30 Purpose Vocab 180

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Justin's SAT Purpose Vocab

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1. absolve declare free from guilt; 면제하다; 19. call attention to cause people to notice, indicate; 가리
ex) absolve someone from duty, 키다; ex) He is calling attention to the
be absolved of blame. concept.
2. account for provide an explanation for; 설명하 20. call into question doubt or question; 의심하다; ex) call
다; ex) He was brought into into question one's intention.
account for his behavior
21. cast doubt (on one's doubt or question; 의심하다; ex) the
3. acknowledge concede or recognize; 인정하다; sincerity) critics are casting doubt on the theory.
ex) The government
22. categorize classify or identify; 분류하다; ex) Silk is
acknowledged the need to
categorized as a luxury good.
4. adulate praise; 칭찬하다; ex) he was
23. caution advise or warn; 주의 주다; ex)
adulated in the press.
Advisers have cautioned against tax
5. advance (a hypotheses, present or suggest; 주장하다; ex) increase.
a view, the need) advanced a claim of sovereignty
24. challenge (a question or dispute; 이의를 제기하다;
6. advise (a reader) offer suggestions; 권하다; ex) decision, a view) ex) Other scientists are challenging
advise the readers on the the study's assumptions.
25. characterize (a describe the distinctive nature; 묘사하
7. advocate (a practice, for recommend or support; 지지하다; character) 다; ex) We characterized him as
technology) ex) She advocated equal rights. childish.
8. allude to refer to or mention; 언급하다; ex) 26. chronicle record or document; 역사에 남기다;
We will allude to the main points. ex) his work chronicles 20th century
9. analyze (a development, examine methodically and in
a reaction, an event, an detail; 분석하다; ex) analyze the 27. cite (an opinion) refer to, give as an example; 예로 들
experiment, data) result. 다; ex) I have cited the passage in full.
10. answer respond; 대답하다; Ex) he has 28. clarify (a claim, a make clear or explain; 분명히 설명하
answered a calling. concept, an 다; ex) A meeting was called into
explanation, the clarify the situation.
11. appraise (effectiveness) assess or evaluate; 평가하다; ex)
The men stepped back to
appraise their work. 29. classify categorize or identify; 분류하다; ex)
we can classify the students into two
12. apprise inform; 알리다, 통지하다; ex) I had
distinct groups.
apprised her of the situation.
30. collaborate cooperate; 협력하다; ex) He
13. argue (against, for) give reason in support of an idea;
collaborated with other professors on
의견을 주장하다; ex) critics argued
a book.
for disarmament.
31. commend praise or compliment; 칭찬하다; ex)
14. articulate express an idea; 의견을 주장하다;
we should commend him for his
ex) He has articulated fair
32. comment on express an opinion, mention; 의견을 말
15. assert (a point) contend or argue; 주장하다; ex)
하다; ex) They commented on the
The company asserts that 10%
quality of the water.
raise was unreasonable.
33. communicate convey or tell; 정보를 전달하다; ex)
16. assess (impact) evaluate and estimate; 평가하다;
He communicated the bad news to his
ex) Patrols were made to assess
the enemy's strength.
34. compare (functions) draw an analogy between or contrast;
17. bolster support or reinforce; 지지하다; ex)
비교하다; ex) compare one's idea with
The researcher bolstered his
argument with scientific proof.
35. conclude (on a finish or end ; 결말을 짓다; ex) The
18. bring up raise a matter for discussion,
positive note) speech concluded on a positive note.
mention; 언급하다; ex) she tried to
bring up the subject of money
36. condemn criticize severely or to convict; 책망하 52. depict portray or describe;
다, 비난하다; ex) He was condemned 묘사하다, 서술하다
for his errors. ex) Youth is
depicted as a time
37. confirm (the validate or authenticate; 입증하다; ex)
of vitality.
relationship) the records confirmed the evidence.
