or q, t Author(s), Year, Ref.
[M, h ] Co±SE'
(SE"/C) detection
(.95 confidence limits)
11 [3-6] 9.7±1.0 <.04 2.6( .2to5.0) -1240(- 34 to -181H Bliss et al. 1953 (91) �
12 [1-12] 10.7±1.2 <.001 5.1 (2.7to7.5) - 99° (- 37 to -137) Migeon et al. 1956(92) Z
13 [3] 13.5± .9 .005 4.1(2.3to6.0) -1000(- 63 to -137) Halberg et al. 1961 (93) 0
8 [3] 7.4± .9 <.002 5.3(2.7to7.9) -113°(- 61 to -151) Doe 1966(94) -

10 [8] 9.8± .8 <.002 4.6(2.3to6.9) - 71° (- 41 to -111) Curtis et al. 1966 (95) t""'
10.4± .7 7.2(3.6to 10.8) 0
7 [5,10] <.003 -105° (- 81 to -126) t McClure 1966(96) C)
21 [4,6] 14.5±1.6 <.001 6.2(5.2to7.3) - 89° (- 72 to -107) Krieger et al. 1966 (97) -<
13 [4,8J 20.6± .6 <.001 2.0(1.0to3.1) -103°(- 64 to -144) Bridges et al. 1966(98)
7 [4] 11.9± .9 <.005 4.9(2.7to7.1) -1120(- 83 to -169) Knapp et al. 1967 (99)
26 [2-8 J 10.0±1.5 .61t 3.4 -124°t Linquette et al. 1967 (100)
5 [3-8 J 12.2±1.2 .168 8.7(5.8to11.5) - 76° (- 57to - 95) Cade et al. 1967 (101)
8 [3] 8.6± .9 <.05 2.1(.04to4.2) - 920(-312 to -120) God
r on

* Total span of study 24 h for all subjects. Co and C in ",g/100 m!.

t T= 24 h= 360°; 1 h = 1 5°. cI> reference middle of habitual sleep span; <I> reference = local midnight. Acrophases with latter reference

indicated with (t) sign.

t Decimals shown as subscripts indicate doubtful significance.


N of subjects
Site of study (N of da ys) amplitude C (mg/hr) acrophase <1>* Author(s), Ref.

(.95 confidence limits)

(Minnesota) 4(5) .15(.04to .26) -129°(- 83to -200) Halberg & Haus (unpubl.)
(Minnesota) 8(1) .12(.06to .17) -153°(-128to -177) Doe (94)
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

(Maryland) 7(2) .11 (.06 to .16) -154°(-123 to -1 81) Bartter et aI. (103)
(Pennsylvania) 9 (1) .09(.0410 .14) -144° (-104 to -183) Curtis et aI. (95)
(Minnesota) 1(34) .17(.13 to .20) -130°(-I17to -144) Haus & Hal ber g (104)
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

Mexico 1(20) .05(.04to .06) -159°(-145 to -173) Pelia (105)

1(12) .03(.01to .05) -133° (-103 to -163)
1( 8) .10(.08to .12) -112°(- 77to -130)
1( 9) .09(.07to .11) -110°(- 87to -132)
1(12) .07 (.05 to .09) -118°(-109to -139)
1 ( 6) .04(.0210.06) -115°(-105 to -142)

Sout h Dutch Guiana 10(2) .08(.05to .11) -169°(-14310 -192) Halberg & Simpson(106)
10(2) .11(.07 to .15) -164°(-13410 -202)

Scotland 10(2) .18(.06to .23) -165°(-152to -175) Halberg & Simpson (106)
10 (2) .19(.11 to .28) -157° (-1 33 to -182)

France 12(1) .07(.05 to .09) -138° (-121 to -155) Reinberg(105)

6(2) .08 (.04 to .12) -146°(-115to -176) Reinberg ot aI. (107)
6 (2) .06(.01to .11) -135°(- 77to -191)

Germany 9 (2) .15 (.08 to .22) -143° (-127to -195) Hofmann, Halhuber et al.
9(2) .18(.07to .29) -142° (-121 to -178) (105)

Austria 10(3) .9( .lto 1.6) -166° (- 89 to -223) GUnther et aI. (108)
10(25) 3.6(2.4t04.7) -173° (-ISOto -194)
10(25) 3.7 (2.1t05.3) -188°(-165 to -206)
10(25) 4.5(2.8t06.2) -176°(-154to -195)
10(3) 2.8(1.3 to 4.4) -169° (-139to -196)

Italy 31 (1) .17(.15to.19) _134° (-12410 -1 43) Ceresa (109)

Thailand 13(1) .06(.02 to .10) -150°(-106to -194) Marotta & Linw o ng (110)

Australia 8 (1) .06(.03 to .09) -103°(- 85 to -133) Gordon et aI. (102)


• T= 24 h =360°; 1 h = 15°.<I> r eference =middle of habitua l slee p span.

rhythmometry. The reader can consult the original references for information
on the kind of subjects providing the sampl es analyzed, their age, sex, genet­
ic background, nutritional state, and other characteristics. Such details, as
well as references to the biophysical or biochemical methods employed and
to the standardization for data collection, also must be specified before such
endpoints can more generally be used.
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

Cir ca dia n
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

N ofs ub je cts N oise -to- P

Site ofst udy (N of days ) si gna l or Rhyt hm am plit ude ct a cr ophase <1>* Author(s ). Ref.
[t.t (SE"/C) dete cti on -------
(.95 c onfi de nce li mits )

(Mi nnes ota ) 5(5) [4, 8] < .005 1 . 3 ( .7 t o 1 . 9) -161°(- 98t o -202) Ha ber
l g(105) (')
(Mi nnes ota ) 8 (1) [3] < .00 1 2 . 1 (1.4 t o 2 . 8 ) -157° (-130 t o -181) Doe (94) ::I:
(Ne w Y ork) 8(1) [4, 9] < .00 1 1.4( .9t o 1 . 9) -11 7°(- 95t o -1 7 1 ) Krie ger ( 1 1 1 ) 0
Fra nce 1 (21) [2- 7] . 11 1 . 2 ( .9 to 1.4) -159°(-146 t o -172) Rei nber g(105) o:l
4(1) [4] < .025 3 . 2 (1.4 t o 4 . 9) -15 1°(- 87 t o -189) Rei nber get a l. ( 1 12) 0
Ger ma ny 9(2) [3- 15] < .002 1 .0 ( .5t o 1 . 5) -149°(-125 to -215) Ha lhuber , H ofma nn,et �
9(2) [3- 1 5] < .02 1 .6 ( .4t o 2 .8 ) -156° (-1 26 t o -189) a l. (105)

Austra ila 10 (3) [1.5, 10] < .0 1 1 .6 ( .8t02. 3) -158°(-132t o -1 77) Gu nt her e tal.( 108)
10 (25) [1.5, 10] <.0 1 1 .8 (1.2 t o 2 . 4) -155°(-139 to -174)
10(25) [LS, to] < .0 1 1.5 (1.0 t o 2 . 1) -150° (-137 t o -1 74)
10 (25) [ 1.5,10] < .0 1 1 . 5{.8t02 . 2) -140°(-123 to -16 7)
10(3) [1.5, 10] < .0 1 1.3 ( .6t o 1 . 9) -150°(-1 1 7 to -18 7)

Austra ila 8(1) ["'3] < .00 1 2 .6 (1.6 t o 3 . 3) -123°(- 92t o -143) Gord on et a l.( 102)

