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Material Flow Accounting as a Tool for Industrial Ecology

Yuichi Moriguchi
Social and Environmental Systems Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies,
16-2 Onogawa Tsukuba Ibaraki 305-8506 Japan
inoriputik2nies. po.ip

Abstract similar inter-related key concepts towards the same target.

Keeping such situation in mind, this paper intends to
Materirtl Flow Accounting (MFA) has been developed rind introduce the overview of Material Flow Accounting
applied to systematically describe the jlow of materials (MFA), one of the tools for above-mentioned research
including resources, products. wristes, and other emissions. fields, show the empirical results from recent international
Overview of MFA methodolog?. and empirical resirlts fiom joint study, and discuss the perspective of studies for
an international joint stirdy of MFA at the nation -wide scale linking the MFA with other inter-related tools.
are presented. From nation-wide scale to conipon!’ or
process level, MFA can play an iniportanr and rrse/irl role 2. Industrial Ecology as a concept and as
f o r benchmarking and improvement of resowce practices
productivity and environmental efjiciency. At any scales,
fiirther integration of MFA with monetary / cost accounting According to the description in the ISiE website[l],
will provide lis with better insights. Meso-scale stlid-v with “industrial ecology asks usto understand how the industrial
economic inpiit-orrtpirt anal-vsis of inter-industrial ntaterial system works, how it is regulated, and its interaction with
flow is one of the promising approaches to link micro level the biosphere; then, on the basis of what we know about
studies and macro level studies. MFA for specific ecosystems, to determine how i t could be restructured to
local/regional areas will be another interesting target of make it compatible with the way natural ecosystems
study from the perspective of the indiisrrial ecology. function .”
Although the term ‘industrial ecology’ itself has not
been very widely used in Japan, numerous academic
1. Introduction studies and practical efforts have been undertaken in
related fields, and those activities have been expanding
A number of key concepts have been proposed to rapidly. Industries, universities as well as public research
transform industrial ztivities into more environmentally institutes have been playing active roles according to their
harmonious manner. In particular for manufacturing individual nature.
industries as key players and audiences, Japanese research When the term ‘industrial ecology’ is used as a
communities have been organizing three international metaphor applying analogy of natural ecosystem to
conferences with the prefix ‘Eco’, namely, Eco-design, industrial production system, a key feature of the ‘ecology’
Eo-balance and Eco-material. In addition, a large-scale lies in the inter-dependence and/or co-existence among
exhibition on Eco-products has also been organized. multiple components of a whole system. “Metabolisd’
Internationally, the International Society for Industrial seems to be another key word in this analogy.
Ecology (ISIE) was recently established, which may cover Understanding of material and energy flows plays a key
all of above research fields. Needless to say, these key role both in natural ecosystem and industrial system.
concepts are inter-related and often overlapping with each Besides such conceptual discussions, a lot of actual
other. Therefore, tools for supporting these concepts can practices have been undertaken mainly by manufacturing
be commonly used. Although this paper is titled with industries and various tools to support such practices have
‘tool for industrial ecology’, the tool can be shared by been developed, in order to move towards the goal of the

0-7695-1266-6/01 $10.00 0 2001 IEEE 880

industrial ecology. Typical tools include Life Cycle In the field of the industrial ecology, MFA (or more
Assessment (LCA), Design for the Environment ( D E ) , and widely, material and energy flow studies) is applied as a
so on. tool to understand an "industrial metabolisd'. For
In order to promote the mutual understanding among industrialized systems, typical inputs are raw materials and
different research communities, it will be useful to learn energy resources, and typical outputs are products and
what kind of topic is studied in this field. For this purpose, by-products including undesirable ones, such as solid
the following list of research subjects is quoted again from wastes and pollutants. Thus the term materials used here
the ISIE website refers not only to industrial raw materials such as metals
- Material and energy flow studies ("industrial and minerals, but also any other materials or substances in
metabolism") broader sense, for example, fossil fuels, sand and gravel for
- Dematerialization and decarbonization construction activities, agricultural, forestry and fishery
- Technological change and the environment products, manufactured products, solid wastes, and so on.
- Life-cycle planning, design and assessment MFA deals mainly with solid materials, but sometimes
- Design for the environment ("eco-design") accounts for air and water as well. Accounting for water
- Extended producer responsibility ("product stewardship") and air is often important so as to keep the mass balance
- Eco-industrial parks ("industrial symbiosis") between inputs and outputs.
- Product-oriented environmental policy The system to be analyzed by MFA is a unit of human
- Eco-efficiency activities, for example, a household, an industrial process,
Needless to say, the first item of the above list denotes an enterprise, an economic sector, a municipality, or a
the MFA itself and other similar studies.. country, as shown in Fig. 1 . Later in this paper, empirical
results from the macroscopic MFA for nation-wide
3. Framework of Material Flow Accounting economy are to be presented. However, for the
perspective of the Eco-design, microscopic studies targeted
3.1 Conceptual framework of MFA on products and companies may be more relevant. In this
context, special attention has to be paid to the similarities
with the Flow Cost Accounting developed in Germany [ 3 ] .
MFA is a systematic tool, which comprehensively
describes material inflows to a system of concern, material
outflows from the system, as well as material throughputs 3.2 Linkage with other systemanalytic
throughout the system [2]. Both of the terms, Material methodologies
Flow Accounting and Material Flow Analysis are
abbreviated as MFA. "Accounting" is often used in the An origin of conceptual framework of MFA can be
integration of environmental and economic aspects, found in the material balance approach in the field of
whereas "Analysis" is used more in general. However, environmental economics and environmental extension of
both of them are often used as an identical term without economic Input-Output analysis since early 1970s.
Recently, similar studies have been made active under the


