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Version Date: July 4, 2005, 9:24pm EST (-5h)

A Word From the Author

The contents of this document are largely converted as closely as possible from Wizards of the Coast's d20
Star Wars Roleplaying Game. However, there is also a good deal of my own personal interpretation of the Star
Wars universe. I should also mention that material has been taken only from the d20 Star Wars Revised Core
Rulebook; if this document is successful, I will add material from the Hero's Guide, the Power of the Jedi
Sourcebook, and the Dark Side Sourcebook.
This is only part of a much larger project I've been working on, a project that aims to totally convert the
entire Star Wars universe to the ALTERNITY rules set. I knew from the start, however, that I really needed to focus on
the Force, as the Force is—by far—the most recognizable aspect of the Star Wars setting; for without the Force, Star
Wars is really not much more than another generic space opera.
That all being out of the way, I'll say that there's still much playtesting to do, so don’t feel like anything is set
in stone.
Please feel free to email any concerns to my address, Also, be sure to check out my
personal website, Thanks!

seconds) to enter a trance, and the same amount of

Force Adept Heroes time to wake up from one. Once in a trance, the Force
user is no longer aware of anything going on around
Profession him, and will not awaken to anything but the stimulus
The Force Adept profession is exactly the same he declared.
as the Mindwalker profession as outlined in the ALTERNITY The minimum amount of time a Force user may
supplement Mindwalking: A Guide to Psionics. All the be in a Force trance is one week.
same rules, abilities, and limitations apply. The only
differences are in the renaming of the profession and Heightened Awareness
the renaming of psionic energy to Force energy. One who is stronger in the Force than the
average person is more difficult to surprise. When faced
with surprise, a Force-Sensitive character can perform a
Broad Skill Benefits WIL feat check (+1 penalty) to avoid being surprised.

Force Trance Prolong Force

Requires the Control broad skill. Requires the Control broad skill.
If a Force user wishes, he can enter a trance Once a Force user has mastered Control, he
that slows down his metabolism greatly. While in this may continue to call upon the Force even after he's run
trance, his heartbeat slows and his breathing all but out of Force points. However, for each Force point he
ceases. To anyone without the See Force skill (see would normally spend, he gains 2 wound points.
below), he would seem dead.
Specifically, a Force user in a Force trance
requires only 10% of the air he would need while
Sense Force
Requires the Sense broad skill.
awake. In a dry climate, the trance may last for up to a
With mastery of Sense, a Force user becomes
week, and in a wet climate the trance may last for a
attuned to the Force, and can sometimes sense vague
month; these limitations are due to matters of thirst.
impressions emanating from it. He may feel uneasy due
Should the Force user employ an intravenous drip or
to some unseen event or circumstance (such as the
some such device, he may remain in the trance for up to
destruction of Alderaan in Episode IV, or the butchering
three months before dying of starvation. While in a
of Jedi in Episode III), or he may feel cold when sensing
trance, all checks related to natural healing gain a –2
a strong presence of the dark side. A Force user with
step bonus.
Sense Force might also sense if someone they have a
To enter a trance, all a Force user must do is
close relationship with is injured or in distress.
declare he is doing so, and he must declare by what
In all these things, range is not a factor. Also,
stimulus he will awake. Examples include a certain
Sense Force is not something that can be consciously
length of time, being touched, etc. It takes 2 phases (6

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used. The GM gives a Force user impressions as weight and is ridiculously "sharp." A lightsaber's wielder
appropriate. must know where the blade is at all times lest he cut his
own limbs off by accident.
Once a single rank is taken, the penalty reduces
New Basic Skills to +1. At rank 4, it reduces to +0.
With no training, any use of a lightsaber carries
Acrobatics-redirect projectiles the chance of self-injury. On a failure, there is a 50%
DEX - 4 - CF chance the wielder will inflict ordinary damage on
This skill can't be used untrained. himself. On a critical failure, not only does he
By training in this skill, a character wielding a automatically self-inflict damage, but it's good damage.
lightsaber, Sith sword, or any other appropriate At ranks 1-3, there is still the danger of self-
weapon (as determined by the GM) is able to redirect injury, but it is only 25%, and on a critical failure the
incoming blaster bolts and other projectiles back damage is only ordinary. At rank 4 all chance of self-
towards their source. Ranks in this skill cannot be taken injury disappears.
by those without at least four ranks in the skill
governing their weapon (Melee-powered or Melee-
blade). New Perks
A character who wishes to use Acrobatics-
redirect projectiles must declare that he is doing so as a Force Attunement
reaction to a specific projectile attack that will be used Cost 4/Ability score varies/Active, Force user
against him in the same phase. Use of this skill costs only
one action. The attacker and defender make opposed Can be purchased once per Force specialty
attack checks, with the defender's Melee-powered or skill. A Force user, through experience and training, can
Melee-blade check at a +1 step penalty. If the defender literally attune himself to a specific skill, making himself
wins the contest, he immediately makes an Acrobatics- a “natural” in its use. In terms of gameplay, a Force
redirect projectiles check against the attacker. The user chooses a Force specialty skill, and from that point
degree of success of this check determines the level of forward the base situation die of that specialty skill is
damage the original attacker receives. The exact lowered by 1 step.
amount of damage per level is derived from whatever As an achievement benefit: Diplomat (Force
projectile weapon was used against the defender. Adepts) may begin purchased this perk as an
Projectiles that move too fast for the eye to see achievement benefit beginning at level 6, for a cost of 6
(such as bullets) cannot be redirected in this manner. points. Force Adepts may begin purchasing this perk as
If the user of this skill wishes, he may simply an achievement benefit at level 5 for a cost of 5.
block projectiles and not attempt to redirect them. Using
the skill in this manner awards a –1 bonus. Force Mastery
This perk is exactly same as the Increased
Melee Weapons-lightsaber Energy perk as outlined in the ALTERNITY supplement
DEX - 5 - C Mindwalking: A Guide to Psionics.
Note: Despite the fact that Melee Weapons is a
Strength-based broad skill, the specialty skill Melee-
weapons-lightsaber is Dexterity-based. Without the New Weapons
Melee Weapons broad skill and any ranks in lightsaber,
a character wielding a lightsaber uses his Dexterity Lightsaber, Basic
untrained score rather than his Strength untrained During personal combat, lightsabers destroy
score. When the Melee Weapons broad skill is most melee weapons on contact. The GM will determine
purchased, a characters wielding a lightsaber uses his which weapons can and cannot be destroyed in this
full Dexterity score rather than his full Strength score. manner.
All ranks bought in Melee weapons-lightsaber stack on Lastly, lightsabers attract ungrounded
a character’s Dexterity score, not his Strength score. electricity, and can be used to block electric blasts
With no ranks in Melee Weapons-lightsaber, a (including Force Lightning blasts, even though Force
character suffers a +2 step penalty to any use of a lighting isn't technically electricity).
lightsaber. This is because a lightsaber's blade has no