53. describe (a character, a culture, a give a detailed
38. consider (a think carefully about; 깊이 생각하다;
phenomenon, a process, a reception, account in words;
dilemma) ex) we considered his suggestions.
a study, a venture, aim, method, 묘사하다, 서술하다;
39. contextualize place in context or provide results, an approach, an event, an ex) he described his
background information; 문맥을 제공 experiment, approach, duties, experiences in a
하다; ex) The excellent introduction evidence, hypotheses, passion, letter to his parents.
contextualizes Bowen's career. periods)
40. contradict (an challenge or oppose; 반박하다; ex) 54. determine (a role) control or specify;
opinion) No one dared to contradict his 결정하다; ex) it will
opinion. be her mental
41. contrast (an differ from or go against; 대조하다, 반 attitude that
intention, one's 박하다; ex) this view contrasts with his determines her
lifestyle, theories) earlier opinion. future.

42. contribute (to a list promote or be a part in; 기여하다; ex) 55. develop (an argument) build up or
of) The subsidy would contribute to elaborate; 전개하다;
recovery. ex) When writing,
we need to develop
43. convey communicate or make known; 의미를
an argument
전달하다; ex) Mr. Marr has conveyed
the information to me.
56. direct one's attention to to focus on
44. correct rectify or set right; 고치다; ex)
something or
proofread your work and correct any
someone; 특정한 상
대를 가리키다; ex)
45. counter (a claim) oppose or speak against; 반박하다; The announcer
ex) The argument is difficult to directed our
counter. attention to the
46. criticize (a behavior, find fault with; 비판하다; ex) They magician.
a method, a criticized the government for 57. discredit (an assumption, the actions disprove or refute;
tradition, an incompetency. of someone) 의심하다; ex) the
explanation, theory has been
viewpoints) discredited.
47. critique evaluate in detail; 비평하다; ex) the 58. discuss (a change, a relationship, an examine or explore;
author critiqued the methods used in phenomenon, assumptions, 논의하다; ex)
the research. reasoning, changes, findings, chapter three
48. defend (an justify or support; 옹호하다, 지지하다; personality flaws, an effect) discusses this topic
alternative) ex) he defended his policy of high in more detail.
interest rates. 59. dismiss ignore or disregard;
49. delineate describe or portray; 정확하게 서술하 무시하다, 잊어버리
다; ex) The study delineates the aims 다; ex) he dismissed
of the research. all morbid thoughts.

50. demonstrate give exhibition or explanation of; 증명 60. dispel make feelings or
(intricacy) 하다; ex) The findings demonstrate belief disappear; 떨
that boys commit more offenses than 쳐버리다; ex) the
girls. brightness of the
day did nothing to
51. denigrate belittle or disparage; 헐뜯다, 명예를 dispel Elaine's
손상시키다ex) It amused the jerk to dejection.
denigrate his guests.
61. disprove refute; 오류를 입증하다; 73. emulate imitate or copy; 모방하다; ex)
ex) new forensic they tried to emulate Lucy's
evidence disproved the glowing performance
74. encourage motivate or persuade; 격려하
62. dispute (an assertion) argue or challenge; 논쟁 다; ex) he would never
하다; ex) there might be encourage Joan to leave her
good reason to dispute husband.
his proposal.
75. ensure make sure that something will
63. dissuade persuade not to; 단념시키 occur; ~을 확실하게 하다; ex)
다; ex) I tried to dissuade we will ensure equal
him from telling that story. opportunities for all.
64. distinguish (between x and y) differentiate or tell apart; 76. enumerate (the failings) list or mention one by one; 하
구별하다; ex) The child is 나하나 세다. ex) he
capable of distinguishing enumerated four objectives for
between reality and the company.
77. epitomize exemplify or symbolize; 축약적
65. draw a distinction distinguish; 구별하다; ex) 으로 나타내다; ex) the
The DEA draws company epitomized the
distinction between a problems faced by the nation.
dealer, a distributor, and
78. espouse adopt or support; 신봉하다, 옹
a user.
호하다; ex) the activists have
66. draw (attention to discovery) attract or interest; 사람들 espoused the causes of racial
의 흥미를 끌다; ex) he equality.
drew the attention of
79. establish (a sense of prove or demonstrate; 확립하
millions of viewers.
solidarity, credibility, the 다, 인식시키다; ex) there was
67. draw (conclusion, parallels) deduce or infer; 결론을 perspective) sufficient proof to establish his
추론하다; ex) What credibility.
conclusion can we draw?
