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Real Social Dynamics - The Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective Way to Attract Women


“Get the Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective Way to Attract
the Women You Always Wanted”
We’ll show you how to attract any women in any situation through LIVE
SCHEDULE demonstration in the field in any city of your choice...


FAQ “These guys represent the cutting edge of knowledge CLICK HERE
AFFILIATES when it comes to meeting women, and you can't go Coming Soon...

CONTACT wrong investing your time and money with them.”

ABOUT US - David DeAngelo


Field Coaching
Master Dating Coaches will DEMONSTRATE it through
real life situations BY BEING YOUR COACH AND
PERSONAL WINGMAN while approaching women with
you in real life. This is neither theory nor generalized
information. This is direct instruction of exactly how to do
Seminar Coaching



Learn what works in seminar, and then jump directly into the field and watch the instructors
demonstrate and teach it LIVE .

“I’ve always heard that the best way to get good with women was to learn directly from
naturals. Well these guys would have been better described as SUPER naturals. All
of them. I just watched how they did it, and light bulbs were going off in my head. I feel like I
finally “get it.” It’s actually so easy, but to get this stuff you need to be AROUND it and SEE it
being done. After a few years of reading and studying, it was only once I saw it IN (1 of 15)09/11/2005 17:32:08

Real Social Dynamics - The Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective Way to Attract Women

PERSON that I really understood what I’d spent so much time learning about.”
- Chris T. from Chicago, IL, USA

A Quick Message from Tyler

I am a dating coach. I am phenomenally good with women. If there is a type of girl, or a

specific girl that you want, chances are that I can get her.

I don’t just teach this in a classroom or write books about it. Every weekend, I take guys out
and show them how to do it. I demonstrate it myself, and carry them through their barriers
so that they can do it too. I teach in a structured way so that anyone can “get it,” and I make
it an awesomely fun experience.

Now I want to share an important life philosophy of mine: knowing the distinction between

“REACTIVE: A short sighted emotional response that ignores the existence of a

larger problem.”

Chances are that you won’t get the girl that you want by waiting around for it to happen. And
even more likely, you won’t get her by obsessing, chasing, or trying to impress her. That is
reactive, and will only make you seem more undesirable.

While you’re trying to logically persuade a girl to feel attraction for you, and going home at
night thinking about new ways to convince her to like you even more, there is a guy who is
good with women that knows how to attract her naturally and immediately and without any
persuasion. He is attractive. It is not something he does. It is a part of who he is.

To attract a specific woman you must learn to be attractive to women in general.

Learning to be good with women is a learnable skill like any other. If you’re a smart guy
with the right resources, you can learn this skill in the same way that you’ve learned
anything else in life.

“PROACTIVE: A set of habits that deal with expected challenges by responding

automatically as they come up.”

Being proactive means gaining experience, meeting many new women, and practicing, so
that when you meet the right girl it will be second nature to you.

In fact, it means temporarily getting out of the mindset that you are trying to get one
particular girl, and getting in the mindset of evolving yourself into a guy who is good with
women first.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll have gone from being the guy who winds up with whatever girl
is interested, to being the guy who can choose the girl who is really his best match. You’ll be
a guy who is good with women in general, and attracting that particular girl you want will
be an automatic thing.

You might be reading this and wondering if it’s true. When I was younger, I read everything
out there on this subject and most of it was impractical theory written by people who weren’t
really good with women themselves. That was a big reason for why I built this program – I
had to teach myself. Life is too short and I had no ego about it. The ability to attract women
is a skill that every man should have.

I can make big changes to a guy in one weekend. Since becoming a figurehead of self-
improvement, I’ve looked into just about every class out there. And in all my experiences, I
haven’t seen any approach that helps guys to make real lifestyle changes the way that this
one does. (2 of 15)09/11/2005 17:32:08

Real Social Dynamics - The Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective Way to Attract Women

It took me a long time to get the formula down to what it is now, and I was good with women
for a while before I became the best at teaching it. But at this point, for me to teach a guy to
be good with women isn’t that hard. I can teach it to just about anyone – it is very realistic.

I love my work. It is a reflection of who I am. I have no magic pill for you and it takes a bit of
effort. But in one weekend I can show you up close how I do it and I can start the process of
getting you doing it too. I can answer all your questions, and I can work with your existing
strong points to help you build your own style that isn’t a clone of somebody else.

My crew and I have been teaching this stuff for years and we’ve seen every type of guy with
every kind of sticking point that’s out there. We’ve worked with guys who are terrified of
women, guys who are phenomenal and curious to learn from the best, and every type of guy
in between.

You won’t have to spend away time studying books or tapes and guessing what they’re trying
to tell you. We will show you exactly how it’s done, so that you’re right up front in the action
and so you get all of the attention and help that you need.