.. T=24 h=3600; 1 h= 15° . <1>= mi ddle of habit ua l s el e p s pa n. 0\

t Am plitu de ex pressed i n me q/hr . 00


Circadia n
N of subjects Noise-to- P
(N of days ) s ignal or Rhythm amplitude C acrophase <1>* Author(s). Ref.
(AI, hI (SEnIC) detection
(.95 confidence limits)

I (516) [�8) .081 6.6 (5.4 to 7.7) -282° (-272 to -292) Halberg (105)
5 ( 5) [4,8) <.01 8.5 (3.1 to 13.8) -210° (-187 to -273) Halberg (105)
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

1 (21) [2-10) .lta 9. 3 (7.2 to 11.4) _219° (-203 to -236) Reinberg (105)
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

10 (25) [1.5. 10) <.01 2.7 (1. 7 to 3.7) -206° (-160 to -236) GUntheretal.
10 (25) [1.5. 10) <.01 2.6 (1.1 t04.1) -228° (-198 to -263) (108)
10 (25) [1.5. 10) <.01 2. 5 ( .7 t04. 3) -225° (-195 to -291)
10 ( 3) [1.5. 10) <.05 3.9 (1.1 to 6.6) -196° (-169 to -277)

• T=24 h=360o; I h=15°. cI> reference=middle of habitual sleep span.

Moreover, most of the information summarized in Tables IV to XIII is

obtained transversely, i.e., in studies covering only one or a few periods of
the rhythm investigated. on groups of subjects. Because of this limitation in
length of time series, the average period of the rhythm is not estimated, be­
yond stating at a certain level of statistical confidence that a rhythm with
the frequency fitted or with a frequency close to that fitted characterizes the
data (42). Thus, in several estimations of circadian acrophase and amplitude
there remains some uncertainty as to period, whether the period fitted is pre­
cisely 24 hr in length (Tables IV-XIII) or is different from the exact 24-hr
length (some of the analyses summarized in Figure 6).


Let us assume, first, that observations covering many cycles of a rhythm

under study are available longitudinally on each of a number of individuals.
\Ve may assume, next, that in such series certain physiologic rhythms exhibit
changes from one cycle to the next-changes that cannot readily be assessed
by inspection of data plotted as a function of time, i.e., in a chronogram.
Since in such plots of data along the 24-hr scale, one may not consistently
find any rhythm markers comparable, say, to the P, Q, or T of an electro­
cardiogram, reproducible features of certain waveforms in the chronogram
can be described more meaningfully by endpoints derived from certain (ordi­
nary and/or generalized) harmonic analyses complemented by inferential
statistical methods.


N of subjects Noise�to� P
(N of days) signal or Rhythm amplitude C acrophase $*
[dt,h] (SE"IC) detection
(.95 confidence limits)

1 (516) [�81 .19. 2.7 (1.7 to 3.7) - 2° ( -341to -24) Halberg (lOS)
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

5 (5) [4, s] <.001 5.2 (4.7 to 5.S) - 7° (-344 to -98) Halberg (lOS)

( .8 to 6.4) -18° (-355 to -64)
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

10 (25) [1.5, 10] <.01 3.6 Gunther et a!.

10 (25) [1.5, 10] <.01 4.5 (1. 7 to 7.2) -34° ( - 19 to -42) (108)
10 (25) [1.5, 101 <.01 5.3 (2.7 to 7.9) _20° (- 14 to -72)

• T = 24 h =360°, 1 h = 15°. $ reference =middle of habitual sleep span.


N of subjects
Site of study (age range) amplitude acrophase<p
[N of days ]
(.95 confidence limits)

USA (Minnesota) 1 (37)[34] .17 (.IHo .20) - 99° (- 78 to -126) Haus & Halberg (104)
USA (Minnesota) 4 (19-49)[10] .11 (.01 to .22) -133° (-355 to -171) Halberg & Haus (unpubl.)
Japan 3 (28-33)[I] .11 (.01 to .22) -107° (-354to -168) Sakai (113)
Denmar k 1 (44)[1) .08 (.05 to .11)· -131°(-110to -152) Halberg et aI. (1)
1 (52)[5] .05 (.02 to .07) -124° ( - 96 to -153)
USA (New York) 11 (20-43)[10] .07 (.0410.11) -124° ( - 91 to -158) Vestergaard & Leverett (114)
Thailand 13 (19-23) [1 ) .07 (.04 to .09) -108° (- 89 to -127) Marotta & Linwong (110)

USA (Maryland) 7 (yg. adult)[2] .04 (.01 to .08) -136° (-123to -181) Bartter et aI. (103)
USA (New York) 11 (20-43) 10 [ ) .07 (.03 to .11) -124° (- 88 to -158) Vestergaard & Leverett l114)

* C in mg/hr; cf> in degrees, with 360°=24 hr. cf> reference = middle of habitual sleep span.
A microscopic alteration of the circadian acrophase in urinary 17�ketosteroid of depressed patients is recorded
(277; cf. 113); a possibly broader multivariable chronopathology of tbis illn ess deserves scrutiny (274-276,
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

S pecit; s* . . Cir cadi an N oi. se - to-

Circ adi an
N of su bJe cts Leve l C s!7' Au thor(s )
Co ±SE
? ampli tu de C
N of days van able (SE ! C) or
Re f.
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

[At, h]
(.95 confide nce i nt. ) P val ue . confide nce ar c)

Blood C ons ti tue nts

7 lvfm, 1 [3] P oly mor phonucle ars, 10± 1 3 (0 to 7) .687 - 13 2°+ Mi ge on e t al.
(1000/mm3 ) ( 1 16 )
Lymphocy te s 6± .5 2 (.6to3) .4 2. - 30 1°+
(1000/m m3 )
E osi nophi ls (/mm3 ) 374± 29 205 (12 1 t o 28 9) . 20. - 35 9° (- 338 to- 22)+
17- hy dr oxy cor ti- 35± 2 16 (10 to 22) .16s - 85° (-
coster oi ds :r:
(p g/ l00 ml) >-
lOlvfm, 1 [ 2, 4] 17 - hy dr oxy cor ti- 48± 3 6 9 (26 to 1 12) .005 - 17 7° -
( 1 73 to- 18 1)++ M as one t al . r-'
coster oi ds
(p g/ 100 ml)
(1 17) �
He ar t R ate 0
1 Cebus albifrons, He ar t r ate ( be ats 99± 1 29( 25 to 33 ) .0 73 -156° -1
( 48 to- 164)+ Winget e t al .
1 [.5] per min ) ( 118)
Tem per ature (oq
l Cebus albifrons, Dee pbody 37 . 7± .04 1 . 9 (1 .8 to 2 .0 ) .043 - 17 4°(- 16 9 to- 179)+ \\"ingetetal.
1 [.5] ( 1 18 )
llvfm,4[.25] Br ai n 38 . 7± . 16 1 . 5( 1. 4 to 1 .6 ) .023 - 2 1 1°(- 208 to- 2 13 )+ S tr oe be l
(1 19)
32lvf irus, 1 [6] Re ctal 38 . 1± .05 . 7 ( .6 to . 9) .09. - 226°(- 2 16 to- 237)+ H onjoe t al.
(120 )
2 Mm, lMcyano- Axi llary 38 .0± .04 .8 ( . 7 to .8 ) .00 1 - 197°(- 18 3 t o- 2 11)+ Sim ps on e t al .
molgus; 1 Papio (1 2 1 )
hamadryas; 1
p atas, 7 [ 2]

