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Stoplight Protocol

 Questionnaire

Stoplight Dashboard

 Dashboard

 Discussion

Skill Building

 Practice

 Watch

 Reflect & Discuss

 Kathy’s Reflections

 Check for Understanding

Next Steps

 Additional Resources

 Feedback on this Lesson

 Data Wise Improvement

 Key Tasks for Step 2
 2.1 Review skills tested
 2.2 Study how results are
 2.3 Learn principles of
responsible data use

Based on what I have experienced in

our school,assessment has many
types. In the opening of classes, the
teacher will administer diagnostic
test to the students to measure the
strengths and weaknesses of the
learners as what learning
competencies are mastered or not in
their previous grade they took as well
as how are they ready for the current
grade they are in. For every learning
objective, formative assessment is given to check if 75% of them have understood the said
lesson competency. Those are not graded. At the end of the unit , teacher will administer a
summative assessment/ test this is graded. It is encouraged to have at least 4 summative
test covered in a grading period or quarterly period. After this quarterly test given at the of
the quarter.

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