What you choose to do with that help afterwards is up to you. But we can take months or
even years off of your learning curve, no matter how novice or advanced you are.

So if you’re thinking of learning about pickup and how to meet the right girl, and you want to
learn it in the shortest period of time possible from the best teachers in the world, check out
our newsletter and have a look at the rest of the site…

Some Words on the FREE RSD Newsletter...

I want to introduce you guys to a good friend of mine, fellow RSD’er and the writer of our
newsletter: “Jeffy” AKA “Jeffrey L. Allen the Ninth” AKA “Jlaix”

Jeffy writes a newsletter for us, that is the most content-rich source of free pickup
information available on the internet. Newsletters are a tool that a number of cheesy
marketers use to spam their clients, but what we’re doing here is a different approach.

The RSD Newsletter is filled with all sorts of useful content. Jeffy covers all the weird details
of his life as a pickup aficionado, breaks down questions sent in by readers, and posts up new
articles from himself and the other RSD coaches.

You can use the newsletter to get a feel for the way we do things and what we’re all about. I
really believe that Jeffy’s newsletters represent the quality and realness of RSD as a whole,
and that you’ll find a ton of useful goodies inside. You can easily “unsubscribe” in one click
(the button is easy to find) at any point.

Here's What Some People are Saying About

the FREE E-Course Newsletters

“I love the newsletters you guys put out. It's packed full of information ...
information that I could take out and use immediately (that's how I know Jeffy's
tips really work). Not only that but they're also funny as hell. I read them at work and I can
alleviate my boredom and learn some great pick up skills at the same time. I can't believe
you guys give this stuff away for free!.”
- Michael A. from Pasadena, CA, USA

When you enter your email, you also get the link to a two hour free audio delivered to your
inbox as well. The free audio is a recording of a short dating seminar that I did in San (3 of 15)09/11/2005 17:32:08

Real Social Dynamics - The Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective Way to Attract Women

Francisco, filled with a ton of constructive and entertaining stuff that was on my mind at the
time. The audio should also satisfy your curiosity as to what I sound like, so you can match it
to what you’re reading here.

Here are a few samples so that you know what to expect. I recommend you have a
look. You may find them enlightening.

Click HERE to Read Sample Newsletters Before You Subscribe

Learn how to ATTRACT THE WOMEN YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED any place, anytime, and in
any situation! Get your FREE E-Course newsletters with hundreds of "amazing" attraction tips and
techniques -- A $147 VALUE! Receive regular newsletters for FREE!

Tell Your Friends About Us -- But Not Your Competition.


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Now I want to move to answer some of the big questions that we get at RSD.

There's This One Girl That I "Actualy Like". She's

Different. How Do I Get Her?
You’re not going to want to hear this, but chances are that you won’t be getting her any time

There is a lot of information on this site, and plenty for guys who are already good with
women. But if you came here to seek advice on how to get a particular girl then you are
probably ignoring the existence of a larger shortcoming: you don’t know how to get girls in

If you were generally good with women, then getting this one girl would be an automatic
thing. Believe it or not, there are plenty of guys out there who wouldn’t have any trouble
sparking an interest with your special girl. One of those guys may be with her right now.

So rather than being reactive and trying to compensate for knowing how to get this one girl,
be proactive and fix the larger problem. That doesn’t mean you have to become a slime-ball.
It just means learning how to interact with women confidently, while knowing how to take
things the next level without making them feel pressured or uncomfortable.

What Do You Mean I'm Being "Reactive"?

You’re basically the equivalent of the kid who waits until the last day before the exam to start
doing what he should have been doing all along.

You didn’t create a set of habits that would handle expected challenges as they came up. So
now you’re obsessing about this girl, even doing searches on the internet, trying to find help (4 of 15)09/11/2005 17:32:08

Real Social Dynamics - The Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective Way to Attract Women

too late in the game. You want the magic pill or super line to get this girl now, because like
most guys you haven’t cultivated what it takes to get her naturally.

Sound similar to the kid scrambling to find cheat notes on the internet? Yes, it does.

But My Situation is Different. This Girl and I are Meant

to be Together. I Can't Wait That Long...
No. You are a chode. You are too much of a dork to get this girl at this time.

What is a "Chode"?
“Chode” is an expression that was adapted and popularized at RSD by Jeffy, the writer of our
newsletter and a long time executive coach. How do you define “chode” in a way that does it
justice? What truly encapsulates chodeness in its truest form?

Well, as far as we’re concerned here: A chode is a guy who thinks that he can use money,
looks, favors, or magic pickup lines to get girls. And because he doesn’t know how
attraction works, he develops all sorts of dorky personality traits to match. Chodes are all
around us. We are surrounded by chodes.