... M=lvfac aca, m=mulatta. '" re fere nce =mi ddle of dai ly dark s pan; '"re feren ce = l ocal mi dni gh t

Dilute Brown ( Ds) and Bagg-Albino (C) Mice

Circadi an
Inbred Agent tested, dosage
strain (endpoint recorded) amplitude C acrophase <p from
( % of mean) mid L -

Ouabain; .5 mg/. 2 cc/20 g

b.wt.; % mortality 6 2(57-6 7) -3 15° (-305 to -324)
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

Librium; 5 . 4 mg/20 g b.wt.;

survival time 19 ( 6 -24) -220°(- 184 to - 26 3)
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

White noise; 104 db; % with
convulsion 67 (31-103) -128° (- 98 to -159)

. 05 ml .5%; % w/tumor 24( 1 3- 35) - 56°(- 27to- 85)

Ouabain; .15mg/ . 2 cc;

% mortality 3 1(26-36 ) -283°(- 16 4 to- 302 )

E thanol; .8 cc 25%;
% mortality 41 (23-59) -107° ( - 80 to -134)
Methopyrapone; 325-400
mg/kg b.wt.; % mortality 23 (11-35) -1050 ( - 82 to -128)

Endotoxin; 1 00
p.g/ . 2 cc/20 g
b.wt.; % mortality 71 (4 7-95) - 37° (- 18 to - 57)

* Animals maintained on regularly alternating light/dark cycle [L(060L 1800)/D

(180L0600 )] (see reference 122).

In principle, all curves can be accounted for by harmonic analysis, and

the indications for this method at first seem universal. In practice, the
fewer the data points available on a variable and the more nonsinusoidal the
"shape" of a rhythm, the more difficult it is to describe this rhythm with the
fit of a few sines and cosines. A more or less sinusoidal form becomes an
essential requirement for a meaningful harmonic analysis whenever the
number of available data points is so restricted that only a single cosine
function can be fitted. In such instances, the dangers of uncritical curve
fitting indeed are great. To drive this point to the absurd, a single cosine
function fitted to a single cardiac cycle in an electrocardiographic tracing
would do no more than obscure the information On P, QRS, and T so -




Circadian amplitude C* Circadian acrophase '"

Physiologic variable
(.95 confidence limits)

Gross motor activity 65 (23 to 107) -160° (-123 to -198)

Liver phospholipid labeling 13 ( 9 to 17) -164° (-146 to -182)
Colonic temperature -161° (-125 to -196)
Depression of blood eosinophil count 98 (62 to 134) -181° (-160 to -202)
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

Depression of pinnal mitoses 44 (26 to 62) -201° (-179 to -223)

Liver glycogen 92 (89 to 111) -294° (-288 to -30G)
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

* C given as % of mean. '" from mid-L. Mice maintained on regularly alternating

light:dark cycle [L(0600-1800) : D(18M-0600)] T fitted=24 h=3600j 1 h=15° (see 65
and 123),

readily and usefully available when the original tracing in time is viewed by
the naked eye. Nonetheless, when such rather obvious pitfalls ar e kept in
mind, th e fitti ng of certain harmonic functions to longitudinal data can be
carried o u t in order t o procure reproducible endpoints o f circadian o r o ther
rhy thms, and in the process, o ther equally v exing and co mmon pitfalls
that stem fro m .the exclusively macroscopic v iewing of a chronogram may
be avoided. In any event, rhythm characteristics-whether e valuated
macroscopically or microscopically-must meet several requirements:


Circadian acrophase (.95 confidence arc)

�* �
Physiologic variable

from mid-L from serum corticosterone '"

Serum corticosterone 66° (- 42 to - 89)

Adrenal corticosterone 79° (- 47 to -112)
Hypothalamic CRF ggo (_ 11 to -147)
Adrenal reactivity to ACTH -235° (-210 to -258) -169° ( - 144 to -192)
(in vitro)
Pituitary ACTH -339° (-319 to -359) + 87° (+ 107 to + 67)

* L(06°0-1800): D(18oo-06M); T fitted=24 hr=3600; 1 hr=15° (see 123-126, also

1. The average period length T of the rhythm and/or its acrophase ¢

should be determined objectively. In this context, objectivity requires that:

(a) The method used for determining the Tor cP of an individual's rhythm
be applicable throughout an entire sampling span, whatever its length T,
when T»r.
(b) It be applicable to time series from any and all available subjects in a
(c) When a given procedure is applied to the same time series by different
investigators, their inferences as to a T or a cP be similar or preferably the
2 . Endpoints other than Tor cP, such as the extent of rhythmic change-­
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

i.e., the amplitude C and the level around which rhythmic changes recur
Co-should also be objectively evaluted, in keeping with (a) to (c) above.
3. All endpoints should be expressed in numerical form.
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

4. Statistical dispersion indices should be sought for each endpoint.

Even in longitudinal studies on a given individual, some approximation
of their statistical confidence limits should be given with numerical endpoints
such as the ¢ and the C or the T of a rhythm.
Given the test of the same hypotheses and other things being comparable,
work meeting the above four requirements promises to lead to a more com­
plete and more reliable description of biologic phenomena than studies ig­
noring these same methodologic desiderata. Furthermore, any biologic re­
search aimed at interpreting the factors underlying a given physiologic
change will be particularly useful if it enables one to make reliably predictive
statements. From this pragmatic viewpoint, we are led to yet another
methodologic point:
5. Whenever possible, the results of any method of analysis should be
checked by additional sampling aimed at validating the predicted temporal
behavior of a r hyt hm.
For instance, if a T of 23.5 hr is detected for the circadian rhythm of a
given variable in one individual or group, whereas a T of 2 4 hr is found for the
same variable in another individual or group, and if the rhythms' phases in
the two individuals or groups also are known, a large difference in the
temporal placement along the 24-hr scale of the crests of the two rhythms
can be predicted to occur on certain days. The presence or absence of this
difference can be readily and economically checked by additional sampling
at a few appropriately chosen time points during single 24-hr spans, as wiJl
become apparent from the study of Figures 2 and 3 (29, 65, 66) .
Of course, similar considerations apply to differences in the circadian
period of two or more variables in the same organism. One variable may
exhibit a component wi th T == 24.5 hr, whereas another variable in the same
organism conceivably maintains a T 24 hr: accordingly, large deviations

fro m the usual phase relation of the circadian components of these two vari­
ables can be anticipated at certain predictable times. Furthermore, such
alterations of internal timing may result in undesirable or even deleterious

Ph ase-drift of Desyn chronized Circadian Rhythm

in Body Temperature of Blinded Mature CBC mice
Compared wi th 24- h -synchrani�ed Circadian Rhythm
" "
of Sham-operated contrOls
TIME (days after surgery)
I 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 38 43 48-(19531
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

1963 1953

Group-mean �_f:��;���:;otion ---� �O'"-- &: ..

