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From: s 47F

Sent: Tuesday, 9 February 2016 8:20 PM

To: Tim Wilson
Subject: FW: Indigenous affairs and 18(c)

Follow Up Flag: Flag for follow up

Flag Status: Flagged

Hello Tim! 

I hope you're well. s 47Fgave me your email in order to contact you regarding challenging indigenous 
activists, using the provisions of 18(c). Obviously I am deeply opposed to 18(c). It is an anathema to a 
modern liberal society.  

However, there needs to be a push back against the extreme aboriginal activists who are going completely 
unopposed. As outlined in the email to s  I want to explore an understanding of how I'm denigrated and 
offended by being an non‐aboriginal. When aboriginal activists attribute the plight of and socio‐economic 
well‐being of aboriginals to racism by or even structural‐racism on the part of non‐aboriginals that is 
casting a general offensive and untrue assertion on a whole racial group (non‐aboriginals). 

Of course non‐aboriginal is not a race per se, but I am the recipient of offensive untrue assertions on the 
basis of my race (that I am non‐aboriginal); note the difference between the concepts 

Racism is not the cause of the indices of poor aboriginal socio‐economic status. Alcohol abuse, drug and 
solvent abuse, domestic violence, high offending rates, fetal alcohol syndrome, poor educational 
achievement, poor health status, etc are not caused by racism or structural racism. They are not imposed 
from without. Those indices are all an indications of a failed culture. of 
Compare the rise of other ethnic groups who started with low socio‐economic status and how they have 

We could argue the cause of all those indices of socio‐economic to the end of the world. But racialist like 
Stan Grant clearly make offensive comments about broad swathes of the Australian community based on 
his opinion of people whose race is non‐aboriginal 

Stan Grant specifically says "Of course racism is killing the Australian dream! It is self evident that it is 
killing the Australian dream" 
It is clear throughout his speech that he is not talking about the racism of aborigines. He is saying that non‐
aboriginal people are racist. That is offensive. There are endless examples of "hate" speech against non‐
aboriginal Australians. The common factor being race. 

Otherwise I hope you're enjoy the role. It is a vital job you are doing too!! 

Kind regards, 

s 47F

From: s 47F
To: s 47F

Page 1
Subject: RE: Indigenous affairs and 18(c) 
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2016 06:23:41 +0000 

Hi s 47F
Exactly! But what you're talking about we can't talk about in case someone finds it offensive... 
Yes - please drop Tim an email - s 47F - his email is or just give him a tingle on the mobile - his number is s 47F
I hope you are flourishing! 
kind regards s 47F
s 47F

s 47F

From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 9 February 2016 12:05 PM
To:s 47F
Subject: Indigenous affairs and 18(c) 
Hello s 47F
I hope you're well. I was wondering if you have an email for Tim Wilson. I'm assuming emails to his old IPA 
email address would no longer be forwarded to him. 
I wanted to get his advice, particularly in his capacity within the Human Rights Commission, regarding how 
to define the race of non‐indigenous citizens. Of course "non‐indigenous" is not a race per se. But many of 
the aggressive aboriginal activists make claims about how non‐indigenous people are responsible for the 
plight of aboriginal people. Simply on the basis of my race (i.e. non‐aboriginal), they make broad sweeping 
statements that non‐aboriginal people are in anyway racist or contributing to the plight of aboriginal 
people. I am offended by that. 
So there is a subtle difference between a racial grouping per se, and being offended or discriminated 
against on the basis of race. 
I haven't read the full transcript of Stan Grant's rant, but the exerts are not only intellectually feeble, but 
deeply offensive to non‐indigenous people. Every index of aboriginal well‐being that Stan Grant describes 
is a factor of a failed indigenous culture, not racism on behalf of non‐aboriginal people.  
As you so correctly pointed out in your weekly email, 18(c) is going to completely shut down debate on 
aboriginal recognition and indigenous affairs in general. 
We need to push back. We are allowing an unfettered and unopposed voice by the looniest of aboriginal 
activists. They need to feel the wrath of 18(c) when they speak out! Of course what we need is to 
completely get rid of 18(c), but until then we need to push back. 
Keep up the good work, we desperately need it! 
Kind regards, 
s 47F

Message protected by MailGuard: e‐mail anti‐virus, anti‐spam and content filtering. 
Report this message as spam  

Message protected by MailGuard: e‐mail anti‐virus, anti‐spam and content filtering. 
Page 2
From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2016 5:57 AM
To: Tim Wilson - Liberal Candidate
Subject: 11 Days to Go - s 47F likely to cost Turnbull 50 Rep seats & 12 senate spots - small
parties & indys likely to control both houses
Attachments: 0 Document_Showing_Wheres 47F _Going_To_Source_
$13billion_Investment_Infrastructure_Funding.pdf; 0 s 47F _Pre-

11 Days to Go - s 47F likely to cost Turnbull 50 Rep seats & 12 senate spots
- small parties & indys likely to control both houses
s 47F
History is being created at
s 47F
pre-polling at
Yesterday, a busker turned up with following brochure (attached)
candidates present started reading - smiling - understanding immediately!
High-profile MP (no names mentioned) even started singing CCR songs with busker.
s 47F
s 47F
about to get up to $13.68 billion
injection into Economy -
that no other Australian Electorate would receive - from the busker.
Neither the ALP or Liberals are able to match the busker's amazing offer... have a read...
150,000 A5 fliers the busker is circulating across s 47F Electorate in 10 days!
Good luck with your campaign - only 11 days to go!=-O
More tomorrow... or reply with unsubscribe in subject line
s 47F

s 47F
Pls contact all 2016 Candidates
s 47F

4 “below belt” FAQs all 9 absolutely “le” answering!

(Eg. if voters are waiting & bored, & can discuss direct for half an hour in pre-poll babe-
kissing queue!©)


ELECTORATE? For every electorate? To compare? DO PM'S VOTERS GET


decision-making preferences? a. pin tail on donkey? b. spin bottle? c. flip a coin? d. ask
party whip? e. all of above? Hey s 47F ! WHY FORCE VOTERS TO MAKE BLIND
Page 3
3. $13.64 BILLION s 47F ELECTORATE SUPER FUND! Aus $uper is more
than $2 TRILLION OR AV $13.64 BILLION / ELECTORATE! Hey s 47F ! Why
haven't you or any s 47F since 1975 helped set up 1+ electorate owned &
controlled super fund to EMPOWER VOTERS TO STRENGTHEN / GROW
s 47F ECONOMY? WILL OUR NEXT MP RESIGN if local super fund isn't


unable to budget may voluntarily opt into Adult Admin. QCAT appoints Adult Admin. eg.
Qld Public Trust. Eg, PT receives benefit, pays rent, elect, wkly tobacco etc. PT can
even provide 6 smaller pays / fortnight! POLICE MAY APPLY FOR INVOLUNTARY
CBD assaults / wk!

I'm not a member of any political party. Just a s 47F having pre-election say!
Lookin forward to comments on: “Once upon an election time... Aussie voters took
cricket bats into polling booths...”
s 47F

s 47F

Once upon an election time... Aussie voters took cricket bats

into polling booths...
and while marking ballot papers... polling booth busker's song sunk in...

never vote for an MP... without a monthly spreadsheet...

to account for taxes paid... and spent in your electorate...
Page 4
what have they got to hide... what have they got to hide...

And not one incumbent MP or candidate from a major political party was elected that year!
Services not needed! All wacked out of oval for six!

And the sun did rise the next day! And the sky hadn't fallen in.
That's democracy!

Following federal election... all 150 federal electorates had an EGA – ELECTORATE
GOVERNING ASSEMBLY© that perpetually met quarterly – 3rd Sat middle month of
WHOLE COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP. Under-performers quietly resigning avoiding sack!

And at 1pm (local time) on 2ND TUES OF EACH MONTH WITHOUT FAIL, like manna
from Heaven, every electorate had COMPLETE & AUDITED SPREADSHEETS
IN THEIR OWN ELECTORATE – but in every electorate in Australia.

Before next election, all 150 electorate EGAS DECIDED IN AEC- CONDUCTED BALLOTS

ELECTORATE EGA TREASURY. Only forwarding to fed treasury taxes needed to fund

FUNDS each starting with an average of $13.64 BILLION PER EGA. As well as EGA-

By next fed election, every electorate had virtually FULL EMPLOYMENT. HOUSING

Shopping centres, ports & airports were soon OWNED LOCALLY, & as FAMILIES TOO
BUSY GOING CAMPING, HAVING FUN & playing sports on weekends, CBD SHOPS


Page 5
MORE CHOSE TO GET MARRIED strengthening low-crime suburbs.

On 25TH YEAR OF EVERY CENTURY until end of time, EGAs MUST conduct ballots
to decide if it is STILL VIABLE for each EGA to continue as a whole for next 25
years... or ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL for any EGA to divide incorporating 2 new legal

s 47F

s 47F

Page 6
Superannuation Statistics
February 2016

Overview Manner of investment (funds Funds with more than four members
with more than four members) Dec quarter 2015 $ million
Total assets No. of accts
Type of fund No. of funds
($billion) (June 15) Manner of investment $ billion Employer DB contributions 3,539
Corporate 54 36 0.3 million Directly invested 480 SG contributions 13,858
Salary sacrifice 2,009
Industry 446 43 11.3 million Placed with
677 Member contributions 5,162
Investment Managers
Public sector 354 38 3.5 million Net rollovers to SMSFs 1,740
Invested in Life Office
Retail 541 148 13.8 million 195 Lump sum benefits 8,157
Statutory Funds
Pensions 7,544
Funds with less than Total assets 1,352
597 568,943 1.1 million Contributions taxes 2,469
5 members
Source: APRA Statistics, Dec 2015.
Earnings tax 986
Balance of statutory funds 56
Operating expenses 1,609
Total 2,046 30.0 million Net earnings 36,255
Source: APRA Statistics – Dec quarter 2015 and APRA annual statistics for no. of accounts Net growth 41,586
Source: APRA Statistics – Dec quarter 2015.

Asset allocation (funds with more than four members) MySuper funds
Asset class Amount ($billion) % Amount Aggregate contributions
Characteristics %
($billion) 2014-15 ($b)
Cash 166 12
Cash 37 8 Employer 85.7
Australian fixed interest 183 14
Australian fixed interest 51 11 Member & other 44.7
International fixed interest 96 7
International fixed interest 27 6
Total 130.4
Australian listed shares 317 24
Australian listed shares 97 22 Source: APRA Annual Statistics, June 2015.
Listed property 45 3
Listed property 9 2
Unlisted property 71 5
Unlisted property 34 8
International shares 295 22 Principal source of income for
International shares 115 26 retirees aged 45+
Infrastructure 61 5 Infrastructure 32 7
Income %
Hedge funds 24 2 Hedge funds 0 0
Super 16
Unlisted equity 62 5 Unlisted equity 27 6
Investment and other 9
Other 31 2 Other 15 3
No personal income 5
Total 1,352 100 449 100
Government pensions 70
Source: APRA Dec quarter 2015. Source: APRA Dec quarter 2015.
*Number of MySuper products: 116, 28 lifecycle. Source: ABS Cat 6238.0, 2013.

Mean balance and coverage (2013-2014) Projected superannuation assets

% with Consensus private Treasury 2008 Treasury 2010 Treasury 2010 forecasts
Characteristics Age $ Year sector forecast asset forecasts asset forecasts total assets % of GDP
($billion) ($billion) ($billion) and (% of ASX)
Males 15+ 98,535 73
2020 3,100 - 3,500 2,815
Females 15+ 54,916 66
2025 4,200 - 5,000 3,830 3,200 120% (73%)
Males 30-34 36,373 89
2030 5,075
Females 30-34 25,549 82
2035 6,650
Males 60-64 292,510 79
2040 8,645 130%
Females 60-64 138,154 65
Source: Assorted forecasts 2009, Treasury RIM Group 2008, and Cooper Review.
Source: ABS.
Around 14 million Australians have a super account.
Investment returns to 30 June 2015
Benefit structure (funds with more than four members) Period Fund Real returns
Defined (% pa) returns vs AWE vs CPI
Accumulation Hybrid Total
Benefit 1 year 9.9 6.9 8.3
Member accounts (000s) 27,764 821 312 28,924 5 years 9.5 5.7 7.0
Assets ($b) 1,175.1 61.0 92.2 1,328.3 10 years 6.4 2.1 3.6
Source: APRA Annual Statistics, June 2015.
15 years 6.1 1.6 3.1
20 years 7.5 3.1 4.8
25 years 7.9 3.6 5.2
30 years 9.3 4.4 3.6
Super fund returns
35 years 10.1 4.4 3.8 published in the
Sept 2015 issue
Page 7 40 years 11.1 4.7 5.9
of Superfunds
50 years 10.4 3.0 4.8 magazine.
s 47F s 47F
Pls contact all 2016 Candidates Pls
s 47F
contact all 2016 Candidates
s 47F

4 “below belt” FAQs all 9 absolutely “lJe” answering! 4 “below belt” FAQs all 9 absolutely “lJe” answering!
(Eg. if voters are waiting & bored, & can discuss direct for half an hour in pre-poll babe-kissing queue!©) (Eg. if voters are waiting & bored, & can discuss direct for half an hour in pre-poll babe-kissing queue!©)
For every electorate? To compare? DO PM'S VOTERS GET PREFERENTIAL $$$? For every electorate? To compare? DO PM'S VOTERS GET PREFERENTIAL $$$?
2. BLIND NO SPREADSHEET DECISION-MAKING! Asks 47F etc their blind decision- 2. BLIND NO SPREADSHEET DECISION-MAKING! Ask s 47F etc their blind decision-
making preferences? a. pin tail on donkey? b. spin bottle? c. flip a coin? d. ask party whip? making preferences? a. pin tail on donkey? b. spin bottle? c. flip a coin? d. ask party whip?
3. $13.64 BILLIONs 47F ELECTORATE SUPER FUND! Aus $uper is more than 3. $13.64 BILLION s 47F ELECTORATE SUPER FUND! Aus $uper is more than
$2 TRILLION OR AV $13.64 BILLION / ELECTORATE! Hey s 47F ! Why haven't you or $2 TRILLION OR AV $13.64 BILLION / ELECTORATE! Hey s 47F Why haven't you or
any s 47F since 1975 helped set up 1+ electorate owned & controlled super fund to any s 47F since 1975 helped set up 1+ electorate owned & controlled super fund to
NEXT MP RESIGN if local super fund isn't established WITHIN 90 DAYS OF ELECTION? NEXT MP RESIGN if local super fund isn't established WITHIN 90 DAYS OF ELECTION?
unable to budget may voluntarily opt into Adult Admin. QCAT appoints Adult Admin. eg. unable to budget may voluntarily opt into Adult Admin. QCAT appoints Adult Admin. eg.
Qld Public Trust. Eg, PT receives benefit, pays rent, elect, wkly tobacco etc. PT can even Qld Public Trust. Eg, PT receives benefit, pays rent, elect, wkly tobacco etc. PT can even
provide 6 smaller pays / fortnight! POLICE MAY APPLY FOR INVOLUNTARY RE CRIMES! provide 6 smaller pays / fortnight! POLICE MAY APPLY FOR INVOLUNTARY RE CRIMES!
SO NEVER BLAME LAW-ABIDING HOMELESS for 1000s of Cairns CBD assaults / wk! SO NEVER BLAME LAW-ABIDING HOMELESS for 1000s of Cairns CBD assaults / wk!
I'm not a member of any political party. Just a s 47F having pre-election say! Lookin forward I'm not a member of any political party. Just a s 47F having pre-election say! Lookin forward
to comments on: “Once upon an election time... Aussie voters took cricket bats into polling booths...” to comments on: “Once upon an election time... Aussie voters took cricket bats into polling booths...”
s 47F s 47F

s 47F s 47F

Page 8
Once upon an election time... Aussie voters Once upon an election time... Aussie voters
took cricket bats into polling booths... took cricket bats into polling booths...
and while marking ballot papers... polling booth busker's song sunk in... and while marking ballot papers... polling booth busker's song sunk in...
never vote for an MP... without a monthly spreadsheet... never vote for an MP... without a monthly spreadsheet...
to account for taxes paid... and spent in your electorate... to account for taxes paid... and spent in your electorate...
what have they got to hide... what have they got to hide... what have they got to hide... what have they got to hide...
And not one incumbent MP or candidate from a major political party was And not one incumbent MP or candidate from a major political party was
elected that year! Services not needed! All wacked out of oval for six! elected that year! Services not needed! All wacked out of oval for six!
And the sun did rise the next day! And the sun did rise the next day!
And the sky hadn't fallen in. That's democracy! And the sky hadn't fallen in. That's democracy!
Following federal election... all 150 federal electorates had an EGA – ELECTORATE Following federal election... all 150 federal electorates had an EGA – ELECTORATE
GOVERNING ASSEMBLY© that perpetually met quarterly – 3rd Sat middle month of GOVERNING ASSEMBLY© that perpetually met quarterly – 3rd Sat middle month of
WHOLE COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP. Under-performers quietly resigning avoiding sack! WHOLE COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP. Under-performers quietly resigning avoiding sack!
And at 1pm (local time) on 2ND TUES OF EACH MONTH WITHOUT FAIL, like manna And at 1pm (local time) on 2ND TUES OF EACH MONTH WITHOUT FAIL, like manna
from Heaven, every electorate had COMPLETE & AUDITED SPREADSHEETS from Heaven, every electorate had COMPLETE & AUDITED SPREADSHEETS
not only IN THEIR OWN ELECTORATE – but in every electorate in Australia. not only IN THEIR OWN ELECTORATE – but in every electorate in Australia.
Before next election, all 150 electorate EGAS DECIDED IN AEC- CONDUCTED Before next election, all 150 electorate EGAS DECIDED IN AEC- CONDUCTED
ELECTORATE EGA TREASURY. Only forwarding to fed treasury taxes needed to ELECTORATE EGA TREASURY. Only forwarding to fed treasury taxes needed to
SUPER FUNDS each starting with an average of $13.64 BILLION PER EGA. As well SUPER FUNDS each starting with an average of $13.64 BILLION PER EGA. As well
By next fed election, every electorate had virtually FULL EMPLOYMENT. HOUSING By next fed election, every electorate had virtually FULL EMPLOYMENT. HOUSING
Shopping centres, ports & airports were soon OWNED LOCALLY, & as FAMILIES Shopping centres, ports & airports were soon OWNED LOCALLY, & as FAMILIES
TOO BUSY GOING CAMPING, HAVING FUN & playing sports on weekends, CBD TOO BUSY GOING CAMPING, HAVING FUN & playing sports on weekends, CBD
FAMILIES. MORE CHOSE TO GET MARRIED strengthening low-crime suburbs. FAMILIES. MORE CHOSE TO GET MARRIED strengthening low-crime suburbs.
On 25TH YEAR OF EVERY CENTURY until end of time, EGAs MUST conduct ballots to On 25TH YEAR OF EVERY CENTURY until end of time, EGAs MUST conduct ballots to
decide if it is STILL VIABLE for each EGA to continue as a whole for next 25 years... or decide if it is STILL VIABLE for each EGA to continue as a whole for next 25 years... or
ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL for any EGA to divide incorporating 2 new legal entities. ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL for any EGA to divide incorporating 2 new legal entities.
s 47F s 47F

Page 9
From: Tim Wilson Personal s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 4 February 2016 5:08 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Fwd: Cindy Prior op ed
Attachments: 2016.02.04 Cindy Prior op ed for The Australian.docx; ATT00001.htm

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
s 47F

Begin forwarded message:

From: s 47F
Date: 4 February 2016 at 16:27:25 AEDT
To: Tim Wilson Personal s 47F
Subject: RE: Cindy Prior op ed

Weird. This time?

s 47F

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Wilson Personal s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 4 February 2016 4:15 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: Re: Cindy Prior op ed

Can you resend with the Word doc? It doesn't seem to have Come through.

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
s 47F

Page 10
Email | s 47F URL | ABN | 62214526832

On 4 Feb 2016, at 15:48, s 47F wrote:

Hi Tim

As discussed - please find the op ed attached.

Warm regards
s 47F

s 47F


Page 11
s 47F

Page 12
s 47F

s 47F

Page 13
From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 30 June 2015 7:02 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: s 47F and economics

Follow Up Flag: Flag for follow up

Flag Status: Completed

Hi Tim,

I had a quick chat with you before the s 47F Here’s the s 47F
economics exercise I referred to. Common sense coming in ahead of ideology, I thought, and it
clearly worked well.

As I have an s 47F grandson at a state primary school, I’m well aware of what he’s absorbing. If you and
s 47F between you can quietly redirect a few things, I’m one person who would appreciate it.

As I said last Thursday, back in s 47F s 47F

I learnt a lot and s 47F
s 47F
s 47F

s 47F

I saw you in the distance at s 47F the following day. Now that was really
something. It was great to hear s 47F (and have the chance to s 47F ). She’s in the same
collaborative mould as s 47F , something all sides prefer.

s 47F

Next time we meet up I would hope to spend more time, finding out what you do and why you do it.


s 47F

On 23 Jun 2015, at 2:39 pm, s 47F > wrote:

Page 14
s 47F

Dear s 47F
It's s 47F from the s 47F .
s 47F

I'd like to share them with you.

The first happened with my s 47F the day after the federal budget. I
was pleasantly surprised to hear that they believed a responsible government should tackle
Australia's ballooning debt now, not later.
They thought cutting government spending, not increasing taxes, was the best way to do this. And
they thought a fair budget encouraged and rewarded people in our society who work hard.
The second moment happened while I was s 47F s 47F
a video of the IPA's James Paterson debating Tim Costello on the best way to lift people out
of poverty — foreign aid, or economic freedom.
At the end of the video, having made no comment myself, s 47F believed that James was
Children are not born believing that free markets are bad, that government is the answer to all of
society's problems, or that protecting the environment is more important than economic growth.
s 47F shows that when presented with research and evidence, young
people embrace our values. They can see, just as we can, that freedom changes lives.
This is what the s does best. And the s is reaching more young people than ever before through
a sophisticated social media campaign. 47
s 47F F F

Kind regards
s 47F

s 47F

s 47F

Page 15
From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 2 August 2016 7:53 PM
To: s 47F Tim Wilson
Subject: I bloody PA
Attachments: s 47F

Fellas, you are all trying for the best, but what a schemozzle. Tim and s 47F , what can you do to work
with s 47F and the IPA to do better? Tim, congrats, all the best in parliament, you are up against
relative midgets, but read Harold Wilson's On Prime Ministers. Midgets win too often, and all the time in
Australia since John Howard. We have to do better.

s 47Fgo for a long walk or a sabbatical and have a big think. You are worth your weight in gold, but just
buggerising about. It was said that Wagner's music is much better than it sounds.You are much better than
you sound, but you need to go away and think for another twenty years.

s 47F , who has lived hundreds of years longer than you lot.

Page 16
s 47F

s 47F

Page 17
s 47F

s 47F

s 47F

Page 18
s 47F

Page 19

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s 47F

s 47F

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s 47F


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s 47F


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s 47F


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s 47F

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s 47F


Page 26
s 47F

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s 47F



Page 28
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s 47F


s 47F

Page 30
s 47F

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s 47F

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s 47F

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s 47F

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s 47F

Page 35
s 47F

Page 36
s 47F
s 47F

Page 37
s 47F

Page 38
s 47F

Page 39
From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 4 January 2016 7:12 AM
To: Tim Wilson

Dear Tim 

Are you aware that Liberal politicians are covering up abused in treatys they have signed behind the backs of the 
Australian people which will harm our democratic processes and give power to the UN.!? 

We rely upon you to expose these abused 

s 47F  

Begin forwarded message: 

From: s 47F  
Date: 4 January 2016 at 7:01:58 AM AEDT 
To: s 47F  


This year is time to react xxc get things progressing we need to understand why you are ignored and 
expose this. s 47F XX 

On 4 Jan 2016, at 6:52 AM, s 47F  wrote: 

s 47F  
AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY, Parliament House Canberra 


LETTER below to s 47F  and Liberal Politicicians from s 47F   

Ignored by COALITION, MASSIVE GOVERNMENT COVER UP, of hidden left wing 

I felt it important that I include Labor politicians, in the publics exposing the cover 
up , of the evil United Nations Agenda 21, and the tithing of billions of Australuan 
tax dollars for unenforceable TREATYS which hurt the Australian democratic process 
Page 40
Both Left wing Liberal and Labor politicians are in collusion in implementing this 
unenforceable United Nations treaty, you all are educated people, so you obviously 
are part of a most evil, organised plot to ruin the way of life of the western 
democratic processes in this country 
The letter below, is ignored by the people it's written to, however there is a new 
Australian Alliance party are the ones who are listening, and will gradually form a 
new Australian political process, as our people wake up, gradually, one by one to 
what you are doing to destroy our country 
The National Party and some Liberals and independent Senators will not be 
Best wishes For 2016 election, a VERY BUMPY RIDE in store as the Australian people 
wake up, 
One by one, inch by inch. 
Best wishes 
s 47F  
Begin forwarded message: 

From: s 47F  
Date: 3 January 2016 at 10:34:20 PM AEDT 
To: s 47F  
Subject: FW: SDG Agenda 

Hi s 47F  
Does below answer your question? 
s 47F  
From: s 47F
Sent: Sunday, 3 January 2016 6:46 AM
Cc:4s 47F

Subject: SDG Agenda 

s 47F  

Dear s 47F  

The UN’s 2015‐2030 agenda was born in 2012 at the Agenda 21 Rio 
+20 Conference which was attended by then Prime Minister Julia 
Gillard. Details of that commitment were recorded in the outcomes 
document from Rio +20 entitled, The Future We Want”. When 
Australia signed up at Rio+20 we also signed up for the Sustainable 
Development Goals and the post‐2015 agenda which is both a 
continuation of, and expansion of, Agenda 21: 

Page 41
“We further recognize the importance and utility of a set of 
sustainable development goals (SDGs), which are based on Agenda 
21 and Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, fully respect all Rio 
Principles, taking into account different national circumstances, 
capacities and priorities, are consistent with international law, build 
upon commitments already made, and contribute to the full 
implementation of the outcomes of all major Summits in the 
economic, social and environmental fields, including this outcome 
document. These goals should address and incorporate in a 
balanced way allnthree dimensions of sustainable development and 
their inter‐linkages. They should be coherent with and integrated in 
the United Nations Development Agenda beyond 2015, thus 
contributing to the achievement of sustainable development and 
serving as a driver for implementation and mainstreaming of 
sustainable development in the United Nations system as a whole. 
The development of these goals should not divert focus or effort 
from the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals…….We 
also underscore that SDGs should be action‐oriented, concise and 
easy to communicate, limited in number, aspirational, global in 
nature and universally applicable to all countries……..We resolve to 
establish an inclusive and transparent intergovernmental process on 
SDGs that is open to all stakeholders with a view to developing 
global sustainable development 
goals to be agreed by the United Nations General Assembly………The 
process needs to be coordinated and coherent with the processes 
considering the post‐2015 development agenda.” 
As the Australian government admits on their web site about CSD, 
“Australia's commitment to Agenda 21 is reflected in a strong 
national response to meet our obligations under this international 
agreement.” And as the Australian government also admits in their 
“Road to Rio+20” fact sheet, they have been busy forcing Australian 
citizens to comply with the dictates of the UN and their ‘non‐
binding’ Agenda 21 program: 
“Australia has participated in sustainable development discussions 
for more than four decades. We have signed international treaties, 
supported regional initiatives and enacted international 
commitments through new laws and policies at home” 

Though Agenda 21 was described as ‘voluntary’ or ‘non‐binding’, 
successive Australian governments nevertheless legislated to force 
Australians to comply with fundamental provisions of this UN 
agreement, even though refusing to give voters a democratic choice 
for 23 years. Will the government be doing the same with the 2030 
The Australian government recently emphasised the importance of 
community involvement in response to the UN survey: 
Australia considers that all stakeholders should be actively 
encouraged to participate in follow up and review, including civil 
society, the private sector, multilateral development organisations, 
and the academic and scientific community. Our vision for the HLPF 
would see all stakeholders engaged in speaking roles, running side 
events, and participating in interactive sessions to contribute their 
ideas and analysis into follow up and review discussions. 

Page 42
Will the government be taking the matter to the people for 
democratic approval, or will the people be denied any democratic 
As Secretary‐General Ban Ki‐moon pointed out in regard to their 
global agenda, we must forget about national boundaries for the 
greater global good. Do you agree?  
Can you also clarify the final goals and final costs of the UN’s 2030 
agenda, which, as in the case of Agenda 21, remain unspecified and 
open ended? It has been suggested that funds could come from 
“disarmament” or a team of global tax inspectors which could raise 
“trillions”. Is this correct? 
The UN has emphasised the importance of national data and 
statistics to ensure effective monitoring and compliance. Australia 
has eagerly pledged the support of the ABS for this purpose. Can 
you detail the activities of the ABS in this respect? 
Given the importance of these issues, and your desire for 
community involvement, I look forward to a prompt and detailed 
s 47F  

Page 43
From: s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 19 November 2015 8:17 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: 151118 - ARTICLE - The problem with over-reaching anti-discrimination law


‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson []  
Sent: Thursday, 19 November 2015 8:17 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Re: 151118 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ The problem with over‐reaching anti‐discrimination law [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

They do today. The question is whether they still do in a month. #JeSuisCharlie anyone? 

