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Attention: If You or a Loved One Suffers with Back Pain, Muscle

Tension, or a Sports Injury, This May Be the Most Important Letter

You’ll Ever Read...

REVEALED: Trainer’s 30 Minute Miracle Builds

Insane Stamina, Reduces Inflammation, and
Has NBA Pros Playing Past the Age of 40... It
Could Do the Same for You!
Dear Basketball Fan,
It’s game point. You dribble the ball into the half-court, sizing up
your defender the entire way.
You’ve spent the last 45 minutes going toe-to-toe with
competition half your age. And you still have some gas left in the
Your agility and ball-handling skills have given your opponents
problems all game long.
As you reach the top of the key, your defender crowds your
space. Thinking fast, you unleash some simple yet effective
escape dribbles.
As the defender tries to recover, you dish out a crossover and
send him sliding across the court.
The teenagers watching on the sideline erupt in laughter. Some
appear to even be in disbelief.
You glance at the fallen defender before looking to the hoop. Your
strong core gives you the balance you need to elevate and launch
a silky 3. Swish. Bottom of the net.
Now, even the adults in the gym are impressed.
Imagine how shocked they'll be when they find out you’re
51 years old.
Hi, I’m Kent Katich, sought-after trainer for NBA and WNBA
I’ve spent the last 20 years freeing pro-athletes from the
shackles of muscle imbalance.
The story I just shared is one that happened to me last week at
my local YMCA.
I’m here to tell you that you can achieve the same results.
It only requires using the powrful secrets I'm about to reveal to
you in this letter.
Why should you believe me?
Because, I've spent 20 years training basketball superstars like
Blake Griffin, Chris Paul, and Sue Bird.
I’ve also made appearances on ESPN and Inside the NBA. And in
print publications such as People Magazine, Sports and Fitness,
and Sports Illustrated

If you have ever wanted to:

• Eliminate knee pain

• Become an elite defender

• Sleep better

• Erase anxiety and stress

• Have superior agility and ball-handling skills

• Melt away fat

• Build the stamina needed to finish strong, every game

...then you’re about to discover exactly what you’ve been looking


Today, I’m going to reveal a secret 30-minute miracle.

This remarkable discovery harneses a 5,000 year old
isometric power to boost muscle elasticity and improve
It's a life-transforming secret never shared with anyone outside
of my personal training circle... until today.
But before I reveal this powerful information, I need to tell you
about a “silent menace” robbing you of energy and exposing you
to injury.
It’s something everyone experiences — even those who are
active and in shape.
Muscle Imbalances Can Destroy Your
Body’s Alignment Causing Muscle Tension,
Chronic Pain and Insomnia
Muscle Imbalances are at the root of the many problems I
touched on earlier in this letter.

If you’ve ever suffered from:

• Joint inflammation

• Sports injuries

• Lack of explosiveness

• Carpal tunnel syndrome

• Insomnia

• Headaches

• Lower back pain

• Poor posture

• Tendonitis

…then there’s a good chance you’ve been living with muscle

But what is muscle imbalance, or what doctors refer to as
musculoskeletal dysfunction?
In simple terms, it occurs when a muscle on one side of a joint is
stronger than the opposite muscle.
As time goes on, theses imbalances can compound and develop
into serious injuries.
Muscle imbalance is also a primary source of inflammation. Left
untreated, it leads to chronic problems like lower back pain and
herniated discs.
An excerpt from the 2010 Global Burden of Disease states,
“Worldwide, back pain is the single leading cause of disability,
preventing many people from engaging in work as well as other
everyday activities”.
And statistics compiled by the Journal of Bone and Joint surgery
show, “Low-back pain costs Americans at least $50 billion in
health care costs each year.”
When you factor in lost wages and decreased productivity, the
amount skyrockets to more than $100 billion!
Reggie Franklin - 53 Years old - Los Angeles Clippers Team Chef

“I have a very important job: keeping a hungry team of NBA players fed.
It’s a job I absolutely love, but a demanding one that requires me to be on
my feet for over 12 hours a day. At the ripe age of 53, it was taking a toll
on my body. The pain in my lower-back had grown so bad that I was
considering taking an early retirement. When some of the players caught
wind of this, they introduced me to a secret 30 minute miracle. After a
month, my back pain had vanished and I was able to move around the
kitchen like a ninja. A much younger ninja. I’ve even been able to get back
on the court and drain jump shots in some youngbloods faces out at the
local park. And my wife? Let’s just say that she’s been happy with the
results too. Thanks Kent!”