Rectol ·c 37
Temperature '-Bilateral Optic Enucleation
3 6���--L-��---L-L����__�
3 5 10 15, 20 25 I 5 10 15 20
May 1953 June
TIME (date)

FIG. 2. Reproducibility of circadian desynchronization following blinding in

studies on CBC mice and C mice done 10 years apart with different sampling tech­
niques. A study on CBC's in 1953 is summarized by open circles connected with con­
tinuous lines. Note that results on cp obtained in 1963 are within the 95 per cent con­
fidence interval computed for results on q, obtained a decade earlier. The confidence
interval is referred to as confidence arc on the graph simply to indicate the particular
method used for computing it, i.e., the cosinor (42). Note also from the bottom of the
graph that average levels of body temperature (1953 data only are shown) are roughly
the same in both blinded animals and controls. Thus, rhythmometry detects a clear,
quantifiable, and reproducible alteration of rhythm after blinding, whereas the more
classical study of levels fails to detect an effect. In all studies, light daily from 0600 to
1800 alternated with darkness.

effects at certain predictable times. This possiblility of a p redictab ly re­

curring chron opathol o gy then becomes amenable to testing at appropriate
times, i.e., when the largest deviation from the usual internal timing can be
anticipated from the very rhythmometry yielding the two initially considered
values OfT_ Rigorous data supporting this line of thought are as yet unavailable.
9 %
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.




e f

FIG. 3. Time relations of circadian rhythms in liver glycogen, serum corticoster­

one, and rectal temperature in C mice at 21 days after surgery. The "transient anti­
phase" seen macroscopically from this plot was predicted on the basis of microscopic
results shown in Figure 2.

Condition l(a) stated above requires that there should be no "good" and "bad"
fractions of a time series, such that some can be interpreted and others cannot.
Rhythmometry must be applicable even to sections of a time series so noisy that in­
vestigators rightly refrain from drawing inferences solely from the inspection of their
chronograms--otherwise the "microscopic" method can hardly prove its usefulness
in clinical or experimental medicine or in biology. One must not end up in the difficult
situation of suggesting to a patient that his record is "not good enough" for the time

being and that perhaps he should return at some other time when his record might
be amenable to evaluation. This status quo prevails in more than one contemporary
approach to rhythms ; it not only limits a priori any application of rhythmometry in
medicine but invalidates many an inference in biology as well.
Condition l (b) stated above attempts to ascertain that the results of longitudinal
group studies will be more nearly representative of a population investigated since
the data from all individuals sampled are required to be amenable to the same analy­
ses. Unless this condition is met, one may again be embarrassed by having to advise
certain patients that they are not amenable to rhythm evaluation. By the same token,
the choice by a biologist of "good" animals over "bad" ones from a specified sample
impresses one as a most questionable endeavor. I ndeed, condition (a) above comes to
mind: what is to prevent the "good" one from turning "bad" ?
All of the above criteria of objectivity, although self-evident and minimal, are not
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

invariably met by some of the methods most widely used for studying rhythms. A
case in point is the so-called behavior day chart-a display familiar to child psy­
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

chologists-where, for example, spans of sleep and wakefulness are displayed as

black and white areas along a 24-hr scale and strips from consecutive days are
mounted· one under another. One can then observe, for instance, onsets of sleep or
wakefulness on consecutive days and can readily see whether these recur at the same
times of day, or consistently somewhat earlier or later. For this purpose---rather than
for the objective quantification of the mUltiple endpoints of rhythms-such charts
often are satisfactory in themselves; many biologists, too, rely largely if not ex­
clusively upon the interpretation of similar strip charts displaying 24-hr records of
motor activity mounted one below the other in the order in which they are obtained.
Historically such approaches have provided most interesting information and their
continued use for certain purposes of orientation can be recommended ; yet one must
not confuse the viewing of such a chart with a quantitative inferential statistical
study of rhythms, precisely because one may thus fail to meet even the minimal ob­
jectivity criteria (a) to (c) stated above-quite apart from the circumstance that
quantitative information on certain parameters such as level or amplitude is almost
irretrievably lost.
Difficulties resulting from the interpretation of some charts can be illustrated by a
specific example. Two senior clinical investigators independently commented in
print on the same behavior day chart of an infant on self-demand feeding. In the
original report displaying the behavior day chart, problems of rhythmicity were a
side issue alluded to in small print. The original author noted that prior to the de­
veloping rhythm's synchronization with the societal 24-hr cyclic routine, sleep and
wakefulness in this infant recurred with a period of 23 hr. Another author, finding
the graphic record and reproducing it, apparently did not read the small print, pre­
sumably since he did not read the language of the original text ; he reports from viewing
the same behavior day chart that the period of the sleep-wakefulness rhythm in
" "

this infant was initially longer than 24 hr, rather than shorter.
Nothing is gained when the "interpretation" of a rhythm's period can drastically
differ from one investigator to the next. Rather, much harm wiII be done if similar
procedures should continue in exclusive or even primary use in studies on human
beings directed at clinical applications, among others. Let us assume that the two
clinical investigators alluded to above arrive at their discrepant interpretations in the
(as yet) hypothetical situation of studying a period alteration in disease with the
endeavor to correct it-rather than being concerned, as they were, with physiologic
aspects of the infant's development on a schedule of self-demand feeding. In the
former situation, one clinical investigator might attempt to slow down a rhythm in­
terpreted by him as being pathologically too fast. The other, on the basis of the same
evidence, would aim at speeding up the rhythm-interpreted by him as being too
slow. Such actions should justly be questioned: the field of chronobiology as well as
that of a fledgling chronopathology can gain only discredit from confusion that could
be avoided (for applicable methods see lower half of Table 2 in Ref. 39).


Rhythms can be studied at different levels of complexity, determined by
the number of (a) spectral components with distinct frequencies-one fre­
quency one rhythm ; (b) physiologic variables investigated (58) ; and (c)
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

study conditions.
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

Single-frequency approaches.-
(a) One frequency--one physiologic variable-one condition. Surveys of
rhythms under one condition in field or laboratory abound but are mainly
macroscopic, except for some first halting microscopic steps on human data,
Tables IV-IX, on nonhuman primates, Table X, and on rodents, Tables
(b) One frequency-one physiologic variable-several conditions. This
approach, widely prac tic ed , has been a preferred one in limited studies on a
given rhythm ; thus one may focus upon a circadian rhythm, a circannual one,
or any other frequency in the given time series. In evaluating a single
rhythm under varying conditions, one may follow, for instance, the syn­
chronization of the rhythm with a societal routine and its desynchronization
from that routine--as suggested for the case of a circadian rhythm in
Fi gu r es 2 (3, 66) and 4 (67) and for the case of a circaseptan rhythm in
Figure 5 (1).
(c) One frequency-several physiologic variables-one or several conditions.
An illustrative example at this level of complexity is a macroscopic map of
the time relations among circadian rhythms in body core temperature, blood
cortiocosterone and liver glycogen levels, Figure 3 (d. also corresponding
microscopic summary in 65) . Among very many others, macroscopic cir­
cadian chronograms also are available for the rhythms in flashing, lumines­
cence glow, cell division, and photosynthetic capacity in Gonyaulax polyedra
(d. Figure 1 in 68) . I n many cases the chronogram does not allow for a quan­
tification of a rhythm, as may be seen from the chronograms of circaseptan
rhythms in Figure 5. Figure 6 (78-80) , in turn, explores microscopically
the phase relation of two circadian rhythms in (a) blinded mice (r 2 3 . 5 or

23.4 hr) as well as in sham-operated controls and in (b) human beings, each
isolated in a separate cave, and following their subsequent resynchronization
with a societal routine [d. Figure 4 (67) ].
The macroscopic phase relations of circadian rhythms during human
isolation in a bunker for spans of several weeks have been discussed by
Aschoff & Wever (69-77) . Series of observations covering 9 days of isolation
a) during isolation in a cave fOl' about 3 months, and
b) during synchronization with a 24-hr societal routine for another month .

Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

Prelim inary
Microscopic Evaluation

of above two series

o +-���-l--/.

No Isolation Isololion No Isolalion

FIG. 4. Phase relations of circadian rhythms in the urinary excretion of 1 7-hy­

droxycorticosteroids and in rectal temperature of a woman during isolation in a cave
and following resynchronization with a 24-hr cyclic societal routine. Clipped chrono­
gram of the time series shown on top. (For clipping, values above or below the mean
±3 standard deviations were repeatedly equated to the nearer of these limits until
the result of this iterative procedure was no longer associated with a, change in mean
and standard deviation to the nearest four decimal places. Extreme values thus
"clipped" are indicated by a dot on top of the corresponding chronogram.)
A macroscopic inspection of these time plots is barely contributory; long-period
changes of some rcgularity---{;orresponding presumably to the menstrual cycle (79)­
are apparent for rectal temperature in particular and changes with shorter periods
also are suggested by the record, yet it seems unjustified on the basis of inspection
alone even to attempt to ascribe a precise period to a circadian rhythm or to discuss
the phase relations of circadian components in the two time series.
By contrast, the display of acrophase in the bottom row-part of the microscopic
approach-indicates first that the rhythms of both functions changed their period
during isolation-only to be resynchronized with a 24-hr cyclic routine thereafter;
second, that the rectal temperature acrophase lagged behind that for 1 7-hydroxycor­
ticosteroid excretion during isolation, as well as following resynchronization; and
third, that resynchronization of body temperature occurred considerably faster than
that of 1 7-hydroxycorticosteroid excretion. The latter finding may be related at least
in part to the circumstance that on the day of emergence from the ca . e the ", of rectal
" J ." .
have been reported by Schaefer et al. (81 , 82) with special reference to the
respiratory subsystem.
When the results from different studies, each limited to a single rhythm,
i.e., to a single spectral component in one or several physiologic variables,
are viewed in toto, they reveal a broad spectrum of physiologic rhythms
extending from periods of a millisecond or so to periods measured in years.
Such a spectrum of rhythms (with different frequencies) for a number of
different variables was conceived and depicted by Golenhofen & Hilde­
brandt (83, 84) and by Aschoff (85, d. 88-90) . Their abstract spectrum,
along with a reference to more recent work by Pye & Chance (86) , is dis­
played at the top of Figure 7. Aschoff emphasizes two theoretical points :
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

1. that a broad spectrum of rhythms constitutes a physiologic entity, and

2. that-like rhythms with frequencies much higher than one cycle per day­
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

circadian rhythms or rhythms with lower frequency also have endogenous

features. Two more important steps lead to the abstract scheme shown at
the bottom of Figure 7 and have already been docum ented (1) by concrete
spectral work involving the concomitant estimation of several rhythms
(with different frequencies) in the same time series. One step is a conceptual
one derived from concrete work, i.e., that distinct spectral regions character­
ize not only different physiologic time series, as suggested earlier, but one
and the same variable as well. The second step was the actual concomitant
objective estimation of the several spectral components as endpoints
satisfying the criteria 1. to 5. on page 69 1 (d., e.g., Figure 8) (1).

Multi-frequency approaches.-
(a) Several frequencies-one physiologic variable--one condition. Variance
spectra have been used to assess concomitantly several rhythms with differ­
ent frequencies-circadian to circannual-in rectal temperatures measured
on individuals synchronized with an institutional routine (49, 50, 53, 87) .
(b) Several frequencies-one physiologic variable--several conditions.
Least squares spectra, as well as variance spectra, have demonstrated con­
comitantly circadian and circatrigintan (menstrual) (29, 53, 79) components
in body core temperature of healthy women subjected to a 24-hr cyclic social

temperature was nearer its usual temporal placement in relation to the synchronizer
than was the .p of 1 7-0HCS.
From the pergressive amplitude diagram-third row from top-it can be seen
that the amplitude, notably that of the rhythm in 1 7-0HCS excretion during isola­
tion, showed no indication of damping, as a conditioned reflex phenomenon might be
expected to do. If there was a difference between the amplitude at the end of isola­
tion and that upon resynchronization, this measure of the extent of circadian periodic
change in 1 7-0HCS excretion indicated a more marked rhythm at the end of isolation
than following resynchronization.
Adding confidence limits to each C and .p estimate makes such a preliminary eval­
uation more defini!}ye ; these limits can now be routinely and automatically plotted
by fast computer-d,rected plotters.
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

o� +-��__�-,�__��-,����-,__����
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\'lltl;a\ ,gS'l/tl\

Urine Volumes

oO'oO 'no.oo 'cu

f\J\,.QQ' VO\� t.I .Q'J'oO
\'if.>'l/tl\ \�I() t% lt"
Schedule of Self-administered Male Sex Hormone Treatments

310 274 ". 344 2.2

_ Actl....
� Inocliv.

FIG. 5. Human urinary 1 7-ketosteroid excretion chronogram in top row and per­
gressive acrophase (cf» diagrams computed with half-year intervals for analysis in the
second row, and with I-year intervals in the third row. Substantial amounts of an­
drogen were repeatedly self-administered by the subject at "A" and after "B" for the
last 3 years of study, but not before "A" (1). Note after "B" in the pergressive
acrophase diagrams the desynchronization of circaseptan rhythms in 1 7-KS, a
phenomenon not detected for urine volumes in the row next to the bottom.


Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

FIG. 6. Adrenocortical acrophase�auged by urinary 1 7-0HCS in human beings

(67) or by serum corticosterone in inbred C mice (65)-leads body core temperature
acrophase within "-'1/4 circadian period. Internal timing is similar in mice and man
in these cases: '" is comparable when the circadian periods are of 24-hr average length
in mice and men subjected to a 24-hr cyclic synchronizer effect and after the blinding
of the mouse (65, 66) or under conditions of human isolation in a cave (67, 78-80)
when the rhythms are desynchronized from the 24 hr day
- .

synchronization; alterations in period length of these two spectral compo­

nents have been recorded in a woman in the absence of a societal synchroniza­
tion, with the menstrual component shortening as the circadian one
lengthened during 3 months' isolation in a cave-on "self-demand" lighting
of low intensity (79).
Infradian spectral components have been recorded in disease and are
of par ticular chronopathologic interest when their p rominence in the spec­
trum is associated with a marked reduction in the prominence of circadian
rhythms (49) .

iii w
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w e>
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Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

t IS
Z ::;;;

� I!!
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

::: '"
I- W
w e>
Z -'
", Z
OL e( �

� )5 Z
ci :=;
o: � '2
ffi -'
I>: :>
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-, 0
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.... 0- >-
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W ....
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FIG. 7. Changing concepts of the spectrum of rhythms (39, 52).

For human urinary 1 7-ketosteroid excretion, circadian, circaseptan

(about 7-day) , circavigintan (about 20-day) , circatrigintan (about 30-day) ,
and circannual (about a year) rhythms have been concomitantly demon­
strated during spans with and without androgen administration , Figures
5 and 8 (1).
(c) Several frequencies-several physiologic variables-one or several condi­
tions. Spectral components with several different frequencies were also
evaluated in the urine volume of the healthy man whose 1 7-ketosteroid

' 0.282


Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.