Sent from my iPhone ... 

Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
E<> W<>u 

On 19 Nov 2015, at 9:54 AM, s 47F  wrote: 

At least people are now beginning to realise how serious this is. I think so anyway! 

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Thursday, 19 November 2015 7:53 PM 
To:s 47F  
Subject: Re: 151118 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ The problem with over‐reaching anti‐discrimination law [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Yeah. It was the same when I was there a month ago. I was talking to some Americans about how it felt post‐9/11 
and they recounted similar experiences to mine. It does feel like people are finally figuring out 9/11 wasn't a one off 
and we have a very serious problem which can't be wished away through pacificism. I have a funny feeling we can 
kiss economic growth goodbye for a while. We are about to spend a lot of money on broken windows. 

Sent from my iPhone ... 

Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 

Page 44<><
> W<><>u 
On 19 Nov 2015, at 9:50 AM, s 47F
Crazy. We were in s 47F  at the time and even there the atmosphere was pretty eerie. Quite a visible police 
presence on the streets! Even before the attacks we went through s 47F  and for some reason the security 
there is provided by the army in uniform. Very strange. 
‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Thursday, 19 November 2015 7:41 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Re: 151118 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ The problem with over‐reaching anti‐discrimination law [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
Back Sunday. Leave Strasbourg tomorrow. Two sets of two weeks in two months of travel for work is too long. 
Especially when you're surrounded by a terrorist attack. Quite a strange experience. Because you don't know what is 
happening at the time, you kind of reconcile that this may be the end. And then it isn't, and you have to come back 
from that. 
Sent from my iPhone ... 
Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794><><
><> W<><><http://www.humanrig>u 
On 19 Nov 2015, at 9:29 AM, s 47F

>> wrote: 
Good piece! When are you back in Oz? s 47F  I just got back yesterday after a "bonus" 24 hours in LA due to a 
missed connection. 
‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Thursday, 19 November 2015 7:26 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Fwd: 151118 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ The problem with over‐reaching anti‐discrimination law [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
FYI, attached article on the Tassie situation that will be in the Weekend Aus. 
I can't comment on a case as it is ongoing. But I can certainly critique the law. 
This is where, with respect, Dominic Perrottet got it wrong. The issue is the law, not the Commissioner, just like 18C. 
The law basically requires the complain to be accepted. 
Page 45
Hodgman indicated today that he is likely to review the Act in light of this complaint. It'll be in tomorrow's paper. 
Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794><><
><><> W<><><http://www.humanrig><>u 
Begin forwarded message: 
From: Tim Wilson 
Date: 18 November 2015 at 11:51:48 PM GMT+1 
s 47F

Subject: 151118 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ The problem with over‐reaching anti‐discrimination law [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
Attached article on Tasmania. 
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and delete all copies of this email, together with any attachments. 
Page 46
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Page 47
From: s 47F
Sent: Friday, 6 November 2015 6:30 PM
To: Tim Wilson

Follow Up Flag: Flag for follow up

Flag Status: Flagged

Dear Tim,

Thank you for your reply.

I have witnessed situations on the workfloor, where 457 visa holders were working 12 hrs a day, getting
paid 8 during the busy times. For weeks on end, and repeatedly. It always irked me that I (as a contractor)
was treated way better than the 457-visa based permanent employee colleagues doing the same job. More
and more so, as I started to understand why these kids were vulnerable to, what is basically, exploitation.

They could not do this to me and they didn't. To the 457 visa holder they could, and did.

The problem is the visa.

Currently the employer is involved, through sponsoring, in the decision whether 457 visa holders can stay in
Australia. The more desperate the situation the 457 visa holder would have to go back to upon cancellation
of the visa, the more they'd be willing to do to avoid going back. The visa is therefore constructed such that
the employer, if so inclined, can cream off that extra effort caused by the desire to stay in Australia by the
threat of withdrawing sponsoring. And that is happening.

In short: the 457 visa's have been set up such that the most desperate, are the most vulnerable. And the most
ruthless employers, are the most profitable. What could possibly go wrong?

I am perfectly happy to explain further - put together a couple of powerpoint slides and talk you through it,
for example, by phone or in person.

Also, I have a number of colleagues who are, or have been, in this situation. I am very happy to contact
them to see if they are willing to talk to you or your guys about their experiences, or they might know
someone who is right now going through something like this.

Please let me know how I can best assist.

s 47F


s 47F

On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 5:00 PM, Tim Wilson <> wrote:

Hi s 47F

I apologise for the delay in responding. I have been traveling.

Page 48
Let me have a look into it.

Best wishes,


Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794

From: s 47F [mailto: ]

Sent: Thursday, 15 October 2015 10:49 AM
Subject: Re:

Would this not be an interesting topic for Tim Wilson?

Employers are just mere mortals, just like the rest of us: some good, some bad. We all deal
with that. But they cannot do this stuff to you and me.

So the key question is: why are employers able to treat temp visa holders differently?

Only one answer: because of the restrictions of the visa.

These people don't need protection from dodgy employers, they need protection from dodgy

There is a rule-of-law aspect to this. There is coercion involved here: the employers would
not be able to do this without an assist from the state.

Tim might be interested. Or perhaps the IPA itself?

Any which way: if anyone wants to get involved, the time to pipe up is now - if we are to
use the media attention the government is generating against it :-)


s 47F

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 10:28 AM, s 47F wrote:

Hi s 47F

I completely agree – the only thing I’d add is that they shouldn’t be eligible for welfare if they can’t 
find a job. But I suspect you are right, they won’t go for that!

Page 49
Kind regards

s 47F

From: s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 15 October 2015 10:06 AM
To: s 47F

Hi s 47F

Seen this?

...high-level "ministerial working group protecting vulnerable visa holders"... crackdown...

It's Orwellian. It is how they set up the visas, that is making these people vulnerable.

De-couple the visa completely from the employer: visa holder can stay for the duration of
the visa, regardless of employment status, hours worked per week, etc..

That way the visa holder is independent; not vulnerable to coercion by the employer. The
visa holder can compete in the labour market on an equal footing with everyone else. That is
all they need to do.

I bet that is not going to be the conclusion, though....


s 47F

WARNING: The information contained in this email may be confidential.
If you are not the intended recipient, any use or copying of any part
of this information is unauthorised. If you have received this email in
error, we apologise for any inconvenience and request that you notify
the sender immediately and delete all copies of this email, together
with any attachments.

Page 50
From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 17 February 2016 10:28 PM
To: Tim Wilson;s 47F
Subject: RE: Indigenous affairs and 18(c) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Hello Tim! 

Below are a series of quotes you might like to select from. I initially wrote a longer blurb so there is 
continuity, but each quote or paragraph can be taken on its own. If you want me to condense them, let me 
know, or if you would like to edit them together, please feel free.  

Kind regards, 

s 47F  






Page 51
s 47F  



To: s 47F  
Subject: RE: Indigenous affairs and 18(c) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2016 21:59:41 +0000 

Thanks s 47F  
But as you may have read, I have resigned. If you are prepared to help me in my next adventure
I’d appreciate a short and flattering quote for an endorsements brochure with an electronic pic
sent to s 47F  
Up to you.  
Best wishes,  

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 
From: s 47F   
Sent: Tuesday, 9 February 2016 8:20 PM 
To: Tim Wilson <> 
Subject: FW: Indigenous affairs and 18(c) 
Hello Tim! 
I hope you're well. s 47F gave me your email in order to contact you regarding challenging indigenous 
activists, using the provisions of 18(c). Obviously I am deeply opposed to 18(c). It is an anathema to a 
modern liberal society.  
However, there needs to be a push back against the extreme aboriginal activists who are going completely 
unopposed. As outlined in the email to s  I want to explore an understanding of how I'm denigrated and 
offended by being an non‐aboriginal. When aboriginal activists attribute the plight of and socio‐economic 
well‐being of aboriginals to racism by or even structural‐racism on the part of non‐aboriginals that is 
casting a general offensive and untrue assertion on a whole racial group (non‐aboriginals). 
Of course non‐aboriginal is not a race per se, but I am the recipient of offensive untrue assertions on the 
basis of my race (that I am non‐aboriginal); note the difference between the concepts 
Racism is not the cause of the indices of poor aboriginal socio‐economic status. Alcohol abuse, drug and 
solvent abuse, domestic violence, high offending rates, fetal alcohol syndrome, poor educational 
achievement, poor health status, etc are not caused by racism or structural racism. They are not imposed 
from without. Those indices are all an indications of a failed culture. of 
Page 52
Compare the rise of other ethnic groups who started with low socio‐economic status and how they have 
We could argue the cause of all those indices of socio‐economic to the end of the world. But racialist like 
Stan Grant clearly make offensive comments about broad swathes of the Australian community based on 
his opinion of people whose race is non‐aboriginal 
Stan Grant specifically says "Of course racism is killing the Australian dream! It is self evident that it is 
killing the Australian dream" 
It is clear throughout his speech that he is not talking about the racism of aborigines. He is saying that non‐
aboriginal people are racist. That is offensive. There are endless examples of "hate" speech against non‐
aboriginal Australians. The common factor being race. 
Otherwise I hope you're enjoy the role. It is a vital job you are doing too!! 
Kind regards, 
From: s 47F  
To: s 47F  
Subject: RE: Indigenous affairs and 18(c) 
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2016 06:23:41 +0000 
Hi s 47F  
Exactly! But what you're talking about we can't talk about in case someone finds it offensive... 
Yes - please drop Tim an email - he'd be really interested in your views - his email is or just give him a tingle on the mobile - his number is s 47F . 
I hope you are flourishing! 
kind regards s  

From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 9 February 2016 12:05 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: Indigenous affairs and 18(c) 
Hello s 47F  
I hope you're well. I was wondering if you have an email for Tim Wilson. I'm assuming emails to his old IPA 
email address would no longer be forwarded to him. 
I wanted to get his advice, particularly in his capacity within the Human Rights Commission, regarding how 
to define the race of non‐indigenous citizens. Of course "non‐indigenous" is not a race per se. But many of 
the aggressive aboriginal activists make claims about how non‐indigenous people are responsible for the 
plight of aboriginal people. Simply on the basis of my race (i.e. non‐aboriginal), they make broad sweeping 
statements that non‐aboriginal people are in anyway racist or contributing to the plight of aboriginal 
people. I am offended by that. 
So there is a subtle difference between a racial grouping per se, and being offended or discriminated 
against on the basis of race. 
I haven't read the full transcript of Stan Grant's rant, but the exerts are not only intellectually feeble, but 
deeply offensive to non‐indigenous people. Every index of aboriginal well‐being that Stan Grant describes 
is a factor of a failed indigenous culture, not racism on behalf of non‐aboriginal people.  
As you so correctly pointed out in your weekly email, 18(c) is going to completely shut down debate on 
aboriginal recognition and indigenous affairs in general. 

Page 53
We need to push back. We are allowing an unfettered and unopposed voice by the looniest of aboriginal 
activists. They need to feel the wrath of 18(c) when they speak out! Of course what we need is to 
completely get rid of 18(c), but until then we need to push back. 
Keep up the good work, we desperately need it! 
Kind regards, 
Message protected by MailGuard: e‐mail anti‐virus, anti‐spam and content filtering. 
Report this message as spam  

Message protected by MailGuard: e‐mail anti‐virus, anti‐spam and content filtering. 

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If you are not the intended recipient, any use or copying of any part 
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with any attachments. 

Page 54
From: s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 8 December 2016 3:07 PM
Subject: s 47F Mass-murderer Castro dies unpunished

Mass-murderer Castro dies unpunished

By Augusto Zimmermann on December 7, 2016
If there is a Latin American nation in which human rights and the rule of law seem to have completely vanished, that
nation certainly is Cuba. And yet the recently deceased dictator Fidel Castro remains revered by those who regard
him as a revolutionary hero who bravely stood against ‘capitalism’ and ‘American imperialism’. Amongst these leftist
admirers of Castro are the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau and the leader of the Opposition in Australia, Bill
Shorten. Mr Shorten has been to Cuba and he deeply admired a notorious six-hour speech delivered by Castro. ‘It
was amazing,’ Shorten said. Of course, he is not the only Labor leader to deeply admire the brutal dictator. British
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said Castro was a ‘champion of social justice’ — a nonsensical statement given all the
people Castro brutally murdered and all the human rights he grossly violated….


s 47F  


Page 55
From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 7 August 2017 7:27 AM
To: s 47F

Tim Wilson;s 47F

Marriage Alliance
Subject: PLEBISCITE !!


Today you will be discussing, weather or not you are prepared to
Back down on your election promise , of a Plebiscite !
The reason people in the left & greens & some Lib MP's are so against it ,
is that it WILL show , that the polls stating most Australians "want it " ,
Are rigged!!!
I have NEVER been pollled & neither has anyone I know , ever been "polled "
about it !
& Most people I speak to , don't want Gay Marriage !!!!
Call it a Civil union ?? I don't care ..but do not denigrate marriage !
You made an electoral promise, of a plebiscite just do it !
After all , that is what we all voted you in for !!!!
s 47F

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Page 56
From: s 47F
Sent: Friday, 18 September 2015 6:20 PM
To: s 47F
Cc: Tim Wilson; s 47F
Subject: Re: This is hilarious [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

That is brilliant  

Sent from my iPhone 

> On 18 Sep 2015, at 6:02 pm, s 47F wrote: 

> Amazing!  
> ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
> From: Tim Wilson []  
> Sent: Friday, 18 September 2015 4:48 PM 
> To: s 47F  
> Subject: This is hilarious [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
> Sent from my iPhone ... 
> Tim Wilson 
> Human Rights Commissioner 
> Australian Human Rights Commission 
> Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
> T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 
2 9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
> E<> W<>u 
> *********************************************************************** 
> WARNING: The information contained in this email may be confidential. 
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> *********************************************************************** 

Page 57
From: s 47F
Sent: Sunday, 19 July 2015 1:28 PM
To: Tim Wilson; s 47F
Subject: RE: This isn't too bad ... [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

surprisingly good

s 47F

From: Tim Wilson []

Sent: Sunday, 19 July 2015 1:25 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: This isn't too bad ... [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

WARNING: The information contained in this email may be confidential.
If you are not the intended recipient, any use or copying of any part
of this information is unauthorised. If you have received this email in
error, we apologise for any inconvenience and request that you notify
the sender immediately and delete all copies of this email, together
with any attachments.

Page 58
From: s 47F
Sent: Friday, 20 November 2015 8:34 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Re: Interesting job advertisement [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Sent from my iPhone 

> On 20 Nov 2015, at 8:25 am, Tim Wilson <> wrote: 
> Sent from my iPhone ... 
> Tim Wilson 
> Human Rights Commissioner 
> Australian Human Rights Commission 
> Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0>  
> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://1/0> 
> T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 
2 9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
> E<>  
> W<>u 
> ********************************************************************** 
> * 
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> together with any attachments. 
> ********************************************************************** 
> * 

Page 59
From: s 47F
Sent: Friday, 20 November 2015 8:38 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Re: Interesting job advertisement [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Sent from my iPhone 

> On 20 Nov 2015, at 8:34 am, Tim Wilson <> wrote: 
> Any thoughts? We also get a mention in Rear Window today. 
> Sent from my iPhone ... 
> Tim Wilson 
> Human Rights Commissioner 
> Australian Human Rights Commission 
> Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0>  
> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://1/0> 
> T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 
2 9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
> E<>  
> W<>u 
> On 19 Nov 2015, at 10:33 PM, s 47F  wrote: 
> yes! 
> Sent from my iPhone 
> On 20 Nov 2015, at 8:25 am, Tim Wilson 
<<>> wrote: 
> Sent from my iPhone ... 
> Tim Wilson 
> Human Rights Commissioner 
> Australian Human Rights Commission 
> Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0>  
> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://1/0> 
> T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 
2 9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
> E  
>> W  
> ********************************************************************** 
Page 60
> * 
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> together with any attachments. 
> ********************************************************************** 
> * 

Page 61
From: s 47F >
Sent: Thursday, 23 July 2015 11:37 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Re: Monday [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Hey - unfortunately I'm out of the country for a couple of weeks. Back in s 47F on Monday 10 August.

s 47F

On 23 Jul 2015, at 11:12 pm, Tim Wilson <> wrote:


I am around on Monday morning if you are around?

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x-apple-data-detectors://0>
GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x-apple-data-detectors://1/0>
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836> s 47F
F +61 2 9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794>
E<> W<>u

WARNING: The information contained in this email may be confidential.
If you are not the intended recipient, any use or copying of any part
of this information is unauthorised. If you have received this email in
error, we apologise for any inconvenience and request that you notify
the sender immediately and delete all copies of this email, together
with any attachments.

Page 62
From: s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 19 November 2015 7:50 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: 151118 - ARTICLE - The problem with over-reaching anti-discrimination law

Crazy. We were in s 47F  at the time and even there the atmosphere was pretty eerie. Quite a visible police 

presence on the streets! Even before the attacks we went through s 47F  and for some reason the security 
there is provided by the army in uniform. Very strange.  

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson []  
Sent: Thursday, 19 November 2015 7:41 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Re: 151118 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ The problem with over‐reaching anti‐discrimination law [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Back Sunday. Leave Strasbourg tomorrow. Two sets of two weeks in two months of travel for work is too long. 
Especially when you're surrounded by a terrorist attack. Quite a strange experience. Because you don't know what is 
happening at the time, you kind of reconcile that this may be the end. And then it isn't, and you have to come back 
from that. 

Sent from my iPhone ... 

Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
E<> W<>u 

On 19 Nov 2015, at 9:29 AM, s 47F wrote: 

Good piece! When are you back in Oz?s 47F  I just got back yesterday after a "bonus" 24 hours in LA due to a 

missed connection. 

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Thursday, 19 November 2015 7:26 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Fwd: 151118 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ The problem with over‐reaching anti‐discrimination law [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

FYI, attached article on the Tassie situation that will be in the Weekend Aus. 

I can't comment on a case as it is ongoing. But I can certainly critique the law. 

This is where, with respect, Dominic Perrottet got it wrong. The issue is the law, not the Commissioner, just like 18C. 
The law basically requires the complain to be accepted. 

Hodgman indicated today that he is likely to review the Act in light of this complaint. It'll be in tomorrow's paper. 

Page 63
Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794><><
> W<><>u 
Begin forwarded message: 
From: Tim Wilson 
Date: 18 November 2015 at 11:51:48 PM GMT+1 
s 47F

Subject: 151118 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ The problem with over‐reaching anti‐discrimination law [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
Attached article on Tasmania. 
WARNING: The information contained in this email may be confidential. 
If you are not the intended recipient, any use or copying of any part of this information is unauthorised. If you have 
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received this email in error, we apologise for any inconvenience and request that you notify the sender immediately 
and delete all copies of this email, together with any attachments. 

Page 64
From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 2 August 2016 7:43 PM
To: s 47F
Cc: s 47F Tim Wilson
Subject: Re: I bloody PA

Hi s
47F you! I appreciate your thoughts.
kind regards s
On 2 Aug 2016, at 7:34 PM, s 47F wrote:

Fellas, you are all trying for the best, but what a schemozzle. Tim and s 47F , what can you
do to work with s 47F and the IPA to do better? Tim, congrats, all the best in
parliament, you are up against relative midgets, but read Harold Wilson's On Prime
Ministers. Midgets win too often, and all the time in Australia since John Howard. We have
to do better.

s 47F go for a long walk or a sabbatical and have a big think. You are worth your weight in
gold, but just buggerising about. It was said that Wagner's music is much better than it
sounds.You are much better than you sound, but you need to go away and think for another
twenty years.

s 47F who has lived hundreds of years longer than you lot.

Message protected by MailGuard: e-mail anti-virus, anti-spam and content filtering.

Report this message as spam

s 47F

Message protected by MailGuard: e-mail anti-virus, anti-spam and content filtering.

Page 65
From: s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 19 November 2015 8:13 PM
To: s 47F
Cc: Tim Wilson; s 47F
Subject: Re: 151118 - ARTICLE - The problem with over-reaching anti-discrimination law

Well done, Tim.

s 47F

On 19 Nov 2015, at 10:01 AM, s 47F wrote:

Good piece

Sent from my iPhone

On 19 Nov 2015, at 7:25 pm, Tim Wilson <> wrote:

FYI, attached article on the Tassie situation that will be in the Weekend Aus.

I can't comment on a case as it is ongoing. But I can certainly critique the law.

This is where, with respect, Dominic Perrottet got it wrong. The issue is the
law, not the Commissioner, just like 18C. The law basically requires the
complain to be accepted.

Hodgman indicated today that he is likely to review the Act in light of this
complaint. It'll be in tomorrow's paper.



Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x-apple-data-detectors://0>
GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x-apple-data-detectors://1/0>
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836> s 47F
F +61 2 9284

Page 66
Begin forwarded message:

From: Tim Wilson

Date: 18 November 2015 at 11:51:48 PM GMT+1
s 47F

Subject: 151118 - ARTICLE - The problem with over-reaching anti-

discrimination law [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Attached article on Tasmania.



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with any attachments.
<151118 - ARTICLE - The problem with over-reaching anti-discrimination

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s F +61 2 9284 9794

Page 67
From: s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 19 November 2015 7:55 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: 151118 - ARTICLE - The problem with over-reaching anti-discrimination law

At least people are now beginning to realise how serious this is. I think so anyway!  

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson []  
Sent: Thursday, 19 November 2015 7:53 PM 
To:s 47F  
Subject: Re: 151118 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ The problem with over‐reaching anti‐discrimination law [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Yeah. It was the same when I was there a month ago. I was talking to some Americans about how it felt post‐9/11 
and they recounted similar experiences to mine. It does feel like people are finally figuring out 9/11 wasn't a one off 
and we have a very serious problem which can't be wished away through pacificism. I have a funny feeling we can 
kiss economic growth goodbye for a while. We are about to spend a lot of money on broken windows. 

Sent from my iPhone ... 

Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
E<> W<>u 

On 19 Nov 2015, at 9:50 AM, s 47F  wrote: 

Crazy. We were in s 47F  at the time and even there the atmosphere was pretty eerie. Quite a visible police 

presence on the streets! Even before the attacks we went through s 47F  and for some reason the security 
there is provided by the army in uniform. Very strange. 

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Thursday, 19 November 2015 7:41 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Re: 151118 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ The problem with over‐reaching anti‐discrimination law [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Back Sunday. Leave Strasbourg tomorrow. Two sets of two weeks in two months of travel for work is too long. 
Especially when you're surrounded by a terrorist attack. Quite a strange experience. Because you don't know what is 
happening at the time, you kind of reconcile that this may be the end. And then it isn't, and you have to come back 
from that. 

Sent from my iPhone ... 

Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 

Page 68
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794><><
> W<><>u 
On 19 Nov 2015, at 9:29 AM, s 47E(d)
Good piece! When are you back in Oz? s  and I just got back yesterday after a "bonus" 24 hours in LA due to a 
missed connection.  47F
‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Thursday, 19 November 2015 7:26 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Fwd: 151118 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ The problem with over‐reaching anti‐discrimination law [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
FYI, attached article on the Tassie situation that will be in the Weekend Aus. 
I can't comment on a case as it is ongoing. But I can certainly critique the law. 
This is where, with respect, Dominic Perrottet got it wrong. The issue is the law, not the Commissioner, just like 18C. 
The law basically requires the complain to be accepted. 
Hodgman indicated today that he is likely to review the Act in light of this complaint. It'll be in tomorrow's paper. 
Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794><><
><> W<><><http://www.humanrig>u 
Begin forwarded message: 
From: Tim Wilson 
Date: 18 November 2015 at 11:51:48 PM GMT+1 
s 47F
Page 69
s 47F
Subject: 151118 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ The problem with over‐reaching anti‐discrimination law [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
Attached article on Tasmania. 
WARNING: The information contained in this email may be confidential. 
If you are not the intended recipient, any use or copying of any part of this information is unauthorised. If you have 
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Page 70
From: s 47F
To: Tim Wilson
Cc: s 47F
Subject: Re: Correct the record [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Date: Wednesday, 17 February 2016 11:12:27 AM

It usually works the other way. Politicians or more often their advisors slave away for years
brown nosing the usual suspects so they can leave and luxuriate in some appointed statutory
position often for life or some other long period of time. For instance if one were to delve
deeper into the government's proposed new regulatory authority over unions , which will of
course need a new board of Commissioners, (why not just give the job to ASIC?) you will
find that the originator of the arrangement will have lined up one of the board roles for
Most people can't even imagine having an income of $400k let alone voluntarily giving it's
up. For what it is worth the only difference between $400k and 4 or 5 times that figure is the
size of the exclamation you give when your accountant tells you how much extra tax you
have to pay. Life's style doesn't change that much. You can only eat three meals a day and
sleep in one bed at a time etc etc
So more power to you for giving up the "cushy" for the unpredictable and feckless life of the
I see the Liberal establishment are lining up behind the Downer lass with the usual
"establishment endorsements". Me thinks this is not the time for understatement. Let them
know that what is needed is a fresh and authentic voice, rare in Australian politics. You
might look at appealing directly to the pre selectors claiming that the only people you will be
beholden to is them not some "endorser". To accept the endorsement from a celebrity is an
insult to the pre selectors who are presumed to be too dumb to make up their own minds.
Andrew Robb was a great listener, (as was Howard and Reith.) The pre selectors will be used
to openly voicing their views to their local member who was famous for listening to them.
Most pollies just talk, and usually drivel. Robb is one of the few exceptions to that rule.
Might be wise to remember that and play to their expectations. Give them a good listening to,
then give authentic voice to their concerns. Their deeply felt concerns will be little different
from the rest of us so you can prepare your responses. If they are smart, and most active party
members are, you should get up.
Anyway good luck
s 47F

On 16 Feb 2016, at 1:57 PM, Tim Wilson <> wrote:

Apology accepted s 47F . I am not offended by money, but it doesn't motivate

are me. Some of us just aren't for the capturing.

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794

Page 71
-----Original Message-----
From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 16 February 2016 12:39 PM
To: s 47F
Cc: Tim Wilson <>
Subject: Correct the record

It is with much pleasure I must acknowledge that I was wrong. Although I didn't
tell Tim this at the time, I thought that his appointment as a $400k pa salaried
Commissioner would transmogrify after about 6 months to the same situation as
all the others. IE He would start believing he was actually worth $400k pa for
traipsing around the country lecturing us about our bad manners. (After all that is
what all discrimination is about)
To my enormous pleasure I find that I was wrong and he is going to give it all up
for a shot at Andrew Robbs seat.
Good for him and my apologies for doubting him

s 47F


WARNING: The information contained in this email may be confidential.

If you are not the intended recipient, any use or copying of any part
of this information is unauthorised. If you have received this email in
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with any attachments.

Page 72
From: s 47F
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Re: Invitation to help launch Peter Reith"s new book [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Date: Tuesday, 6 October 2015 8:06:43 AM

Great thanks

> On 5 Oct 2015, at 10:52 pm, Tim Wilson <> wrote:

> Sure. Done.
> Sent from my iPhone ...
> Tim Wilson
> Human Rights Commissioner
> Australian Human Rights Commission
> Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x-apple-data-detectors://0>
> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x-apple-data-detectors://1/0>
> T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F
s 47F    F +61 2 9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794>
> E<> W<>u
> On 5 Oct 2015, at 5:48 AM, s 47F > wrote:
> 5 for 5:30 till 7.
> We'll probably also do a small dinner for donors afterwards, depending on who attends. We'd love to have
you for that too if you're available. That would be 7:30 - 9:30ish.
> On 5 Oct 2015, at 10:43 pm, Tim Wilson
<<>> wrote:
> Howdy. What time?
> Sent from my iPhone ...
> Tim Wilson
> Human Rights Commissioner
> Australian Human Rights Commission
> Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x-apple-data-detectors://0>
> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x-apple-data-detectors://1/0>
> T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F
s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794>
> E<>
<> W<>
> From: s 47F
> Date: 4 October 2015 at 22:19:25 GMT-6
> To: s 47F
s 47F
> Subject: Invitation to help launch Peter Reith's new book

Page 73
> Hi Tim
> We are hosting the Melbourne launch of Peter Reith’s new book: at CQ on Thursday 26 November.
> Would you like to be part of a panel discussion with Peter and s ? We’d be very pleased to have you!
> 47F
> Cheers

>s 47F
> s 47F s 47F

> s 47F

> ***********************************************************************
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> ***********************************************************************

Page 74
From: s 47F
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: Sydney IPA event on the Magna Carta | 29 July 2015 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Date: Friday, 24 July 2015 2:38:46 PM
Attachments: s 47F

So sorry. I am FINALLY working through emails older than 13 Jul and I see I missed this one. I have
responded noting you will have to leave a bit earlier to attend the Safe Schools pre-symposium
dinner. I see these events are reasonably close to one another.
Apologies again. Will clean up emails TODAY!
s 47F

From: Tim Wilson

Sent: Saturday, 4 July 2015 3:16 PM
Subject: FW: Sydney IPA event on the Magna Carta | 29 July 2015 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
F you please RSVP ‘yes’, and place in my diary?