A chode’s hobbies could include rolling out with a bumping car stereo and honking at girls,
standing against the walls of clubs with a drink pressed up against his chest, getting wasted
in order to socialize, sending flowers across the room to girls that he doesn’t yet know,
buying extra generic clothes that fit-in to look stylish, bragging to his friends about how he
thinks his platonic female friends want to hook up with him, and watching porn instead of
going out. He doesn’t know the wiser.

Have you ever been out with a few girl friends (as in girl friends – you do have at least a few
female friends, right?), and some guy tries to impress them while they roll their eyes to each
other without him noticing. That guy had a name: “Chode.”

Chodes are always on the look out for girls in distress, so that they can go overboard (way
past what the girl even wanted) to try to impress her. They think that every woman is a
damsel in distress that they must rescue or woo in courtship. Their approach to women is to
“supplicate” and “get lucky.”

What is "Supplication"?
(From: “The Blueprint” – a book that I busted my ass writing and that’s coming out soon…)

The act of doing something for a girl that you wouldn’t normally do, in the hopes of getting
affection from her in return is called “supplication.” Supplication is something that occurs
when being too nice sets up a dynamic between the two of you where it’s implied that she has
a higher social value than you do, because you can’t attract her based on your personality.
That could include performing any kind of favor that has an agenda for a girl with whom
you’ve not already had sex, from drinks, to compliments, to flowers, to gifts, to any of the
other behaviors already mentioned.

To avoid supplicating does not mean that you can never do these things. In fact, to
deliberately not supplicate as a tactic of getting a girl to like you could be viewed as a form of
supplication in itself. Rather, to determine whether or not you are supplicating, you can ask
yourself, “Why would I want to do these things? Am I trying to manipulate her to like me?
Wouldn’t she have liked me anyway? Even if I was brought up to act this way, is it an
essential part of who I am, or am I just attached to the romantic imagery of it?” If the answer
is “yes,” then you are supplicating.

Not supplicating is something that must be a part of who you are. It comes from having a
clear boundary inside of yourself, as to what behavior you accept and what you do not (5 of 15)09/11/2005 17:32:08

Real Social Dynamics - The Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective Way to Attract Women

accept, both from yourself and others. It can be something that you do to challenge a
woman, and to set yourself apart from other guys. But it also must be something that you do
because it is an expression of your world view – that you don’t need a woman’s validation to
feel comfortable with yourself, and that you don’t need to do the things that other guys think
they need to do in order to be attractive.

OK, I Realize That I've Made Some Mistakes. But There's

This One Girl That I'm Best Friends With, And I Want To
Take It To The Next Level. How Can I Recover?
Unlikely. Girls like to keep around nice guy friends, aka “girlfriends” or “orbiters,” to boost
their self esteem. They don’t think of these guys as sexual prospects, but as nice friends who
can take care of them and listen to their problems. Ask a girl what she thinks of that kind of
guy, and she’ll probably say something like: “He’s so nice. Some girl will like him. We’re
friends. I just don’t think of him like that.”

You can’t be her girlfriend or orbiter for an indefinite period of time, and suddenly jump out
of the closet yelling – “Surpriiise!!! I have a dick now!!!” Think of the trauma you’ll be
causing her.

If you want to recover, you won’t do it with a line or a tactic. You’ll have to become a guy who
does well with women, and make sure that she knows it. Not by talking about being that guy,
but by really being that guy.

But Normal Guys Get Girls. Why Do I Need To Learn This

Most guys rely on “getting lucky,” which is an apt expression because that is really what
they’re doing – relying on luck. They don’t understand how they’re doing it, how they’ve
done it in the past, or how to do it again in the future. So they wait around until luck strikes.

The ability to attract women is a skill that every man should have.

Not being able to attract a mate is linked so all sorts of self-esteem problems. Joking aside,
the main reason I built this program was because when I was younger and couldn’t meet the
right girl, it was a major headache for me. It totally deflated all the other great things I was
doing, because I felt like there was a missing piece in my life. Later I realized that there was
something missing inside of me, but we’ll get to that later. The point is that when you have
the confidence to get this one area solved and it’s no longer on your mind, so many other
things seem to fall into place.

But Can't I Just Get This One Girl And Not Have to Worry
About All This?
It’s possible. But remember that girls have sexual options in front of them all the time. If
your girlfriend perceives you as a guy who doesn’t have options, then how can you expect
her to respect you as a man?

She’ll always know that she has more options than you do, and when your relationship goes
through the natural bumps you’ll feel like you have to bend over backwards to hold onto her.
It’s a vicious cycle, and sooner or later you’re going to have to come back and get this
handled. So better now than later.