Number of
Window of //" ,
(same for all non-circadian estimotes.)

period domain ,-'

FIG. 8. Reproducibility, from one data section to the next, of certain rhythms
with a .elatively low frequency in the urinary 17-ketosteroid excreted by a healthy
man. A ..ow in heavy print visualizes certain comparable estimates for the much more
prominent circadian rhythm of urinary 17-ketosteroid excretion (1). Such components
may contribute to the intermittency of certain diseases (25-26, 1 15, 1 76-187, 287-
290) believed to be more or less cyclic. Apart from medical problems, the circannual
component continues to be of particular interest to avian physiologists (85, 1 88-203),
among others (325, 330).

excretion rhythms are summarized in Figures 5 and 8 (1). This self-study by

a scientist spanned a decade and a half : the circannual rhythms of this
subject as well as components with higher frequency thus could be con­
co m i tantl y examined. The circannual rhythm in 17-ketosteroid excretion
was prominent but apparently not synchronized with the calendar year,
whereas the circannual rhythm in urine volume was clearly i-year synchro­
nized. When in this case of circannual rhythms the analyses suggest the
occurrence of different prominent periods in a give n spectral region for each
o f two variables, a comparison of the phase relations among these variables
at sli ghtl y d i ffere nt fr equ en cies is not meaningful. This same inference also
holds during the last 3 years of this study (1) when the non-7-day (6. 93-day)
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

circaseptan 1 7-KS component differed with statistical significance from the

7-day-synchronized circaseptan component of urine volume in the same sub­
( 1) the prominent
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

ject. However, for the first 10 years of the same study

frequencies in these two physiologic variables were the same ; comparison of
their phase relations does then become of interest and reveals a phase­
difference, demonstrated in Figure 9.
The student of circannual rhythms can record longitudinally but 60 to 70 individual
cycles in a lifetime; for the same number of cycles the student of circadian rhythms
requires "only" 2 months or so; students of high frequency rhythms, of course, ob­
tain a very large number of cycles within a fraction of the span covered by a single
circannual or even circadian cycle. For this reason, perhaps, the multifrequency,
multivariable approach continues to be applied primarily in the high frequency do­
main of rhythms (d. 279-283, for studies of interactions among rhythms in eNS
function and respiration) , where, of course, the total study duration requirements are
more modest. The multifrequency approach already can be extended to cover con­
comitantly the domains of high and medial frequency ; thus circadian components of
the human electroencephalogram have been quantified (41 ) .



This problem area, notably that of post-travel adaptation, comprises a

number of related, yet distinct topics.
Relatively early, several authors report on rhythms during sea travel
( l 29- 1 3 1) .
Second, physiologic observations, or quite often i mpressions, from trans­
m eri di an flights are numerous ( 1 32-1 52). Any effects of relatively sh o rt­
distance transm eridian fligh ts i nvolving the crossing of no more than a single
time zone or tw o , al th o u gh p erti n e n t in the same connection, apparently
have been ignored as a field of study. Discussion continues on problems re­
volving around the adaptation to a new schedule of living after a flight (333,
334) ; attention also has been paid to rhythms and physiologic performance
d uri ng flight (148) . In preparation for the trans meridian travel, an attempt
at preadaptation to the new routine of living anticipated upon arrival has
been recommended ( 140-142).

Urine Volume
9·l ml
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

FIG. 9. Cosinor summary o f the circaseptan rhythms i n 1 7-ketosteroid excretion

and urine volume of a healthy man. Rhythms in both variables are synchronized with
societal 7·day routine during all of the time span analyzed (urine volume) or during
most of that span (17-ketosteroid) ; d. Figure 5 (1).

Third, reports abound on the phase shifting of rhythms in a fixed geo­

graphic setting by the manipulation of environmental cycles such as the
regimen of light and darkness and/or the daily routine of activity and rest
( 1 5 3-160, 2 7 1-7 2 ; cf. 19) . Pittendrigh had suggested earlier that for many
species ( 1 64) the adaptation of a circadian rhythm to an altered synchronizer
schedule is faster following a synchronizer delay than after a synchronizer
advance. But for chaffinches kept in 12·hr light (250 lux) alternating with 1 2 ·
hr darkness (.5 lux) , Aschoff & Wever ( 1 65) found a faster adaptation when a
single span of light or darkness was shortened by 6 hr rather than lengthened
by the same amount. From a macroscopic study of chronograms, they con­
clude that resynchronization following a lengthening by 6 hr of either the
light or the dark span lasts 4 to 5 days, whereas only half that time is
needed for resynchronization following an advance of rhythm by 90°,
Figure 10. The opposite behavior was found for rats (40 , 166) , Figure 1 1 ,
as well as for humans (40, 167) , Figure 1 2 , and even for monkeys ( 1 68)-fro m
the microscopic analysis of data in the classical study by Simpson & Gal-


in Fringilla coelebs L .
(From Aschoff a. Wever 1963) following different
kinds of manipulation of the lighting regimenfA 'fs}

-2 - 6 D (hours)

o n=9
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

2 - 6 L (hours}
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

""' 0 . n=9

� " " " 1 " , , ,.
I.. 0 � � 72 96 120 hours
.J!. +6
<I +4
o --1>i��


o ��i'"

1 1 /1 1/ 1 1 11 /1 1 1/ 1 1
� 96 1�� 192 hours
FIG. 10. Rhythm adaptation in chaffinches following a change in synchronizing
regimen of alternating light (250 lux) and darkness (.5 lux). Macroscopic interpreta­
tion of data : adaptation following advance of synchronizer faster than following de­
lay (165).

braith ( 1 2 1 ) . This problem deserves further scrutiny under controlled con­

ditions ; special attention should be paid to individual differences in various
aspects of circadian rhythm adaptation following changes in synchronizer
or adherence to unusual routines. Such studies pertain to work hygiene-­
even to the performance of healthy subjects on odd routines-quite apart
from bearing upon adaptation following transmeridian flights. Since such
flights result in a shift of the synchronizer as well as in a geographic dis-
Phose Shifting
of 24 -h- synchronized Circadian Rhythm
in Intraperitoneal Temperatllre
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

of Female MSD Rots

by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.


00-, -36(h I �......

N of rats c 8

I ()
I ::r:
. I
'& IS" -270 '''- IS' o
I z
l!I" :c
I o

� � I I
�= Acrophcse = Cresl- Phose of
b I Rhythm

� L


6(/)5= Cl'longe in Phose of Synchr onizer,
where SynChronizer = LD 12:12

<.) I
"t 6(/)R= Cha nge in Phose of Rhythm

j � I
L i < 201= Incondescent l i gh t . -- 20
Inte rval for c n o l ysis = I day
LUI[ "
L .. 1� -1eO-j
�\.i 12" -180 .

! r!
.. r.... .. . ._......... ..__._. .._ .._ ... .._
" .. .. . .. ..

11 �J}�.;:,
__ r�donee
Span of" 60R Acrophase Span of 6 0 R +

Relatively Shot! . '"ter�1 (from coslnor\ Relatively Long

06"� "9<>;1:
GMT (heta given) .6hrs .. locol time (CST)

I I I � j iI � I I I ;J; I I
...� .ole; 01.. "'�
• I 06" -90 "
).0 ,
, �
o cf! rl cJ'
�,... �}o..' !\'� �+ 0(\"" �,� �:,. t.t:"" f/I''fl ",•
• '0 (): 0
• • 0
O IQ 0
TIME (DATE) -..)
FIG. 1 1 . Rhythm adaptation in inbred female Minnesota Sprague-Dawley rats is faster following a delay of tTl

synchronizing lighting regimen than following an advance (40, 166).


