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Workbook in Grade 12 Physical Science

II. Introduction (1 Page Introduction)

Table of Contents
In the Beginning
We Are All Made of Star Stuff
Atomos, Aristotle and Alchemy
Not Indivisible
Corpuscles to Chemical Atomic Theory (
Henry Moseley, the Atomic Number, and Synthesis of Elements
Polarity of Molecules
Intermolecular Forces
Structures, Properties and Uses of Matter
Biological Macromolecules
Chemical Change I
Chemical Change II
How Energy is Produced and Managed
Household Chemicals and Personal Care Products

Chapter I
Topic: Big Bang Theory and Formation of the Light Elements
 Briefly discuss the cosmology of the Big Bang Model
 Provide an overview of the proof for the Big Bang Model
 Write reactions involving the nucleosynthesis of the first element
Short Introduction of the Topic:

Lesson Proper:
Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation about how the universe
began. At its simplest, it says the universe as we know it started with a small
singularity, then inflated over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we
know today. At this time, all matter was compacted into a very small ball with
infinite density and intense heat called a Singularity. Suddenly, the Singularity
began expanding, and the universe as we know it began.
Authored and thought by several scientists based on work of
Hubble’s red shift. Dime sized densely packed piece of matter (containing all the
matter in the universe) appeared out of nothingness and exploded. Expansion of
the universe during first few seconds after the big bang, cooled the created
matter enough for protons, neutrons, and electrons to form as free particles, but
not to become stable atoms. After 1 million years, the expansion and cooling
allowed hydrogen to form. Now, hydrogen is the most abundant element in the
known universe. This allowed the formation of other elements, then stars,
planets, etc. Eventually life evolved from non-living precursors, and eventually
into the life we see on Earth.
The future of the universe, may still be expanding but how long?
The gravity from all existing objects pull against this expansion. Based on Big
Bang Theory, there are three possible outcomes; first, universe expands forever.
Second, expansion will gradually slow down until a size limit is reached. Lastly,
expansion will stop and the universe will begin to contract and fall in on itself
(Big Crunch Theory). However, it depends on the amount of matter in the
Evidences of the Big Bang Theory is that cosmic background
radiation is evidence used in support of the theory (faint radiation left over from
the explosion itself). Red shift of wavelengths of light from distant galaxies.
Expansion implies smaller in past. However, there are flaws in the Big Bang
Theory like where did it come and what will happen next.

Assessment 1(Exercises)
Assessment 2 (Chapter Test 2)

V. References (APA Format 6th Edition)

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