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Experience #2

Theme or Topic: Weather(rain)

Age: 4

Number of Students: 4

Content Standards:

1. N.PK1.a Observe their world.

2. N.PK1.b Ask questions about their world.

3. E.PK.1 Observe and identify weather from day to day.

4. E.PK.2 Observe and identify water in different states.

Objectives: Participation in this activity will increase the child’s ability to

1. Understand where rain comes from and how it starts.

2. Name the different types of weather that happens from day to day.

3. Describe how a cloud condenses and builds up enough to create rain.

New Awareness:

1. How to recognize different weather patterns.

2. How weather is constantly changing.

Materials: Shaving Cream, blue food coloring, dropper, and jar of water.

Activity: To start out this activity I will ask the children to go to the table where I have the

science experiment set up for them. I want to make sure to tell them before they get to the table
to not touch anything until I say its okay. They Each have their own dropper with blue food

coloring and jar of water in front of them. I will first ask the students, “do you know where rain

comes from?” then I will give them a short and simple explanation of how a cloud builds up

enough to create rain. Now I will put shaving cream in everyone’s cup and explain that it

simulates a cloud. Before the children start dropping food coloring in the jar, I will ask, “what do

you think is going to happen?” Now that predictions are made the children can start putting in

the food coloring to simulate rain. Once everyone has watched it rain in their jar I will ask,

“What do you think of what just happened?” Now that the project is done, I will take everyone’s

jars away and instruct all the children to wash hands.

What Happened: Children responded to this activity with excitement and curiosity. The

challenge here is that this experiment can be messy and if you don’t make enough air pockets in

the shaving cream the blue dye won’t go through.

What Next: To build on this experience, I want to teach the children about the water cycle. Now

that they have a full understanding of clouds and rain, it’s the perfect time to talk about how the

earth recycles water.


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