field of environmental accounting mainly by statisticians
and economic accountants. First atention was paid to
flows of natural resources, because their massive flows
often accompany with significant environmental
implications. As will be described later, amounts of wastes
associated with mining of metal ores are much heavier than
the concentrated and refined metals imported to Japan. In
Company addition, the natural resource accounting was extended to
Industry physical account not only for inputs of resources to the
economic activities but also for their output of wastes and
City Product & pollutants.
Country by product(s) MFA at a nation-wide level is expected to supply a
basis of the development of indicators to measure the level

n Emissions Outputs
of environmental performance towards sustainable
production and consumption. At a microeconomic level,
MFA for a company has already been applied to corporate
& Wastes environmental reporting, and expected to play an important
Fig.1 Framework of Material Flow Accounting role for benchmarking of environmental performance.
Special attention has to be paid to the similarity of MFA
definite differences. and on-going efforts in the field of Life Cycle Assessment

88 1
(LCA). LCA is being developed and applied mainly to lies in its simple principle of the mass conservation law.
industrial products in order to assess overall environmental
impacts throughout their life cycle from the cradle to the 4. Empirical studies of natiowwide MFA
grave. One of the essential steps of LCA is life cycle
inventory (LCI), in which input of energy and resources 4.1 Characterization of material flows in Japan
and output of wastes and pollutants are inventoried for each
life stage of the product to be assessed. This step can be
The material flows to be characterized in this section
considered as a microscopic MFA applied for an industrial
are based on the data compiled through participation in the
international joint project on the nation-wide MFA [5],[6].
This similarity can be understood easily, if we recall
An overview of Japanese material flows in 1995 is shown
the fact that economic Input-Output analysis has been
in Fig. 2. On the input side, about 2 billion metric tons of
actively used for the compilation of database both for LCI
materials form input to the national economy, 1.25 billion
and for MFA. Input-Output tables, though written mainly
tons of which are from domestic extraction, the remaining
in monetary term, are very useful tool to understand
inter-sectoral flows of various materials. In Germany, the 0.75 billion tons being imported. Compared to the 1990
data previously published [2], the share of import increased
Federal Statistical Office has already published the first
so as to make up more than one third. Domestic
official Input-Output table in physical term. Other
extraction consists mainly of construction minerals such as
statistical authorities in Europe are also interested in
stones, sand and gravel, limestone, and so on. Import
physical 1-0 and MFA, thus, environmental extension of dependency is particularly high for metal ores and fossil
1-0 analysis may become mo re popular internationally [4].
fuels, as Japan has only poor stocks of these resource
In these ways, MFA has close relationship with many
categories within its domestic territory. Dependency is
other methodologies for the analysis of the interactions also high for timbers; timber imports to Japan constitute a
between the environment and the economy. The reason
why MFA can play the role as an interface with other tools significant portion of the international timber trade

Including international

...... ....._....