80. evaluate (a research, assess or estimate; 평가하다;
68. edify educate or instruct; 가르 consequences) ex) it is important to evaluate
치다, 교육하다; ex) no the results of surgery.
doubt the teacher will
81. evoke bring a feeling or memory to
edify us on the subject.
mind; 불러 일으키다; ex) the
69. educate give instruction; 교육하다; sight evoked memories of his
ex) they decided to childhood.
educate Edward at home.
82. exaggerate overstate or overemphasize; 과
70. elaborate on (advice, result) expand on or add detail 장하다; ex) the conflict was
to; 자세히 설명하다; ex) exaggerated by the media.
they refused to elaborate
83. examine (a role, ways) inspect thoroughly; 검토하다;
on their reasons.
ex) the incident forced us to
71. elicit (an action) obtain or bring out; 끌어 examine every facet of our
내다, 알아내다; ex) the business.
police elicited a
84. expand (the discussion to, elaborate on or add detail to;
confession from the
upon) 부연설명을 하다; the minister
expanded on the government's
72. emphasize (capacity, emotional focus attention on, proposal.
connection, fact, the distinction, highlight; 강조하다, 역설
85. explain (a connection, a make clear or describe; 설명하
the importance, the length, the 하다; ex) the president
term, development, 다; a technician explained the
meaning, the reach, the value) emphasized his
reasoning, research, the procedure.
commitment to reform.
method, the relationship)
86. explicate explain or analyze; 분석하다, 해석하다; 101. illustrate (a problem, make clear by using examples;
scholars have been devoted to explicate method, the importance, 예를 들어 설명하다; ex) the
the theories. the quality, with detail) complexity of the machine can
be illustrated through a brief
87. explore (ways) examine or evaluate; 알아보다, 조사하다;
ex) the firm will explore joint
development projects. 102. imply (one's sentiments, suggest or hint; 암시하다; ex)
skepticism) she seemed to be implying that
88. expose (a side) reveal or disclose; 노출시키다, 드러내다;
he was mad.
ex) The accident exposed the risky side
of the business. 103. indicate show or point to; 나타내다, 가리
키다; ex) He indicated his
89. express convey a thought in words; 표현하다; ex)
approval with a nod.
(concern) The investors expressed their concern
about the new CEO. 104. inform advise or instruct; 알리다, 통지
하다; ex) we'll keep you
90. extend (the to enlarge the scope or application of;
informed of any new
implications) 범위를 넓히다; ex) open theism assumes
human freedom and seeks to extend the
implication of this to our understand of 105. inspire motivate or arouse; 감정등을 불
God. 어넣다; ex) Charles inspired awe
in those who worked with him.
91. fill in inform of or advise; 정보를 주다; ex) Iain
filled me in on the essential details. 106. interest (the reader) intrigue or captivate; 관심을 끌
다; ex) I thought the book might
92. find new avenues seek new ways or methods; 새로운 방법
interest Chris.
을 찾다; ex) The company needs to find a
new avenue of revenue. 107. introduce (a character, a present or make known; 소개하
digression, philosophy, 다, 제공하다; ex) introduce a
93. focus concentrate or pay attention to; 집중시
potential, solution, new trend in contemporary
키다; ex) the investigation will focus on
argument, characters, the poetry.
areas of social need.
94. foreshadow (an be a warning or indication of a future
108. join the call for agree with public demand; ex)
event) event; 전조가 되다; ex) the city's decline
the protesters pleaded to the
was foreshadowed by earlier events.
public to join the call for
95. frame form or articulate words; 말로 표현하다; complete shutdown.
ex) he walked out before she could
109. juxtapose set side by side or compare; 나
frame reply.
란히 놓다; ex) black and white
96. give an insight provide deep understanding; 통찰력을 photos of slums were starkly
(an overview, 제공하다; ex) The lecture gave insight juxtaposed with color images.
evidence, an into the character.
110. lament (the lack of express regret or
interest, the problems) disappointment; 실망하다, 비탄
97. herald (a indicate or announce; 알리다; ex) the 하다ex) she lamented the lack of
discovery) speech heralded a change in policy. shops in the town.
98. highlight (a draw attention to or emphasize; 강조하 111. lead to (a discussion) result in or cause; 특정한 결과에
dilemma, 다; ex) this has highlighted a number of 도달하다; ex) they feared that
instances, the shortcomings in the technical the Marshall Plan would lead to
importance, the arrangements. Germany's industrial revival.
severity, the
112. list (conditions, enumerate or make a list of; 하
differences, 나하나 열거하다; ex) list the
99. hint imply or suggest; 암시하다; ex) he has shortcomings) names of invited guess.
hinted that his ambitions lie in overseas.