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794

From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 1 July 2015 4:51 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Sydney IPA event on the Magna Carta | 29 July 2015

Image removed by sender.

Dear Tim

This month the Institute of Public Affairs will launch our nationwide tour to celebrate the release of the

Page 75
IPA's new book, Magna Carta: The Tax Revolt That Gave Us Liberty, and we're delighted to be in
Sydney on Wednesday 29 July.

Join the authors, IPA Executive Director John Roskam and Senior Fellow Chris Berg for a presentation
and discussion about why this 800 year old document has played such a central role in securing our

Sydney Magna Carta public event

Wednesday 29 July
5.00pm for 5.30pm to 7.00pm
The Grace Hotel
77 York Street, Sydney
Click here to book online or call Sarah Wilson at the IPA on 03 9600 4744 or email her at

This event is free for IPA members and $10 for non-members.

Magna Carta: The Tax Revolt That Gave Us Liberty, is now available to purchase. To order your hard
copy for $18.95, click here. The book is also available on Amazon Kindle.

Image removed by sender.

To learn more about why the Magna Carta is still relevant today, visit the IPA's special new website,
which explains its enduring importance.

I hope that you can join us for this important event.

Kind regards

s 47F


Page 76
From: s 47F
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: FW: Magna Carta public event - Sydney [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Date: Friday, 24 July 2015 3:10:33 PM

From: s 47F
Sent: Friday, 24 July 2015 3:08 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: Magna Carta public event - Sydney
Dear Tim,

Thank you for registering to attend our Magna Carta public event. We’re pleased to
confirm your place and look forward to seeing you on:

Wednesday 29 July, 2015

5:00pm for 5:30pm until 7.00pm
The Grace Hotel
77 York Street, Sydney

If you have any questions about the event, please don't hesitate to contact me on s
Thanks again for your wonderful support of the IPA.

Kind regards,

s 47F

Institute of Public Affairs

s 47F

Page 77
From: s 47F
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Re: Invitation to help launch Peter Reith"s new book [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Date: Tuesday, 6 October 2015 8:06:43 AM

Great thanks

> On 5 Oct 2015, at 10:52 pm, Tim Wilson <> wrote:

> Sure. Done.
> Sent from my iPhone ...
> Tim Wilson
> Human Rights Commissioner
> Australian Human Rights Commission
> Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x-apple-data-detectors://0>
> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x-apple-data-detectors://1/0>
> T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F
   F +61 2 9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794>
> E<> W<>u
> On 5 Oct 2015, at 5:48 AM, s 47F >> wrote:
> 5 for 5:30 till 7.
> We'll probably also do a small dinner for donors afterwards, depending on who attends. We'd love to have
you for that too if you're available. That would be 7:30 - 9:30ish.
> On 5 Oct 2015, at 10:43 pm, Tim Wilson
<<>> wrote:
> Howdy. What time?
> Sent from my iPhone ...
> Tim Wilson
> Human Rights Commissioner
> Australian Human Rights Commission
> Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x-apple-data-detectors://0>
> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x-apple-data-detectors://1/0>
> T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F
   F +61 2 9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794>
> E<>
<> W<>
> From: s 47F
> Date: 4 October 2015 at 22:19:25 GMT-6
> To: s 47F

> Subject: Invitation to help launch Peter Reith's new book


Page 78
> Hi Tim
> We are hosting the Melbourne launch of Peter Reith’s new book: at CQ on Thursday 26 November.
> Would you like to be part of a panel discussion with Peter and s ? We’d be very pleased to have you!
> 47F
> Cheers

> Institute of Public Affairs
> s 47F

> ***********************************************************************
> WARNING: The information contained in this email may be confidential.
> If you are not the intended recipient, any use or copying of any part
> of this information is unauthorised. If you have received this email in
> error, we apologise for any inconvenience and request that you notify
> the sender immediately and delete all copies of this email, together
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> with any attachments.
> ***********************************************************************

Page 79
From: s 47F
Sent: Friday, 19 December 2014 9:50 AM
To: s 47F Tim Wilson
Cc: s 47F
s 47F
Subject: Free expression stops terrorists

Follow Up Flag: Flag for follow up

Flag Status: Completed

‘Letter: Free expression stops terrorists 

Our defence forces deserve deep gratitude – not the foul insults that terrorist Man Haron Monis 
conveyed in his letters to them. But the High Court made a profound mistake when it split 3:3 on 
whether the implied constitutional right to freedom of political communication allowed Monis to offend 

Harassment is the repeated use of expressions directed at an individual intending to intimidate them by 
causing fear or deep distress. Monis was properly convicted of that charge. Inciting violence, law 
breaking, or glorifying or inciting terrorism should be a criminal offence. But merely offending, insulting 
or humiliating another must be lawful, especially in political or religious discussion. 

Freedom of expression is a core Australian value that builds social cohesion and allows those harbouring 
a sense of injustice to vent their anger peacefully. Without it, diverse societies must fracture and fail.  

There is a remote chance that, had Monis secured, in part, the public victory for free expression that he 
sought, his fate, and that of his poor victims, may have been different…’.  

Note: No doubt I will be censored again. But this is a historic opportunity to inform the Australian public
about precisely where the line on free expression should, and can be, drawn. Criminal Code (Cth) 471.12 is
overbroad and partially unconstitutional.  

Legal experts know well that the Monis case mirrors that of the Westboro case (Snyder v Phelps ) in the US where the First Amendment was found to protect
offensive expressions directed at returning veterans and their families. The U.S. Courts have fashioned
solutions so that those such as the Westboro Church can protest at public events, even celebrating the return
of veterans or at their funerals, provided they do so at an appropriate distance in free speech zones but not
outside - and within other legal boundaries.  
It is standard constitutional law practice to ‘sever’ statutes i.e. to judge part of a statute to be
unconstitutional, but preserve the rest. It was open to our High Court in Monis v R to have found that the
statutory test of offensiveness is unconstitutional but the harassment and menacing elements of the statute
are constitutional.  

But since the The Australian newspaper has only ever offered tokenistic self-serving support for freedom of
expression (largely designed to preserve Government censorship laws designed to protect multiculturalism
and mass unselective immigration against pluralism and low level (‘pro lo’) genuinely selective
immigration) the Australian public are repeatedly denied the opportunity to appreciate the full significance
of Monis’s High Court appeal, the similarity of Monis’s case to the Bolt case, and the possible direction that
law reform in Australia could take. Sadly, the so called Freedom Commissioner has, to date, largely failed 
to remedy this. With respect, sadly, on past performance I expect little or nothing from him. Come on 
Mr Wilson, you are better than this! 

Page 80
Of course Mr Bolt and Monis are in no way morally equivalent, but to the extent that Monis was convicted
of merely offending someone he was dealt an injustice, as was Mr Andrew Bolt in his case when he
offended so called ‘white Aborigines’. To the extent that Monis was convicted on the charge of harassment
he received his just deserts. But to suggest that Monis’s case was frivolous or vexatious, or did not serve the
public interest, is very wrong.  
Andrew Bolt did an enormous public service by defending his legal case in the Federal Court, but a grave
disservice by not appealing (s 47F ). Unlike Monis, Mr Bolt should have tested the bounds
of the constitutional implied freedom of political communication and other constitutional limits. The fact
that Monis received legal aid so often denied to others is partly unjust, since others should also have access
to justice.  
Unless we secure meaningful law reform concerning freedom of expression then I predict that Islamism and
sharia law will march even more quickly through our institutions and future generations will be effectively
enslaved. As I once said - this is not about the ‘nanny state’ - this is a battle for the heart, and soul and
future of a once great nation.  
If, as I suspect, Monis’s greater jihad was to extend the application of sharia law to Australia, then no mere
victory for free expression would have sufficed. But how much longer can our Governments pretend that
their so called hate speech laws are not simply, in part, sharia blasphemy law by other means? In practical
terms they operate to empower ultra-orthodox Muslims and Islamists, entrench apostasy and blasphemy
laws, disempower reformist Muslims and keep many Muslims trapped within the cage of the orthodox
version of their religion. All so politicians can be guaranteed the ‘ethnic vote’? 
Prime Minister Abbott and his Attorney-General should be deeply ashamed. It is high time they redeemed
themselves and became their better selves by honouring their freedom promise and defending the values
they once said they held.  
Of course my deepest sympathy goes to the poor victims and my gratitude goes to our police and defence

s 47F

Page 81
From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 2:57 PM
Subject: FREEDOM OF SPEECH must be protected as a FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS by


The appointment of the next President of the Australian Human Rights Commission will indicate the 
government’s commitment to protecting one of the most fundamental rights of every truly functional 
democracy: the right to freedom of speech. 

Regrettably, the freedom of speech has been under a serious attack in Australia over the years.  

With this in mind, the government needs to appoint a President of the AHRC who is committed to 
protecting freedom of speech; someone with a solid track record of advocating for the right to freedom of 

This is a fundamental right of every Australian citizen, and it is a right that is constitutionally protected 
under the implied freedom of political communication as derived from the Australian Constitution. 

s 47F  

s 47F

Page 82
s 47F

Page 83
s 47F

Page 84
s 47F

s 47F

Page 85
From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 10 December 2014 10:15 AM
To: s 47F Tim Wilson
Cc: s 47F
s 47F
Subject: ‘Letter: Hear, see and speak no evil – blind, deaf and dumb? Tim Wilson

‘Letter: Hear, see and speak no evil – blind, deaf and dumb?
Recently, twenty five leading Malaysian scholars risked their lives by writing to their Prime Minister
expressing abhorrence of sharia law because it destroys fundamental freedoms. It imposes harsh penalties
such as whipping, stoning, murder or imprisonment for apostasy, blasphemy, adultery, immodesty,
homosexuality or consuming drugs or alcohol.  
Muslim personal law authorises forced, underage, and plural marriages and marital rape and violence. It
mandates unequal treatment and persecution of, and discrimination against, women non-Muslims and
homosexuals. Muslim women are afforded half a man’s share if they inherit. They cannot marry a non-
Muslim and are subject to informal ‘triple talac’ no fault divorce at the man’s behest after which they often
lose all marital property and child custody.  
But Tim Wilson, paid generously to protect our human rights and freedoms, refuses openly to condemn
sharia law or even debate it. The Federal Attorney-General even inferred that sharia is largely compatible
with Australian law! Wilson advocates retaining the word humiliate in s.18C of the Racial Discrimination 
Act and its ilk, allowing the continued implementation of sharia blasphemy law in Australia. Shocking..’ .

Notes: All this can be easily conformed by reading the primary sources of sharia law (Quran (Yusuf Ali)
and Hadith (Sahih Bukhari)), the Sira (Muhammad’s biography), an authoritative Tafsir (Ibn Kathir) and
any authoritative text of Sharia fiqh (law) such as Umdat al Salik (Reliance of the Traveller), followed by
human rights reports by expert agencies such as the UN, Human Rights Watch and the US State Department
on nations that apply sharia in whole or part. Alas few Australians have the courage or willingness to do so,
despite their numerous public statements about sharia law.  
Again I expect censorship. Soon, like many others, I may simply give up and withdraw and another voice
will have been silenced. I am sure The Australian newspaper would prefer all its critics to be silenced. Its
self-serving, selective and tokenistic support of free expression masks its true intent. It is fundamentally
elitist. It mistrusts the Australian people and wishes to retain so called hate speech laws so as to keep the
majority silent and under its partial control. It does so in large part so as to enable the mass unselective
immigration that makes its supporters and paymasters wealthy at the enormous expense of the nation and of
social cohesion. 
Personally, I am shocked that an openly gay man like Mr Wilson would remain silent as sharia law takes a
firmer hold here in Australia. In fact his enthusiastic support of the so called freedom to enjoy publicly the
extreme sharia law practice of niqab wearing necessarily makes the spread of sharia in Australia easier. It is
disgraceful that such as Dr Albrechtsen, who presents herself as a ‘freedom fighter’, instead of supporting
Senator Lambie (who almost alone in Parliament has expressed, even if clumsily or inexpertly, her
opposition to sharia law) has openly insulted and mocked her. Who is the true narcissist I wonder?  
Sharia law is profoundly dangerous for homosexuals – simply look to the work of genuine reformist
Muslims (whom I have always strongly supported) such as Dr Irshad Manji and note the threats to her life. I
personally abhor such persecution of, and negative discrimination against, homosexuals.  

Page 86
But extending so called hate speech laws to privilege Australian homosexuals at the expense of the
fundamental rights and freedoms of others is profoundly divisive - as are gay marriage laws. Opposing both
is not anti-gay or homophobic.  
Personally, I am not someone who finds homosexuality disgusting or immoral but who tolerates it. I am not
at all disgusted by it, nor do I find it offensive. In fact I positively support, welcome and enjoy most aspects
of homosexual culture and see it as a positive contribution to diversity, as I do heterosexual culture. I
suspect the vast majority of Australians, were they properly informed, agree with me and support gay union
laws that provide substantive legal equality.  
The informed majority oppose gay marriage laws because true equality allows each group to enjoy its own
exclusive cultural institution. Changing radically the legal definition of traditional marriage effectively
destroys it. It robs heterosexuals of their right to enjoy their own exclusive cultural institution. Doing so
because homosexuals are now more politically powerful and can manipulate the media and machinery of
Government better than the Christian Church or the majority of Australians is neither just nor fair. It is
oppression of the majority by minorities. It is minocracy not democracy.  

But, nonetheless, Marry Xmas to all.  

This case is a small illustration of how under legal multiculturalism (‘Many laws for many’ not ‘one law,
Australian law, equally for all’) sharia law will be applied to non-Muslims even against their wishes or best
interests. This is Australia’s future on its current trajectory.

s 47F

Page 87
From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 24 February 2015 12:25 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Dr Arthur Laffer - Lessons from the Reagan Revolution | 18th March 2015, Melbourne

Follow Up Flag: Flag for follow up

Flag Status: Completed

Dear Tim,

On behalf of the Institute of Public Affairs and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, I'm delighted to invite you to
a special event with renowned economist Dr Arthur Laffer on the topic Lessons from the Reagan Revolution: The case for
lower taxes. Dr Arthur Laffer was economic policy advisor to President Ronald Reagan and inventor of the Laffer Curve.

Dr Arthur Laffer was a crucial figure behind Reaganomics in the 1980s. A member of Reagan's Economic Policy Advisory
Board, he pushed for a reduction in taxes in order to spur economic growth. This would lead to a world-wide tax cutting

A 1999 Time Magazine cover story, 'The Century's Greatest Minds', deemed the Laffer Curve one of 'a few advances that
powered this extraordinary century.' Laffer's curve would change the American economy forever, leading to an economic
revolution and ultimately more human flourishing.

Dr Arthur Laffer also advised Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on fiscal policy in the U.K. during the 1980s. He is the author of
countless books, including The End of Prosperity: How Higher Taxes Will Doom the Economy - If We Let it Happen. You can
watch this excellent video featuring Dr Laffer, along with Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, on the impact of the Laffer Curve
on US economic policy. Or you can read Dr Laffer's telling predictions on the negative consequences of US stimulus spending
in the Wall Street Journal here.

The full details of Lessons from the Reagan Revolution: The case for lower taxes are:

Drinks and Lecture

Wednesday, 18th March 2015
5.00pm for 5.30pm until 7.00pm
InterContinental Melbourne, The Rialto
495 Collins Street, Melbourne

The event is $15 for IPA members, $30 for non-members and free for IPA Young members. Drinks will be provided.

To purchase your tickets please click here, or call s 47F at the IPA on s 47F

I hope you can join us to hear from this important figure in US history who helped change our world for the better.

Page 88
Kind regards

s 47F

Page 89
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Monday, 20 April 2015 6:02 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: FW: Medical Freedoms - A Fundamental Human Right [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Another one we have to write a formal response to.

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

From: Tim Wilson []

Sent: Monday, 20 April 2015 12:25 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Fwd: Medical Freedoms - A Fundamental Human Right

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
s 47F

Begin forwarded message:

From: s 47F
Date: 20 April 2015 10:48:32 AEST
To: s 47F
Subject: Medical Freedoms - A Fundamental Human Right
Reply-To: s 47F

Dear Tim,

Please read, review and consider the email below s 47F

, in regards to this fundamental human rights and civil

liberties health issue for all Australians.

The current petition on echoes these sentiments in what is becoming

the ‘silenced minority’;
Page 90

If governments are going to coerce or mandate parents to inject their children with a
plethora of vaccines - many of which contain proven neurotoxins like aluminium -
then the onus of proof for both safety and efficacy lies with them.

If governments, doctors and vaccine makers are unwilling to take legal responsibility
for any harm caused to recipients as a result of being injected with vaccines, then
responsible parents should not be willing to expose their children to the potential
risks (which recent scientific evidence has proven are many and varied). As long as
they hide behind a shield of legal protection, the fallacious dogma that "vaccines are
safe and effective" is both hollow and meaningless.

There are some 40,000 Australians who will be directly affected by the proposed
change in government policy (ie. No Jab, No Pay) for both family payments and child
care benefits that all Australian families are entitled to. The most affected by these
proposed loss of payments will be those who can least afford them - low income
families. This is an outrageous travesty of justice based on a widely accepted fallacy
(ie. the unvaccinated spread disease so are a threat to society) when in fact the
opposite is the case (see links below referring to live-virus vaccine shedding and
vaccinated asymptomatic carriers). However, regrettably, the campaign of fear and
ignorance seems to be working.

The proposed legislation by government will punish parents, with unconstitutional

penalties, for making an informed choice about their children's health. Such coercive
vaccination policy is both fallacious and fundamentally unjust (as outlined in my
email below). The new laws effectively remove the fundamental human right of
‘informed medical consent’ - or at least discriminates against those families who
decide to enact this basic human right. Laws that the High Court of Australia should
justifiably reverse and set an ethical precedent against before such laws become
even more draconian (for example, only fully vaccinated children will be permitted to
attend pre-schools or even state schools….??)

This is especially the case when these flawed laws are based on the complete
fallacy that the unvaccinated are “carriers of disease” (see the links and evidence
below exposing this common - yet antiquated - fallacy). Vaccines fail simply because
viruses and bacteria are constantly mutating and evolving. Just as the overuse of
antibiotics has created antibiotic-resistant superbugs, the overuse and ever-
increasing vaccination schedule is creating vaccine resistant viruses (more details
below to evidence-based studies confirming this). And crucially for general health,
both antibiotics and vaccines destroy gut flora which is so essential for a strong
natural immune system (recent studies have shown that some 70% of all immune
cells are formed in the gastro-intestinal tract).

Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, Ph.D., uncovered more than 30 years of hidden government
documents exposing vaccine schedules as a complete hoax, not to mention the
fraud of the vaccines themselves to provide any real protection against disease. She
obtained these documents via the Freedom of Information Act in the U.K (see more
details below). A similar request via Australia’s FOI Act to our government health
authorities (eg. Department of Health, TGA) should also reveal the same motivations
for protecting the current vaccination agenda.

Page 91
At one end of the spectrum low-income families are being financially coerced into
fully vaccinating their children against their wishes and better judgement (the
Australian vaccination schedule currently mandates more than 30 vaccine doses in
the first 18 months of life alone, with many of these vaccines including aluminium - a
known neurotoxin) meanwhile financial incentives and bonuses paid to doctors by
Australian health authorities for administering vaccinations will now be boosted for
every ‘catch-up vaccine’ administered to babies/infants and children according to
these new laws. Such laws are not only unethical and immoral they are totally unjust
and indefensible.

Please review the information below and give it due consideration in the hope that
this ill-conceived, short-sighted and emotive-driven government policy can be
blocked or reversed, in the High Court of Australia if necessary, before it causes
irreparable harm to our most basic human rights and also to the long-term health of
our children.

If I can assist in any way with providing further evidence-based support to this
argument, which are both credible and copious, please feel free to contact me
anytime. This cause could prove to be the most worthwhile and meaningful you have
undertaken in your career.

Thanking you for your time and consideration and looking forward to your prompt
reply in regards to your recommendations or advice on this vital and timely issue.

s 47F

Ps. In regards to the supposed safety and efficacy of vaccines, here’s the latest
news about the HPV vaccine Gardasil;

Merck’s Former Doctor Predicts that Gardasil will Become the Greatest
Medical Scandal of All Time

.. I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times
because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine,
technical and scientific feat that it may be, has absolutely no effect on cervical
cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill,
serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers.

There is far too much financial interest for these medicines to be withdrawn..

Learn more at:


The Australian developed HPV vaccine Gardasil not only does not work, it is killing
and maiming young girls around the world. A former Merck doctor blows the whistle,
pointing out the fraud and scam of it all. Yet another case of Big Pharma profits
ahead of lives. And Gardasil is on the vaccination schedule for all 12-13 year old
girls - as well as all boys! – here in Australia. What a despicable disgrace!

Page 92
s 47F

Dear s
The recent media and political rumblings about targeting parents who make an
informed consent decision as to what vaccines will be injected into their children’s
blood streams is more than an attack on health freedoms. It’s an attack on our basic
civil and legal liberties and our most fundamental of human rights. This is especially
concerning considering the mounting scientific evidence - particularly from
independent medical sources not funded by pharmaceutical companies who have an
obvious conflict of interest - that questions both the safety and efficacy of our ever-
increasing vaccination schedule.

Please read these letters which were sent to s 47F

in regard to recent discussion about child care and family benefits being linked to
mandatory vaccinating;

s 47F

Why are parents of fully vaccinated children so fearful of unvaccinated children? And
don’t they realise that fully vaccinated children can still carry the very virus or
bacteria that they were supposedly vaccinated against on their skin, in their nasal
cavity, breath and cough (whether they have developed immunity or not)?

In fact, live viruses can be spread by the recipient of a vaccine via shedding and
even dead virus vaccines can make the vaccine recipient an asymptomatic carrier of
the virus thereby unwittingly pass the virus on to those around them. So where’s the
rationale in the fearful campaign against the unvaccinated? Don’t we all have the
right, both as individuals and as parents, to decide what substances are injected in
to our bodies and those of our children? When this most basic of human right is
under attack then our fundamental freedoms become the victim.

200 Evidence-Based Reasons NOT To Vaccinate - FREE Research PDF


The media, your pediatrician, politicians and health authorities like the CDC
and FDA claim that vaccines are safe and effective. So why do hundreds of
peer-reviewed studies indicate the opposite is true? Read, download, and
share this document widely to provide the necessary evidence-based
counterbalance to the pro-vaccination propaganda that has globally infected
popular consciousness and discussion like an intractable disease.

It's no coincidence that the prevalence of childhood asthma, eczema, allergies,

autism, ADHD and other neurodevelopment and autoimmune disorders have
escalated right alongside the increased vaccine schedule over recent decades. Not

Page 93
surprising when vaccines contain heavy metals like mercury and aluminium - known

Childhood diseases like mumps, measles, chicken pox and flu - which seldom cause
serious harm unless the child is over-medicated - act to prime and strengthen the
child's natural immune system for life (unlike short-lived vaccine acquired immunity).

Mounting evidence questions both the safety and efficacy of the ever-growing
vaccine schedule. The only way to settle this vital health issue is to perform a
thorough study comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated against unvaccinated
populations. But no government or medical body is willing to do so. Perhaps that's
because such previous studies show that unvaccinated children are far healthier
than the vaccinated ones;

Studies Prove Without Doubt That Unvaccinated Children Are Far Healthier
Than Their Vaccinated Peers

By Christina England

A study from the 1990s has come to light, proving that compared to unvaccinated
children, vaccinated children were more likely to suffer from asthma, eczema, ear
infections, hyperactivity and many other chronic conditions.

Furthermore, the study identified that there was a ten-fold increase in the incidence
of tonsillitis in the children who were vaccinated, and a total lack tonsillectomy
operations among the children who were unvaccinated.

Read more here;


Please see the vital information below which documents the decades of fraud and
corruption by big pharma and public health authorities about the purported safety
and efficacy of vaccines.

Such an essential topic is of major importance to every Australian and is especially

topical given the campaign of fear and misinformation shown by our media, medical
and pharmaceutical industry and government health authorities.

Thank you for your consideration of this significant health concern which affects all
Australians – especially our children – and its implications for our basic health
freedoms and human rights.

Best regards,
s 47F

An investigative report compiled by Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, Ph.D., uncovers

more than 30 years of hidden government documents exposing vaccine
schedules as a complete hoax, not to mention the fraud of the vaccines
themselves to provide any real protection against disease.

Page 94
The JCVI (Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization) made
continuous efforts to withhold critical data on severe adverse reactions
and contraindications to vaccinations to both parents and health
practitioners in order to reach overall vaccination rates which they
deemed were necessary for 'herd immunity,' a concept which does not rest
on solid scientific evidence," explains Dr. Tomljenovic in the introduction
to her paper.

The information Dr. Tomljenovic gathered speaks for itself. Not only did
the JCVI routinely ignore questions of safety as they came up with regards
to the ever‐expanding vaccination schedule, but the group actively
censored unfavorable data that shed a "negative" light on vaccines in order
to maintain the illusion that vaccines are safe and effective. Beyond this,
the JCVI regularly lied to both the public and government authorities about
vaccine safety in order to ensure that people continued to vaccinate their

The JCVI's official policy was to cherry‐pick unreliable studies to support
its own opinions on vaccines rather than rely on independent,
scientifically‐sound studies to make vaccine policy recommendations.

The eye‐opening, 45‐page paper goes on to explain how vaccine schedules
were established through the calculated downplaying of vaccine safety
concerns and the over‐inflating of vaccine benefits; the promotion of
dangerous new vaccines into the pediatric schedule through deception; the
discouraging of vaccine safety follow‐up studies; and the widespread
brainwashing of the public through manipulation and scientific sleight‐of‐
hand tricks.

Deliberately concealing information from parents for the sole purpose of
getting them to comply with an “official” vaccination schedule should be
considered as a form of ethical violation or misconduct.

Official documents obtained from the UK Department of Health (DH) and
the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) reveal that
the British health authorities have been engaging in such practice for the
last 30 years, apparently for the sole purpose of protecting the national
vaccination program.

This extraordinary paper was published by a courageous doctor and
investigative medical researcher who dug the dirt on 30 years of secret
official transcripts of meetings of UK government vaccine committees and
the supposedly independent medical “experts” sitting on them with their
drug industry connections.

If you want to get an idea of who is responsible for your child’s condition
resulting from a vaccine adverse reaction then this is the paper to read.
What you have to ask yourself is if the people on these committees are

Page 95
honest and honourable and acting in the best interests of British children,
how is it this has been going on for at least 30 years?

This is what everyone has always known but could never prove before now.
Pass this information on to others so they can see what goes on in
Government health committees behind locked doors;

Through several Freedom of Information Act requests, Dr. Tomljenovic was

able to obtain transcripts of private meetings that were held between the
Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI), a so‐called
"independent expert advisory committee" that makes recommendations to
the government about vaccine policy, and various British health ministers
over the years. And after poring through this plethora of information,
which had previously been veiled from public view, Dr. Tomljenovic made
these disturbing discoveries.

Read the complete eye‐opening paper here for the full evidence to back up
her conclusions;

Vaccine Fraud & Corruption Exposed

There is a growing body of evidence questioning both the efficacy and safety of
vaccines. Powerful influence from pharmaceutical lobbyists, whose primary goal is
profit, and other vested interests have appointed their own people within medical
safety and regulatory bodies. A clear case of conflict of interest which is being

A dedicated doctor has researched this vital health issue and found many
documents which support the fact that vaccines are dangerous, not tested properly
and have doubtful value and actually cause many injuries.

This brave doctor has also uncovered endemic corruption in the field and shameful
conflicts of interest which have been aided and abetted by government. A recent
investigative report compiled by Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, Ph.D., uncovers more than
30 years of hidden government documents exposing these vaccine schedules as a
complete hoax, not to mention the fraud of the vaccines themselves to provide any
real protection against disease.

The JCVI (Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization) made continuous

efforts to withhold critical data on severe adverse reactions and contraindications to
vaccinations to both parents and health practitioners in order to reach overall
vaccination rates which they deemed were necessary for 'herd immunity,' a concept
which does not rest on solid scientific evidence," explains Dr. Tomljenovic in the
introduction to her paper.

Page 96
The information Dr. Tomljenovic gathered speaks for itself. Not only did the JCVI
routinely ignore questions of safety as they came up with regards to the ever-
expanding vaccination schedule, but the group actively censored unfavorable data
that shed a "negative" light on vaccines in order to maintain the illusion that vaccines
are safe and effective. Beyond this, the JCVI regularly lied to both the public and
government authorities about vaccine safety in order to ensure that people
continued to vaccinate their kids.

Interestingly as far as the MMR vaccine is concerned, this critical piece of

information not only reinforces the legitimacy of Dr. Wakefield's findings on a link
with autism, which were illegitimately declared to be fraudulent by the establishment,
but also illustrates just how painfully long this scam has been taking place.

The JCVI's official policy was to cherry-pick unreliable studies to support its own
opinions on vaccines rather than rely on independent, scientifically-sound studies to
make vaccine policy recommendations.