Get the skill. Just the act of starting will do big things for you internally. The first thing that
it will do is ease down your swelling of neediness, because you’ll be psyched about meeting
new girls. The second thing that it will do is improve your skill set with women in general, so
that you can be a bit more attractive to your special girl. And the third thing that this do is
put things in perspective, because in the process of practicing you might meet a girl who you (6 of 15)09/11/2005 17:32:08

Real Social Dynamics - The Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective Way to Attract Women

like even more that your current chode-obsession.

Think about what this has cost you already. The time spent moping and thinking about girls
you don’t get. The money spent on dates that don’t go anywhere. If you have a date or meet a
girl that you want, do you know the exact steps to make it happen? Think about where you’ll
be in five years if this cycle of neediness continues.

Most people walk through life in a trance, and react to problems as they come up. Take a
hand in proactively veering your life in a worthwhile direction: Go after the skill for now,
and the girl will come naturally later. Your relationship will be better off for it, too.

But How Can It Be "Just a Skill-Set"?

Attraction is an emotional and biological response. At the core, women and men respond to
the same thing: VALUE.

Value is jargon for anything that aligns with survival and reproduction. And because our
emotions are supposed to align with what helps us (even though they don’t always),
whatever makes us feel good emotions is attractive.

So when a woman says that she wants a man who is “tall,” what she really wants is the
emotion of security that she gets from being with a tall man. If you have the skill to make a
woman feel secure around you, then you’ll have value to her and you’ll have fulfilled her
criteria for attraction.

That’s just one of the most obvious examples. This stuff runs a lot deeper. The point is that
any guy can get a girl that he likes, if he knows how. It just a skill set – like sports or dance
or school or anything else.

So Looks Really Don't Matter?

No. Things are easier when you “look good” because having a style that you feel good about
gives you more confidence. But you don’t need to be physically “good looking.”

Just because you’re shallow doesn’t mean that girls are the same. It just seems that way
because you aren’t getting any emotional response from them.

What About Height?

No. And even if it did, short girls are hot.

What About Age?

The reason many of us don’t do well with girls as we age is because as we get older we are
more prone to acting and dressing like “old people.” At a young age our subconscious minds
process what being old “looks like,” and as we age we tend manifest those behaviors without
even realizing it.

As a guy gets older, he loses the flare of youth, and rationalizes jaded uptightness as
sophisticated maturity. With each passing year, he falls deeper and deeper into a rut of
chodeness – until his chode identity becomes so a part of who he is that it is no longer
possible to separate the man from the chode.

But the truth is that the older you are, the easier it is to attract women – including younger
women. It is the natural order of things. God’s will, so to speak. Most hot girls need a man
who projects that he knows what he’s doing. And with every passing year you have a clearer
idea of who you are, and what you will and will not accept from yourself and others.

Age is never a problem with women. It’s just that sometimes it can be a problem for you.
Sorry to remove your excuses. But you can get as good with women as anyone else, if not (7 of 15)09/11/2005 17:32:08

Real Social Dynamics - The Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective Way to Attract Women


What About...?
“Duhhh.. Duhhh… Uhhh.. What about….” No. It doesn’t matter.

If anything, it’s asking these self-defeating questions that makes you unattractive. And yes,
that is something that we’ll have to fix.

Honestly, when you can get over yourself you’d be surprised what you’re capable of. Let go
of your excuses for not being able to do this, and let’s get down to building this skill set.

But What If I Get "Rejected"?

In actuality – nothing. Life will continue on as normal. But in your head, things might be a
little different.

The emotions that you don’t have in check (hint: that’s part of what makes you a chode)
might act up in funky ways. Worst case scenario: You will feel deflated and bad for several
whole minutes.

But good things will happen too. You’ll wake up the next morning and your brain will have
subconsciously recognized that you’re still alive, that absolutely nothing in your life has
changed, and that “rejection” doesn’t matter.

And that’s a beautiful thing. Because all of a sudden you’ll stop caring and become more
confident and you will stop getting rejected.

On top of that, every “rejection” is a learning experience. Every time that you do something
wrong, your mind processes what happened and trains it self not to make the same mistake

So if you lean in a bit too much, or you talk a bit too fast, or you try a little too hard, you’ll
notice when the girl loses interest and so you’ll naturally pick up on how to do better next

Reframe it in your head: Every “rejection” is a learning experience. There is no such thing
as “rejections.” Only learning experiences.

If you get rejected there is not necessarily something wrong with you – but there is
definitely something wrong with your skills.

Most guys only approach a few women a year (usually accidentally), so they never develop
the skills. But if you practice them every night for a week or a month, your skills with women
will shoot through the roof.

When you have the skills, you can talk to women in a way where they don’t feel pressured, so
“rejection” is never on the table. You won’t be hitting on them and being rejected. You’ll just
talk to them in a way where attraction is a natural thing.

You can get just about any girl. You just have to have the skills.

OK, I Want the Skills. But What Do Women Want?