Fig. 2 Overview of nation-wide material flows in Japan in 1995 (unit million tons)

altogether. the world under the globalized market economy.
On the output side, the largest output flow from the However, if the life-cycle-thinking is applied, producers
economy to the natural environmcnt is the emission of and consumers should also pay attention to these upstream
carbon dioxide. Apart from the fact that CO2 is problems hidden behind intermediate and final products.
contributing to climatic change, we must also recognize
that CO2 is the heaviest ‘waste’ generated by industrialized 4.3 International comparison of MFA-based
economies. indicators
Solid waste disposal to controlled landfill sites is also
major component of outputs from the economy to the In the first publication [5] of the joint study by
environment. Waste disposal implies greater environmental Germany, Japan , the Netherlands and the United States in
significance than its nominal weight alone. Reclaiming 1997, the focus was put on material inflows and hidden
coastal areas for this purpose has resulted in a reduction of flows accompanied by resource extraction. Two inflow
wildlife habitats. The weight of waste disposal to landfills indicators were proposed; DMI (Direct Material Input) and
is much smaller than that of the total waste generated, TMR (Total Material Requirement). The TMR is the sum
because three quarters of municipal solid wastes (MSW) of DMI and hidden flows. Japanese TMR is about 45 tons
are incinerated to reduce waste volumes, and a large per capita, which is much lower than other three countries
percentage of industrial wastes are re-used and recycled. (around 85 tons per capita). This is mainly because
The amount of landfill wastes was almost constant until smaller energy consumption per capita and lower
1990, but recently a decreasing trend can be observed, dependency on coal. In terms of DMI per capita, Japanese
thanks to waste minimization and recycling efforts. figure is only slightly smaller than Germany and the United
Other output flows include digested food and feed and States. DMI per capita for the Netherlands is also in the
the dissipative use of products (e.g. solvents, fertilizers and similar level, if the influence by huge transit import flows
pesticides). . to other European countries is adjusted
The total of these output flows is much lower than the Dependency on imported material flows varies largely
total of input flows. More than half of direct material among countries, from less than 10 YOfor the United States
inputs are added to the stocks, which include consumer to 70 % for the Netherlands. Ecological rucksacks
durables, industrial capital, and public infrastructure. accompanied by imports imply various environmental
Their implication is twofold. The stocks may save hture
impacts in trade partners. More specific analysis will be
material inflows if they are useful for future generation. necessary to identify individual problems behind
However, they can be deemed as potential sources of ecological rucksacks.
wastes in the future if they become useless and must be
In the second phase of the study, collection of data and
substituted by new durable products. calculation of indicators for total material outflows were
undertaken by 4 original partners plus Austria. Proposed
4.2 Hidden material flows outflow indicators are DPO (Direct Processed Output) and
TDO (Total Domestic Output). TDO is the sum of DPO
By the international joint study, in addition to direct
material inflows and outflows, hidden flows (originally
named ecological rucksacks in Germany) were quantified,
that was the most essential point of the study. The
I oDornestic Hidden Flows 1
ecological rucksack means indirect material flows, which BO
do not actually enters the economy but occurs when 70
providing those commodities that do enter the economy.
The term implies heavy burdens behind our back. The 2 60
ecological rucksack includes ancillary flows (impurities .S 50
separated by selection and smelter) as well as excavated
or disturbed flows (overburdens) to obtain natural
resources. yI
For example, Japan imports large amount of copper as e 20
concentrate and refined metal. Amount of mining wastes
behind the actual amounts of imported copper is
enormous, of which magnitude is hundred times of 0
commodity mass. Such waste generation is hidden from A UT G ER JA P NET U SA
our view, firstly because the scale of similar industrial
activities in Japan is rather small, secondly because we Fig. 3 International comparison of material outflows
can purchase these refined resources from everywhere in