Medical Experts: Fad High-Intensity Workouts

Are Destroying Your Body
High-intensity interval training has become one of the trendiest
forms of exercise over the past decade.
Yet, evidence suggests that this type of training takes a
destructive toll on your body.
According to a recent study conducted by Rutgers University,
“People who engage in high-intensity interval training are at
greater risk for injury, especially in the knees and shoulders”.
The study, led by Dr. Joseph Ippolito, also found that “many
athletes, especially amateurs, do not have the flexibility, mobility,
core strength and muscles to perform these exercises”.
“There is strong evidence that these types of injuries --specifically
from repetitive overload at the knee -- can lead to osteoarthritis,"
Ipoolito continued
In simple terms, these training regimens pose a high risk for
But none of this is your fault.
It’s not like we’re taught the importance of balanced core
As a matter of fact, it’s another secret the corporate fitness world
is keeping from you.
Think about it — the fitness industry has been lying to us about
core strength for DECADES.
I’m sure you can remember the hundreds of ab workout scams
peddled throughout the 80s, 90s, and even today.
I’m ashamed to admit that I fell for a few of these scams years
back when I didn’t know any better. And it's not that they don't
The problem with them is that they all focus on the front
abdominals, or what we know as the “6 pack”.
And while those front abs may look great, these limited exercises
mean you’re neglecting the 29 other important muscles that
make up the core.
All that hard work, and you're only left with cosmetic benefits?
This type of neglect has a chain-reaction effect. Muscles become
overloaded and pick up the slack of weaker ones.
The result? Muscle strains, chronic tension, and back pain.
You see, muscle and ligament systems connect throughout the
body and are hyper-reactive to one another.
For example, tight glutes can be at the root of other problems
like knee tendonitis, pulled hamstrings and tight quads.
What are some of the other dirty secrets the Coporate Fitness
World isn't telling us about?
3 Awful Secrets The Corporate Fitness World
Doesn’t Want You to Know
A Huge Number Of Gym Memberships Go Completely
A survey of American gym members revealed that a shocking
63% of gym memberships go completely unused!
With the average membership fee coming in at $58 per month,
that means you are throwing away $696 per year!
It’s like using a $100 bill to light a cigar- sure, you only do it a
few times a year, but it still costs you a fortune.
I’m sure we can agree that is a lousy ROI! But what is the reason
behind those numbers?
Mega Gyms Don’t Cap Member Enrollment
Corporate gyms are in the business to do one thing and one thing
only: Make money! And they do this by enrolling as many people
as possible.
For us consumers, it means crowded gyms and long waits to use
equipment. Full classes with a waitlist. No space in the parking
Shouldn’t going to the gym be something you look forward to?
Imagine you're in the middle of an intense workout. Your heart
rate is up. You're energy is high. It's time to crush some cardio.
Only you soon realize every treadmill in the gym is in use. Your
killer workout has come to a grinding halt.
And if aren’t able to get to the gym during off-hours, there’s a
good chance you’ll be experiencing this on every visit!
We all live busy lives. None of us have time to deal with
inconveniences. Especially waiting in line to use outdated gym
But for me, the worst secret of all is...
Mega Gyms Are Sanitation Nightmares
As we live in the midst of a global pandemic, practicing proper
hygiene is one of the most important parts of our everyday life.
Unfortunately, big fitness centers are infamous for being filthy
petri dishes.
We’ve all been there: You sit on a weight bench or machine, only
to notice it’s covered in someone elses sweat.
Gross, right?
And many gyms don’t even supply you with sanitizer, much less
clean their equipment in a timely fashion.
Then there are the dreaded locker rooms…
These humid areas provide the perfect environment for
dangerous infections like staph and MRSA to thrive.
Why should you have to put yourself at unnecessary risk to better
your life?
This Little-Known Connective Tissue Could Be
Making Your Life a Living Hell
Tight fascia is another chronic issue that is often confused for
muscle and joint pain.
Fascia is the term for the web-like connective tissue that weaves
throughout your entire body.
This tissue forms a protective layer over your muscles, organs
and skeletal structure.