E-W w-E

- 6 ¢S ';' t +6 ¢ S
f--- Minnesota. U.S.A. --- -Jo p o n - -Minnesota, u.S.A. -!
- Time (CST)

U.SA. Japan Time
Degrees 1 Hours Hours

t 0 600
, In terval for Analysis ,:: 5 days

, ,0
60s by single 26-h
span o f wake fulness

II\ aConfidenC� (from casinor J
AcropnOS91U/ orc
2.S5. unless otherwis@ indicated
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from


" Postflight
-e. Meon ¢ a ·377D
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

« -270
« ::1:���6

Mean SE
· ·242' !:3°

(3 'I I
,I I
'I I
·1 I
¢k� Acrophose :: Crest - Phase of Rhythm I I I
6 0s :: Change in Phose of Synchroni.zer, II I
wl1ere Syncl1ronizer =24-:h societal scheriIJle
¢R = Chonge in phase of Rhythm
Spanof - 6 ¢
of +L:::. � R
Relatively short Relatively long

o� 0 ...�'" 0...� ....;,. �'\

0 0
·of)'O'& e
�.o� �)(J- 0�}.
\�" TIME ( D ATE )

FIG. 12. Rhythm adaptation following a flight from east to west, involving social
synchronizer delay, seems to be faster than that following a flight from west to east
involving synchronizer advance--despite the circumstance that rhythm advance is
associated with return to familiar home setting (40, 167).

placement, one should control each of these two factors, preferably on sepa­
rate groups of subjects studied concomitantly.
Rhythms also continue to be studied in unusual environments, such as
the Arctic ( 1 6 1-162) , caves (29, 67, 78-80, 163, 1 7 1-173, d. 28) , or extra­
terrestrial space ( 170) . The question remains open whether on unusual work
routines there is rhythm alteration and decrement in preformance. Holm-
quest, Retiene & Lipscomb (169) studied male rats living on a regimen in
which light and dark were randomly presented over a span of 40 days.
Body weight, endocrine organ weight, adrenal function, and gross motor
activity were recorded. I n comparison with control animals living on a regu­
lar LD regimen, the group rhythms in motor activity and adrenal steroid level
were apparently altered, but no effects of the random regimen on the animals'
health were noted.
No untoward effects had been reported earlier by Holmgren & Swensson
(335) who subjected rats to repeated i nversions of a 24-hr LD regimen at
intervals of 4 days over the course of 16 weeks (cf. 19, 284) .
Plasma corticosteroids in subjects on unusual schedules have been
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

macroscopically studied by Orth, Island & Liddle (204). In discussing their

results they i ndicate that a "single day (on an abnormal schedule) does not
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

disrupt the 1 7-0HCS (rhythm) for that day" and also that "several individ­
uals on 19 and 33-hour sleep-wakefulness schedules appeared to exhibit
two 17-0HCS (cycles) per sleep-wake cycle" (204) , yet they conclude that
the pituitary-adrenal cycle is a function of the duration of the subject's
sleep-wakefulness cycle. This inference must be qualified, since the prom­
inent rhythm in urinary 17-0HCS excretion and in certain other variables of
human subjects isolated in a cave for a span of 3 to 4 months continues to
exhibit a circadian frequency desynchronized from the 24-hr local time,
even though spectra of sleep-wakefulness data from the same subjects
exhibit frequencies lower than one cycle in 28 hr (29, 67, 78-80) . Further­
more, microscopic studies (206) reveal prominent circadian components
with a period near 24 hr persisting in the urinary corticosteroid excretion of
subj ects living on a 2 1-hr day in the Arctic (161).
Such studies are the more interesting since it will be important to deter­
mine the extent to which the societal 24-hr schedule should be altered in the
artificial environments of certain cities of the future---now actually on
drafting boards-in vehicles for extraterrestrial space, or in u nderwater
environments. In several such milieus, alterations of schedule may be
logistically desirable yet they also should be physiologically acceptable ;
one should ascertain whether prolonged life on non-24-hr routines might
lead to a detriment in performance or health, notably to deficits in resistance
to potentially noxious agents. It also has been suggested that certain acute
concomitants of phase shifting, such as insomnia, may be prevented if shift
workers would adopt a 25-hr day-the daily working span being prolonged
from 8 hr to 8 hr and 20 min in this case and the resting span accordingly to
16 hr and 40 min. With such a system, Eranko, who has studied shift work
problems with Kihlberg (205) , wished to achieve a schedule whereby work
for a given individual began 1 hr later each calendar day-day work thus
changing only gradually (rather than abruptly) into night work and vice
versa, with a full cycle being completed in 2S days. The i mplications of
rhythms are of obvious interest also to those involved in the global move­
ment of personnel on various schedules (337, 338).
Intergroup - 6 in 1> 0 . 5 1 h± .03 5
� �
X " 23.49 ± .033� Meon ± I S. f. - X · 13994 ± .01 4
! I 19") 1 50")
.- -.. Mode
Mo� Median


I Mean
o 4 I ,
" 3
6 ,.,
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from


'-t , I I II
1 :1: :i
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 237 23.8 23.9 24.0 24, 1

"'(( Period ; hours 1

FIG. 13. Circadian period of rectal temperature in 14 blinded and 18 sham-operated

CBC mice (1953-Series), determined by least-square spectrum. "Circadian" denotes
periods of blinded and sham-operated animals (see Appendix A). Circadian synchro­
nization requires objective validation of a period dispersion < ± .1 hr. Sham-operated
controls exhibit a 24-hr-synchroni.zed circadian rhythm. Period of blinded mice devi­
ates from 24 ± .1 hr length-we are dealing with a presumably free-running circadian
rhythm desynchronized from 24-hr "solar" and 24.8-hr "lunar" day. In many cases
such a fine resolution is a priori not practicable inter alia because of insufficient length
of available time series. [Summary of data collected every 4 hr from mice kept in
light from 06°° to 18°0 alternating with darkness, originally described at the 4th Con­
ference of the International Society for the Study of Biological Rhythms in Basle,
Switzerland, Sept. 18-19, 1953. Pergressive analyses in Figure 2. Amplitude-damping
of �3 1 % in blinded mice during observation span of 48 days-May-June 1963 (14).1


Models of rhythms with various frequencies continue to attract interest

(219-246), partly as a follow-up of some older models (247-252). A number
of these papers, but by no means all of them, at least refer to biologic data,
and in a few instances a model in the form of an oscillating circuit (219) or an
oscillator (220) is actually formulated with reference to biologic data. At
the other extreme, purely mathematical and statistical papers also are avail­
able (245). Winget et al., apart from con trib u ti n g a s eries of studies on deep
body temperature and heart rate among other rhythms of nonhu m an pri ­
mates and chickens (1 18, 253-255), also address themselves to the important
task of evaluating the waveform of a rhythm by " microscopic" procedures.
Stroebel ap pl i es vari a n ce s pe ct ra to t he s t udy of circad ia n rhythms i n
behavioral parameters of experi m en tal animals. H e studies features of
conditioned emotional responses as a function of circadian system phase (119)
and explores learning rates of rats in vario us circa dian system p hase s,
advocating a controlled biologic rhythm approach to psychiatric problems
(256) . Controlled stu dies on rhy th ms and behavior presented by Randall


[Adjectives and by zero change nouns for the tentative designation of the frequency or period of certain biologic rhythms (d. 1)J
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

