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Tugas 01 Ringkasan WebBinar Bilingual Pada Tanggal 03 Juni

2020 Nama : Sabda F R Situmorang

NIM 17 01 159

Kelas : III TkC

Adapun Narasumber :

1. Dimas Simatupang M.Sc = Lecture Department of Chemistry

Chemical Engineering Polytechnic Industrial

2. Prof Michael Murkovic = food chemist at the institute of biochemistry

at graz university of technology

3. Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, MSc., PhD = From Universitas Negeri


Speaker 1

Mr. Dimas Simatupang Dissertation Research Project

“Thermozymes as Potential Biocatalysts for Industrial Applications”

International Webinar – Chemical Applications in Reading Future



Thermozyzes is Enzymes from Thermophilic microorganism live in high

temp 41degrees Celcius to 122 degrees Celcius and living in the extreme
situation. Thermozyzes have a physical property and can maintain the
electrostatic interactions and then Thermozyzes was isolated from hot
springs, mountains area, and compostaing.


By the Research In ITB, Thermozymes has Lipases as the subject point

for the thermal stability. The other type is Esterases, Amilases,
Cellulases, Xylana, Proteases, Chitinases, and Manganases.

How to get The thermal pure Thermozymes

 Thermostable Lipases
Has specific character which chould maintain itself in certain
condition, Isolated from thermophilic microorganisms
Catalyze The Hydrolysis of Triacylglycerol become Glycerol and
free fatty acid.
o Uses of Lipases
Comestic, Detergen Industry, Medicine and Biodiesel

How do we get Thermozymes

1. Cultivation Method = Will get the pure colony Bacteria

2. Metagenome Method = Will not have Pure single colony of Bacteria

but you have a DNA fragment

Natural Sample we did it the specific Grow until many times after that
we make Specific media and it was Inoculate 1% Sample and
Incubations with temp 15 – 100 degrees celcius. Until 2 or 4 times, after
that Sample was take 100 micro liter

After get the target bacteria Use technique strict method to get pure
colony bacteria and then extraxt DNA use the primer.
Single colony analyze the lipase activity by using Colorimetry Method

By the research ITB call 1.1 using chlorine method and the lipase activity
is 0.0045 unit/ milligram (the best activity)

To increase activity using recombinant Thermos or recombinan thermal

stability basis

Thermozymes after the progress get new expression, The new

Thermozymes check with the same the method for Check lipase activity
higher than their wild type 1.0,7 unit per milligram its higher from 0.25
unit per miliigram

To increase Thermozymes ,purify the recombinant thermals using the

affinity chromatography, After the purification Got the best activity

The other alternative to up Activity choose the pichia pastoris with clone
metho, using agarose electrophoresis to see dirty and analyzed the
protein band by using the sds page electrophoresis and the purify the
thermozymes to have characteristic to see thermal stability



2. Detergents

3. substrates specificity

4. Temperatures

The research group with Prof. Akhmaloka, Ph.D and Prof. Fida M .
Warganegara, Ph.D
Speaker 2

Mr. Prof. Michael Murkovic was born in grass in 1959 and was studying
technical chemistry at grass university of technologywith with a focus on
biotechnology, Finiished diploma and PH.d in the field of biotechnology
in 1989, stayed one year in Switzerland and Italy and Continue
professional career at pharmaceutical company by UK in Austria in
1993 and back ato grass and started working as a food chemist at the
institute of biochemistry at grass university of technology, focus
research or any compound cooking and the influence of antioxidant and
have specialist in liquid chromathography and mass spectrophotometry
and become associate professor in the field of food chemistr, he has 100
manuscript and teaching food chemistry and food biotechnologu at grass
university of technology medical university of grass,

“Challenges for a sustainable food production in a changing climate”

The Human activity on the earth and we see the rising

temperaturesbefore 2000some kind of temperatures distribution and after
2000, temperature has rising , this temperature increased is a result of the
increasingconcentration of grennhouse grases in Atmosphere , the carbon
dioxide is increasing significantly
1. Water
Changes to water resouces can have big impact on peoples lives, Water
using for dringking also for food production, Water with very high
quality for food production to be clean, it has no toxin, not contain any
toxins and pathogenic organisms, High temperatures is that we change te
water circulation in the world.

In some regions, particularly in western US, Drought is an important

factor affecting communities.

Less snow accumulation in the mountain is important, The snowpack

stores water for later use

The frequency of heavy downpours has increased in several regions


Food has to adopt agriculture and food production ti changing climate
conditions because increase temeperature

Our food supply depends on climate and weather condition,. Although

agricultural practices may be adaptable, changes like.

Increased temperatures

Water stress

Plant diseases

Weather extremes

Climate impacts affecting food production

Climate change poses not just one but whole slew of challenges to
farmers and to the larger communities that depend on them for food

The change in the food Production is not only a problem for the farmers,
but for the whole community, for the population of the world because
everythingmight to change

Form erratic precipitation to changing seasons, there are five key

vlimatic changes and how they stand to affest food availability now and
in the future

More extreame weather can harm livestock and crops. Major storms have
always devastated farms, wheather form damaging winds during a storm,
or erosion and landslide that can rear up even as the storm subsides. But
now they are becoming even more common.