These densely-packed collagen fibers are typically smooth. But,
over time, these “sheets” can bunch up and become sticky.
Bunching fascia constricts the surrounding muscle and tissue,
restricting blood-flow. This tightness often results in painful
“trigger points”.
Left untreated, these trigger points can become source of nagging
People suffering from tight fascia may also experience sharp pain,
and even numbness, due to sensitive nerves woven all
throughout the sticky tissue.
"My Left Leg Locked Up. I Crashed to the
Court, Writhing In Pain"
I don’t often share personal stories. But it's important to know
that before becoming a sought after trainer, I was an out of
shape and depressed mess.
While in college, long before I discovered the secrets I use today,
I developed chronic tendonitis in my left knee.
Being young and stubborn, I felt I was strong enough to play
thorugh it. I was indestructible, after all!
I would go on to tear my ACL during a game. Just like that, my
basketball career was over.
I can't begin to tell you how much this hurt. Not only my knee,
but my soul.
How could some minor injury turn into something that destroyed
my childhood dreams of becoming an NBA star?
With my basketball career coming to an abrupt halt, I soon found
myself taking a boring office job. Something I swore I would
I had gone from being active all day long, to being hunched over
a computer inside of a tiny cubicle.
As time went on, my posture got worse. Much worse.
It reached such a point that friends started calling me
Quasimodo, as a joke.
I laughed along, but inside my self-confidence was taking a
Once my knee healed, I tried picking up cardio and weightlifting.
The chronic knee pain and fatigue I felt afterward frustrated me
enough to quit after a couple of weeks.
My depression continued to spiral out of control. Not being able to
play basketball was eating me alive inside.
It was so unfair. I didn't do anything wrong. But, I soon found out
it wasn't what I did... it was what I didn't do.
The 5,000 Year Old Isometric System
That Gave Me Life Again
One day, everything changed. It was a day I’ll never forget.
The day my good friend Lyle introduced me to the most important
discovery of my life: YOGA.
Lyle knew everything I had been going through. He was sure
Yoga would be the key to getting my life back on track.
I wasn’t as convinced. But, after a little prodding, “What do you
have to lose?”, I agreed to join him for a session.
As you can imagine, I struggled so much throughout that first
class. Something as simple as bending over to touch my toes had
me breaking out in a full sweat!
And when we moved to warrior pose...
That’s when I lost my balance and came crashing down onto the
floor. I cringed as the entire class laughed under their breath.
Still, I dug deep and made it through the first class.
Even though I wasn’t doing the poses and stretches like an
expert, they still sent a rush of blood and energy through my
By the end of the day, I had a muscle elasticity I’d never
experienced before. There was an instant spring to my step.
Dare I say I felt good about myself for the first time in ages?
I kept going to the classes with Kyle.
Within two weeks, my knee pain had VANISHED. And I noticed
my posture correcting itself due to a newfound core strength.
The focused breathing exercises started easing my stress. Less
stress led to my insomnia subsiding.
I was getting good sleep for the first time in years.
And my self-confidence skyrocketed! As I started to lose weight, I
was no longer afraid to look at myself in the mirror.
From there on out, I become obsessed with yoga. I dedicated my
life to it. Studied it. Practiced it.
All that hard work led to me becoming a certified instructor.
I Had Never Felt So Good In My Entire Life
With my knee now pain free, I was able to pick back up my true
love: basketball.
While I wasn't at 100%, it felt so back out there putting up shots.
Soon after, I began combining heart-healthy cardio dribbling drills
with a regimen of yoga.
After a month of combining the two, I shed a shocking 10
And after three months, I had enough confidence to show off my
toned physique at the beach, something I hadn't done in years.
I was clear-headed and happy. I felt like I’d discovered the
fountain of youth!
From this moment on, I knew that I had unearthed an incredible
secret that I needed to share with other athletes.
Vince Carter - Atlanta Hawks - 8 Time NBA All-Star

"If you would have told me twenty years ago I’d still be playing in the
NBA at 42 I would have laughed in your face. But, thanks to Kent’s 30-
minute miracle, I’ve turned what I once viewed as impossible into a