A man who stands out. A man who can intrigue and excite her without making her pressured
or uncomfortable. A man who knows what he wants and how to get it. And a man who is
truly comfortable with who he is.

Women are usually better at reading subtle social cues than men are. They can infer a lot
about you by observing your subtle body language, eye contact, facial expressions, vocal (8 of 15)09/11/2005 17:32:08

Real Social Dynamics - The Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective Way to Attract Women

tonalities, the way you move, the things you say, and the way that they say them – all in
relation to the other people around you. The communication that takes place through these
channels is called “sub-communication.”

Your value is sub-communicated by your patterns of behavior, and that will determine how
women respond to you.

To have the skills to attract women, you have to know what your behaviors are saying
about you. And you have to know the right mentalities, so that you’ll take on the right
behaviors naturally.

Great. So Where Should I Work On My Skills?

Anywhere. The best places to meet women are social gatherings, where women can
normally be found. If there are enough women around that when you’re done talking to one
woman you can immediately go and meet another, then you’ve found the perfect place to
practice your skills.

What you don’t want is an environment where you’re having to search for women and dwell
on the next approach, because you’ll sketch yourself out thinking about it. Go to where the
girls are at. Even if it’s scary. The truth is that most of these places are just infiltrated by
chodes, and you can demolish these guys with minimal effort.

How Do I Approach?
There is a lot to learn in this area, so we’ll just focus on the fundamentals here.

Don’t do what every single other guy does, and bore her with interview-style interrogations.
Don’t be overly eager or lean in a way that shows neediness. Don’t offer her favors or try to
impress her in any way. And especially don’t use the same generic or even overly bold lines
that all the other guys use.

Just talk. Have fun. Carry yourself confidently and look her straight in the eyes. Be relaxed
and comfortable in the conversation, and speak unhurriedly as you would among friends.

What so few guys realize, and what is such power when you do, is that just being able to walk
up and talk to a girl normally with a cool vibe is something that few guys are capable of.
Most guys think that they need to impress or offer favors or act in a bold way that isn’t
really who they are. They act weird because it doesn’t occur to them that they could act
naturally and still gain attraction. But when you can just walk up and vibe naturally with the
girl, it is actually a big deal because so few guys can do it.

If her friends are getting bored or uncomfortable, include them from the conversation. You
can even do so from the start if you wish. Don’t expect that the girl will run the pick up for
you. Expect that she might not even be responsive at first. You have to know how to deal
with this. Be playful. When you eventually say something intriguing or funny she will open
right up.

Really, the most common mistake that guys make is trying to take value from the girls
instead of offering it. Most guys are like “Sooo.. What’s up? How’s it going? What’s that like?
Uh huh.. Ummm..” That approach sucks.

If you want to ask her questions, that’s cool. It can be low key. But take the conversation in
playful directions. Misinterpret her answers in funny ways. Talk about what her answers say
about her. Joke around together. Spice it up. Give her your story, and talk about what you
find funny. She’ll love how you’re offering something without having an agenda, or trying to
put the conversation on her shoulders. If nothing else, she’ll enjoy finding out about who you

OK, She's Laughing. What Do I Do Now?! (9 of 15)09/11/2005 17:32:08
Real Social Dynamics - The Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective Way to Attract Women

It’s cool to open up and share with her, but you don’t want to be a dancing monkey.

Initially she may not be overly contributive because she doesn’t know you. Or she might be –
it depends. But as you open up to her and she finds out that you’re cool, she must become
invested into the interaction. She has to want to keep you there. It has to be mutual.

Go out and experiment. You’ll be amazed at how your conversational skills will evolve.

This is Great. I've Got Girls Into Me. But What Do I do?
You’ve got two options. Either go for her contact information (phone, email, whatever...), or
just go for it right then and there. A big paradigm shift for most guys is that women like sex.
Many women are frustrated at not being able to meet a man who knows how to read her
signals, and she’s not going to take matters into her own hands because she doesn’t want to
be perceived as what society calls a “slut.”

Besides, if you can’t read her signals, then you’re probably not the kind of man she wants.
Unlike guys, girls really don’t care if a man fails to make things happen because it’s a sign
that he’s not worthy. But that said, on some level she’s hoping that you’ll make it happen,
even if she’s not helping you in any way.

How Do I Ask For a Phone Number?

Great question.

-“Hey, it was great meeting you. I have to go back to my friends. We’ll continue this later.
Give me your number.”

-(Write down your number on a match pack or piece of paper, rip it and hand her the other
half) “Here’s my number. Write down yours.”

-“You seem kind of funny. Did you drink tonight? Will you remember me if I call you
tomorrow? Are you sure? Alright, what’s your number?” (As strange as it sounds, girls will
often force their number on you at this, because they want to prove that they weren’t drunk.)