The eye-opening, 45-page paper goes on to explain how vaccine schedules were
established through the calculated downplaying of vaccine safety concerns and the
over-inflating of vaccine benefits; the promotion of dangerous new vaccines into the
pediatric schedule through deception; the discouraging of vaccine safety follow-up
studies; and the widespread brainwashing of the public through manipulation and
scientific sleight-of-hand tricks.

This is a vital health issue that warrants further investigation and public awareness.
Parents especially need to be made aware of this as their children are ultimately the
victims from the withheld dangers of vaccination and the endemic campaign of
deceit by public health authorities.

Read more here;

Massive Fraud In Merck MMR Vaccine Testing

Posted by Sheller, P.C.

October 10, 2014

Merck’s Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine is under fire following allegations

of wrongdoing from several parties, namely two former Merck scientists-turned-
whistleblowers. A third whistleblower is a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC), who has confessed to misconduct involving the same MMR vaccine.

A U.S. judge rejected Merck’s attempt at a dismissal after determining there was
plausible grounds for the claims. Therefore the medical giant is being forced to
defend themselves and their vaccine in at least two federal cases. Merck could also
be forced to defend itself in Congress. Representative Bill Posey (R-FL) – a known
critic of the CDC whom is investigating the link between autism and vaccines – is
reviewing hundreds of documents turned over by the CDC whistleblower.

According to the whistleblowers’ court documents, Merck’s misconduct was far-

ranging: It “failed to disclose that its mumps vaccine was not as effective as Merck
represented, (ii) used improper testing techniques, (iii) manipulated testing
methodology, (iv) abandoned undesirable test results, (v) falsified test data, (vi)
failed to adequately investigate and report the diminished efficacy of its mumps

Page 97
vaccine, (vii) falsely verified that each manufacturing lot of mumps vaccine would be
as effective as identified in the labeling, (viii) falsely certified the accuracy of
applications filed with the FDA, (ix) falsely certified compliance with the terms of the
CDC purchase contract, (x) engaged in the fraud and concealment describe herein
for the purpose of illegally monopolizing the U.S. market for mumps vaccine, (xi)
mislabeled, misbranded, and falsely certified its mumps vaccine, and (xii) engaged
in the other acts described herein to conceal the diminished efficacy of the vaccine
the government was purchasing.”

Read more here;


..According to David Lewis, PhD, former senior-level microbiologist with the U.S.
EPA's Office of Research & Development, skewing scientific data to support
government policies is a major problem at federal agencies, including EPA, CDC,
and USDA. Lewis, who was terminated by EPA for publishing papers in Nature that
questioned the science the agency uses to support certain regulations, believes top-
down pressure on federal scientists and researchers working on government-funded
projects in academia is jeopardizing public health.

"Working for the government is no different than working for corporations. You either
toe the line or find yourself looking for another way to make a living," Lewis says.
"No one would be surprised if Merck published unreliable data supporting the safety
of its products. Why would anyone be surprised that the CDC is publishing skewed
data to conclude that the vaccines it recommends are safe? We need a better
system, where scientists are free to be honest."

What we need is independent scientific research, not more of the fraudulent science
bought and paid for by the very parties who profit from the findings or health
regulators obsessed with maintaining their misguided belief in an archaic notion of a
‘greater good’ at any cost.

Confidential Document from GSK to the Authorities

.. according to an article in the November 2011 issue of the well-known and official
publication Revue française du Practicien (a French magazine for the medical
profession), only 1 to 10% of serious vaccine adverse effects are actually reported
and logged (2). The extent of the problem is therefore grossly under-estimated. The
document also mentions no fewer than 37 other deaths of children recorded since
the vaccine was launched in 2000, amounting to a minimum total of 73 infant

British Health System covers up vaccine dangers

If you live in America the official U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) “Immunization Schedules,” now recommends a staggering 29 vaccines be
given between birth and 6 years of age, including yearly flu shots, as well as another
5 to 16 vaccines between ages 7 and 18 (

Now an investigative report compiled by Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, Ph.D. focussing on

the British Health System’s elaborate cover-up about its own national vaccination
Page 98
programme shows more than 30 years of hidden government documents suggesting
these vaccine schedules as a complete hoax, not to mention the fraud of the
vaccines themselves to provide any real protection against disease.

Her paper suggests that vaccination schedules are designed more for the purpose of
serving corporate interests than public health. Government authorities, it turns out, in
an ongoing bid to satisfy the private goals of the vaccine industry, have deliberately
covered up pertinent information about the dangers and ineffectiveness of vaccines
keeping it from parents in order to maintain a high rate of vaccination compliance.
And in the process, they have put countless millions of children at risk of serious
side effects and even death.

You can access Dr. Tomljenovic’s full paper here:


An ongoing study out of Germany comparing disease rates among vaccinated and
unvaccinated children points to a pretty clear disparity between the two groups as far
as illness rates are concerned. As reported by the group Health Freedom Alliance,
children who have been vaccinated according to official government schedules are
up to five times more likely to contract a preventable disease than children who
developed their own immune systems naturally without vaccines.

Released as its own preliminary study back in September 2011, the survey includes
data on 8,000 unvaccinated children whose overall disease rates were compared to
disease rates among the general population, the vast majority of which has been
vaccinated. And in every single disease category, unvaccinated children fared far
better than vaccinated children in terms of both disease prevalence and severity. In
other words, the evidence suggests that vaccines are neither effective nor safe.

“No study of health outcomes of vaccinated people versus unvaccinated has ever
been conducted in the U.S. by CDC or any other agency in the 50 years or more of
an accelerating schedule of vaccinations (now over 50 doses of 14 vaccines given
before kindergarten, 26 doses in the first year),” wrote Louis Rain back in 2011 for
Health Freedom Alliance about the survey.

HPV vaccine linked to deaths

A 2012 study published in the journal Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs concludes

that viral components contained in the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
Gardasil can cross the blood-brain barrier and trigger cerebral vasculitis, a severe
form of blood vessel inflammation in the brain that can lead to severe autoimmune
disorders and even death.

Read more here;

Attacking Ourselves: Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn

Our Immune System Against Us
The research is hard to ignore, vaccines can trigger autoimmunity with a
laundry list of diseases to follow. With harmful and toxic metals as some
vaccine ingredients, who is susceptible and which individuals are more at

Page 99

Mercury-laden flu shots are only about 1 percent effective

The implication here is that flu shots may still provide some protection for
some people. But as we reported back in 2011, flu shots are only about
1.5 percent effective, at best. The vast majority of people who get flu shots
are not only not protected against the flu, but many of them end up
contracting the virus while their unvaccinated peers remain healthy.
Then, there’s the issue of toxic mercury in vaccines, which tests
conducted by the Natural News Forensic Food Lab revealed is present in
very high amounts in flu shots. Tests conducted on GlaxoSmithKline
(GSK)’s Flulaval vaccine revealed 51 parts per million (ppm) of mercury,
which is over 25,000 times higher than the maximum contaminant level
for water established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Vaccination: The Neurological Poison So

Common Your Doctor Probably Pushes It

 If you follow the recommended vaccine schedule in the

United States, your child will be exposed to high amounts of
intrinsically toxic aluminum adjuvants through routine
vaccinations; researchers suggest aluminum adjuvants in
vaccines may significantly contribute to autoimmunity in
pediatric populations
 Adjuvants can cause your immune system to overreact to the
introduction of the organism you're being vaccinated against,
leading to a break down in self-tolerance, i.e. your immune
system attacks your own body as “other”
 Vaccine-induced immune challenges can lead to permanent
alterations in brain and immune function, including serious,
chronic inflammatory conditions
 Children are particularly vulnerable to toxic insults; a new
report states that a “rigorous evaluation of the vaccine-
related adverse health impacts in the pediatric population is
urgently needed”

Page 100
US Centers for Disease Control Issues Flu
Vaccine Apology: This Year’s Vaccine Doesn’t
If you take flu shots, you are being poisoned by quacks

The upshot of all this is that flu shots utterly lack any scientific evidence
of safety of efficacy. We don’t know if they work at all, in other words,
and neither does the vaccine manufacturer. Neither do the doctors or
medical staff who administer them. Flu vaccines are injected into people
purely as a matter of blind faith in the very same companies that have
already been convicted of felony crimes.

GlaxoSmithKline, for example, not only manufacturers this Flulaval

vaccine… the company also committed multiple felony crimes and got
caught bribing doctors, ultimately agreeing to pay a multi-billion-dollar
criminal settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice.

Trusting a flu shot made by a corporation of felons is a lot like trusting

the purity of heroin you buy from a street dealer. Both flu shots and
street heroin have at least one thing in common, by the way: neither has
ever been tested for safety.

We also know that flu shots contain neurotoxic chemicals and heavy
metals in alarming concentrations. This is irrefutable scientific fact. We
also know that there is no “safe” form of mercury just like there is no
safe form of heroin — all forms of mercury are highly toxic when
injected into the body (ethyl, methyl, organic, inorganic).

Share this story, spread the truth

Share this story with everyone who needs to know the truth about flu
vaccines. This message needs to get out. Every fact stated in this article
is 100% true and verified. The quotes from the Flulaval package insert
are on-the-record statements from GlaxoSmithKline…

The Truth About the Drug Companies:

How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It
In this book, her most recent, Marcia Angell explores pharmaceutical research,
deplores the rapidly expanding involvement (and distortion of truth) of Big
Pharma, and implores us all (physicians, patients, politicians) to do something
about it.

The dust-jacket blurb asserts that Angell, "during her two decades at The New
England Journal of Medicine had a front-row seat on the growing corruption of the
pharmaceutical industry."
Page 101
Since leaving the Journal, she's gone behind the curtains of Big Pharma, Big
University, and Big Faculty. Drawing on her own work and on her thoughtful analysis
of research, company financial statements, and investigative reports into drug
development and marketing, Angell writes with the unambiguous and unyielding
style that Journal readers came to expect and trust.

"The combined profits for the ten drug companies in the Fortune 500 ($35.9
billion) were more than the profits for all the other 490 businesses put together
($33.7 billion) [in 2002]. Over the past two decades the pharmaceutical
industry has moved very far from its original high purpose of discovering and
producing useful new drugs. Now primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs
of dubious benefit, this industry uses its wealth and power to co-opt every
institution that might stand in its way, including the US Congress, the FDA,
academic medical centers, and the medical profession itself."

-- Dr. Marcia Angell, former editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine

The book review below, taken from the prestigious New England Journal of
Medicine, clearly reveals just how corrupt the pharmaceutical and health care
industries have become. The book's author, Marcia Angell, M.D., is a former editor
in chief of the highly respected Journal. She is currently a senior lecturer in social
medicine at Harvard Medical School. Her book, The Truth About the Drug
Companies, provides yet another eye-opening example of how greed has taken over
many facets of business and government, and offers empowering ideas on what we
can do about it.

New England Journal of Medicine

Volume 351:1580-1581, October 7, 2004, Number 15

Page 102
From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 18 February 2014 5:11 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: FW: Racial Discrimination and the Law | Australian Human Rights Commission

Follow Up Flag: Follow up

Flag Status: Completed

s 47F  

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: s 47F  
Sent: Wednesday, 22 January 2014 2:28 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Racial Discrimination and the Law | Australian Human Rights Commission 

Tim S speech largely on 18c ‐ goes through quite a few cases which are interesting‐discrimination‐and‐law= 

Page 103
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Friday, 18 July 2014 10:19 AM
To: s 47F
Subject: FW: Free Speech 2014 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Can we please include s 47F in the last of complimentary attendees. I want him there so he is
tweeting etc throughout the day. It will connect with an important part of the audience.

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

From: s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 17 July 2014 10:31 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Free Speech 2014

Hi Tim 

Following from our conversation earlier this week, I’d be delighted if you could provide me with a ticket to Free 
Speech 2014. If that’s possible, I’ll book my flights today. 

Warm regards 
s 47F  

Page 104
From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 6 January 2015 5:37 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: FW: Institute of Public Affairs Australia feedback

Follow Up Flag: Flag for follow up

Flag Status: Completed

Commissioner – a media request for you. 

Happy New Year! (And thank you for your Christmas Card). 

From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 6 January 2015 3:39 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: Institute of Public Affairs Australia feedback

IPA Feedback

Name s 47F

Business s 47F


This is a request for Tim Wilson.

s 47F

s 47F

s 47F

s 47F

Page 105
s 47F

My plan would be to discuss what freedom of speech means, how far it can
extend on the internet, legal implications of what is said (or done), what the
government can/should do to ensure people are able to express themselves
freely while still protecting people who would require it. I would send a run-
down of discussion points beforehand. As you can see from the s 47F I
have done, these are very loose and intended to be educational about the issue.

Would you be interested in doing this?

s 47F

Page 106
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Monday, 10 March 2014 2:45 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: FW: Interview this month [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Can you find a time?

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 10 March 2014 2:00 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Interview this month

Hi Tim, thanks for your email, and sorry for not getting back to you February.

I'm hoping to make an appointment for that interview this month, or next. The times I have free are below. Just let
me know the day and location that suits you.

Friday 14th - any time
Tuesday 18th - any time
Wednesday 19th - any time
Friday 21st - Before 1pm
Tuesday 25th - any time

Any time on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Best wishes,

s 47F

From: Tim Wilson []

Sent: 10 March 2014 08:38
To: s 47F
Subject: FW: Re : Invitation to participate in research on the politics of climate change and energy in Australia

Hi s 47F ,

Did you still want to do this interview? 

Page 107
Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner 

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

From: Tim Wilson []
Sent: Monday, 10 March 2014 8:27 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: FW: Re : Invitation to participate in research on the politics of climate change and energy in Australia 

From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 15 January 2014 7:02 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: Re : Invitation to participate in research on the politics of climate change and energy in Australia 

Thanks Tim, talk to you in February. 

s 47F  
From: Tim Wilson []
Sent: Wednesday, 15 January 2014 7:02 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: Re : Invitation to participate in research on the politics of climate change and energy in Australia 
Hi s 47F  
I don't take up the new role until February. Until I do I really do not know what my movements will be. Can you
email me in early February, or just call me on s 47F  
I will be in Sydney a lot, so that will make it easier. I am still happy to do it.  

From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 15 January 2014 5:07 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: Re : Invitation to participate in research on the politics of climate change and energy in Australia 

Hi Tim, s 47F here again. I am hoping you are still available for the interview.  
I can meet you in a location that suits. 
Are you still in Melbourne? I will be in Melbourne 3–6th in Feb. Any morning is good, and all day Tuesday.
I thought you may have moved to Sydney for your new role. In that case, any time before the 24th January,
10th Feb, or 14th Feb (I’m in and out of town that month and back in March). 
Hopefully we can work something out. 
Page 108
Best wishes,  
s 47F  
From: Tim Wilson []
Sent: Tuesday, 26 November 2013 2:14 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: Re : Invitation to participate in research on the politics of climate change and energy in Australia 
Fine. Let me know in January. 
Tim Wilson
Director of Climate Change Policy & the IP and Free Trade Unit

Institute of Public Affairs

s 47F | Phone +61 (0) 3 9600 4744 | Fax +61 (0) 3 9602 4989 | Email
Web | Address Level 2, 410 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000

Become a member of the IPA today | Subscribe to ‘Hey…what did I miss?’  

From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 26 November 2013 2:14 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Re : Invitation to participate in research on the politics of climate change and energy in Australia 
Hi Tim thanks for your reply. Friday afternoon is the only time I have this week in Melbourne. after 2. Sounds like that won't

I ll be back n Melbourne late January - is that possible for you?

Best wishes,

s 47F

Sent from my LG Mobile

------ Original message ------

From: Tim Wilson
Date: 26/11/2013 13:52
To: s 47F
Subject:RE: Invitation to participate in research on the politics of climate change and energy in Australia 

Hi s 47F   
Sorry, I have been travelling. I don’t really have time this week. Are there any other options? 
Tim Wilson
Director of Climate Change Policy & the IP and Free Trade Unit

Institute of Public Affairs

s 47F | Phone +61 (0) 3 9600 4744 | Fax +61 (0) 3 9602 4989 | Email
Web | Address Level 2, 410 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000

Page 109
Become a member of the IPA today | Subscribe to ‘Hey…what did I miss?’  

From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 11 November 2013 4:22 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Invitation to participate in research on the politics of climate change and energy in Australia 
Dear Tim, 
My name is s 47F . I'd like to
interview you as part of a s 47F . I hope to
learn about the influence of public intellectuals and civil society in debates over government policy for
emission management and proposed reforms of energy and resource markets.  
s 47F because of your contribution to the public debate
over climate and energy industry issues in Australia.  
If you decide to participate, I will meet with you at your workplace, or another location that suits (e.g. coffee
shop) to conduct a 30-60 minute interview. Please let me know the best time for a meeting.  
I'm in Melbourne this week 14-16th, and 25-30th November. 
About the interview 
s 47F

Best wishes,  
s 47F  

WARNING: The information contained in this email may be confidential.
If you are not the intended recipient, any use or copying of any part
of this information is unauthorised. If you have received this email in
error, we apologise for any inconvenience and request that you notify
the sender immediately and delete all copies of this email, together
with any attachments.

Page 110
From: s 47F
Sent: Saturday, 14 November 2015 4:48 PM
To: s 47F
Cc: s 47F
Tim Wilson;s 47F
Subject: Human Rights and Same Sex Marriage - being resent with corrections

s 47F  

s 47F  


s 47F  

In relation to this I should like to draw your attention to the views of Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner, Tim 
Wilson – which seemed to be that some legal protections would be needed for those with conscientious objections 
in the event that same sex marriage is approved (se s 47F  

Though Mr Wilson is apparently in favour of legalizing same‐sex marriage, it might be useful to seek support from 
the Australian Human Rights Commission in relation to protecting the positions of those who conscientiously object 
on religious or other grounds. And, as the latter email to Mr Wilson noted, the question of what children are taught 
in schools would also presumably be a matter requiring protection for teachers if same sex marriage were approved 
– eg because significant numbers of children (eg 15%‐25%) are apparently subject to sexual abuse and that abuse
seems to affect victims’ perceptions of their sexuality in some cases. If teachers were allowed / required to teach 
children that (say) ‘being gay is always OK’, this would abuse the rights (ie to reliable information about the 
complexities of ‘homosexuality’) of children whose perceptions of their same‐sex attraction were the result of 
sexual abuse. 


s 47F  

Page 111
From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 31 March 2014 8:35 AM
To: s 47F ; Tim Wilson; s 47F
Cc: s 47F
Subject: Hypocrisygate?

Follow Up Flag: Follow up

Flag Status: Completed


Labour leader Shorten reportedly (‘Keep it nice, Shorten tell critics of change’ 31/3/14) warns supporters 
of Government censorship not to overreach by calling opponents bigots or using incendiary language but 
then labels proposals to limit censorship as dangerous and incendiary. Hypocritical dog‐whistling?  

Cases suggest otherwise. In Shron a Jew complained about a Nazi swastika depicted on a historical picture 
of a war plane on a Telstra phone card; in Miller a Jew complained about the Jewish head of a Jewish 
organisation for saying offensive things about Jews; in Kelly‐Country and Hagan Indigenous people were 
consulted and found a comedian portraying an Aborigine and sign on the Nigger Brown Stadium funny or 
inoffensive (but some did so it was take down); in De la Mare, Bryant, Korczak and D’Olivera whites 
complained about the SBS comedy Darkest Austria (SBS argued special privileges exempted it from hate 
speech laws!) being called Pom or a Polish ‘grass eater’ or a Democrats poster using the racial identity of 
babies to attract votes; in McLeod a white male prisoner officer objected to being called a white c..t by a 
disadvantaged Indigenous woman. Hardly dangerous. 

Has the world gone mad? Protestors inciting violence and law breaking with signs calling for the beheading 
of blasphemers or the murder or rape of our Prime Minister (clearly illegal) apparently suffer no 
punishment. The Government gags journalists for life and threatens them with jail and the media supports 
it and oppose change.  
s 47F  


Page 112
From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 16 March 2015 11:47 AM
To: s 47F

Cc: Tim Wilson; s 47F

Subject: Fwd: Exporting control to the UN - an urgent wake up call!
Attachments: RightQuestion Human Rights.pdf; ATT00001.htm

It is clear from all that we now know and have discovered of late, that past and present
politicians are not and never have been working in our interest, the interests of the Sovereign
People of Australia. Rather, they have all along been working, in unison for a Foreign Entity,
namely the unelected Socialist United Nations. All to our detriment and that of future

This must end, it is up to us the Sovereign People of this Nation to make a stand and to do it
now! This is an urgent wake up call!

As we know the unelected UN Sustainable Development Agenda 21 aka Creeping Communism,

has been in Australia since 1992 and still no Government has told us about it. We have to make
them come clean.

s 47F

This letter is a must read, and for those on the bcc list please pass onto your contacts to further

Begin forwarded message:

From: s 47F
To: s 47F
Subject: Exporting control to the UN - an urgent wake up call!
Date: 14 March 2015 1:53:08 pm AEDT

Hi all, 

You see below, confirmed again, control of Australia’s environmental policies, 
including climate change, AG21, and sustainability, is increasingly being exported to 
foreign countries, especially through the UN. Since this is all part of globalisation 
however, control of other policies, even including our human rights, is also being 
exported to the UN. 
This exporting of control typically occurs gradually and involves various stages. 
Firstly, our government, on our behalf, signs various international treaties or 
agreements, which the instigators always rush to say are ‘soft law’ and ‘non‐
Page 113
binding’. In reality however, although having no basis in law (and no justification 
democratically), our politicians, in their eagerness to invite the UN to interfere in 
Australian domestic affairs, effectively get around the law and democratic 
impediments by using the following means of ‘enforcement’. 
 International moral obligations and economic, or market mechanisms 
 Building reporting requirements and need for compliance reports into the 
agreement – Australia has agreed to send regular compliance reports to the 
UN to prove compliance with UN directives, not only in regard to AG21, but 
also human rights. 
In reality there are many non‐legal mechanisms to ensure compliance. These 
international agreements are however only the first step in a gradual process. 
The next step in the process is to incorporate the UN’s directives into domestic laws. 
This process is ongoing, but already it is well advanced with hundreds of UN 
directives incorporated into local laws. 
The end game in this process, is to incorporate UN requirements into enforceable 
international laws. This process is intended to be accelerated in Paris this year. 
The point must be made abundantly clear, that those who have been actively 
involved in this process, or those whose philosophy or ideology supports an 
abandonment of national sovereignty and democracy in support of globalisation, 
can be expected to strongly defend these changes.  
For instance, In a personal communication s 47F  advised me that AG21 is a 
‘non‐binding’ international agreement which is therefore irrelevant. Similarly, Tim 
Wilson recently advised me, in regard to the exporting of control of human rights to 
the UN: 
“UN treaties have no binding power. They are only binding to the extent that they 
are incorporated into Australian law. If it is not in law, it has no legal standing.”  
The statements of both Greg Hunt and Tim Wilson are notable not for what they 
actually said, but rather for what they chose to exclude. 
s  of course, being s 47F , as well as having a background 
in the UN, is well aware of the international mechanisms which are used to ensure 
compliance with UN agreements. He is also aware that increasingly, Australian 
domestic legislation is based upon the dictates of the UN. He must also be aware 
that for 2 decades his political colleagues have been compiling expensive 
compliance reports to convince the UN we are complying with their requirements. 
And although he claimed the Commonwealth has nothing to do with local Councils, 
he must also be aware the Commonwealth has been funding AG21 implementation 
by Councils, and has even produced a Local AG21 instruction manual. 
Although he is aware of these facts he chose to exclude all this information when 
As noted above, Tim also tried to dismiss concerns about the UN controlling human 
rights on the basis that UN human rights agreements are non‐binding. Like s  
though, Tim chose to exclude many pertinent facts from his answer.  47F
But even as Tim was answering, the HRC has submitted a report to the UN alleging 
a violation of the UN Convention against Torture by the Australian government. 
Although this referral to the UN, and the response of the UN, are claimed by Tim to 
be irrelevant and inconsequential, Australia has been criticised by the UN for an 
alleged breach of the convention. Even worse though, the HRC also recommended, 
in their submission: 
“That the government ensure domestic implementation of Australia’s international 
human rights obligations in law, policy and practice. 
So as Tim, a human rights Commissioner with the HRC, says there is no need to 
worry, UN human rights agreements are non‐binding, at exactly the same time the 
Page 114
HRC is lobbying the government to ensure UN human rights provisions are made 
even more enforceable by being enshrined into Australian law. Interestingly, 
according to Article 29(3) of the UN Declaration of Human Rights: 
“These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes 
and principles of the United Nations.”  
This is just one of the UN controlled human rights that the HRC is seeking to 
further enforce upon Australians, but when I questioned Tim to see if this is one of 
the ‘rights’ he supports for all Australians, he declined to answer. 
One of the main human rights Australians need to protect our democracy, is the 
right to make an informed vote for genuine alternatives. But the right to make a 
democratic vote, which includes the right to be correctly informed and the right to 
choose from genuine alternatives, is NOT protected in the Constitution. Clearly, a 
vote for bipartisan collusion, or a vote made in ignorance of the true covert 
agenda, is not a democratic vote. This right to make a democratic vote should 
surely receive top priority for Constitutional reform, but it seems it is not even 
part of the HRC’s agenda. 

Interestingly, Tim Wilson would also be aware that, rather than consolidate our 
human rights as birthright or god given constitutionalised rights, the Australian 
government announced in 2010 that they will continue to export the control of the 
human rights of all Australians to the UN, requiring all legislation to be consistent 
with UN requirements. According to the Australian Human Rights Framework:

“Since its election, the Australian Government has acted to reinvigorate Australia’s 
engagement with the United Nations. We have issued a standing invitation to the 
UN to visit Australia to examine the protection of human rights here, sending a clear 
message that we are committed to our international 
obligations and relationship with the United Nations. The Government is committed 
to restoring Australia’s reputation as a good international citizen……… 
The Government will introduce legislation requiring that each new Bill introduced 
into Parliament, and delegated legislation subject to disallowance, be accompanied 
by a statement which outlines its compatibility with the seven core UN human rights 
treaties to which Australia is a party.” 
While this change was announced by the previous government, such changes are 
continuing, and are not reversed by successive governments. The general direction 
remains the same. 
Interestingly, while the right to make an informed democratic vote is not part of the 
HRC’s agenda, recommended constitutional changes to support one particular race 
(aborigines) are part of the HRC report to government.  
Now, as the OIC assumes the largest voting bloc in the UN, and attempts to control 
freedom of speech by outlawing criticism of Islam, we need to be extremely vigilant 
about who we are placing in charge of our human rights. 
When fellow Australians, who we assume are on our side, glibly dismiss concerns by 
stating international agreements are non‐binding, it is pertinent to request a more 
proactive response in support of Australia, and Australian values. 
The direction in which Australia is going is perfectly clear. Australians deserve the 
truth, a genuine democratic choice. It is simply not the Aussie way to sell your 
friends and neighbours out behind their backs. 
Any system built upon deception, disloyalty, and abandonment of democracy, will 
have dire consequences. 
s 47F  

Page 115
The Australian Joumal of Natural Resources Law and Policy [Vol. 3, No. 1, 1996J 
Who, then, are the decision-makers on resources and environmental issues 
in the Australian federation? 
In attempting to answer that question, we should note that the dramatis 
personae change with time. The High Court, once a significant decisionmaker, is 
now - having breathed new meaning into the Constitution - a much less 
siguificant player. But - largely as a result of the Court's decisions - the list of 
players is no longer confined to Australia. And, with the growing trend towards 
selfregulation, neither is it confined to governments. 
. In an era of increasing globalisation, environmental policy is becoming increasingly
international. Global and regional multilateral agreements are 
increasingly requiring the adoption of national regulatory regimes, and are
becoming increasingly specific about the obligations imposed. Increasingly, 
therefore, environmental policy in the Australian federation is being made 
outside Australia and its development is shaped by forces beyond the control of 
single governments, forces which are not always expressions of the noblest of 

Australian Law Reform Commission - Reform

Boer, Ben ‐‐‐ "The globalisation of environmental law" [2000]
ALRCRefJl 7; (2000) 76 Australian Law Reform Commission
Reform Journal 33
The globalisation of environmental law has been part of a broad movement in 
relation to environmental protection internationally. It has been promoted 
considerably by the conduct of major United Nations conferences on the 
environment, from the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment in 1972 
to the UN Conference on Environment and Development of 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. 
The establishment of major international institutions has been a part of these 
activities. In particular, the UN Environment Program (UNEP) was a result of the 
1972 Stockholm conference, and the Commission on Sustainable Development 
arose out of the 1992 Rio conference. 
In addition, the ongoing efforts of UN institutions have resulted in the development 
of international environmental instruments and programs, the drafting of 
environmental laws at a national level and training in environmental law.3 The 
various development banks, including the World Bank and the Asian Development 
Bank, are also increasingly important players in the process of globalisation of 
environmental law… 

A holistic approach

The need for a holistic approach which incorporates the processes of

globalisation and internationalisation, with the aim of promoting sustainable
development across the board, is neatly summed up by the IUCN Commission
on Environmental Law.