113. make an argument contend or assert a claim; 논쟁
100. identify (a determine or distinguish; 분간하다; ex) I 하다, 주장하다; ex) critics made
finding, a hurdle, was able to identify four problem areas. an argument that the
a process) government can improve the
economic problem.
114. make a prediction forecast or speculate; 예시하 127. predict (an outcome) foretell or anticipate; 예언하다; ex)
다; ex) In stock market, it's it is difficult to predict what the
difficult to make an accurate outcome will be.
128. present (a background, offer or introduce; 증정하다, 제출
115. mock ridicule or treat with a hypotheses, a study, 하다; ex) They have presented a
contempt; 비웃다, 조롱하다; achievement, an new idea last night.
ex) the children taunted and example, data,
mocked the old people in research)
the home.
129. promote actively encourage; 촉진하다, 장려
116. note (a misconception, consider or take note of; 주 하다; ex) some regulation is still
exclusion, the technological 목하다, 주의하다; ex) we required to promote competition.
advance) have noted your suggestion.
130. prompt cause or encourage; 촉구하다, 일
117. obtain get or acquire; 얻다, 손에 넣 으키다; ex) a sense of alarm
다; ex) the newspaper prompted her to knock again.
obtained a copy of the letter.
131. propose (a project, an put forward a plan or suggestion;
118. offer (a description, an provide or suggest; 제공하 experiment) 제안하다. ex) he proposed a new
anecdote, an explanation, 다, 제안하다; ex) the peace plan.
evidence, one's own manager is always at hand to
132. prove show to be true; 입증하다; ex) the
findings, statistics, strategy, offer advice and information.
concept is difficult to prove
symbolic representation)
133. provide (an overview, a supply or give; 주다, 공급하다; ex)
119. outline (the schedule) give a summary of; 요점을 말
rationale, an account, Neither will provide for changes.
하다; ex) she outlined the
an analysis,
case briefly.
120. overview give a general summary; 개요 information, context,
를 제공하다; ex) the report counterpoint, evidence,
overviews the needs of the examples, information
community. rationale, support)
121. persuade induce someone to do 134. pursue (an approach) engage in an activity or course of
something; 설득하다; ex) the action; 추구하다; ex) the council
doctor persuaded the decided not to pursue an appeal.
patient to take the drugs.
135. qualify add reservations to or limit or
122. place identify or recognize; 확인하 moderate. They clarify claims to
다, 알아내다; ex) she seemed truth and make them more
familiar, but Joe couldn't factually accurate and help
place her. persuade those who disagree with
the claim; 수정하다, 한정하다; ex)
123. point out indicate; 가리키다, 지적하다;
She felt obliged to qualify her first
ex) He pointed out that we
short answer.
should go quickly.
136. question (a claim, a raise objections or doubt; 의심하
124. popularize (a fact) propagate or give credence
motive, a suggestion, 다, 문제삼다; ex) members had
to; 대중화하다, 보급하다; ex)
the feasibility) questioned the cost of the
the report popularized the
notion that the world was
running out of oil. 137. raise doubt become suspicious; 의심하다, 문제
삼다; ex) the disaster raised
125. portray depict or describe; 묘사하다;
doubts about the safety of nuclear
ex) the article portrayed the
actress as the victim of a
loveless marriage. 138. reaffirm confirm the validity of something
previously established; 재 확인하
126. praise express approval or
다; ex) the election reaffirmed his
admiration; 칭찬하다; ex) we
position as leader.
can't praise Chris enough for
his brilliant job.
139. recapitulate summarize; 요약하다; ex) I will recapitulate 157. reveal (motivation) make known to others; 드러내다, 밝히
some of the main points for the argument. 다; ex) he revealed the terrorists'
140. recognize identify or acknowledge; 인정하다, 알아보다;
ex) he had never liked Marler, though he 158. review examine or assess; 검토하다; ex) in the
recognized his ability. next chapter, we review a number of
recent empirical studies.