Progress Level 8: Skill Acc Range Type Damage [O/G/A]

Energy Age
Lightsaber, Basic Melee-lightsaber 0 Personal En/G d6+1w/2d6w

Progress Level Actions Clip Size Clip Cost Hide Mass Avail Cost
8: Energy Age

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Lightsaber, 3 — — +2 2 Special Not sold

Sith Alchemical Sword ahead of time). However, unlike normal broad skills,
The Sith alchemical sword was not actually a Force-based broad skills are not tied to any specific key
specific weapon; rather, it was a template that could be Ability. Instead of all the specialty skills starting out with
applied to any weapon that had a blade on it (although the same score as their broad skill's key Ability, they
ancient tradition encouraged only weapons under the begin with the same score as their individual key
"sword" category). Using expensive alchemy machinery Ability. Also, some Force specialty skills—or even their
combined with the Force, ancient Sith alchemists rank benefits alone—require that more than one Force
discovered how to alter the physical properties of pre- broad skill be purchased. To determine which Ability
existing blades so that they would be extremely light score to use for such skills, use the higher Ability score
and could deflect blaster fire and even lightsabers(!). of the two required broad skills.
Furthermore, with the infusion of dark Force energies at
the blade's creation, a Sith warrior could channel The Dark Side
destructive energy into the blade, causing it to become Not every Force-user wishes to follow the strict
unnaturally sharp for great periods of time. tenants of the light side. They want power, and they
The technology to create Sith alchemical want it fast. They're tired of denying themselves
swords first surfaced in Progress Level 7. To create a emotions that feel all too natural—and pleasurable.
Sith alchemical sword, first was there was chosen a They feel like they're not living up to their fullest
regular sword which would serve as the base weapon. potential. For whatever the reason, such Force-users
The sword would then be introduced to Sith sorcery allow their passions to consume them, and fall to the
augmented by machines. All that weapon's stats—and dark side.
the skill presenting it—remained unchanged, save for
weight. After the alchemy-induced transformation, the
The Nature of the Dark Side
sword would have a mass of no more than 2 (like a
Across the known galaxy, every Force-user or
character undergoing training in the Force has one
A proper Jedi would refuse to wield a Sith
thing in common: an inclination towards strong,
alchemical sword as it was meant to be wielded, as
absolute emotions. The more these beings focus their
doing so would be for purely destructive purposes, and
minds and become attuned to the Living Force, the
not necessary for defense (and as such would inflict a
more they desire to indulge in their passions, whatever
dark side point).
those passions may be. This is an unfortunate side-
Sith alchemical swords would never be created
effect of learning to manipulate the midichlorians within
for the purpose of being publicly sold; Sith warriors
the body. As a character's midichlorians are configured
would craft them themselves or commission the
to become increasingly potent, natural control over
construction of one by a skilled Sith alchemist. In the
emotions and impulse control begins to deteriorate. If a
modern Star Wars eras, the art of Sith alchemy has
character simply allows this to occur and doesn't fight it,
been lost, and thus the Sith alchemical sword is
he eventually reaches a point where his emotions are so
nothing more than a grim memory.
out of control and his impulse control is so shattered
Rules: When a sword is alchemically treated, its
that he no longer has the power to do so. When this
base damage is increased by two for all degrees. By
tragic event occurs, he becomes known as "lost to the
spending a last resort and gaining a dark side point, a
dark side."
Force user may increase the damage of his weapon by
When a character is lost to the dark side, he is
d6s/d6w/2m. For an additional 1 Force point, the extra
at first a mess of extreme, black-and-white emotions
damage may be raised to d8+2s/d8+2w/4m.
and no impulse control. Essentially, the character has
Whether a last resort is spent or not, a Sith
been "reborn" to darkness; like a child, he must relearn
alchemical sword is permanently resistant to
to control his emotions and impulses. However, unlike
lightsabers and may permanently deflect blaster fire.
those of the light, a Force-user of darkness has no
The Force Defense specialty skill may defend
desire to completely control his emotions and impulses
against attacks made by a Force-enhanced enhanced
—he'd rather learn (if anything) how to focus his now
Sith sword.
absolute, extreme feelings like the burning light of the
sun through a magnifying lens. He feels that his
The Force emotions give him power and focus unlike he has ever
had. He's no longer concerned with inner balance and
Except for what is described below,
mechanics for using the Force are the same as those harmony.
outlined for psionics in the ALTERNITY supplement Now sunk beneath the turbulent waves of the
Mindwalking: A Guide to Psionics. black, murky, bottomless ocean of the dark side, our
Like normal skills, Force skills each have an Force-user is pure evil taken physical form. He is cold,
associated broad skill and Ability. Some Force skills calculating, remorseless, and most of all, fully aware of
even have rank benefits (which may not be purchased his state in all its evil glory. He needs no excuses for

