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Student: Vicente Palacios, Piero Renzo

Date: 11/06/2020

Writing Number 1

There is an object from my personal items that is so special for me. Actually, I can´t believe
without my laptop and I think it’s like a really important part of me. It’s a MacBook pro and
it looks like a relatively small object, so it’s very portable. For this reason, I can organize my
documents on my desk very well. Then, I have it with me in all my classes. I said this
because, nowadays, there is a big problem with COVID 19, so it means that we have to stay
away from other people, for this reason my laptop is an absolute necessity to take my
virtual classes. Also, I use it for different things. For example, I can study all the topics from
some subject in virtual presentations and I can do my homework very well. Plus, I’ve had it
for many months because my mom gave it to me as a special present for my last birthday.
Finally, I hold onto it because I like its ways of using it and I think that I can do my projects
efficiently. For this reason, if I lose it, I might feel too sad because it’s very expensive, so I
always keep my laptop in its protector case.

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