‘Concern about the environment as our natural capital should be at the foundation 
of all local, regional and national development. At the same time, the environment 
demands global consideration, for it is not compartmentalised into nation‐states 
and certain problems can only be solved by cooperation at the global level. 

Page 116
Conventions & international instruments

The 1990s has seen the negotiation and coming into force of a number of
important generally applicable environmental conventions, as well as other
international instruments, which have had a very significant effect on the
domestic law and policy of many countries, including Australia. The
following, all arising from the United Nations Conference on Environment
and Development of 1992, are the most significant:

• The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development;

• Agenda 21; the United Nations program of action for the 21st century;

• The Convention on the Conservation of Biological Diversity;

• The Framework Convention on Climate Change; and

• The Statement of Forest Principles.

Agenda 21

Agenda 21 is aimed particularly at the achievement of sustainable

development across every sector of human activity. It represents a
comprehensive framework for the cooperative generation of strategies for
sustainable development and environmental management at a global level.
Agenda 21 also explicitly recognises and promotes the globalisation of
environmental law and policy.

Chapter 8 of Agenda 21 deals with the integration of environmental and

developmental issues in decision making at policy, planning and management
levels, with the overall objective of improving or restructuring the decision
making process so that socio-economic and environmental issues are fully
integrated. It urges the adoption of a national strategy for sustainable
development, to build on and harmonise sectoral economic, social and
economic policies in each country. The overall objective, ‘in the light of
country-specific conditions’, is the promotion of the integration of
environment and development policies through appropriate legal and
regulatory policies, instruments and enforcement mechanisms at every level
of government.

Chapter 8 reflects and further promotes a trend towards homogenisation of

approaches, policies and principles. In examining developments in national
environmental policy, it is clear that the provisions of chapter 8 are beginning
to form the basis of decision making on environment and development matters
for governments, intergovernmental organisations, non-government
organisations and the private sector around the world.

While Agenda 21 is not legally binding in international law, the major

programs and activities that it promotes have had, and will continue to have, a
very important influence on developments at a national level, assisted and
encouraged by the UN Commission on Sustainable Development.

Page 117
The Australian experience

In the past several decades, Australia has played a strategic role in global
environmental developments, particularly in the negotiation of environmental
conventions. It is clear that in this area of international relations it has gained
an influence, usually for the good, rather beyond its economic power or
normal political sway.

On the other hand, global developments have also had a very important
influence in Australia – at a national and state level – in terms of legislative
developments. To an extent, this influence has extended to environmental
jurisprudence as well. This is recognised by analysts such as Kellow:

‘In an era of increasing globalisation, environmental policy is becoming increasingly 
international. Global and regional multilateral agreements are increasingly requiring 
the adoption of national regulatory regimes, and are becoming increasingly specific 
about the obligations imposed. Increasingly, therefore, environmental policy in the 
Australian federation is being made outside Australia and its development is being 
shaped by forces beyond the control of single governments, forces which are not 
always expressions of the noblest motives.’11 

While it is not clear what motives Kellow is referring to, the important point is
that the process of globalisation, particularly in a federal system such as ours,
means that if Australia is to be able to conform to international standards set
through conventions and documents such as Agenda 21, our environmental
laws must become more uniform, in terms of the principles adopted, the
standards formulated (particularly for pollution) the species being protected,
and the mechanisms being employed.

One of the more concrete manifestations of this is the negotiation of the

Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment of 1992 (IGAE). The
IGAE purports to establish an environmental policy for the Commonwealth,
states, territories and local government, in a wide range of areas, under one set
of principles – those of ecologically sustainable development.12 Significantly,
most Australian governments signed off the IGAE one month before the UN
Conference on Environment and Development of June 1992.

It can be noted that in Australia there are now more than 100 statutes, at
federal, state and territory level, which refer to ecologically sustainable
development and the various principles associated with it.13 On any analysis,
this trend is remarkable. However, not so remarkable is the fact that good
legislative provisions incorporating these high-minded and well-intentioned
principles will not necessarily result in better environmental outcomes. A
great deal more work needs to be done at the administrative level to prepare
adequate guidelines to ensure change in on-the-ground practices and in the
development of jurisprudence through testing of these provisions in the courts.

The latest manifestation of the influence of international environmental law in

legislation is found in the Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999 (Cth). The Act represents a serious attempt to come to
grips with Australia’s responsibilities under a number of environmental
conventions, such as the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and the World
Heritage Convention. The Act also adopts the concept of ecologically
sustainable development (ESD) and the precautionary principle.

Page 118
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Thursday, 26 June 2014 4:44 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: +++SPAM+++ The IPA's Hey... What did I miss? | 6 months to save the world

I did read that article about Higher Ed and laugh and shake my head. But I did miss the obvious
absurdity of the disclosure statement.

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

From: s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 26 June 2014 4:34 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: +++SPAM+++ The IPA's Hey... What did I miss? | 6 months to save the world

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From s 47F | Thursday, 26 June 2014

Forget the Mayan Calendar – the world is coming to an end in six months, at least according to the
ANU professor Kevin Rudd appointed as the government's chief scientist. But don't worry - her
prediction is probably just as reliable as other forecasts from that era, like the return to surplus.

Page 119
I didn't think it was possible for a single article to simultaneously discredit the human rights lobby,
international law and academia. But that was before I read this absolute gem on the (taxpayer
funded) The Conversation. My favourite part is the just slightly inadequate "disclosure statement".

Centre for Independent Studies executive director Greg Lindsay had this must-read column in the
Australian Financial Review this morning on the pretence of (taxpayer funded) ideology-free think
tanks. As John Roskam wrote in the AFR last week, Ray Evans didn't need taxpayer funds to change

This 9-year old boy from Kansas City, Missouri is the freedom fighter of the week, for taking on his
local government. But there's good news from Oakland, California – at long last pinball machines
are to be decriminalised.

Tax-time is coming. This proposed US law could come in handy if you happened to misplace some of
your tax records, like the IRS.

If you're a Game of Thrones fan you'll love this list from Reason on the five libertarian lessons from
the hit series.

This week is the 100th anniversary of the event that sparked World War I. In the Wall Street
Journal last week Margaret MacMillan explained how it continues to shape the world today.

On Thursday 17 July in Melbourne John Roskam is launching an important new book from Connor
Court, Democracy in Decline, by Professor James Allan. Full event details are available here, and
you can buy the book online here.

Here's what else the IPA said this week:

 Alan Moran, The regulators white-anting new homes - Quadrant

 Chris Berg, Entrepreneurs should not get government support - The Age
 Sinclair Davidson, Anti-coal activism has unsound basis - The Australian Financial Review
 Chris Berg, Tides to turn for Shorten on debt, boats and tax - The Drum
 Simon Breheny, The case of Vincent van Heerden - FreedomWatch
 Simon Breheny, Mandatory data retention on the horizon - FreedomWatch

s 47F

Page 120
From: s 47F
Sent: Friday, 9 October 2015 2:29 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: 151006 - ARTICLE - s 47F [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Follow Up Flag: Flag for follow up

Flag Status: Completed

Hi Tim, I called you yesterday about this but realise you're still overseas. I never received the original article! Have 
checked both my accounts and nothing is there. If you send it through again I'll respond ASAP. 

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson []  
Sent: Thursday, 8 October 2015 3:25 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Fwd: 151006 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ s 47F  [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Any thoughts? 

Sent from my iPhone ... 

Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
E<> W<>u 

Begin forwarded message: 

From: Tim Wilson <<>> 
Date: 6 October 2015 at 11:10:24 AM GMT‐6 
To: s 47F  
Subject: 151006 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ s 47F  [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 


Considering the increasing examples, I think it is hard to remain silent. Your thoughts would be appreciated. 



<151006 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ s 47F .docx> 

Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 

Page 121
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://1> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F <tel:+61%20418%20228%20465>   F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
E<>  W<>u 
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and delete all copies of this email, together with any attachments. 

Page 122
From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 18 May 2016 6:49 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Join Australia's loudest voice for freedom

Dear s 47F

I would love to welcome you as a member of the Institute of Public Affairs.

Watch our new short video explaining why you should join.

The IPA is the loudest voice for freedom in Australia. And we're growing. And
we need your support to continue to fight for freedom. We don't get or want any
money from the government. We are entirely funded by voluntary memberships
and donations from our supporters.

s 47F I would love for you to join the IPA and become part of a community of
over 3,720 Australians who are already IPA members. To join the IPA now, click

For more information about the IPA and how to become a member, I have
included a link to the IPA's membership e-brochure here.

I look forward to welcoming you as an IPA member soon!

Page 123
Kind regards,

s 47F

PS. Don't forget, if you sign up today I will add an extra 6 months onto your
annual membership and send you a complimentary copy of our book, Magna
Carta: The Tax Revolt That Gave Us Liberty.

Institute of Public Affairs

s 47F
Web | Address Level 2, 410 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000

Click here to unsubscribe from future mailings.

Page 124
From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 29 October 2014 11:36 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: 'Liberty in the Digital Age' - Sydney, Thursday 11 December

Follow Up Flag: Flag for follow up

Flag Status: Completed

Dear Tim,

I'm pleased to invite you to a special Institute of Public Affairs event - 'Liberty in the Digital Age'.

The event will feature Australia's Human Rights Commissioner, Tim Wilson, and NSW Liberal Democratic Party
Senator David Leyonhjelm.

Tim, colloquially known as the 'Freedom Commissioner', is a proud and passionate defender of universal, individual
human rights. His work at the Australian Human Rights Commission is focused on promoting and advancing
traditional human rights and freedoms, including free speech, freedom of association, worship and movement, and
property rights.

David Leyonhjelm has taken up the fight to restore individual liberty from his very first day in the senate on July 1 this
year. In his maiden speech he declared: "I pledge to work tirelessly to convince my fellow Australians and their
political representatives that our governments should forego their overgoverning, overtaxing and overriding ways.
Governments should instead seek to constrain themselves to what John Locke advised so wisely more than 300
years ago - the protection of life, liberty and private property."

The Freedom Commissioner and Senator Leyonhjelm will join the IPA's Chris Berg and myself to discuss the
importance of digital liberty and emerging threats to our freedom online. Several policies recently announced by the
federal government are likely to have a significant impact on Australians' online freedom. Mandatory data retention
threatens to obliterate online privacy, proposed reforms to copyright law would re-introduce Labor's failed internet filter
and planned cyber-bullying laws would create a new censorship regime.

Come and hear Australia's Freedom Commissioner, the LDP's Senator David Leyonhjelm and IPA policy experts
speak about these important frontiers in freedom.

The details of this event are:

Liberty in the Digital Age
Thursday 11 December 2014
5.00pm for 5.30pm – 6.30pm
The Menzies, 14 Carrington Street, Sydney

Entry is free for IPA members and $10 for non-members. To secure your place please visit or
call s 47F on s 47F or email s 47F

Warm regards

s 47F

Institute of Public Affairs

s 47F
Web | Address Level 2, 410 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000

Become a member of the IPA today | Subscribe to ‘Hey…what did I miss?’

Page 125
From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 22 August 2018 5:43 PM
To: s 47F
Cc: s 47F

Tim Wilson;
s 47F

s 47F
Subject: Please support Peter Dutton, think of your country we don’t want Turnbull

s 47F
s 47F

MESSAGE FOR s 47F , do you care about your country?

TURNBULL IS A GLOBALIST, the Australian people are on to it and his belief in

Global warming GARBAGE , surely you are up to speed with Agenda 21,

ITS A UN LED RUSE , I have 21,500 followers on Facebook and not one supports Malcolm Turnbull or Julie Bishop

s you especially need to please consider your country and your constituents
You will likely be one of the 20 who lose their seat if you do not support Dutton and we go to an election.

You only got your seat from the good graces and support of Tony Abbott , turning your back on him was

My mums gutted to learn you supported Turnbull, she’s one of your

constituents , she’s 88 years old and a convert to Liberals only because of
Tony Abbott , and his conservative values and his refusal to accept anthropogenic global warming
Page 126
s 47F

> On 22 Aug 2018, at 1:38 pm, s 47F wrote:

> Good afternoon
> Please be on the right side of history and consider supporting Peter Dutton instead of Malcolm Turnbull.
> The latter is being described by the msm - usually staunch supporters of Turnbull's - 'as a dead man walking'.
> He will ultimately lose so please don't go down with him.
> Sincerely,
s 47F

Page 127
From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 9 December 2015 4:37 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: 151207 - ARTICLE - s 47F

No worries! 

From: Tim Wilson []  
Sent: Wednesday, 9 December 2015 4:36 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: RE: 151207 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ s 47F .docx 

I’ll also keep coming back to you about this. If we can get Tasmania right (and I think we can as
per the theme of this article), then it reopens the Federal discussion.

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

From: s 47F   
Sent: Wednesday, 9 December 2015 4:34 PM 
To: Tim Wilson 
Subject: RE: 151207 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ s 47F .docx 

No worries. It’s a question that’s been in the back of my mind too. 

From: Tim Wilson []  
Sent: Wednesday, 9 December 2015 4:33 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: RE: 151207 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ s 47F .docx 

Thanks. I knew it needed some editing and thought. I have been mulling over it for a while.

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

Page 128
From: s 47F   
Sent: Wednesday, 9 December 2015 4:17 PM 
To: Tim Wilson 
Subject: RE: 151207 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ s 47F .docx 
From: Tim Wilson []  
Sent: Wednesday, 9 December 2015 8:56 AM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: 151207 ‐ ARTICLE ‐ s 47F .docx [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 



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Page 129
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Page 130
From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2014 9:57 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: A future event for you :-) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Will do. 

s 47F

Institute of Public Affairs

s 47F

Become a member of the IPA today | Subscribe to ‘Hey…what did I miss?’

From: Tim Wilson []

Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2014 9:37 AM
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: A future event for you :-) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Excellent. Let me know. I might come along.

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2014 9:31 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: A future event for you :-) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

So it was actually quite funny. I had quite low expectations so maybe that helped. I took a group of about ten Young 
Liberals along and we were laughing more than anyone else in the room. We’re considering having a private 
screening for all YLs. 

s 47F

Institute of Public Affairs

s 47F
Page 131
Web | Address Level 2, 410 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000

Become a member of the IPA today | Subscribe to ‘Hey…what did I miss?’

From: Tim Wilson []
Sent: Monday, 25 August 2014 5:47 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: A future event for you :-) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Let me know what it was like.

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 25 August 2014 5:22 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Re: A future event for you :-) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
It's funny you mention this ‐ a group of us are going to see it tomorrow night! 
Sent from my iPhone 
On 25 Aug 2014, at 5:16 pm, "Tim Wilson" <> wrote: 
Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner 

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

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Page 132
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with any attachments.

Page 133
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Thursday, 8 May 2014 12:05 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: Re: Alfred Deakin Lecture - The Hon Dr David Kemp - Tuesday 6 May


How can I get a copy of Dr Kemp's speech from the other night.

Keen to get it ASAP.


Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s F +61 2 9284 9794

On 1 May 2014, at 6:35 am, s 47F wrote:

Thanks mate – look forward to seeing you there.


From: Tim Wilson <> 
Date: Wednesday, 30 April 2014 8:59 am 
To: s 47F  
Subject: RE: Alfred Deakin Lecture ‐ The Hon Dr David Kemp ‐ Tuesday 6 May [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Thanks mate,
Booked for the speech and the dinner.
Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794

From: Tim Wilson []

Sent: Wednesday, 23 April 2014 7:23 AM

Page 134
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Fwd: Alfred Deakin Lecture - The Hon Dr David Kemp - Tuesday 6 May

Sent from my iPhone ...
Tim Wilson
s 47F

Begin forwarded message:

From: s 47F
Date: 22 April 2014 21:38:15 AEST
To: s 47F
Subject: Alfred Deakin Lecture ‐ The Hon Dr David Kemp ‐ Tuesday 6
Hi Tim
This year's 47th Alfred Deakin Lecture will be delivered by the Hon Dr David Kemp,
leading academic, former Cabinet Minister and former Liberal Party President at
6.30pm on Tuesday 6 May 2014 at the University of Melbourne.
Dr Kemp will be addressing the topic "Australian Liberalism and Good Government".
As you would be aware, each year, the Alfred Deakin Lecture Trust holds at least
one public lecture exploring issues relevant to politics and public policy in Australia. (I
am currently the Chairman of the Trust, hence me sending this email.)
No issue is more important for good public policy than getting the role of government
right, and few countries have had a better opportunity to learn from their history about
the appropriate role for government than Australia.
Over recent years, there has been an increasing tendency in many quarters to see
government as the solution to every problem whether through regulation,
redistribution or service provision.
The media inevitably focus on each new piece of legislation or program, but rarely
step back to look holistically at the impact on our economy and society of the
changing role of government.
A new administration in Canberra now faces its first budget after a period of
unprecedented expansion in government. Businesses are concerned that productivity
growth has stalled partly due to government interference in the private sector.
Individuals and families are querying whether the "nanny state" is undermining
personal responsibility and leading to a generation lacking the resilience to handle
life's challenges.
As a former Cabinet Minister, leading academic and former President of the Victorian
Division of the Liberal Party, the Hon Dr David Kemp is ideally placed to consider this
issue and place it in an historical context in the 47th Alfred Deakin Lecture.
Attendance at the lecture is free. Details for the 47th Alfred Deakin Lecture are:
Venue: Wright Theatre, Medical Building, University of Melbourne, Parkville
Date: Tuesday 6 May 2014
Time: 6.30pm
You can secure a place at the lecture by following this link.
The Lecture will be followed by a dinner where the Hon Alan Stockdale, Federal
President of the Liberal Party and former Treasurer of Victoria, will share his
reflections on the Lecture.
There are a limited number of places at the dinner. If you would like to attend the
dinner, you can secure a place here.
Further details of our lecturer and the Alfred Deakin Lecture Trust are set out below.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
I look forward to seeing you at what promises to be a very timely and thought
provoking lecture.
s 47F
Page 135
Chairman, Alfred Deakin Lecture Trust
The Hon Dr David Kemp is a Fellow of the Australia and New Zealand School of
Government, Chairman of the Old Parliament House Museum of Democracy
Advisory Council and a Board Member of the Grattan Institute.
Dr Kemp was a Member of the House of Representatives, representing the Victorian
seat of Goldstein, from 1990 to 2004. He was a Minister in the Howard Government
1996-2004, and held a number of portfolios in the areas of Education, Employment,
Training, Youth Affairs, Environment and Heritage. He was Vice President of the
Executive Council from 1998-2004, and a member of the Expenditure Review
Committee in the third Howard Government.
Dr Kemp was Professor and Vice Chancellor's Fellow at the University of Melbourne
(2005-2010). He was Senior Lecturer in Political Science at the University of
Melbourne (1975-1979), and Professor of Politics at Monash University (1979-1990).
He graduated with Law and Arts degrees from the University of Melbourne, winning
the Hearn Exhibition in Jurisprudence and the Gyles Turner Prize in Australian
History. He was a Fulbright Scholar (1968-1971), attending Yale University, where he
completed a Ph.D. (with distinction).
Following his parliamentary career, Dr Kemp served as President of the Liberal Party
of Australia (Victorian Division) (2007-2011).
Dr Kemp has published extensively on liberalism and its history in Australia. Most
recently, he edited "Robert Menzies, The Forgotten People and Other Studies in
Dr Kemp was instrumental in founding the Alfred Deakin Lecture Trust, and chaired
the first Alfred Deakin Lecture. He continues to serve as a Patron of the Trust.
The Alfred Deakin Lecture Trust was established in 1966 to organise and finance the
delivery, printing and distribution of the Alfred Deakin Lecture.
The Lecture is a memorial to Alfred Deakin, a past student of the University of
Melbourne, a founding father of the Australian Federation, Prime Minister, and one of
the most articulate exponents of the Australian Liberal tradition.
Each Alfred Deakin Lecture is open to the public and it is hoped that the Lectures
make a lasting contribution to the study of politics and life in Australia.

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Page 136
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Monday, 31 March 2014 6:29 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: Bigots, Freedom and 18c of the RDA [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Thank s .
Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

From: Tim Wilson []

Sent: Friday, 28 March 2014 12:07 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Fwd: Bigots, Freedom and 18c of the RDA

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
s 47F

Begin forwarded message:

From: s 47F
Date: 27 March 2014 23:51:45 AEDT
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: Bigots, Freedom and 18c of the RDA
Hi s
47F appreciate you sending me this. It's a very good dissection of the issues. What strikes me
I really
about so much of the discussion around 18C is just who loose is the language - vilify/hate/bigot are
all used interchangeably - which avoids people asking the question whether it should actually be
I'll pass this on to Tim.
kind regards s
From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 26 March 2014 11:54 AM
To: s 47F
Cc: s 47F
Subject: Bigots, Freedom and 18c of the RDA

Page 137
s 47F

Please do not feel obliged to answer this email – I am not expecting a response.

Here are a few words/ideas that may be of help when we see people being swept
away with the emotional baggage of such words as ‘bigot’, ‘obstinate” and
‘intolerant’, when the 18c RDA debate is really about tolerance and freedom.

Regards, s 47F

PS. s 47F could you please forward this to Tim Wilson for me.


Bigot: An obstinate and intolerant believer in a religion, political theory etc.

Intolerant: not tolerant, esp. of views, beliefs, or behaviour differing from one

Tolerant: disposed or accustomed to tolerate others or their acts

or opinions.

Tolerate: allow the existence or occurrence of, without

authoritative interference.

Obstinate: firmly adhering to one’s chosen course of action or opinion

despite dissuasion.

Dissuade: discourage, persuade against.

The past two generations have been producing a society of intolerant bigots, and
rather than reversing this trend, para 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act (RDA) is
being sponsored by these intolerant bigots to institutionalise their own bigotry. Do I
have your attention?

Bigot: Once you have escaped from the emotional baggage of the word “bigot” and
read the definition of this word and all the words used in that definition, you might
start to agree with the attention getting statement in the first paragraph.

At first glance, the first person who uses the word ‘bigot’ could justifiable be labelled
a bigot himself for “obstinately and intolerably not believing in the first bigot’s
religion, political theory etc.” In other words we have a difference of opinion,
involving some nasty name calling. However, once you read all the definitions of the
words used in the definition of a ‘bigot’ you might come to a different view.

Tolerate. The word “tolerate” in the definition of ‘bigot’ is the basis of the definition of
both “Intolerant” and “Tolerant” and consequently should be the focus. The crux of
the defence of this first statement above is in the last part of the definition of
“tolerate” – “allow the existence or occurrence of, without authoritative

Page 138
In the past two generations we have had a majority of people who strongly believe in
“Authoritative Interference”. So much so, that their methodologies of forcing their
views on others have become the norm. Just some examples are, “political
correctness”, vilifying and ostracising opponents, or using legislation and all other
forms of rules at any level that tell people how to behave, can be considered as
“Authoritative Interference”. Those who believe in “Authoritative Interference” do not
believe in “Live and let live”.

This “Authoritative Interference” may be acceptable in a small club where everyone

agrees but in the wider context where some people are forcing their ideas on others,
“Authoritative Interference” becomes institutionalised intolerance. Those enforcers of
“Authoritative Interference” are being intolerant of the acts or opinions of those they
disagree with. Once you lose your tolerance and a willingness to engage with others,
you become more and more sensitive to your own feelings and consequently are
more easily offended. You are becoming “soft skinned” and will tend to rant about
other persons’ actions and words rather than showing tolerance. This is one shade
of being egocentric.

Obstinate. The definition of “Obstinate” does not help further understanding in this
matter. The word ‘obstinate’ also has emotional baggage and can justifiably be used
by both parties in the same discussion. For example I might be engaged in
conversation with 100 lemmings on the top of a cliff. I might be firmly refusing to
jump over the cliff because I believe I will die. I might do this despite all their
dissuasion that I will not hurt myself. Using the definition, the lemmings are justified
in calling me ‘obstinate’. However, I can also correctly use the word to describe the
actions of the lemmings.

Using the word ‘obstinate’ in this context is an emotional attempt to bully either party
to relinquish their views. A more accurate or balanced word to use would be


To use the word “Bigot” correctly, you would have to show that that the person was
“intolerant”. That is the person does not tolerate: “allow the existence or occurrence
of, without authoritative interference”.

Counterintuitively, we often find those using the word are themselves the “bigots”, as
they are supporting “Authoritative Interference” to force people to accept their own

Page 139
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Friday, 20 November 2015 12:46 AM
To: s 47F
Cc: s 47F
Subject: Re: 151118 - ARTICLE - The problem with over-reaching anti-discrimination law

Here you go:

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s F +61 2 9284 9794

On 19 Nov 2015, at 10:01 AM, s 47F wrote:

Good piece

Sent from my iPhone

On 19 Nov 2015, at 7:25 pm, Tim Wilson <> wrote:

FYI, attached article on the Tassie situation that will be in the Weekend Aus.

I can't comment on a case as it is ongoing. But I can certainly critique the law.

This is where, with respect, Dominic Perrottet got it wrong. The issue is the
law, not the Commissioner, just like 18C. The law basically requires the
complain to be accepted.

Hodgman indicated today that he is likely to review the Act in light of this
complaint. It'll be in tomorrow's paper.



Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x-apple-data-detectors://0>
Page 140
GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x-apple-data-detectors://1/0>
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836> s 47F
F +61 2 9284

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tim Wilson

Date: 18 November 2015 at 11:51:48 PM GMT+1
s 47F

Subject: 151118 - ARTICLE - The problem with over-reaching anti-

discrimination law [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Attached article on Tasmania.



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<151118 - ARTICLE - The problem with over-reaching anti-discrimination

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s F +61 2 9284 9794

Page 141
From: s 47F
Sent: Sunday, 15 March 2015 8:05 PM
To: s 47F
Cc: s 47F Tim Wilson; s 47F
Subject: Re: Complaint against ABC to Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Follow Up Flag: Flag for follow up

Flag Status: Completed



I was appalled to receive the attached correspondence from s 47F

I am at a loss to understand how a member of the public WHOM YOU SERVE can be treated so

You are appointed to maintain the standards, quality and ethics of s 47F , and clearly you have failed on
all counts.

Instead of thanking a member of the public for bringing vital world news to your attention, it seems you
prefer to to skulk and hide from the truth before you. This is disgraceful and brings discredit upon you.

No wonders 47Fs 47F is losing its audience when s 47F provides no leadership, honesty or courtesy.

An immediate apology to s 47F is merited.

s 47F

On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 6:21 PM, s 47F wrote:

To s 47F

s 47F s 47F
s 47F

s 47F s 47F

The slaughter of 500,000 by indonesians IS OFFENSIVE THATS THE POINT

s 47F do not wish to be accountable for these distortions and i think there should be a Royal
commission or at the least a Senate Enquiry into s 47F NO WONDER a
Page 142

I have asked the human rights commission what they have done about the 500,00 people murdered by
Indonesian security forces in West papua.

IN ADDITION, I have concerns that the ABC are manufacturing stories in an effort to unseat the elected
Prime Minister Tony Abbott, they reported a vote to have a spill AS A SPILL, ITS UNRELENTING, an
advert on another beatup against the PM ADVERTISED TO BE AIRED TOMORROW NIGHT on the

a German Journalist has come out to say that the west NEWSPAPERS manufactures the news, I know this
from working at the ABC, in William Street in the news room, and seeing it first hand

I ALLEGE that the board dont like that i know that, and its important this is exposed

AS A TAX PAYER I DESERVE and have a right to have an answer to my auestions

s 47F

Date: 15 March 2015 5:00:


From: s 47F
Sent: Sunday, 15 March 2015 2:41 PM
To: s 47F

Page 143
s 47F
s 47F



From: s 47F
Sent: Sunday, 15 March 2015 2:40 PM
To: s 47F

Page 144
s 47F



From: s 47F
Sent: Sunday, 15 March 2015 2:39 PM
Cc:4s 47F

s 47F

Page 145
s 47F

s 47F

Dear s 47F

s 47F

in particular the suppression of the INDONESIAN GENOCIDE IN WESTERN

PAPUA, 500,000 West Papuans murdered.

s 47F

Page 146
s 47F


Why is Australia giving our TAX DOLLARS to Indonesia, the money and our equipment
we give them is used upon the WEST PAPUANS by Indonesia to murder them

s 47F



llegal occupation in Indonesian occupied West Papua

s 47F

Page 147
s 47F

Indonesia - stop the theft of West Papua's natural resources and destruction of the West
Papuan land!

s 47F

Help to stop this 21st century genocide.

Thank you very much

s 47F

Page 148
s 47F

s 47F

s 47F





s 47F

Page 149
s 47F

s 47F

s 47F

Page 150
s 47F

s 47F

s 47F

Page 151
s 47F




s 47F

s 47F
you have had enough to say about the rape and
torture that Immigrants are doing to to each other in
s 47F
detention centres, we don’t want them released
into the community.
Page 152
How about thinking about the slaughter of Christians
in Iraque or the Indonesian genocide of our neighbours
in Western Papua
They don’t have FOXTELL, 3 square meals a day and
are only injuring each other, well protected from us.

Page 153
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Monday, 30 June 2014 11:23 AM
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: Debate is not enough, education is needed and a new generation of "politicians"

Dear s 47F

Thank you for your email.

Discussion is vital so that issues get onto the national agenda.

The issues you raised are multi-faceted and partly reinforcing.

