Procedure Enclosed Space Entry On Board

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Procedure Enclosed Space Entry on board

A. Write down the procedures when entering enclosed spaces

 Planning of work.
 Risk assessment of the work to be prepared, all concerned risk to be taken care of and
same should be submitted to company.
 Equipment
 For the safe entry processes, we required the equipment like
1. Fire-fighting equipment
2. Communication equipment
3. Tools for escape and rescue
4. Gas measuring equipment
 Oxygen contained should be 21% all the time. Below 21% entry should not be
 Flammable gas should be measured by the approved gas meter and the concentration
of the flammable gases must be below 1% LFL (Lower Flammable Limit).
 Toxic gases must be check by approved and designated gas meter. The concentration
of the toxic gases must be NIL.
 Enlcosed space work permit Before planning the work permission should be taken by
the authority. Prior to allowing any person to enter in an enclosed space, a permit
should be issued, generally, on the ship, we use to call “Enclose Space Permit”. The
permit should be signed by the master or other competent authority. The validation
period of the permit should not exceed 8 hours in any case. It is the responsibility of
the authorized person to check and make sure that space is safe to work before issuing
the permit.
 Entering into enclosed space monitoring the progress of work and all safety aspect.
 Watchkeeper : monitoring work progress and keep a record of persons entering in closed
 Standby outside : keep on eye on entering person, supply all necessary equipment, update
work progress to watchkeeper.
 Entering in enclosed spaces : keep update their status, finish work with all safety precaution.
 On completion of work : once evryone is outside of enclosed space, secure space and wrap up
work, close enlosed space permit

Officer  checked for oxygen content and other gas content with the help of oxygen
analyzer and gas detector.
Crew entering ecnlosed spaces with breathing air apparatus.

B. Who hold the responsibility, for entering such spacess ?

 The Master is personally responsible for the safety of every man entering an
enclosed space. As this is a potentially dangerous act, he must ensure before signing
the entry into enclosed space form that he is satisfied that it has been properly
ventilated, that the atmosphere in the space has been properly tested (with the
appropriate instruments at different levels for oxygen and/or other gases) and that
the people carrying out the tests are competent to do the job. He must also ensure
that a "Responsible Officer" is in charge of the operation.
 Responsibilities of the Shipowner It is in the interest of the Shipowner that
procedures for ensuring the safe entry and working in dangerous spaces are clearly
laid down and that the Master, as the shipowner’s agent, ensures that such
procedures are observed on board the ship.

C. Write down, what are those spacess consider as enclosed spacess ?

 Cargo,holds,Pump rooms,Ballast tanks,Void spaces,Peak tanks,Cofferdams,Bunker

tanks, Fresh water tanks, Pipe tunnels,Duct keels and any other spaces which are
normally kept closed.

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