“Vascular Pliancy” Is the Secret To Melting Away Fat Cells,

Oxygenating Your Circulatory System and Relieving
Debilitating Muscle Tension
My patented Vascular Pliancy system will super boost the oxygen
content in your bloodstream.
You'll discover a faster path to recovery, and an increased
stamina... in more places than the just basketball court.
Spiked oxygen levels provide you with the nutrient rich blood
needed to feed each one of your cells.
This euphoric process delivers a healing boost throughout your
entire body.
Numerous medical studies have found that increases in oxygen
levels to the brain result in improved cognitive functions.
On the court, it translates to increased mental awareness and
decision making.
As a matter of fact, every single NBA and WNBA pro who I've
trained have seen an improvement in their assist to turnover
It’s why athletes take the easy way out with expensive hyperbaric
chamber treatments. These treatments can cost upwards of $400
per session!
Don't worry, my secret developments don't include any cramped
oxygen chambers. You'll be doing it naturally, from the comfort of
your own home.
And in only thirty minutes a day, it’s a routine anyone can fit into
their busy schedule.
My never-before-revealed discoveries will help you unlock a
newfound confidence. Feel what it's like to believe in yourself
You'll also be building a next-level stamina. Master the
techniques, and you'll wield body control only typically
experienced by pro atheletes.
Best of all, you won’t need any heavy weights or expensive gym
memberships to do it.
Chris Paul - Los Angeles Clippers - Point Guard
10 x NBA All-Star, NBA All-Team Defense

“I swore off yoga for years because I bought into every bad stereotype — It
was only for girls or hippies. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Yoga has
helped me conquer nagging injuries that used to resurface throughout the
season. At this stage in my career, keeping my body feeling young and
fresh is of utmost importance. Kent’s secrets have provided me with the
tools I need to be my best on the court.”

Experts Agree: A Fusion Of Yoga And

Cardiovascular Exercise Can Lower Your Risk
Of Heart Disease
A study published in the Journal of the American College of
Cardiology says Yoga, when combined with cardio exercise, gives
you double the reduction in BMI, cholesterol, and blood pressure
levels when compared to taking part in just one or the other.

The musculoskeletal benefits of this system are of equal

The Hatha Yoga method I use harnesses the powerful energy of
asanas. Most of us know these as yoga poses.
For greatest effect, these poses pair up with controlled breathing
A study by Roehampton University proves that, “Both slow
breathing and 15 breath/minute controlled breathing increased
oxygen saturation.”
These same breathing techniques cause the release of prolactin
and the hormone oxytocin. For us non doctors, these are often
reffered to as "the love hormones".
Yep. Now you know why controlled breathing is such a huge part
of the famous Kama Sutra.

These poses also use deep stretching techniques. When

performed over time as a routine, you will experience:

• Increased flexibility

• Release of bound-up facia

• Improved blood flow

• Muscle tension relief

• Anxiety reduction

Lauren Kostis - 42 Years old - LA Clippers Human Resources


Kent’s system allowed me to fit a 30 minute workout into my current

routine that gets my blood pumping. Kent’s expertise has helped me cut
crippling stress from my life, curing my insomnia in the process.

My husband and kids all tell me that I look happier. I even managed to slip
into my favorite swimsuit that I haven’t worn in two years. I couldn’t be
more thrilled with your program and the tremendous results!”