Apart from financial debt, most of these problems cannot be solved by Australian politicians. They
can only be resolved with the cooperation of others, including governments that have their own
domestic constituencies to worry about.

Kind regards,


Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

Begin forwarded message:

From: s 47F
Date: 28 June 2014 20:42:17 NZST
To: <>
Subject: Debate is not enough, education is needed and a new generation of

Re: Your interview in 1 plus 1

We can clearly see that with our current set of politicians, whether ALP or Liberals, we'll not
proceed by one millimeter

Question: where is the new generation of politicians who can solve the 4 main problems

(1) peaking oil production

(2) disintegration of the Middle East
(3) financial debt
Page 154
(4) global warming - CO2 debt

All 4 problems are dynamically linked. My earlier post needs updating

System Dynamics peak oil, financial and CO2 debt, ME geopolitics

Has Abbott any ideas?

(1) zilch

New Australian Prime Minister is sceptical that peak oil has value for policy making

(2) Cannot understand link to (1)

Iraq war and its aftermath failed to stop the beginning of peak oil in 2005

(3) wrong assessment of budget problem

Australian GDP per capita growth slowed while oil prices went up (part 2 of budget 2014

Australian budget hit by global financial crisis and high oil prices (part 1)

Does not see mortgage debt at 80% of GDP

Wants to throw tax payer money at companies which do not pay tax and do not pay back

Transurban does not pay back its debt

Australian governments want to pay $810m subsidy for unviable road tunnel in Sydney as
next oil price spike looms (part 1)

(4) Coal Cowboy in Texas

“For many decades at least coal will continue to fuel human progress as an affordable,

Page 155
dependable energy source for wealthy and developing countries alike.”
Mr Abbott said the consulate-general Houston would allow Australia to “maximise the two-
way trade and investment opportunities of the US energy revolution”.

*NASA climatologist James Hansen at Sydney Uni: **"Australia doesn't agree now that they
got to stop their coal, but they are going to agree. I can guarantee you that within a decade or
so because the climate change will become so strongly apparent that's going to become
*20 seconds clip:
Full lecture:
>From here:

Back to oil - carbon accounting

Half of oil burnable in 2000-2050 to keep us within 2 degrees warming has been used up as
we hit 400 ppm


s 47F

The link ed image cannot

be d isplay ed. The file may
hav e been mov ed,
ren amed, or deleted.
Verify that the link poin ts
to the correct file and

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be d isplay ed. The file may
hav e been mov ed,
ren amed, or deleted.
Verify that the link poin ts
to the correct file and

The link ed image cannot

be d isplay ed. The file may
hav e been mov ed,
ren amed, or deleted.
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to the correct file and

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to the correct file and

Page 156
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Saturday, 23 May 2015 2:32 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: Re: Dinner at our place [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

I read it that he is trying to develop a firm relationship in the hope he can box me in on the con red stuff. But
I could be wrong. But I have told him to his face. I think he accepts and understands the position. He at least
knows it is based in values, not a racist attitude.

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s F +61 2 9284 9794

On 23 May 2015, at 2:17 pm, s 47F wrote:

Great thanks.

It's particularly good of s 47F knowing you have different views on con-rec and that such a
glowing endorsement gives you plenty of cover if you choose to speak out on it. Very classy
of him.

On 23 May 2015, at 1:57 pm, Tim Wilson

<> wrote:

Done. Just so you know, s 47F . s 47F piece today was

incredible. The best bit was I had no idea it was coming or that he was
writing. An incredible and flattering endorsement. And a lovely start to the

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x-apple-data-detectors://0>
GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x-apple-data-detectors://1/0>
Page 157
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836> s 47F
F +61 2 9284

On 23 May 2015, at 1:50 pm, s 47F


Let's lock it in. 7 work for you?

By the way s 47F piece today was ah-mazing!

On 23 May 2015, at 8:53 am, Tim Wilson

>> wrote:


12 June works for us. Is that ok?

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x-apple-data-detectors://0>
GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x-apple-data-detectors://1/0>
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836> s 47F
F +61 2 9284
E<><> W<><http://www.human>u

On 14 May 2015, at 5:17 pm, s 47F


Sounds good
Page 158
From: Tim Wilson []
Sent: Thursday, 14 May 2015 3:30 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: Dinner at our place [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


I am back in Melbourne tomorrow and will check dates with s 47F . But
sounds good.



Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E<><> W<><http://www.human>u
From: s 47F

Date: 14 May 2015 10:00:40 AEST

s 47F

Subject: Dinner at our place

Hi Tim

s 47F I would love to have yous 47F over for dinner one night at our
new place.

Do any of 10th, 11th or 12th of June suit you both?

Page 159

s 47F

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Page 160
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Page 161
From: s 47F
Sent: Sunday, 8 March 2015 9:51 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Re: Can you please add [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Of course, will do 

> On 8 Mar 2015, at 8:56 pm, Tim Wilson <> wrote: 
> s 47F > to your mail list? 
> Sent from my iPhone ... 
> Tim Wilson 
> Human Rights Commissioner 
> Australian Human Rights Commission 
> Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0>  
> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://1/0> 
> T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 
2 9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
> E<>  
> W<>u 
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> ********************************************************************** 
> * 

Page 162
From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 7 April 2014 1:32 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: Comment: s 47F [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Hi Tim, 

Thanks for that! 

Have a good afternoon. 

s 47F  

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Monday, 7 April 2014 1:10 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Re: Comment:  s 47F  [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

"There is nothing inconsistent with free speech and having codes of conduct or policies as a condition of 
employment that require professional, respectful behaviour in their role and the public domain". 

"The public service is not alone in imposing these codes and policies, they are very common". 

"Such policies and codes can be a helpful way of normalising civil, respectful behaviour in all aspects of life". 

"Voluntary codes play an important role in filling the gap in defining what conduct is unacceptable". 

"Specifically, public services codes operate in a grey space because excessive restrictions can fundamentally 
undermine a public servant's capacity to exercise their full democratic rights, but too loose and they can undermine 
the impartial work of the public service in supporting the government of the day". 

"It is not unreasonable for such policies to apply to conduct directly related to the primary and specific area of work 
of a public servant, but are unjustified when they are very broad and limit democratic participation". 

"Anonymity should not justify exemptions because it can be connected back to the individual and their work". 

"Ultimately public servants voluntarily and knowingly choose to accept these limits on their conduct when they 
accept employment". 

Sent from my iPhone 

> On 7 Apr 2014, at 12:51 pm, s 47F  wrote: 

> Hi Tim, 

> Sure thing. Some quotes would be great. The questions I have are: 

> s 47F  

Page 163
> s 47F  


> Thanks, 

> s 47F  

> ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
> From: Tim Wilson [] 
> Sent: Monday, 7 April 2014 12:43 PM 
> To: s 47F  
> Subject: Re: Comment:  s 47F  [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

> I am running around today. Can I just send you some quotes? 

> Sent from my iPhone 

> On 7 Apr 2014, at 12:39 pm, "Tim Wilson" <<>> wrote: 

> Sent from my iPhone ... 

> Tim Wilson 
> s 47F   

> Begin forwarded message: 

> From: s 47F
> Date: 7 April 2014 12:07:24 AEST 
> To: s 47F  

> Subject: Comment: s 47F  

> Hi Tim, 

> My name is s 47F . 

> I’m hoping to get comment from you about new guidelines issued by the Department of Prime Minister and 
Cabinet that urge public servants to report colleagues who post comments critical of the government on social 

> Please let me know if there is a time today you would be available for a quick phoner. 

> Thanks, 

> s 47F  

Page 164
> s 47F  


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and delete all copies of this email, together with any attachments. 
s 47F  

Page 165
From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 24 February 2015 5:32 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: Dr Arthur Laffer - Melbourne [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Thanks for this – you’re right – it doesn’t look good. Will see what we can do. 

From: Tim Wilson []

Sent: Tuesday, 24 February 2015 4:27 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: FW: Dr Arthur Laffer - Melbourne [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Is there any way that you can change the title of this email address it doesn’t come from
“Wordpress”? It just comes across as a bit amateurish versus it coming from “The IPA”, or
something similar.

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

From: WordPress s 47F

Sent: Tuesday, 24 February 2015 4:10 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Dr Arthur Laffer - Melbourne


Thank you for registering to attend our event with Dr Arthur Laffer. We’re pleased to confirm your
place and look forward to seeing you on:

Wednesday 18 March, 2015

5:00pm for 5:30pm until 7.00pm
InterContinental Melbourne, The Rialto
495 Collins Street, Melbourne

If you have any questions about the event, please don't hesitate to contact me on 03 9600 4744.

Thanks again for your wonderful support of the IPA.

Kind regards,

s 47F

Institute of Public Affairs

s 47F

Page 166
Become a member of the IPA today | Subscribe to ‘Hey…what did I miss?’

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Page 167
From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 27 October 2014 10:48 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Re: Email introduction [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Sent from my iPhone 

> On 27 Oct 2014, at 10:35 pm, "Tim Wilson" <> wrote: 
> Dear s 47F  
> Following on from last year, s 47F  is still open to speaking to an IPA event in Australia if it works in his diary. 
> s  ‐ s 47F . I look 
forward to coming and hearing you speak in Australia. 
> s 47F  email address is above. 
> Best, 
> Tim 
> Tim Wilson 
> Human Rights Commissioner 
> Australian Human Rights Commission 
> Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0>  
> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://1/0> 
> T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 
2 9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
> E<>  
> W<>u 
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> together with any attachments. 
> ********************************************************************** 
> * 

Page 168
From: Tim Wilson <>
Sent: Wednesday, 16 April 2014 5:02 PM
To: s 47F
Cc: s 47F Tim Wilson; s 47F

Subject: Re: Fairfield House/HIV service changes

Thanks, although I don't think I got a copy of the Comms plan. Could it please be recirculated? 


Sent from my iPhone ...  

Tim Wilson 
s 47F  


On 16 Apr 2014, at 14:53, s 47F  wrote: 

Dear s 47F  
Just a brief update on the matters discussed by s 47F . 
Since circulating the communications framework to you we have been working closely with the s , 
and have been ready to circulate to you the detailed plan for your information. Before so doing I 
have been asked to brief s 47F  with s 47F F
 We are doing 
that next week. I will update you again following that meeting. 
s 47F  



s 47F  

Page 169
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2015 6:24 PM
To: s 47F
Cc: s 47F
Subject: Re: Do we have an email [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Thanks. Her article today was very good. Putting aside the government funding, it is outrageous how the
academy has responded to s 47F .

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s F +61 2 9284 9794

On 29 Apr 2015, at 6:08 pm, s 47F wrote:

Only for you commissioner

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Wilson []
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2015 5:58 PM
To: s 47F
Cc: s 47F
Subject: Re: Do we have an email [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x-apple-data-detectors://0> GPO Box 5218,
Sydney NSW 2001<x-apple-data-detectors://1/0>
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836> s 47F
F +61 2 9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794>
E<> W<>u

On 29 Apr 2015, at 5:46 pm s 47F


s 47F

-----Original Message-----
Page 170
From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 29 April 2015 5:38 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Cc: s 47F
Subject: Re: Do we have an email [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Yep - s 47F should have it

Sent from my iPhone

On 29 Apr 2015, at 5:37 pm, Tim Wilson

<<>> wrote:

For s 47F

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x-apple-data-detectors://0> GPO Box 5218,
Sydney NSW 2001<x-apple-data-detectors://1/0>
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836> s 47F
F +61 2 9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794>

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together with any attachments.

Page 171
From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 1 December 2014 5:52 PM
To: Tim Wilson; s 47F

Very good! 

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson []  
Sent: Monday, 1 December 2014 7:37 AM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: FYI [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]‐is‐biased‐toward‐the‐left‐study‐finds.html 

Sent from my iPhone ... 

Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
E<> W<>u 

WARNING: The information contained in this email may be confidential. 
If you are not the intended recipient, any use or copying of any part of this information is unauthorised. If you have 
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Page 172
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Monday, 4 May 2015 5:16 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: Housewarming - Sunday 3 May [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Fair enough. We are in the same mindset. s 47F

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 4 May 2015 5:01 PM
To: Tim Wilson; s 47F
Subject: RE: Housewarming - Sunday 3 May [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

No worries – sounds like quite a busy day. It went very well thank you. 

s 47F


s 47F  

From: Tim Wilson []

Sent: Monday, 4 May 2015 2:30 PM
4 RE: Housewarming - Sunday 3 May [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Hi guys,

Sorry, I meant to get there yesterday. But I came back from Sydney later than expected, and then
had a few personal things I needed to do before the Logies, and time got away from me.

I hope it was fun. s 47F


Page 173
Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

From: s 47F
Sent: Sunday, 26 April 2015 3:48 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Re: Housewarming - Sunday 3 May [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Great- hope you can make it but no pressure if not of course. s 47F

Trust all is well

s 47F

Sent from my iPad

On 22 Apr 2015, at 4:36 pm, "Tim Wilson" <> wrote:

Hi s 47F

Thank you for the invitation. I will do my best to get there.



Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794

Begin forwarded message:

From: s 47F
Date: 20 April 2015 21:15:18 AEST
To: s 47F
Cc: s 47F
Subject: Housewarming - Sunday 3 May

Hi friends

Hoping you can join us for s 47F .

Page 174
s 47F
s 47F

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Page 175
From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 21 July 2014 11:45 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: Free Speech 2014 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Thank you! I'll book my flights today. 

s 47F  

s 47F
s 47F  

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Monday, 21 July 2014 11:42 AM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Re: Free Speech 2014 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Yep. All good. 

Sent from my iPhone ... 

Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
E<> W<>u 

On 21 Jul 2014, at 11:20 am, s 47F  wrote: 

Hi Tim – I just wanted to confirm whether this is still a possibility? 

s 47F  

s 47F  
s 47F  


Page 176
From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 10 December 2014 12:38 PM
To: s 47F
Cc: Tim Wilson; s 47F
Subject: Re: Freedoms Inquiry | enews | Issues Paper and call for submissions


Sent from my iPhone

On 10 Dec 2014, at 12:33 pm, s 47F wrote:

Thanks tim we’ll have a read

s 47F

s 47F
s 47F

Become a member of the IPA today | Subscribe to ‘Hey…what did I miss?’

From: Tim Wilson []

Sent: Wednesday, 10 December 2014 12:32 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: FW: Freedoms Inquiry | enews | Issues Paper and call for submissions
Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794

From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 10 December 2014 11:49 AM
Subject: Freedoms Inquiry | enews | Issues Paper and call for submissions
<image005.jpg> 10 December 2014

Issues Paper available <image006.jpg>Follow us on

The Issues Paper for this Inquiry, Traditional Rights and
Freedoms—Encroachments by Commonwealth Laws (IP46), is
<image006.jpg>Email us
now available.

Page 177
<image006.jpg>Forward to a
IP46 provides a brief explanation of each of the rights, freedoms and
privileges listed in the Terms of Reference, their origin and rationale, Dates
and how they are protected from statutory encroachment. For each Terms of
19 May 2014
one the ALRC asks the question: What criteria or principles should be Reference
used for determining when encroachment is justified? The Issues
10 December
Paper also invites people to identify Commonwealth laws that Issues Paper
unjustifiably encroach on traditional rights and freedoms, and to
explain why the laws are not justified. Submissions to 27 February
IP due 2015

The Issues Paper is available in HTML, PDF, and as an ebook. Discussion

mid 2015
 See Media Release >>
 See Issues Paper >> Report delivered
to A-G
The ALRC would like to thank Professor Barbara McDonald, who led
the ALRC’s Serious Invasions of Privacy Inquiry, for providing
invaluable guidance and assistance to the team in getting to this Links
important first landmark in the Inquiry. Her experience and expertise  Terms of Reference

are greatly appreciated.  Freedoms Wiki

 Wiki instructions

Call for submissions

IP46 is the first consultation document for the Freedoms Inquiry. The ALRC invites individuals and
organisations to make submissions in response to specific questions, or to any of the background material and
analysis provided.

The closing date for submissions is 27 February 2015.

We prefer to receive submissions via the online form on the ALRC website, but also accept submissions by
post and email.

 Online submission form >>

 Making a submission >>

Freedoms wiki
In September this year, the ALRC set up a public wiki to create a catalogue of Australian Commonwealth laws
that limit or encroach upon traditional rights, freedoms and privileges. The wiki will remain open until the ALRC
closes for Christmas break on 24 December 2014.

Thank you to everybody has already contributed.

 Information and instructions about using the wiki >>

 View wiki >>

You can keep up with the Inquiry by following us (@AusLawReform) on Twitter. You can follow and join
conversations about the Freedoms Inquiry using the hashtag #ALRCfreedoms.

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Page 179
From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 27 October 2014 9:25 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: Introduction and invitation [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Hi Tim, 

Thanks for the update, and, yes, I would still be interested in speaking at IPA if we can coordinate things properly. 

Can you make the email intros? 

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 11:54 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Re: Introduction and invitation [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Hi s 47F  

I hope you are well. 

You may recall, when I was previously at the Institute of Public Affairs and extended an invitation for you to come 
and speak in Australia. 

Since then I have left the IPA. Our (now not so) new government appointed me Australia's Human Rights 
Commissioner. It's an interesting role, especially because I now get to prosecute libertarian values within 
government. Needless to say the appointment attracted a lot of controversy. 

Regardless, the IPA is still keen to have you speak in Australia if you are open to doing so? They asked if I could share 
your email. Would that be acceptable to you? 



Tim Wilson 
Australian Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
E<> W<>u 

From: s 47F  
Date: 13 October 2013 12:43:02 AEST 
Page 180
To: Tim Wilson <<>> 
Subject: Re: Introduction and invitation 
After some more reflection, I think it will be just too difficult for me to get to Australia early next year.  There is 
simply too much on my plate here in s 47F  and I will not be able to afford the distraction of an extended trip 
Again, many thanks of thinking of me in this regard.  Do let me know if you make it to s  sometime, and it would be 
great to connect in person.  4
Sent from my iPad 
On Oct 6, 2013, at 3:55 PM, "Tim Wilson" 
<<><>> wrote: 
s 47F  
For planning purposes we need to get down a venue ASAP, otherwise we won’t be able to get anywhere. Can you 
give an indication of the likelihood of this date being acceptable, even if it is not confirmed? We can then look at 
possible venues. 
The key thing is that we will need to advertise it by the end of November as Australia basically shuts down from mid‐
December until mid‐February, and if you are coming in late February we will need to push promptly. 
Tim Wilson 
Director of Climate Change Policy & the IP and Free Trade Unit 
Institute of Public Affairs 
s 47F  | Phone +61 (0) 3 9600 4744 | Fax +61 (0) 3 9602 4989 | Email<><> 
Web<><> | Address Level 2, 410 Collins Street, 
Melbourne 3000 
Become a member of the IPA today<> | Subscribe to ‘Hey…what did I 
From: s 47F  
Sent: Sunday, 6 October 2013 8:21 AM 
To: Tim Wilson 
Subject: RE: Introduction and invitation 
Tim – sorry about the slowness in getting back to you, but I am still sorting out the schedule for early next year.  
Could we connect in mid‐November, or is that too late for planning purposes on your end? 
s 47F  
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Page 181
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2013 6:17 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: RE: Introduction and invitation 
Hi s , 
If we proceed with the below date, would that work for you? 
Tim Wilson 
Director of Climate Change Policy & the IP and Free Trade Unit 
Institute of Public Affairs 
s 47F  | Phone +61 (0) 3 9600 4744 | Fax +61 (0) 3 9602 4989 | Email<><> 
Web<><> | Address Level 2, 410 Collins Street, 
Melbourne 3000 
Become a member of the IPA today<> | Subscribe to ‘Hey…what did I 
From: Tim Wilson 
Sent: Friday, 20 September 2013 12:54 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Re: Introduction and invitation 
Hi s 47F  
That's great. We would have to check venues etc, but how would doing a large event on the evening of Thursday, 27 
of February suit? The whole Mardi Gras event is on Saturday, 1 March. Would that suit? 
Sent from my iPhone ... 
Tim Wilson 
s 47F  

s 47F  
On 19 Sep 2013, at 16:32, s 47F  
s 47F  wrote: 
Hi Tim, 
I’d still up for doing this sometime in 2014.  Is there any time in particular that would sense for the IPA this next 
year?  Sometime around Mardi Gras could be a lot of fun… 
s 47F  
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Page 182
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 3:08 AM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: RE: Introduction and invitation 
Hi s 47F  
I hope you are well. 
As committed, I am just emailing to see whether you have any clearer indication of your diary commitments next 
year to speak at an IPA event? 
As you may have noted, we have had a change of government in Australia. It is generally good news, tinged with 
caution. The new government is likely to be much more sensible on economic matters, though they will hardly be 
perfect and they have major budgetary issues to turn around with little appetite or mandate for serious tax reform. 
Despite earlier concerns, the recently announced Ministry has very encouraging signs for trade policy. 
The big question mark is over social policy. While many in the government are personally socially conservative, they 
have no real track record of converting it into policy, which is encouraging. The topic of marriage for same‐sex 
couples will come to ahead shortly, but the mood has significantly mellowed. 
The most exciting component of the election is that, for the first time, one (and possibly two, yet) Libertarian 
(Liberal Democratic Party) Senators have been elected and will share in the balance of power from 1 July next year. 
Strategically used, they could use their political muscle to bring about some positive reform and help wind back the 
paternalistic, nanny state culture that has been imposed over the past few years. 
As a consequence there is certainly an appetite for a strong classical liberal / libertarian voice in public debate and a 
visit would be most opportune. 
Kind regards, 
Tim Wilson 
From: Tim Wilson 
Sent: Tuesday, 23 April 2013 1:21 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: RE: Introduction and invitation Thanks s 47F  
That sounds great. I will put it in my diary to contact you in September. 
Tim Wilson 
Director of Climate Change Policy & the IP and Free Trade Unit 
Institute of Public Affairs 
s 47F  | Phone +61 (0) 3 9600 4744 | Fax +61 (0) 3 9602 4989 | Email<><> 
Web<><> | Address Level 2, 410 Collins Street, 
Melbourne 3000 
Become a member of the IPA today<> | Subscribe to ‘Hey…what did I 
Page 183
From: s 47F  
Sent: Tuesday, 23 April 2013 1:21 PM 
To: Tim Wilson 
Subject: RE: Introduction and invitation 
Tim – not at all sure on when I will next be in Australia, but perhaps we should circle up around September/October 
of this year? 
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 12:39 PM 
To:s 47F  
Subject: Re: Introduction and invitation 
Thanks s 47F  
That's great. At this stage there's no urgency. We need about four months to plan such an event so we can promote 
it properly etc. and make it worth your effort. 
With the introduction I was just looking to see whether you are open to the idea. We cannot do anything on this 
scale until 2014 because we have already had our major event with s 47F  this year. 
So it largely depends on your schedule. Do you have any dates in mind? 
Tim Wilson 
Tim Wilson 
s 47F s 47F  

s 47F
On 22/04/2013, at 5:32,s 47F  
s 47F wrote: 
Hi Tim, 
Good meeting you via email, and thanks for the invitation. 
I’d be delighted to participate at some point in the future, but am just not that sure if and when I will make it to 
Australia next.   By when would you need to know some dates for 2014? 
Subj r 
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2013 4:11 AM 
To: s 47F
Subject: Introduction and invitation 
revi 5
ew Page 184
Dear s 47F  
Thank you for agreeing to be contacted. 
As introduced, my name is Tim Wilson. I know s 47F  through his excellent work for s 47F . I do similar work to 
s 47F  in Australia, though there is no formal organisation and we thankfully have slightly smaller hurdles. 
During the day I am a policy director for the Institute of Public Affairs. The IPA is the world's oldest free market think 
tank. We were founded in 1943 and we are celebrating our 70th anniversary this year. 
Like US free market think tanks, we promote classical liberal solutions on economic and social issues in public 
debate. We heavily focus on engaging in public debate and do a lot of work in the media fighting for classical 
To celebrate the IPA's 70th anniversary we recently had a major dinner in Melbourne with guest speaker, Rupert 
Murdoch. Rupert gave a wonderful speech on the morality of capitalism. In Australia there are too few business 
leaders to stand up for capitalism on an economic basis, let alone a moral one. If you are interested you can watch 
his speech here: 
As part of our forward planning for 2014 the IPA is thinking about which global figure we could invite who has a 
strong commitment to the values the IPA promotes, has a record of success and could 'top' Rupert Murdoch. My 
colleagues and I thought of you. 
So I am emailing to introduce myself, the IPA and see whether you would consider coming to Australia next year to 
speak at a major event for the IPA? 
If you were prepared to do so we would be happy to coordinate dates around your availability and, of course, would 
pay your costs. 
s 47F  
I realise you are incredibly busy and it is difficult to know what you are doing in 2014, but greatly appreciate your 
consideration of our invitation. 
If you would like to discuss my email don't hesitate to send me your contact details and I am happy to call you at a 
time of your convenience. 
Yours sincerely, 
Tim Wilson 
WARNING: The information contained in this email may be confidential. 
If you are not the intended recipient, any use or copying of any part of this information is unauthorised. If you have 
received this email in error, we apologise for any inconvenience and request that you notify the sender immediately 
and delete all copies of this email, together with any attachments. 

Page 185
From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 28 October 2014 9:48 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: IPA events - online freedoms [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Please do. We're also waiting on a response from s 47F  so I'll confirm with you once I hear back from 


s 47F  


‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 28 October 2014 9:45 AM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Re: IPA events ‐ online freedoms [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Thanks. Noted. Can I book this date in? 

Sent from my iPhone ... 

Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F >   F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
E<> W<>u 

On 28 Oct 2014, at 8:43 am, s 47F  wrote: 

OK, noted. We're only doing Sydney now. So this is for Sydney. 

s 47F  


Page 186
‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 28 October 2014 9:42 AM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Re: IPA events ‐ online freedoms [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
Is this in Sydney? Or Melbourne? 
Sent from my iPhone ... 
Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F >   F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794><><
> W<><>u 
On 28 Oct 2014, at 8:36 am, s 47F
Hi Tim 
As discussed on Friday, we are now looking to postpone our online freedoms events. 
I’m emailing to ask whether you would be available to participate on any of the following dates: 
∙         November – 18, 19, 25, 26, 27 
∙         December – 2, 3, 9, 10, 11 
Thank you for agreeing to be a part of this event. 
Warm regards 
s 47F  



From: s 47F  
Sent: Wednesday, 17 September 2014 10:45 AM 
To: 'Tim Wilson' 
Page 187
Subject: RE: IPA events ‐ online freedoms [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
Not a problem. I’ll let you know whether the dinner is going ahead as soon as I know. 
s 47F  

From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 17 September 2014 10:43 AM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: RE: IPA events ‐ online freedoms [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
Sure. I just cannot book flights until then. 
Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001 
T +61 2 9284 9836   s 47F    F +61 2 9284 9794<><
>  W<><>u 
From: s 47F  
Sent: Wednesday, 17 September 2014 10:37 AM 
To: Tim Wilson 
Subject: RE: IPA events ‐ online freedoms [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
We’ll be assessing whether to host post‐event dinners in each city over the coming days. Do you mind if I get back to 
you early next week on that? 
s 47F  

From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 17 September 2014 10:31 AM 
Page 188
To: s 47F  
Subject: RE: IPA events ‐ online freedoms [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
Thanks. Will there be dinners after either of the events, my travel plans will be partly dictated by that. 
Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001 
T +61 2 9284 9836   s 47F    F +61 2 9284 9794<><
>  W<><>u 
From: s 47F  
Sent: Wednesday, 17 September 2014 10:30 AM 
To: Tim Wilson 
Subject: RE: IPA events ‐ online freedoms [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
Yes, please do lock those dates in. 
And, yes, we will cover the cost of your return flights from Sydney to Melbourne. If you would like to send your 
travel preferences through to me we’ll book flights for you. 
s 47F  

From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 17 September 2014 10:26 AM 
To:s 47F  
Subject: RE: IPA events ‐ online freedoms [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
Thanks. But I can lock those in? And I presume you will pay for flights to get me to Melbourne and back? 
Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001 
T +61 2 9284 9836   s 47F    F +61 2 9284 9794<><
>  W<><>u 
Page 189
From: s 47F  
Sent: Wednesday, 17 September 2014 10:25 AM 
To: Tim Wilson 
Subject: RE: IPA events ‐ online freedoms [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
I’ll now make further arrangements for the event and send through a more detailed run sheet closer to the date. 
s 47F  

s 47F  
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 17 September 2014 10:24 AM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: RE: IPA events ‐ online freedoms [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
I can do Sydney on the 5th, and Melbourne on the 6th. 
Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001 
T +61 2 9284 9836   s 47F    F +61 2 9284 9794<><
>  W<><>u 
From: s 47F  
Sent: Wednesday, 17 September 2014 9:23 AM 
To: Tim Wilson 
Subject: RE: IPA events ‐ online freedoms [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
Hi Tim 
We would like you to speak for around ten minutes on the importance of freedom of speech and online freedom, 
and to then take part in a panel discussion on digital liberty. 
Warm regards 
s 47F  
Page 190
s 47F  


From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 16 September 2014 5:30 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: RE: IPA events ‐ online freedoms [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
Thanks s 47F  
What is that you want me to talk about / say? 
Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001 
T +61 2 9284 9836   s 47F    F +61 2 9284 9794<><
>  W<><>u 
From: s 47F  
Sent: Tuesday, 16 September 2014 5:25 PM 
To: Tim Wilson 
Subject: IPA events ‐ online freedoms 
Hi Tim 
I’m currently helping to organise a national tour on online freedoms for the IPA. I understand you had previously 
been approached to be a part of the tour in your capacity as human rights commissioner. I’m emailing to ask 
whether you are still interested in speaking at the events to be held in Melbourne and Sydney. 
We are looking at holding the tour across the first two weeks of November – Wednesday 5, Thursday 6, Tuesday 11, 
Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 November. We would love for you to be a part of the events in Sydney and 
Melbourne. Are you available on any two of the dates above? We are happy to work around your schedule. The 
events will run from 5.30pm until around 7.00pm. 
If you could let me know whether you’re available to attend and speak that would be greatly appreciated. 
Warm regards 
s 47F  


Page 191
s 47F


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Page 192
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Page 193
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Wednesday, 1 July 2015 10:11 AM
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: IPA Farewell Lunch for s 47F [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Thank you s 47F .