Realize also that getting a girl’s phone number means nothing. A girl usually won’t deny you
a phone number, because that’s too awkward. But she will ignore your calls if you haven’t
done things properly on the first meet. So you have to have the skill to make her want to
return your calls.

How Do I Bring a Girl Home?

Don’t say, “So, want to come home with me?” That will trigger the girl to say “no,” because
you’re structuring a situation where if she says “yes” then she looks bad.

Just suggest moving to another venue, and if she’s interested then go check out a new place
and from there suggest going to your place to do something interesting or to show her
something cool that you have there.

Have something good at home to give the girl the excuse that she needs to feel good about
going home with you. Don’t push a girl for sex unless you’re somewhere comfortable and
private, because she may want to get to know more about you first.

Don’t make it so that she feels stupid about it afterwards. Be sensitive to the girl’s needs, and
always make her feel good about the experience. Don’t mess up the field for the rest of us by
making her regret her decision and cultivate a bad attitude towards men. Make it so that she
can be excited about it and remember it as a cool thing.

How Do I Get a Girl to be My Girlfriend? (10 of 15)09/11/2005 17:32:08
Real Social Dynamics - The Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective Way to Attract Women

The big thing you’ll notice, is that it’s only when you are truly happy with yourself and don’t
want a girlfriend that girls start stalking you and begging for a relationship.

Aside from that, it comes down to good sex and not coming in as a cool guy and horrifying
her by later transforming into a chode.

OK, The Process Makes Sense. I Have a Basic Idea of

What I Want to Do. But How Do I Get Started?
That’s up to you, but here is a recommendation.

First, know how to implement a habit.

Here is how I personally implement a habit.

Usually I'll get some idea of some over the top thing that I want to accomplish.

So maybe I weigh 120 pounds and I want to make the college football team. Or maybe I've
had failing grades all through high school and I want to get in to the best college. Or maybe I
can't get a girlfriend and I decide to be a better with women than any guy I know. I have tons
of these.

First I will get an idea of what I'm trying to accomplish and what will be involved.

I have the general principle that while I'm not that smart, I know that most other people
aren't that smart either. Or rather, its not that people aren't that smart, but just that most
people walk through life in a trance and generally don't break out of their habits. They just
listen to what other people tell them to do and aren't willing to look at the finer details of
things, so it is easy to get to a high level in any field if you are willing to do that.

Everyone thinks that there are all these conspiracies and super ways that people do things,
but usually the top guys are just as disorganized as the average dudes on the street. It's like
kids at top colleges who pay six figures to attend school. You'd think that they'd show up to
class, but they usually don't show up any more than the kids in cheaper schools.

Human habit is human habit. I figure that there is pretty much no limit of what level I can
reach so long as I have an idea of what the top level looks like. In fact, I assume that I can
surpass it before I even start.

From there, I decide what I'll have to do to get to that point. I figure how long it will take,
and the habits that I'll have to integrate on a day to day.

This is what I consider proactive and logical reasoning. I don't wait until some girl dumps
me to start practicing when I'm emotionally compelled, and then stop going out when I feel
better about myself. That is reactive.

Instead, I figure to myself, “Alright, I have to go out and practice for x-amount of time. Fine.”

At that point I fully accept that this is what I will be doing. I also am unlikely to change my
plans, as I tend to think that if I can’t trust myself to stick to one area then I can’t trust
myself to stick to my next area, so there if I'm going to be like that then there’s no point in
even starting anything.

The big thing for me is that I will get out there whether the conditions are ideal or not. So if
I'm not dressed properly, I will still get out there. If I'm not feeling well, I'll just go out for a
bit and come home to keep the habit.

I do the same thing in the gym if I have not slept properly or if I am busy or sick. If I know
that I'm too tired to get a good workout I'll still show up and push through it as best I can. If
I'm too busy then I'll just rush through it and won't worry about eating before or after. And if (11 of 15)09/11/2005 17:32:08

Real Social Dynamics - The Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective Way to Attract Women

I'm sick then I'll at least show up to the gym and stretch.

I don't think about these things. I just accept them.

Now the big thing when you start something new is that progress is going to be non-existent
at first but it will go up in a j-curve if you can make it through the initial pain. Most people
quit because starting something new can be really hard and usually feels directionless for a
long time.

The guys who make it through that initial part will eventually get to a level where progress is
really fast and noticeable, and for them it will become a hobby and fun. But at first it is
purely banging your head against the wall to make the most minuscule advancements. Not

So in an area like pickup, if you are starting off as a total dork like then it is pretty much
going to be zero progress for a while. You will go out and people will be really unresponsive
and hard on you. It won't change for a while either, because the more you're getting rejected
the more you're feeling bad. The only plus side is that you're learning that you won't die,
which is actually pretty important.