141. recollect remember; 생각해 내다, 회상하다; ex) he
(an era) could not quite recollect the reason. 159. ridicule mock or treat with contempt; 비웃다,
조롱하다; ex) they all ridiculed my
142. recommend advise or suggest; 추천하다, 권하다; ex) the
committee recommended a cautious
approach 160. seek to replicate try to replicate; 되풀이 하려 하다; ex)
it might be impractical to seek to
143. reconcile make compatible; 일치시키다; ex) it wasn't
replicate eastern culture in the west.
easy trying to reconcile his religious beliefs
with his career. 161. share (one's participate in or empathize with; 분담
struggle) 하다, 공유하다; ex) spouses need to
144. recount tell or narrate; 자세히 말하다, 이야기하다; ex)
be able to share their struggles.
(history) she recounted her adventures.
162. show (frames of exhibit or reveal; 나타내다, 가리키다;
145. refer to (a denote or describe; 부르다, 언급하다; ex) The
value, the nature) ex) experts say this shows the benefit
technique) Native Americans referred to salt as "magic
of regular inspections.
163. signal (a shift) show or signify; 신호하다; ex) his
146. reflect (the demonstrate or indicate; 반영하다; ex) their
death signals the end of an era.
friendliness) expressions reflected their feelings.
164. specify identify clearly and definitely; 명확히
147. refute disprove; 반박하다; ex) these claims have not
하다; ex) the agency failed to specify
been convincingly refuted.
that the workers were not their
148. reinforce strengthen; 강화하다; ex) various actions of employees.
(the the leaders so reinforced fears that war
165. speculate (on a theorize or surmise; 추측하다; ex)
importance, became unavoidable.
reason) observers speculated that the
the need)
authorities wished to improve their
149. relate (a make a connection between; 연관시키다; ex) image.
study) the study examines social change within the
166. strengthen make stronger; 강화하다; ex) the
city and relates it to wider developments in
argument is strengthened by this
the country as a whole.
150. reminisce remember in nostalgic way; 즐겁게 회상하다;
167. stress (a distinction, emphasize; 강조하다; ex) they
ex) they reminisced about their summers
the urgency) stressed the need for reform.
168. substantiate provide evidence to support; 입증하
151. report (on write or describe about; 알리다, 보고하다; ex)
(generalities) 다; ex) they had found nothing to
skills) the newspapers reported on the scandal.
substantiate the allegations.
152. represent symbolize or be a typical sample of; 나타내
169. suggest (a way, put forward to consideration or
다, 표본이 되다; ex) twenty participants were
alternatives, the express indirectly; 제안하다; ex) the
picked to represent the public.
ramifications, the scene suggest his guilt and her
153. reproach criticize or rebuke; 책망하다; ex) Albert value) loneliness.
(one's reproached him for being late.
170. summarize (a sum up or abbreviate main points; 요
finding, an 약하다; ex) he summarized these
154. reprove reprimand or criticize; 질책하다; ex) was it understanding, ideas in a single phrase.
necessary to reprove Vicki for dropping a few findings, the
crumbs? results)
155. resolve (a settle or sort out; 해결하다; ex) this matter 171. supply (evidence) provide; 제공하다, 공급하다; ex) his
debate) cannot be resolved overnight. answers did not adequately supply
156. return put or send back to a place; 되돌리다; ex) The reasoning behind his actions.
sentence returns the readers' attention back
to the topic.
172. support (a claim, a substantiate or verify; 입증하다, 뒷받침하다; ex) the evidence to support the argument is readily
conclusion, the claim) available.
173. take a position on support a particular opinion on a controversial issue; 입장을 취하다; ex) his words will be scrutinized
to see how does he take a position on this.
174. transition undergo a change or shift; 전환하다; ex) we have transitioned from a high-intensity combat operation
to a support role in the community.
175. underline (the importance) emphasize; 강조하다; ex) the improvement in retail sales was underlined by these figures.
176. undermine (an argument, weaken; 약화시키다; ex)this could undermine years of hard work.
177. underscore emphasize; 강조하다, 역설하다; ex) the company underscored the progress made with fuel cells.
178. validate (a conclusion) prove or substantiate; 입증하다, 확증하다; ex) clinical trials now exist to validate this claim.
179. voice express in words or make claims; 주장하다, 표명하다; ex) get teachers to voice their opinions on
important subjects.
180. warn notify or advise; 경고하다; ex) the union warned that its members were close to going on strike.

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