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what he does; he is of the dark side. Might makes right. painful way when the truth is revealed.
That's all that matters. He wants what he wants, and So what about all the physical harming on a
he's now willing to do anything to achieve his goals. small scale out of spite, and the small-scale lies,
If our fallen Force-user is smart, he'll soon deception, theft, cheating, etc.? Each of those counts as
realize that the chaos of his reborn state won't keep him half a dark side point, and should be recorded as such
alive for very long. He realizes that even he, a follower when they transpire. Gaining and maintaining a
of darkness and shadow, must learn to manipulate and grudge or prejudice also counts as half a dark side
control his emotions to maintain and continued point (unless of course it is acted upon).
existence. However, as previously stated, the "control" of One last note about evil acts and dark side
a dark side devotee is very different from that of a points: a character does not gain dark points on a by-
follower of light. Whereas a follower of light seeks to scene or by-encounter basis; he gains them purely on a
"smooth" his emotions and bring them into a serene specific basis. For example: Anakin Skywalker enters
balance with one another (creating inner harmony as a the Jedi Temple and starts to kill anything that moves.
result), a follower of darkness seeks to melt down and He does not gain a dark side point for entering the Jedi
combine the strongest of his emotions and forge a Temple and murdering its inhabitants; that would be on
powerfully potent weapon with them; an undefeatable a by-encounter basis. Rather, he gains a dark side
trump card used to acquire anything he wants. point for each and every person he murders while there
On the social front, a member of the dark side is (which means he fell to the dark side quite fast).
incapable of true love, joy, kindness, goodness, When the character has an amount of dark side
gentleness, compassion, mercy, empathy, or any such points equal to or greater than his Will Ability score +2,
feelings. He may feel twisted versions of them, but he is divided by 2 (rounding down), he is "tainted". In terms of
virtually forever barred from their true iterations. Any mechanics, being tainted means it is harder to atone
rare, internal encounters with them become perverted (see below). Aside from that, to be tainted is purely a
by selfish desires. The same goes for feelings of subject of roleplaying: the character becomes arrogant,
friendship or brotherhood/sisterhood. cocky, more passionate, overly-confident in his abilities,
Lastly, it is virtually impossible for a member of and less likely to obey superiors. In other words, he is
the dark side to cast off his cape and hood of shadow beginning to have an obvious loss of control over his
and return to the light. However, under the right, emotions and impulse control, and doesn't appreciate
exceedingly rare circumstances... see "Redemption", the consequences of his actions as much as he used to.
below. However, keep in mind that the character is still
generally good at this point; he has simply taken on the
The Mechanics of guise of, for example, a rebellious teenager.
Falling to the Dark Side When the character has an mount of dark side
points equal to or greater than his Will Ability score +2,
Every time a Force-user performs an evil act,
he has fallen to the dark side and is virtually
calls upon the dark side (see below), or uses a dark
unredeemable. If the party has one or more light side
side Force power, he gains a dark side point.
Force users and/or is made up of mostly good-aligned
What defines an evil act? In terms of the Star
characters, the fallen character is taken over by the GM
Wars universe, anything that significantly harms or
and leaves the party to pursue his own passions.
takes advantage of another living being purely for
Once a character has fallen, it is no longer
reasons of selfish gain. Examples include:
important to keep track of his dark side points.
• Intentionally, physically harming a living being
more than is necessary (if at all) under the The Quick and Easy Path
circumstances When a Force-user is going to spend a last
• Disobeying superiors for purely selfish gain resort point, he can declare that he is calling on the
• Gaining and maintaining a full-scale hatred of dark side while doing so. This costs a Force energy
someone or something point, and awards a benefit to the Force-user as if he
• Murder were a Free Agent spending two such points at the
• Rape same time.
• Infidelity When a character calls upon the dark side in
• Moderate to large-scale lying for purely selfish this manner, he becomes filled with twisted rage.
• Intentional deception of a moderate to large Casting Off the Darkness
scale for purely selfish gain
• Moderate to large-scale theft Atoning
• Moderate to large-scale cheating Force-users may attempt to return fully to the
light side of the Force. To do so requires a complex WIL
If you are deceiving others for selfish gain and feat check, the complexity of which depends on whether
this is not obvious to the GM for whatever reason, you or not the character is tainted. Each check represents 6
must tell the GM or be penalized in some creativity hours of meditation and reflection. Untainted characters

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must succeed in complex WIL feat check of Good one example in the movies of a dark sider who returned
complexity, 4 successes. Tainted characters face a task to the light: Anakin Skywalker. Before he fell, all he
with an Amazing complexity, 8 successes. cared about -- to the point of (literally) sacrificing
An act of dramatic heroism can also atone for a everything and everyone -- was the safety of his wife
dark side point. To qualify as an act of dramatic and unborn child. When he watched as Sidious slowly
heroism, a character must perform above and beyond tortured his son to death, it suddenly occurred to him
the call of duty, risking his own safety for the sake of that Luke was all he had left of his wife, and it was for
others. his wife and Luke in the first place that he did
something he didn't want to do at the time: he joined the
Redemption dark side and sacrificed his own future. It had all been
Once an addict to the dark side's lust for for them! And here he was, just watching his son die.
emotional extremes, almost invariably always an Something just snapped in his head, and he picked up
addict. The nature of the Force itself can be thanked for Sidious and hurled him down a pit, killing himself in the
that. It is virtually impossible to return to the light. process... but also saving himself.
However, as long as a Force-user has the following two Work with your GM to determine what personal
conditions going for him, he's redeemable (in theory): circumstances might force your character back to the
he must have lived at least roughly half or more of his light (as long as he lived roughly half of his life or more
life in the light, and had to have been a generally good in the light and was generally a good person before he
person before his fall. fell). Obviously, strong emotions pulled him into the
If those two conditions are met, a fallen murky depths of the dark side; whatever the
character who for some reason performs an utterly circumstances surrounding his fall, they invariably had
selfless, heroic act that draws forth great, powerful to be frightening and tragic. What if your character
swells of positive emotion can wash away the darkness were suddenly confronted with the option to "fix" that
within himself just long enough to finally swim to the tragedy, to set things right, to destroy an incarnation of
surface of the dark, murky, bottomless ocean of the dark that which was so frightening, like Anakin was in the
side. At that point, he may still be drowning and Emperor's throne room? How would your character
exhausted, ready to go under again at any moment, but respond, being a person dominated by emotion? It's
he's at least now at a place where he can be spotted important to remember that a character doesn't
and rescued. In terms of mechanics, he is now merely necessarily need to die to be redeemed; that's simply
"tainted", having an amount of dark side points equal to the way it happened with Anakin. However, a large
his WIL score +2 divided by 2 (rounding down). amount of personal, selfless sacrifice should be part of
The question that remains is, "Why on earth the equation. If he can somehow pull off that sort of an
would an utterly selfish and evil creature perform an action, an action that his own dark, twisted logic sees
utterly selfless and good act?" That depends on the dark as the right path, the right thing to do, he will be
sider, and who they were before they fell. We have only redeemed.

Force Skills
All of the following Force skill costs do not reflect profession discounts. The full costs of the skills are
displayed. Blue skills can't be used untrained. (rb) means "rank benefit."