When you start anything, whether sports or dance or music, it will probably be pretty
embarrassing and painful. You'll be around people who have it all figured out, and the neural
connections in their heads will be fine tuned from what seems like infinite repetition. You'll
see this, and it will just give you a headache. Literally, you’ll see this kind of thing and feel
nauseous because it’s so intimidating.

The way I get through it is to literally have blind faith. I will figure out what the basic
training process is and do it over and over, regardless of whether or not I get a result.

A big part of this is that I have no outcome for a very long time. My only outcome is to get
myself out of the house and to wherever I'm supposed to be. My criteria-for-success isn't
how well I did. It's if I showed up and did what I was supposed to do. My expectations of
myself are very low, because if I make them too high then I’ll never get started.

I hear about guys who get frustrated at not getting instant results at something, and I really
don’t relate to them.

When I was first getting started, I had fear of going out and meeting people in social
environments. I sought out guys who I knew were good, and it wouldn’t have occurred to me
to be one of these guys who comes back a month later and says, “I’m still not getting it. I
quit.” To quit would have de-validated all the work I’d put into thinking about it. The big
thing I was hearing was that I needed to just keep going out, and I took that at face value.

To be honest, meeting guys that were good was a big whirlwind to me at the time. I didn’t
absorb everything that was going on. But the big thing for me was inspiration and
confirmation that it was actually possible. That was all I needed to get good.

First I learned how to start up conversations with girls in a club environment. OK, got that.
Then how to hook their attention for thirty seconds. Ok, got that. Then how to tell stories.
OK, got that. Then how to tease and create sexual tension. OK, got that. Then how to get a
number. OK, got that. Then I realized they all flaked. OK, scrap everything, back to the
drawing board. Then how to deliver it better. OK, got better reactions. Then how to slow it
down to get the same reactions without being a dancing monkey. OK, got that. Each of these
took time.

The process went on for years, but now I have the exact result that I want.

Guys say to me "Wow, you had such dedication" and I can't relate to that. To me, that's like
telling a kid who goes to play basketball after school for a few years that he has dedication. It
wasn't dedication. It was a routine. A habit. A hobby. I made the time for it in my life, and I
never worried about how well I was doing. I assumed with blind faith that everything would (12 of 15)09/11/2005 17:32:08

Real Social Dynamics - The Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective Way to Attract Women

take care of itself if I just kept practicing and meeting people to get advice on how I was

Jeffy and I were talking, and he said to me, "Man, my skills are in like the stratosphere lately.
It's getting so good it's scary." I was like, "Think about it. Remember back in the day when
we were dorks, and we were like - 'All we have to do is go out for a few weeks or months and
we'll be decent'? A few months of going out and practicing seemed like forever back then,
but now six months breezes by like its nothing. Ever time that happens our skills are going
up at the same rate that they were back in the day. The improvement keeps compiling and
that's why these results are showing up."

If you think back to the last six months or a year, it seems like nothing. That time passes so
fast. You get older and years start to fly by.

When you implement a habit – a change in your day to day routine – you’re probably
thinking about the outcome of every little thing and how hard the training is. So you go
through the one night and because its one of your first experiences you remember every
detail and it seems like a lifetime. And you say to yourself, "Several weeks or months of

But that's the wrong thinking. If you're thinking like that there’s no way you'll get anywhere.
The point is to just keep going out and not worry about results. Just go out and practice and
it will come naturally. Don't think of it as "Six more months." Think "This is what I'm doing
now. My day consists of this now. This is my lifestyle."

Like I said, most people walk through life in a trance and just react to thinks as they come
up. They get bad joints and out of shape and their bills pile up, and they don’t know how it
happened. It just happened.

All of your little habits that have no immediate relevance built up over a period of time. You
stay in and jerk-off to net porn one night, and it doesn’t seem like a big deal. But that’s your
habit. And as time floats by, another guy is going out and being social and meeting all sorts
of people, while you’re sitting inside and doing squat. So one guy has a lifetime of fun and
hot sex and great girlfriends, while another guy sits inside and wonders what happened.

You’ve got to just make that little change in your habit, and trust that it will build up over

#1: Get an idea of what you want.

#2: Formulate a plan of what you need to do to get it (what, when, how often, etc…)
#3: Accept that your new activity is a part of your life for the duration of the time you've
decided, and never decide based on emotions if you're going to show up or not. Just show up.

#4: Don't worry if you're getting results right away, just stick to the plan with blind faith,
and make your criteria for success just to show up.

#5: Make it a hobby, look at the details critically without taking advice dogmatically, and
take the initiative to shift the focus of your training when your intuition tells you that it
might help.

Of course there is more than just going out blindly. There were a lot of other things that I did
myself. But if you just focus on sticking to the habit, the other stuff that surrounds it will
come into place naturally.