In spring 2018, For examples, unusually heavy rain and snow storms
caused massive flooding acroos the US Midwest, leaving some areas 10
feet deep in sand

The increasing temperature in a moderate climate means that different

plants can be armed,example production can ectend it to the north
because soybean is very temperature sensitive and when the temperature
during the growing seasong the temperature is reduced below20 degrees
centigrade, the harvest will be reduced by around 30 to50 pecent so when
the temperature is increasing we can move soybean production further

Water Scarcity

Makes it more expensive and difficult to sustain crops and livestock.

Drought is in the long term outlook acroos the US west, with declining
snowpack making it more challenging to keep rervoirs full through
summer. Lack of adequate water can easily damage or destroy crops, dry
up soil, and threaten livelihoods.

The seasons are changing in the meaning is regions around the equator

More or less a constant seasonwith more endless rain constant

temperatures but when going north, if seasaon has changed I think
winter is not as cold anymore and the summer is getting hotter and hore
humid her so the corps also have to be adopted the varieties have to ve
adopted to this changing, the plants start flowering earlier, the wather
changes and the extreme weather changes so we have high temperatures
in extremely low temperatures, the palnts can be destroyed during Ver
extreame temperature changes.

Seasons are not what they used to be. Growing seasons are starting
earlier and getting hotter in warming climate.A longer growing season,
over time, could theoretically have some advantages, but it also present
more obstacles in the short term, such as an uptick in pest populations is
possible, with more genereations possible per year. Early spring onset
can also cause crops to grow before the soil holds enough water and


Wildfire can devastate farms even when the flames do not actually reach
them, Reachers have recently seen major losses as result of worsening
fire seasons =, freom outright loss of life to charres grazing lands and
decimated hay stocks.

In addition, “secondary impacts” abound, from a smoky taint that can

ruin wine, to the ordeal od keeping a farm operational when fires are
raging nearby and evacuation orders seem just around the corner. All this
also causes costs to mount given hot conditions can force farms to send
workers home in the height of harvest season.
Warmers weather and rising Carbon dioxide levels adversely affect food
supply, safety and quality. According to a 2019 IPCC land use report,
between 25 and 30% of the food produced worldwide is wasted, not all
of of it fot the same reasons. In developed countries, for instance,
consumers, sometimes seemingly with abandon.

Speaker 3

Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, MSc., PhD

“Chemichal application in realizing future Sunstainbility: The Role Of



The application of chemistry in realizing future sustainability is a very

interesting topic to discus

Chemistry has a very large contribution in realizing human welfare,

because it almost covers all aspects of life

Chemistry also has negative impacts, especially those related to

environmental problems

Some of the majir problems realted to future sustainability are dealing

with chemistry

As scientist, we must support the realization of future sustainability

Future sustainability become a hot issue in recent years, with aims to

have safe environments for everyone in the future
These goals cover a vast range of issues such as ending poverty and
hunger, ensuring clean energy supplies are ample and accessible, and
acting to mitigate climate change

9 planetary thresholds to achieve a sustainable future:

1. Related to strastospheric ozone depletion

2. Blodiversity loss and ectinctions

3. chemichal pollution

4. climate change

5. Ocean acidification

6. Freswater consumption and the global hydrological cycle

7. changes to land systems

8. Flows of nitrogens and phosphor into the oceans and biosphere

9. Atmospheric aerosol loads

6 Transformations concern with education, gender and inequality

1. Health

2. Energy decarbonization and sustainable industry

3. Sustainable foodm land, water, and oceans

4. Sustainable cities and communities

5. The digital revolution

6. Sustainable development
Action for Promote a sustainable future

Everyone has to do your contribution especially fot those of yous as a


Think critically on everything in the activities the support future

sustainability and environmental friendly :

- Food choices
- Water and ecological footprint
- The energy
- The gasoline
- Compost bin – save space in the landfills
- Recyle
- Clothes and other products
- Conserve water and energy

We will to think future for the next generation in the world and then we
have one earth, we will to keeping it, we create a knowledge and
understanding to find solution for deal with the world, we will to
research with laboratory safety for our live and then we create knowledge
an understanding on the solutions to todays acute economic, social and
environmental chalanges to achieve sustainable development and greener

We have to focus has to highlight on the air quality, water quality,

nutrition, and sustainability

In green chemistry,we need to do our action to applied on chemichal

products and processes to use less energy, produce fewe hazardous
materials, and use renewable resources whenever possible
We will to be a good people if we keeping the world so this is personal
action for sustainable future

1.Food choice, support organic and local food production

2. water and ecological footprint

3.The energy at household, schoold or

workplace 4.The gasoline or cleane energy

5. compost bin save space in the landsfills

6.recycle or dispose electronics and hazardous substances

7.clothes and other products

8.conserve energy and water

How help achieve the SDGs?

1.opputunities for chemichal

2. Green and sustainable chemistry education

3. grenn and sutainable chemichal manufacturing practies

8 Priority SDGs

1. zero hunger

2. good health

3. clean water

4. clean energy
5.industry, innovation, insfrastructure

6. responsible consumption

7.climate action

8.Quality education

We have 5 basic chemistry

1. Inorganic

2. Organic

3. Analytical

4. physical

5. biochemichal

Pricipal of green Chemistry


2. safer chemicals

3.less hazardous efficiency

5. reduce derivatives

6. use of renewable feedstock

7. real time analysis for pollution prevention

Conclusion in this topic

1.Chemistry has its roles in achieving the future sustainability

2.Chenistry has to be implemented through the policy, action and
education to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people
enjoy peace and prosperity

3. We must all take our role from now on, and continue to take an
interesy in every activity and career for sustainable future.

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