Skill Name Cost Ability Pg. Skill Name Cost Ability Pg.
Alter Ethereal 7 — Enhance Ability 4 CON 7
Affect Mind 4 PER 6 Force Defense 3 PER 8
† Drain Energy 4 CON 7 Force Stealth 4 PER 10
‡ Friendship 3 PER 10 Heal Self 4 PER 11
Illusiona 5 PER 11 Sense 7 —
Imbue 4 WIL Comprehend 4 PER 6
Alter Physical 7 — Speech
Force Gripa 4 INT 9 Empathy 3 WIL 7
† Force Lightning 5 INT 9 Enhance Senses 3 WIL 8
Force Mind 4 PER 9 Farseeing 4 WIL 8
Force Strike 3 INT 10 † Fear 4 WIL 8
‡ Heal Another 4 WIL 11 See Force 3 WIL 14
Move Object 3 INT 12 Telepathy 3 WIL 14
Control 7 — Alter Physical & Control — —
Battlemind 5 CON 6 Force Flight (rb) — INT 13
Dissipate Energy 5 CON 6

Dark side skill. Use of this skill by a non-dark side character inflicts 1 dark side point.

Light side skill. This doesn't mean dark side users can't use this skill; rather, it means that the original developers

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of this skill were light side adherents, and thus most of this skill's users are likewise of the light side. Basically,
most dark side adherents don't have the patience or inclination to learn such a skill. This means that only
characters who were originally of the light side have access to this skill. The only skill that a dark side adherent
can never learn is Force Light, which is harmful to the dark side of the Force.
If used against a living being (in the case of Force Grip) or for some malicious purpose (in the case of Illusion),
this is considered a dark side power.

Force Skill Descriptions

Affect Mind may opt to choose a bonus less than the one you
PER - 4 achieved.
Can be used to either alter perceptions by
creating a brief sound or fleeting image, or to Result Bonus
telepathically "suggest" something to a target, making Ordinary –1
an otherwise unpalatable suggestion seem perfectly
acceptable (the classic "Jedi mind trick"). Good –3
In both cases, the rank of the attempting Force- Amazing –5
user's Affect Mind skill determines the base situation
modifier for the check. See the table below. The Any Failure no effect
Intelligence or Will resistance modifiers of the targets
make up any further modifiers (see below to determine The achieved bonus lasts for a period of 5
which resistance modifiers are used). rounds (1 minute), and applies to all attack rolls within
that time.
Rank Modifier
Comprehend Speech
0-3 +0 PER - 4
4-6 –1 This skill can't be used untrained.
This skill allows a Force user to understand any
7-9 –2
language. To use it, he simply targets a single
10-12 –3 character, makes a Comprehend Speech check and
compares his result to the table below.
Also in both cases, any target(s) must be within
12 yards. Result Comprehension
Targets of perception alteration subconsciously
Ordinary Vague impression of what the
counter attempts against them using their Intelligence
target is saying
resistance modifiers. Furthermore, for every target
beyond the first that you attempt to affect, each target Good Good impression of what the
gains a +1 step bonus to their resistance modifier. target is saying; no
Targets of suggestion must be in direct comprehension of complex
communication with the attempting Force-user, and ideas or expressions
cannot be made to do something life threatening. Amazing Fluent understanding
Lastly, targets of suggestion are subjected to an assault
on their wills rather than their intelligences, thus they Any Failure No comprehension
use their Will resistance modifiers.
Retry: Cannot be retried against the same A Force user using Comprehend Speech can
target(s) in the same encounter or scene. only understand what is being spoken to him; he cannot
Time: Affect Mind takes 2 phases (6 seconds) to speak a language in which he has no literal training.
use. The first phase is required to set up the skill, and Time: Comprehend Speech takes 2 phases (6
the second phase is when the skill is executed. If a seconds) to use. The first phase is required to set up the
Force user is distracted during the first phase, he loses skill, and the second phase is when the skill is executed.
concentration and must start again in the next phase If a Force user is distracted during the first phase, he
should he wish to try again. loses concentration and must start again in the next
phase should he wish to try again.
CON - 5 Dissipate Energy
This skill can't be used untrained. CON - 5
This skill is used to increase the Force-user's This skill can't be used untrained.
prowess in combat by awarding him a bonus to his By using this skill, a Force user can resist
attack rolls. The bonus granted depends on the check's energy damage, and even use it to restore lost fatigue
degree of success. See the table below. If desired, you

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points. energy, forcing him to perform a CON feat check to
When a Force user is threatened with energy resist damage appropriate to the form of energy. A
damage, he can forgo his action that phase and make Critical Failure inflicts Amazing damage, a Failure
a Dissipate Energy check. If the threat ends up doing no inflicts Good damage, Ordinary inflicts Ordinary
damage before the effects of Dissipate Energy have damage, and Good and Amazing inflict no damage.
been taken into account, the Force user's action (but not After that the energy is lost.
Force point) is wasted. If a Force user has no actions left
in a round, he may not use Dissipate Energy. Drain Energy
The greater the Dissipate Energy check's degree CON - 4
of success, the more the potential damage of the energy Dark side skill. Using this skill gives a character
threat is lessened. In game terms, the damage type of a dark side point.
downgraded by one or more (mortal to wound, wound This skill is used to drain power packs, energy
to stun, stun to nothing, etc.). See the table below. cells, and other similar power sources of all their
energy, rendering them useless. The rank of the
Result Effect attempting Force-user's Drain Energy skill determines
the base situation modifier for the check. See the table
Ordinary Type downgraded by one; quarter
damage roll (rounded down)
subtracted from fatigue
Rank Modifier
Good Type downgraded by two; half
damage roll (rounded down) 0-3 +0
subtracted from fatigue 4-6 –1
Amazing Type downgraded by three, full 7-9 –2
damage roll subtracted from fatigue
10-12 –3
Any Failure No effect
Droids have no resistance modifiers to resist
For the purposes of Dissipate Energy, a such an attack. Characters holding a targeted object
lightsaber is not considered to inflict energy damage. may counter the attempt with their Dexterity resistance
Rank Benefit: Reflect Energy; automatically modifiers.
gained when Dissipate Energy rank 6 is attained. When If a device is successfully drained, it may not be
this rank benefit is gained, a Force user can declare used again until it has been recharged.
that instead of dissipating incoming energy, he will The more power that's in a device, the harder it
instead reflect it toward a specific target. is to drain that power. To reflect this, a Force-user must
The Force user must declare that he will be spend extra Force points in addition to the base cost in
reflecting energy rather than dissipating it before any order to successfully drain larger power sources. See
checks are made on his part. He then makes a the table below.
Dissipate Energy check. If he was being attacked with
energy damage, he gains a penalty based on the
Power Source Examples FP Cost
attacker's degree of success: +0 for Ordinary, +1 for
Good, +2 for Amazing. If he is faced with Simple devices Datapad, +0
environmental damage, he first makes whatever checks and power packs comlink, blaster,
are necessary to resist the damage, and then makes a ion gun
Dissipate Energy check with a penalty based on his Energy cells Lightsaber, vibro +1
degree of success while resisting the damage: +3 for weapons
Critical Failure, +2 for Failure, –1 for Ordinary, –2 for
Good, –3 for Amazing (it's easier to reflect damage that Portable E-Web repeating +2
wasn't aimed specifically at the character). generators blaster, droid
Should the check (in either case) succeed, the
Force user then makes another Dissipate Energy check Power sources larger than portable generators
to reflect the damage at a specific target. The target cannot be affected.
resists with his Dexterity resistance modifier or
Acrobatics-dodge skill as appropriate. The damage Empathy
inflicted depends on the Dissipate Energy check's WIL - 3
degree of success and the form of energy, as
By using this skill a Force-user can scan the
surface emotions of a target, allowing him insight into
Reflect Energy Time: Reflect Energy takes 2
the target's general state of mind. Applied use of such
phases (6 seconds) to use. The first phase is required to
knowledge allows a Force-user to better understand his
set up the skill, and the second phase is when the skill
target, which in turn allows him "pull the strings" and be
is executed. If a Force user is distracted during the first
manipulative. In game terms, success on an Empathy
phase, he loses concentration and loses control of the