Derivations Pronunciation Physiologic spectral region

by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

Term all
from Latin spoken accentb phonetic notation· description limitsd

Ultradian ultra, beyond ultradian ul tra' de �n Certain frequencies From 1 cycle/ l hr to

dies, day higher than 1 in 19.9 hr/l-
-anuS" circadian 21 horanf
Circadian circa, about circadian sftr ka' de ;m From 1 cyc1e/20 hr to ::c
1 cycle in about 24 hr :::0
dies, day or 1 cycle in 1 in 27.9 hr/2D- o
-anus precisely 24 hr 28 horan o
(d. Fig. 13)
infra, below
dies, day
in/radian in fni' de �n Certain frequencies
lower than
From 1 cycle/1.166 d to
1 in 5.999 d/29 §
-anus circadian horan to 5 dian �
• As compared to 1 . the much higher frequencies exhibited, among others, by rhythms that are more specific for the nervous, circu­
latory and respiratory system, e.g., by action potentials of brain or heart; or to 2. much lower frequencies, e.g., of menstrual and circ­
annual cycles.
b Italicized syllable indicates spoken accent.

e Spoken accent is indicated by the symbol of the written accent (') placed at the end of the syllable intended to be the prominent
one. Separations indicate syllables. Phonetic notation is used according to Webster's New International Dictionary, Springheld, Mass .,

1961. Thus, one should pronounce "a" as in add; "fl." as in arm; /la" as in ace; /Ie" as in end ; "e" as in even ; "i" as in it; "u" a s in
up; "ii" as in fuse; ";)" as in silent. Limits of spectral regions are tentative and subject to revision.
d hr= hour or hours; d = day or days; yr = year or years.
Adjective-forming suffix. --l
f From hora, hour, and -anus. \0

(257-258) also stand out by virtue of the experimental approach employed.

In contrast to others publishing on "clocks" after experimental manipulation,
Randall & Littschwager (257) include control animals in their work ; they
explore circannual changes and higher frequencies by a combination of
Fourier analysis and analyses of variance (257) . The adrenal gland continue:s
to be studied by investigators of intrinsic aspects of rhythms (259, 260) , as
is the pineal gland (261-264, 273, 291, 304, 3 12) ; reports on extrinsic factors
continue to be contributed by Brown (265, 266). The synchronization of
biologic rhythms (267) and the role of automation in biologic rhythms (268)
are discussed by Soli berger. Menaker (278) reports on rhythm synchroniza­
tion in the sparrow by extraretinal light perception.
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

The amenability to phase shifting of mitotic rhythms in the epithelium

of rodent skin (3) is confirmed by Alov (293) and extended to rhythms in the
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

epithelia of cornea, tongue, and esophagus (293) ; variations in mitotic

counts after thyroidectomy and adrenalectomy in the rat are given ap­
parently without ascertaining the extent of adrenal insufficiency by deter­
minations of corticosterone or by other means (cf. 294) .
C herkovich(295) subj ects three monkeys (Papio hamaeryas) to varia­
tions in lighting regimen ranging from (a) illumination by day, over (b)
illumination by night and rest and darkness by day. (e) 6-hourly alternations
of light and darkness followed by (d) such 6-hr "days" and "nights" dis­
placed along the 24-hr scale by 6 hr, to (e) continuous illumination for 24 hr,
(f) continuous darkness for 24 hr, "and so on". After 2 months of such
"systematic interference" with illu mination and feeding, all three monkeys
reportedly developed a neurosis with severely deranged conditioned reflex
activity and the appearance of somatic pathology, including coronary i n­
sufficiency and micronecroses in the heart of one monkey.
Ulcer production in monkeys subjected to 12-hr cycles involving 6 hr
of forced activity alternating with 6 hr of rest is under continued study by
Brady (296, 297) ; his findings are extended to the rat by Rice (298) . The
chronopathology of gastric ulcers is a subject of experim ental (305) and
clinical interest (306) , as remains the mapping of rhythms in a variety of <,
variables (299-304, 322-332, 340, 341) including the so-called hours of
changing resistance (33, 107, 307-3 10, 313) . Suggestions on statistical design
and analysis also are available (42, 43, 47, 48, 52, 61-63, 3 1 1 , 314, 3 1 5) .
The time relation between the development o f rhythmicity o n the one
hand and its synchronization with environmental factors on the other hand
is a topic of continuing interest (316-318), as are problems more generally

related to the development of circadian rhythms (3 16-321). In a moth

Pectinophora gossypiella, rhyth micity of a population is elegantly induced by
Minis & Pittendrigh with a single stimulus, the manipulation of environ­
mental temperature or lighting (316). Conceivably the time at which a
circadian rhythm can be induced in the moth may be " microscopically"
found to precede by a few hours if not by a day the time at which the
rhythms can be coupled to environmental stimuli, unless, as is equally
possible, there be an important difference in this connection between the
moth and human beings. For several human infants fed on self-demand, the
occurrcnce of a desynchronized circadian period for considerable spans of
time-weeks or months-prior to the actual societal synchronization of the
circadian system has been macroscopically ascertained (3 17, 318).


In an attempt to determine whether a given value is "normal" or "ab­

normal", clinicians as well as biologists customarily study many rhythmic
variables on the basis of single samples-without qualifying such values in
terms of the phases of the various rhythms contributing to the variable
sampled, even though it has been pointed out that a single datum can
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1969.31:675-726. Downloaded from

meaningfully be qualified as to circadian system phase if the conditions of

study are standardized (269) . This review indicates that from relatively few
by University of South Florida on 04/29/13. For personal use only.

samples-some of variables extensively utilized by biologists and cIinicians­

reasonably reliable new and potentially useful endpoints of rhythms can be
obtained by rhythmometry.
This "chronobiologic" endeavor to acquire new endpoints from the study
of rhythms as yet relates to investigative biology and medicine rather than
to clinical practice.
It is pertinent that, as shown in the Tables included with this review :
(a) the acrophases (crest-phases) of certain circadian rhythms in blood, in
urine, and i n systemic functions of healthy human beings, as well as i n cer­
tain experimental animals, can be objectively and readily determined by
electronic computation-as will be the rhythm-adjusted level, the amplitude,
and the waveform of a rhythm-and that (b) these acrophases agree re­
markably well in studies carried out by different investigators working
many years and miles apart with differing biophysical, biochemical, or
behavioral methodology, under dissimilar standardization of the conditions
chosen for observation and of the kind and extent of sampling. Such agree­
ment among endpoints allows me to conclude this review with the suggestion
that the time is ripe for the planning, at the international level, of conditions
and techniques that may be adopted generally for obtaining standardized
time series on rhythmic variables and for checking these out in different
laboratories around the world, with a view toward a subsequent, broader­
scale study of rhythm modifications in biology and medicine (lOS.)
In concluding his review of a related problem-annual reproductive
cycles-A. C. Giese in 1959 wrote that "a tremendous amount (of work) is
still undone which can provide a lifetime of problems for those who are
challenged by them" (270) . I n 1968 there still remains a lifetime of work for
students of rhythmometry ; they face the challenges of obtaining new biologic
characteristics from the study of rhythms and of applying these endpoints
toward an understanding of underlying factors, in different forms of life (339) .


1 . Halberg, F., Engeli, M., Hamburger, 15. Biologische Rhythme1t, Nachr. A kad.
C., Hillman, D. Spectral resolution Wiss. Giittingen (Birukow, G.,
of low-frequency, small-amplitude Rensing, L., Eds., Vandenhoeck &:
rhythms in excreted ketosteroid; Ruprecht, Gilttingen, 1967)
probable androgen-induced circa­ 16. Photoperiodism and Related Phenom­
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