OK, I'm Ready to Be Proactive and Create the Habits That (13 of 15)09/11/2005 17:32:08

Real Social Dynamics - The Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective Way to Attract Women

Will Get Me What I Want. Where Do I Go From Here?

Bookmark this site RIGHT NOW.

Reread and study the information that you’ve read here. It’s a bit of a reality change, so it
can take some time to sink in.

Sign up for the newsletter, and start applying the ideas that you find in there.
Play around with them. Make it a hobby, not some urgent needy thing.

As an experiment, practice holding eye contact with everyone you meet or even whose paths
you cross. As you walk by women, hold eye contact and see if they look back. You’ll be
surprised at the flirtatious vibe.

Begin getting used to starting conversations with everyone. Don’t use the “She’s not good
enough” excuse. If you wait for the hottest girls to show up, you won’t be in a talkative state.
Start becoming more extroverted and talkative. Make it a part of who you are.

Seriously consider having a look at “The Blueprint”(clickable) when it’s released. It’s
inexpensive, and psychology and explanations of things to talk about will cut a huge amount
of time off of your learning curve. The quality and realness of the book is also a reflection of
the quality and realness of the live programs(clickable), if you ever want to go that route.

Once you start to get some experience, write down your progress. It will help you to
deconstruct what you were doing, and to remember the better things that you did so you can
repeat them. Consider what qualities you were conveying when the girl showed interest, and
what caused the attraction to peter off. Eventually you will see the patterns.

Evolve your identity and your attitude. View yourself as a guy who brings fun to everyone he
meets. Project a warm and positive energy. Everyone is your younger sibling – you love them
but you know that they’re total dorks.

Check out new venues that are filled with girls. Go out and start conversations with people.
The more doors you knock on, the more likely one of them is to open. See if your friends are
interested in going out with you, but ultimately if they’re not interested go by yourself. Don’t
count on your friends to get you to where you want to go. Chances are, they’re comfortable
where they are and not looking to change.

Find guys to model after. The biggest thing that will help you is watching closely guys who
are already getting results. When you can watch a guy who is good with women, you can see
exactly how to do it yourself. If you haven’t seen it, you’re basically going off of what you
guess it probably looks like.

Get good at each phase individually. First you’ll get good at starting conversations. Then
furthering them. Then getting phone numbers. Then going out on dates. Fear of the
unknown is a natural thing. Get through each fear individually, so that you get to a point of
complete comfort with every phase. Think about it this way: In the same way that you can
get good at starting the first part of a pickup, over time you can get good at the entire thing.
With enough practice, you’ll eventually know how to get pretty much any girl.

Eventually, when you have learned the skills, modeled the best, and internalized attractive
behaviors, you can drop everything and run off of autopilot. You will be natural, and it will
be a part of who you are.

Can I Really Do This?

Use your own common sense.

Have you ever had a night when you were “in the zone”? (14 of 15)09/11/2005 17:32:08

Real Social Dynamics - The Fastest, Easiest, Most Effective Way to Attract Women

Have you ever done these things “naturally”?

If you’ve ever had sex, or gotten a bit of attention from a girl even one time, then you’ve been
in this kind of state. So obviously you can do it.

What you’re doing to do here is learning to consistently replicate that. That you can do it
when you need to do it, and you’re not relying on luck.

Just starting the eye contact experiment, and getting used to showing more dominance
through how you carry yourself will get girls responding a bit better to you right off the bat.

And as far as knowing what to say goes, with a bit of trial and error you’ll become a
conversational wizard.

There is so much you can do to improve in this area. It’s just that so few guys ever actually
try to work on this area consciously. Even if they wanted to, they wouldn’t know where to

Learning to be better socially is no different than to be better physically. Your social skills
are like your muscles: Use them or lose them.

Right now you’re like the new guy in the gym. You walk in and see guys grunting and
pumping weights, and you’re thinking “I’m supposed to be like that?”

But you can’t let yourself feel overwhelmed like it’s a daunting task. You’ve got to start
somewhere. Because if you keep doing what you’ve always been doing, then you’ll keep
getting the results that you’ve always gotten.

You can teach yourself through trial and error, read up on helpful techniques, watch and
learn from other guys, and even bring in a pro-trainer. The point is to do something.

This stuff is fun. It’s a hobby that you can do anywhere. When you’re out at the mall, in a line
at the store, or sitting in an airport hanger, you can play with this. You can meet all sorts of
new people, make connections, and put a good vibe out there. Another boring day can turn
into a major adventure.

When you’ve got this area locked-down, the confidence and social skills come through in
every aspect of your life – at your work, with your friends, and in your relationships.

It’s just a point of doing something and making it happen.

Get This Handled Now ...

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