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check offers a bonus to all uses of any Personality skill. Result Bonus
See the table below.
Target characters subconsciously counter such Good –2
attempts with their Will resistance modifiers. Amazing –3
Any Failure no effect
Result Bonus
Ordinary –1 Farseeing
Good –2 WIL - 4
This skill can't be used untrained.
Amazing –3
This skill is used to gain vague impressions of
Any Failure no effect events happening in other places or times. These are
impressions only, and usually focus on strong imagery
This bonus lasts for 5 rounds (1 minute), or until or emotions. The past and present cannot be changed,
you use a Personality skill against the target. but the future is fluid. This skill can be used to
Retry: You can't use Empathy on the same determine the probable outcome of an event, but that
target again for 24 hours. outcome is not set in stone.
Because of the nature of Farseeing, it's easier to
Enhance Ability learn than to use. To reflect this, there is no use of
Farseeing that doesn't incur a penalty of some sort. The
CON - 4
size of the penalty depends on what the character is
With Enhance Ability, a Force-user can enhance attempting to accomplish. See the table below.
either his Strength or Dexterity to super-species levels.
You first declare which Ability—Strength or Dexterity—
Desire Penalty
that you wishes to increase. You then make a skill check
as normal. The degree of success determines how much See another place +1
the chosen Ability is raised. See the table below.
See past events +2

Result Increase See a possible future +3

Ordinary +2
Another possible use of Farseeing is to make
Good +4 rerolls. If you fail a roll, you can opt to use your skill in
Farseeing to determine whether or not you saw yourself
Amazing +6
at some earlier time performing the action in question. If
Any Failure no effect you opt to do this, make a Farseeing check with a +3
step penalty. Any success indicates that you may reroll
Damage adjustments, movement rates, the check you failed. Although the vision is assumed to
resistance modifiers, and skill levels are all temporarily have been seen earlier, use of it in this fashion still costs
modified to match the raised Ability. the normal amount of Force points.
The effect lasts for 5 rounds (1 minute). Time: A Farseeing check takes 1 full hour to
Rank Benefit: Force Speed; of which there are accomplish, whether it succeeds or not, and may only
three levels, gained automatically upon achieving be made once in a given week. When using Farseeing
ranks 4, 8, and 12, respectively. Each level improves on to make a reroll, it is assumed that you spent an hour
the last. The first level allows the Force user to multiply performing the check at some point earlier in the same
his movement rates by 10 for 2 phases (6 seconds). By week.
extension, his jumping distance is multiplied by 5
during this time. The second level doubles level 1, and Fear
the third level triples level 1. If desired, a Force user WIL - 4
may opt to use a lower level of Force Speed than he has Dark side skill. Using this skill gives a character
attained. a dark side point.
Dark side adherents use this skill to project fear
Enhance Senses into the hearts and minds of their enemies. To reflect
WIL - 3 this, a successful check inflicts the target with a penalty
Used to supply a bonus to Awareness and to all his skill checks for a period of 5 rounds (1 minute).
Investigate skills. The check's degree of success The check's degree of success determines how great the
determines the bonus awarded. The bonus lasts for 10 penalty is. See the table below.
minutes. See the table below.
Result Penalty
Result Bonus Ordinary +1
Ordinary –1