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 M +61 418 228 465 F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

From: s 47F   
Sent: Wednesday, 1 July 2015 9:14 AM 
To: Tim Wilson 
Subject: IPA Farewell Lunch for s 47F  

Freedom Commissioner! 

A very good morning to you. 

It was great to share a table with you last week at the IPA’s Farewell Lunch for s 47F . I came across this 

photo from the event, and I thought you might appreciate the opportunity to include them in your files. 

Warm regards 
s 47F  

Page 194
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Monday, 10 March 2014 9:26 AM
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: Human Rights and US FATCA [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Thanks s 47F

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I appreciate you sending this through.

There are a million things people want me to look into, privacy will broadly fit within my agenda.
But since we have a separate Commissioner for that it may raises (pardon the pun) territorial



Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

From: Tim Wilson []

Sent: Monday, 10 March 2014 8:28 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: FW: Human Rights and US FATCA

From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 1 January 2014 2:16 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Cc: s 47F
Subject: RE: Human Rights and US FATCA

Dear Tim 

Here is a very important human rights issue for the Human Rights Commission to take up – the
implications of US FATCA legislation and inter‐governmental information sharing for privacy and due
process rights. 

It is a complex subject but essentially the US is asserting extra‐territorial rights to impose penalties
and bankrupt Australian citizens (which it deems to be US persons) for US taxes or penalties (often
huge even though no tax was ever evaded) which the US claims as due on income or investments
lawfully made by Australians in Australia. Why should the Australian Federal Parliament enter into
agreements or treaties which leave Australians exposed to foreign penalties for things lawfully done
here? (e.g. the US claims taxes on Australian superfund benefits accruing for dual citizen members

Page 195
living here and who may never have set foot outside Australia!). I wonder if the taxation power and
the external affairs power would justify such intrusions. 
It is a big issue in Canada where there are up 1 million Canadians affected as deemed US persons. 
Here is a link to a Canadian FATCA Forum in December 2012 and I attach a couple of articles I have
written on information exchange (a sort of global tax Gestapo or Stasi). 
But the issue is fundamentally one of privacy, due process and proportionality – which is why there
has been a hostile reaction from many law‐abiding people to revelations emerging from Wikileaks or
Mr Snowden. On the Lockean theory, people are happy to surrender a part of their liberty for
protection but that does not mean they agree to surrender all to government. 
I haven’t noticed a peep from the Privacy Commissioner but surely it is the duty of a sovereign to
protect his subjects from foreign assaults on their property, privacy or liberties. 
Kind regards 
s 47F  
s 47F  


s 47F


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From: Tim Wilson []
Sent: Wednesday, 18 December 2013 7:34 PM
Page 196
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: Human Rights 
Hi s 47F  
Sorry for the delay.  
Thanks for the kind feedback. There is much work to be done. I really appreciate the support.  
The list of things to look into is too long to mention.  
While this is obviously a huge opportunity for me, it is a reflection of the hard work of all of the IPA team. The IPA is 
a strong and powerful voice. Thank you for continuing to support the IPA.  
Merry Christmas to you and your family, and a Happy 2014, 
Tim Wilson
Director of Climate Change Policy & the IP and Free Trade Unit

Institute of Public Affairs

s 47F | Phone +61 (0) 3 9600 4744 | Fax +61 (0) 3 9602 4989 | Email
Web | Address Level 2, 410 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000

Become a member of the IPA today | Subscribe to ‘Hey…what did I miss?’  

From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 17 December 2013 4:10 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Cc: s 47F
Subject: Human Rights 
Dear Tim 
I trust as Human Rights Commissioner you will look at things like wholesale invasion of our financial
privacy without warrants via AUSTRAC and the pre‐emptive seizure of assets by authorities so that
the accused can’t pay lawyers to mount a defence or resist a tax demand plus the absurd crime of
“failing to suspect” money laundering (Julia Gillard might usefully have removed that last one – if only
in her own interests!). And how curious you can be charged with money laundering for dealing with
your own money when the ATO thinks you were taxable on it – a very nice way of doubling up the
charge sheet. Not to mention spouses being forced to testify against each other… 
We are so far from the ancient liberties of the subject in the face of totalitarian government on all
fronts (and there is usually a well‐sounding excuse for all these legislative assaults) I fear we shall
never get back to common law and common sense. Best of luck! 
Best wishes 
s 47F  
Page 197
s 47F  

s 47F  


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Page 198
From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 12 May 2015 4:38 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Cc: s 47F

Subject: Re: Lomborg centre: better, perhaps, but not good enough [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Follow Up Flag: Follow up

Flag Status: Completed

Dear Tim,

Thanks for your reply.

You and I certainly agree on these points, and they are an everyday tension for some of us s 47F . My
concern is that we can do so much better, but struggle to get even the modest Lomborg proposal past the

s 47F

On 12/05/2015, at 3:52 pm, Tim Wilson <> wrote:

Dear s 47F ,
Thank you for your email.
My concern about the University’s response to the Lomborg Centre was not based
on my support for it, or not.
My concern was that we have a culture of soft censorship where even questioning
public policy priorities is no longer tolerated within a public University, even if it is
only debating the allocation of government resources.
Unfortunately this latest period brings into question the preparedness of our public
Universities to pursue intellectual inquiry.

However, I do appreciate your email and analysis.

Best wishes,

s 47F

From: s 47F   
Sent: Tuesday, 12 May 2015 4:05 PM 
To: Tim Wilson 
Cc: s 47F  

Page 199
s 47F  
Subject: Lomborg centre: better, perhaps, but not good enough
Dear Tim,
It has been great to see you and others writing in The Australian on the strange situation of
the rejection of the Lomborg centre by UWA. Despite the hysteria of the opponents and the
nominally scientific approach, however, the proposed centre would not have provided much
counterbalance the standard big-government-is-best views coming out of academia…
Government-funded research typically has the objective of supporting predetermined policy
preferences. The proposed Lomborg centre’s cost-benefit approach represents an

The cost-benefit approach is scientific, in that it recognizes that the rational way to allocate
scarce resource is by maximizing net benefit. The unscientific alternatives of allocating
resources confiscated from taxpayers on the basis of opinion, however well intentioned,
favouritism, or the personal ideological preferences of the allocator surely amount to
unethical stewardship.

The proposed centre falls short, however, because the approach that it would use ignores
theory and evidence that governments’ attempts to regulate and reallocate are expected to,
and do, fail to provide net benefits. That approach accepts as true the conceit that clever
elites will better allocate the resources of private citizens than they themselves can.

By not giving full consideration to the policy option of leaving resources with their owners,
Lomborg’s approach fails to take account of cumulative knowledge. That we should not rely
on rulers to look after our best interests is hardly a new idea; witness the biblical injunction
to “put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.”

The evidence on the failure of government interventions to improve people’s lives continues
to mount. s 47F

Moreover, Lomborg’s consensus-of-experts method for determining costs and benefits is

unscientific. It relies on unaided judgment and authority. What is needed instead is forecasts
of costs and benefits from validated (i.e., evidence based) methods. While evidence-based
methods do make use of experts’ judgments, how those judgments are used to derive
forecasts is critically important for the accuracy of the forecasts.

The proposed centre’s approach is, therefore, unscientific in at least four ways. The
approach: (1) ignores cumulative knowledge and economic theory, (2) fails to test the
obvious alternative hypothesis of laissez-faire, (3) uses invalid methods to forecast costs and
benefits, and (4) relies on consensus and authority as the basis for policy recommendations.

The proposed centre would not be unusual in those failings; they are the same as those of
every endeavour funded to conduct research to support the dangerous manmade global
warming alarm movement, for example. There is no reason to expect the policy
recommendations of either would, if adopted and even perfectly implemented, lead to a
better allocation of resources. Not even if one were to believe that to increase total net
welfare it is acceptable that some individuals are made much worse off.

In sum, and in contrast to the assumptions of the proposed Lomborg centre, nothing we have
learned over thousands of years provides a logical basis for rejecting the biblical injunction

Page 200
to “put not your trust in princes…” and replacing it with the diktat to “put your trust in the
judgments of professors and their colleagues in politics”.

We are fortunate to be living at a time when the science of forecasting is a well-developed

body of knowledge. That knowledge is readily available from the
website. s 47F

An Age of Enlightenment in forecasting the costs and benefits of proposed public policies is
ours for the taking. We would all benefit from better policy decisions.

Best wishes,
s 47F

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Page 201
the sender immediately and delete all copies of this email, together
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Page 202
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Tuesday, 8 April 2014 5:36 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: Re: Lorne Liberal Party event , Women in Business [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Hi s 47F  

Thanks for your email. As Human Rights Commissioner I am unable to come and speak at fundraisers. 

You may want to contact s 47F  at the Institute of Public Affairs. 

Kind regards, 

Tim Wilson 

Sent from my iPhone 

On 8 Apr 2014, at 2:50 pm, "Tim Wilson" <> wrote: 

Sent from my iPhone ...  

Tim Wilson 
s 47F  


Begin forwarded message: 

From: s 47F  
Date: 8 April 2014 12:44:12 AEST 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Lorne Liberal Party event , Women in Business 

Hello Tim, 
Our Liberal Party branch is wondering if you would consider a lunch time event in 
Lorne in May. For you to be our key note speaker , for Regional Women in Business. 
Your new position creates opportunities to raise issues onto a national level. 
s 47F  has agreed to participate. 
Funds raised would flow into s 47F  re‐election campaign.  
Tim if you cannot attend, could you please advise suitable speakers Cheers. 
Kind Regards, 
s 47F  


Page 203
From: s 47F
Sent: Friday, 7 November 2014 4:35 PM
To: Tim Wilson


‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson 
Sent: Friday, 7 November 2014 4:26 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: FW: Lunch [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Can you please make a reservation for 6 at this restaurant 
s 47F  for s 47F , 
and then send a calendar invite to: 

s 47F  

Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001 
T +61 2 9284 9836   s 47F    F +61 2 9284 9794 
E  W 

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: s 47F   
Sent: Tuesday, 28 October 2014 6:47 AM 
To: Tim Wilson 
Cc: s 47F  
Subject: RE: Lunch [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Lock it in s 47F  lock it in 

7‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson []  
Sent: Friday, 24 October 2014 2:49 PM 
To: s 47F  
Cc: s 47F  
Subject: Re: Lunch [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

How's s 47F  for lunch? 

Page 204
Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
E<> W<>u 
On 24 Oct 2014, at 12:34 pm, s 47F  wrote: 
Thanx Tim looking forward to it 
s 47F  so not available 
and s 47F  
Which week? 
Before or after election? 
Fridays always out for me 
‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Friday, 24 October 2014 10:03 AM 
To: s 47F  
s 47F  
Subject: Lunch [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
Ladies and Gentlemen, 
s 47F  
I am emailing to make good on that promise, if you wish to take it up, and to find a date s 47F  
I'm mindful that you are probably already planning a Christmas break up, so perhaps I could suggest we could fit in 
with that. 
Let me know your thoughts. 
Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 

Page 205
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794><><
> W<><>u 
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Page 206
From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 3 June 2015 9:46 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: IPA lunch in Sydney on Thursday [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Excellent! See you then 

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson []  
Sent: Wednesday, 3 June 2015 9:45 AM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Re: IPA lunch in Sydney on Thursday [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Hey mate, 

I'll be there. 


Sent from my iPhone ... 

Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
E<> W<>u 

From: s 47F  
Date: 1 June 2015 16:12:02 AEST 
To: s 47F  

Subject: IPA lunch in Sydney on Thursday 

Hi Tim 

We’re having a lunch for IPA donors and friendly journos in Sydney on Thursday – it would be great if you are able to 
join us. Let me know. See invitation below: 

s 47F  

s 47F

Page 207
The details of the lunch are: 
s 47F  

I hope that you can join us to hear s 47F nsights about the direction of the new majority government, Britain’s 
future with the European Union and the future of the United Kingdom itself following the rise of Scottish 
nationalism. s 47F  will also offer an insider’s account on how the Conservative Party triumphed in the recent 
General Election and what lessons centre‐right parties around the world can learn from their victory. 
Kind regards 
s 47F  


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Page 208
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Thursday, 10 April 2014 1:22 PM
To: s 47F
Cc: s 47F
Subject: Re: s 47F . [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Nope. We should work it into s 47F . s 47F

Sent from my iPhone

On 10 Apr 2014, at 1:18 pm, s 47F wrote:

I have added contact to list.
Would you like me to make contact re: speaking? Or have you done so already
7From: Tim Wilson
FSent: Wednesday, 9 April 2014 10:56 AM
To: s 47F
Subject: Fwd: s 47F . [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Can we add the s 47F to the list of people to speak to as part of s 47F (yes, that
is what we are calling it now). :-)

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s F +61 2 9284 9794

Begin forwarded message:

From: s 47F
Date: 9 April 2014 10:40:25 am AEST
To: Tim Wilson <>
Subject: RE: s 47F .

Thanks Tim,
May I say, the s 47F welcomes you to our wonderful town. We
would create a lunch or dinner whatever time you have available. Your ideas
across the board are just what regional people need to hear.
Kind Regards,
s 47F

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Wilson []
Sent: Wednesday, 9 April 2014 10:20 AM
Page 209
To: s 47F
Subject: Re:s 47F

Thanks s 47F

That is fine. I can speak to fundraisers, but not political ones.

My office is organising a national tour, of sorts, so I will reach out

shortly and take you up on your offer.


Sent from my iPhone

On 9 Apr 2014, at 10:00 am, s 47F


Good Morning Tim,

Thanks very much for your response.
Tim , I am also the s 47F .
Are you
able to speak at a s 47F event we would charge for a meal but offer
the community at large the opportunity to come and listen to you. If so
whatever dates works for you.

Kind Regards,
s 47F

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Wilson []
Sent: Tuesday, 8 April 2014 5:36 PM
To:s 47F
Subject: Re: s 47F
Hi s 47F ,
Thanks for your email. As Human Rights Commissioner I am
unable to come

Page 210
and speak at fundraisers.

You may want to contact s 47F at s 47F

Kind regards,
Tim Wilson
Sent from my iPhone
On 8 Apr 2014, at 2:50 pm, "Tim Wilson"
<<>> wrote:

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
s 47F

s 47F

Begin forwarded message:

From: s 47F

Date: 8 April 2014 12:44:12 AEST

s 47F

Hello Tim,
Our s 47F is wondering if you would consider a
lunch time
event in s 47F in May. For you to be our key note speaker , for s 47F

Your new position creates opportunities to raise issues onto a national


s 47F has agreed to participate.

Funds raised would flow into s 47F

Page 211
Tim if you cannot attend, could you please advise suitable

Kind Regards,
s 47F

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Page 212
From: s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 14 August 2014 12:50 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: Online security [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Yep they are going ahead as planned if you are still available. Just finalising venues and will have those details 

From: Tim Wilson []

Sent: Thursday, 14 August 2014 12:49 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: Online security [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Am I doing these events on 8 and 9 October? Ie, have they been confirmed?


Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

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Page 213
From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 20 January 2016 10:02 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: Saturday [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Hi Tim, 

Great to hear you’re able to come for drinks – we’ll see you on Saturday! 


s 47F  

s 47F
s 47F

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson []  
Sent: Wednesday, 20 January 2016 9:57 AM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Saturday [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Hi s 47F  

I can't stay for lunch on Saturday, but I will come for pre‐lunch drinks. 



Sent from my iPhone ... 

Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836> s 47F  F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
E<> W<>u 

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Page 215
From: s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 23 July 2015 11:37 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Re: Monday [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Hey - unfortunately I'm out of the country for a couple of weeks. Back in s 47F on s 47F .

s 47F

On 23 Jul 2015, at 11:12 pm, Tim Wilson <> wrote:


I am around on Monday morning if you are around?

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x-apple-data-detectors://0>
GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x-apple-data-detectors://1/0>
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836> s 47F
F +61 2 9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794>
E<> W<>u

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Page 216
From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 19 January 2015 4:05 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Cc: s 47F
Subject: Re: NPC Address Wednesday 18 February 2015 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

yes we will 

Sent from my iPhone 

On 19 Jan 2015, at 3:58 pm, "Tim Wilson" <> wrote: 

If you could circulate this in s 47F , I would be appreciative: 
Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner 

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 M +61 418 228 465 F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

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Page 217
From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 1 December 2015 4:50 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Re: s 47F - Christmas gathering December 6 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Hi Tim,

Thanks for letting me know, we'll make sure there are some gluten free options on Sunday.


Sent from my iPhone

On 1 Dec 2015, at 2:15 PM, Tim Wilson <> wrote:

s 47F will also attend. s 47F . Let me know if that causes any


Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794

From: s 47F   
Sent: Thursday, 19 November 2015 9:54 AM 
To: Tim Wilson 
Subject: Re: s 47F  ‐ Christmas gathering December 6 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Thanks Tim, partners are also welcome.
Look forward to seeing you on the 6th.
Kind regards,
s 47F
On 19 November 2015 at 04:00, Tim Wilson <> wrote:

Thanks. I will attend.

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
Page 218
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E<> W<>u

Begin forwarded message:

From: s 47F
Date: 8 November 2015 at 01:35:09 GMT
To: <<>>
Subject: s 47F - Christmas gathering December 6
Good afternoon,

The weeks are flying by, as they tend to do at this time of the year, and we're now
approaching our last shows of 2015.

To celebrate and to say thank you, s 47F

Please send through your RSVP when you can.

Hope to see you all there.

Warm regards,
s 47F

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s 47F


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Page 220
From: s 47F
Sent: Friday, 20 June 2014 10:14 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: Seen this? [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Sorry, did I get back to you on this? I meant to send you the following email: 
“Yes – I read it as part of my research for our submission. Pretty standard critique. An even better one in the 
same vein is a guy called s 47F . I saw him earlier this year at s 47F .” 

s 47F

From: Tim Wilson []

Sent: Tuesday, 17 June 2014 5:42 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: Seen this? [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

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Page 221
From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 13 May 2014 5:43 PM
To: s 47F Tim Wilson; s 47F
Subject: RE: Speech for the Sydney Institute this evening [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Excellent speech - I like the reference to the Galaxy Poll. Good luck!

From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 13 May 2014 5:40 PM
To: Tim Wilson; s 47F
Subject: RE: Speech for the Sydney Institute this evening [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Well done commissioner! 
From: Tim Wilson []
Sent: Tuesday, 13 May 2014 5:30 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: Speech for the Sydney Institute this evening [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 
Dear s 47F  
You may be interested in an article in today’s edition of The Australian on my speech to the
Sydney Institute this evening. The article is here:‐affairs/race‐
A copy of the speech is attached to this email.


Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner 

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

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Page 222
From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 23 February 2015 11:18 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Cc: s 47F
Subject: Re: s 47F article today [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Thanks ‐ it was a good piece. 

Sent from my iPhone 

> On 23 Feb 2015, at 10:01 am, "Tim Wilson" <> wrote: 
> Is magnificent and brutal at the same time. 
> It's genuinely horrifying to read. 
> Tim Wilson 
> Human Rights Commissioner 
> Australian Human Rights Commission 
> Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0>  
> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://1/0> 
> T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F >   F +61 
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Page 223
From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 10 November 2014 9:31 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Cc: s 47F
Subject: Re: The West Australian editorial [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

that's excellent! 

Sent from my iPhone 

> On 10 Nov 2014, at 9:30 am, "Tim Wilson" <> wrote: 
> We all need to keep chipping away. 
> It's not too late to rescue our freedom rights 
> [] 
> West Australian, Perth, Editorials 
> 10 Nov 2014 
> page 20 • 450 words 
> Photo: No • Type: Editorial • Size: 274.00 cm² • ID: 338223862 
> There have been many occasions in the past, and there will no doubt be in the future, when politicians have come 
to realise that the effects of their actions are not what they intended. 
> Principles of democracy such as free , speech and the ability of journalists to carry out the important functions of 
the Fourth Estate, are sometimes the accidental victims of a hasty legislature. 
> It is entirely understandable, and perhaps commendable, that the Federal Government and Parliament have been 
moving swiftly to address the worrying domestic threat of the Islamic State terrorism movement. 
> But it remains of great concern that in this worthy pursuit, our politicians have unintentionally curbed the ability of 
the media to play its essential role in society. 
> The bulk of the National Security Legislation Amendment Bill, which has now been passed, strengthened the scope 
of spy agency ASIO to tackle terrorist threats, including enhanced powers for electronic surveillance and a legal 
framework for covert operations, including limited immunity from prosecution for its officers. 
> In Section 35P, it also created an offence, punishable by imprisonment, of disclosing a special intelligence 
operation, even when the disclosure does not endanger the safety of security officers or harm the operation. 

Page 224
> It has been pointed out by the former independent national security legislation monitor, senior barrister Bret 
Walker, that this could apply to reporting on operations that potentially embarrass security agencies or even 
operations that result in the death or harming of civilians. 
> Now that the urgent provisions of the legislation have gone through, the cool heads in Canberra should give 
serious consideration to repealing Section 35P. 
> Australia's Human Rights Commissioner Tim Wilson argued this week that such an amendment of 35P should be 
attached to a Bill to remove the section 18C restrictions on offensive and insulting speech from the Racial 
Discrimination Act. 
> The commissioner argues that the 18C provisions that led to the prosecution of newspaper columnist Andrew Bolt 
in 2011 are the perfect example of what happens when the wording of a law can go further than its intention. 
> Section 18C was preceded by the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody the Australian Law Reform , 
Commission's inquiry into multiculturalism and the law, and the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission's 
inquiry into racist violence. 
> As Mr Wilson points out, all those federal inquiries recommended law reforms to tackle racial harassment and 
discrimination but none recommended making offensive or insulting speech unlawful. 
> "It took nearly 20 years, but the Andrew Bolt case is a warning of what happens when the intention and 
codification of a law are not in alignment," he argued. 
> Mr Wilson has described both sections as "festering sores". 
> He makes a very good argument that they should be fixed together. 
> Sent from my iPhone ... 
> Tim Wilson 
> Human Rights Commissioner 
> Australian Human Rights Commission 
> Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0>  
> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://1/0> 
> T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F >   F +61 
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Page 225
From: s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 7 May 2015 7:13 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Cc: s 47F
Subject: Re: This is a really good point [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

That's very good actually. 

Sent from my iPhone 

> On 7 May 2015, at 1:04 pm, "Tim Wilson" <> wrote: 
> "Old lefties thought ordinary people could make history — Labour doesn’t even think we can make dinner for our 
kids without screwing it up, as evidenced in Ed’s paternalistic promise to cut the amount of fat and sugar in 
children’s food". 
> iving‐red‐ed‐his‐x/ 
> Sent from my iPhone ... 
> Tim Wilson 
> Human Rights Commissioner 
> Australian Human Rights Commission 
> Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0>  
> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://1/0> 
> T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F >   F +61 
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> ********************************************************************** 
> * 

Page 226
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Thursday, 24 September 2015 6:52 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: Re: The IPA's Hey... What did I miss? | Spuds and science will land you in jail

Clearly even he sees the danger in the path US liberals are taking. And it was good enough for him. It is
good enough for others.

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s F +61 2 9284 9794

On 24 Sep 2015, at 6:44 PM, s 47F > wrote:

I was surprised!

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Wilson []
Sent: Thursday, 24 September 2015 3:34 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: Re: The IPA's Hey... What did I miss? | Spuds and science will land you in jail

Wow. Obama said something sound!

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x-apple-data-detectors://0> GPO Box 5218,
Sydney NSW 2001<x-apple-data-detectors://1/0>
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836> s 47F
F +61 2 9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794>
E<> W<>u

On 24 Sep 2015, at 3:28 PM, s 47F



Page 227
From s 47F | Thursday, 24 September 2015

In April, we told you household goods were getting a lot cheaper - thanks to economic

Food is getting dramatically cheaper too, as this chart from a forthcoming research paper by
the IPA's Dr Mikayla Novak shows:


Imagine how cheap food would be if WA didn't threaten to

king-jail-me-and-look-like-jokers/> freedom-fighting farmers like Tony Galati for growing
too many potatoes! We've told you about WA's spud tsar in Hey before - as far back as

Tony will be in good company in jail though if these 20 climate scientists, who wrote to
President Obama this month, get their
prosecute-global-warming-skeptics/>. You can read their original letter, calling for a federal
racketeering and corrupt organisations investigation into climate sceptics,

It's in part because of the left's embrace of such authoritarianism that the British writer Nick
Cohen has renounced them. Read his brilliant
finally-given-up-on-the-left/> for this week's Spectator on why Jeremy Corbyn and his
supporters finally drove Cohen to quit the left.

Talk about buyer's remorse. The Nobel Committee is starting to

didnt-have-the-desired-effect-former-nobel-official-reveals/--Q-tid--E-sm_tw> whether
President Obama really did deserve the encouragement award/Nobel Peace Prize just eight
and a half months after he took office.

But - credit where credit is due - last week President Obama gave this terrific
adsSiteOverride--E-au> about the stifling political correctness at universities.

If Lord of the Flies were written by today's politically correct university students, it might
read something like

Page 228
correct-lord-of-the-flies>, in The New Yorker this month.

And Ahmed the clock-maker is just the latest in a long line of students harshly punished by
overzealous school
BhMa%2BTFAwTG5toziV8R7jHKM1t0sEQWBHm>, as The Daily Signal explains.

Here's what else the IPA said this week:

* Chris Berg, Our new 'innovation PM' needs policies to

pm%27-needs-policies-to-match> - The Drum
* Mikayla Novak, Occupational licensing hinders job creation and economic
hinders-job-creation-and-economic-growth-> - The Canberra Times
* John Roskam, Tax is Turnbull's boat
problem> - The Australian Financial Review
* Mikayla Novak, We can reduce income inequality by
reduce-income-inequality-by-deregulating/> - FreedomWatch
* Richard Allsop, Motorbike helmet cameras - let the riders
helmet-cameras-let-the-riders-decide/> - FreedomWatch


Click here to view Hey on the

4196ff1978be354&lid=39701&> | Click here to

Page 229

Institute of Public Affairs | Level 2 | 410 Collins Street | Melbourne | Victoria | 3000 |


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Page 230
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Monday, 18 May 2015 7:42 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: The latest on Bjorn Lomborg [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Thanks s 47F

I am truly horrified by this episode.


Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 M +61 418 228 465 F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 18 May 2015 2:38 PM
To: s 47F

Tim Wilson; s 47F

Subject: The latest on Bjorn Lomborg

I wanted to update you about the campaign to protect academic freedom in the wake of the University of
Western Australia’s decision to renege on its pledge to host Bjorn Lomborg’s Australia Consensus centre.

Our friends at the Australian Taxpayers Alliance are raising funds to place full page advertisements in
national and West Australian newspapers taking issue with the decision and urging the UWA to think again.
You can donate by clicking on this link.

In addition the Menzies Research Centre is planning to host a symposium on academic freedom on the
UWA campus in August. We are seeking funds to fly in national and international speakers for this
important event. Find out how to make a tax deductible donation to the Menzies Research Centre’s Public
Fund by clicking here.

Page 231
There was an exceptional response to my column in The Australian on the subject last week. Clearly many
people feel, as I do, that the UWA decision is indicative of the narrowing of intellectual diversity on

Kind regards

s 47F

Page 232
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Tuesday, 4 March 2014 10:38 AM
To: s 47F
Subject: Re: The Repeal of the Racial Discrimination Act [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Thanks s 47F

Sent from my iPhone

On 4 Mar 2014, at 10:36 am, "Tim Wilson" <> wrote:

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
s 47F

Begin forwarded message:

From: s 47F
Date: 4 March 2014 9:32:01 AEDT
To: s 47F
Subject: The Repeal of the Racial Discrimination Act

Dear Tim

I am aware that you are a fierce advocate of the repeal of 18C and an
indefatigable supporter of democratic principles. The inexplicable retreat of
Senator Brandis from the process of repeal of 18C is of huge concern. s 47F

How things change.

Kind Regards

s 47F

Dear s 47F

While every voter understands that a responsible government governs for all,
there is nothing so dispiriting for a voter than to see a government retreat
from an election position that is either explicitly or implicitly held.