A recent study in Japan found that Hatha yoga poses increased

pelvic flexibility by 32%. Imagine the increase in agility you will
Increased core strength is essential to injury-free weightlifting.
With solid core support, surrounding muscles will no longer have
to provide stability, thus reducing the chance of strains.
Dr. Kellie C. Huxel Bliven, of The Arizona School of Health
Sciences says “multifaceted prevention programs including core
stabilization exercises appear to be effective at reducing lower
extremity injury rates.”
The study also found breathing exercises used in yoga decrease
systolic blood pressure.
In addition, a study in the Journal of Bodywork & Movement
Therapies found “Evidence that SMFR (Self-myofascial release)
may lead to improved arterial function and improved vascular
function, enhancing recovery.”
Develop Insane Handles And Focus
With Kent’s Powerful “Ball On A String”
Dribble Drills
It’s no secret that science has shown us repetition is the key to
elite muscle memory.
Repeated tensing and relaxing of muscles triggers receptors
within your brain.
Over time, the connection between the receptors and your
muscles becomes stronger.
Fast reaction time is a critical skill needed to gain the edge when
battling it out on the hardwood.
My “Ball On A String” drills take advantage of this exact brain-
strengthening technique.
I’ve partnered with all-star point guard, Chris Paul, to craft these
exclusive drills for you.
Detailed breakdowns give you the building blocks to developing
elite ambidextrous control. With dual-hand ball control, you'll add
yet another tool to your belt, so you can dominate the court.
Handle the ball as if it were a yo-yo — like it’s literally on a string
attached to your hand.
This is the only NBA All-Star curated ball-handling training
available on the market.
I am confident these drills will take your game to heights you
have yet to experience.
They’ll also give you an incredible, heart-healthy cardio workout.
You get to burn fat and calories while perfecting your game!
This combination of life changing secrets is being revealed to the
public for the first time...
FitR, Inc. Introduces The Breakthrough Training System:

Unleash ridiculous basketball skills, while keeping your body and

mind in world-class shape.
I've enlisted the help of my NBA and WNBA clients to bring you
this life-altering system.
In fact, experts across the fitness and sports world are saying we
may never see such a combination of talent, knowledge, and
experience in one place ever again.
Proven experience you can't find ANYWHERE else.
And you'll see results in only 6 quick weeks!
Imagine the relief as you're able to ease stiff joints and tense
muscles, without popping addictive pain pills.
With My Exclusive Program You Will Receive:
*Kent’s “Vascular Pliancy” Training Sessions
The 4 DVD set contains over 4 HOURS of Kent’s sought after
instruction. Expert trainers will guide you through every explosive
element of Vascular Pliancy Yoga.
In the first disc, you’ll follow along with Kent and NBA legend Dirk
Nowtizki. Here, you'll go through the proper form and execution
of each stretch and pose.
The other three discs contain easy to follow 30 minute yoga
routines. Starting from beginning to advanced, allowing you to
master the system at your own pace.
*Ball-On-A-String Dribble Drills
This two disc video set features an array of dribble drills that will
get your blood pumping.
Sharpen your muscle memory as you melt away calories.
NBA All-Star Chris Paul will walk you through the steps it takes to
become an elite dribbler.
These secret drills will give you the handles needed to break
down a defender in any situation.
They’ll also torch fat deposits, giving you a toned physique you’ll
be proud of.
*Indoor/Outdoor NBA Caliber Basketball
To ensure you get the most out of your training, I’ve included an
NBA-quality basketball.
The 29.5” official-sized ball comes with deep channel design for
superior handling.
The ball ships inflated and game ready, so you can start working
on your drills as soon as the system arrives.
*High-Quality Cushioned Yoga Mat
Perform your stretches and poses in extreme comfort with this
high-density, ½” thick yoga mat.
The anti-tear material ensures long-term durability.
A non-slip surface provides you peace of mind, by helping to
prevent accidents and injuries.
And a lightweight design makes transporting and storing the mat
a breeze.
After your first workout, I have no doubt you’ll feel the system
starting to work it’s magic...
But, before I let you go any further, I need to warn you that this
program isn’t for everyone.
Experiencing the powerful effects of Vascular Pliancy will require
hard work and dedication.
With this in mind, we’ve included a training session on the first
Take advantge of these introductory training exercises for as long
as you need. When you're ready, tackle the advanced part of the
program in a time frame that’s comfortable for you.
Your instructors have years of experience under their belts. We
use the most effective training elements to ensure you see quick
I guarantee it.
A new addition to my portfolio is the “HyperCross” system, which
I developed with my close friend, NBA Finals MVP Andre Iguodala.
This exciting new development takes you through the entire killer
crossover execution. You'll learn all the dynamic steps to the
famous ankle-breaker.
Andre’s even revealed some of his confidential tips to perfecting
the lethal move.
Over the course of 6 weeks, my clients saw a 48% increase in
crossover speed after incorporating HyperCross into their drills.