Page 8 of 15
Result Penalty pressure on a single, small area with a living being or
object. All the Force-user needs is to be able to see his
Good +2 target, even if that target is on a viewscreen. Distance
Amazing +3 doesn't matter.
The rank of the attempting Force-user's Force
Any Failure no effect Grip skill determines the base situation modifier for the
check. See the table below. The Will resistance
Targets of this skill counter with their Resolve- modifiers of the targets make up any further modifiers.
mental resolve skills, or may negate the effects by
succeeding by giving into the dark side and gaining a Rank Modifier
dark side point. Because of the last counter method,
Fear is a tool often used to make potential apprentices 0-4 +0
more susceptible to the lure of the dark side. 5-8 –1
Retry: Multiple uses of this skill against the
same target are not cumulative. You may not make 9-12 –2
another Fear check on a specific target already under
the effects of Fear. Damage is based on the check's degree of
success. See the table below. Force Grip bypasses all
Force Defense non-Force-enhanced armor, and can only be defended
PER - 3 against by Will resistance modifiers, the Force Defense
A Force-user can use this skill to put up a Force- skill, and/or the aforementioned Force-enhanced armor.
based "shield" around himself that protects him from
Force-based assaults. Note that this skill is not meant to Result Damage
be a "reactionary" one (although it can be), meaning Ordinary d6+1w
that you're supposed to activate this skill's power before
something happens to you. Good d8+2w
In terms of gameplay, this skill offers a bonus to Amazing d4m
your resistance modifiers. The check's degree of success
determines how great the bonus is. However, the bonus Any Failure d4w
applies only to Force-based assaults. See the table
below. Force Lightning
INT - 5
Result Bonus Dark side skill. Using this skill gives a character
Ordinary +1 a dark side point.
By calling upon the dark side of the Force, a
Good +2 dark side adherent can bring forth deadly bolts of raw
Amazing +3 Force energy to blast one or more enemies.
The rank of the attempting Force-user's Force
Any Failure no effect Lightning skill determines the base situation modifier
for the check. See the table below. No resistance
The bonus achieved lasts for 5 rounds (1 modifiers or non-Force skills can be used to counter
minute). Force Lightning.
Time: Force Defense takes 2 phases (6 seconds)
to use. The first phase is required to set up the skill, and Rank Modifier
the second phase is when the skill is executed. If a
Force user is distracted during the first phase, he loses 0-3 +0
concentration and must start again in the next phase 4-6 –1
should he wish to try again. If desired, Force Defense
can be activated in 1 phase (3 seconds), but you must 7-9 –2
role against your character's Personality untrained 10-12 –3
score + his Force Defense rank.
Damage is based on the check's degree of
Force Grip success. Damage is En/O. See the table below. The
INT - 4 maximum range of a Force Lightning blast is 12 yards,
When used against a living being, this is a dark and spreads out in the shape of a cone as it travels
side skill and inflicts a dark side point on those who use away from the user. Any person or object in that cone is
it. Against machines and other objects, this skill may be affected. Any target with at least one-half cover takes no
safely used by light side adherents. damage. If the user desires, the cone of damage may
By manipulating the lines of energy that connect be shorter/smaller.
all things, a Force-user can apply great amounts of

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Result Damage Result Penalty
Ordinary d8+1w Amazing +5
Good 2d4+2w Any Failure no effect
Amazing d4+1m
The effects last for 10 minutes. If the Force
Any Failure d6w Stealth check fails, you must wait 10 minutes before you
can try again. Force Stealth can not be used in a quick,
Force Mind reactionary fashion; it must be activated before
PER - 4 someone attempts makes a See Force check to detect
This skill can't be used untrained. you. The use of a Force power on your part breaks any
A Force user that knows this skill is able to use Force-based stealth you have accomplished.
his own mind to affect the physical and mental abilities Time: Force Stealth takes 2 phases (6 seconds)
of those around him. In game terms, this means he's to use. The first phase is required to set up the skill, and
able to grant a Force bonus to one of a target's Ability the second phase is when the skill is executed. If a
scores. Force user is distracted during the first phase, he loses
The bonus applied to the target depends on the concentration and must start again in the next phase
check's degree of success. See the table below. should he wish to try again.

Result Bonus Force Strike

INT - 3
Ordinary +2 By using this skill, a Force-user lashes out at a
Good +4 person or object using only the Force.
The rank of the attempting Force-user's Force
Amazing +6
Strike skill determines the base situation modifier for
Any Failure no effect the check. See the table below. The Dexterity resistance
modifiers of the targets make up any further modifiers.
Actions per round, damage adjustments,
movement rates, resistance modifiers, and skill levels Rank Modifier
are all temporarily modified to match the raised Ability.
0-4 +0
Last resort points and skill points are not affected.
The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 5-8 –1
one-half the Force user's level, rounded down. 9-12 –2
Force Mind cannot be used to affect oneself.
Time: Force Mind takes 2 phases (6 seconds) to
use. The first phase is required to set up the skill, and Damage is based on the check's degree of
the second phase is when the skill is executed. If a success. See the table below. Damage is LI/O. Up to
Force user is distracted during the first phase, he loses four targets standing adjacent to one another can be
concentration and must start again in the next phase affected.
should he wish to try again.
Result Damage
Force Stealth Ordinary 1d6+2s
PER - 4
Good d6w
Contrary to what some may believe this skill to
represent, one's ranks in Force Stealth reflect his Amazing 2d4+1w
mastery over the ability to avoid detection by the Force
Any Failure d6s
and to mask his his presence from other Force-users. To
do this, he gather the Force around him, meditates, and
attempts to hide his connection to the Force. Friendship
Force Stealth is used to directly oppose the See PER - 3
Force skill (see below). The check's degree of success Light side skill. This skill can't be used
determines the penalty inflicted upon a user of See untrained.
Force. See the table below. Note that no resistance The use of this skill calms an otherwise hostile
modifier comes into play here. or unfriendly person or animal. Hostile in these
circumstances doesn't mean violent; once a potential
Result Penalty target has become violent, this skill cannot be used.
A Force-user need not be able to communicate
Ordinary +1 with his target. This skill manifests as a focused aura of
Good +3 calm exuded by the wielder.
The base situation modifier depends on the