I refer to the Coalition’s platform on the repeal of the odious 18C of the
Racial Discrimination Act. There is no question that Coalition supporters
were led to believe that, if elected, the Coalition would repeal 18C of the Act.
It is therefore little less than shocking that you not only appear to be
retreating from that position, but actually appear to be considering an
Page 233
extension of the limitations on freedom of speech (The Australian, 31st
January 2014).

This is a cause for despair in voters who value the principles of liberty that
underpin our democratic way of life. I cannot think of a greater rebuff to those
who fret about the erosion of democracy in the free world.

I can only tell you that the retreat on this issue by the government would be a
blow that will not be forgotten.


s 47F

Page 234
From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 11 March 2014 3:38 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Cc: s 47F

Thanks Tim,
please confirm Tuesday 22nd April, 6.15pm-7.15pm,s 47F
I'll send full details a fortnight prior to the event. In the meantime, s 47F can you please send me a brief biographical
note and pic to run alongside the event details.
This is the bio we currently have online, which clearly needs updating. Please also let me know whether Tim will
require us to book flights.
Thanks and all best,
s 47F

s 47F

From: "Tim Wilson" <>

To: s 47F
Date: 11/03/2014 02:10 PM

Thanks. I hadn’t heard back, so I now have other appointments. I cannot do the 8th, but I can do
the 22nd of April.

s 47F from my office will be the contact.



Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794

From: Tim Wilson []

Sent: Tuesday, 11 March 2014 12:45 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Fwd: s 47F

Page 235
Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
s 47F

Begin forwarded message:

From: s 47F
Date: 11 March 2014 11:34:28 AEDT
To: s 47F
Cc: s 47F
Subject: RE: s 47F s 47F
Hello Tim,
just following up on the below to see whether I can confirm the s 47F event for Tuesday 25th March, 6.15pm-
At this stage,s 47F is not able to make it, but s 47F will be in Melbourne and we're
hoping she might be able to squeeze it in.
Please let me know whether we can count you in asap - and of course whether you require any more details.
If the 25th is looking like a problem, Tuesday 8th or 22nd April are possible alternatives (same evening time slot).
s 47F

s 47F

From: "Tim Wilson" <>

To: s 47F
Date: 07/02/2014 03:07 PM
Subject: RE: s 47F

Thanks. In principle, I am happy to do so, but can I confirm once I have started at the Commission. Have you spoken to the other 
Tim Wilson  

From: s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 6 February 2014 4:55 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: s 47F

Page 236
Hi Tim,
that's great news. We may need to hold it a fortnight later. If you can agree to 25th March, we can
cover flights + transfers from Sydney and the honorarium.
Will be in touch to confirm details shortly.
s 47F

s 47F wrote: -----

To: s 47F >
From: s 47F
Date: 06/02/2014 03:21PM
Subject: RE: s 47F  
Thanks. In principle, I am more than happy to do so. But I think 11 March would work a lot better for me. I am assuming that in 
place of the honorarium I could swap that for flights and transfers from Sydney? By then I will be based in Sydney during the 
Tim Wilson  

From: s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 6 February 2014 1:25 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: s 47F

Hello Tim,

Further to our quick phone chat, I'm writing to ask whether you might be interested in joining us for a
s 47F s 47F in the next month or two.

As you know, thes 47F is one of Melbourne's newest, and liveliest cultural institutions,
running a year-round programme focussed on books, writing and ideas.

s 47F

– we'd be hoping for

Tim Soutphommasane (Race Discrimination Commissioner) and Elizabeth Broderick (Sex
Discrimination Commissioner) – for a look at discrimination. It would involve a 45 minute discussion
followed by 15 minutes of Q&A – conversational in tone, no speeches or presentations need be

s 47F
. The event will be recorded, with video and podcast made freely available on our
website as part of our growing archive of resources (the podcast for this series alone has a large
subscriber base). ABC Radio National would also likely record for broadcast. Speakers are offered an
honorarium of $500 and our preferred date would be Tuesday 25th February from 6.15pm-
7.15pm. If that's just too soon after you begin your new appointment, 11th or 25th March, or 8th or
25th April are also options.

Do let me know whether you have any questions, and of course the time and inclination to participate,
as soon as you can. It would be great to have an indication of your preferred date, so I can get in
touch with other panellists sooner rather than later.

Page 237
Thanks Tim and all best,

s 47F

s 47F

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Page 238
From: Tim Wilson
Sent: Wednesday, 17 February 2016 1:01 PM
To: s 47F
Cc: s 47F
Subject: Re: Correct the record [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Thanks s 47F

Sage-like advice.


Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 M +61 418 228 465 F +61 2 9284 9794

On 17 Feb 2016, at 11:12 AM, s 47F wrote:

It usually works the other way. Politicians or more often their advisors slave away for years
brown nosing the usual suspects so they can leave and luxuriate in some appointed statutory
position often for life or some other long period of time. For instance if one were to delve
deeper into the government's proposed new regulatory authority over unions , which will of
course need a new board of Commissioners, (why not just give the job to ASIC?) you will
find that the originator of the arrangement will have lined up one of the board roles for
Most people can't even imagine having an income of $400k let alone voluntarily giving it's
up. For what it is worth the only difference between $400k and 4 or 5 times that figure is the
size of the exclamation you give when your accountant tells you how much extra tax you
have to pay. Life's style doesn't change that much. You can only eat three meals a day and
sleep in one bed at a time etc etc
So more power to you for giving up the "cushy" for the unpredictable and feckless life of the
I see the Liberal establishment are lining up behind the Downer lass with the usual
"establishment endorsements". Me thinks this is not the time for understatement. Let them
know that what is needed is a fresh and authentic voice, rare in Australian politics. You
might look at appealing directly to the pre selectors claiming that the only people you will be
beholden to is them not some "endorser". To accept the endorsement from a celebrity is an
insult to the pre selectors who are presumed to be too dumb to make up their own minds.
Andrew Robb was a great listener, (as was Howard and Reith.) The pre selectors will be used
to openly voicing their views to their local member who was famous for listening to them.
Most pollies just talk, and usually drivel. Robb is one of the few exceptions to that rule.
Might be wise to remember that and play to their expectations. Give them a good listening to,
then give authentic voice to their concerns. Their deeply felt concerns will be little different
from the rest of us so you can prepare your responses. If they are smart, and most active
party members are, you should get up.

Page 239
Anyway good luck
s 47F

On 16 Feb 2016, at 1:57 PM, Tim Wilson <> wrote:

Apology accepted s 47F I am not offended by money, but it doesn't

motivate are me. Some of us just aren't for the capturing.

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 M +61 418 228 465 F +61 2 9284 9794

-----Original Message-----
From: s 47F
Sent: Tuesday, 16 February 2016 12:39 PM
To:s 47F
Cc: Tim Wilson <>
Subject: Correct the record

It is with much pleasure I must acknowledge that I was wrong. Although I

didn't tell Tim this at the time, I thought that his appointment as a $400k pa
salaried Commissioner would transmogrify after about 6 months to the same
situation as all the others. IE He would start believing he was actually worth
$400k pa for traipsing around the country lecturing us about our bad manners.
(After all that is what all discrimination is about)
To my enormous pleasure I find that I was wrong and he is going to give it all
up for a shot at Andrew Robbs seat.
Good for him and my apologies for doubting him

s 47F

Page 240
s 47F

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Page 241
From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 27 October 2014 10:39 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Re: Email introduction [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Perfect thanks  

> On 27 Oct 2014, at 10:35 pm, "Tim Wilson" <> wrote: 
> Dears 47F  
> Following on from last year, s 47F  is still open to speaking to an IPA event in Australia if it works in his diary. 
> s 47F  I look 
forward to coming and hearing you speak in Australia. 
> s 47F email address is above. 
> Best, 
> Tim 
> Tim Wilson 
> Human Rights Commissioner 
> Australian Human Rights Commission 
> Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0>  
> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://1/0> 
> T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F >   F +61 
2 9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
> E<>  
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Page 242
From: s 47F
Sent: Friday, 5 December 2014 9:57 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Re: Tim Wilson the dodgy santa? [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Haha, very nice.

s 47F

s 47F

On 5 Dec 2014, at 9:51 am, "Tim Wilson" <> wrote:

Dear s 47F

Thank you for your email.

For the past few months I have been engaging in a nation-wide consultation looking
at the human rights issues that exist, and where there is a degree of political
opportunity to advance reform, and what I will be focusing on in 2015.
For the article I was asked what the top three issues are. They are:
1. Property rights reform, particularly removal of barriers for Aboriginal Australia
to exercise their property rights. I am particularly interested in this one
because it leads to a broader discussion about property rights being essential
to the human rights discussion, secondly it shifts the discussion from not just
about having rights, but focusing on the necessity that people have to be able
to exercise them. Too many people engage in the hypocrisy of saying they
respect rights, but then don’t believe people should have the freedom to
exercise them. Property rights is the most glaring exercise. Thirdly because it
is a good entry point for discussion into restrictions on property rights more
generally, and particularly those affect that connect with younger Australians
because restrictions on property rights undermine housing affordability.
2. Religious freedom, particularly because it is being marginalised in the public
square, and because there are tensions between preserving religious
freedom, and the principle of equality before the law, in a pluralistic liberal
democracy with a secular state. There is a desperate need for a respectful
discussion surrounding these issues.
3. Issues surrounding sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex status,
particularly around basic access to health and education services which are
not being addressed and need to be to ensure everyone is being treated
equally by government.
I was only asked for three, but did identify for The Australian that my fourth and fifth
4. Freedom of speech, particularly reform of Section 18C of the Racial
Discrimination Act, as well as many other laws at a State level. You may note
we ran a major conference on free speech in August, however the political

Page 243
appetite to address these issues is disturbingly low. This is an ongoing task
and one that has not been shelved in the slightest.
5. Human rights education, particularly the full history of human rights, not just
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and post-1948 events and
treaties. And more importantly to educate many so-called human rights
groups about what human rights actually are. This is sorely needed within the
entire education system, because an absence of proper and correct
education on human rights means we are not actually teaching the next
generation of Australians the very foundations of our free society. The 800th
anniversary of Magna Carta provides a window of opportunity to correct this
balance. I wrote about this broad theme earlier in the year. A copy of the
article can be found here.
You are welcome to disagree with me on my priorities, but I want to seek and
achieve reform. Not all aspects of that are within my control.
Kind regards,
Straightforward Santa
Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794

From: s 47F
Sent: Friday, 5 December 2014 8:51 AM
To:s Tim Wilson
Cc:4s 47F
F Tim Wilson the dodgy santa?
Tim Wilson the dodgy santa?

Instead of advocating for genuine law reform (the overarching Federal Freedom of 
Expression Bill or Freedom of Political Communication Bill that leading politicians have
before them but the media refuse to discuss, and a referendum for a US style First
Amendment) Tim Wilson insults the intelligence of all Australians with his unwanted
Christmas present.
Apparently he now thinks freedom of expression is no longer a right that really counts
(Canberra attack on basic freedoms, Legal Affairs, 5/12) but only property, religious freedom
and sexual orientation rights do. Has he joined the minority groups who now rule our nation -
turning Australia from a democracy into a minocracy? Is he now champion of bikie gangs,
religious fundamentalists (niqab wearers) and those gays who want hate speech laws to
benefit them too?
Perhaps he now truly belongs at the Orwellian Human Rights Commission.
Note: I expect the usual censorship from s 47F Their support of free expression has
always been tokenistic - designed to return a compliant Government and protect their own
rent seeking monopoly in the so called free market of ideas. The border must be kept open so
the elite can profit from mass unselective immigration? The population must be controlled
and ‘re-educated’ so that they make each and every cultural concession that the new
superdiverse electorate demands? The resulting problems must be hidden and cannot be
spoken of? True speech is hate speech? Slavery is freedom? Big brother knows best!

Graham Hyde 
Page 244
s 47F


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Page 245
From: s 47F
Sent: Friday, 28 August 2015 4:57 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: Voluntary Euthanasia and human Rights [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Follow Up Flag: Flag for follow up

Flag Status: Completed

Hi Tim

Draft response below. I’ve taken some of this wording from your National Press Club speech and
some from the R&R report. Not sure your views re advanced health directives but assume you’re
supportive! I also had a discussion with s 47F who said that the Commission
hasn’t got an agreed position on euthanasia…

s 47F

s 47F

From: Tim Wilson  
Sent: Monday, 17 August 2015 3:33 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: RE: Voluntary Euthanasia and human Rights [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Page 246

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

Sent: Monday, 17 August 2015 3:33 PM 
To: Tim Wilson 
Subject: RE: Voluntary Euthanasia and human Rights [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Do you want me to draft a response?

From: Tim Wilson  
Sent: Monday, 17 August 2015 3:32 PM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: FW: Voluntary Euthanasia and human Rights [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

From: Tim Wilson []  
Sent: Monday, 17 August 2015 2:06 PM 
To: Tim Wilson 
Subject: Fwd: Voluntary Euthanasia and human Rights 

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
s 47F

Begin forwarded message:

Page 247
From: s 47F
Date: 17 August 2015 13:38:06 AEST
To: <>
Subject: Voluntary Euthanasia and human Rights
Tim Wilson
Australian Human Rights Commissioner

Dear Tim

I was very interested in the question Sarah Edelman posed to you on Our Say, relating to the
“Liberal” Party and their ultra conservative approach to the issue of voluntary euthanasia and assisted
dying, and whether those dying with a terminal illness should have a Right to request an assisted
death. I must say I am confused and disappointed with your response.

For instance, you said –

“I don’t think there has been a robust enough discussion”
- FACT. There has been debate and discussion on this issue in various Australian Parliaments
since 1995. Surely 20 years is long enough! There have been more than 30 attempts to
pass legislation in Australia in those 20 years, including at least 15 attempts in South
Australia alone. (Ref page 36 of the Australia 21, background paper, How should Australia
regulate voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide?
content/uploads/2013/08/ASAssisteddyingBP1.pdf ) As you know the Northern Territory did
pass legislation in 1995, only to have it overturned by a Federal Liberal Government.

- FACT. In addition to Parliamentary debate there have been numerous inquiries, reports,
reputable polling showing 70 -85 % support, opinion pieces, and forums such as the Australia
21 Roundtable. For example please read the Australia 21 Report

- FACT. So many people wanted to hear the Professor Peter Singer vs Catholic Archbishop
Fisher debate on Thursday 13th August 2015 that the venue had to be changed from Sydney
University Great Hall to the Sydney Town Hall, with 2000 attending. This shows the
considerable interest in this issue. Please take the trouble to read this report on the debate –
talk-about-voluntary-euthanasia/story-fnpug1jf-1227483377440 With respect, do the last two
sentences in this report apply to you as well as to many of our MPs - I trust not?

FACT. The 100’s of submissions to the De Natale Inquiry and the Victorian Inquiry into End of Life
Choices are still more examples of discussion. The high rate of polling in these three ABC Vote
Compass polls also indicates considerable public interest in the issue compared with other issues –
For QLD -
For VIC -

“we haven’t really had that discussion around what type of law and how can that be achieved,
and how can safeguards be in place”
- FACT We have had that discussion. Please refer to Point 1. The original Northern Territory Act
and Regulations would be a useful starting point for the type of law and appropriate safeguards.

- FACT. Oregon USA has had assisted dying legislation working well since 1997. Washington
State and Vermont have essentially copied the Oregon legislation. Australia does not have to
reinvent the wheel!!!

- FACT. Quebec province in Canada held a Parliamentary Inquiry over two years into End of
Life Choices. I have attached a summary of the findings. In June 2014 this report lead to the
Quebec Parliament passing an Act respecting end-of-life care, which allows terminally ill
patients to choose an assisted death. The vote was 94 in favour and only 22 against, and all
Page 248
four political parties WORKED TOGETHER to achieve this result. The Act was passed with a
standing ovation! Please note the similarity between the name of this Act and the title of the
current Victorian Inquiry.

- FACT. It was thought there would be a challenge to this Quebec legislation, but instead - The
Supreme Court of Canada, February 2015, in a unanimous decision by 9 judges has stated
"The prohibition on physician-assisted dying infringes the right to life, liberty and security of
the person in a manner that is not in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice,"
and has given the Canadian Parliament 12 months to introduce legislation to comply with the
Supreme Court guidelines.

There can be no doubt that this “fundamental justice” should also apply to all Australians!

“it also needs to ally with what the politicians are interested in doing.” You will note that Sarah’s
question referred to the “Liberal” Party, and their belief – “We Believe: In the inalienable rights and
freedoms of all peoples; and we work towards a lean government that minimises interference in our
daily lives;…..”
- FACT. On analysing three recent votes on assisted dying we find a result totally inconsistent
with this “Liberal” philosophy, given that it was a so called “conscience” vote!

- NSW on Faehrmann Bill: Labor voted 8 For / 5 Against = 61.5% in Favour of VE.
Coalition voted 14 Against and 4 abstentions = 0% in favour;
Tasmania on Giddings/McKim Bill: Labor vote 7 / 3 = 70% in Favour of VE.
Coalition voted 10 Against = 0% in favour;
WA on Chapple Bill in 2010: Labor voted 6 / 5 = 54.5% in Favour of VE. Liberals
voted 15 Against = 0% in favour. Nationals voted 1 / 4 = 20% in favour;

There is an obvious trend. If the Liberals had voted with the same proportions as Labor on
this apolitical topic, there would now be 4 out of 6 States in Australia with VE legislation. It is
only the Liberals and Nationals who consistently vote against VE legislation. It is statistically
impossible that in a conscience vote on three Bills in three States not one Liberal MP is in
favour, given that 4 out of 5 Australians are in support!

Question: I would appreciate your view as Australian Human Rights Commissioner as to the morality
of Liberal MPs denying this Right of choice in dying to Australians in this way.

As has been pointed out to me since your response on My Say: “Surely it is the role of Australia's
Human Rights Commissioner to champion rights issues irrespective of the government's appetite to
discuss them?”

“there is interest in issues around end of life care for instance in the Victorian Parliament”.
- FACT. If you take the trouble to read the submissions to this Inquiry, you will find that the
vast majority published so far discuss the importance of assisted dying and/or voluntary
euthanasia and are in support of it as part of end of life care.

“It’s much more of an issue of laws and safeguards to make sure that the rights of people who
wish to continue to live are never violated”.
- FACT. Sarah’s question was specific to the terminally ill. By definition a person who is
“terminally ill” is going to die even though they may wish to live – otherwise their illness is not

- FACT. All members of my group, Christians Supporting Choice for Voluntary Euthanasia, would
agree that the terminally ill need to be treated with compassion and care, supported by family, friends
and the community, and treated as precious members of the human family.

We also believe that palliative care provides an essential service for the dying. However we know that
the facts show even the best PC does not provide adequate relief of suffering to 2 to 5% of those
dying. Symptoms such as uncontrollable vomiting of blood and faecal material due to an inoperable
blocked bowel, is an example where pain relief is not effective.

Page 249
The last resort in palliative care, when all else fails, is to put the person into a medically induced
coma, known as terminal sedation, where they gradually starve or dehydrate to death, a
circumstance that family and the nursing and medical staff can find extremely distressing to watch.

Terminal sedation is accepted by the medical profession and the Catholic Church as an appropriate
and religiously ethical last resort, as the stated intention is ‘to relieve suffering’. No reporting is
involved, and the patient need not even be asked.

Yet if the dying patient requested, “Rather than starve me to death in a coma, with the trauma of
having my family watch this slow death, please give me the next few days medication in a single
dose”, this would be illegal.

Question: As the Australian Human Rights Commissioner would you please explain to me why it is
morally acceptable for Australians to have the “Freedom” or the “Right” that the slow death procedure
should be within the law but not the other alternative?

Question: As the Australian Human Rights Commissioner, can you please point me to the “laws and
safeguards” currently in place that ensure the Rights of the terminally ill in the context of terminal
sedation are not violated?

- FACT. Dr Rodney Syme has made a mockery of the existing law in Victoria on assisting a
suicide and challenged the DPP to take him to court. This has not occurred. Why? Because
the public would believe that the Dr Syme is acting with due care and doing the moral and
ethical thing to relieve the suffering of the dying patient by providing the patient with the
means to end their life quickly, at a time of their choosing, without further suffering.

“There isn’t much interest in that, in the interest of Euthanasia at the moment.”
- FACT. Each week there are currently between 10 to 30 references to articles and opinion
pieces on voluntary euthanasia or assisted dying in the media in Australia. If you are interested I
can arrange to have you included in the group email each week providing links to these articles.

“I’m most open to having that discussion.”

- FACT. I have attached my submission to the Victorian Inquiry to help get this discussion
rolling. I have also attached RIP Keith – a piece typical of why people want the Right and
Freedom to have legal choice in dying. I can provide many more files if you wish to discuss
the issue with me further. I feel sure the other Dying with Dignity and Voluntary Euthanasia
groups in Australia would be willing to do the same.

- FACT. On an issue involving ethics, morality and the Rights of the individual I find the recent
comments by two prominent Anglican Christian leaders very relevant. Lord Carey, former
Archbishop of Canterbury and head of the world wide Anglican church, speaking in support of
the Falconer Assisted Dying Bill before the House of Lords, UK, said: it would not be "anti-
Christian" to ensure that terminally ill patients avoid "unbearable" pain, and "One of the key
themes of the gospels is love for our fellow human beings ... Today we face a terrible
paradox. In strictly observing accepted teaching about the sanctity of life, the church could
actually be sanctioning anguish and pain – the very opposite of the Christian message." (Ref
proposal ) and in a more recent statement Lord Carey said: Assisted dying would be
‘profoundly Christian and moral” (Ref
Christian-and-moral-former-Archbishop-of-Canterbury.html )

Former Archbishop Desmond Tutu, one of the most revered religious leaders, also speaking
in support of the Falconer Bill said: "I have been fortunate to spend my life working for dignity
for the living. Now I wish to apply my mind to the issue of dignity for the dying. I revere the
sanctity of life - but not at any cost.". (Ref : )

I look forward to your considered response to the points and questions I have raised.

Yours sincerely

Page 250
s 47F
s 47F

Page 251
From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 7 July 2014 4:48 PM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: Free speech 2014 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Thanks Tim. I’m sure the readers of Hey would be most interested! 

From: Tim Wilson []

Sent: Monday, 7 July 2014 4:39 PM
To: s 47F
Subject: Free speech 2014 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Dear s 47F

As Editor of the IPA’s Hey what did I miss, I would be most appreciative if you could advertise the
Australian Human Rights Commission’s forthcoming symposium on free speech.‐speech‐2014

Kind regards,


Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

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If you are not the intended recipient, any use or copying of any part
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error, we apologise for any inconvenience and request that you notify
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with any attachments.

Page 252
From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 3 June 2015 9:46 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: IPA lunch in Sydney on Thursday [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Excellent! See you then 

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson []  
Sent: Wednesday, 3 June 2015 9:45 AM 
To:s 47F  
Subject: Re: IPA lunch in Sydney on Thursday [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Hey mate, 

I'll be there. 


Sent from my iPhone ... 

Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
E<> W<>u 

From:s 47F  
Date: 1 June 2015 16:12:02 AEST 
To: s 47F  

Subject: IPA lunch in Sydney on Thursday 

Hi Tim 

We’re having a lunch for IPA donors and friendly journos in Sydney on Thursday – it would be great if you are able to 
join us. Let me know. See invitation below: 

s 47F  
s 47F  


Page 253
The details of the lunch are: 
s 47F  

I hope that you can join us to hear s 47F  insights about the direction of the new majority government, Britain’s 
future with the European Union and the future of the United Kingdom itself following the rise of Scottish 
nationalism. s 47F  will also offer an insider’s account on how the Conservative Party triumphed in the recent 
General Election and what lessons centre‐right parties around the world can learn from their victory. 
Kind regards 
s 47F  


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Page 254
From: s 47F
Sent: Friday, 24 October 2014 12:35 PM
To: Tim Wilson;;s 47F

Thanx Tim looking forward to it 

s 47F   

Which week? 

Before or after election? 

Fridays always out for me 


‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson []  
Sent: Friday, 24 October 2014 10:03 AM 
To:s 47F  
Subject: Lunch [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

Earlier this year I promised to take you s 47F  

I am emailing to make good on that promise, if you wish to take it up, and to find a dates 47F  

I'm mindful that you are probably already planning a Christmas break up, so perhaps I could suggest we could fit in 
with that. 

Let me know your thoughts. 



Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
E<> W<>u 
Page 255
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Page 256
From: s 47F
Sent: Friday, 18 July 2014 10:25 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: Free Speech 2014 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


From: Tim Wilson

Sent: Friday, 18 July 2014 10:21 AM
To: s 47F
Subject: RE: Free Speech 2014 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 

From: s 47F
Sent: Friday, 18 July 2014 10:21 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: RE: Free Speech 2014 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

I’ll check with him about dietary requirements … or do you know if he has any?
s 47F

From: Tim Wilson

Sent: Friday, 18 July 2014 10:19 AM
To: s 47F
Subject: FW: Free Speech 2014 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Can we please include s 47F in the last of complimentary attendees. I want him there so he is
tweeting etc throughout the day. It will connect with an important part of the audience.

Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission 

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794
E W 
Page 257
From: s 47F
Sent: Thursday, 17 July 2014 10:31 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Free Speech 2014
Hi Tim 
Following from our conversation earlier this week, I’d be delighted if you could provide me with a ticket to Free 
Speech 2014. If that’s possible, I’ll book my flights today. 
Warm regards 
s 47F  

Page 258
From: s 47F
Sent: Wednesday, 11 June 2014 10:07 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Re: Update - s 47F s 47F [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Drats. Yes.
We will have a live feed into a room...


s 47F

On 11 Jun 2014, at 9:55 am, Tim Wilson <> wrote:

Thanks. So from this email I should assume that we are now having lunch on the
Saturday? And by that Saturday you mean the Victorian State Election day? Grrr! 
Tim Wilson
Human Rights Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
T +61 2 9284 9836 s 47F F +61 2 9284 9794

From: Tim Wilson []

Sent: Wednesday, 11 June 2014 8:19 AM
To: Tim Wilson
Subject: Fwd: Update - s 47F s 47F

Sent from my iPhone ...

Tim Wilson
s 47F
s 47F s 47F

Begin forwarded message:

From: s 47F
Date: 11 June 2014 6:52:09 AEST
To: Undisclosed recipients: ;
Subject: Update - s 47F s 47F

Dear all

Thanks for your RSVPs for s 47F lunch in


Page 259
We are
really excited so many people are coming along - if you responded with
a very regrettable decline, please ignore this email... If you are still unsure
this may help with your decision!

had some feedback that it would makes things easier for travel and
work plans to make the lunch on s 47F . This
means looking at flights over on the Fridays 47F


s 47F

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Page 260
From: s 47F
Sent: Saturday, 12 November 2016 9:57 AM
To: s 47F ; Tim Wilson;s 47F
Subject: Trump
Attachments: MAVERICKS AND TRUMP.doc

Folks a short note on the subject of the moment, that is a bit diff from others I have read. People are so nicey‐nicey 
with PC now that we forget all reality, and especially, what we owe to strange mavericks, and the necessity of 
peasants' revolts from time to time. Cracking eggshells is not a well‐ordered activity, even less so when Trump has 
to crack almost the entirety of USA and Western commentary. Some rotten egg, some cracking. 


s 47F  

Page 261
From: s 47F s 47F

Sent: Tuesday, 25 November 2014 5:45 PM

To: Tim Wilson
Subject: YOUR INVITATION | Election Night Drinks | Saturday 29 November 2014 | 7.00 -

Follow Up Flag: Flag for follow up

Flag Status: Completed

s 47F

Page 262
s 47F

Page 263
From: s 47F
Sent: Friday, 24 October 2014 11:45 AM
To: Tim Wilson; s 47F

Happy to fit in with everyone else. 

s 47F  



‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson [] 
Sent: Friday, 24 October 2014 10:03 AM 
To: s 47F  
Subject: Lunch [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

Earlier this year I promised to take you all s 47F  

I am emailing to make good on that promise, if you wish to take it up, and to find a date s 47F  

I'm mindful that you are probably already planning a Christmas break up, so perhaps I could suggest we could fit in 
with that. 

Let me know your thoughts. 



Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
E<> W<>u 

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Page 265
From: s 47F
Sent: Monday, 23 February 2015 10:03 AM
To: Tim Wilson; s 47F
Subject: RE: s 47F article today [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Thank you ‐ I will pass that on to her!  

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ 
From: Tim Wilson []  
Sent: Monday, 23 February 2015 10:02 AM 
To: s 47F  
Cc: s 47F  
Subject: s 47F  article today [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 

Is magnificent and brutal at the same time. 

It's genuinely horrifying to read. 

Tim Wilson 
Human Rights Commissioner 
Australian Human Rights Commission 
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://0> GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001<x‐apple‐
T +61 2 9284 9836<tel:+61%202%209284%209836>   s 47F    F +61 2 
9284 9794<tel:+61%202%209284%209794> 
E<> W<>u 

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If you are not the intended recipient, any use or copying of any part of this information is unauthorised. If you have 
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Page 266

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