You will master:

• Dribbling with your non-dominant hand

• The Crossover with my “HyperCross” system

• Hesitation dribbles

• Behind the back dribbles

• Step-back moves

It’s a system that can take even the most average ball handler
and turn them into an expert dribbler.
And don’t worry, these drills start out at an easy level anyone can
perform. You decide when to “level up” and increase the difficulty
in your training. A $49 dollar value, free.
Vascular Pliancy Has Been Embraced By
Countless NBA And WNBA Stars And Coaches
With help from my friend, Dallas Mavericks coach Rick Carslise, I
was able to introduce NBA and WNBA pros around the league to
the incredible transformative secrets I had discovered.
I’m honored to see the years of hard work I put into my passion
serve players in such a beneficial way.
Taking care of your body is instrumental in rejuvenating your
body and mind. I developed Vascular Pliancy upon that exact
Check out what co-creator, NBA legend Dirk Nowitzki, had to say
about Basketball Yoga Blast:
Dirk Nowitzki - Power forward for the Dallas Mavericks
14 X NBA All Star - 2007 NBA MVP - NBA Champion
3rd Most Minutes in NBA History - 51,368

“Basketball Yoga Blast has become a vital part of my everyday training routine. Back in 2006,
our team suffered a humiliating loss to the Miami Heat in the NBA finals, after being up 2-0. The
long season had taken a toll on my body — knee pain had built up and was interfering with my
play. This led to cracks in my confidence. I lost focus. It became clear I wasn’t ready to be a
champion. After meeting Kent, I embraced yoga and vascular pliancy. There was noticeable
improvement in my mobility, flexibility and stamina within the first week. After training with
Kent in the off-season, I returned a new man. I found myself cruising through overtime games
that in the past would have left me exhausted. My knee pain had also subsided. My shooting
percentage from 3 shot up that year, from 36% to 41%, which I attributed to my increase in
balance and focus. And I averaged a career high in rebounds. After that, I knew I had to hire
Kent as full-time trainer. At the end of the 2007 season, I was awarded league MVP.

By 2011, I convinced the entire Mavericks team to join me. It’s no coincidence we returned to
the NBA Finals that same year, where we met (and beat!) a Miami Heat squad with future hall
of famers LeBron James, Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade. Even though I was 5 years older during
this series, my body and mind felt more vibrant than ever.

That's why I’ve teamed up with Kent and Andre Iguodala. Basketball Yoga Blast will unleash life-
changing benefits to your body, mind, and game. I guarantee it — so much that I’m willing to
put my signature on this letter.
Dirk Nowitzki

Enjoy Increased Flexibility, Pain Relief and

Improved Handles… Or Your Money Back
Everyone deserves to live a healthy and active life, free of pain.
That’s why I want to give you the opportunity to enjoy the
remarkable benefits of Basketball Yoga Blast.
That said, I know this life-changing discovery is not for everyone.
That’s why I’m offering you a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.
If for any reason you’re not satisfied after 60 days of using
Basketball Yoga Blast, simply return it. No questions asked.
With zero risk, why should you have to wait any longer to feel,
look, and play better than you ever have before?
It’s a guarantee that you WON’T find at any mega gym, fad
workout center, or with a personal trainer.
My Private Sessions Run Over $300/Hour!
Order Today And You’ll Get My Entire System
For A Fraction Of The Price!
Some of the world’s top basketball stars pay me up to $900 for
each one-on-one training session.
And I know they’re getting the results they want… because they
keep coming back.
Now you can get the same results these top pros get. But you
won’t pay $900… or $750… or even $500.
With proven results you’ll see and feel, you can finally cancel your
gym membership. Imagine the savings you'll see month after
Order in the next 24 hours, and not only will you get the Killer
Crossover Method as a free gift... I’ll also slash the price of
Basketball Yoga Blast in half from $299.99 to $149.99!!
To put that price in perspective, typical gym dues for a year
average over $700.00!!!
Act today to experience the powerful transformative effects of
Vascular Pliancy.
Due to a limited supply, it’s important that you order now.
Join me in a quest to better your life on and off the court.
Looking forward to training with you,
Kent Katich - Creator of Basketball Yoga Blast

If you have any hesitation about joining my Vascular Pliancy
Revolution, don’t forget about my 60-day money-back guarantee.
No questions asked.
In fact, if you are not impressed with your results, you need only
to return the DVDs. The basketball and yoga mat will be yours to
Click the order link located below, so you can start your life
transformation today!

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