Page 10 of 15
current mood of the target and what mood in which you mortal, or Ability values beyond their maximums. Any
wish to place the target. See the table below. Targets such excess healing is lost. Only Ability scores drained
subconsciously counter with their Will resistance temporarily may be restored; permanently drained
modifiers. Ability scores cannot be restored using Heal Another.
Retry: You may only attempt to heal Stun and
Desired Attitude Target Hostile Target Wound points once per hour in a single target. You may
Unfriendly only attempt to restore Mortal points and Ability scores
once per 24 hours in a single target.
Unfriendly +0 — Time: Heal Another takes 2 phases (6 seconds)
Indifferent +1 +0 to use. The first phase is required to set up the skill, and
the second phase is when the skill is executed. If a
Friendly +2 +1 Force user is distracted during the first phase, he loses
Helpful +3 +2 concentration and must start again in the next phase
should he wish to try again.
Any failure on a check means that hostile
targets become violent and unfriendly targets become Heal Self
hostile. PER - 4
The effect, positive or negative, lasts as long as This skill's purpose is self-explanatory.
the Force-user remains in the general vicinity of the The amount the Force-user is healed depends
target, or until a situation occurs to change that state. If on the check's degree of success. Each degree of
the Force-user leaves the general vicinity, the target success has three values: one for stun and wound, one
makes a Resolve-mental resolve check to escape the for mortal, and one for reversing Ability drain. A user of
effects of Friendship. If the check fails, the target Heal Self chooses one of these values to apply to
remains under Friendship's influence for a full hour himself. See the table below.
after that point. If the Force-user returns within that time,
the effects do not suddenly re-energize; the Force-user Result Heal
must remake the check to make the effect once again
indefinite. Ordinary d6+1sw/3m/+3A
Retry: Only one successful Friendship check per Good d6+3sw/4m/+5A
target may be made every hour. If a check fails,
Friendship may not be used on that target again for 24 Amazing d6+5sw/5m/+7A
hours. Any Failure no effect
Time: Friendship takes 2 phases (6 seconds) to
use. The first phase is required to set up the skill, and Use of Heal Self cannot raise stun, wound,
the second phase is when the skill is executed. If a mortal, or Ability values beyond their maximums. Any
Force user is distracted during the first phase, he loses such excess healing is lost. Only Ability scores drained
concentration and must start again in the next phase temporarily may be restored; permanently drained
should he wish to try again. Ability scores cannot be restored using Heal Another.
Retry: You may only attempt to heal Stun and
Heal Another Wound points once per hour. You may only attempt to
WIL - 4 restore Mortal points and Ability scores once per 24
Light side skill. hours.
This skill's purpose is self-explanatory. Time: Heal Another takes 2 phases (6 seconds)
The amount the target is healed depends on the to use. The first phase is required to set up the skill, and
check's degree of success. Each degree of success has the second phase is when the skill is executed. If a
three values: one for stun and wound, one for mortal, Force user is distracted during the first phase, he loses
and one for reversing Ability drain. A user of Heal concentration and must start again in the next phase
Another chooses one of these values to apply to his should he wish to try again.
target. See the table below. The Force-user must be
touching the target to use this skill. Illusion
PER - 5
Result Heal When used for a deadly, malicious purpose, this
Ordinary d6sw/2m/+2A is a dark side skill and inflicts a dark side point on those
who use it.
Good d6+2sw/3m/+4A Use of this skill allows a Force-user to create
Amazing d6+4sw/4m/+6A fully visual and auditory images that seem completely
real to those who perceive them.
Any Failure no effect The rank of the attempting Force-user's Illusion
skill determines the first part of the base situation
Use of Heal Another cannot raise stun, wound, modifier for the check. See the table below.

Page 11 of 15
reach +5, the talismans begin affect the Force-wielding
Rank Modifier ability of the wearer. For every one talisman penalty +5
and up, all Force checks made by the wearer suffer a
0-3 +0 +1 penalty.
4-6 –1 The only way a talisman's effect on the Force
can be destroyed is with the Force Drain dark side skill.
7-9 –2 Talisman Time: It takes one full day to create a
10-12 –3 talisman.
Imbuing a weapon: A Force user can only
The range of Illusion is up to 620 miles. The imbue non-powered melee weapons. In order to imbue
distance between the Force-user and the illusion add a a weapon to increase its damage, the Force user makes
possible second modifier. See the table below. an Imbue check and compares his result to the table
Distance up to... Modifier
Result Damage
12 yd. +0
Ordinary +1
10 mi. +1
Good +3
60 mi. +2
Amazing +5
600 mi. +3
Any Failure no effect
The Intelligence resistance modifiers of the
targets make up any additional modifiers. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to
On a by-witness basis, any success on the half the Force user's level (rounded up).
Illusion check indicates that the illusion is perceived as Lastly, Force-imbued weapons resist lightsabers
completely real. The only way to change this is to study and are not destroyed—or even damaged—upon
the illusion carefully, interact with it in a significant contact with one.
fashion, or be offered indisputable proof of the illusion's Imbue Weapon Time: To imbue a weapons
true nature. Any failure on a by-witness basis reveals takes 2 phases (6 seconds). The first phase is required
the illusion to be false and dispels it from that witness' to set up the skill, and the second phase is when the
perception. skill is executed. If a Force user is distracted during the
Time: Every additional round that the illusion first phase, he loses concentration and must start again
remains active costs the Force-user an additional Force in the next phase should he wish to try again.
Move Object
INT - 3
Imbue Through use of this basic skill, Force-users may
WIL - 4
lift and move objects or living beings.
This skill can't be used untrained.
The target of this skill must be within 12 yards of
This skill allows a Force user to "enchant" an
the Force-user.
object or weapon with the Force, either for the purposes
of awarding a bonus to resist Force assaults (a
Moving an Object
talisman) or increasing weapon damage.
The difficulty of moving an object is defined by
Creating a talisman: The Force user first spends
how much it weighs. See the table below for penalties
a last resort point and next makes an Imbue check. He
associated with different ranges of weight. Any success
compares his results to the table below. The penalty
means the object was successfully lifted and moved.
displayed in the "Result" column is applied to any Force
check used against the character (Force user or not)
that wears the talisman. Weight Modifier Additional Force
Result Penalty 0.1 lbs. - 15 lbs. +0 —
Ordinary +1 16 lbs. - 150 lbs. +1 —
Good +2 151 lbs. - 1,000 lbs +2 +1
Amazing +3 1,001 lbs. - 5 tons +3 +2
Any Failure no effect 5 tons - 50 tons +4 +3

51 tons - 550 tons +5 +4

Talismans are virtually permanent. The effects
of multiple talismans on a single character do stack. 551 tons - 5,500 +6 +5
However, once the combined penalty of the talismans

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Weight Modifier Additional Force object. See the table below.
Weight Damage
0.1 lb. - 10 lbs. 1d4s
(For examples of each weight category, see the 11 lbs. - 150 lbs. 1d6s
end of Move Object's description.)
A Force-user can move an object for up to 1 In the case of being assaulted with more than
round (12 seconds) a distance in yards of up to 4 x his one hurled object, a character may attempt to dodge
level. Each additional round of sustained movement the first two using normal two-action-at-once rules. The
requires another successful Move Object check. A failed rest he cannot dodge.
check means the object falls to the ground.
If two Force-users are struggling over an object Dropping Objects
with the Move Object skill, both make a Move Object Objects and living beings can be dropped on
check. The user who rolled lowest wins control of the either other objects or living objects. Living beings
object for 1 phase. counter such an attempt with their Acrobatics-dodge
If you're trying to remove an object from checks. Base damage received is based on the weight
someone's possession, they may counter with their of the object and the success of the target's Acrobatics-
Strength resistance modifier, so long as they have the dodge check. See the table below. There are five values
ability to hold the object. for damage: Critical Failure, Failure, Ordinary, Good,
If the object you're trying to move is obstructed and Amazing.
in some way (such as being mired in mud), the Move
Object check is penalized. See the table below.
Weight Damage