and domestic hidden flows such as excavated soils. The carefully studied. If the larger environmental burdens
absolute level of DPO per capita in Japan is about 4 metric associated with the extraction of virgin materials is taken
tons without oxygen for combustion and 11 metric tons into account, material recycling will be able to claim the
with the oxygen. These values are relatively small among relative environmental benefit.
the countries studied. Fig. 3 shows international
comparison of outflow indicators. 5.2 Linking bottomup MFA and topdown MFA
According to the analysis of historical trends of inflow
indicators, Japanese TMR per capita has shown upward The above-stated nation-wide MFA is based on the
trends. This coincides with the increase of waste outflows. top-down approach, in which national statistics are used as
DPO and TDO in Japan grew 20 percent during the period main data sources. On the other hands, a bottomup
1975- 1996. These growths occurred mainly after the late approach to account for inflows and outflows is actually
1980s. Before then, DPO was almost constant and TDO carried out as a LCI studies (as so-called foreground data),
decreased slightly. environmental reporting and material flow cost accounting
Material output intensity, that is, DPO or TDO per at a corporate level. Such a bottomup MFA may directly
constant unit of GDP declined until 1990 because of larger contribute to improvements in daily environmental
growth in the monetary economy than in physical management. In addition, more hopefully, the bottomup
throughput. However, since 1990, de-coupling between data may fill the gap of the top-down approach.
economic growth and material throughput has not been In order to strengthen a linkage of two approaches, it
improved, because DPO and TDO have continued to will be useful to employ a framework of economic
increase, while economic growth has slowed down. Input-Output tables. As already stated, the framework of
Net additions of materials to the stock (NAS) in the 1-0tables is suitable to systematically describe the flow of
Japanese technosphere have fluctuated in accordance with materials among industrial sectors. Fig. 4 is a schematic
patterns of governmental and private investment. NAS diagram that describes how to capture inter-industrial
increased significantly in the late 1980s, then stabilized at a material flows and how to link bottom up material flow and
lower level in 1990. 1-0 tables. This approach ensures the consistency
between monetary flows and physical material flows.
5. Possible applications of MFA Another opportunity of useful application exists in
MFA at a local level, namely MFA within a small
5.1 Implications of MFA for Eco-design studies geographical system boundary. MFA can be a useful tool
to describe how different activities within a studied area are
In contrast to above-stated massive material flows, inter-related, and to find how better inter-dependence of the
mainstream of Eco-design studies seems to focus on activities can be realized. This is an essence of “industrial
microscopic issues of assembly-based industries, typically, metabolism”. Within the terminology list of industrial
electronic and office equipment industries. Nevertheless, ecology, studies on “eco-industrial parks (industrial
MFA is still relevant to such industries. Because of symbiosis)” fit to MFA of this type. Some of
extensive spread of equipments such as personal computers, Zero-Emission studies in Japan are quite relevant to this
and photocopiers, overall resource input streams and waste point.
output streams, as well as energy consumption during their
use contribute considerable share in the total national 5.3 MFA for better understanding of waste flows
activity. Even if the absolute size of impact by a single
equipment is small, overall effect of improvements in Minimization of solid wastes disposal is one of h e
environmental efficiency of these equipments is quite environmental policy agenda in many countries including
significant even in the nation-wide level. Japan. Conventionally, the amount of solid wastes has
As the ecological rucksacks are relatively large for been measured at “the end of pipe”, wherever wastes are
non-ferrous metals, the issue is quite relevant to electronic actually generated or treated. However, statistics based on
and office equipments, which are typical target of this approach often overlook some of waste streams.
Eco-Design studies. Ecological rucksacks of imported Alternative approach can be derired from MFA, where
intermediate and final products have not been estimated in waste streams are captured as a part of whole material
detail, because of limited data availability and enormous flows and ensuring the consistency with inflows in terms of
efforts needed, as in the case for LCA. This gap has to be mass conservation. Accounting of recycle flows of
filled because target products of Eco-design studies often materials is an issue of high priority. Such accounting is
contain many environmentally significant elements. essential to develop and measure indicators representing
Quantity aspect as well as quality aspect of wastes for the state and performance of material recycling activities.
mining and refining the ores of these metals has to be


Fig.4 Extended view of industry’s interaction with the environmnt through Input Output tables

6. Conclusion Referencecs

MFA can play an important and useful role for 1. http:/

benchmarking and improvemnt of resource productivity 2. Moriguchi, Y. (1999), Recycling and waste management from
and environmental efficiency. At any scales, further the viewpoint of material flow accounting, Journal of Material
integration of MFA with monetary / cost accounting will Cycles and Waste Management, \(I), 2-9.
3. Strobel, M and Redman, C (2000) Flow Cost Accounting,
provide us with better insights. Meso-scale study with
Institut fur Management und Umwelt.
economic input-output analysis of inter-industrial materia 1 4. EUROSTAT(2001):Economy-wide material flow accounts and
flow is one of the promising approaches to link micro level derived indicators. A methodological guide, 92pp.
studies and macro level studies. MFA for specific 5. Adriaanse, A., Bringezu, S., Hammond, A., Moriguchi,
local/regional areas will be another interesting target of Y., Rodenburg, E., Rogich, D., and Schuetz, H.(1997),
study from the perspective of the industrial ecology. Resource Flows: The Material Basis of Industrial
On the other hand, there still remain many issues to be Economies, World Resources Institute, Washington D.C.,
solved. The most critical problem is data availability; in
particular, poor availability for estimating imported hidden 6. Matthews E., Amann, C., Bringezu, S., Fischer-Kowalski, M.,
flows. Institutional/statisticalbacking for data gathering Huettler, W., Kleijn, R., Moriguchi, Y., Ottke, C., Rodenburg, E.,
and compilation is not sufficient. To meet the policy Rogich, D., Shandl, H., Schuetz, H., van der Voet, E., and Weisz,
needs for MFA, m n y detailed technical issues have to be H. (2000), The weight of nations -Material outflows from
discussed. industrial Economies-, World Resources Institute, Washington
D.C., 125pp


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