Obstruction Penalty 0.1 lbs. - 15 lbs. d6w/d4w/d6s/d4s/none

Slight +1 16 lbs. - 150 lbs. d6+2w/d4+2w/d4w/d4+2s

Moderate +2 /d4-2s

Severe +3 151 lbs. - 1,000 lbs d6+2m/d4+2m/d4+1m/d8+2w

Multiple objects may be moved at the same
1,001 lbs. - 5 tons d8+4m/d8+2m/d6+2m/d4+2m
time. For every three ranks that a Force user has in this
skill, an additional object may be moved. /d8+4w
Each object has its own Move Object check, and
5 tons - 50 tons d12+8m/d12+6m/d8+6m
expends its own Force points. The object that the player
deems most important gains a +2 penalty, the second /d6+4m/d12+6w
most important a +4 penalty, an so on with cumulative You're dead
51+ tons
increments of +2. Every Move Object check in such a
circumstance is considered to be made in the same
phase. The distance the the object fell determines if
any additional damage was received. Again, the
Moving a Living Being damage is modified by the target's Acrobatics-dodge
Living beings may counter with their Will check. See the table below.
resistance modifiers. For every five levels the Move
Object user has, the check gains a –1 cumulative Distance Additional damage
bonus. Force Talents do not gain these bonuses.
Up to 6 ft. No additional damage
Success on the check means the living being is moved
as if it were an object. Targets need not resist should 7-30 ft. 2x
they decide against it.
31-90 ft. 3x
Hurling Objects 91-180 ft. 4x
Move Object is not a skill designed to be used 181+ ft. 5x
as a weapon. "Hurled" objects and living beings don't
travel much faster than their non-attack counterparts,
and thus don't inflict much damage at all. Furthermore, In the case of being assaulted with more than
only objects and living beings up to 110 lb. can be one dropped object, a character may attempt to dodge
hurled. the first two using normal two-action-at-once rules. The
A character can make an Acrobatics-dodge rest he cannot dodge.
check to counter a hurled object. Should the object Time: Normal use of Move Object takes 1 phase
strike him, the damage depends on the weight of the (3 seconds). Using Move Object as an attack takes 2
phases (6 seconds), and thus costs 2 actions. The first

Page 13 of 15
phase is required to set up the skill, and the second doesn't mean they always do sense such targets,
phase is when the skill is executed. If a Force user is though, as the ability to do so requires honing to
distracted during the first phase, he loses concentration perfect.
and must start again in the next phase should he wish When a Force user enters another Force user's
to try again. sphere of influence, they both make a See Force check
Weight Examples: See the table below. or a WIL feat check. See the table below. Characters in
a Force trance do not sense the presence of other Force
Weight Examples users.
Without devoting time to the skill (see below),
0.1 lbs. - 15 lbs. Most hand-held weapons or objects, the check's highest degree of success is Ordinary.
portable appliances, etc.
16 lbs. - 150 lbs. Small and medium beings, small Result Description
droids, heavy weapons, objects
Ordinary Can detect the Force, but not its
needing two hands
potency or identity
151 lbs. - 1,000 Medium and large beings, medium
Good Can detect the Force and its general
lbs droids, ship-board weapons, objects
potency relative to your own
requiring repulsorlift-assists
(stronger/weaker), can detect its
1,001 lbs. - 5 Huge beings, large droids, general alignment (light/dark)
tons landspeeders, heavy freight
Amazing You know exactly how potent a
5 tons - 50 tons Gargantuan beings, huge droids, person is in the Force, their exact
starfighters alignment, and can detect the
Colossal beings, gargantuan droids, identity of a Force user if you've
51 tons - 550
space transports spent a significant amount of time
tons with them in the past
551 tons - 5,500 Colossal droids, small capital ships Any Failure No effect
The Force Stealth skill is used to counter See
Rank Benefit: Force Flight; gained Force.
automatically when Move Object rank 4 is reached. To See Force can be used to detect whether or not
use Force Flight, make a Move Object check. Your another Force user is in a Force trance, but the check
degree of success determines how far in any direction must be made specifically for that purpose and is at a
you may move yourself. +1 penalty. Any success means you know whether or
not the Force user is in a trance, while any failure
Result Distance means you remain in the dark on the issue. You must
spend another Force point and make another check if
Ordinary 12 yd. you wish to try again.
Good 18 yd. Time: In order to get any kind of result beyond
Ordinary, See Force requires the Force user to devote 2
Amazing 24 yd. phases (6 seconds) to it, and thus costs 2 actions.
Any Failure no effect
Note that the Force user does not immediately WIL - 3
take flight upon making this check. He first makes the Through the Force a Force user can establish a
check to determine how far can safely do so. If the link between himself and a target, allowing he and the
check reveals that he can not travel as far as he wishes, target to exchange emotions or simple thoughts such as
he may forgo taking flight, but he still must expend a "Go!", "Help!", or "Danger!"
Force point for having made the check. Naturally, it's easier to communicate in this
fashion with another Force user; the distances involved
See Force are much greater. However, a non-Force user can be
WIL - 3 contacted if desired. Distance between the Force user
This skill allows a Force user to subconsciously and target and whether the target is a Force-user are
detect the presence of the Force within a person, and by both taken into account when determining the base
extension detect the presence of other Force users situation modifiers for Telepathy. See the table below.
nearby. The range for this skill is 250 ft. x character The "Penalty/Bonus" column contains a single
level. number; it is applied to the Telepathy check as a
Force users constantly sense the Force all penalty. When Telepathy is used against a hostile
around them, and thus subconsciously can sense when target, the number is not only a penalty to Telepathy,
other Force users are within See Force's range. This but also a bonus to the target's Will resistance modifier.

Page 14 of 15
Non-Force user Force user Penalty/Bonus
Non-Force user Force user Penalty/Bonus
3,500 ft. 600 mi. +2
12 yd. 10 mi. +0
350 ft. 60 mi. +1

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